The Most Important Rules For English Word Stress
The Most Important Rules For English Word Stress
The Most Important Rules For English Word Stress
Definition: Stress is an extra force used when pronouncing a particular word or syllable.
A syllable is any of the units into which a word may be divided. It usually
consists of a vowel sound. This vowel sound can be alone as in A, or can be preceded
by a consonant sound as in To, or can be followed by a consonant sound as in Eat, or
it can be between two consonant sounds or more as in Take, Shock, Sleep, etc
So, a syllable equals (=) a vowel sound (=) one vowel sound or a diphthong. For example,
in the word Sleep we have one vowel sound /i:/, but in /.the word Take weve got
the diphthong (two vowel sounds) /e
The weakest vowel sound in the English language is //, and this sound is never
stressed. It is called Schwa.
The Rules
1. A word of one syllable has stress on the first letter. E.g. 'Go - 'Hot 'Long 'Teach.
2. A word of two syllables:
a. A noun of two syllables has stress on the first syllable. N = '1 + 2 stress on 1
E.g. 'En/glish 'Fa/ther 'teach/er 'Act/or 'Pres/ent
But in Be/'lief stress is on syllable two because the first contains //.
b. An adjective of two syllables has stress on the first syllable. Adj. = '1 + 2 stress on 1.
E.g. 'Hap/py 'Sun/ny 'Hot/ter 'Ug/ly 'Stu/pid.
But in Cor/'rect stress is on the second syllable because the first contains //.
c. An adverb or a preposition of two syllables has stress on the first syllable.
Adv. = '1 + 2
E.g. 'Un/der 'O/ver 'Ne/ver 'Af/ter.
But in Be'low, Be'neath, A'bove, A'go stress is on the second syllable because
the first contains / /.
A verb of two syllables has stress on the second syllable. V = 1 + '2
E.g. Cor/'rect Pre/'sent Be/'lieve.
But in 'La/bel, 'O/pen stress is on the first syllable because the second syllable
contains //.
3. A compound noun = 'N1 + N2 takes stress on the first noun (N1)
E.g. 'Lady-bird, 'Taxi-driver, 'School-bag, 'Silk-worm, 'Pencil-case, 'Suit-case.
4. A compound noun = 'Adj. + N takes stress on the adjective (Adj.)
E.g. 'Black-board, 'Green-house, 'Round-table, 'Black-smith, 'White-house.
5. A compound adjective = Adj. + 'V(pp) takes stress on the verb (V (pp)).
E.G. Well-'done, Well-'known, Old-'fashioned, Narrow-'minded.
6. A compound verb = Preposition + 'V takes stress on the verb (V).