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Fallen Angel (From Dungeon Magazine #117)
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Fallen Angel (From Dungeon Magazine #117)
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BY KEITH BAKER Illustrations by Dave Allsop Cartography by Cheistopher West JB DUNGEON. DecewarR 2004 he city oSharn is one of the won © ders of Khonsaite. is lovers seem ND vo touch the sky, sing up more ‘ha ¢ tie frou the shores of River. Butittakes : to support the spi Dagger nd sel ferns of ight Ye! wih, such wondrous ome wondrous tragedies, fr magic of a fying tower fils it and somewkere Angel" is a D&D adventure suitable fo: four characters of Steel is setin the city of Sharn in the Euzemow campaign setting, bu the sidekars om page 28 provide sug, for tunning theadventarein setting. or at higher and lower lecels of play Adventure Background On Olarune dh in the 918th yar nce jhe Bundinces the Kintorn cue of Sharw’s floating towers fell fiom the Much of the wreckage landed in the Dagger Rives, but 35g Hon of the chadel truck the districtGodsgate in Lower Dara, causing hor rendlous devastation. Buildings shat- lored and husnicredls died, and the district was left in tins. & poor area to begin with, Godsgatenever recoxered from the disastes, The city council had no inten ton of wasting gold on the shim, Some of Godsgate’s citizens Med, but many were determined 10 remain in their anestral homes or maintain sheie fam. ily businesses. Some couldn afford to Jeave, and more than a few were driven to madness. The folk of Lower Duta say that these unferlinates wore posteeseed by the spirits ofthe resiless deed_ Knawn asthe ravers, these urbam barbarians live in the depthsof the ruined district, prey- ingon anyone who trespasses into their tonritory: Within a year, Godsgate was: no more. The distrier became known as fallen, and ever since it has been, shunned by the citizens of Shar, Even nw, eighty years after the fill of the Glass Tower and the foundation of Fallen, the disaster temains one of the unsolved mysteries of Shar. While it ‘curred inthe early years of he Last Wan no foreign power ever chimed responsi bility forthe éestaicton, There are many other oat spies, including the entire distriel of Skyway, but the weapon or spell used to destroy the tower vas never employedagain, Mosi ofthe common folk blame the ssizards of Aumdaie, bt ded vinced, and for year they have continued losstuuy the towers il The true ansiver tothe fall ofthe Glass Tower has no bearing on mortal vars it comes from Syrania stself, the plane whose energy empowers the diy of Sharn Syrania is the home of the angels, noble spirits of pure light. But even the pur et spirit can be corrupted, A few angels ‘umm away ftom the contemplation of the greater liph and instead sek the worship af mortal beings. These spirits are ben: ished fiamn Syrania and forever stipped of the power of light, bound to walk the cart they once soared above. Known 38 radizntdos, these allen angels lead cults if deluded followers und seek w gain the poser on Fbecron that thay sere denied in the heavens. Yet there axe places on Eberron ‘where even angels should fear to tread. radiant idol Sythnael was caught in a In the carly days of the feud with the sinister Lords of Dust and the fallen angel was turned to stone. His followers carvied his petri fied body to the Glass ‘ewer, there to moet with # wizard whe could break the enchantment, Bus they undevesti- mated the power of Sythrael’s curse- ‘he force that prevented the angel from DECEVBER 20M OUNCEON 1°flying again, When the petrified ido! ‘yas brought to the Glass Tower, the curse unraveled the enchantments holding the stricture in the air Before the wizard compleied his work, the tower fell, segments splitting to impact on both Godsgate and the shores of the Dagger he statue iyelf shattered, and the fragments were seattered across the redius ofthe destruction. That should have been the end of it Bat over the last century, the spirits of the fallen cultists have found a vessel in ‘tribe of urban barbarians. Fellowing these subtle spiritual influences, thera ers ave reasserblitig the broken sttuc Jy preparing the petrified angels relea Adventure Synopsis In Fallen Angel,” amsterious aristo crat bites the PCs to recover Sybraets broken statue from the desolate dis. trict of Fallen, After discovering the location of the statue, they must ven: ture into the ruins of the Glass Tower and battle raver barbarians and the otherereatunes that make their homes in the wreckage Chapter One: Thelt in the City of Comers ‘rer the past eighty yeas, a ie of rv. ces known a the Stone Keepers have been slowly collecting the fiaginents of Sythrze’s state, Despite their fonts, « few pieces were taken avay as euriosand souvenirs—sad the Stone Keepers have started veatuiaig out of Fallen in earch ofthese final fragment One of these seginents it owned by 4 woman nated Kaelys Tele, A pany of Stone Keepers recently broke into her ‘manos Gaidad by spiritual visions given tothem by thread, the ravers had lite trouble Fdinggand stealing the agment “ola realizes that someone may be reas sembling Sythrael—and ifso, she wants the statue herself Exact details ont who Kaelys Is and what her exact statistics ane have been Jef intentionally vague Use her as & blank slate; adapt and personalize her to your campaign and mesh her seam: Jessly with whajever organizations and contact the PCa have worked for or with 20 vuNceon vec Maes 2004 in previous adventures, Two pos- sibilities are outlined below. + Kaclys(N fea elfarstoceat3/ sorcerer) i wealthy woman and member of the Gold Goneord of the Aurum. She has connections to the families Of Sharn, Mergrave University and the of or halflf éragon: mark houses, nat ta mention the Aurun fa shadowy alliznce of Die wealthiest citizens on the continent) Itself. A- member of any one of those orgemizationa coud ask the party to see Kaclys a8 a favor or she could approach the party independently based on their eputation + Kaelys (LN female young adultsilver dragoa) isan observer from the Chamber fa secret order of dragons ‘who want to take a more sctve role in the world} From her studies of the prophecy; she believes that Sythrsel ‘must be reassembled—and that the party must be the agents of his resto ration, Inthis cas, she wll seek them out, alluding 1 thelr favorae repute tion. An alert chacaetar may notice that she seems to know a seat deal about the party. Meeting Kaelys Tela Thebuildingyouseek isa toweraf polished black densewood. Pattems ofivyhave been carved into the wood and inlaid with siver, [A massive bugbear guards the gate; his deep red fur is oiled and brushed, and he swears a beautiful breastplate covered with black enamel. Hs armoris marked with the same coat of arms that hangs above the doo'—a stylized sier dragon surrounded by an ivy wreath, "Welcome to Silvewine he growls, his voice deep and resonant. “You are expected.” The bugbear’s name is Kurthan |N male buybear fighter 3), He wears a masterwork breastplate and carries a masterwork heavy flail. As long as the party doesn't give him any trouble, he leads them throught the posh mansion, lventually the PCs arniveata large sit ting room where a regal elf waits for Kadys Tela thers, Her glamerweave gown seems to be woven from dark silver smoke and her long platinam blonde hai is Qoundsvillsorraments oP soon ast] jet! ‘She:stande in the center of the room nest to a large object hidden tnider black cloth on the floor This is Kaelys, and the object under the sheet iva vital clue Keely explains that she ica scholar of antiquity and a collector of curi: sites from past ages. Last night, a group of people broke into her home and siolean object from her collecton, The item in question wos.a curiosity of trivial value: piece of awhite marble statue—specifically. a delicate: hand recovered from the district of Fallen afer the collapse of the Glass Tower Tbe tinted ighowed dekenulef ci of considerable valve, moved dinsetly to the hand, an left as soon as they had acquired it. But they did leave some thing behind A ihis point, Kadys pulls the cloth from the object om the floor, revealing the corpse ofa young human man, The rian is dressed in rags, and his skin is covered with ditt, scabs, and abstract tattoos, One" of the thieves, he was alle by sne of the magic tape Kaelye recently installed in her house, She's already brought in a cleric 1 question the corpse, during which she learned the fliowing: The thiereacia sateen ling labo+ They came from the district of Fallen, + They are guided by the “wisdom of the past, | acl aklinsses the PCs ab tis pint “1am confident thatthe thieves carne fromm | Fallen, Idortkrowifyou know Shan, but there ave few places more wretched and dangerous. | don't dare go there mysel— and that's where you come in. fyou goto Fallen and técever the hard, Il pay you 600 pieces of gold. If you can recover the entire statue, that gold becomes platinum. Aroyou interested?" Ifthe Ps ate morealtruistic, Kaclys yy instead offer to make a donation in this amount 1 any organization they wish. Alternately. she promises to inttoduce them tosomeone important in the city the Pes have been trying wo contact Irthe party agreés to take the case, she suggests they seek out a prestess named Faela. A missionary of the Silver flame, ¥aola lies in Blackstone Church in allen | and may be able te help the party troele down the thieves, 2, Bxamining the Evidence Raclye explains that the gard on duty sidelines GEIR apRGe wes yee (Gy aasttg Gage Fansine ai | andthat the thieves somehow managed to enter and leave without unlecking any doors. Kaelys does lt the party F peak Noareaetngiacuemagre wishes to keep the exact nature of ker collection vseeret Thete!ate-a murnber of lies that a pay can cba by exartningihetile's | echt i sapetetttin reine of the group possesses. the Investgite feat, bit anyore has a chance to noice | the information. When a PC examines the, Dress (Search DC 15): While the and faded beyond! zepai, A choracer with Investigate ar Knowledge inobil- ity) notes that the style dates back to ‘he turn of the century. Emo: 4, Bia Fallen Body (Search BC 10): From calluses, muscle, and sears, itis clear hat the man lived an active Life aud ha engaged is any fights in the past. He had hor rible hygieneand rotting teeth, His tations are largely abstr but one clearly defied sym- bol ison the palm of his right hhand—a zough, round object (A stone? A boulder?) held between tio siylized hands Fallen is in Lower Dura, at the very bottom of Sharn, Bounded to the south by the cliffs leading down to the Dagger River, the district looks like a ruin at first glance, devas: tated and abandoned, Huge chunks of stone are scattered around the outer streets. Statues of the gods look down upon passersby, but they have shattered features or missing limbs. Many build ings and bridges have collapsed, ané the surviving buildings are marred ané damaged in varicus ways. Feral children ‘chase rats in the alleys while fithy men huddle arourd open fires in the riddle ofthe streets. ‘Thie people of Fallen have no love oF strangers, and they greet the party with an unfriendly aititude. However, it is siople exough to find Facla's temple While the locals hateand fear outsiders they adore Taela and are glad to show the party the way to the temple for a few coppers. 3. Blackstone Church Most of the temples of the Silver Flame are built to serve as fortresses, ané Blacletone Church is no exception, There area few nicks in the thickwalls of the church, but overall itis stil in excel: lent condition... at least, from the out. side. Within, itis dark and empty. Once twas doubtless filed with hundreés of parishioners, with offerings and fuith But these things were stripped away long ago, and today the church is filled with éust and shadows. Ahalf-elf wearing the plain gray robe of a friar of the Flame steps out of the shadows: A silver arrowhead litters on a chain arouné her throat. Though young, and alone, she radiates an aura of peace and comfort, This is Feela, a kind and compassionate woman who can tell the party about the history of Fallen, as described at the start of this adventure, She caznot provide any sort of useful information about the broken statue; Fallen is filled with shattered icons, Homever, ifthe party describes the dead thief, she can point them in the right diceetion. “He sounds like a raver” Feelasays, then sighs. “The ravors-are the saddest and most dangerous creatures in this area They're more like animals than people They say the ravers are possessed by angry splits, but haven't seeriany proof of i 20 far think that their ancestors were simply driven mad by thedlisaster.” She considers the matter for'a moment “Its hacd to imagine one of them leav- ing the district. They hardly ever come ‘ut oftheir territory, and when they do, they usually ght the ist ting they see Did you notice any details? There's at least half a dozen tribos cut there, and FCENBER 700% DUNGEON | 21ZN UIl need to narrow it down to point you inthe right direction.” ‘This ie whowe the elves from encounter 2 corre in. IF the party didnt bother to study the corpse, the DM can either allow them to msikea few ofthe checks against their memories ofthe body; 0 Force them torelurn to Silversne, Faela can intexpret the following clues: Body: The tattoo on the Tiand identi- fies the thief as a member of the Stone Keeper tribe, Appearance; The rivers get their equipment from seavenging. IF the PCs can describe to Fala how the vic: tim was dressed, she narrows it down to cither the Stone Keepers or Night Stalkers and points the PCs toward oleae Hell. Once she thinks ofthe Stone Keepers, things click for Facta I've only seen one, maybe two Stone Keepers before,” Facla says thoughtful “I believe they live in old Colrac Hall. They're unusually sophisticated for ravers—some cof them may actually be able to speak. | have heard about them g:thering chunks of stone—it's where they get their neme. | suppose it eotld have something to do with a statue” She knows’ little more about the Stone Keepers, butshe can tell the party how to find Colrie Hall. OF ourse, thal means going into raver territery, and she warns them again how dangerous that em be, Should the party return to Faela kuter in tho adventuse, she can perform nonmagical healing for free using her Heal modifier of +9, She can east cure light wounds twice per day, ané does so for free to help the party if ske iv asked by a true follower of the Silver Flame, If there are no follow ers of the Flume in the party it takes a successful Diplomacy or Tutimidate check (DG 25) to convince her to use hee magic; she generally saves her min acles of faith for the people of Fallen Of course, if the PCs use [ntimidate, she wort! be around to help them on their next visit, and they might have to deal with some rough locals who don take kindly to outsiders who badmouh theit beloved Facla Ad-Hoc Expesience Award: Ifthe party succesfully uncovered dies in encauntor ‘Land shares this information with Faela without prompting, they should receire experience for a CR 2 creature, A. Blood Drinkers! (EL 3) Following Hacl's-dicections to. the manor, the PCs move deeper into Fallen, heading toward the Dagget Gifls. Soon there are ne people en the alieels. Instead, the PCs should notice the occisional bloodstain or sliver of bleached bone scattered amidst the rubble and refuse. the Blood Drinkers are among the most feral and aggressive ravers, and 4 hunting party is about to cross paths with the PCs, Make a. Move Silently check for each raver; use the lowest result as the Listen check DC for the PCs, Ifthe pany heats the barbarian, riake initiative checks normaly, If the ‘avers uoproach unheard, they receive a round of surprise Creatures: These four ravers wear the erudest possible armor, made from layers of tom, stained cloth, and carry makeshift clubs and cudge’s Their eyes are wild, their lips flecked with froth, and their faces and hair are crusted with dried blood as Fada Said, they see more like animals than humans, While intelligent, they do not understand any langwageand comin nicste amongs! themselves with hows, grtiats, and gesticulations Slood Drinker, human barbarian 1 (dj: CR 1; Medians humanoids HD 1412 pls 3: p 15 cach: Init 41} Spd 40 Rhy AC 12, touch 11, larfooted 11; Base Atk }1:Grp-42:Atkor Full Atk +2 melee {1ei041, clubj'SA tage 1 fay (6 rounds) SQ fast movement AL: CE; S¥ Foet 12, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 13, Dex 12, Con 11 In 9, Wis 10, Chas Sil Clin, latina 43, mp8 Listen +4, Move ileny +, Sunival=3. eats Power Atsc, Toughness Laregoges: None Rage (8s): hp 17; AC 10, touch 9, Ait footed 9; Grp +4 Atk or Full Atk-4 melee (1e10+4, grealelub SV Fort 4, Will «2; Str 17, Con 15; Climbs x6, Jurnp 1. Posessions: Padded armor, great, Tactics; The Blood Drinkers Approach as sileatly as possible, but once they spot prey they forego sub- tlety in Favor of force, They concentrate their attacks on characters with the least armor, seeking to whittle down the competition as quickly as pos sible, If s Blood Drinker i injured. he rages on the following, round. [fa blood drinkers killed, all ofthe survi- vyors rage on the next round. A fatigied raver altempis to flee Chapter Three: Colra¢ fall ‘Colrac Mall is fairly uriretnarkable from: the outside, Built by dwarven architects atthe dawn of Galfar it yas designed to withstanda siege. The manor isa solid square of ed granite, distinguished by ‘the Colrac crest above the door, What is remarkable-is the three floors of the circular glass spite that protrude fiom the center ofthe manor. This is one of the-wptes ofthe Glats Tower when t fell, it pierced the building like a mas- sive arrow, ruining most ofthe northera half of the manor but remaining fairly intact tse 8. The Entry Hall The vast front doors of Colrac Hall fell from their hinges decades ago Beyond The walls are bare, the carpeting is stained and rotting, and the only source of light is what ambient light that trickles through the open front duors. The only sound is the scut tling of vermin in the shadows, Three statues of men and women stand on either side of the hall, mostly marred beyond recognition hem is @ long entry hall When the Clase Tower fell, one of its many spizes fell direetly on Colrac Hall. The corridors leading north have collapsed. Straight ahead, a pievs of the lower itsell Is visible: A curved wall of smooth green stone, completely block. ing the hall, If easy to see where the tower got its name; the floors around the fallen tower are covered with shards of glass, the shattered remnants of the tower's shell, = 4 Sie aeTae layer of glass ss a foot deep in places, and makes treacherous Footing, Moring through a seurare filled) with mnires a Balance check (DC 12) IF the cheek is failed by 5 or mare, the character slips and takes 1d4 points of sl 6. The Feasting Hall (EL $ ‘Once this was 8 grand feasting hall. Now, is appears t be a prirre hunting ground for rats and other vetmin, Benches and tables have been knocked over, some bio- enup fr kindling or other uses, Four Night Stalkers ture fn this hall bathariana are ane of he most eleverand cautionsof the raver ribes. ‘They recently ambushed 3 Stone Keeper hunting pacty, and tracked them w this location, The stalkers have paused incre in the hall 1 catch Fee rats 9 Night Stalkers, HalEore rope 1/bar- barian 1 (4; GR 2 Medium humanoid lorels HD 162 plus 141242; hp 16 each Init +13 Spa-40 MAG 12, touch 11, Hat foted 11; Base Aik +1; Gup 43 Atkor Full Ale 49 melee (1d343}%3, spear): SA rage Liday (7 rounds), sneak attack +146; SQ darkvision 60, fast movement, trapine! ings Al-CN: SY Fort+4, Ref =3, Will 1 Str 15, Dex 13, Con tA, tt 8, Wis, Chia 6 Skil: Climb 4, Craft frapmaking) «3, Hide +5, Jamp +8, Listen +2, Move Silently 45, Search 3, Spot +3, Survival =2 eas: Bower Attack age (Ex): hp 18; AC 10, touch 9, fat fosted 9; Gep +5: Atkar Fall Atk -5 enclee (184523, spear) SV Fort «6, Wall 41: Str 16, Con 18; Climb 46, Jump +10. Poses: Packled armor, spear Taeties: The Sialkers immediately hide when the party emers the room, hen by to stick to the shadows and move to Fanking pesiions. Teyana ataeksat characters with dareision oF who posses ight sources, Staller nigestiefirstromnd of combat Development: While most ravers five for bait, the Stalkets are more cunning than most, Ifthe party spots the Staleers before they attack, the ravers are willing ‘o parley, Their initial attitude x indatter: cen{.The strongest stalker is named Kea, and he is the only one that cin speak ‘ny puttural Common, he explains that this folk “hate the bad here.” The ravers woutt help fight the gatherers, butif can be made friendly, they'll provide information: the Stone Keepers “have gone dogs., here then gone, with the dogs." He knows that they get into their ‘over by using the blink dogs’ dimension oor ability.. but that there is another way; through the kitchen to the south, ‘The Stalkers wish the party well, but do ‘not join them. AlcHloc Experience Awacd: If the PCS manage to use Diplemacy oF inimidateta resolve this encounter, award experienceas ifthe PCs defeated the ravers in combat The Library Al that's fe in this once grand library's shelves are torn pages ané ripped bind. ings, eitherotting into pulp orconverted into nests by industrious rats beens 200: muncron | 2324 Treasure: A careful Search (DC 21) tums up one intact volume of value—a fest edition of The Kqs of Gulg, which ‘could foteh 100 gp from 4 collecior 8. The Kitchen (EL 3) Rats and insects are the only creatures that seem to make use of this hitchen. Rusty cauldrons and broken crockery are scattered across the floor, and everything is covered with dust, cob- webs, and moid (Creatures: Five horrid rats lnrk in the manor at the morsent, Roll Ld this is the number of horrid raisin this room vwhen the garty enters, The remainder are found in area 12. P Horid Rate (Ida): bp 7 each: Evenson Cmpnign Siting 288. Treasure: While most of the kitchen is im ruins, 2 careful examination (Search DC 18) turns upa marrow dark: wood box with a fine silver lock (Open Lock DC 30}. The box is worth 100 gp: it contains a set of fine silver cutlery ‘worth 300 gp. 9, Laundry ‘This room has beea raided inte and again for inppromptu armar, All that’ left is a tap into the well, a massive basin, and a dying platform, 10. Hallway ‘The floor at the northern end of this hall ‘way is strewn with mounds of shattered glass, yet the tly strange thing isthe wall ‘af opaque glacs at the far end. A jagged rectangular opening opens into a large room there that appears to be part of the fallen tower itself. Moving through assquare filled wit slass requires a Balance check (DC12} if the check i failed, thecharacier slips any] tekes 104 points of slashing damn: age. Reaching the window and making itthrough to area 13 requitea Climb check (DC 14): Small and smaller char acters receive a 42 circumstance bonus on this check, Failuce results in a fall into the glass for 166 points of slash ing dameges DUNGEON DECEUBER 2004 LL. Servant's Quarters (EL. 3) ‘The footlockers and wardrobes ofthis bar ricks have been shattered and scavenge, and anything of value—down to the bed: ding—has been stripped. A strange faint sound, slmest 2s of someone hurrming 4 lullaby walts gently on the ai. Ifthe party enters the room, the faint, ctheceal sound increases in intensity, becoming an eerie, almost hypuotie cho- rus of whispersand means. As i contin wo3,a-davk, miaty figure cealesees from the shadows of the room: Creatures; This figure is an sllip comprised of the composite anguish of the peopie whe died here so long ago. ‘The ravers avoid this chamber, and do aot prirstie anyone int here even iF the allip is killed. Allip: bp 26; Monster Mana 10, 12, Pantry (Up to EL 3) “This ancient pantry isnow hometo an army ‘ofvermin. Lootershave smasked te shelves and taken anthirg nt naled down, and rats and insects mil n theft lef behind. Most ofthe vermin seem harmless, severying into ‘he shadowsat the fst sgn of light. But e there larger creatures hidden in the rubble, waiting fr fresh meat? Creatures: Theseave five hosvid rats in the hall, divided berween this locatien and the kitchen fore 8). Any'rats thal were not encountered in the kitchen are encour lered hee, 2 Horsid Rats (auinber varies): hyp 7 eich; Enseaow Campaign Setting 288, rountered The reriaining encounters occur in the fragment of the-fallen towers This pat= jewlar section was a mystical workshop of House Vadslis, The Keeper, Jasran A'Vadatis, was working to harness the posvon of blinkdogas and had made great strides before his untimely demise. He ‘managed to breed a stain of blink dog that was very cooperative and friendly joward humans, and enhanced their powers ao that the cogs could transport other creatures or objects. A few of the dogs survived the fall—and some of the Stone Keepers ean channicl the spirits of the Vadalistrainors, Thege Stone Keepers are infused with the apemories, desives, and unfulfilled dreams of those who per ished in the Glass Tower's fall; they are Geatuves knows te seme as meneliis, ‘Over the last 80 years, the blinks dogs hnare formed a close bond with this raver tribeas a result As this tower flit inverted. Its 100f crashed into Colrac Hall, but the lower although they were now upside dow All loose objects have thus fallen to the new floor. Doors generallrhave afoot wall between the base ofthe door and the “floer”: ane in place of stairs, charaeteia must walk up sloped floors with stairs for che ceiling, This is primatily a cosmetic effet, bat it is somthing the DM should bear in rind, ‘when describing the rooms. While the ravers sipped all light sources ftom the lower levels, thay hase Teli everburning torches in place in the higher levels of the tower, Aoors curved relatively intact 13. Kennel ‘The floor of the room beyond was once the room's ceiling; when the tower fel, it must have rotated before it landed. It’s astonishing the tower survived the impact; fractures 1am slong the alls and floor, but overall, the thick walls seem solid and safe, The walls ofthisehamber ate lined with cages. The bors ae unusual a success fil Knowledge (nature) check revels the ‘metal to be a farm of old ston, The bars ae engraved with arcane wanes recogni able with » success] Knowledge jacana} check (DG 20) as being associated with effects thal bar teleportation: Siace the doors of te cells have been torn off of their hinges and are nowhere to besten, any magic Hat may have once bee at ‘work here bas log vanished. 14. Vadalis Workshop (BL 4) “The shattered remnants ofalcbemical sup plies, surgeal tools, and various forms of restraints le inheo99 along thewalls ofthisroom. All oft is now broken, corroded, ar otherwise useless. Bones (both humanoid and otherwise) are scattered amidst the layer of subbish. An inverted ligt of stairs leads east up to the floor above, ‘This was once a workshop where the heirs of House Vadalis worked to enhance and alter the abilities of their thoroughbred blink dogs. the equip- Inent ie now useless, and the bores ate amix of canine and human, However, anyone who makesa Spot check (DC. 20) notices that not al of the blink dog sk: etors ate in pieces: Because the oomisupsidedown, thesis uptoarea Weareon the cling, Reaching « the bimistorand cimbing up the stirwell roquiresa Cimbcheck (DC 13}. Greauures: Three blink dog skeletons lurk in this sant, created yeats ago by 4 Swone Keeper priest Fra favorite pete The skeletons dont attack anyone who dresses like a Stone Keeper, but anyone elses fir game 2 Blink Dogs Skeletons (8): CR 2; Medium undead, HD 4413; hp 26 each: Init +8: Spe 40 fur AC 16, touch 14, flat footed 12; Base Atk +2; Gep +2: Atk or Ell Atk-+2 melee (166, bite SA — SQ dame age reduction 5/bhudgeoning, darivision 60 i, immunity to old, undead traits: AL NE:SV Fort +1, Ref-5, Will: Ste 1D, Dex 19, Con—, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1 Feats: Improved Initiative, 15; Keeper's Chamber (EI cH This room was onoe a bedchamber: The poster bed and desk have smashed into pieces against the new floor, but one hoteworthy item seems to have survived intact—a chest of blackened sten], marked with the symbol of House Vadals, ‘The chest is sealed with a minor magic item called a dragonhard lock A character with the Mark of Handlingcan deastivete thu: lock by expending a use of any mark ability. Otheewise, the lock must be picked or the chestsmashed to getto the content ‘within, The chest already has some dam age: the Stene Keepers tried to smaeh it pen before but only triggered the Trap Since then, they’ve lost interest in the chest and avoid it W Hlackened Steal Chest: 1 hoch thick Hardness 10; hp 20; Breck DC 26: Open Leck DC 10. ‘lap: Unless it is deactivated with the Mark of Handling, the chest uuleashes the poweraf skoeleng grasp on anyone who ‘ris to move i, open it, ee stkeit 7 Shocking Geasy Trap: CR 3; magic device; touch trigger: automatic reset spell flee (shocking grasa, Slee wz ard, 346 electrical damage; Search DC26, Disable Device DC 26 ‘Treasure: The chest contains a pouch 050 gp, twoletters of exedit for 250 gp each, and a ieast extend canneing red Ivalse includes « leatherbouns journal that describes the Keeper's work with blink dogs. ‘The information is highly technical ane tied to Vaéalis traditions, sand soul be dificult for other people tose. A Vadalis enclave would pay up to 1,000 gp for the Sook’ return. The book includes a detsiled analysis of the blink dog languaye: someone who stud ies the book for at least week can learn to speak Blink Dog by spending 1 skil) point, even ifSpeak language isa cross chess skill. Maze (EL 4) This maze was designed ta serve as & phygcound and exercise yard for the bine dogs, The walls sre completely hare A few everburing torches are scattereé throughout the maze, butthey are hidden incorners intentionally ceating shadowy 1c bliak dogs? cwnditions to complet lovclight sision One hallway in the maze is set-up with law hurdles to prevent creatures from charging or running. Each Iurdle Is only 3 feet high, but costs am extra square of movement to move through uniless the character makes a DC 12 Jump check, Other sections of the maze have tiny alas those spike had been scattered with catroas (see page 126 of the Player's Hanndbnok) Creatures: At the moment, there are oe built into the Flock. Treat 2 if thave sections of floor three blink dogs playing around in the maze; the stasting positions of the dogs ane matkel on the map, Dlink Dogs (3): hp 35 each: AL N Monster Maud! 28, Due to alterations shade by House Wadalis, thee blink dogs naveabeve average bit poins. bx addition, chey may choose to transport one willing Medlum (ot smalles) creature tiey tous when using dimension door Teeties: ‘the frst time the pary spots 4 Dlink: dog, it gives a low bowl and dis appears—cornmunicating the situation to its oo brothers. The dogs then begin to attack the intruders. They know the mas perfectly, aid use blak and dm door to try a team up on weak patty meribers. They rely on hitand nin tates, disappearing whenever the party starts get organized. Any dog dropped to 5 hit points or below flees toazea 18. I'1wo of the threo are kiled, the third dog retreats ‘omiea 18, 17, Stonefall (EL 3) Neher the Stowe Keepers nor de bla dogg ever use this door they use the blink dogs’ clijension doer ability to enter the third level of the tower, and 2 previous snemelih constructed a simple trap to Keep inteuders cu {WStone Door 4 inches thick; Hlacness Ship 60; Break DC 28: Open Lock DC 30, Tiap: Angone who attempts to open the door without using the key includ: ing somone who tees to brea it down) causes & pale of lagatones above 1 slip anit enish the interop: -¢’ Falling Stone Trap: CR 3; mechaui- cal; touch trigger repair reset: Atk +10 melee (46, falling fagsiones} Search DC 25; Disable Device DC 20, 18. Dog's Den {EL 3) Tom blankets and bedding are scattered around the floor of his room, scavenged from elsewhere and used for maleshitt nests. A strong canine odor fils the air As with area 14, chambering up the stairs in the comer of the room requlzss 4 DC 13 Climb cheek (DC 13), atures: Fosrnerly sn ber this has become the primary den of | the blink dogs. Currently, only one blink og lurks in the reorn, long with one Stone Keeper raver tF any blink dogs sur rived encounter 16, they might be found here as well 2 Blink Dog: hp 35; see page 25, cercise cham: DE-FGER 7004 mUNGEON 25Ne, | (a Stone Keeper, human barbarian 1 pwarcior 1: CR 1; Mediam humanoid: HD 112-2 plus 18425 bp 20; Init +2; Spd 40 Ny AC 16, touch 12, Metsfooted 1 Base Atk +2; Grp-43;Atkor Full Atk $3 .nelee (1d8+1/%3, warhammer}: SA rage J/day (7 rounds}; SQ fast move- mient; ALNE, SY ert 46, Ref 42, Will 40; Str 13, Dax 14, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12 ‘Skil; Climb 3, Handle Animal «3, Jump +7, Listen =4, Survival =4 Fea: Blind-Fight, Power Arc, Languages: None, Rage (Ey): hp 24: AC 14, touch 10. lat footed 12; Grp +5: Atkor Fall Atk +5 melee (24813/53, warhamumer): SV Fort 8, Will 42; Str 17, Con 19, Climb +5, jump +9, Possessions: Studded leather armor sinall wooden shield, washammet Tactics: Ifthe Stone Keeper has been alerieé ta the threat by the bowls of the dogs in-area 16, be amd any blink dogs here are poised near the door, pressed aginst the wall, As spon as a character enters, they atiack, If there are multiple Dlink éogsin the room, they will low one character io enterand then blink forward to block his progress, coonlinatig attics while pinningthe cerning characterin the hallway of area 17. Treasure: Ifthe party searches through the refuse (Search DC 14), they will find an eternal wand of char avconat hidden anid the trash 19. Entry Hall “The'seal of House Vacalisadornsthe ceil ing of this room. The slashed eanvas of a beautiful porvaitis on the floor, partially buried amid a heap of shattered furni ture. The western half of the room has collapsed, leaving a solid wal of drt and stone. There 's a halfopen door to the east, through which a strange, sibilant chanting can be heard Greatures: Five Stone Keepers hurc in this room, blocking access tothe charnber of statues uit not otherwise paying atten. tion unless one of the blink dogs or the Stone Keeper from area 18 flees up here to warn them of the PCs’ approach. # Stone Keepers (9): hp 20 each: see page 26. 26 DUNGEON DECEMBER 2005. ‘Taclies: The stone keepers are puzzled by the intruders. Wihtile not completely hosile, heyacedistinnetly watviendly they snarl and makethrestening motions, indie cating that the party should leave, They do not speak common, so any attempt at Diplomacy or Intimidation will have to ‘work around this obstacle, Their initial awitude i unfiiendly (or hostile i they now the PCs have killed their alles on the floor below); iF ther can be made at ‘east friendly, they allow one PC into area 20 to sprak to their spiritual leader. Only I they're made helpful do they allow all the PCsinto area 20. Lit comes to batle which it certainly does if the PGs try to enter area 20), the four Stone Keepers immediaely rage, hoping overwhelm their enemies with pure force. If the bate continues for amor: than $ rounds, the inerselith and blink dog from area 20 comet investgete and aid thei kin 20. Chamber of Statues (E1.5) ‘Once a temple to the sovereign lord Balino,thisshrine has been turred upside down in mote ways then one. ts filled with pieces of shattered statues—icons fathered from scross the broken district of Fallen. The heads of long-dead nobles are mixed together ina jumbled heap with the limbs of gods and bits of abstract art Amid the wreckage, one statue stands intact: Made from polished white marble, itis anine-feot figure of « besutifal, angelic manwearing floning robes, onehand out stretched asif ne sin the midst of casting a spall seems ap if he might once have had wings, but all that’s left now aie jag ed stumps covered with raw muscle and 4 few stony feathers. A tiny piece of the statue where its let eye should be seems to be missing Greatures A young man and a large blink dog face the statue. The man is chanting, but his words are strange, hyp notic nonsease—aei eee sxeam of coer Scioueness thats 3 blend of word om s dozen diferent anguages,Iinvereupted, hho tumsto reveal his expression: a strange mixture of tortured madness and eestatic joy. "What do yon want here?” he cries ‘out topping his song, This young man isa memelith, a per som infused wath emotions, dreams, ad ‘memories from the dead. His euteently inthe midst of praying for guidance, hop ing to reccivea vision that could indicate ‘whee the final fagment ofthe statue is Inidden, He is puzaled by the intruders; he tas never deak wih alventurers befoee. Ihe party tree tally the emt, tre switches between three personalities, cach with its own distinct mannesisms: + Junius as the kader of theradianteult thac brought Sythrael tb the tower. He demands an explanation forthe inte sion and asks for reparations for the death of any of his peeple, and gener- ally tries to play on feelings of guilt or confusion. He denies any knowiedge of the hef and claims to be performing a ‘eligious service + Hiledgard was a Morgrave scholar She believes that the statue of Ssthraal played arolein the fall ofthe tower, nd issletermained tocomplete its zebuilding, vo prove her hypothesis: She otks the party to helpher find the as! piece ofthe state—themissgeye—so she cansee what happens when itis completed. + Kolis aang chi. He is frightened by everthing, including the party the statues, an the big seary dog, P Junius/Hiled gad Ko, male meme: lith bard 3: hp 19; see page 27 Blink Dog: hp 35; see page 25, ‘Tactics: The blink dog takes his exes from the memelith. ‘The memelith is willing to talk for a while. Assuming. the party doestft leave, the Junius per sonality eventually uses eherne penn, trying to target non-warforged fight ers and ordering anyone he converts to protect him. IFbatile is joined, he relies ton his rapier and his touch of confi sion ability, The blink dog uses dimen. son door io close with lightly armored spelleasters Development: The stone that come prises Sythract’s statue is unusually light ‘weight—bat even so i stil weighs 1,200 pounds, Whenever plece of the satu fs pliced in its proper location, itzeamiessly melds with theother pisces Asa rest the party could sash the state into smaller pieces im erder to transport i. Otherwise they may need to drag the statue. A char scler thal ceamines theslatuesnd makesucsetsfil DC 26 Spellevaft check tealzes that i's actually a living creature petrified ba stone to lest spell Conchidtig the Adventiwe TES ANP otteta ROMA the sits buck to Kaelys, she grateally provides them with hex promised revaré, She is intigued by the encounter with the memelith, and hopes to unlock the his tory of thestate. She preshisen och tact the Ps oncehe does 6, She ako arranges forthe party o be fly healed at the nearest jrasco house, The party can rest with the satisfaction of a job yates Hai wat Riipaneed® Welded Kaclye's true motives? If she is a radi ant cukist and finds « yay to release Sythrae, the fallen. angel may try 10 recmuit oF éestoy the pary in onder hide ite trail, Or perhaps Kaelge intends to find « way'to use the statue's curse as a weapon—andaitships orother floating lowers may soon begin to fall! Finally, there’ the orate af where the final piece of the statue is hidden, The only place it’s certainly not is Fallen—the Sione Keepers have scoured this district for decades, and would have certainly foundieift wore there. Kaelys mighthive the PCs to trace down the missing eye, oF they could hear rumors ofits cation later intheir adventuring careers Ie Sytlael is erentually freed, consult Shane Cy of Tawerr far details on the aan idol ‘Appondix: New Tomplate Mumelith ‘When hudreds of people die euddenly and unexpectedly their passing can leave a maik on the work. This is not the same as the unatucél, undead presence fof a ghost. In the case of a miemelith tho seal souls ofthe dead have passed to their final rest. Bul teaces are lefl behind—memories, destes, unfulfilled dreams, This spnitual residue can toch ‘he minds of the people who lle in the area, manifesting ae strange thoughts or dd dreams that are qui’ Frgoven ‘Occasionally a child is born with a strong bond to these memories ard he might grow up to hea gifted medium Jr the tracas of the fallen are dravn to his mind like moths aflame. Hisrind is filed with the voices of the dead. voices that often oveewhelin bis own thoaghis Sack ansenfortanate = known Wah—allving monument to the dead Serving as a channel forthe spirits of the departed provides the merselith with Focused = range of asperstisal power through the memelith, the spisis can shift small objects, slam doors. or per- form similar poltergeist activities—but they can also shift the position of an attacker's bade, helping to shiele their host from harm, But the greatest power of the memelith is knowledye The memelith has access 10 the memories and skills of hundreds of people. ‘The BE-EvaER 2006 puNceoN 7—— — — > oh a ne BXtrre twister) foes tae ec, em et Rent een eet eee er Posner: Ste ieee meen the aver soci to bald up sour eer nicute 6; remove ove sell Dil og area ere Panes o Cnn cP rere? pees 28° OUNGEON oéceBER 2008 rawback ig that he bas a limited ability tocontro! the voices In his mind, tn the short term the hnowledge of the dead ‘can be fnvahiable But in the long term, @ emelith has great difficulty concentra ing or focusing on any one task. He ean luy to suppress the vaices or call on the memories ofa specif individual, but he is only barely in conteal oF his mined, & memelith isa tormented creature, con ly distracted by voices no one ccan bear, teapped amid the memeries ofthe dead, A memelith can chanmel the memo ries ofan humanoid creature, bat shes the steongest bond 10 spivits ofits own ace, Most memeliths naturally deselop bsrdic talents. vemelith barés often vse a variant of Pexfori called *whis: persoag”: this isa steeam oF conscious hess muttering inspied by the thoughts ofthe desd, Whispewsong is chaotic and nonsensical, but can be suangely hyp rnotie ane compelling in the same way Beruple Munsell This evsimple meinelith uses a 3rd Tian ald Male bke tans inal [lina Hit Dice: 3464 pus 3 (199) Iti: +2 Speed: 301 (6 squares ‘Amor Class: 19 (2 Dex Hsiuddel eaten 2 Hlellecton), 15 each 1? Aa-foced Base Attack/ Grapple: +2)43 Atack: Masierwork-rapier +4 melee (1d6+1/18-20) or masterwork shoribow = ranged (106/3) all ile Nansen 34s {1d6+1/18~20) or masterwork shortbow $ ranged (1063 Space/Reach:5 fh '5 ft Speci lacie Fascieai nspltecourage Is touch of madness (DC 14, spells Medium Special Qualities: Rardie knowledge +3, bardic music 3/day, countersong, irmail, inspire com of the dead, polter geist phenomenon Saves: Fort «J, Ref 5, Will Abilities: Ser 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 6 Cha 17 Skills: Bil +8, Cra (tapmaking) 45, Decipher Languages -1, Disable Device 3, Diplomacy 18, Handle Animal16, Heal +1, Hide-5, Iniimidate 4 Knowledge (nobility) «3: Open Locks +5 Terfortn wehispersong} +6, Spot +1 Feats Dodge, Spell Focus (Fmehantmeng, Toughness Environaaent: Auy Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: + Treasure Standard Alignment: All ‘Advancement: By character class level Adjustment: -2 Combat avid Spells Kaos: (372, caster level 3) dave DC = 15 + spell level; DC 14 + spell 0 lbvel for enchantment spd (DC 14). tight, mage hand, mending. mes: sige, prestidigitation; Ist—chanre person (DC 14), cae light wena, Tasko’s hideous laugiter DC 14}, Pessesions 1 stulded tester, nnsater syork rapier, masterwork shortbos patie of displacensent, potion of visit, potion ‘ere moderave wounds, poten of protection Jom arrens 10/ magi, 20 gp. Creating a Memolith ‘Memeliti is an inkerked template that «an be alded tony living humanoid. lis typedoes not change, but it gains the aug ‘mented bumanold subupe Armor Clase: The ceesture gain 9 deflection bonus to its AC equal to lls Chariswa modifier This is derived from the spirits protecting the memelth, ands a supernatural effec Special Attacks: nuemlith retaing all of the special allacks of the base creature and gains the following special attic, Touch af Maidness (Sie): Any plysical contact wih # memelith—including a inves touch atzack or anied atael—cam temporarily oversshedrn the mind withthe eheotic thoughis ofthemenelitishost of picts. The opponent must rake a Will saxe (DE 10-4 half the memelitt’s Hit Dice + the memelith!s Charisma bonus or became confted for one round. This rmind.affecing compuision ear ony affect upto one creature per rourd. the sve DE is Charismn-iosed. special Qualities memelii resins special quslitir ofthe base eveature and also gains the folloing special qualities Ininaenities (Bx): A memelith is inamune to all ming-aecting effects vower Turn (Fe): A memelts mand hhoas the thoughts of hunsdzeds of difer ent creates, and these often confise or crowd out the thoxghis of the base cres- sure. Tis ha tee effects + Amomedita basdlificulty concentrating ‘any extersed tak, Inordertotake 10 ‘20 on 4 aki cheek 0° to performs an ‘extended task (such as 2 Craft eck) a memelith must make a successful Will saving throw (DC 15), If the character fils the saitig thiow, eat the sll lick asi the memelithvoled 1 + Any time a chacaeter uses Diploanaey intimidate, or Sense Motive against a memelih, the DC of the skill chee is increased by 10, /sassnsaar is ever Tie Toe some Tae V0 nave TaPicK he ee ee ‘Krone of he Dead (e):"The meme lth bas access to the skills of all of the spirits that uch its mind, This allows the neal ww riche an uleained ski ‘eheek with any skill calling on the faint incmories of the dead. In addition, the spirits act shrough the host, usually providing insight and guid ance, bul sometimes only cating cots sion, Whenever 2 memeith makes a Skil check, headde 166-3 tothe res (even if this resus in a negative modifier Poltergrist Phenananor, (Si: A seme lth is sursounded by a host of invisible incoraoreal spirits. Amemelith em callon these spirits to produce sy of the follow ing affees, a 4 1Oellevel sorcexer: ghost Sound, mage kane, oF npenjlase. However, the spirits occasionally use these powers on their own. Doors open or stam shut arouncl the memelith, Unattended objects suddenly mave. Stiange means oF whis- pers maybe heard To stop an involuntary poltegeist display, a memelith must make success Will saving throw (DC 1 this suppeesses the powse for 1d rounds Abilities nereate from the hase crea ture as follows: -2 Wisdom, +2 Chan'sma A memelith possesses an unnatural charm, but the constant interaction with the spins s distracting. Shils; All skis are considered class skills Fora memlith ‘Challenge Rating: As bse ceature 1 Feith Boker i the creator of the Beeweow canserige seis ektoonesis pane A vouwauredte J EMBER 2004 DUNGEON 29
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