3rd Quarter 2016 Lesson 2 Kindergarten Teachers Guide
3rd Quarter 2016 Lesson 2 Kindergarten Teachers Guide
3rd Quarter 2016 Lesson 2 Kindergarten Teachers Guide
Year A
3rd Quarter
Lesson 2
Memory Verse
For his whole life he will be given . . . to the Lord (1 Samuel 1:28, NIV).
The Message
Program Outline
Lesson Section
up to 10
A. Samuels Coat
B. Growing
Prayer and
up to 10
Bible Lesson
up to 20
large paper bags, scissors,
art supplies
Materials Needed
Memory Verse
up to 15
A. Guest Speaker
the Lesson B. Mimes
guest speaker
the Lesson
up to 15
Teacher Enrichment
I Can Help
Room Decorations
See Lesson 1.
Lesson 2
Welcome students at the door. Ask how their week has beenwhat
they are pleased/troubled about. Encourage them to share any experiences from last weeks lesson study. Have them begin the readiness
activity of your choice.
Readiness Activities
A. Samuels Coat
You Need:
q large paper
q s cissors
rt supplies
Allow response time as you ask: Did you like making coats today? Do
you know anyone who sews clothes for someone else? We are going
to learn about a special mother who made a new coat for her son
every year. Her son helped the tabernacle priest. God wants us to be
helpers too.
B. Growing
Lesson 2
his mother made a new coat for him because she knew he was growing and getting bigger. Even though he was a little boy, he helped in
Gods house, the tabernacle. And . . .
Report the students joys and sorrows (pleased and troubled) as reported
to you at the door (as appropriate). Allow time for sharing experiences from
last weeks lesson study and review the memory verse. Acknowledge any
birthdays, special events, or achievements. Give a special warm greeting to
all visitors.
Suggested Songs
Little Eyes for Jesus (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 305)
Kind Lips (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 310)
Something Nice (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 261)
Im a Little Helper (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 293)
Use a story from Childrens Mission.
Say: Bringing money for the offering is one way to help Gods
church. Sometimes the money goes to help buy food and clothing
for those in the church who cannot afford food and clothing. You
help Gods church when you bring your money to Sabbath School.
If possible, invite your pastor and schoolteachers into your classroom
and pray especially for them at this time. If that is not possible, say: Some
of Gods leaders in our church are (name pastors, teachers, lay leaders,
etc.). Today, lets thank Jesus for them and ask Him to bless them
and to show us ways that we can help them do their work even
better. Also, if you made prayer books last week, ask the children if their
prayer was answered. Have them write or draw a new prayer request in
their book this week.
*Prayer and Praise may be used at any time during the program.
Lesson 2
Bible Lesson
You Need:
q t aberna-
cle tools:
candles and
lighter, oil,
mat or bag
q Bible-times
or shirts, or
coats made
in Readiness
Activity A
Lesson 2
Memory Verse
You Need:
You Need:
Lesson 2
A. Guest Speaker
B. Mimes
Lesson 2
I Can Help
Ask: How are you going to help?
How will it feel to help the pastor
in church? Which special thing
are you excited about doing?
Share your ideas with your family
after Sabbath School. Dont forget
that when you do these things
you are helping Jesus and His
special leaders. Lets say our message again:
Lesson 2
s t u d e n t
l e s s o n
Have you ever wondered about people who help at church? You can help too.
1 Samuel 1:2028; 2:18-21;
Hannah and her husband, Elkanah,
for a son. He gave me this beautiful
Patriarchs and
boy, and now I am giving him back to
Prophets, pp. 572- had been to the tabernacle at Shiloh
to worship the Lord. And Hannah had
the Lord. My boy will belong to the
prayed for a baby. Old Priest Eli had
Lord all his life.
Little Samuel looked up at Priest Eli.
Memory Verse asked God to give her what she had
He was not afraid to stay at the taberFor his whole life prayed for.
Hannah was so happy! And it wasnt
nacle with him. Even though he was still
he will be given
a little boy, he could help Gods leader,
. . . to the Lord very long before everybody
Priest Eli.
(1 Samuel 1:28, knew why. Everyone
could see that
Hannah missed
Hannah was going
her boy very much!
to have a baby!
Now she looked forThe Message
And then one
ward all year to going
day Hannahs baby
to worship at the tabboy was born.
ernacle. Every year
Hannah may have
Hannah took a new
looked at her beaucoat to Samuel. And
tiful babys dark,
every year Priest Eli
curly hair and his
would bless Hannah
cute little ears. She
and Elkanah. May
probably touched
the Lord give you more
his soft skin and
children, Eli said.
counted his tiny
God did bless
toes. Hannah
Hannah and her husnamed her baby
band. In the years that
Samuel because
followed, God gave
that name means
them more than she
heard of God. She
had asked forthree more sons and
had asked God for a son, and He had
two daughters. They lived at home
heard her.
with their mother and father. But litThe next year when it was time to
tle Samuel lived at the tabernacle and
go to worship the Lord at Shiloh again,
helped Priest Eli.
Elkanah went, but Hannah stayed home.
Hannah missed little Samuel but she
I will wait until the baby can feed himkept her promise to God. She had given
self, she said to her husband. Then I
her son to the Lord, to be Priest Elis
will take him to the tabernacle. And he
helper. She would see him only once
will stay there and serve the Lord.
a year, when the family went to Shiloh
So when Samuel grew old enough
again. But that was all right, because
to eat regular food, Hannah took him to she loved the Lord and she was happy
the tabernacle, just as she had promised. to have Samuel serve Him. Samuel was
Do you remember me? she asked Eli.
happy to help Priest Eli. Samuel was
I stood here and prayed to the Lord
happy to help God.
We serve God
when we help
Gods leaders.
Lesson 2
Do and Say
Find a coat, jacket, or bathrobe for
your child to wear as your family acts
out the story. Sing a song about helping; then ask Jesus to help your child
be His helper. Say the memory verse
together before prayer.
Together find and read 1 Samuel
1:20-28, paraphrasing as necessary.
Ask: What did Samuels name
mean? When did Hannah take
Samuel to Priest Eli?
Make a growth chart.
Mark every one inch or one
centimeter. Write: (childs
name) will serve Jesus all the days of his/
her life. Mark your childs height. Say: You
can serve Jesus as you grow, just as Samuel
Ask: What can you do to help our
pastor? (sit quietly in church, help
collect the offering, give special music,
etc.) Can you do one of those things this Sabbath?
Sing a favorite helping song. Ask Jesus to help your
family be His helpers every day.
Together find and read 1 Samuel 2:18-21,
paraphrasing as necessary. Ask: What do you think