Transformers and Induction Machine Lab: I-Load Test On 1-Phase Transformer

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Transformers and Induction Machine Lab

I- Load Test on 1-phase transformer


Determine the efficiencies and voltage regulations of a 1 transformer at 65%, 75%, 85% and 95% of rated
Performing the direct test to determine the voltage regulations and efficiencies of a 1 transformer at __%, __
%, __% and __% of rated load.
Determine the efficiency and regulation of a 1 transformer in step up mode and step down mode at ___% of
rated load. Compare the results.
Conduct direct test to determine the voltage regulation of a 1 transformer at different load conditions.
Conduct direct test to determine the efficiencies of a 1 transformer at different load conditions.

O.C and S.C Test on 1-phase Transformer


For a transformer, predetermine the percentage of rated load to achieve ___% of efficiency at ___ pf.
Predetermine and plot voltage regulation vs. power factor at ___% of rated load.
For a transformer, predetermine the percentage of rated load to achieve ___% of efficiency at ___ pf.
Predetermine and plot efficiency vs. power factor at ___% of rated load.
Determine the equivalent circuit parameters of a 1 transformer. Predetermine and plot efficiency vs. power
factor at ___% of rated load.
Determine the equivalent circuit parameters of a 1 transformer. Predetermine and plot voltage regulation vs.
power factor at ___% of rated load. Find the power factor corresponding to zero voltage regulation.
Determine the constant loss and full load variable loss of a 1 transformer, and determine the percentage of
rated load to obtain an efficiency of ____% at ___ power factor.
Conduct no-load test and impedance test on a transformer to determine its efficiency at ___% of rated load at __
pf lag / lead. Also plot voltage regulation vs. power factor curve at th of rated load.
Conduct no-load test and impedance test on a transformer and draw its efficiency at ___ pf and find the load
factor corresponding to maximum efficiency.
Determine the core loss and full load copper loss of a transformer. Determine its efficiency at 0.5 pu load and its
equivalent circuit parameters.
Without directly loading the transformer, determine its efficiency at full load and find its equivalent circuit

II- Equivalent circuit parameters of 3-phase induction motor


Conduct suitable tests on a singly fed 3 rotating machine to determine its circuit parameters.
Determine the circuit parameters of a 3 asynchronous motor by conducting suitable tests.
Conduct a suitable test on a machine equivalent of 3 rotating transformer to determine its circuit parameters
Conduct suitable test on polyphase asynchronous motor and determine its circuit parameters.
Conduct suitable test on a 3 machine which is used in most of the industrial drives to determine its circuit


Circle diagram of 3-phase induction motor

For a machine equivalent of rotating transformer, draw the circle diagram and find rated current, rated power
and efficiency at rated output power.
Conduct suitable test to draw circle diagram of a 3 induction motor and find current, power factor, efficiency
corresponding to maximum output power.
Conduct suitable test to draw the circle diagram of a 3 induction motor to find current, power factor, efficiency
corresponding to maximum torque.
Conduct suitable test to draw circle diagram of a 3 induction motor to find out torque, rotor and stator copper
losses, and efficiency corresponding to rated output power.


Conduct suitable test to draw circle diagram of a 3 induction motor to find out torque, rotor and stator copper
losses, and efficiency corresponding to maximum torque.
Conduct suitable test to draw circle diagram of a 3 induction motor to find input current, power factor,
efficiency, slip, torque and input power corresponding to maximum input power.
Conduct suitable test to draw circle diagram of a 3 induction motor to find input current, power factor,
efficiency, slip, torque and total losses corresponding to maximum input power.
Conduct suitable test to draw circle diagram to find current, power factor, efficiency, slip, torque and total losses
corresponding to maximum torque.

IV- Load test on 3 phase Induction motor


Determine the efficiency of a machine equivalent of a rotating 3 transformer at __%, __%, __% and __% of
rated line current and at rated line current.
At __%, __%, __% and __% of rated load current, determine the efficiency of a machine equivalent of rotating
transformer. Plot efficiency, power factor and slip vs. output power.
Determine the efficiency of a machine equivalent of rotating 3 transformer at __%, __%, __% and __% of
rated load current. Plot efficiency, line current, slip and torque vs. output power.
Conduct a suitable test on polyphase asynchronous motor, to plot efficiency, line current and torque against
output power.
For a singly fed 3 motor, draw the performance curves (efficiency, line current and torque) by conducting a
suitable test.
For a polyphase asynchronous motor, draw the performance curves (efficiency, line current and torque), by
conducting suitable test.
By conducting direct test on ploy phase asynchronous motor, determine its slip and efficiency at __%, __%, __
% and __% of rated load current.
By direct method, determine the efficiency of ploy phase asynchronous motor at __, __, __ and __ of rated load
pu load current.
By direct method determine the load torque supplied by the ploy phase asynchronous motor at __, __, __ and __
of rated load pu load current and draw the graph for the same.

V- Star-Delta connection of three 1-phase transformers


Conduct a suitable test on a Star-Delta transformer to plot the efficiency vs. output power characteristics.
Determine the load at which 90% of efficiency can be obtained with three 1 transformers connected in StarDelta configuration.


Suggest a suitable connection to step down a 3 phase voltage by a factor of

using three 1:1 single phase

transformers and obtain the efficiency vs. output power characteristics.


Suggest a suitable connection to step down a 3 phase voltage by a factor of

using three 1:1 single phase

transformers; determine the load at 85% of efficiency.

VI-Sumpners test

Conduct Sumpners test on two identical transformers to determine its efficiency at different load conditions.
Find the individual transformer efficiency at __ % of full load by conducting back-to-back test.
Conduct suitable test on single phase static machines simultaneously to determine the core loss and full load
copper loss. Also plot voltage regulation vs. power factor curve at 80% of load.


Conduct suitable test on single phase static machines simultaneously, to determine the core loss and full load
copper loss. Also plot efficiency vs. load curve at ___ pf.
Conduct suitable test on single phase static machines simultaneously, also determine the equivalent circuit
parameters of the machines.
Find the transformer efficiency at __ % of rated load at __ pf by conducting back-to-back test.




Parallel operation of 1-phase transformers

Use the given two transformers to supply a single load with current rating more than the current rating of
individual transformers. Find the % of load sharing by each transformer for two different loads both
theoretically and practically.
Use the given two transformers to supply a single load with current rating more than the current rating of
individual transformers and determine the load on each transformer when load current is beyond their individual
rated current.
Conduct suitable experiment to determine how the load is divided among two dissimilar static machines (in
parallel) for different loads.
Use the given two static machines to supply a single load with current rating more than the current rating of
individual machines. Determine how the load is shared between them for different loads.
A 2 kVA transformer is to be connected in parallel with a 1 kVA transformer. Determine the % of load shared
between them both theoretically and practically for any two different loads.
Two transformers A & B are to be connected in parallel. Determine the % load sharing between them for
different loads both theoretically and practically.
Conduct suitable experiment to show how the load is divided among 2 dissimilar static machines (in parallel)
for different loads.

VIII- Speed control of 3-phase induction motor


Control the speed of a wound rotor type motor and draw its speed characteristics. Comment on the results.
Control the speed of an asynchronous motor by adding an external resistance. Comment on the results.
Control the speed of slip ring induction motor and plot its speed characteristics. Comment on the results.
Conduct an experiment to vary the speed of an asynchronous motor (any one method), also plot its speed
characteristics. Comment on the results.
Control the speed of 3 phase induction motor by the method which is possible only on slip ring induction motor
and plot its speed characteristics. Comment on the results.
By conducting a suitable experiment, obtain the external rotor resistance vs. speed curve of an asynchronous
motor. Comment on the results.
By conducting a suitable experiment, obtain the stator voltage vs. speed curve of an asynchronous motor.
Comment on the results.

IX-Load test on 1-phase induction motor


By conducting direct test on 1-phase induction motor, plot efficiency, line current and torque characteristics.
By conducting direct test on a single phase asynchronous motor, plot efficiency, slip and torque characteristics.
By conducting direct test on 1-phase asynchronous motor, plot efficiency, slip and input current characteristics.
By conducting direct test on 1-phase asynchronous motor, plot speed, slip and input current characteristics
By conducting direct test on 1-phase asynchronous motor, plot efficiency, slip and input current characteristics.
Determine the efficiency of 1-phase asynchronous motor at __ %, __ %, and __ % of rated current.
Practically determine the stator current at which the single phase asynchronous motor gives __ % of efficiency
Obtain the speed vs. load and power factor vs. load characteristics of a capacitor-start motor.

X- Induction generator


Demonstrate the working of a machine which is used to generate power in wind mills. Also find the efficiency
and draw the characteristics curves for motoring & generating action
Perform load test on induction generator and draw the characteristics curves for motoring & generating action
Conduct an experiment to show how an A.C asynchronous motor working as a generator. Also find the
efficiency and draw the characteristics curves showing motoring & generating action.
Demonstrate the working of 3 phase induction machine at the speed above its synchronous speed.
Practically study the 3 phase induction machine in negative slip region
Practically study the 3 phase induction machine when mechanical power is supplied to it.
Couple any two machines such that the set can supply both mechanical and electrical loads, practically execute
the same

XI- Scott connection




Two single phase lamp loads rated at 230 V are to be supplied with the voltages which differ by 90 0 in phase
angle. Suggest a suitable circuit and determine the line current in each line (3-phase side) when the power taken
by each load is ___ W and ___ W at upf both theoretically and practically.
Two single phase lamp loads rated at 230V are to be supplied through Scott-connected transformer. Determine
the line current in each line (3-phase side) when the current drawn by each load is ___ A and ___ A at upf both
theoretically and practically.
In Scott connection, determine the line current in each line (3-phase side) when the current drawn by each load
is _____ A and _____ A at upf both theoretically and practically.
In Scott connection, determine the line current in each line (3-phase side) when the power taken by each load is
_____W and _____W for resistive load both theoretically and practically.
Connect the two transformers in Scott configuration; determine the line current in each line (3-phase side) when
the power taken by each load is _____W and _____W at upf both theoretically and practically.
Connect the two transformers in Scott configuration; determine the line current in each line (3-phase side) when
the current drawn by each load is _____A and _____A at upf both theoretically and practically.
Conduct a suitable experiment to convert a three phase supply to two phase supply, determine the 3-phase line
currents for different unbalanced loads. Compare the currents with theoretical values.
Conduct a suitable experiment to convert a three phase supply to two phase supply, determine the 3-phase line
currents for different balanced loads. Compare the currents with theoretical values.

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