2010 Rollout
2010 Rollout
2010 Rollout
The following is a summary of state and BP response actions to date, as well as tips for
residents and visitors to take precautions both pre- and post-landfall.
Landfall Predictions:
On Wednesday, May 19, the U.S. Coast Guard confirmed that tar balls collected
from Fort Zachary Taylor State Park in Key West are not related to the Deepwater
Horizon incident.
In 2008 and 2009 there were 667 and 681 reports respectively of oil and petroleum
incidents along Florida’s waterways and beaches so these occurrences are not
unusual. Specifically in the Florida Keys (Monroe County) there were 53 incidents in
2008 and 72 incidents in 2009 of oil and petroleum products being reported in their
coastal waters.
Deepwater Horizon continues to discharge more than 5,000 barrels (210,000
gallons) per day.
BP continues to evaluate numerous options to contain the oil discharge and is
continuing efforts to drill a relief well.
Winds/currents continue to keep the plume away from the Florida coast for at least
the next 72 hours.
Florida continues to monitor the location of the loop current and make preparations
to safeguard the state’s shoreline.
Latest observations by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) indicate that a small portion of the oil slick has reached the Loop Current in
the form of light to very light sheens. NOAA oceanographers continue to release
updated trajectory maps showing the predicted trajectory of the oil slick. Learn more
at the NOAA website.
Impacts to Florida’s coastline could include tar balls, oil sheen or tar mats.
Individuals that observe oil on Florida’s coastline should report the incident to the
State Warning Point at 1-877-2-SAVE-FL (1-877-272-8335) or by dialing #DEP from
most cell phones.
To download a fact sheet with guidelines on what to look for when reporting impacts
to Florida’s shoreline, visit www.deepwaterhorizonflorida.com.
BP has opened eight claims offices in Florida. For locations and more information,
please visit the BP Claims Page on the Deepwater Horizon Response webpage.
State Actions:
The State Emergency Operations Center remains activated at a Level 2 or Partial
On May 20, 2010, Governor Charlie Crist issued Executive Order 10-106, declaring
a state of emergency in Charlotte, Lee, Collier, Monroe, Dade Broward and Palm
Beach counties. This is in addition to the 19 counties previously included in
Executive Orders 10-99 and 10-100.
On May 17, 2010, Governor Crist announced that BP will provide Florida $25 million
for a national tourism advertising campaign. These funds are in addition to the $25
million Florida has already received for preparation efforts.
On May 14, 2010, Governor Crist announced that the U.S. Small Business
Administration (SBA) approved disaster loan funds for businesses along Florida’s
Gulf coast that have been impacted by the Deepwater Horizon incident. (Press
Release) Learn more at: http://www.sba.gov/services/disasterassistance/.
On May 12, 2010, Governor Crist directed DEP to issue an Emergency Final Order
to accelerate preparedness and restoration in the counties under the Governor’s
state-of-emergency Executive Orders.
DEP conducted water and sediment sampling to use as a baseline and is monitoring
air quality data. Statewide air quality monitoring is conducted in coordination with the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Learn more at http://www.airnow.gov/ or
o Air quality reports for Thursday, May 20, revealed that air quality was considered
good for ozone throughout the panhandle area. The fine particulate matter (PM)
measurements were all also good. “Good” means the air quality is satisfactory
and air pollution poses little or no risk.
Boom Placement:
To date, an estimated 242,400 feet of boom has been placed in Florida and an
additional 51,400 is staged.
Placement of boom is based on tides and where the oil is threatening, as well as
direction given in each region’s area contingency plan.
o To view the Coast Guard Mobile Area Contingency Plan visit:
o To view the Coast Guard St. Petersburg Area Contingency Plan visit:
The Unified Command Operations Group is asking boaters to avoid damaging
boom. Boom cut or broken due to boater traffic jeopardizes the protection that has
been set up for the environmentally sensitive areas across the coast.
Stolen or misplaced boom should be reported to local authorities.
Health Effects:
At this time, there are no indications of any health risks to Floridians due to the
Deepwater Horizon incident. The Department of Health and DEP are closely
monitoring health and environmental impacts to Florida’s beaches and will notice an
advisory if conditions become unsafe.
For most people, an occasional brief contact with a small amount of oil, while not
recommended, will do no harm. If contact occurs, wash the area with soap and
water. Learn more at:
Florida’s pristine beaches and famed fishing grounds remain open to residents and
visitors. Currently, there are no impacts to Florida’s more than 1,260 miles of
coastline and 825 miles of sandy beaches.
If planning a trip to the Sunshine State, VISIT FLORIDA, the state’s official tourism
marketing organization, encourages visitors to check with local destinations in order
to get the most up-to-date information.
Through www.VISITFLORIDA.com, vacationers are able to view live Twitter feeds
and read up-to-the-minute information on the status of any city or region in Florida.
Learn more at http://www.visitflorida.com/florida_travel_advisory/.
The Florida State Parks website, http://www.floridastateparks.org, will be updated
daily and will list any parks that may be impacted. Visitors with camping or cabin
reservations will be notified if their stay will be impacted. If you have any questions,
please call 1-850-245-2157.
Volunteer Opportunities:
The Governor’s Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service is
encouraging Floridians and visitors to watch for oiled wildlife, vegetation, and
beaches by becoming a Coast Watch volunteer. Learn more at
Report injured or oiled animals to the Wildlife Distress Hotline at 1-866-557-1401.
Report oiled shoreline to 1-866-448-5816.
Report a change in Air Quality to http://www.epa.gov/bpspill/.
For information on scheduled beach cleanups and other volunteer opportunities, visit
BP has established a volunteer program and set up a toll-free number for those
interested in volunteering. Learn more by calling BP’s community information line at
containing fact sheets and tips. Learn more at:
For a list of Unified Command, BP and Florida phone numbers, visit
The Oil Spill Information Line is available at 1-888-337-3569 from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00
p.m. seven days a week. Additional phone numbers have also been established for
persons with disabilities: (800) 955-8771 (TDD) or (800) 955-8770 (voice).