A Hole in The Roof: Lesson

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Year A
A Hole in the Roof
4th Quarter
Lesson 3 SERVICE We serve God when we care for others.

Luke 5:17-26; The Desire of Ages, pp. 267-271.

Memory Verse
“There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24, NIV).

The children will:
Know that God is pleased when we are willing to serve others.
Feel a desire to help others.
Respond by finding ways to help other people.

The Message

We serve God when we help others.

Getting Ready to Teach

The Bible Lesson at a Glance This is a lesson about service.
The friends of a sick man want Jesus Helping others is one way we serve
to heal him. It is difficult for them to God. And when we try very hard to help
get through the crowd to Jesus, but someone in need, we are God’s helpers.
they succeed by lowering their friend If we want to help others and ask God to
through the roof of the house where show us the best way to be helpful, He
Jesus is speaking. Jesus sees how much will show us how to help them.
the man’s friends have helped him, and
He heals the man. Jesus tells him to take Teacher Enrichment
his mat (bed) and go home. The man “It was to manifest His power to forgive
leaves the house praising God. sins that the miracle was performed. . . .

Program Outline

Welcome ongoing Greet students at door; hear none


1 Readiness up to 10 A. Prayer Request Box paper circles; pencils, colored pencils

Options  or markers, crayons
B. Be Kind to Animals small animal or toy stuffed animal
C. Helping Others Game beanbag or wadded paper, pictures
of children helping others

* Prayer and up to 10
See page 33. prayer request box
Praise* *Prayer and Praise may be
used at any time during the program.
2 Bible Lesson up to 20 Experiencing the Story none

Bible Study Bible, Little Voices Praise Him

Memory Verse Bible

3 Applying up to 15 I Can Help medical supplies, cleaning supplies,

the Lesson adult helpers, flowers, groceries
(see activity)

4 Sharing up to 15 Pack a Box box; items to pack for people in

the Lesson need: blanket, toys, clothes, food,
etc. (see activity)

“The palsied man was entirely helpless, was the sinner’s only helper, and had
and, seeing no prospect of aid from any seen it grow stronger with every effort
quarter, he had sunk into despair. Then he to come into His presence” (The Desire
heard of the wonderful works of Jesus. . . . of Ages, pp. 267, 268).
“When he repented of his sins, and
believed in the power of Jesus to make Room Decorations
him whole, the life-giving mercies of Have pictures of healthy foods, chil-
the Saviour had first blessed his longing dren washing hands, sleeping, crossing
heart. Jesus had watched the first glim- the road carefully, etc., posted on the
mer of faith grow into a belief that He bulletin board.


Teaching the Lesson

Welcome students at the door. Ask how their week has been—what
they are pleased/troubled about. Encourage them to share any experi-
ences from last week’s lesson study. Have them begin the readiness
activity of your choice.

1 Readiness Activities
Select the activity most appropriate for your situation.

A. Prayer Request Box

Continue the activity used last week. Provide paper circles, You Need:
four to five inches (10 to 12 centimeters) in diameter.
Say: Draw a picture of someone you can help or qp  aper circles
someone we will pray about. An adult helper will q colored
write your name on the back and also the name of pencils,
the person for whom you want to pray. Then fold markers,
your pictures and put them in the box. and/or
Allow response time as you say: Tell us about the person you want to
pray for. This week we are going to learn that we serve God when
we try to help others, as well as when we pray for them.

We serve God when we help others.

Say that with me.

B. Be Kind to Animals
Show a small animal to the group (kitten, rabbit, puppy,
or whatever is available, or toy stuffed animal). You Need:
Demonstrate how to handle the animal, then let the chil-
dren take turns. q s mall animal
Say: It is important that we take care of our animal —real or toy
friends. Often they cannot take care of themselves.
Can anyone think of some ways we can help small animals? (feed
them, give them water, play with them, take them for walks, etc.)

Say: We serve God when we try to help others. How have we
helped this animal today? (by showing it that we love it or care about it)

We serve God when we help others.


C. Helping Others Game

Show pictures of children or adults helping others. Place
You Need:
the pictures on the floor.
Say: Let’s play a game called “helping others.” We qp
 ictures of
will take turns throwing the beanbag on a picture. people/
Then you tell us about the picture your beanbag lands children
on. (Teacher demonstrates, then children take turns.) helping
Debriefing qb
Ask: Do you want to help others? What are some or wadded
other ways we can help people? (setting the table at paper ball
mealtimes, sharing toys, giving someone a drink of cool
water, etc.) Here’s something to think about today:

We serve God when we help others.

Say that with me.


Report the students’ joys and sorrows (pleased and troubled) as reported to
you at the door (as appropriate). Allow time for sharing experiences from last
week’s lesson study and review the memory verse. Acknowledge any birthdays,
special events, or achievements. Give a special, warm greeting to all visitors.
Suggested Songs (for the whole month)
“Prayer Song” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 19)
“I Talk to Jesus” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 228)
“A Little Talk With Jesus” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 227)
“Let’s Give the Lord Our Praise” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 219)
“He’s Able” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 93)
Use a story from Children’s Mission.
Say: Let’s sing our offering song as we put our money in the _______
(“Giving,” Little Voices Praise Him, no. 285).
Say: (Child’s name), please go to the Prayer Request Box and
pick out one of the circles. Read the prayer request and talk with the
children about praying for that person/thing. Offer a brief prayer.

*Prayer and Praise may be used at any time during the program.


2 Bible Lesson

Experiencing the Story crowded. What could they do?

The leader will read the story, and the Would they go home again? Oh, no.
children will copy the adult helpers, who They really wanted their friend (shake
will respond as described below: hands) to be made well. What could they
do? Someone had an idea. Carefully four
When you say: Children will: men carried their friend (shake hands) up
the outside steps onto the flat roof of the
Jesus Raise both hands house. They laid him down and then lifted
and say, “Praise off some of the tiles to make a big hole in
the Lord!” the roof. Then they gently lowered their
friend (shake hands) down through the
sick people Hold head and hole into the middle of the crowd, right in
say, “Oh, no!” front of Jesus (“Praise the Lord!”).
Jesus (“Praise the Lord!”) knew that the
friend(s) Shake hands with man wanted to be made better. He knew
someone (or other that his friends (shake hands)
appropriate hands- believed that Jesus (“Praise the Lord!”)
free greeting). could heal him. They had worked hard to
help their sick friend (shake hands). Before
People everywhere heard that Jesus the man could even ask to be made better,
(“Praise the Lord!”) could make sick Jesus (“Praise the Lord!”) said, “Your sins are
people (“Oh, no!”) better. So every- forgiven.” The teachers in the crowd were
where Jesus (“Praise the Lord!”) went shocked. Jesus (“Praise the Lord!”) knew
big crowds came to hear Him teach, their thoughts. Then He said to the man
and many people came to be made well. who had been healed, “You can get up
One day Jesus (“Praise the Lord!”) now. Take your mat and go home.”
was talking to some people in a house. The man didn’t waste a minute.
A lot of important teachers had come He jumped up, grabbed his mat, and
to hear Him that day. They crowded went home praising God. The people in
close together in the little house with the crowd were amazed. They said to
others who also wanted to hear Jesus each other, “We have seen wonderful
(“Praise the Lord!”). Some sick people things today.”
(“Oh, no!”) had come too. They wanted
Jesus (“Praise the Lord!”) to make them Debriefing
better. But the house was so crowded Say: The friends in this story
that some of them couldn’t get inside. helped the man who couldn’t walk.
One man who couldn’t walk, who They not only tried to help him get
couldn’t even move, wanted Jesus to Jesus, but they did not give up,
(“Praise the Lord!”) to make him better. even though it might have been
He had friends (shake hands) who easier to take him back home.
decided to help him. They put him on Would you like to have friends like
a mat to carry him to Jesus (“Praise the that? Would you like to be a friend
Lord!”), but when they got to the house like that? Even though you are
they couldn’t get in because it was so small, there are many ways you can


be a friend and help others. Tell me Memory Verse

some ways you can help others. (pick Open your Bible to Proverbs You Need:
up my toys, give hugs, smile at people to 18:24 and say, Here is where our
q Bible
cheer them up, etc.) Remember . . . memory verse is found. Read
the text aloud. Then teach the chil-
We serve God when we dren the following motions:
help others.
There is a friend Link arms with
Bible Study
Sing “I Open My who sticks Press palms
You Need: Bible Book and Read” together.
(Little Voices Praise Him,
qB  ible no. 27) or “I Open My closer than Step closer to
q L ittle Voices Bible Carefully” (Little a brother. each other.
Praise Him Voices Praise Him, no.
28). Proverbs 18:24 Palms together;
Open your Bible to Luke 5:17-26. then open.
Point to the text and say: This is where
we find today’s story in God’s
Word, the Bible. Read aloud the last
part of verse 24 and verse 25.

Say: Jesus loves to help people,
and He wants us to help people
too. Tell me some ways we can
help others. Remember,

We serve God when we

help others.


3 Applying the Lesson

I Can Help is sick in bed gives flowers

Have several adults ready to
You Need: role-play different situations such is tired offers a chair
as those listed below. Ask the chil-
 dhesive dren to watch each scene, then rakes or picks up uses child-sized
bandages tell or show how they could use leaves or yard debris rake to help
q a ce the items to help the adult.
bandage Use the following or make cleans house uses broom or
q c otton balls up scenes appropriate to your other cleaning
q r eal or situation and culture. items to help
flowers Adult Child Debriefing
q d isinfectant Say: Even though you are small,
q c hild-sized finds a cut cleans with disin- you can do something to help
broom fectant and cot- someone who needs help. Do you
q c hild-sized ton ball want to be like Jesus? Do you want
rake to help others? Remember,
q a dult falls down helps them get up
helpers We serve God when we
q p aper drops bag of helps pick them help others.
bag full groceries up
of grocery Say that with me.
items “twists” ankle wraps with ace (or
q h ousehold other) bandage


4 Sharing the Lesson

Pack a Box Debriefing You Need:

Say: There are people all over Say: I see that you have put
the world who need our help. Some a toy in the box. How will that qc
have had too much rain in their help a child like you? (It will give clothing
area; others have not had enough them something to play with.) Say: qn
rain. Some have lost their homes I see that you have put some able food
due to floods or fires. Our sharing food in the box. How will that items
activity today is to pack a box for a help a child like you? (They q a small
child like you who needs our help. won’t be hungry.) Continue the blanket
What are some things that you discussion in the same manner for q s oap,
would like to put in the box? Allow other items the children put in the toothpaste,
the children to look at the items and box. Tell (or let the children decide) comb
choose things to put in the box. where you will deliver the box so q toys
another child will be helped. q a cardboard

Sing “Good-bye to You” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 45).
Pray and have children repeat after each phrase: Thank
You, Jesus, for teaching us to try to help others. Amen.



A Hole in the Roof

References Some things you just can’t do by yourself. And when you need a friend to help you,
Luke 5:17-26; you’re always glad when one is there. But would your friends cut a hole in a roof for you?
The Desire of Ages,
pp. 267-271
It didn’t take long for word to spread. to each corner of the mat he was lying
People everywhere soon heard that Jesus on. Then they began taking the roof
Memory Verse
could heal sick people. Everywhere He apart! Before he knew it, the paralyzed
“There is a friend
went, big crowds came to hear Him man lying on his mat was being low-
who sticks closer
teach and to be made well. ered through a hole in the roof! And he
than a brother”
One day Jesus was teaching in a was coming down in the middle of the
(Proverbs 18:24,
house. A lot of people had come crowd, right in front of
to hear Him. Many Jesus.
of them were im- Jesus knew
The Message
portant teachers what the man
We serve God who had come wanted. He
from all parts of the wanted to be
when we help country. They all made well.
others. crowded very close He knew what
to Jesus. the man’s friends
Other people were thinking. They
had come to see wanted their friend to
Jesus too. They had be well. They believed
come to be healed. Jesus could heal him.
But the house was Jesus could tell that
so crowded, they the man’s friends had
couldn’t get in. worked hard to help
They just couldn’t him.
get close enough The man, who
to Jesus to ask Him couldn’t even sit up by
for help. himself, watched Jesus.
One man was He didn’t even have to
paralyzed. He couldn’t walk. He couldn’t ask to be healed. Jesus said to him, “Your
even move by himself. He was there sins are forgiven.” And then Jesus said
because he had friends who had carried to him, “Get up, take your mat, and go
him on his mat. But so many people home.”
were in the house that they couldn’t get At once the man jumped up,
in! What could they do? grabbed his mat, and went home
This man’s friends were not about praising God. Soon people every-
to give up. They were determined to get where heard that Jesus could make sick
him in to see Jesus, even if the crowd people well. Everywhere Jesus went,
wouldn’t let them through. One of them big crowds came to hear Him teach,
had an idea. and many came to be made well. He
The next thing he knew, the para- helped them all.
lyzed man was being lifted up to the flat Jesus wants you to help others too.
roof of the house. His friends tied a rope He will help you do so. Just ask Him.


Do and Say
Sabbath but you want to get a drink. Ask your child to help
Each day this week read the lesson story and use you. Thank him or her for helping.
the following to review the memory verse.
There is a friend. . . . Link arms with child.
who sticks. . . . . . . . . Press palms together. Wednesday
closer than . . . . . . . . Step closer to each other. Gather some
a brother.. . . . . . . . . Point to each other. things to give to
Proverbs 18:24. . . . . Palms together; then open someone who
as if opening a book. needs them (toys,
clothes, books).
Help your child
Sunday pack a box to take
Sing this song to the tune of “Three Blind Mice”: to Community
Services or some
“One sad man, one sad man, other helping
He couldn’t walk, he couldn’t walk. organization.
Then Jesus came and healed his legs,
He jumped for joy. He no longer begs!
He shared the news of Jesus’ love! Thursday
One happy man, one happy man.” Play the “Helping Others” game
learned in Sabbath School. When you pray, think of some
ways you can help someone else and make a plan to do
Monday something.
Help your child call or write to someone and tell
them that they care about them. Pray for that person
today. Friday
At family worship time, help your child act out
the story and tell how they helped people this week.
Tuesday Think of other things to do to help. Draw a picture
Pretend you have hurt your foot. Show how you about helping someone. Ask: How can we help others
would walk with a hurt foot. It is hard for you to walk, tomorrow?


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