09.17.17 Bulletin - First Presbyterian Church of Orlando

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Thank you for coming to First Presbyterian

Church of Orlando this morning! We worship
together as a church family in four services
on Sundays: Traditional worship in the
Sanctuary at 8:15am and 11am, and Genesis
worship in the Sanctuary at 9:45am and in
Lee Fellowship Hall at 11:00am. Check
in and let us know youre here: visit
our Legacy Room for a cup of coffee
and say hello, or text FPCO to the
number 313131.
save the date
TODAY: Congregational Meeting, during the 11am
worship hour for the purpose of electing church
officers for the class of 2020. fpco.org/leaders
TODAY: Casket Empty begins. No registration
required. 9:45-10:45am, EMC 310A&B.
TODAY: First Connection classes begin. Details at
TODAY: We're hosting FIrst Step, a 30-minute
overview of life at First Pres, after the 11am worship
service in the Legacy Room.
TODAY: Registration is open for The Marriage Retreat
with David & Leigh Swanson in February.
September 20: Womens Cancer Support meets,
12pm-1pm with a light lunch provided. RSVP to Maddy
Vilar at 407.423.3441 x1159.
October 1: ARISE AND BUILD - Church Plant
Luncheon. Learn about what God is doing through our
church plants in Scotland and West Palm Beach.
October 19: 6 Questions Lunch Series with Justice
Alan Lawson of the Supreme Court of Florida.

stephen ministry
Stephen Ministers provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-
centered care to people who are hurting, overwhelmed,
or in need of a listening ear. To learn more about receiving
care or becoming a Stephen Minister, visit one of our
information tables in the Grand Hall, adjacent to the
Sanctuary, or under the Angel Wing, between the Sanctuary
and Allen Hall. fpco.org/stephen
SEPTEMBER 17, 2017

congregational care
As a caring body of believers, please remember in your
prayers those who have recently been hospitalized or are
recuperating at home: Woody Blaker.
Our sympathy to: Bruce and Kitty Clerico on the death of
his mother, Charis Clerico, August 21.
Logan Kudlacz on the death of her mother,
Andrea Kudlacz, August 31.
Mark and Stephanie Gurley on the death of his
grandmother, June Gurley, September 1.
Dyann and Joe Van Dam on the death of her step-mother,
Katherine (Kay) Dutilly, September 3.
Linda and David Barnhill on the death of her mother,
Sylvia Lentjes, September 4,
Jane and Bobby Marr on the death of her brother, George
Levalley, September 12.
To be added to our prayer list call the Pastoral Care office
at 407.423.3441 x1455, or submit an online prayer request at


JULY 2017

Stewardship Report as of September 10, 2017.

Thank you for your faithful generosity.
Because we believe participation (and not a dollar amount)
is key in our giving, we are now reporting our churchs
giving participation percentage weekly.
Our financial numbers will appear on a monthly basis for
continued transparency in budgeting.
Give easily and securely online from your smartphone at


address 106 East Church St., Orlando Florida 32801
phone 407.423.3441
online fpco.org /firstpresorlando /fpcorlando
genesis worship


Ministry Testimony

Congregational Meeting (11:00)

Prayer for Illumination Dr. David Swanson

*Scripture Reading Psalm 25:8-21
pew bible p. 393

At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will

say, This is the word of the Lord. The congregation is
invited to respond, Thanks be to God.

Message An Epidemic of Loneliness

* All who are able are invited to stand.

Assisting in Worship: Scarlett Broughton (9:45),

Dr. Case Thorp (11:00) and Wil Brown.

(Give securely on your smartphone at fpco.org/mobile)

Our Genesis services utilize an environmental lighting effect

called haze, a theatrical humidifier to thicken the air to enhance
lighting. Both Lee Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary hazers are
water-based and safe.

elder & deacon class of 2020

Elder Nominees Deacon Nominees
Barbara Clayton Denver Martin
Bob Emeott Donna Whelchel
Bob Francis Jim Hadlock
Jim Hardy Julie Eastwood
Quino Martinez Julie Spencer
Rick Pullum Melissa Crabtree
Meredith Carpenter
Maribeth Ball
Sarah Elerick
Shari Elmer
Sue Fulford
Suzy Wilson
Walt Chambers
traditional worship

The opening and closing hymns frame this mornings

worship. Based on Psalm 103, Praise, My Soul, the King of
Heaven, alludes to the various reasons my soul praises
the Lord. Ive been ransomed, healed, restored, and
forgiven by the Kings grace and favor. Those who
are in distress refers to the Israelites in Egypt and
the desert trials which followed. There is loneliness
and separation from God, even in Gods presence.
The closing hymn likewise refers to the Israelites in
the desert but also includes Zion city of our God, a
reference to the Church. The streams of living water
refer to the times when God provided water out of the
rocks during the forty years of wandering in the desert.
The hymn writer underscores Gods continual presence
with His people by the reference to the pillar by
night and shade by day, the pillar of fire and cloud
by day which led the people in the years of wandering.
The people were never alone. The verses are filled with
biblical allusions. Both tunes beautifully match the
spirit and meaning of the texts. God is sufficient and
present in what seems like loneliness. His presence
hovers over us. -Dr. Dan Sharp

(Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)

Morning Has Broken mark hayes


Call to Worship
Sing and Rejoice will james

*Processional Hymn of Praise no. 82

Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven lauda anima

*Ascription of Praise from Psalm 47

Organ Praise

Pastoral Report Dr. David Swanson

*Passing of the Peace

Call to Prayer
Santo, Santo, Santo Traditional Spanish
Pastoral Prayer and Lords Prayer
Rev. Luis Quiones

The Sacrament of Baptism (11:00)

S Brianne "Bri" Sarah Dierksen

Charge to Congregation
Song of Commitment no. 466
Take Her Life and Let It Be Hendon

Scripture (8:15) from Job 29 & 30

Rev. Nader Awad

Ministry Testimony

Thanksgiving Through Tithes and Offerings

*Doxology no. 34
*Prayer of Commitment

(Give securely on your smartphone at fpco.org/mobile)

Anthem of Serenity
Still, My Soul, Be Still Chancel Choir
Kristin and Keith Getty & Stuart Townend

Congregational Meeting (11:00)


Prayer for Illumination Dr. David Swanson
*Scripture Reading Psalm 25:8-21
pew bible p. 393

At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will say,

This is the word of the Lord. The congregation is invited to
respond, Thanks be to God.

Message An Epidemic of Loneliness

*Hymn of Comfort no. 598
Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken Austrian Hymn

*Invitation and Charge


*Choral Response
Rutter Amen john rutter

Basse et Dessus de Trompette
louis nicolas clerambault

* All who are able are invited to stand.

Assisting in Worship: Rev. Nader Awad, Rev. Luis Quiones,

Dr. Daniel Sharp, and guest organist Kai Bailey.

The flowers on the Communion table are given to the glory

of God, in loving memory of Bob Hewitt, by Caren, Beth,
Bobby, Lisa, Scott, Endsley, Thomas, and grandchildren.

We are thrilled to have two ministry partners with us in

worship this morning.

Nader Awad is an Evangelist for the Presbytery of Florida.

Originally from Egypt, he also works in partnership with First
Pres to assist other churches in our Presbytery.

Luis Quiones is the founding/planting pastor of our church

plant in Haines City, Florida - Nacin Santa. He was received
into the EPC at the Presbytery meeting last May. Currently,
Nacin Santa already has 100 people in worship and is
the first Spanish-speaking Reformed church in the state of
For many of us, it's been a long couple of weeks.
We're grateful for the prayers and the way we've
seen our church family and community come
together before and after Hurricane Irma.
We will know more in the coming days about
how you can help, but here are three ways to get
We're collecting donations to meet needs directly in the
community for those affected by Hurricane Irma.
To contribute, put IRMA in the memo line of your check,
or give online this morning on our mobile-friendly giving
portal at fpco.org/give. Choose "One time gift" or "Quick
Give" and then "Irma Relief" in the drop down menu next
to the amount.


We've been so encouraged by the stories of the First
Pres family giving, cleaning, welcoming, helping and
feeding people this week. Keep it up! Be Jesus Christ on
your street. If you have power, freeze ice for someone
who is living out of a cooler. Charge a cell phone. Offer
a hot shower, a cold drink or cook a meal that doesn't
come out of a can. Look for seniors or neighbors with
special needs who need yard cleanup or repairs. Don't
wait to be asked.


We grieve for the loss of life from this storm. Pray for
people who are facing the future without someone they
Pray for those who are still without power, because living
without electricity is a huge pain.
Pray for those who are facing financial hardship because
of this storm, and for God's provision.
Pray for those who have lost their homes or businesses,
or who are coming home to flooded houses and ruined
Pray for anyone who has to utter the word "Insurance
Praise Jesus for first responders, utility workers (bless!),
government officials who haven't slept, and anyone with
a chainsaw.


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