Philippine National Police Organizational Structure

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February 2016

Volume III, Issue No. 1

Philippine National Police Organizational Structure

During the Martial Law regime, the ruling organization tasked
with keeping order in the streets was the feared Philippine
Constabulary, or PC. The mere sight of these officers in khaki
uniforms and in police cars sent people scampering back into
their homes when they were on the streets later than 10pm,
especially when a nationwide curfew was imposed.
The Philippine Constabulary was tasked with keeping a strict
sense of order during Martial Law. They were the police arm
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) whose tasks
among others were to assist in internal security and to counter
the commission of serious crimes. Jurisdictionally, they
covered the entire archipelago.
Their civilian counterpart for police operations was the
Integrated National Police, or INP. The INP however was
limited to minor crimes and traffic enforcement and only within
the cities or municipalities of their territorial jurisdiction. This
structure deviated slightly in the Metro Manila region as this
was under the PC via the dreaded Metropolitan Command, or

bringing of offenders to justice, implementation of laws and

regulations on firearms and explosives control, and
supervision of training and operations of security agencies.
The PNP is likewise at the forefront of disaster management.
One of the most notable innovations of the PNP has been the
establishment of Women and Childrens Desks in every police
station and precinct. Notable as well is the establishment of
the Human Rights Affairs Office (HRAO) directly under the
office of the PNP Chief. Personnel from the HRAO and
Women and Childrens Desks are very visible in inter-agency
bodies involved in various commitments on human rights and
sectoral concerns especially women and children.
The ranks of PNP officers have likewise been re-labeled
from military to civilian (though they continue to maintain the
stars in their badges). Their civilianized ranks include
Inspector, Superintendent, and Directorinstead of the
military ranks of Lieutenant, Captain, Colonel, and General.

Also significant is that the Philippine Military Academy (PMA)

is no longer an official educational institution for aspiring
For some time the combined PC and INP units were known police officers. The Philippine National Police Academy
as the PC-INP. In 1991 the PC and INP were merged (PNPA) now holds that primary distinction.
through RA 6975, creating the Philippine National Police, or
PNP. The PC was abolished as a service command of the During the Corazon Aquino administration, the PNP was
AFP, with the PNP being housed under the Department of given the lead role on internal security operation, as provided
Interior and Local Government (DILG). This formalized the by RA 6975. However in 1998, the PNP was delegated a
constitutional mandate of forming a police force that is support role to the AFP on this function. In an amendment
national in scope and civilian in character.
through RA 8551, The Philippine National Police shall,
through information gathering and performance of its ordinary
The PNP is headed by the Chief, PNP with the rank of police functions, support the AFP on matters involving
Director-General. It has Deputy Chiefs for Administration, suppression of insurgency, except in cases where the
Operations, and Directorial Staff. Under the Directorial Staff President shall call on the PNP to support the AFP in combat
are Directorates which handle the major operational and operations.
administrative tasks of the PNP. These include Directorates
for Intelligence, Integrated Police Operations, Investigation The Special Action Force (SAF) was created in May 1983 as
and Detective Management, Community Relations, Plans, the elite force of the PC to address threats to national
Operations, Logistics, Human Resource and Doctrine security, especially the Communist Party of the PhilippinesDevelopment,
Records New Peoples Army-National Democratic Front (CNN) and
Management, Information and Communications Technology Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF). Today, the functions
Management and Research and Development. They also listed in the SAF website include: counter-terrorism against
have their administrative and operational support units as well local and international terrorist groups, hostage rescue,
as their Regional Commands.
search and rescue in times of calamities, civil disturbance
management, and provision of security to vital installations
The website of the PNP lists their core values as Maka-Diyos such as foreign embassies.
(Pro-God), Makabayan (Pro-Country), Makatao (Pro-People),
and Makakalikasan (Pro-environment).
The PNP as a whole is mandated to support internal security
operations through, among others, community relations,
The PNP functions include: law enforcement, maintenance of intelligence, and arrest of rebels charged with offenses that
peace and order, prevention and investigation of crimes and violate Philippine laws.
Placino, Portia (2010). PNP History [Word document]. Retrieved from
Philippine National Police. 11 June 2010. Retrieved from

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