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national academy of sciences

Arnold lucius Gesell


A Biographical Memoir by
Walter R. Miles

Any opinions expressed in this memoir are those of the author(s)

and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
National Academy of Sciences.

Biographical Memoir
Copyright 1964
national academy of sciences
washington d.c.


June 21,1880May 29, ig6i

and M.D., psychology and pediatrics were

blended in a strong and attractive personality who became a
distinguished leader in the scientific investigation of the growth
potentials and patterns of the human infant. He founded The
Clinic of Child Development at Yale in 1911 and was its director
until 1948, when he became professor emeritus. This clinic functioned primarily as a research center by operating as a service
organization. It thus won the confidence of many parents and
achieved fame in the greater New Haven area. Many parents
gladly brought or sought to bring their young at scheduled periods
for the Gesell tests and measurements that would result in the
scientifically established norms for infant development. This lively
research unit was associated with the Department of Pediatrics of
the Yale School of Medicine and under the creative leadership of
President James R. Angell later became a division of the Institute
of Human Relations in 1929. Ten years later Dr. Gesell and his
staff were annually producing a score of publications while conducting follow-up examinations on about 175 cases, with referrals
from different agencies and persons of 600 to 700, mostly of preschool age, and 1,000 or more guidance and observational contacts
centering on nursery children. The effort to study objectively human infant growth had thus taken on man-size proportions and
was exerting nationwide influence.
Arnold was born June 21, 1880, in Buffalo County, Wisconsin,




in the town of Alma, the county seat, located on the western edge
of the state, which is the eastern bank of the Mississippi River.
About twelve miles northwest from Alma the Chippawa River, a
Wisconsin waterway, joins the Mississippi. Alma, with no sister
settlement on the other side of the river, was a two-story town.
There was one long Main Street right next to the river and a parallel Second Street notched out of the bluff sixty feet higher up.
Village life was observed from the riverside and the hillside points
of view. This location provided hills for coasting and climbing and
the river for sailing and swimming. Moreover, there was a goodsized riverboat with a big steam whistle that signaled events of interest at die dockside for both adults and children. Rafts of logs
from the Chippawa and elsewhere were floated downstream and
groups of loggers in their spiked boots wandered here and there,
especially from one saloon to another. The boats often carried
Negro roustabouts from the Soutli and sometimes their show-off
play provided great fun. There were drunkenness, accidents, occasional drownings, and many other exciting things to see. There
were the occasional public funerals, at which children and adults
marched around to view the remains of friends or strangers. Of
course there were churches and schools. Alma was not a bad town;
it was a vital, vivid, small stage where the drama of life was played
right in the open for all to see and hear at close range. The northerly latitude, the hills and rivers, made the seasons distinct and
interesting as a stage backdrop.
In his autobiography1 Gesell comments on his life as a child
in this thriving upper Mississippi River town. "Strange and
sobering things kept happening as though they were part of the
normal course of existence. None of these experiences was overpowering; but cumulatively they left a deposit in impression, which
sensitized a background for my clinical studies in later life."
Born and reared in Alma, Arnold was the eldest of five children.

History of Psychology in Autobiography, cd. by E. G. Boring, et al. (Worcester,

Mass., Clark University Press, 1952). IV, 123-42.



He had two brothers and two sisters. Considering what he was to

become and to undertake in his professional life, fortune had
favored him. He had the panorama of human development unfolding before him and was in most intimate relationship with it. His
temperament was such that he performed or shared in this closely
knit family, without distaste, many of the duties of caring for his
younger siblings. These intimate associations apparently influenced
his own future.
Arnold's father had a strong interest in the education of his children, and his mother is said to have been an unusually successful
teacher in a difficult elementary school. There was a local high
school of good repute in Alma. The principal, who was held in
great respect by the Gesell family, seems to have been a stimulating
educator. Arnold was graduated in 1896. At the commencement
exercises, in place of a program consisting only of speeches, some
demonstrations were given. Arnold was one of the demonstrators.
By electrolysis he filled a test tube with hydrogen, which he then
ignited to produce a flash-bang climax. For his encore he had
designed, with help from the village blacksmith, a large electromagnet, made in the shape of a horseshoe, its heavy winding connected to the local dynamo. The keeper for this magnet was an
old-fashioned flatiron. The device was firmly fastened at a suitable
height, the current was turned on, and the flatiron was suspended
upside down, held by the magnet. And then, it is reported, the
demonstrator grasped the flatiron's rugged handle with both
hands and gently lifted his feet off the stage.
On occasion teachers' institutes were held in Alma and as Arnold
was now sixteen and had the ambition to become a teacher he
requested and was granted the privilege of attendance. Thus he
became acquainted with Mr. C. H. Sylvester, the state institute conductor, and a friendly relationship developed between them. Sylvester gave Arnold a pocket microscope and accompanied him on
a nature study trip to the high bluffs back of Alma, opening up a
new horizon for this Wisconsin lad.



Arnold, born forty years after Wisconsin entered the union,

seems to have adopted the state's motto, which was one word:
Forward. When he learned that Sylvester was to be on the faculty
of a new institution, Stevens Point Normal School, just then being
developed among the pine stumps of Portage County about 120
miles east of Alma as the crow flies, he managed to get there and
to enter the school. He liked his studies and the institution offered
him good opportunities for development. He was captain of the
second-string football team and editor in chief of the school paper,
Normal Pointer, and won a series of local, state, and interstate
oratorical contests. Sylvester, who had maintained his interest in
Arnold, was his mentor, suggesting and supplying summer reading
material. Among the courses Arnold took at Stevens was a stimulating one in psychology under Professor Edgar James Swift, a man
who had been trained at Clark University and who in due course
was to direct Arnold to Clark University and G. Stanley Hall.
Arnold was graduated from Stevens Point in 1899.
Since a career as a high school teacher was Arnold's goal, he
accepted a position in the Stevens Point high school as teacher of
U. S. history, ancient history, German, accounting, and commercial
geography, and coach and referee of football. However, this conglomerate teaching experience did not satisfy his intellectual drive.
He resigned at the end of the year and took refuge, by means of a
still longer journey from home, in Madison and the University of
Wisconsin, which had been founded in 1848. History having been
his strong subject, he turned especially to courses by Professor Frederick J. Turner, a leading student of the Western movement. Under
Turner's stimulation he wrote a senior thesis entitled "A Comparative Study of Higher Education in Ohio and Wisconsin." He
also took one or more courses in psychology with Professor Joseph
Jastrow, who had been one of the early students at Johns Hopkins,
and who had started a laboratory of psychology at Wisconsin in
1888. After two years at the University of Wisconsin, from which
he received the B.Ph. degree in 1903, Arnold Gesell became prin-



cipal of a large high school at Chippawa Falls, Wisconsin, and had

a very successful year with what he described as "a body of lively
students." For the next two years, with the help of a tuition scholarship, he attended Clark University. The stimulation of Professor
Swift at Stevens Point had by now changed his goal.
Clark University had gone through critical experiences in the
years soon after it opened in 1889. Its income was drastically lower
than had been expected. A large proportion of its faculty left when
offered much higher salaries by President Harper, who was trying
to recruit a staff for Chicago University. There was almost no
money for plant development at Clark. However, its students and
graduates were of excellent quality, due largely to the distinguished
leadership of President G. Stanley Hall. Five years earlier Hall had
organized at The Johns Hopkins University a department of psychology including a laboratory. He emphasized in his lectures and
in the studies he directed the investigation of the abilities and mental traits of children. In Hall's case it had taken a long time and a
great many shorter or longer contacts with professors and institutions, both at home and abroad, before he could settle on a field of
study that he thought was practical and appropriate for the new
age of science in which his life had been cast. His searching may
be summarized in his own words:
As my second stay abroad drew to a close and I had no prospect of a position I became, again, very anxious about my future, thought much of studying medicine and entering upon the practice of that profession, and
finally decided that neither psychology nor philosophy would ever make
bread and that the most promising line of work would be to study the
applications of psychology to education. With this in view, and also with
the desire to see something of the great men in other institutions, I
spent the last months of this period in travel and in visiting schools.2
A glance through Hall's bibliography from 1882 to 1902, which
numbers slightly over one hundred references, shows more than

Life and Confessions of a Psychologist (New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1923),

p. 216.



forty that relate to studies of childhood, its development, and the

proper education of children. Thus he earned a reputation as having founded a new science, "child study." He demonstrated the
breadth and importance of this field and succeeded in communicating this interest to his graduate students. Gesell's doctoral thesis
was in this tradition, a research on jealousy, and he was awarded
the PLD. degree at Clark in 1906. Gesell's loyalty to and regard for
President Hall were very great. Many years after graduation he
characterized Hall's genius in words that deserve to be quoted:
Hall was the acknowledged genius of the group at Clark. Although the
term genius is often over-used, we can safely apply it to his intellect.
True genius may be regarded as a creative developmental thrust of the
human action system into the unknown. Hall embodied such thrusts,
almost inveterately, in his thinking and in his teaching. He had, in addition, an empathic protensity to revive within himself the thought processes and the feelings of other thinkers. This same projective trait enabled him to penetrate into the mental life of children, of defectives, of
primitive peoples, of animals, of extinct stages of evolution. What if he
could not verify his prolific suggestive thrusts, what if he seemed unsystematic and self-contradictory, what if he exaggerated the doctrine of
recapitulationhe nevertheless was a naturalist Darwin of the mind,
whose outlook embraced the total phylum, and lifted psychology above
the sterilities of excessive analysis and pedantry.3

Science, like a fever, is communicated by personal contact.

For two years after completion of his doctorate at Clark University Gesell seemed to be looking for the right opportunity to work
in the direction of his stirring interests and at the same time make
a living. However, he had not yet settled on a specific professional
objective. For a year he was an elementary school teacher and
settlement worker at East Side House in New York City and incidentally was able to study an adult who suffered from delusions
of a grandiose character. This study resulted in a publication. The
following year (1907-1908) he went back to his home state as instructor in psychology at the State Normal School of Platteville in

History of Psychology in Autobiography, ed. Boring, IV, 126.



Grant County near the southwest corner of the state and only some
sixty miles from the University at Madison. At Platteville Gesell
had his first opportunity to consolidate his teaching around a single
subject which at the same time was new and much talked about.
He had come from one of the most lively centers where this new
science flourished and therefore he had many interesting facts and
research results to communicate.
Gesell, who had been guided to Clark University by Clark graduates who were teaching in Wisconsin, would doubtless have remained, as they had done, in his native state, had it not been for
an offer from the Los Angeles State Normal School. He was informed .of this opportunity by Dr. Lewis M. Terman, who had
been one of his fellow graduate students at Clark. The library
facilities in the State Normal School at Los Angeles were unusually good, the teaching load was not very heavy, and there were
stimulating associates including Terman, who was professor of psychology and pedology. Among Gesell's fellow teachers were Everett
Shepardson, Wayne P. Smith, and two well-trained women, Jessie
Allen and Beatrice Chandler. He acquired an orange grove near
the school, built himself a bungalow, and on February 18, 1909,
married Beatrice Chandler. In the summer of 1909 he and his wife
spent some time in the east at a famous school, the Pennsylvania
Training School for Feeble-Minded Children that had been organized in 1896 by Dr. Lightner Witmer, who was still its director. Witmer, a Leipzig Ph.D. of 1892, was now a member of the
faculty at the University of Pennsylvania. His psychological clinic
at Philadelphia was the first of its kind. The Gesells also spent
some weeks reviewing the work at the Vineland Training School at
Vineland, New Jersey. Here Dr. Henry H. Goddard, a Clark Ph.D.
of 1899, w a s director of psychological research and was adapting
and using the tests of Binet in a pioneering program of research on
feeble-minded children. Gesell marked this visit at Vineland as the
beginning of his professional interest in backward and defective
children. Later he was to collaborate with Dr. Goddard in direct-



ing a summer course in the New York University summer school

for the specialized training of teachers of backward and defective
During his second year of teaching at Los Angeles, Gesell became
increasingly aware of his need for a better background from which
to consider the problems having to do with backward children. It
seemed to him this need could best be met if he knew something
about medicine. Therefore he took the bold step of determining to
broaden his education by attending medical school. He spent the
year 1910-1911 at the University of Wisconsin, devoting his efforts
principally to the study of human anatomy and histology. At this
time Yale University was in the process of developing a department
of education and had chosen Professor E. C. Moore, previously
superintendent of the Los Angeles public schools, as its head.
Moore invited Gesell to become an assistant professor of education
in the newly formed faculty. It seemed a highly desirable move.
Gesell accepted and was able to arrange to teach his courses in the
graduate school at Yale and at the same time carry on his work as
a medical student in the Medical Department. There he came into
contact with Yandell Henderson, the noted physiologist, Russell
Chittenden, the famous chemist, and George Blumer, in clinical
medicine. Dr. Blumer, Dean of the Medical School, was very sympathetic with Dr. Gesell's plans to study retarded children and provided him with a room in the New Haven Dispensary. It was thus
that a psychoclinic for children was established in 1911, and this
constituted the beginning of the Yale Clinic of Child Development.
The first paid assistant was Margaret Cobb Rogers. Dr. Gesell continued with his medical course and received his M.D. degree from
Yale in 1915.
In the human race, development and achievement crown the
multiple activities of growth and living. Progress is not uniform for
all. Some are weak, some strong. There are the gifted and the
handicapped, all products of genetics and environmental factors in
life's laboratory. Dr. Gesell had matured a point of view and a be-



lief that this complex picture of human development could be better understood if scientifically analyzed; therefore he undertook to
deal with what might be called the pathological aspects as represented in the subnormal child or the handicapped who were in
schools or in special institutions. He had the capacity to interest >
others in his point of view and to inspire some who were in a position to administer educational institutions and funds for education.
Shortly after he had earned his medical degree he was promoted to
a full professorship in the Yale Graduate School with the condition
that he could devote part of his time to serving as school psychologist for the State Board of Education of Connecticut. This was a
unique professional appointment. He spent much time visiting
rural schools for the purpose of identifying handicapped pupils and
with the cooperation of teachers he worked out individualized
programs enabling such children to make better progress. This led
to the organization of special classes for these pupils, not only in
city school systems, but also in county homes for dependent children.
In 1918 Dr. Gesell undertook a mental survey of the elementary
schools of the city of New Haven and, having brought this to a
conclusion, wrote a report entitled Exceptional Children and Public
School Policy, which was published in 1921 by the Yale University
Press. No doubt this had much to do with the development of an
excellent system of special classes in New Haven which had been
placed under the direction of Miss Norma Cutts.4 The results of
the earlier survey had been published, and Dr. Gesell prepared a
manual entitled What Can the Teacher Do for the Deficient
Child? The Governor of Connecticut in 1919 set up a Commission
on Child Welfare. Dr. Gesell was a member of this group and prepared portions of a two-volume report dealing with the status of
handicapped children and advancing formulations for legislative
* Professor Norma E. Cutts, Ph.D., was supervisor of a department of psychological
tests and measurements for atypical children in the New Haven public schools from
1918 to 1947.



consideration. This weighty report was influential in creating sentiment for the subsequent formation of a Division for Exceptional
Children under the Connecticut Board of Education. These community and state activities in which Dr. Gesell participated as a
leader, and which required a great deal of time and effort on his
part, exemplify his devotion to human welfare. They also gave him
insight out of which grew a point of view from which to proceed
in the activities of his later life. Through these experiences he came
into contact with other trained individuals interested in clinical
psychology, most of whom did not have a background of medical
training. He became a member of a society organized in Baltimore
in 1918 which called itself the American Association of Clinical
Psychology. It did not survive very long, but the American Psychological Association, after much pulling and hauling, did set up a
Standing Committee on Certification of Consulting Psychologists.
Work at the Yale Medical School continued and progressed. Dr.
Gesell was seeing children by appointment and, in general, making
each defective child an opportunity for study. Presently there came
to his notice the remarkable physical and mental correspondence
demonstrated in a pair of highly gifted twins. All these cases
seemed to his mind to indicate strong evidence of profound,
vaguely understood mechanisms of development, and his attention
and interest gradually turned to the period of infancy and the preschool years. After careful and repeated observations he came to
feel that more progress might be made by emphasizing normal infancy rather than backwardness. In the era of the First World War
those in charge of elementary education sometimes referred to the
preschool child as "no man's land." However, Dr. Gesell boldly
walked into this area and in 1923 brought out The Preschool Child
from the Standpoint of Public Hygiene and Education. Dr. Gesell
states that his purpose now was "to define normative criteria which
could be used in the diagnostic appraisal of normal, deviant and
defective infants." He was not especially interested in the psychometry of intelligence per se, but rather in the diagnosis of the total



developmental status as expressed in motor, adaptive, language, and

personal-social behavior patterns. His approach was and remained
essentially comparative. He would take two pairs of normal infants
of different ages into the clinic to demonstrate to the medical students. The children would sit on their mothers' laps, side by side.
Before them were tables of suitable height on which various objects
had been placed. In a short time the infants were reacting appropriately to the comparative occasion and simultaneously displaying
their developmental disparity. This innovation was both pleasing
and instructive to the students. It is not surprising that after some
time a record of these clinics and of the observational work associated with them was put into shape for publication in a substantial book illustrated by 200 action photographs. It happened that
the American Library Association, for the Committee on International Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations, chose this
volume for inclusion in its list of thirty-seven "most notable books
published in 1925." The child actors and actresses did not play to
an empty house. A foundation patron appeared. There were generous grants from the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, and,
later, from the Rockefeller Foundation, the General Education
Board, the Carnegie Corporation, and, in the 1950s from the American Optical Company. Dr. Gesell has reported that all of these
grants "created not only an opportunity, they created conditions of
intellectual freedom for the research staff and director. In not a
single instance was there the slightest interference, direct or indirect, in our research methods or objectives."
A clinical observer of the behavior of others usually recounts in
words what he witnesses and attempts to chose terms that are both
specific and graphic. A supplementary sketch or drawing greatly
assists in clarifying meaning. Photography and motion pictures
brought new possibilities in the conveying of scientific information.
Dr. Gesell was abreast of his time in realizing the potential usefulness of these resources in studying growth and action in infants,
using both slow-motion photography and time-lapse presentations.



The moving picture, employed in an unobtrusive manner and in

naturalistic circumstances, could record the morphological aspects
and help define the lawfulness of the moments of action in a behavioral episode; when these sequences were pieced together the
film could present to other observers a whole developmental epic.
Gesell recognized that cinematography by itself "bakes no scientific
bread, but as a tool for psychological research its potentialities are
inexhaustible." He began in 1924 to make some use of this facility
in a small laboratory of the Yale Department of Education which
was in a building at 28 Hillhouse Avenue. He was fortunate in securing the cooperation of the Pathe Review and carried out a first
photographic survey of stage-by-stage development of the preschool
child from early infancy to school entrance. Although it then was
necessary to use arc lights, the infant subjects did not seem distracted. The resulting film record was entitled "The Mental
Growth of the Pre-School Child" and a book of the same title was
brought out, as mentioned above, in 1925. The clinic was growing
and needed more room. Fortunately, in 1926 it could be moved to
a more spacious and homelike location at 52 Hillhouse Avenue; it
was moved again in 1930, this time to quarters built especially for
it, in the Yale Institute of Human Relations on Davenport Street
by the Medical School. Here it maintained a vigorous research and
service program under Dr. Gesell's direction for eighteen years.
Increased budget support and the removal of the clinic to new
quarters made it feasible to remodel the laboratory and studio arrangements. Significant among these improvements was the design
of a blind to hide the cameraman and his scientific cohorts from
the subject being studied. In this Dr. Gesell had the collaboration
of Professor Raymond Dodge, a specialist in visual problems, who
was a member of the Institute, and of Professor Henry Halverson,
research associate in experimental psychology and a member of the
clinic's staff. They worked out the theory and then built and installed a one-way vision observation dome. It had the contour of an
astronomical observatory dome and was formed of finely perforated



material painted white on the inside. It could be rotated and there

was a narrow slot that permitted lateral to vertical positions of the
camera. The subject inside could not see out. Observers on the outside, in the half-darkened room, could readily watch and record
what was going on inside the dome. A Pathe 35-millimeter camera
was available; in place of the arc lights Cooper-Hewitt lamps,
which gave soft, cool illumination, were installed.
Dr. Gesell was successful in attracting a staff with diversified
training and considerable experience. Helen Thompson, Ph.D., was
Research Associate in Biometry, giving particular attention to developmental examination methods and monitoring these in regard to
standard procedures. Catherine S. Amatruda, M.D., was Associate
Research Pediatrician. Diagnostic examinations were conducted by
Burton M. Castner, Ph.D., Elizabeth E. Lord, Ph.D., Ruth W.
Washburn, Ph.D., Marian Putnam, M.D., Frances L. Ilg, M.D.,
and Louise B. Ames, Ph.D., all experienced in clinical aspects of
child behavior.
During the four years at 52 Hillhouse Avenue the primary program was to record and analyze the normative progression of infant development. When an increase in resources became available
in 1930, a new member, Alice V. Keliher, Ph.D., was added to the
staff to supervise a parallel naturalistic survey of the infant's daily
life, under domestic conditions, with the mother present and caring
for the child. This required arranging a homelike studio unit also
equipped for 35-millimeter motion picture recording. This program,
continued for two years, focused on the daily behavior of the baby:
sleep, waking, feeding, bath, play, bodily activities, and social behavior. The films, stenographic notes, and other protocols made in
the naturalistic survey and also those made for the normative progression program constituted the large body of source materials
available for analysis and summarization. These results appeared in
a two-volume work entitled An Atlas of Infant Behavior published
by the Yale University Press, 1934. The normative volume presented the clinic's results for typical trends from age to age. The



other volume was devoted to the naturalistic behavior and was a

compendium on individual differences in infants.
Dr. Gesell was fortunate in having married a brilliant woman
with professional training, who had taught child psychology and
who was a cooperative adviser and critic, following his work with
interest and enthusiasm. They had childrena daughter and a
sonand two grandsons and three granddaughters. These were not
used as models or clinical subjects in the photographic dome. The
daughter, Katherine, was graduated from Vassar and before she
was married assisted in the compilation of the pictorial volume entitled How a Baby Grows. The son, Gerhard, was graduated from
the Yale Law School and became an active attorney in Washington,
D. C. Dr. and Mrs. GeselPs residence on Edwards Street in New
Haven was a place of charm and sociability. As host and hostess
they were both hospitable and generous, and many graduate students and medical students were frequently their guests. When the
Institute of Human Relations was established at Yale, Dr. Gesell
was in a pivotal position, since he belonged to the medical school
and also to the graduate school, to pediatrics and to psychology.
The Gesell home was consequently a place where students and
young faculty from these different groups met each other and exchanged ideas. There was no one-way vision screen or cinema
In the suite of rooms occupied by the Yale Clinic of Child Development in the building constructed for the Institute of Human
Relations, one-way vision screens constituted a novel feature. The
inside wall of the children's play-nursery in the basement was such
a large screen, designed by Dr. Gesell and made of perforated sheet
metal. The side facing the children was decorated by painted
scenes appropriate for a kindergarten. Behind this long screen was
a dark hallway in which researchers and visiting spectators could
sit or stand. If they remained silent, the children were oblivious of
their presence. Cooperative visitors were welcome. A large number
of parents and others spent pleasant, instructive hours in silently



studying the spontaneous behavior of young children. Many parents rather unexpectedly through this means came to know their
children's social reactions better, and henceforth were not quite so
dogmatically proud of them. Observation through a lace-curtained
window has long been practiced to satisfy curiosity and to pamper
gossip. Among the parents of New Haven the Gesell window may
at times have served a similar social purpose when observers knew
who was who.
As might be expected, since Dr. GeselPs interest was wideranging, he devoted some time to the study of the infancy and
domestication of farm animals and of pets. Dogs have been bred
from infancy by willing and attentive generations of men. Nevertheless, as Dr. Gesell points out, the significant conclusion to be
drawn is that the plasticity of even a gregarious beast is specific
and selective and has not the capacity to make possible any rapid
or radical alteration of character. His study of Kamala, the wolf
girl, resulted in an article and also a book. He concluded that a
human child adopted by animals represents an unusual kind of
human conditioning, which does not call into question the grade
and degree of plasticity in man. Much better comparisons, Gesell
felt, could be made between the young of monkeys or apes and
young human children. He went to considerable trouble to establish such correlations and in this matter had some consultations
with his colleague, Robert M. Yerkes. He worked out a table of
comparison between the Macacus Rhesus and man which seemed
to show that, in spite of some lack of muscular control, the young
monkey's development after birth progresses so rapidly that by the
tenth week observers consider it fairly mature in all but the sexual
activities. In some areas the Macacus showed progression in a day
that the human infant would require a month to attain, a precocity
ratio of 30 to i. Gesell found such examples as the following: the
monkey holds his head up steadily and gazes about at five days,
the infant at three or four months; the monkey follows a moving
hand with its eyes at six days, the infant at three or four months;



the monkey attempts to crawl at twelve days, the infant at nine

months; the monkey is weaned at seven weeks, the human infant
at six to twelve months. While Dr. Gesell was working on these
matters he did not have at his disposal infant chimpanzee subjects.
He made attempts to gather material from the literature and found
that the human child at eighteen, twenty-four, or thirty-six months
is usually solving some of the problems similar to those that mature
chimpanzees under experimental conditions had been reported to
solve. He concluded that it was questionable if mental age equivalents could be well established, since there seemed to be a basic difference in the behavior manner that ruined the comparison.
Fraternal twins, and especially identical twins, have always been
objects of vivid interest. There are many traditions about them and
numerous scientific studies of them. It remained for Dr. Gesell to
conceive a new method of making use of twins to study the relationship between maturation and formal training. He called this
"the method of co-twin control." In 1927, in collaboration with Dr.
Helen Thompson, he undertook a comparative study in which two
highly identical twin girls were observed from early infancy to determine, first, their developmental correspondence and, second, their
developmental divergences, as these might be affected by training
confined to one twin. These identical twins, T and C, showed a
great degree of similarity which was established by elaborate and
repeated examinations later documented in publications. At the age
of 46 weeks twin T was trained daily in climbing a stair that had
five treads and after seven weeks was able to perform the coordination complex in 26 seconds. Twin C, at the age of 53 weeks,
without any previous training or experience, climbed the stair unaided in 45 seconds. Then twin C was trained for two weeks and
at the age of 55 weeks required only ten seconds to accomplish this
task. Twin C was at the age of 55 weeks far superior to twin T at 52
weeks, even though T had been trained for seven weeks in the beginning. These results, supported by minutely analyzed motionpicture records, seemed to lay bare important relationships between



learning and maturity. This method of co-twin control claimed

wide scientific attention and was adopted by others working in this
general field.
Dr. Gesell was a potent leader in making clear the important relationships that may exist between medicine and psychology and
he did much to establish the point of view that psychology is comparable to physiology as a fundamental or partner of medical
science. The developing human body is subject to profound laws of
growth and an adequate clinical science must be founded upon
good principles and methods of developmental diagnosis. It was
cheering to Dr. Gesell that in 1935 the American Board of Pediatrics established the field of Growth and Development as a basic
requirement for specialty certification. By the Gesell type of persistent study, research, and publication, the evolution of preventive
medicine moves forward in its service to man.
By the late 1940s there had developed a demand for postgraduate training in the methods of developmental diagnosis. The Yale
Clinic was in a position to do something about this through establishing medical externeships for physicians specializing in child
psychiatry and pediatrics. The clinic had a sufficiently diversified
out-patient clientele to afford ample variety for observation and
diagnostic teaching. Dr. Gesell and his staff organized a systematic
two-year course that involved cinema studies and full-time clinical
observations and reports and was designed as a standard requirement for specialization in this field. A number of externes from
the United States and abroad were so trained. Widening of the
horizon for responsible departments of pediatrics may be considered the crown of Dr. Gesell's life work. Through his tireless efforts
he had brought new light, careful surveys, and some systematic
understanding to what had formerly been a vague and rather dark
no man's land. He had promoted a strong campaign to educate
doctors, teachers, parents, and the public in the science of human
The traditional life calendar rules for academic retirement oper-



ated at Yale as elsewhere. Dr. Gesell reached this descending stairway at the end of June 1948, but he knew where to go and what
to do and had the physical and mental vigor to carry on. Fortunately, others were aware of this, and he was invited to become a
research associate in the Harvard Pediatric Study under the director, Dr. Francis McDonald. This study had been organized to
foster better understanding of the developmental view and concept
for those who were supervising child health work for numerous
groups of G. I. families in Cambridge, Massachusetts, under the
aegis of Harvard. Dr. Gesell was associated with this activity from
1948 to 1952. And there was a second opportunity that came to this
Emeritus Professor who had demonstrated his ability to see where
others had groped for light. This was a two-year research grant
labeled "For the investigation of the developmental aspects of child
vision." Naturally, visual perception had not been entirely neglected
in former investigations at the Yale Clinic of Child Development.
Sustained visual fixation, early eye movements, eye-hand behavior,
and tests of visual skill had been included in routine scientific appraisals. Also, Dr. Gesell had personally made a four-year study
of the mental growth of a blind infant, but vision as such was a
worthy field for a correlated intensive effort and Yale University
generously extended its facilities for this purpose. Two skilled researchers in visual optics were added to the staff to make objective
determination by various standard optical instruments and other
analytical procedures. Thus several developmental trends were carefully mapped for a score of age levels from birth to the age of ten
and the findings were analyzed, interpreted, and published as
Vision: Its Development in Infant and Child.
As a student, Gesell was distinguished and had been elected to
Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, and other select groups. As a scientist
who made the bold attempt to cultivate both psychology and medical pediatrics, he easily qualified for membership in more than the
usual number of professional associations; probably this reduced
the chances that he would be elected the president of any one of



these societies. However, of the six main national professional associations to which he belonged he was elected president (1952-53)
of the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy. He had been elected
to the National Academy of Sciences in 1947 at the age of sixtyseven; his teacher, G. Stanley Hall, had been elected in 1915 at the
age of sixty-nine.
How can such a man as Arnold Gesell, whose thinking, work,
and vision were always projected forward, reach a life's terminal?
The best ending is to see others take up the course. And so it was
that in 1950 former staff associates of the Yale Clinic brought about
an independent organization, the Gesell Institute of Child Development, incorporated to continue this field of endeavor, and found a
location on Prospect Avenue, New Haven. There Dr. Gesell, who
for twenty years was Attending Pediatrician at the New Haven
Hospital, gave of his counsel to the end of his days.



Am. J. Dis. Child. = American Journal of Diseases of Children

Am. }. Med. Sci. = American Journal of the Medical Sciences
Am. J. Orthopsychiatry = American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Am. J. Psychiatry = American Journal of Psychiatry
Am. J. Psychol.= American Journal of Psychology
Am. J. Publ. Health = American Journal of Public Health
Ann. Am. Acad. = Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social
Arch. Neurol. Psychiatry = Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry
Child Health Bull. = Child Health Bulletin
Childhood Educ. = Childhood Education
Conn. State Med. J. = Connecticut State Medical Journal
Genet. Psychol. Monog. = Genetic Psychology Monographs
J. Am. Med. Assoc. = Journal of the American Medical Association
J. Appl. Psychol. = Journal of Applied Psychology
J. Comp. Neurol. = Journal of Comparative Neurology
J. Educ. Res. = Journal of Educational Research
J. Genet. Psychol. = Journal of Genetic Psychology
J. Home Econ. = Journal of Home Economics
J. Natl. Educ. Assoc. = Journal of National Education Association
J. Pediat. = Journal of Pediatrics
Ment. Hyg. = Mental Hygiene
Ped. Sem. = Pedagogical Seminary (In 1924 became Pedagogical Seminary
and Journal of Genetic Psychology)
Psychol. Bull. = Psychological Bulletin
Psychol. Rev. = Psychological Review
Sat. Rev. Lit. = Saturday Review of Literature
Sch. Soc. = School and Society
Sci. Mo. = Scientific Monthly
Yale J. Biol. Med. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine

Accuracy in Handwriting, as Related to School Intelligence and Sex. Am.
J. Psychol., 16:1-13.
A Case of Symbolistic Writing with Senile Delusions. Am. J. Psychol.,



Jealousy (Ph.D. dissertation submitted to the faculty at Clark University).
Am. J. Psychol., 17:437-96.
With Beatrice Chandler Gesell. The Normal Child and Primary Education.
Boston, Ginn & Co. x + 342 pp.

The Special Province of Child Hygiene in the Primary School. The Child,
January, p. 6.
The Village of a Thousand Souls. American Magazine, 76:11-16.
Child Classification and Child Hygiene. Transactions of Fourth International Congress on School Hygiene, 4:324~32.
The University in Relation to the Problems of Mental Deficiency and
Child Hygiene. Transactions of Fourth International Congress on
School Hygiene, 5:6i3~2i.
What Can the Teacher Do for the Deficient Child? A Manual for
Teachers in Rural and Graded Schools. Connecticut School Document
No. 5.47 pp.
Feebleminded Children in the County Home Schools of Connecticut.
Connecticut State Board of Education Bulletin No. 72, pp. 3-11. (19171918 series.)
A Follow-up Study of One Hundred Mentally Deficient School Children.
Connecticut State Board of Education Bulletin No. 26. (1918-1919
With H. H. Goddard and J. E. W. Wallin. The Field of Clinical Psychology as an Applied Science. J. Appl. Psychol., 3:8i-95.
Mental Hygiene and the Public School. Ment. Hyg., 3:4-10.
Mental Diagnosis and Special Education. University of the State of New
York Bulletin No. 702, pp. 73-79.
The Problem of Mental Subnormality. Bull. Child Welfare, May 24, No. 1.
Review of Psychology of the Normal and Subnormal, by H. H. Goddard.
Psychol. Bull., 16:131-33.



Vocational Probation for Subnormal Youth. Ment. Hyg., 5:331-36.

Public School Provision for Exceptional Children. Ann. Am, Acad., 98:
Exceptional Children and Public School Policy, Including a Mental Survey
of the New Haven Elementary Schools. New Haven, Yale University
Press. 66 pp.
Handicapped Children in School and Court: Report to the Governor.
Hartford. 36 pp.
Hemihypertrophy and Mental Defect. Arch. Neurol. Psychiatry, 6:40023The Significance of the Pre-school Age for School Hygiene. Proceedings
of the Thirteenth Congress of the American School Hygiene Association,

Mental and Physical Correspondence in Twins. Sci. Mo., 14:305-44.

A Psychological Comparison of Superior Duplicate Twins (abstract).
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Psychol. Bull., 19:2.
Twins Again. Sci. Mo., 15:93~96.
The Psychological Significance of the Pre-school Period. Public Health
Nurse, 14:233-34.
Every Man His Own Twin. Literary Digest, May 20, p. 21.
The Pre-school Hygiene of Handicapped Children. Ped. Sem., 29:232-46.
A Mental Hygiene Service for Preschool Children. Am. J. Publ. Health,

The Preschool Child: His Social Significance. Ann. Am. Acad., 105:27780.
A Clinical Preschool Psychology. Mother and Child, 4:64-66.
Some Activities of a Psycho-clinic. Hospital Social Service, March, pp.
FeeblemindednessState Policy of Control. Connecticut Proposes Solution in Vocational and Supervisory Methods. Nation's Health, March
5The Preschool Child from the Standpoint of Public Hygiene and Education. Boston, Houghton Mifflin. 264 pp.



With Julia Wade Abbot. The Kindergarten and Health. U. S. Dept. of

the Interior, Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. (Health Education, No. 14.) 37 pp.
The Nursery School Movement. Sch. Soc, 20:644-52.
The Significance of the Nursery School. Childhood Educ, 1 : I I - 2 0 .
The Preschool Age and School Entrance. U. S. Dept. of the Interior,
Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C.
The Care of Intellectually Inferior Children. In: The Child: His Nature
and His Needs, ed. by M. V. O'Shea, pp. 261-76. Valparaiso, Ind.,
Children's Foundation.
The Development of Personality: Moulding Your Child's Character. Why
Children Are Afraid. The Delineator, May; April (1925).
The Retarded Child: How to Help Him. Bloomington, 111., Public School
Publishing Co. 100 pp.
Molding Your Child's Character. In: The Happy Child, ed. by H. L. K.
Shaw, pp. 3-14. New York, Dodd-Mead.
Fear and Fortitude in Young Children. In: The Happy Child, ed. by
H. L. K. Shaw, pp. 15-26. New York, Dodd-Mead.
El Nino antes de la Edad Escolar y Su Entrada en la Escuela. Boletin de
la Union Panamericana, 59:264-67.
The Early Diagnosis of Mental Deficiency. Medical Review of Reviews,
Developmental Diagnosis in Infancy. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 192:1058-60.
Monthly Increments of Development in Infancy. Ped. Sem., 321203-8.
A Edada Preescolar e a Matricula Escolar. Boletim da Uniao Panamericana, July, pp. 479-82.
James Crosby Chapman. Sch. Soc, 22:132-33.
Preschool Development and Education. Ann. Am. Acad., 121 :i48-5o.
The Pre-school Child's Mental Health. Child Health Bull., 1:95~97The Nursery School: A New Type of Kindergarten. The Delineator,
December, p. 16.
The Mental Growth of the Pre-school Child: a Psychological Outline of
Normal Development from Birth to the Sixth Year, Including a System of Developmental Diagnosis. New York, Macmillan. x -f- 447 pp.,



200 illustrations. (Russian translation by Prof. E. A. Arkina entitled

Umstoeenoe razvitie relenka perevod pod redaktsiei.)
The Preschool Child. J. Educ. Res., 12:38o-83.
The Nursery School Movement and Home Economics. J. Home Econ.,
Review of Genetic Studies of Genius, by Lewis M. Terman et al. Sat.
Rev. Lit., 2 (Aug. 22) :5c).
Review of The Normal Mind, by W. H . Burnham. Sat. Rev. Lit., 2 (Oct.
17) -.216.
The Kindergarten as a Mental Hygiene Agency. Ment. Hyg., 10 -ij-yj.
Review of The Child at School, by Sir Leslie Mackenzie. Child Health
Bull., 2:155.
The Preschool Child and the Present-day Parent. Proceedings of the Midwest Conference on Parent Education, March 4-6.
Mental Hygiene Measures for Preschool Children. The Child, 16:193-97.
A Comparative Method for Demonstration of Normal Development in
Infancy. J. Am. Med. Assoc, 86:1277-81.
With Ruth W . Washburn. Special Guidance for Exceptional Kindergarten Children. Childhood Educ, 2:26i-68.
Normal Growth as a Public Health Concept. Public Health Nurse, 18:
394-99Mental Health Characteristics of the Normal Child. Child Welfare, 20:
Psychoclinical Guidance in Child Adoption. Children's Bureau Publication No. 136. Washington, Government Printing Office.
Experimental Education and the Nursery School. J. Educ. Res., 14:81-87.
The Influence of Puberty Praecox upon Mental Growdi. Genet. Psychol.
Monog., 11511-39.
Review of Grundzuge einer Physiologie und Klini\ der Psychophysischen
Personlich\eit, by Waltlier Jaensch. Psychol. Bull., 24:610-15.
Hemihypertrophy and Twinning: a Further Study of the Nature of Hemihypertrophy with Report of a New Case. Am. J. Med. Sci., 173:542-55.
Reducing the Risks of Child Adoption. Bulletin of Child Welfare League
of America, No. 5, pp. 1-5.
The Measurement and Prediction of Mental Growth. Psychol. Rev., 34:



With Elizabeth E. Lord. A Psychological Comparison of Nursery School

Children from Homes of Low and High Economic Status. Ped. Sem.,
Guidance Service for Young Children. Childhood Educ, 4:105-10.
The Mental Hygiene of the Pre-school Child. Chapter 3 in: The Mental
and Physical Welfare of the Child, by C. W. Kimmins.
Danger! Children Preferred: a Famous Psychologist Interprets the Statistics on Youngsters Killed by Automobiles. Liberty, 4147, 57-60, 75-76.
Precocious Puberty and Mental Maturation. Yearbook of the National
Society for the Study of Education, 27(1): pp. 399-409.
Review of Language and Thought of the Child, by Jean Piaget. Sat. Rev.
Lit., 5 (Aug. 25) 72.
The Age Factor. Childhood Educ, 5:134-35.
Infancy and Human Growth. New York, Macmillan. xvii -f- 418 pp.
A Russian translation was published in 1933.
Child Guidance in Early Years. Mental Hygiene News, March, p. 7.
Review of Judgment and Reasoning in the Child, by Jean Piaget. Sat.
Rev. Lit., 5 (Oct. 28) .-208.
Infant Behavior in Relation to Pediatrics. Am. J. Dis. Child., 37:1055-75.
Clinical Studies of Child Development. Proceedings of the Third Conference on Research in Child Development, Toronto, May 2-4.
Behavior Resemblance in Identical Infant Twins. Eugenical News, 14:
72-73Research in Child Development. Sch. Soc, 29:765-67.
Maturation and Infant Behavior Pattern. Psychol. Rev., 36:307-19.
With Helen Thompson. Learning and Growth in Identical Infant Twins:
an Experimental Study by the Method of Co-twin Control. Genet.
Psychol. Monog., 6 :i-i23.
The Individual in Infancy. In: The Foundations of Experimental Psychology, ed. by C. Murchison, pp. 628-60. Worcester, Mass., Clark University Press.
The Early Diagnosis of Mental Defect. Arch. Neurol. Psychiatry, 22:
The Organization of Child Guidance and Developmental Supervision.
Ment. Hyg., 13 780-87.



Summary of Developmental Level of 23 Colored Infants. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 395, pp. 424-27.
The Guidance Nursery of the Yale Psycho-clinic. J. Natl. Educ. Assoc,
Child Mental Welfare Paramount (Summary of an address on "The
Early Years of Mental Growth"). Michigan Education Journal, 7:164-65.
What Is a Balanced Ration in Children's Reading? (Symposium on
Juvenile Reading). Sat. Rev. Lit., 6 (Nov. 16) 1398.
Child Psychology. Article in: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 14th ed., 5:468-69.
Systematic Aspects of Developmental Psychology. Proceedings and Papers
of the Ninth International Congress of Psychology, pp. 180-81.
With Helen Thompson. A Method for the Normative Study of Behavior
Development in Infancy. Proceedings and Papers of the Ninth International Congress of Psychology, pp. 181-82.
Some Relations between Early Physical and Mental Growth. Symposium
on Physical Education and Health, School of Education, N . Y. U., pp.
A Decade of Progress in the Mental Hygiene of the Preschool Child.
Ann. Am. Acad., 151 :i43-48.
Child Psychology. Article in: Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences, 3:39i~93.
Guiding the Mental Health of the Infant. Mental Hygiene with Regard
to Health Problems. In: Health Education, T. D. Wood, Chairman,
pp. 138-40. New York, Joint Committee on Health Education.
Second Colloquium on Personality Investigation. Proceedings of the
American Psychiatric Association, pp. 18,55,68,114.
Review of The Child's Conception of the World and The Child's Conception of Physical Causality, by Jean Piaget. Sat. Rev. Lit., 7 (Oct. 18) 1246.
Mental Hygiene and the Public School System. Bulletin of Associated
School Boards and Trustees, State of N . Y., 2 7-9.
The Guidance of Mental Growth in Infant and Child. New York, Macmillan. xi + 322 pp.
The Study of Infant Behavior. Talking film in two reels.
The Teacher-Child Relationship. Understanding the Child, 1709.
Foreword to: The Changing Child. The Editor's Page. Child Study, 8:1.
Review of Twins: Heredity and Environment, by Nathaniel D. Hirsch.
Sat. Rev. Lit., 7 (Jan. 10) =520.



Is He a Problem? There Are Small Faults and Grave Handicaps in

Childhood: Wise Parents Know the Differences. McCall's, 18:38.
Clinic of Child Development. Bulletin of Yale University, April 1, pp.
Review of Children Who Run on All Fours, by Ales Hrdlicka. Sat. Rev.
Lit., 7 (Ap. 25) 773.
Child Health Conservation in New Haven. Health, 5:10.
The Developmental Psychology of Twins. In: Handbook of Child Psychology, ed. by C. Murchison, pp. 158-203. Worcester, Mass., Clark
University Press.
Review of Little Eagle and The Indians in Winter Camp, by Therese
and Edwin W. Deming. Sat. Rev. Lit., 7 (July II):O,66.
The Developmental Morphology of Infant Behavior Pattern (abstract).
Science, 74 -.605.
How Science Studies the Child. Sci. Mo., 34:265-67.
The Study and Guidance of Infant Behavior. In: Psychology at Wor\,
pp. 32-43. New York, McGraw-Hill.
The Study of Genetic Psychology. In: Twenty-Five Yearsthe Vineland Laboratory, 1906-1931, pp. 25-32. Vineland, N . J., Training School.
Safety Training for Young Children. Junior Home Magazine, 13:4-5.
Growth Factors in Child Guidance. Ment. Hyg., 16:202-7.
The Yale Clinic of Child Development. Childhood Educ, 8:468-69.
The Scientific Foundations of Infant Psychiatry. Proceedings of the First
International Congress on Mental Hygiene, New York.
Mental Growth in Infant and Child. White House Conference on Child
Health and Protection, Part IV.
The Influence of Prematurity on Mental Growth. White House Conference on Child Health and Protection, Part IV.
Pediatrics and the Supervision of Child Development. J. Pediat., 1:38-45.
The Child as an Organism. In: Our Children: a Handboo\ for Parents,
ed. by Dorothy Canfield Fisher and Sidonie Matsner Gruenberg, pp.
29-35. New York, Macmillan.
The Yale Reading Lists. Yale Alumni Weekly, May 19, p. 696.
Infant Behavior Researches of the Yale Clinic of Child Development.
Proceedings of the International Congress on Education of the Deaf,
pp. 536-642.



The Mental Growth of Prematurely Born Infants. J. Pediat., 2:676-80.

Psychological Research and the Deaf Infant. Proceedings of the International Congress on Education of the Deaf, pp. 532-36.
Review of The Moral Judgment of the Child, by Jean Piaget. Sat. Rev.
Lit., 10 (Oct. 7) :i68.
The Relation between Psychology and Psychiatry. Psychological Exchange, 21676-80.
Maturation and the Patterning of Behavior. In: A Handboo\ of Child
Psychology, 2nd ed., rev., pp. 209-35. Worcester, Mass., Clark University Press.
The Ontogenetic Patterning of Infant Behavior: a Psycho-morphological
Approach to the Problem of Constitution and Type. In: The Biology
of the Individual, pp. 68-80; (Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins); reprinted in Proceedings of the Association for Research in Nervous and
Mental Disease (1934), 14:66-80.
Looking Backward: a Kindergarten of 1876. Childhood Educ, 10:171-72,
The Educational Status of the Preschool Child. Sch. Soc, 39:495-500.
The Mental Welfare of Normal Infants. Public Health Nursing, 26:
Retrospect and Commencement, 1894-1934. Commencement address, Central State Teachers College, Stevens Point, Wis., June 9.
An Atlas of Infant Behavior (Vol. I [with W . Helen Thompson and
Catherine S. Amatruda], pp. 1-524; Vol. II [with Alice V. Keliher,
Frances L. Ilg, and J. J. Carlson], pp. 525-922). New Haven, Yale
University Press.
With Helen Thompson and Catherine S. Amatruda. Infant Behavior:
Its Genesis and Growth. New York, McGraw-Hill, viii + 343 PPReleased Films (abstracted in Psychological Abstracts, 9:389-90, Abstracts Nos. 3481-91,1935):
The Study of Infant Behavior. 2,000 ft.
The Growth of Infant Behavior: Early Stages. 1,000 ft.
The Growth of Infant Behavior: Later Stages. 1,000 ft.
Posture and Locomotion. 1,000 ft.
From Creeping to Walking. 1,000 ft.
A Baby's Day at 12 Weeks, 1,000 ft.
A Behavior Day at 48 Weeks. 1,000 ft.
Behavior at One Year. 1,000 ft.



Learning and Growth. 1,000 ft.

Early Social Behavior. 1,000 ft.
Research in Child Development at Yale. J. Educ. Res., 28:226-27.
Behavior Pattern and Behavior Morphology. Science, 81 :i5-i8.
Researches of the Yale Clinic of Child Development. Journal, Sovietskaia
Psychonevrologia, No. 4, pp. 107-15.
Nursery School and Kindergarten. Radio broadcast, NBC. Published in
mimeographed form by the National Congress of Parents and Teachers,
Washington, D. C.
Infant Behavior Research. Yale J. Biol. Med., 7:453-57.
Released Film: Life Begins. Seven 1,000-ft. reels.
Hygiene mentale des enfants (The protection of mental walfare in infancy). XI e Session de l'Association Internationale pour la protection
de l'Enfance, Juillet 18 au 21, Bruxelles.
Cinemanalysis: a Method of Behavior Study. J. Genet. Psychol., 47:3-16.
The Growth Process. Understanding the Child, 4:7-10.
Clinical Aspects of Child Development Research. J. Pediat, 7:651-54.
Die Morphologie des Verhaltens in der kindlichen Entwicklung. Zeitschrift fiir Jugendkunde, 5 -.91-96.
Die Yale-Filme der kindlichen Entwicklung. Zeitschrift fiir Jugendkunde,
Clinical Mongolism in Colored Races, with Report of a Case of Negro
Mongolism. J. Am. Med. Assoc, 106:1146-50. (Spaulding Memorial
The Preschool Child and School Administration. In: Educational Progress
and School Administration, ed. by C. M. Hill, pp. 264-78. New Haven,
Yale University Press.
A Comparative Study of Six Infant Cretins under Treatment, (b) Influence of Thyroid on Mental Growth. Am. J. Dis. Child., 51 :i236, 1242.
Developmental Diagnosis of Infant Behavior. Am. J. Dis. Child., 51:
1233-34A Case of Injury at Birth, (a) Behavior Aspects. Am. J. Dis. Child.,
With E. M. Blake. Twinning and Ocular Pathology, with a Report of
Bilateral Macular Coloboma in Monozygotic Twins. Archives of
Ophthalmology, 15:1050-71.



The Growth Factor in Child Personality. Yearbook of the National Education Association, 15:254-58.
With H. M. Halverson. The Development of Thumb Opposition in the
Human Infant. J. Genet. Psychol., 48:339-61.
Schools for Babies. This Week, Aug. 2, pp. 9,25.
The One-way Vision Screen in Visual Education. Progressive Education, 13:6.
Some Observations of Developmental Stability. Psychological Monographs,
47:35-46. (Dodge Commemorative Volume.)
Foreword for: History of Special Education for Mentally Deficient Children in Connecticut. New Haven, Connecticut Special Education Association.
The Diagnosis and Supervision of Mental Growth in Infancy. Chapter
9 in Volume 1 of Practice of Pediatrics, ed. by Joseph Brennemann.
Hagerstown, Md., W. F. Prior Co.
Recent and Current Researches of the Y.C.C.D. J. Educ. Res., 30:232-34.
With Catherine S. Amatruda and C. S. Culotta. Effect of Thyroid
Therapy on the Mental and Physical Growth of Cretinous Infants.
Am. J. Dis. Child., 52 : n 17-38.

Review of Ulntelligence avant le langage, by Pierre Janet. Psychol. Bull.,
Review of Infant Ape and Human Child: Instincts, Emotions, Play,
Habits, by N . Kohts. J. Genet. Psychol., 505465-67.
The Psychological Factor in Infant Feeding. Bull. International pour la
protection de l'enfance, no. 147, pp. 22-26.
Motor Disability and Mental Growth: the Psychological Effects of a
Cerebral Birth Palsy. Psychological Record, 1:87~94.
With Frances L. Ilg. Feeding Behavior of Infants: a Pediatric Approach
to the Mental Hygiene of Early Life. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott.
ix -j- 201 pp.
Assisted by Louise B. Ames. Early Evidences of Individuality in the
Human Infant. Sci. Mo., 451217-25.
Infants Are Individuals. Vital Speeches, 4:132-35,
With Harry Zimmerman. Correlations of Behavior and Neuropathology
in a Case of Cerebral Palsy from Birth Injury. Am. J. Psychiatry, 94:



With Helen Thompson and Catherine S. Amatruda. The Psychology of
Early Growth. New York, Macmillan. ix -f- 290 pp.
Round the Clock with Baby (a Baby's Day at Twelve Weeks). Wife
and Home (England), 17:72.
The Conditioned Reflex and the Psychiatry of Infancy (given before
the Premier Congress International de Psychiatrie Infantile, Paris,
July 24). Am. J. Orthopsychiatry, 8 :ic>-30.
Current and Recent Research Activities of the Y.C.C.D. J. Educ. Res.,
Psychological Hygiene of Infant Feeding. Ment. Hyg., 22:216-20.
The Morphogenetic Significance of the Tonic-neck-reflex in the Early
Patterning of Human Behavior (abstract of paper given before National Academy of Sciences, Washington, April 25). Science, 87:464-65.
Infants Are Individuals. Child Study, 151244-47.
Review of Twins: a Study of Heredity and Environment, by Newman,
Freeman and Holzinger. Ann. Am. Acad., 198:240-41.
Scientific Approaches to the Study of the Human Mind. Science, 88:
225-30. (Reprinted as Five Keys to the Human Mind, in Yale Scientific
Magazine, November, 1946, pp. 7, 8,16,18,20.)
Fears of Children. Public Health Nursing, 301586-89.
Tonic Neck Reflex in the Human Infant: Its Morphogenetic and Clinical
Significance. J. Pediat., 13145564.
A Half Century of Science and the American Child: 50th Anniversary
of Child Study Association of America, New York. Child Study, 16:
35-37' 78> 79Remarks on Role of Juvenile Court, for Connecticut Child Welfare Association Bulletin. Connecticut's Children, Nov., p. 2.
Current and Recent Research Work at the Yale Clinic of Child Development. J. Educ. Res., 32:239~4O.
A Behavior Study of Birth Injury: a Correlation of Psychological and
Neuropathological Findings in a Case of Cerebral Palsy with Double
Athetosis. Journal of Psycho-Asthenics, 43:37~431939
Genesis of Intelligence. Centenaire de Th. Ribot et Jubile de la psychologie
scientifique francaise: Communication faite a la Seance Commemorative a la Sorbonne, June 22, pp. 377-89.
Training Your Child to Play Alone. Hygeia, 17:544.



Discussion at Opening Session of Richmond Symposium on Mental Hygiene, Dec. In: Mental Health, Publication o American Association
for the Advancement of Science, No. 9, ed. by F. R. Moulton, p. 66.
Lancaster, Science Press.
Current and Recent Research Work at the Yale Clinic of Child Development. J. Educ. Res., 33 :i58-59.
Charles Darwin and Child Development. Sci. Mo., 49:548-53.
Biographies of Child Development: the Mental Growth Careers of
Eighty-four Infants and Children. A Ten-year Study at the Yale Clinic
of Child Development. Part One by Arnold Gesell; Part Two by
Catherine S. Amatruda, Burton M. Castner, and Helen Thompson.
New York, Paul B. Hoeber. xvii -f- 328 pp.
What Did the Bluejay Do with the Nut? Science, 89:35.
Child Development and Individuality (One lecture of a series published
as: Understanding Ourselves: a Survey of Psychology Today, ed. by
P. Kaufman, pp. 11-20) Washington, D. C , U.S.D.A., Graduate School.
Early Diagnosis of Behavior Defects and Deviations: Address at 14th
Connecticut Clinical Congress, Yale. In: Symposium on Behavior Problems in Children, Dr. E. Kahn, Chairman. Conn. State Med. J., 3:6-9.
Reciprocal Interweaving in Neuromotor Development: a Principle of
Spiral Organization Shown in the Patterning of Infant Behavior. J.
Comp. Neurol., 70:161-80.
The Appraisal of Mental Growth Careers. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 3 73-75.
With H. Thorns, F. B. Hartman, and Helen Thompson. Mental and
Physical Growth in Pubertas Praecox, with a Case Report Based on
Fifteen Years' Study of Case. Arch. Neurol. Psychiatry, 41755-72.
Reading Reversals in Young Children. Hygeia, 18:1.
The Day Nursery as a Mental Hygiene Agency. Day Nursery, 1 n-3.
Preschool Children and the Present War. Childhood Educ, 16:225-27.
Teacher-Pupil Relationship in a Democracy: Address at Teachers' Convention, Lewiston, Maine. Sch, Soc, 51 :i93-98.
Stability of Mental Growth Careers. Yearbook of the National Society
for the Study of Education, 39 (2) :i49~6o.
With H. M. Halverson, Helen Thompson, Frances L. Ug, B. M. Castner,
Louise B. Ames, and Catherine S. Amatruda. First Five Years of
Life. New York, Harper, xiii -f- 393 pp., 21 plates; London, Methuen,



xiii + 393 pp. (I Primi Cinque Anni della vita, Rome, Astrolabio,
1950.479 pp.)
First Five Years of Life. J. Nat. Educ. Assoc, 29:231-32.
Developmental Diagnosis and Clinical Medicine. Digest of Treatment,

Blue Jay: Brigand or Benefactor. Sci. Mo., 50:540-43.

With Louise B. Ames. Ontogenetic Organization of Prone Behavior in
Human Infancy. J. Genet. Psychol., 561247-63.
Plan Your Child's Pictures. Popular Photography, September, pp. 30-31,
Researches of the Yale Clinic of Child Development, 1939-1940. J. Educ.
Res., 34:319-20.
Booklet of General Instructions to Accompany the Gesell Developmental
Schedules. New York, Psychological Corp. 19 pp.
Review of An Adopted Child Loo\s at Adoption, by Carol S. Prentice.
Hygeia, 19:63.
The Biography of a Wolf Child. Harper's Magazine, 182:183-93.
Review of The Doctor and the Difficult Child, by William Moodie. Yale
J. Biol. Med., 13:423.
Review of Comparative Psychology of Mental Development, by Heinz
Werner. Am. J. Psychol., 54114748.
The First Five Years of Mental Growth (lecture before Massachusetts
Society for Mental Hygiene). Mental Hygiene Sentinel, 1:16-17.
Wolf Child and Human Child: a Narrative Interpretation of the Life
History of Kamala, the Wolf Girl. New York, Harper, 107 pp; London,
Methuen, xvi + 107 pp. (Fosturdottir ulfanna: Sagan af Ulfafosturbarninu Kamelu, Asamt Salfraedilegum Skyringum, trans. Icelandic by
Steingrimur Arason. Reykjavik, Isafoldarprentsmidja H. F., 1947.
mcmlxvi, 152 pp.)
Genesis of Behavior Form in Fetus and Infant. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 84147188.
With Helen Thompson. Twins T and C from Infancy to Adolescence:
a Biogenetic Study of Individual Differences by the Method of Cotwin Control. Genet. Psychol. Monog., 24:3-121.
With Catherine S. Amatruda. Developmental Diagnosis: a Manual of
Clinical Methods and Applications Designed for the Use of Students
and Practitioners of Medicine. New York, Paul B. Hoeber. xiii -f-



447 pp. (2d ed., rev. New York, Paul B. Hoeber, 1947. xvi -(- 496 pp.)
(Diagnostico del desarrollo; normal y anormal del nino, trans, by Bernardo Serebrinsky. Buenos Aires, Editorial Medico-Quirugica, 1946. 500
The Protection of Early Mental Growth. Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 11:
The Preschool Years (fifteen-minute recorded lecture). General Series
Transcription by World Broadcasting Co., Sept., 6.
Pediatrics and the Clinical Protection of Child Development. J. Pediat.,
With others. Panel Discussion on Clinical Aspects of Growth and Development. Eleventh Annual Meeting of American Academy of Pediatrics, Boston. J. Pediat., 20:259-78.
How Shall We Strengthen the Morale of Our Children in War Time?
Child Welfare Association of Connecticut.
The Method of Co-twin Control. Science, 95:44648.
With Catherine S. Amatruda. Developmental Diagnosis and Supervision.
Chapter 9 in Volume 1 of Practice of Pediatrics, ed. by Joseph Brennemann.
The Documentation of Infant Behavior in Relation to Cultural Anthropology. Proceedings of the Eighth American Scientific Congress, Washington, Anthropological Sciences, Part 2, pp. 279-89. Washington, D. C ,
U. S. State Dept.
With H . M. Halverson. The Daily Maturation of Infant Behavior: a
Cinema Study of Postures, Movements and Laterality. J. Genet.
Psychol., 61 =3-32.
Morphologies of Mouth and Mouth Behavior. American Journal of
Orthodontics and Oral Surgery, 28:397-413.
Prefatory note to: Wolf-Children and Feral Man (The Diary of the
Wolf Children of Midnapore [India], by J. A. L. Singh, and Feral
Man and Cases of Extreme Isolation of Individuals, by Robert M.
Zingg). New York, Harper.
Genius, Giftedness and Growth. In: March of Medicine, pp. 100-40. New
York, Columbia University Press.
With Frances L. Ilg, in collaboration with Janet Learned and Louise B.



Ames. Infant and Child in the Culture of Today. New York, Harper,
xii -f- 399 pp- (Le Jeune Enfant dans la Civilisation Moderne: l'Orientation du developpement de l'enfant a l'ecole des tout petits et a la maison,
trans, by Irene Lezine. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1949. viii
+ 388 pp.)
With Helen Thompson. Learning and Maturation in Identical Infant
Twins: an Experimental Analysis by the Method of Co-twin Control.
In: Child Behavior and Development, ed. by R. G. Barker, J. S.
Kounin, and H. F. Wright, pp. 209-27. New York, McGraw-Hill.
With Louise B. Ames. Ontogenetic Correspondences in the Supine and
Prone Postures of the Human Infant. Yale J. Biol. Med., 15:565-73.
Review of Psychologic Care during Infancy and Childhood, by R. M. M.
Bakwin and Harry Bakwin. Am. J. Psychol., 56:153-54.
The New Haven Child Care Center: an Account of Its Origins and
Organization. Childhood Educ, 19:366-70.
Psychiatry in the Training Experience and Education of the Individual:
Family Life (lecture at the University of Michigan Conference on
Psychiatry, Oct. 22-24) ^n'Psychiatry and the War, ed. by F. J. Sladen,
pp. 195-203. Springfield, 111., Charles C. Thomas.
If Mother Works. This Week, May 16, pp. 40-41.
Differential Diagnosis of Mental Deficiency in Infancy. Clinics, 2:
Review of Expression of Personality: Experimental Depth Psychology,
by Werner Wolf. Am. J. Psychiat., 100:576-77.
Review of Geriatric Medicine: Diagnosis and Management of Diseases
in the Aging and Aged, by E. J. Stieglitz. Conn. State Med. J., 7:877.
Testimony before Hearings of a Subcommittee of the Committee on
Education and Labor, U. S. Senate, 78th Congress, First Session, pursuant to S. Res. 74, Part I, Washington, D. C , Nov. 30 and Dec. 1-3.
Juvenile Delinquency, 1:166-227.
Gesell Scale. A portion reproduced in: Manual de Psiquiatria, by E. Mira
y Lopez, pp. 787-93. Buenos Aires, El Ateneo.
The Problem of Changing Food Habits. Bulletin of the National Research Council, No. 108.
Developmental Perspective in Child Management. Twelfth Annual Meeting, American Academy of Pediatrics, Chicago. J. Pediat., 24:585-88,
A Method of Developmental Diagnosis and Supervision: for the Protec-



tion of Infant and Child Development. Nursing Times (London),

March 4, pp. 160-64.
The Role of Developmental Diagnosis in Clinical Medicine. N . Y. State
Journal of Medicine, 44:2599-603.
Individual Versus Group Care of Infants. Bull. Child Welfare League
of America, 2319-10.
First Five Years of Life. Pediatric Foundation Bulletin, 114.
I. Huang (obituary notice). Science, 100:512-13.
How a Baby Grows: a Story in Pictures. New York, Harper, vii +
78 pp.
With Catherine S. Amatruda. Embryology of Behavior: the Beginnings
of the Human Mind. New York, Harper, xix -+- 289 pp.
What Makes for Likenesses and Differences in Children? Childhood
Educ, 21 :i95-96.
The Doctrine of Development in Child Care. Health Educational Journal
(London), 3:15-21.
Child Care in China. Childhood Educ, 21:3ii-i3.
War-stricken Children: How They Will Be Rehabilitated (radio talk
over WTIC, Yale Interprets the News, July 8). Mimeograph.
The Growth of Infant Behavior. Clinical Medicine, 52:262-63.
Developmental Diagnosis and Supervision: Some Postwar Possibilities.
Am. J. Orthopsychiatry, 15:510-13.
Margaret Whitney (obituary notice). New Haven Journal-Courier, Oct.
*5Creating a Love of Books in Young Children. Chicago Daily News,
Dec. 5, p. 12A.
Life with Baby. March of Time, filmed Nov. and Dec.
With Frances L. Ilg, in collaboration with Louise B. Ames and Glenna
E. Bullis. The Child from Five to Ten. New York, Harper, xii -\~
475 PP* (L'Enfant de 5 a. 10 Ans, trans, by Nadine Granjon and Irene
Lezine. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1949. viii + 492 pp.)
Behavior Aspects of the Care of the Premature Infant (paper for Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Detroit, Jan. 16-18). J. Pediat., 29:210-12.



Ontogenesis of Infant Behavior. In: Manual of Child Psychology, ed.

by L. Carmichael, pp. 295-331. New York, John Wiley Co.
With Louise B. Ames. Development of Directionality in Drawing. J.
Genet. Psychol., 68 -.45-61.
Testimony before hearings of a Subcommittee of the Committee on
Education and Labor, U. S. Senate, 79th Congress, on S. 1160, March
6-8, re National Neuropsychiatric Institute Act, p. 137.
The New Status of the Preschool Child. Progressive Educ, 23:132-33.
Does Your Child Do What the Others Do? National Parent-Teacher,
Cinematography and the Study of Child Development. American Naturalist, 60:47O-75.
Pestalozzi and the Parent-Child Relationship. Crianca Portuguesa, Boletim do instituto de antonia aurelio da costa ferreira, Direccao de Vitor
Fontes, 5:211-15.
Normal and Deaf Child in the Preschool Years. Volta Review, 48:6?p.-?,6.
With Louise B. Ames. Development of Handedness, J. Genet. Psychol.,
With Louise B. Ames. The Infant's Reaction to His Mirror Image. J.
Genet. Psychol., 70:141-54.
Developmental Pediatrics. J. Pediat., 30:188-94.
Letter to Dr. Park of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. J. Pediat., 30:218-20.
Child in Today's Culture. University of Chicago Round Table Radio
Discussion, Feb. 23.
Development Diagnosis of Infant and Child: Its Role in Clinical Medicine. Postgraduate Medicine, 1:29~35Pestalozzi. Statement for Pestalozzi Foundation, Pestalozzi Foundation
Book, pp. 28-29.
Encyclopaedia Britannica silent films, 16 mm.:
How Behavior Grows, the Patterning of Prone Progression. 400 ft.
Growth of Motor Development in the First Five Years. 350 ft.
Growth of Adaptive Behavior in the First Five Years. 350 ft.
New Interpretations of the School-age Child. Child Study, 24:73-75.
The Pediatric Diagnosis and Supervision of Child Development. Journal
of the Omaha Mid-west Clinical Society, 8 74-78.
Psychology of the Money Sense (written for U. S. Treasury Dept.).
School Savings Journal, Fall, pp. 4-5.



Cultural Significance o a Science of Child Development. In: Conflicts

of Power in Modern Culture, ed. by Lyman Bryson, L. Finkelstein, and
R. M. Maclver, pp. 225-28. New York, Harper.
Stages of Child Development. Modern Medicine, 15:53-54.
Encyclopaedia Britannica silent films, 16 mm.:
Infants Are Individuals. The Beginnings of Personality. 400 ft.
Twins Are Individuals. From Infancy to Adolescence. 400 ft.
Baby's Bath. About 350 ft.
Bottle and Cup Feeding. 400 ft.
The Conquest of the Spoon. 400 ft.
Self-discovery in a Mirror. 400 ft.
Early Play. 400 ft.
With Louise B. Ames. The Story of Child Development in Motion Pictures: a Guide to the Study and Interpretation of the Yale Films of
Child Development. New York, Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc.
The Clinical Diagnosis and Supervision of Infant Development. Centaur
(Menasha), 53:139-44.
Developmental Pediatrics: Its Task and Possibilities. Pediatrics, 1:331-35.
The Doctrine of Development in Child Guidance. In: Orthopsychiatry,
1923-1948. Retrospect and Prospect pp. 211-16. New York, American
Orthopsychiatric Association.
Developmental Diagnosis and Guidance for the Palsied Child. Physical
Therapy Review, 28:128-29.
With Catherine S. Amatruda. Behavior Problems of Infancy and Early
Childhood (Round-table Discussion). Pediatrics, 1:549-59.
The Developmental Aspect of Child Vision. J. Pediat., 35:310-16.
With Frances L. Ilg in collaboration with Louise B. Ames, Janet Learned,
and Glenna E. Bullis. Child Development: an Introduction to the
Study of Human Growth (Vol. 1: Infant and Child in the Culture of
Today. Vol 2: The Child from Five to Ten). New York, Harper.
910 pp.
Two Naturalists Speak to Students of the Science of Behavior: review
of George Ellet Coghill, Naturalist and Philosopher, by C. Judson Herrick. Sci. Mo., 69:274-75.



Human Infancy and the Ontogenesis of Behavior. American Scientist,

37:529-53. (Material presented on the Sigma Xi National Lectureships,
With Frances L. Ilg and Glenna E. Bullis. Vision: Its Development in
Infant and Child. New York, Paul B. Hoeber. xvi + 329 pp.
Pediatrics and Child Psychiatry. Pediatrics, 4:670-75.
The Developmental Aspect of Child Vision (abstract of paper given before
National Academy of Sciences, annual meeting), Science, 109:8.
Growth Potentials of the Human Infant (lecture given Sept. 15, 1948,
at A.A.A.S. Centennial Celebration, Symposium on Human Educability, Washington, D. C ) , Sci. Mo., 68:252-56. Also in: Collected
Papers, A.A.A.S. Centennial Celebration (1950), pp. 31-35.
The Middle Years. Young Children (London), 1:14-17.
Some Educational Implications of a Science of Child Development. Educational Outlook, 24:2~4.
Development of Vision in Childhood. Modern Medicine, 18:82-83.
Child Psychology. Article in: Encyclopedia Americana, pp. 464 ff.
Periodic Diagnosis of Infant Development. Journal of the Michigan Medical Society, 48:185-89.
Clinical Supervision of Child Development. Wisconsin Medical Journal,
With Louise B. Ames. Tonic-neck-reflex and Symmetro-tonic Behavior:
Developmental and Clinical Aspects. J. Pediat., 36:16576.
Infant Vision. Scientific American, 182:20-22.
Foreword to The Miracle of Growth. Published for the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, Urbana, University of Illinois Press.
The Yale Films of Child Development: an Objective Approach to the
Psychology of Early Growth. Yale Scientific Magazine, November,
pp. 7 ff.
The Embryology of Human Behavior. 16-mm. sound film in technicolor
(30 minutes). Spoken commentary by Gesell, based on the work of
Gesell and associates at the Yale Clinic of Child Development. Produced by the Medical Film Institute of the Association of American
Medical Colleges in cooperation with the Bureau of Medicine and
Surgery and Office of Naval Research, Department of the Navy. (Distributed by International Film Bureau, Incorporated, 6 N . Michigan
Avenue, Chicago 2, Illinois.)



Review of Schools for the Very Young: An Architectural Record Boo\,

By Heinrich H. Waechter. Architectural Record, April, p. 30.
Child Vision and Developmental Optics. L'Annee psychologique, 50:
379-95. (Jubilee Volume in honor of Henri Pieron.)
How a Child Grows. Parents' Magazine, October, pp. 32 ff.
Developmental Diagnosis of Infant Behavior. Postgraduate Medicine, 10:
289-94,7 figs.
The Pediatrician and the Public. Pediatrics, 8:734-37.
Infant Development. New York, Harper, xi + 108 pp.
Brotherhood Begins at Home. Contribution to February Brotherhood
Week. Statement sent to 13,000 newspapers in U. S.
Foreword to Japanese translation of First Five Years of Life.
The Diagnosis of Infant Development: Its Implications for Pediatrics
and Child Psychiatry. Medical Woman's Journal, Pan-American, 59:
13-16; International Record of Medicine, 165:149-53.
The Method of Co-twin Control in Conjunction with the Method of
Cinemanalysis. Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae, 1:25-28.
With M. A. Bencini. Review of Studio dei Gemelli (Study of twins), by
Luigi Gedda. Postgraduate Medicine, 11 (March) :A54, A56.
The Child as a Growing Organism. In: Our Child Today, ed. by Sidonie
Matsner Gruenberg, pp. 49-56. New York, Viking.
Pediatria Evolutiva e Diagnostica del Comportamento Infantile. Infanzia:
Revista di Puericultura, 3'.5-9.
Developmental Pediatrics. The Nervous Child, 9:225-27.
Adult-Child Relationships: Fifty Years Ago and Now. Portland, Oregon,
Journal, Sept. n . Golden Jubilee Issue.
Autobiography. In: A History of Psychology in Autobiography, ed. by
E. G. Boring, et al., 4:123-42. Worcester, Mass., Clark University Press.

Human Infancy and the Embryology of Behavior. In: Contributions toward Medical Psychology, ed. by Arthur Weider, pp. 51-74. New
York, Ronald Press.
Developmental Procedures: A. Gesell Developmental Schedules. In: Con-



tributions toward Medical Psychology, ed. by Arthur Weider, pp.

485-94. New York, Ronald Press.
Development of the Infant with Retrolental Fibroplastic Blindness. In:
The Field of Vision, pp. ix, 1-2. New York, Harcourt, Brace.
Foreword to Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy, Fort Worth, Texas, Oct. 30-31.

Cerebral Palsy Research and the Preschool Years. Postgraduate Medicine,
My Reasons for Becoming a Doctor. In: Why We Became Doctors, ed.
by Noah D. Fabricant, pp. 47-51. New York, Grune & Stratton.
Die Entwicklungsdiagnose des Sauglings und Kindes, ihre Rolle in den
ersten fiinf Lebensjahren. In: Stern, Frau Ka'the Handbuch, pp. 136-43.
Behavior Patterns of Fetal-infant and Child. Proceedings of the Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease, 33:114-26.
The Normal Child. Chapter 1 in Pediatric Problems in Clinical Practice:
Special Medical and Psychological Aspects, ed. by H. Michal-Smith.
New York, Grune & Stratton.

What Are Levels? Childhood Educ, 32:155.

The Psychological Development of Normal and Deaf Children in Their
Preschool Years. Volta Review, 58 :ii7-20.
With Frances L. Ilg and Louise B. Ames. Youth: the Years from Ten
to Sixteen. New York, Harper, xv -f- 542 pp.
Psychologische Grundtatschachen des Kleinkindaltern. In Moderne
Entwichlungspsychologie, 1:6o-68. Berlin, Dr. Georg Luttke, Verlag.

Introduction to Management of the Handicapped Child, by H. MichalSmith. New York, Grune & Stratton.


Introduction to Lincoln's Youth: Indiana Years, Set/en to Twenty-one.
1816-1830, by Louis A. Warren, pp. xv-xx. New York, Appleton.

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