Best Used When A Cold or Cough Comes On Suddenly, Especially After Getting A Chill. Also

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Summer camps and summer vacations are just around the corner, and whether you're packing

your kids off to sleep-away camp for a few weeks, or you're planning a family trip, here's a list of
remedies you'll want to have on hand to deal with common summer mishaps!
Aconite: Best used when a cold or cough comes on suddenly, especially after getting a chill. Also
a good remedy for fear and fright, like after a nightmare, especially when sleeping away from
home for the first time! One to two doses a few hours apart should do the trick.
Arnica: the pre-eminent remedy for injuries, falls, bruises, concussions, strains and sprains no
remedy kit should be without this one! Depending on the severity of the injury, one pellet 1-3x a
day for a day or two should usually be enough to get you or your kids up and running again. Ive
had so many moms describe to me with wonderment how they felt the first time they used Arnica
for an injury and watched the huge red bump go down before their eyes within minutes. It is
also available in a cream to topical use.
Apis: The first remedy to think of in stings or bites whether it be wasp, bee, mosquito, black fly,
red ants, etc.- if the area is red, hot and itchy (and feels better from cold), Apis is the one for you.
Apis is one of those remedies you can even take before going on a hike or sitting around a camp
fire in the evening when the bugs come out if you are the one they love to bite, try it
preventatively and see if you get fewer than usual. (I have also had good results using
Staphisagria and Culex this way). One or two doses is usually enough to get the itching and
burning feeling better.
Arsenicum Album: Especially for those going away from home, an upset stomach can ruin the
day. Whether it be from food poisoning, anxiety or a mild bug, Arsenicum is most often the
homeopathic remedy likely to help, especially since it is impractical to send 10 diarrhea remedies
with specific instructions along to camp with kids! If the diarrhea is relatively mild, 1-3 doses in
the first 12 hours should help enormously if it is the right remedy.
Belladonna: This is a good choice at the first sign of fever - with red, hot skin. Also, it can be
used with a sunburn, in this case, taken every hour for 3 doses to really get the heat out and the
skin healing.
Calendula cream: A must for any first aid kit to be applied topically with scrapes. Make sure
they are well cleaned before applying. It is an excellent and effective natural alternative to OTC
Gelsemium: The first remedy to think of for summer colds (especially if the symptoms are vague
and do not indicate a clear remedy) where the person is chilly, has little thirst, and low energy.
Try one dose every 12 hours for 3 doses.

Hypericum: For injuries to nerve-rich areas, like a stubbed toe, a finger slammed in the door, a
fall on the tailbone with characteristic nerve pain shooting, sharp and tingling. Ouch!
Depending on how painful, 1-6 doses in a 24 hour period should help.
Ignatia: I always sent Ignatia in my kids sleep away camp remedy kits (maybe it was just
wishful thinking that they would miss us a bit.), but if homesickness strikes, this should stop
any crying and sighing and missing home in a flash. One dose should do it, repeat if needed.
Ledum: This is a good remedy to think of with a puncture wound stepping on a nail or
something sharp. Also for bites, especially if Apis doesnt help or is not indicated as Ledums
bites feel cold to the touch (vs Apis which feels hot). I have also found Ledum to be particularly
effective with large bruises (like poking your thigh into the corner of a desk), when Arnica
doesnt help. Finally, it is often the best remedy to use with a black eye (best if used immediately
after baseball or elbow makes contact with eye socket!)
Rhus-tox: This remedy has two very useful indications: one is with poison ivy rashes. Second,
Rhus-tox is a very useful remedy with strains or sprains, especially when the joint is stiff in the
morning and feels better after movement. Use following Arnica, when that remedy no longer
provides any benefit, one pellet every 2 hours for 3 doses.
Ruta: Easily confused with Rhus tox for use in sprains. Seems to have more affinity for tendons but if unsure, try Rhus-tox first and if no results after a day or so, change to Ruta.
Silicea: This remedy can sometimes be effective in encouraging splinters to be expelled. Give it
a try: one pellet every 12 hours for 3 doses.
Once you have chosen a remedy, dose with either a 30C or 200C potency to start - placing one
pellet under the tongue or one pellet in water, stirring vigorously and taking teaspoon doses as
needed. Always cease dosing when relief begins and only redose if symptoms again worsen. As
with any medical condition, consult with your physician if you have any concerns about the
severity of your problem as it may first require medical diagnosis and/or intervention and
2. Homeopathic medicine is diluted so there are no nasty side effects. The principle of less
is more also applies to dosage. Remember to give just one dose and wait for an
improvement. Only give a second dose if there was clear benefit and then later the same
symptoms return.
3. For home use generally stick to a 30c potency (strength). During childbirth or more
extreme situations a 200c may be used.

4. Homeopathy is easy to use at home. It is ideal for first aid situations and minor acute
illnesses (such as coughs, colds, flu, food poisoning), but if you are frequently,
persistently or chronically ill see a qualified homeopath for constitutional care.
5. Because most people react in a predictable way to external injuries first aid situations are
usually easier to prescribe for than acute illnesses, so start by treating injuries and the
results you get will build up your confidence quickly.
6. Arnica alone will change your life! It is a fabulous homeopathic remedy for physical
trauma (from accidents to childbirth), shock, bruising, exhaustion, jet lag and much more.
7. Calendula ointment or cream is Natures finest antiseptic. Available in most health food
stores, made from marigolds, it promotes rapid healing and prevents wounds from turning
8. In first aid situations it is OK to use more than one medicine at a time, provided each one
is needed. For acute illnesses give only one carefully selected homeopathic medicine and
you can always change it later on, if the symptom picture alters during the illness.
9. Your results will be better if you ask the person you are trying to help open-ended
questions that produce detailed information (not just a yes or a no) and you observe them
carefully before choosing the most similar remedy.
10. Homeopathic kits are a less expensive way of building a comprehensive selection of
medicines than buying each one individually. Kits are also less bulky and more
convenient when you are on the move.
Naturopathic treatment for high blood pressure
Nat-mur 6X four times a day and Equisetum mother tincturefive drops in water, three times a
day. Dont combine with Rx blood pressure drugs, you could cause electrolyte imbalances.
Robin s course notes Thanks to Elaine , DHom
Caution in Treating Multiple Stings
Be careful not to check the inflammation from the stings or bites of insects too quickly, when
they are numerous ; the consequences are the same as when an eruption of the skin is too
suddenly checked ; rather give Aconitum and some hours later Arnica. If not better the next day,
Natrum muriaticum.
The Homoeopathic Domestic Physician -Constantine Hering, M. D.
Retrospective PrescribingA child had measles when he was 5 years old; now he is deaf in one
ear. You take the case, give the indicated remedy and it doesnt work. Then you give him the

remedy he needed at the time he had measles, even though there are no symptoms of the remedy
Organon Philosophy Workbook Robin , ND
Natrum Sulphuricum
Mentally we have anxiety, irritability, desire for death, aversion to life and the things that
generally make life pleasant and agreeable. So great is this satiety of life the patient has to use
restraint to prevent doing herself harm. Great sadness, despondency, with irritability and dread of
musicmusic makes her weak, makes her sad or melancholy. Cheerful or happy after stool,
which is so characteristic of Borax, is also found under Natr-sul.
Natrum Sulphuricum and Sycosis, -Dr. J.T. Kent, from The Homeopathic Physician, Vol. VI,
page 275
Writing Frequencies into Water
Frequency information can be imprinted into a glass vial of water by succussion. This is what
creates a homeopathic potency. Frequency information from a patients body also can be
imprinted if the vial is held in a clenched fist while succussing the protruding end. Imprinting
can take place through the glass of a vial containing water by immersing it in frequency
imprinted water.
Physicist Cyril W.
Acalypha Indica
This is a well known remedy for hemorrhages, especially for the lungs, rectum, etc. It is worthy
of trial in all hemorrhages, especially those having a morning exacerbation. With the lungs,
expectoration of bright red blood in the morning and dark clotted blood in the evening.
Materia Medica Boericke
Calcarea Sulphurica
Hering tells us that Calcarea sulphurica resembles Hepar, but acts more intensely and more
deeply, and is often useful after Hepar has ceased to act. It is chiefly useful for inflammations
and suppurations; for effects of blows, etc. For the eye, after an injury by a splinter, like Aconite,
Silicea, and Symphytum. For otitis, after a blow on the ear. The pus discharged is thick yellow, as
is also the nasal discharge.

The Southern Journal of Homeopathy January 1888 C.E. Fisher M.D. Editor
Worse After Sleep
Any conditions resulting from improper elimination are worse after sleep, especially is this true
of uremic headaches or headaches resulting from constipation.Text-Book of Homeopathic
Materia Medica- Royal, M.D.
Aconitum in Toothache
Aconitum is indicated when:(a) There is throbbing pain in the tooth accompanied by great
restlessness and anxiety; or when there is fever, rapid pulse, dry glistening skin.(


is repeated epistaxis and great dryness and heat of the skin. The medicine should be given in
water every hour until relieved. There is difficult teething in children with the characteristic
dry, hot skin.
Hahnemannian Advocate -H. W. Pierson, M. D., Editor 1902
Belladonna in Amenorrhea
Belladonna has menstrual suppression with congestion to the head, but its chief use is in
amenorrhoea suddenly due to cold, with bearing down and throbbing pains in the hypogastrium
and painful urination.
Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics Ed. W. A. Dewey, M. D. (1901)
Belladonna in Conjunctivitis
Belladonna is applicable at a very early stage of conjunctivitis. But as soon as the secretion of
muco-pus commences, Belladonna ceases to act any more. We must then have recourse to some
other medicine, e. g.,Pulsatilla, Euphrasia, Mercurius, Sulphur, etc.
Sarada Prasad Roy, MD. The American Homeopathist ED. Kraft, M. D, 1901
Vaccines and Tamiflu
In 2007 Japan authorities banned the anti-viral drug Tamiflu after determining it was THE causal
factor in teenager suicides.Canadians by a wide margin refuse flu vaccines, yet they have only
one flu-associated paediatric mortality a year.

From: Canada Knocks Out Flu, U.S. Public Kept in the Dark M.
Hair Loss
Alopecia may originate from various conditions. If there is total atrophy of the hair-follicles, the
hair will never grow again; if it is only a partial atrophy, the hair grows thin. If from a transient
deficiency in the nutrition of the hair-follicles, as occurs in several illnesses, hair can grow again
as soon as the disturbance passes away.After acute exhaustive diseases Thallium, Phos acid,
Lyc, MancinellaAfter great grief and anxiety Phosphoric acidDuring pregnancy Lach,
SepAfter childbirth Sul, Lyc, Calc, Canth, Carbo veg, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Sep, Sil, HepDuring
menopause SepWith great dryness of the hair Kali carb, Nat- m,After chronic headaches
-Hepar sulph, Phos, Sepia, SilFor bald patches Aloes, Ars., Phos, Vinca minor.Hair comes out
in handfuls Phos, Mez, Sulph, LycSpecial Pathology and Diagnostics with Therapeutic Hints
C G. Raue, M.D. and Homeopathic Medical Repertory R. ND
How to Get a Radiant Personality
Americans get the most medical radiation in the world. U.S. heart attack patients get the
radiation equivalent of 850 chest X-rays over the first few days they are in the hospital . A chest
or abdominal CT scan involves 10 to 20 millisieverts. Mayo Clinic researchers reviewed medical
records of 251 people given heart scans in 2007 and found that only a quarter of them were
clearly appropriate.
Marilynn Marchione, Associated Press The Associated Press Sunday, June 20, 2010
Yellow Discoloration
A yellow discoloration of the skin and eyes is a frequent manifestation in new-born infants but,
generally speaking, this is of but little import, and will pass off of itself when the secretion of the
bile becomes better balanced with the requirements of the digestive organs. In cases which last
more than a few days, one globule of Mercurius may be given, and repeated after an interval of
forty eight hours.
The Parents Guide: Containing the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood and Their Homoeopathic
Treatment. Dr. J. Laurie
Ammonium Phosphoricum
Ammonium phosphoricum has been successfully used in the treatment of constitutional gout
when there are nodes or concretions in the joints. It is not to be used for the acute symptoms, not

for the twinges of pain, but when the disease has become systemic, and when concretions of
urate of soda appear in the joints.
From lectures delivered at Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia E.A. Farrington, C.
Bartlett, S. Lillienthal 1887.
Ambra grisea is a remedy for sleeplessness from worry and business troubles. The patient goes to
bed tired, but immediately becomes wakeful. It is especially suited to thin, spare men who are
nervous and subject to nervous chills.
Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics Ed. W. A. Dewey, M. D.
During the hot weather of summer, people are sometimes so much affected by the heat, that they
fall down suddenly as if struck by apoplexy, or they first stagger, try to support themselves and
then sink down.Glonoine Eyes fixed, without expression, glassy, pupils contracted; pulse
scarcely perceptible, or so quick that it can hardly be counted ; loss of speech; sometimes
retching, face pale, white or yellowish-red ; cold sweat ; body cold ; head hot to the
touch.Aconitum The heat is over the whole body, the pupils small, color of the face changing;
pulse large, hard and full; the patient shows signs of distress and anxiety by different movements,
as starting, putting the hands to the head, grinding of the teeth, rolling of the eyes.Belladonna
Eyes fixed, half open, or turned upwards; pupils large, or very small, or both of different size;
face red ; head and whole body hot; involuntary escape of urine and faeces; pulse full and hard,
twitching or trembling of limbs, putting of hands to the head.
Monthly Homoeopathic Review Ed. - MD Vol 2 1858 London
Pathognomic and Characteristic Symptoms
A pathognomic symptom is the distinguishing symptom of a disease or condition, e.g., the
peculiar rash and odor of measles, the primary and secondary fever of smallpox, etc. A
characteristic symptom is the distinguishing symptom of a drug. It is to the drug what the
pathognomic symptom is to the disease, e, g,, agg. of all the symptoms by means of sleep under
Love for Animals
Aethusa, Carcinosin, Medorrhinum, Phosphorus, Sulphur

The 4th Edition

It is not forbidden to think logically in homeopathy. With all that turmoil about dose ( 1, 2, 3
granules..) let us not forget that the greatest prescribers, such as Lippe, Nash, Guernsey etc.
followed the 4th edition of the Organon with such success as we can only dream of! The potency
is important but there is always the danger paying too much attention to that and not focusing on
the simillimum.
Dr. Eddy Thielens Belgium
Vinegar Chips
Last week, I was sitting with a friends having a few snacks, one of which was potato chips
garnished with onion and vinegar. After a couple hours there started irritation and scraping
sensation in the naso-pharyngeal zone and soon after onset of cold developed. My head and eyes
felt heavy. The nose started running. I was thinking of choosing between Gelsemium and
Arsenic. Then I suddenly thought about those vinegar chips and took Acetic acid 30.
Immediately I felt the cure coming. The scraping sensation of the throat started improving. Load
on eyes and head became lighter. Water from nose stopped and in a couple of hours I was pretty
normal.For skeptics or agnostics (as I always call them) it not only proves the efficacy of the
remedy but also the law of Similia Similibus Curentur. A malady produced by vinegar had to
be cured by vinegar.

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