Sept. L2, 1972 V - Mahe L-Rral 3,690,910: Filed Jan. 19, 1971 2 Sheets-Sheet 1

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l2, 1972

v_ MAHE l-rrAL



Filed Jan. 19, 1971

2 Sheets-Sheet 1


Sept. l2, 1972




Filed Jan. 19, 1971

2 Sheets-Sheet 2


OHM/ wMU w@


:United States Patent O


Patented Sept. 12, 1972


such water-absorbent supports by a process which will sub

stantially eliminate this costly loss of materials and ac



Yves Mahe, Mantes-la-Jolie, Gilbert Letourneur, Mantes

companying reduction in quality of the product which is


la-Ville, and Jean-Luc Devillas, Mantes-la-Jolie, France,

assignors to La Cellophane Societe Anonyme, Paris,

the various drawbacks of such previously employed proc

esses by employment of the process of the present inven
tion wherein a water-absorbent support is coated all along


Continuation-impart of abandoned application Ser. No.

544,219, Apr. 21, 1966. This application Jan. 19, 1971,
Ser. No. 107,775


Claims priority, applicnitlzlsFrance, May 4, 1965,

It has now been found that it is possible to eliminate

its width with an aqueous composition on its two faces

successively and without intermediate drying.

Additionally, it has not been possible until this develop
ment of the present invention, for the reasons indicated

Inf. ci. ima 1/16

above, to proceed from spinning to coating of regenerated

cellulose films, i.e., coating directly on freshly made film
15 coming from the dryer. The present invention makes it
possible to apply such a process thereby bringing about
considerable saving.
A process yfor coating a Water-absorbent support, e.g.,
It is therefore a principal object of the present inven

U.S. Cl. 117-7

6 Claims

regenerated cellulose films, with an aqueous solution or

tion to provide a process for coating water-absorbent sup

dispersion whereby the support poses little or no tendency 20 ports which are free from the drawbacks and deliciencies
to roll up upon itself, which comprises coating the sup
present in previously employed processes.
port with such aqueous solution or dispersion along its
It is a further object of the present invention to provide
entire width on both faces successively and without inter~
a process for coating a water-absorbent support, such as a
mediate drying, the support, after being coated on one
regenerated cellulose film, in which there is no tendency
face traveling over a supported path which is of suficient 25 for loss of materials or for the rolling up of the lm length
length to permit the deposited coating to reach a degree of
upon itself.
coalescence so that the coating will not be altered by pas
It is yet a further object of the present invention to
sage of a detour roll; coating the second face while allow
provide a process for the coating of water-absorbent sup
ing coalescence thereof in substantially the same manner,
ports in which the support is coated all along its width on
and drying the coated support.
30 its two faces successively and without intermediate drying.
Still further objects and advantages will become more
apparent from the following more detailed description of
This application is a continuation-in-part of applica
the present invention and accompanying drawings.
tion Ser. No. 544,219 filed Apr. 21, 1966, now aban
By the proecss of the present invention, a suitable water
35 absorbent film, eg., a regenerated cellulose `film, is coated
The present invention is directed to a process for coat
all along its width with a suitable aqueous solution or
ing of water-absorbent supports and more particularly to a
dispersion on its two faces successively and without inter
process for coating such supports, eg., regenerated cellu
mediate drying. The support after being coated on one of
lose films, from an aqueous solution or dispersion.
its faces, travels between the lirst and second coating stand,
In general, it is known to coat water-absorbent supports 40 or station along a rather long supported path to permit
such as regenerated cellulose films, with suitable products
the deposited varnish to reach a suflicient degree of coales
in aqueous solutions or dispersions. Such a process ordi
cence so that it will not be altered by passage on a detour
narily comprises coating one face of the support, drying
it, then coating the other face with a composition that
Under the effect of the lirst coating, the water-absorbent
may be the same or different than that employed for coat 45 support reacts by presenting a tendency to roll up on itself
ing the first face of the support material. In such ya proce
lengthwise. It is essential to oppose this tendency for the
dure, after the coating of the second face of the support
entire period of time that is necessary for the water con
material, a second drying step is employed. The amount
tained in the coating composition to penetrate the interior
of products deposited on the faces of the support can
of the water-absorbent support. The tensions balance
be regulated in an extremely accurate manner with a con 50 each other during this time, and the tendency of the sup
ventional air jet doctor and thus deposits can be attained
port to roll up on itself decreases considerably. At the

with a rigorously constant thickness and as slight as de-V

same time as the penetration of the water into the sup
port, the particles in dispersion accumulate on the surface
Such a procedure, however, suffers from various serious
of the support and dry. A time comes when the coated
drawbacks. With the individual coating of the faces of the 55 surface presents a sufficient coalescence so that it can
support material with intermediate drying, there is a
come into contact with the detour roll without being
great tendency for the support to roll up upon itself
altered. It is then possible to proceed to the coating of
lengthwise immediately yafter each coating operation and
the reverse side without prior drying. This coating causes
inside the driers.

a tendency of the support to roll up on itself lengthwise

In order to employ this process on a commercial scale, 60 in the opposite direction, a tendency opposed in part by
therefore, it has been necessary to leave an uncoated zone
the wetting caused by the first coating, but which also has
of about 25 mm. in width on each edge of both faces
to be opposed by supporting the other face during the
of the support material. In this way, the support keeps a
time necessary for the tensions to balance each other.
suiiicient degree of atness to be treated, but after it has
The coating support can then go into a drier without

been dried twice, the uncoated edges become fragile and 65 diiculty where a drying is carried out, preferably bal
brittle. This frequently results in the starting of tears
anced on both faces. The support may then be removed.
lwhich hinder winding and make it necessary to take pre
This process, therefore, consists in replacing the first
cautions which limit the feed rate. In any event, losses
drying by a coalescence operation carried out on a sup
from cutting the uncoated edges are considerable and cost
ported path and in also employing a second traveling on
ly. For these reasons it has long been the desire of the 70 a supported path after the second coating. By the process
coating industry lto provide a process forthe coating of t
of this invention, it is possible to attain a sufficient degree


of fiatness during the operation without loss of edges

less if desired, the number of rollers being reduced

which are also coated, and to obtain thereby a better out

about 10% for the same length.

put. Another advantage of the process lies in the simpli

fication and savings involved in the elimination of the first
drying. Finally, it makes it possible, due to the fact that
there is only one drying, to obtain a better balanced film.

The depositing of the coating in accordance with the

present invention can be carried out according to conven

Referring now to the accompanying drawing:

FIG. 1 schematically illustrates a coating device em

bodying the present invention.

FIG. 2 schematically illustrates spreading or enlarg
ing rollers useful in accordance with the present inven

tional coating processes and the amount of coating de

posited can be regulated by known means in the art, for
example, by an air jet doctor, etc.
The tendency to roll which is possessed by regenerated
cellulose films results from the unsymmetrical taking up

is coated at the time ofV its passage in coating stand

of Water undergone by the absorbing material when only

one of its faces is wetted, the other remaining dry. The

passes overa number of guide rolls 12 over a sufficiently

rolling occurs in such a way that the wet face envelops

composition to penetrate inside the film while `the sur

face coat reaches the desired degree of coalescence.

the dry face.

The tendency to roll is accentuated by the fact that the
regenerated cellulose film is a molecularly oriented ma

A water-absorbent film 2 is unwound from a reel 4

and after passing aroundl'a plurality of guide rolls 6,

8 with an aqueous dispersion the thickness of which is

regulated by a pneumatic doctor -10. The film then

long path to permit the water contained in the coating

The reverse side of the film is then coated, on a coat
ing stand 14 with an identical or somewhat different

terial. Its crosswise expansion capacity when it is wetted 20 composition, the thickness of which is regulated by
with water reaches 10% between the edges, while, the
pneumatic doctor 16, while the face ofthe film which
crosswise expansion capacity of ordinary paper is only
underwent the first coating passes over detour roll 18.
1% under the same conditions.

The film then passes over a number of guide rolls 20

The purpose of the intermediate rollers according to

which make it follow a sufiiciently long path to permit
the present invention is therefore to support the freshly 25 the water of the second emulsion to penetrate the inside
coated film and to prevent it from rolling up on itself.
of the support. The coated film then goes into the drier
Since the film totally lacks rigidity by itself to a greater
22 Where it follows a vertical upward path. Then, after
extent than paper, for example, the support rollers also
passing around guide drum 24 the film follows a down
have to produce an uncreasing effect. For this reason,
ward path. During these travels, hot air, shown by

spreading rollers, preferably, positively driven, are utilized 30 arrows 26, is blown on each of its faces.
in accordance with the present invention to produce a

Following its course through the drier, the coated film

spreading effect.

passes over cold rolls 28 before being wound around

The gap between the spreading rollers used in the
reel 30 for ultimate storage or use. Although the film
present invention should be smaller for slower machines
can be dried in any suitable drier, it is preferable to
than for fast machines. These rollers should be closer to 35 employ a pulsed air drier, the draft of which acts sym

gether when the film has just been wetted, i.e. immediately

metrically on both faces of the film.=A balanced drying

after the coating station rather than farther from it, be

and an excellent degree of fiatness are thereby obtained.

cause the tendency of the film to roll up on itself de
FIG. 2 schematically illustrates the type of spreading
creases as it absorbs water, Finally, the gap between
rollers preferably utilized in accordance with the present
these rollers can be greater when the -back of the film 40 invention. In FIG. 2, spreading or enlarging rollers 41

has already been coated, i.e., after the second coating


are positively driven in the directions indicated by suit

able driving means (not shown). The regenerated cel

It is noted that the coat cellulose films with aqueous

lulose film 2 passes over the spreading or enlarging rollers
compositions, with a vinylidene chloride base, for ex
41 with the width of the film to be increased upon passage
ample, the minimal time to obtain coalescence of the 45 of the film over the spreading or enlarging rollers 41. The
coating is 3 to 4 seconds. Accordingly the time for
>width B designates the width of the film 2 before passing
passage of the coated film over the suggested path is at
over spreading or enlarging rollers 41 while width A

least 3 seconds, there being no disadvantage to continuing

designates the Width thereafter. By utilizing such spread
passage after coalescence of the coating.
ing or enlarging rollers 41 as. support or guide rollers
Coating of cellulose films is performed at speeds which 50 12 and 20, the rigidity of the film is maintained and an
can be between 30 meters and 300 meters per minute
uncreasing effect is achieved through passage of the film
over the support rollers.
(.5 to 5 meters per second). The minimal distance that
the cellulose film has to travel to reach its coalescene is
While the process of the present invention has been
therefore 2 m. for the slowest machines and can reach
described particularly with respect to the regenerated cel
20 m. for the fastest machines.
55 lulose film, it is to be understood that the invention is
This travel should be supported, according to the
not limited thereto butin actuality any water-absorbent
present invention, by a number of rollers arranged closer
support capable of absorbing water sufficiently rapidly,
together as the speed is slower, i.e., the distance between
can be advantageously employed. Thus, for example,
rollers being proportional to the speed of advancement
suitable supports can include hydroxyethyl cellulose films,
of the film, these rollers being, as indicated above, closer 60 films of carboxymethyl cellulose, cellulose ether films,
paper of various varieties and many other various ma
together near the coating station.
terials, it again only being necessary that such material
The number of necessary spreading rollers between
have a fairly substantial degree of water-absorbency.
the first coating station and the second is between 10
Similarly, it is possible to deposit on such water-ab
rollers, spaced an average of 25 to 30 centimeters apart
for coalescence travel of 2 to 3 m. which corresponds 65 sorbent supports all products that can be dispersed or
dissolved in water. Especially suitable are film-forming
to slow speeds, and 30 rollers, spaced an average of 50
resins and particularly, waterproofing resin with a co
to 70 centimeters apart for a travel f 30 meters corre
polymer base having a large proportion of vinylidene
sponding to the fast speeds.
After coating of the back side, the coalescence of the 70 chloride to which may be added other monomers, for
example, lower alkyl acrylates, lower alkyl methacry
coating deposited on the second face should beobtained
lates, unsaturated acids, vinyl esters e.g., vinylchloride,
before the film goes into the vertical dryer. As in the
vinyl acetate or acrylonitrile, etc.
case of coating the front side and in the same way, the
The process of the present invention is particularly
travel should be supported by spreading rollers overau
equivalent length, the spacing of the rollersbeing slightly 75 suitable for the waterproofing of water-absorbent films,

eg., regenerated cellulose films, and for making them
thermosealable. In particular, in the preferred embodi

is no tendency for the film to roll up upon itself length

wise, nor is any cracking or tearing of the support ob

ment of the present invention, such a support is coated

with an aqueous solution or dispersion of polyvinylidene
chloride or a copolymer of vinylidene chloride and one 5


of the various other monomers set forth above. '

with an aqueous composition which consists essentially of:

(l) coating said regenerated cellulose film across the

~ The following examples illustrate the'process of theY

present invention. It is to be understood that the examples
are for purposes of illustration only, and the invention

What is claimed is:

1.A process for coating a regenerated cellulose film
entire width of a first face with a first film-forming

aqueous composition;
(2) passing said regenerated cellulose film coated in

is in no way deemed to be limited thereto.


step (l) over a supported path at a speed of from

about-30 to 300 meters per minute for a period of

A regenerated cellulose film 1/2 meter in width is coated

at least three seconds, whereby the coating on said

first face reaches a degree of coalescence, without
drying, so that said coating will not he altered by
passage of a detour roll, said supported path com
prising a plurality of rollers which stretch said re
generated cellulose film in the width direction, said
rollers being spaced from each other by a distance of

at a first coating stand with an aqueous dispersion of

polyvinylidene chloride, the coating material comprising

about 30% solids. Using such a dispersion, it is possible
to deposit without any diiiiculty, from 20-25 gr. of the
coating composition per square meter, corresponding to
approximately 7-8 gr. of the solid material per square
meter per face of support. With subsequent experimenta 20
tion, it is found that although these amounts could pos~
sibly be reduced to about 4.55 gr. of composition per
square meter, i.e., about 1.5 gr. of solid material per
square meter per face, it is not advantageous to reduce
these amounts too much because it becomes necessary to 25
bring the coating roll extremely close to the doctor and
to increase greatly the air pressure of the latter.
Similarly it is found that it is advisable not to reduce

too much, i.e., below about 15-20%, the proportion of

the solid materials in the coating composition. When too


from 30 to 70 centimeters;
(3) passing said film from step (2) over a detour roll
and thereafter coating said regenerated cellulose film
across the entire width of the second face with a

second film-forming aqueous composition;

(4) passing said film lfrom step (3) over a supported
path at a speed of from about 30 to 300 meters per

minute for a period of at least three seconds, whereby

the coating on said second face coalesces, said sup

ported path comprising a plurality of rollers which

stretch said regenerated cellulose film in the Width
direction, said rollers being spaced from each other

great a proportion of water is employed, there is a possi

bility of slight shrinkage of the support in the drier and an
by a distance of from 30 to 70 centimeters; and
accompanying increase of the weight per square meter for
(5) thereafter drying said regenerated cellulose film.
the same amount of coating.
2. The process of claim 1 wherein said first and second
After the excess coating from the first stand is removed 35 film-forming aqueous compositions are the same.
by the doctor, the coated film is passed over a number of
3. The process of claim 2 wherein said first and second
guide rolls, the passage being sufficient to allow penetra
film-forming aqueous compositions comprise an aqueous
tion into the film and coalescence of the coating material.
solution or dispersion of a homopolymer or coplymer of
At a rate of approximately 40 meters per minute, some 10

guide rolls, spaced approximately 0.30 meter apart, are 40

utilized in such operation.
The cellulose film support is then coated on the reverse
face with a composition and amount that is the same as

vinylidene chloride.
4. The process of claim 1 wherein said first and second
film-forming aqueous compositions are different.
5. The process of claim 4 wherein one of said first and

second film-forming aqueous compositions comprises au

employed in the first coating operation. Here again, excess

aqueous solution or dispersion of a homopolymer or co

is removed by a doctor and the film is passed over guide 45 polymer of vinylidene chloride.
rolls of a similar arrangement as used previously. The
6. The process of claim 1 wherein the distance between
coated film is then passed into a pulsed air drier Where it
said rollers in steps (2) and (4) is directed proportionally
moved first upwardly and then downwardly, pulsed air
to the speed of passage of said film over said supported

being symmetrically applied to both faces of the support.

The dried film is then wound upon a reel for storage or 50

References Cited

further use.

This procedure is accompanied by no noticeable loss of

materials since coating is performed along the entire width
of the support, and no rolling up of the support lengthwise
or cracking or tearing of the support along the edges, is 55
observed. The material, also, is found to possess excellent

waterproof properties and possesses an excellent degree of

lasting flatness.

The procedure of Example I is repeated except that the


8/ 1946


6/ 1946
10/ 1968

Porter _____________ __ 117--68

Barrett et al. . ____ __ 118--224 X
Wilckens __________ __ 117-68
Sievers ____________ __ 11S-34
Rose et al __________ __ 117-68

WILLIAM D. MARTIN, Primary Examiner

60 T. G. DAVIS, Assistant Examiner

coating composition consists of an aqueous dlspersion of

a copolymer of 92% vinylidene chloride and 8% methyl
methacrylate and the coating is applied at a rate of approx
imately 90 meters per minute, with 15 rollers spaced a
distance of 0.40 m. apart being utilized. Here agam there 65

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