Cambridge A2
Cambridge A2
Cambridge A2
Daily life
Exam task
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 1 4
Rainbow Café Ted,
Our popular breakfasts are
served all day at excellent I’ve gone to pick up Lucy from her dance
prices! class and will make us all a snack when we
Healthy breakfasts also available. get back at 8 p.m.
Exam tips
• Read each short text and think about where you might see it. Who has written it? Who is it for?
What is it about?
• Look for words or phrases in the sentences and the texts that have the same meaning.
Complete the sentences below with the words from the box.
Read the signs. Put the number in the correct part of the table.
Computer course
Need to find a room
2. 6. for beginners.
in a hotel? We can
book one for you. Starts Monday.
Need to borrow
money today? Please pay
Speak to a 8. for maps in
member of staff. cash.
Exam facts
• In this part, you read three short texts.
• You have to answer seven questions.
• For each question, match the sentence to the correct text (A, B or C).
Exam task
Read the article about three people who are interested in nature.
Answer the questions. For questions 1–7, choose A, B or C.
My love of nature
A Sarah
When I was a child at school, I collected books about nature. My classmates and friends all spent their
free time playing computer games, so to them I suppose I was a bit strange. I loved learning about
animals from other countries, but as I got older I found out that my own country has interesting nature
too, and that’s what I like studying now. I do lots of drawings of nature, and I put them on my blog.
B Pilar
I love birds and animals because of all the visits to forests and lakes we made when I was at school. It’s
a shame that things have changed so much now. In my opinion, children these days don’t learn enough
about nature, so lots of them are afraid of insects, for example. I have a great job because of my love of
nature. I’m a nature photographer. It’s brilliant, except for the early mornings!
C Lia
A few years ago I read a blog with beautiful photos of animals, birds and plants, which made me start
really looking at what lives around us. It was just a hobby at first, but now it’s my job as I visit schools
and give talks about nature. I love it. The only problem is if I am asked to draw a picture. I enjoy it, but
I’m terrible at drawing! I’m going to take some lessons to try to get better.
Ben Adam
a No, it isn’t. d No, you don’t.
b Yes, but that’s a good thing. e Really? I don’t understand that.
c Well, I don’t. f That’s what I like!