Jennifer Green

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Jennifer Green

157 Jesmond Avenue North

Bridge of Don
AB26 39J
University of Aberdeen

BSc Zoology (2:1)


Courses have included environmental physiology, animal population ecology, animal behaviour, aquatic
biology conservation.
Gained experience in giving presentations, statistical analysis, biodiversity, literature summaries and
Senior Honours Project: Analysis of gene-flow in Cairngorm ptarmigan populations
University of Aberdeen

Access Course

Summer 2012

Passes in Preparing for Higher Education, Biology, Chemistry and English (Average mark 17/20)
Aberdeen College
Bankhead Academy

HNC Small Animal Care

6 Standard Grades


Student member of the Society of Biology
Work Experience
Envirocentre, Stonehaven

Summer 2015

Undertook a 10 week summer project to analyse the water ecology of the Ythan estuary with a view
to creating an environmental impact assessment of recent industrial building projects on the aquatic
Mapped current levels of aquatic life including diversity of species present before comparing existing
levels with previous results utilising statistical analysis.
Developed an understanding of the stakeholders involved in environmental impact assessment and
the need to present information in an accessible format for non-environmentalists.
Developed knowledge of Scottish environmental legislation and the Scottish Governments strategy
for environmental conservation and protection.


Student intern

Placement student

Summer 2014

Gained an understanding of the legal regulations underpinning the work of SEPA while undertaking a
taxonomy project involving sampling from a variety of freshwater locations.
Assisted with the identification of the community composition at the loci looking particularly at
macroinvertebrates and algae.
Helped to interpret the taxonomic data as a means of establishing the environmental conditions
pertaining in each of the loci.
Through discussions with staff developed a greater knowledge of the management of Scotlands
land, freshwater and coastal areas, the impact of climate change and the growing importance of
renewable energies.

Voluntary work
Student Wildlife Association

Undertook monitoring work for local and national organisations such as the Breeding Bird Survey and
Grampian Squirrel Group.
Developed experience in quantitative analysis, habitat surveying, tracking and identifying species.
Worked closely with countryside rangers on projects such as the tracking of pipistrel bats in Cairnie
woods over a six month period.

Uist Wader Project, Western Isles

June 2015



Conducted educational visits for children aged 5-12 years as part of the primary school curriculum.
Demonstrated various species of animal and fish describing their habitats and the conservation
needs of particular wildlife.
Contributed to the creation of games and activities to engage the children in conservation projects of
their own.

Scotlands Natural Nature Reserves


Engaged in locating and removing hedgehogs from the Island of Benbecula while gaining an insight
into traditional farming practices and the importance of wildlife and conservation on the islands.
Worked in often extreme conditions and at unsociable hours to complete the project.

Natural History Museum, University of Aberdeen



Summer 2013

Undertook practical work such as path maintenance, scrub clearance or litter lifts.
Monitored a variety of habitats and species working with experienced volunteers, including
monitoring red deer and squirrels.
Spent three days assisting in a visitor centre explaining the local habitat and encouraging countryside

Other Work Experience

2011-15: Various types of part time employment including retail, hospitality and social care to support
my studies. Developed communication, tact, diplomacy, teamwork and flexibility.
I.T. : Competent in Microsoft Office as well as GIS and Recorder 6.
Communication: Experienced in communicating with academics, landowners, ecologists, members of
the public and children through employment and volunteering.
Project Management: Vital not only to my senior honours dissertation but also when working as a
volunteer on Benbecula with very clear project deadlines.
Nature: Small animal rearing, conservation of sites of great natural importance and wildlife photography
Sport: Skiing and hill walking in areas such as the Cairngorms, the Highlands and the Alps.
Referees - available on request.

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