Model Question Papers

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Time: 3 Hrs Max Marks : 75

Marks 15 x 1= 15
Answer any 15 Questions-All Questions carry equal marks.
1. List out any two conventional Energy Sources.
2. What are the common forms of energy?
3. State any two merits of non conventional energy sources.
4. What is meant by Energy conservation?
5. What is Solar Radiation?
6. Mention any two Instrument used for measurements of solar radiation.
7. What is the function of solar photo voltaic system?
8. List out any two types of Solar cells.
9. What is wind Energy?
10. What is Wind Data?
11. What are the types of wind energy conversion system?
12. State any two applications of Wind Energy.
13. What is Bio-Mass?
14. Define Photosynthesis.
15. What is meant by liquification?
16. State any two applications of Bio-Gas plant.
17. State any two limitations of tidal energy.
18. What is meant by Wave machines?
19. What is Ocean Thermal Energy?
20. State any two advantages of Geo thermal Energy.
Marks 5 x 12=60
Answer all the questions
21. a). i) Explain the sources of renewable Energy? (6)
ii) List out Energy density of various fuels. (6)
b). i) Explain Availability of resources and future trends. (6)
ii) Describe the growth of energy sector and its planning in India. (6)
22. a) i) How do you estimate average solar radiation?. (6)
ii) Explain flat plate collectors. (6)
b) i) Explain box type solar cooker. (6)
ii) Describe the principle of solar photo voltaic energy conversion. (6)
23. a) i) Describe the major applications of wind power. (6)
ii) Explain Site selection consideration for wind power generation. (6)
b) i) Explain horizontal axis wind machine. (6)
ii) Describe about safety systems of wind turbine. (6)
24. a) i) Explain urban waste to energy conversion. (6)
ii) Describe Biomass to Ethanol production. (6)
b) i) Explain the process of gasification of solid Bio-fuels. (6)

ii) What is the present status of development of Biomass energy (6)

resources in India?
25. a) i) Explain Ocean Thermal Electric conversion (OTEC). (6)
ii) Describe principles of Tidal power. (6)
b) i) Explain sources of Geothermal Energy. (6)
ii) State advantages and disadvantages of geothermal Energy. (6)


Time: 3 Hrs Max Marks : 75
Marks 15 x 1= 15
Answer any 15 Questions-All Questions carry equal marks.
1. Define Energy.
2. What is primary Energy?.
3. State any two disadvantages of conventional energy.
4. What is meant by conventional energy?
5. What is solar radiation?
6. What is the function of solar energy collection?
7. What is the use of solar furnace?.
8. What is solar pond?
9. What is meant by Wind Energy?
10. State any two application of wind energy.
11. List out any two advantages of wind energy.
12. State any two applications of wind energy.
13. What is meant by Photo Synthesis?
14. Define Bio-Mass
15. What is meant by Bio-Mass gasification?
16. What are the applications of Bio-Energy?
17. Define Ocean thermal Energy.
18. List out wave energy conversion devices.
19. Define Geo thermal Energy.
20. List out Geo-Thermal Sources.
Marks 5 x 12=60
Answer all the questions
21. a).i) Explain in detail the importance of renewable Energy sources? (12)
b).i) Describe the growth of energy sector and its planning in India. (12)
22. a) i) Estimate average solar radiation (6)
ii) Explain the flat plate solar energy collectors. (6)
b) i) Describe the solar water heaters. (6)
ii) What are the applications of Solar photo voltaic cell? (6)
23. a) i) Describe the following Wind data energy estimation and site selection for
wind energy. (12)
b) i) Explain with the sketch horizontal axis wind machine. (12)
24. a) i) Explain Urban waste to energy conversion. (12)
b) i) Describe the process of Bio-Mass Ethanol production. (12)
25. a) i) Explain the Ocean Thermal Electric Power Generation. (12)

b) i) Explain the prime movers for Geo-Thermal Energy Conversion. (12)

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