3rd Quarter 2016 Lesson 2 Kindergarten Teachers Guide

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l e s son

Year A
3rd Quarter
Lesson 2

Hannahs Gift to God

Service Service means helping others.


1 Samuel 1:20-28; 2:18-21; Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 572-574.

Memory Verse

For his whole life he will be given . . . to the Lord (1 Samuel 1:28, NIV).


The children will:

Know that young children can serve God.
Feel pleased that God wants them to be His helpers.
Respond by finding a way to help a church leader this week.

The Message

 e serve God when we help Gods leaders.


Getting Ready to Teach

The Bible Lesson at a Glance prays for him and makes clothing to take
Hannah has a baby boy and names
him Samuel, because I asked the Lord
for him. The next year when it is time
to go to Shiloh, Hannah and her baby
stay home. When he is old enough to
eat by himself, she takes him to Eli, the
priest at Shiloh, and reminds Eli that she
had asked God for this child and promised that the child would be Gods servant all his life. Young Samuel stays
in Shiloh with Eli. Hannah goes back
home, but does not forget her son. She


to him each year. God blesses Hannah

and Elkanah with more children.

This is a lesson about service.

Hannah and Elkanah dedicated
Samuel to Gods service. Samuel grew
up and served God all his life. Even the
youngest child can serve God by helping
Gods helpers. (Many children in your
Sabbath School have been dedicated
to God in a special church service. Talk
about this if the children show interest.)

Program Outline
Lesson Section




ongoing Greet students at door; hear


up to 10
A. Samuels Coat

B. Growing


Prayer and

up to 10

Bible Lesson

up to 20

large paper bags, scissors,
art supplies

See page 23.

*Prayer and Praise may be

used at any time during the program.

Materials Needed

Experiencing the Story box; tabernacle toolsbroom,

dustcloth, candles and lighter, oil,
sleeping mat or bag, plates, cups,
dishcloth; Bible-times costumes
or shirts, or coats from Readiness
Activity A
Bible Study


Memory Verse

Bible, paper, marker, tape

up to 15
A. Guest Speaker
the Lesson B. Mimes

guest speaker

the Lesson

paper, art supplies

up to 15

Teacher Enrichment

It was not customary for the Levites

to enter upon their peculiar services until
they were twenty-five years of age, but
Samuel had been an exception to this
rule. Every year saw more important trusts
committed to him; and while he was yet
a child, a linen ephod was placed upon
him as a token of his consecration to the
work of the sanctuary. Young as he was
when brought to minister in the tabernacle, Samuel had even then duties to
perform in the service of God, according
to his capacity. These were at first very
humble, and not always pleasant; but

I Can Help

they were performed to the best of his

ability, and with a willing heart. His religion was carried into every duty of life.
He regarded himself as Gods servant, and
his work as Gods work. His efforts were
accepted, because they were prompted
by love to God and a sincere desire to do
His will (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 573).
Do you realize that you, too, are
Gods chosen servant? What is God preparing you to do? What will you commit
completely to God today?

Room Decorations
See Lesson 1.


Lesson 2

Teaching the Lesson


Welcome students at the door. Ask how their week has beenwhat
they are pleased/troubled about. Encourage them to share any experiences from last weeks lesson study. Have them begin the readiness
activity of your choice.

Readiness Activities

Select the activity most appropriate for your situation.

A. Samuels Coat

You Need:
q large paper

q s cissors
 rt supplies

Prepare in advance a large brown paper bag and art

supplies for each child (see margin). Hold bag upside down
and cut lengthwise up the center of one of the wider sides.
Continue the cut to the center of the bag bottom, and cut
a round hole for the childs head and neck. Cut armholes in
both sides near the bottom. The bottom fits over the childs
shoulders. Let the children decorate their coat.

Allow response time as you ask: Did you like making coats today? Do
you know anyone who sews clothes for someone else? We are going
to learn about a special mother who made a new coat for her son
every year. Her son helped the tabernacle priest. God wants us to be
helpers too.

We serve God when we help Gods leaders.

Say that with me.

B. Growing

Say: Everyone stand up. Lets make a line starting

You Need:
with the shortest and ending with the tallest child.
Show them shirts of different sizes. Select a few of the children q shirts of
to choose an article of clothing that they think will fit them
and have them try it on.
Allow response time as you ask: Who is the shortest child in our class?
How about the tallest? Why are some of you taller than others?
(Because we are different ages and growing.) Can you keep wearing the
same clothes year after year? Why not? Our story today is about a
small boy who helped Gods ministers at the tabernacle. Every year


Lesson 2

his mother made a new coat for him because she knew he was growing and getting bigger. Even though he was a little boy, he helped in
Gods house, the tabernacle. And . . .

We serve God when we help Gods leaders.

Say that with me.

Prayer and Praise

Report the students joys and sorrows (pleased and troubled) as reported
to you at the door (as appropriate). Allow time for sharing experiences from
last weeks lesson study and review the memory verse. Acknowledge any
birthdays, special events, or achievements. Give a special warm greeting to
all visitors.
Suggested Songs
Little Eyes for Jesus (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 305)
Kind Lips (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 310)
Something Nice (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 261)
Im a Little Helper (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 293)
Use a story from Childrens Mission.
Say: Bringing money for the offering is one way to help Gods
church. Sometimes the money goes to help buy food and clothing
for those in the church who cannot afford food and clothing. You
help Gods church when you bring your money to Sabbath School.
If possible, invite your pastor and schoolteachers into your classroom
and pray especially for them at this time. If that is not possible, say: Some
of Gods leaders in our church are (name pastors, teachers, lay leaders,
etc.). Today, lets thank Jesus for them and ask Him to bless them
and to show us ways that we can help them do their work even
better. Also, if you made prayer books last week, ask the children if their
prayer was answered. Have them write or draw a new prayer request in
their book this week.
*Prayer and Praise may be used at any time during the program.


Lesson 2

Bible Lesson

Experiencing the Story

You Need:
q t aberna-

cle tools:
candles and
lighter, oil,
mat or bag
q Bible-times
or shirts, or
coats made
in Readiness
Activity A

In advance, place the tabernacle tools (cleaning items, etc.) in

a box. Put the box near the place
you will be as you tell the story.
Have the children take the tools
from the box at the appropriate
time in the story.

Read or tell the story.

Hannah and her husband,
Elkanah, had been to Shiloh to
worship at the tabernacle. While
there, Hannah had prayed for a
baby. Priest Eli prayed too. He
asked God to give her what she
asked for.
Hannah was so happy! And it
wasnt very long before everybody
knew why. Everyone could see
that Hannah was going to have a
And then one day Hannahs baby
boy was born. She may have looked
at his dark, curly hair and his cute little ears. She probably touched his soft
skin and counted his tiny toes. Hannah
named her baby Samuel because that
name means heard of God. She had
asked God for a baby, and He had
heard her. And she would keep her
promise. Her boy would serve God all
his life.
When Samuel was just about your
age, Hannah took him to live with Priest
Eli to help in the tabernacle. Samuel felt
very special. He knew that he had important work to do.
What do you think Samuel did in the
tabernacle? Do these things help you
think of what Samuel might have done
to help Priest Eli? [Let the children come
one by one and pick one of the tabernacle
tools from a box. Talk about the task


each represents. When each child has an

item, ask them to pretend to be Priest Elis
helper, using the item selected. When
finished, have the children put the items
back in the box.] You are all good helpers, just as Samuel was.
Hannah missed her little boy. She
missed having Samuel at home. Because
she lived far away from the tabernacle,
she couldnt see him often. But every
year she visited him and brought him a
special coat. [Have the children put on
the Bible-times costumes or shirts, or
paper coats made in Readiness Activity A.]
Samuel was growing just as you are, so
he needed a bigger coat each year. He
was happy to see his mother each time
she came.
Priest Eli was happy to have Samuels
help. Each time Hannah and Elkanah
came to the tabernacle, Eli asked God
to bless them. God gave Hannah and
her husband more children. Hannah became the mother of three more sons and
two daughters. The other children lived
at home with their mother and father.
And although he lived with Eli, Samuels
mother always loved him.
Allow response time as you ask: How
did Hannah help Samuel? (taught
him to love and obey God, made him a
new coat each year) How did Samuel
help Priest Eli? (worked around the
tabernacle) When Hannah helped
Samuel she was also helping Priest
Eli, Gods leader. Do you think you
would like to live in a tabernacle/
church and help the priest/pastor
every day? Even if you dont live in
a tabernacle/church you can still
help Gods ministers. Remember
our message? Lets say it together:

Lesson 2

Memory Verse

We serve God when we

help Gods leaders.
Bible Study

Open your Bible

to 1 Samuel 1:20-28
and 2:18-21. Point
q Bible
to the passage and
say: This is where
todays story is found in the Bible.
Read selected texts aloud, paraphrasing
as necessary. Encourage the children to
follow along with their eyes as you point
to words or verses.
Ask: Why didnt Hannah go with
her husband to worship the Lord
when Samuel was a baby? (He was
too little; he couldnt eat regular food.)
Did Hannah keep her promise to
give Samuel to Eli to serve the
Lord? (Yes) How long did she want
Samuel to serve God? (all his life)
Do you want to serve God too? Do
you have to live away from your
family to serve Him? Lets remember, we can serve God wherever we
are. And we serve Him when we
help others. We serve Him when
we help the leaders in our church.
Lets say our message together.

You Need:

You Need:

Open your Bible and turn to

q Bible
1 Samuel 1:28 and say: This is
q 11 pieces of
where we find our memory
verse for today. Read the text
q marker
aloud: For his whole life he
q tape
will be given . . . to the Lord.
Then proceed to teach the memory
verse as outlined below.
Beforehand, write one word of
the verse on each of the 11 pieces of
paper and tape them together accordion-style. As you lift the top sheet the
other sheets should unfold as you recite
the verse.
Say: Samuel grew up tall and
strong while he served God in the
tabernacle/church. Then lift the first
sheet of paper as you begin to recite the
verse. (The other sheets will unfold as
you proceed.) Repeat the verse several
times until the children have learned
it. In smaller classes give each child the
opportunity to pick up the first sheet of
the memory verse and extend it to full
length as the class repeats the verse. If
you have the time and help, you may
wish to make an accordion verse for
each child to take home.

We serve God when we

help Gods leaders.


Lesson 2

Applying the Lesson

A. Guest Speaker

Beforehand, invite the pastor,

You Need: head elder, or deacon to visit your
class and explain some things
q guest
that children can do to help them
in their work. Some ideas might
include sitting quietly in church,
helping to pick up bits of trash or discarded bulletins after the service, singing during the song service, helping an
adult to greet people or hand out bulletins, repeating Scripture, having special
music, etc. Before they leave, thank the
pastor/elder/deacon for the way they
serve your church.
Allow response time as you ask:
Did you enjoy having (name guest)
visit our class today? How can we
help Gods leaders in our church?
How do you feel knowing that you


can help in so many ways? So lets


We serve God when we

help Gods leaders.
Say that with me.

B. Mimes

Ask for volunteers to take turns acting

out how they can help Gods leaders.
Whisper in the childs ear and tell them
what to do. Have the class guess what
they are doing.
Sit quietly in church.
Pick up paper from the floor.
Sing during song service.
Greet people as they arrive.
Hand out church bulletins.
Furnish special music.

Lesson 2

Sharing the Lesson

I Can Help

Hand out paper

You Need: and art supplies.
Review the ways that
q paper
todays visitor said the
q art supplies
children could help
or that they mimed.
Ask: Now, how are you going to
help? I want you to draw pictures
or write words on your paper of
how you will help at church. (This
is a good time to have the children plan
to do something specific in church such
as collect the offering, repeat a verse of
Scripture, sing a special song, recite a
poem, etc.)

Ask: How are you going to help?
How will it feel to help the pastor
in church? Which special thing
are you excited about doing?
Share your ideas with your family
after Sabbath School. Dont forget
that when you do these things
you are helping Jesus and His
special leaders. Lets say our message again:

We serve God when we

help Gods leaders.


Ask each child to say a short prayer asking for help to do

the activity they have chosen. Remind each one that Jesus
gives us the ability to do things that serve Him and His leaders. Prayer: Jesus, please help us to be good helpers in
church today.


Lesson 2

s t u d e n t


l e s s o n

Hannahs Gift to God

Have you ever wondered about people who help at church? You can help too.
1 Samuel 1:2028; 2:18-21;
Hannah and her husband, Elkanah,
for a son. He gave me this beautiful
Patriarchs and
boy, and now I am giving him back to
Prophets, pp. 572- had been to the tabernacle at Shiloh
to worship the Lord. And Hannah had
the Lord. My boy will belong to the
prayed for a baby. Old Priest Eli had
Lord all his life.
Little Samuel looked up at Priest Eli.
Memory Verse asked God to give her what she had
He was not afraid to stay at the taberFor his whole life prayed for.
Hannah was so happy! And it wasnt
nacle with him. Even though he was still
he will be given
a little boy, he could help Gods leader,
. . . to the Lord very long before everybody
Priest Eli.
(1 Samuel 1:28, knew why. Everyone
could see that
Hannah missed
Hannah was going
her boy very much!
to have a baby!
Now she looked forThe Message
And then one
ward all year to going
day Hannahs baby
to worship at the tabboy was born.
ernacle. Every year
Hannah may have
Hannah took a new
looked at her beaucoat to Samuel. And
tiful babys dark,
every year Priest Eli
curly hair and his
would bless Hannah
cute little ears. She
and Elkanah. May
probably touched
the Lord give you more
his soft skin and
children, Eli said.
counted his tiny
God did bless
toes. Hannah
Hannah and her husnamed her baby
band. In the years that
Samuel because
followed, God gave
that name means
them more than she
heard of God. She
had asked forthree more sons and
had asked God for a son, and He had
two daughters. They lived at home
heard her.
with their mother and father. But litThe next year when it was time to
tle Samuel lived at the tabernacle and
go to worship the Lord at Shiloh again,
helped Priest Eli.
Elkanah went, but Hannah stayed home.
Hannah missed little Samuel but she
I will wait until the baby can feed himkept her promise to God. She had given
self, she said to her husband. Then I
her son to the Lord, to be Priest Elis
will take him to the tabernacle. And he
helper. She would see him only once
will stay there and serve the Lord.
a year, when the family went to Shiloh
So when Samuel grew old enough
again. But that was all right, because
to eat regular food, Hannah took him to she loved the Lord and she was happy
the tabernacle, just as she had promised. to have Samuel serve Him. Samuel was
Do you remember me? she asked Eli.
happy to help Priest Eli. Samuel was
I stood here and prayed to the Lord
happy to help God.

We serve God
when we help
Gods leaders.


Lesson 2

Do and Say

Samuel did to help Priest Eli? Which can

you do to help at home? Have your child
help you with one chore right now.

To review the memory verse each day this week,

ask your child to squat down; then stand taller as you
say each word together. Remind them that Samuel
started serving God when he was little and continued
to serve Him as he grew bigger.

Find a coat, jacket, or bathrobe for
your child to wear as your family acts
out the story. Sing a song about helping; then ask Jesus to help your child
be His helper. Say the memory verse
together before prayer.

Together find and read 1 Samuel
1:20-28, paraphrasing as necessary.
Ask: What did Samuels name
mean? When did Hannah take
Samuel to Priest Eli?
Make a growth chart.
Mark every one inch or one
centimeter. Write: (childs
name) will serve Jesus all the days of his/
her life. Mark your childs height. Say: You
can serve Jesus as you grow, just as Samuel

Ask: What can you do to help our
pastor? (sit quietly in church, help
collect the offering, give special music,
etc.) Can you do one of those things this Sabbath?
Sing a favorite helping song. Ask Jesus to help your
family be His helpers every day.



Read the lesson story together. Ask: What did

Hannah take to Samuel every year? How many more
children did God bless Hannah with?
Show your child their baby pictures. Talk about
how your child could help as a baby compared to
now. Sing a song about helping.

During worship, read selected paragraphs about

Samuel in Patriarchs and Prophets, pages 572-574. Ask:
What did Hannah teach Samuel? How did Samuel
treat Eli? How did Eli treat Samuel? How should we
treat each other?
Say the memory verse together.
If it applies, tell your child about their baby dedication (show pictures if you have them). Discuss what it
means to be dedicated to God.

Together find and read 1 Samuel 2:18-21,
paraphrasing as necessary. Ask: What do you think


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