Lesson Plans On Vincent Van Gogh

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Lesson Plan

Visual Art/Grade Level: 9-12
Lesson Title:
Vincent Van Gogh
The Starry Night
Lesson Duration: Three Weeks
Performance Objective: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to create
a project in which they will draw and paint their version of Vincent Van Goghs The Starry
Framework Strand: Mississippi Standard: Art: Competency 1, Objective a.
TSW create works of art that communicate ideas using a variety of techniques.
Content Standard Competencies/Objectives:
MS CCR/CCSS: TSW understand that there are various ways to compose works of
Competency 2, Objective d.
ISTE: # 1,
TSW use technology to research biographical information on Vincent Van Gogh,
use Word to write an essay on Van Gogh, and, if time permits, do a Power Point
presentation on Vincent Van Gogh.
Instructional Aids:
TTW supply the students with a copy of The Starry Night, Drawing paper, pencils,
soft pastels, and other materials needed to create their artworks.
Materials Needed:
Drawing paper, soft pastels, pencils, copies of Vincent Van Goghs The Starry Night.
Equipment Needed: none other than what I will supply.
Desired Student Prerequisites: I would prefer that my Visual Art students would
have taken art in the past, however; some come to me without ever having had
Introduction/Anticipatory Set
The first part of this lesson will focus on a background of Vincents early life and the fact that
he suffered from depression at a very early age. I will ask questions to see if any of my
students have prior knowledge or conceptions about Vincent Van Gogh.
Lesson Outline/Procedures:

I will begin this lesson with background information on Vincent Van

Vincents Early Years (depression and mental instability)

ART Lesson Plan on Vincent Van Gogh

Instructor Notes:
Make sure the students
realize the reason for
his depression at such
an early age.

Vincents Early Adult Years:

Vincent works for an Art Gallery in London.

Vincents Adult Years:

Vincent works as a Pastor in a Coal Mining Village in Belgium.

Vincent decides he is meant to become an artist.

Guided Practice:
TTW give assistance when the students need guidance or help in certain areas.
Independent Practice:
The students will work independently on their art projects when they are able to do this. I
will assist and give advice when needed.
Lesson Closure:
After completing their The Starry Night Art Projects, the students will display their finished
This unit usually takes three weeks from beginning to end.
Informal Assessment/Review:
The informal assessment will consist of the teacher monitoring the ongoing art works as the
students are creating them.
Formal Assessment:
The formal assessment in this project will consist of the finished artwork.

Lesson Extension
The students will create another artwork in the style of Vincent Van Gogh, if they have time.
The students who need extra help will be given shorter assignments, and a less-complicated
version of this project.
Films and Biographies on the life and art of Vincent Van Gogh.

ART Lesson Plan on Vincent Van Gogh

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