Plague of Dreams

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Plague of Dreams

This task must be undertaken with the gravest care and secrecy .
A Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure for Monte Cooks Arcana Evolved
Requires the use of Monte Cooks Arcana Evolved, published by Malhavoc Press, and the use of the Dungeons
& Dragons Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Authors: Monte Cook, James Bell, and Todd Secord
Additional Design: Scott Holden and Sren Keis Thustrup
AE Conversion: Sren Keis Thustrup
Developers: James Bell & Todd Secord
Editor: Mike Johnstone
Graphic Design & Layout: Philip J. Reed
Cover Artist: Kieran Yanner
Interior Artists: Leanne Buckley, Brian LeBlanc,
Claudio Pozas, Todd Secord, and Kieran Yanner
Cartography: Ed Bourelle and Mike Johnstone
Production: Jason Kempton
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America and Canada. Any reproduction, retransmission, or unauthorized use of
the artwork or non-Open Game Content herein is prohibited without the express written permission from Fiery Dragon Productions, Inc., except for purposes of review or use of Open Game Content consistent with the Open Game License. The original purchaser may print or photocopy copies for his or her
own personal use only. The Region Map on page 8 is copyright 2003 Mystic Eye Games. All rights reserved
This book is produced under special license from Malhavoc Press. The Monte Cooks Arcana Evolved logo and Arcana Evolved Product Identity are used
with permission. All rights reserved. Fiery Dragon Productions, Inc., has no rights to make open any Product Identity owned by Malhavoc Press and Monte
J. Cook. Malhavoc is a registered trademark owned by Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Unearthed Arcana is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. Arcana Evolved is used with permission, and all rights are reserved.
Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards of the Coast are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used with
FDP 4008: Plague of Dreams

ISBN: 1-894693-19-1


CHAPTER 4: OVERLAND JOURNEY ................45

Preparation ..........................................................................3
Adventure Background ......................................................4
Adventure Synopsis............................................................5
Adapting Plague of Dreams to Your Own Campaign .....5
Setting the Stage .................................................................6

Synopsis ............................................................................45
Starting the Adventure......................................................45
Pointing the Way ..............................................................45
Traveling to the Lake of Lost Voices ..............................46

CHAPTER 5: THE LOST TEMPLE ...................49

CHAPTER 1: GAHANIS.......................................7
Life in Gahanis....................................................................7
Ogranizations in Gahanis...................................................9
Roleplaying in Gahanis....................................................11
Random Encounters in Gahanis......................................12
Notable Personalities........................................................12
Locations in Gahanis........................................................13

CHAPTER 2: THE JAREN.................................23

Synopsis ............................................................................23
Starting the Adventure......................................................23
Gathering Information......................................................26


FORTRESS ..................................................27

Synopsis ............................................................................49
Starting the Adventure......................................................49
Attacking the Bandits.......................................................49

CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION ..............................58

Synopsis ............................................................................58
The Blue Knight ...............................................................58
Concluding the Adventure ...............................................59


New Magic Item: Dimensional Door Stone...................61
New Magic Item: Capsule of Glamour ..........................62
Sweet Spore Dependence ................................................63

APPENDIX II: LEGAL TEXT .........................IBC

Synopsis ............................................................................27
Starting the Adventure......................................................27
Approaching the Battlehome...........................................27
The Battlehome Fortress..................................................30
Entering the Battlehome ..................................................30
Exploring the Battlehome ................................................31
The Curse of the Vultrek..................................................35
Please also visit

So deep and varied is the history of these lands that its true memory can only be found in dreams.
Nirnura, Akashic Master
The Malus Morphaera, known by some as the
Sphere of Nightmares, is an unusual and rarely discussed artifact of great destructive potential. Several
different forces are searching for this elusive treasure.
Some seek to exploit its untapped knowledge, some
to unleash its cataclysmic properties, and at least one
hopes to use its abilities to gain wealth and prestige.
A simple caravan robbery has set off a chain of
events that will pit several factions against one
another, all fighting to secure this single prize.
Will the heroes act as unwitting pawns in this
contest of wills, or will they succeed despite the
odds and prevent the plague of dreams?
Plague of Dreams is a fantasy roleplaying
adventure for use with the d20 System and
requires Monte Cooks Arcana Evolved, published by Malhavoc Press. This introductory
adventure is designed for a party of four 1stlevel player characters (PCs), but it can easily
be modified to present a challenge to larger
groups or more powerful characters. On average, four 1st-level PCs that complete this
adventure will gain enough experience to reach
While Plague of Dreams is an introductory
adventure, it should not be mistaken for a simple adventure or an adventure only for novice
players. Plague of Dreams serves as an introduction to the rules of Monte Cooks Arcana
Evolved, as well as to the expanded setting of
The Diamond Throne, and contains various
roleplaying opportunities and challenging combat situations. We should also note that The
Diamond Throne setting book is not needed to
run this adventure successfully. Furthermore,
the players need not use Arcana Evolved to create their characters; any d20-based fantasy roleplaying game can be used in conjunction with
this adventure. The Game Master (GM) should,
however, be familiar with Arcana Evolved in order
to use the NPCs to their fullest.

For those who are experiencing Arcana Evolved or

The Diamond Throne setting for the first time, or for
those who simply want a developed starting point for
adventure, Plague of Dreams is tailored to meet such
needs. In addition to the adventure, Plague of Dreams
presents the multi-racial town of Gahanis, a mining
community with a diverse population representing all
of the major Arcana Evolved races. Notes are included
that suggest methods of revealing the nuances of the
different races and class abilities.
If you intend to play a character in this adventure,
STOP READING NOW! The following information is
for the GM only; reading ahead may spoil the secrets
and fun found in Plague of Dreams.

Before running this adventure, the GM should read it
through carefully to gain a familiarity with its layout
and various features. The adventure is divided into
chapters to make the information easier to digest. After
the Introduction, the first chapter covers the town of
Gahanis, which contains several charts and lists to aid
improvisational roleplaying and allows the PCs to
explore the town in a free-form fashion. The following
chapters detail the adventure itself. The final section is
Appendix I: Monsters and NPCs, which contains the
stat blocks and write-ups for the various creatures and
NPCs encountered in the adventure. Photocopying
Appendix I for easy reference during play may be wise,
and keeping copies of the maps on hand is also advisable.
In addition, the GM should be familiar with the new
races, classes, spells, and abilities presented in Monte
Cooks Arcana Evolved. If you are using a tabletop map
and counters, such as those found in Fiery Dragons
Counter Collection IV: World of the Diamond Throne,
you should prepare the counters you will need for this
adventure ahead of time. Suggestions for creating new
characters and developing backgrounds are included in
Setting the Stage, below.

Though the history of the Malus Morphaera itself is
long and violent, the particular events currently
unfolding in Gahanis are the result of more recent
activity. The Jaren, a secretive and mysterious trade
guild, have long sought the Malus Morphaera, the
Sphere of Nightmares. After the artifact was revealed
to them in a dream-vision, the Jaren first enlisted the
aid of a verrik akashic named Nefenr, who had become
indebted to them in order to fund his artistic works.
When Nefenr could not find the information they
sought, the Jaren began quietly using their network of
trade alliances and clients to locate information and
resources that might shed light on the mysterious artifact. One distant ally, Xibalba from Zalavat, found a
centuries-old mojh-written tome, the Inmagus
Libellum, which was thought to contain a brief mention
of the orb. The Jaren hoped that this text would represent the first step in the artifacts discovery and
arranged to have the tome delivered to them with their
next trade shipment.
Just days before the book was to arrive, however, the
caravan was attacked by bandits, and the Inmagus
Libellum, along with other valuable treasure, was
taken. Even as the Jaren felt the loss, a surviving caravan guard claimed to recognize two of the bandit
attackers. Merril Yannis and Den Rudiger, residents of
Gahanis, were implicated in the robbery and a bounty
was offered for their capture. While the Jaren are very
public in their support to capture the bandits, since the
safety of the trade routes are key to their economic
longevity, they are quietly seeking mercenaries and
bounty hunters to pursue their more covert goal of
recovering the Inmagus Libellum and, hopefully, the
ancient orb.

Behind the Scenes: The Jaren

The Jaren are outcasts who have banded together to
impose their will upon the world. Guided by dreams
and visions, their methods are chaotic and random at
best, sometimes benefiting and sometimes damaging
others, yet they focus intently on each new scheme and
bring their considerable skills and talents to bear. They
took but seven short years to dominate trade in the
region. Now, they seek the Malus Morphaera
revealed to them in a dream-vision and its untold
power. They do not know exactly what the orb is, but
they do know that it bears the potential to annihilate
every living thing in the area.

Behind the Scenes: The Blue Knight

Early on, when the Jaren were still consolidating
their trade power and subtly destroying their competition, they were granted a powerful and compelling
dream. In their shared vision, the spectre of death
became an ally, serving as their direct agent against
opponents not swayed by guile and blackmail. Two
nights later, a wounded sibeccai found herself at the
door to the Jaren Guild Hall. They saved her life
that night, and in return she offered up herself for
service. The Jaren, driven by their vision, performed the ceremony that transformed the sibeccai
into the Blue Knight, a champion of death.
Over the past years, while prowling the lands
following the darkness that is her guide, the Blue
Knight has also undertaken assignments for the
Jaren. Destroying rival guilds entire caravans,
slaying untouchable figures who refuse to submit,
penetrating unassailable security, the Blue Knight
has helped the Jaren establish a position of prominence and power in the region at the same time
becoming a terrible and mysterious creature of
death and darkness. The quiet roads are not lightly traveled when signs of the Blue Knight are
Now, the goals of the Jaren have aligned with
the cause of destruction itself, and the Blue
Knight finds herself outside Gahanis, searching
for a mysterious orb that contains a deadly
knowledge. The Jaren want to unravel the orbs
secret and gain its power. The dark spectre that
drives the Blue Knight wants to unleash a terrifying plague that will drive the living past the
brink of sanity and down the path of death. Once
she finds the orb, the Blue Knight will determine
which course of action to follow.

Behind the Scenes: Nefenr

Nefenr, the akashic whom the Jaren first questioned about the orb, knows more than he admits.
An artist driven to success, Nefenr first fell in with
the Jaren hoping that they would serve as altruistic
patrons, financing his artistic projects. In truth,
Jaren support comes at a high price, and Nefenr
soon found himself little more than a pawn in
their bid to control the trade guilds. After several
months of using his talents and contacts as a
Jaren spy, Nefenr had reached his breaking
point. Secretly hoping to buy his freedom,
Nefenr used his akashic abilities to track down
the caravan bandit groups that had occasionally
tormented the routes surrounding Gahanis. With
his charisma and powers, as well the knowledge
of trade schedules and shipments that he gained
while serving the Jaren, Nefenr slowly assumed
leadership over the various bandit groups, uniting them into a more efficient and deadly
organization. With his growing illegal
finances, Nefenr possessed the ability to end
his contract with the Jaren, but he refrained
since their dealings with him have granted him
the knowledge required to plan and enact the
bandit raids. So, Nefenr uses the Jaren as they
once used him: as an information gathering
tool in his bid for success and power.
In addition, living a dual life between the
bandits and the Jaren has granted Nefenr
something more significant. Several months
ago, after some minor investigation by trade
authorities, Nefenr moved the main bandit
camp to an abandoned structure near the
haunted Lake of Lost Voices, two days south
of Gahanis. Hidden in a lost shrine, Nefenr
found a mystical sphere, the ancient Malus
Morphaera in fact, though its name and nature
were unknown to him. Meditating with the orb
did, however, grant Nefenr increased power
and additional abilities. At first content to use
the orb to develop his artistic creations further,
Nefenr soon wanted to learn more about the
mysterious artifact. The Jaren sought his help
in learning of the orb at this time. Nefenr
revealed nothing, but quickly organized his
bandit gang when he learned of the Inmagus
Libellum and its possible revelations about the
Nefenr maintains a double-life, traveling
between Gahanis and the Lake of Lost Voices,
acting out the roles of a gifted and flamboyant
artist by day, a loyal and sharp Jaren spy by
night, and a cunning and greedy bandit strategist
when the need arises. A new role is beginning to
consume him, though: that of devoted servant.
Thoughts of the orb grip him daily, and he finds
himself quietly visiting it more and more often as
ever so slowly he is yielding to its power and
becoming an extension of its destructive will.

Adventure Synopsis
The adventure starts in the town of Gahanis. The
heroes will be contacted by the Jaren, a mysterious
trade organization, who hope to employ the PCs aid in
recovering an important tome taken in a recent caravan
robbery. Two of the bandits have been identified, and
the Jaren notify the heroes of their location the longabandoned Battlehome keep that lies several miles
southwest of the town.
Entering the dilapidated Battlehome, the heroes will
discover the entrance to the old slave tunnels, used to
hide from the dramojh when they ruled the world.
Exploring the tunnels will lead to encounters with a
local goblin tribe, as well as some new and unusual
creatures. Eventually, the bandits hideout will be discovered, and the heroes will have an opportunity to
confront and possibly capture them.
Gleaning information from the two bandits will
uncover the existence of a larger bandit network and the
location of its lair far to the northwest at the Lake of
Lost Voices. The heroes will then be asked to take a 2day overland journey to investigate and defeat the bandits in their lair. Along the way, the heroes will face several challenges and develop new allies and foes.
Finding the bandits lair hidden in a fallen temple
near the Lake of Lost Voices, the PCs will unravel the
true prize sought by the Jaren: the Sphere of
Nightmares, a powerful and potentially deadly artifact.
The heroes will then be confronted not only by the bandit leader and his men, but by the mysterious Blue
Knight, a champion of death.
Success will ensure the safety of Gahanis and the
security of local trade routes, while failure could lead to
further looting, bandit retaliation, and, possibly, the
plague of dreams.

Adapting Plague of Dreams

to Your Own Campaign
Plague of Dreams is not a generic adventure that can
easily be dropped into any d20 fantasy campaign world.
It is designed specifically as an introduction to Arcana
Evolved and takes place in the world of The Diamond
Throne. Plague of Dreams does, however, contain
many components that can be useful outside of its primary purpose.
The overall story and plot can easily be modified for
any campaign world. The Battlehome, the ancient
caves, the Lake of Lost Voices, and the bandits lair can
all become encounters in another adventure not specifically tied to Plague of Dreams. New monsters, magic
items, and NPCs can be used as drop-ins when a quick
write-up is needed. So, while the overall adventure is
not easily adapted to other settings, the various parts
can be employed in other venues.

Setting the Stage

Creating Characters and
Developing Backgrounds
Plague of Dreams is designed for newly created 1stlevel characters, though it is easily scalable by increasing the power or number of opponents. When creating
new characters for this adventure, a few considerations
should be made. The adventure will provide extra
intrigue for those playing akashics or verrik characters,
both in relation to the orb and the main antagonists. We
recommend that a champion of death not be included
in the PCs party for this adventure, since such a characters motives may coincide with the Blue Knights
and could lead to intra-party conflict that may overshadow the adventure. A greenbond or one of the various witch types could find moments to shine in the
Battlehomes catacombs or when approaching the
Lake of Lost Voices. Runethanes or totem warriors
may be intrigued when confronted by the bandit spies,
with whom they share abilities. Warmains, oathsworn,
and unfettered will provide much needed offensive
capabilities to the party, which may prove necessary to
complete the adventure. Similarly, the mage blade or
magister can add important magical ability and help
overcome the various challenges contained in this
Once characters are created, establishing a reason
for their current situation to have them located in the
mining town of Gahanis is advisable. Feel free to suggest that the players develop any history they wish, as
long as it ends with, My character is currently in
Gahanis because . Since this is an adventure
designed to introduce the various races and concepts of
Arcana Evolved to a new group, having all of the characters be newly arrived to the town may prove beneficial, as the opportunity to explore and learn will mirror
the play of the adventure itself. Having one or more of
the PCs be natives of Gahanis already is also possible,
though steps must be taken to provide the players with
any knowledge that would be appropriate for current
residents. The drawback to this situation is that it will
likely mean more work for the GM and in some
respects hinder the mysterious atmosphere presented in
the region.
Some possible reasons for new characters to travel
to Gahanis include:
The character is part of a caravan guard or escort
that recently arrived with a trade delivery.
The character has traveled to participate in or witness an upcoming ceremony. Faen characters have
come to see Sauz Trusong, the towns finest herbalist,
transform into a spryte. Giant characters have come to
talk with Ra-Berken, a young giant who will begin his
first ritual of the Shu-Rin. Litorians have come in from
the plains to attend a large tribal feast.
The character has come to find his fortune, hoping
to strike it rich in one of the three precious metal mines
near the city.
The character is a bounty hunter, drawn in by the
reward offered for the two bandit spies.

Story Hooks
The main challenge of developing new characters
and uniting them in play to form an adventuring party
is finding a common theme or motivation. The GM
and individual players can develop character-related
motivations, possibly including these driving forces
directly in a characters background.
Following the adventure as written, the PCs will
be quietly approached by the Jaren and hired to
track the two bandit spies and recover the stolen
tome. Alternate hooks include:
Caravan Survivor: The character is one of the
few caravan guards or passengers who survived
the bandit attack. Arriving in town, the character
learns of the identity of two of the attackers and
seeks revenge.
The entire party of PCs may be survivors of this
attack, not knowing each other beforehand, but
banding together for survival and retribution.
Perhaps playing out a brief skirmish with a few
bandits before beginning in Gahanis could familiarize the players with their characters and draw
them into the story.
Revenge: Rather than surviving the bandit
raid, the PCs are actually related to someone
slain in the attack. Learning the identity and possible location of two of the bandits, the PCs have
found their chance for revenge.
Bounty Hunters: Gold talks, and the reward
for the two bandit spies has been heard loud and
clear. The PCs have come to Gahanis to capture
the bandits and collect the prize. They could be
thrown together by town officials, suggesting
they pool their resources to overcome a formidable foe.
Civic Duty: The characters are members of
the Gahanis town guard, and this assignment has
come up during their shift. This strategy affords
an easy way to unite a varied party: the PCs
superiors who are consumed with preparing
for an upcoming ceremony and with patrolling
the trade routes have ordered them to work
together and investigate the possibility that the
two known bandits are hiding in the Battlehome.
Sibeccai youth all volunteer for a season of
guard duty as a rite of passage that honors both
their community and Mynorath the Peacekeeper,
the guard captain. Young giants sometimes join
the town guard as an extension of the Si-Karan,
their protective nature driving them to help. Some
humans join out of civic duty; others hope to find
an opportunity to wield authority over others.

Gahanis is a human name that in older times meant shelter.

During the rule of the dramojh, it served as a refuge for escaped
slaves and rebels. When the giants came, Kether, the leader of
Gahanis, attempted to aid them against the dramojh. The giants at
the time gave Gahanis the name of Battlehome, for they used it as
a base of operations and supply for many years.
Today, Gahanis thrives as a trade center. The
mines of the Derenblack Hills, operated largely by
sibeccai, produce vast amounts of iron and other
metals. Although Gahanis has its own bale furnace
and foundry, most ore is shipped in caravans
either northward or toward the sea.
The Steward of Gahanis is Ne-Chardath. He
works closely with a human Speaker, Neril
Sann. The town boasts a population of about
3,500 individuals, with about half those being
human, a quarter being sibeccai and faen, and
the last quarter made up of giants, verrik, litorians, and mojh in that order. Not far into the
hills dwell two tribes of litorians, which keep in

Gahanis (Large Town): Conventional; 3,000 gp

limit; Assets 525,000 gp; Population 3,500; 50% Human,
13% Sibeccai, 12% Faen, 10% Giants, 9% Verrik, 5%
Litorians, 1% Mojh.
Authority Figures: Ne-Chardath, male giant Steward
(Gnt2/Grn1/Ari3); Neril Sann, male human Speaker
(Ari2); Mynorath the Peacekeeper, male sibeccai Guard
Captain (Sbc2/Wrm2); Elantor, male litorian healer
(Chm2 [Life]).
Important Characters: Nefenr, male verrik artist
(Aks2/Mgr4); Jaren Guild Master (Wtc5 [Mind]).
Others: Ari1 (x10); Com8 (x1), Com4 (x2), Com2
(x4), Com1 (x2,501); Exp6 (x1), Exp3 (x2), Exp2 (x4),
Exp1 (x818); War4 (x1), War2 (x2), War1 (x98); Aks4
(x1), Aks2 (x1), Aks1 (x4); Chm2 (x1); Grn1 (x2); Mbl2
(x1), Mbl1 (x2); Mgr1 (x2); Osn2 (x1), Osn1 (x2); Rth4
(x1), Rth2 (x2), Rth1 (x4); Twr1 (x2); Unf2 (x1), Unf1
(x2); Wrm2 (x2), Wrm1 (x4); Wtc1 (x2).

fairly close contact with Gahanis. They have only a

passing interest in the ores that move through the town,
but do trade for other supplies. And of course the plains
to the north teem with litorians as well.
The fortress of Gahanis still stands, mostly vacant,
only occasionally used as a storehouse. The fortress is
connected to the vast natural cave system used by
escaped slaves in early times to hide from the dramojh.
Common wisdom says that some of the bandits who
raid caravans leaving Gahanis have spies that hide in
the caves and monitor who comes and goes from the

Life in Gahanis
The geographic situation in Gahanis has made it
ideal for some activities such as iron mining, the
main economic drive in the area, and less than
ideal for other matters such as crop growing. The
soil in Gahanis is rocky and rough, and, while the
ranchers who dwell to the east and southeast of the
city do not have trouble providing grazing pastures
for their herds, the area has never been able to support the wide-spread cultivation of grain or other
necessary crops. Fortunately, the iron and ore mines
have given Gahanis more than enough material to
trade for the items they lack. The trade route, which
once passed several days to the east of Gahanis, now
diverts into this ore-rich town.
The secondary, and no less famous, exported product from Gahanis is beef. While the soil may not
support grain or related food crops, it does produce enough pasture to maintain more than 1,000
dairy and meat animals, primarily
cows and pigs. When not

herding them north or south, travelers often enjoy a traditional Gahanis Steak, seasoned with special mountain flowers and spices. Meat and dairy are the main
staples of dining in the town, augmented by hardy
local-grown vegetables and various fruits. Exotic produce and grain-based foods, such as breads and pastas,
are rare but still enjoyed by the hard-working populace.
Gahanis is a town full of hustle-and-bustle, with a
seemingly endless array of traffic both local and visiting.
Due to the frequent trade caravans, the population of
Gahanis can often double in a single week during the
busy summer months. Fine inns often serve as a second
home to wealthy merchants and visiting Guild Masters,
while the lesser inns, taverns, barracks, and hostels hold
the caravan guards and hirelings who stay within city limits. Beyond the city, along the trade routes heading north
and south, are frequently used campgrounds and small
way stations where less urban (or less wealthy) travelers
Surrounding the town, past the campsites, are the local
ranchers who call Gahanis home. Some have small fields
of vegetables, though these fields are usually nothing
more than glorified gardens, but as noted above, the land
is mostly used as grazing pastures for livestock. There are
twelve main cattle ranches outside of Gahanis, each with

its own brand and reputation. Beef is still the product of

choice, but more cost-conscious farmers have recently
taken up pig farming, as it involves a lower cost for a
greater yield. There are also goat and sheep farms, and
travelers often get news before entering town from the
young shepherds who wander the hillsides. Beyond the
trade routes, two tribes of litorians hunt and travel the
great central plains, south of the Ghostwash.
While Gahanis has developed a resource-based
economy and is sometimes viewed by merchants and
Guild Masters as nothing more than a necessary stop
between Jerad and Xavel, Ne-Chardath, the towns
Steward, is hoping to cultivate an appreciation for the
artistic side of the citizens. Recently, the town governors, under Ne-Chardaths direction, have begun
using the councils coffers to fund artistic and cultural growth within Gahanis. The towns foremost
artist, Nefenr, has been placed in charge of one such
project celebrating the history and landscape of the
community. There has been some related talk about
refurbishing the Battlehome keep, restoring its former character without having it perform its original
duties. Street performers and musical troupes are
quick to display their talents when new caravans or
travelers arrive.

Although the peoples of Gahanis celebrate the normal festivals that are respected by the various races,
they have also developed a few local customs. One
such day is the Bounty Day, possibly an outgrowth
of the giants Landwarding festival and a general
thanksgiving ceremony. Bounty Day has been set
by tradition and finds all of the inhabitants of
Gahanis even the verrik co-operating to celebrate and ensure their continued prosperity.
During the festival, various tools of the local
industries are blessed and empowered in song
and ceremony. It is said that animals branded
with irons blessed during Bounty Day are
immune to disease, while shovels and pick axes
so honored are guaranteed to strike iron, gold, or
other precious metals. In a diverse community
such as Gahanis, Bounty Day is one day for all
to put aside their differences and enjoy the spirit of a vibrant town.
Keeping order during the rest of the year is
Mynorath the Peacekeeper, the sibeccai sheriff
and Captain of the town guard. There are 50
full-time guards in Gahanis, double the usual
number for a similar sized town, but understandable in a town where frequent caravans
bring strangers in on a regular basis. In addition, there are 100 semi-trained citizens who
can quickly form into a stand-by militia. The
town guard patrols in pairs, each pair patrolling
a regular location during the day and night.
Location patrols are redistributed every week,
as directed by Ne-Chardath, both to promote
racial awareness and harmony and to dissuade
bias and corruption. Sibeccai youth often spend
some time as town guards, viewing the service
as a sign of respect for the community and to
Mynorath in particular. While they still may
share the normal racial and cultural biases of
their people, the sibeccai respect the Steward
and their Captain and have a strong commitment to order and law.
The town council, governed by Neril Sann,
the human Speaker, has a fairly relaxed but codified attitude to law and order within the town.
Rules and regulations exist and are expected to
be followed. Truthfully, most residents are fairly
well behaved and live in an orderly fashion,
though there is some racial tension below the
calm surface. Common infractions are usually
punished with fines or time spent in the towns
jail, while greater incidents are dealt with very
thoroughly by the Captain and his guards.
Mynoraths tolerance and patience are as respected as his wrath is feared. One encounter with the
Guard Captains anger is often enough to put an
end to further activity.

Either Ne-Chardath or Neril Sann sits once a month

as an arbitrator or judge for any civil or town matters
that arise. Ne-Chardath is well known for his fairness
and faith, and he believes in giving everyone a second
chance to prove themselves. He is also wise and pragmatic and does not suffer fools gladly. Whenever he
gives someone a chance at redemption, he is quick to
add, Take this second chance and treat it well. There
will not be another. Neril Sann is slightly less optimistic about his fellow townspeople, though he does try
to put forth the Stewards ideals. He is interested more
in solving problems and restoring order than he is in
helping others better themselves.

Organizations in Gahanis
Town Council
The town council is made up of 21 members, including its overseer, Neril Sann. Ne-Chardath does not
actually sit on the council, but as Steward he retains
final approval over all decisions and actions the council
undertakes. The other members of the council are elected semi-regularly and are representative of the population at large. There are 10 humans (including the
Speaker), 3 sibeccai, 3 faen, 2 verrik, 2 giants, and 1
litorian. While a handful of mojh live in the town, none
have taken part in the council.

Mining Guild
Controlled by the sibeccai, the Mining Guild is one
of the main power centers in Gahanis. All workers
(packers, miners, and other related occupations)
involved in activity at either of main iron mines or at
any of the precious metal mines must report in to the
Mining Guild. The Guild controls all wages and work
conditions and therefore is involved in the lives of nearly a third of the towns residents. Taking its fair share of
the income generated, the Mining Guild has become
very wealthy and diversified, owning stakes in several
caravan operations, merchant houses, as well as having
an interest in the foundry itself. Though it professes to
remain impartial, the Mining Guild has occasionally
aligned with one of the Trade Guilds, if only to gain a
temporary concession.

Heaths Goods and Trade

Guild Master Heath runs the smallest trade organization in Gahanis. He is human and prefers to deal with
his own people, though his first priority is to the financial health of his organization. His brother is his second-in-command and shares Master Heaths world
views. Master Heath has made contacts with merchants
in Mi-Theron and has worked hard to gain their business. He exports finished iron and steel goods made by
local artisans and craftsmen (mostly human) and
imports grain and other food crops from the farms surrounding the northern city.

Master Heath is secretive and cautious, and for good

reason. He has dealt with rival cutthroats twice, though
he has yet to learn their true mission. Also, he once discovered that one of his warehouse loaders was a spy
employed by Sandjas, one of his verrik competitors.
Unbeknownst to Sandjas, Heath has doubled the workers pay and is now feeding him false information.

The Responsible and Beneficial

Trade Organization
Run by a verrik named Sandjas, R&B, as it has
become known, is a model of order and purpose.
Sandjas is fond of schedules and detail and has perhaps
the most efficient operation running in Gahanis. His
warehouse workers have been trained to load and
unload goods simultaneously, and Sandjas can often
have a caravan train reloaded and prepared for return
travel within a few hours of its arrival. Of course, this
efficiency has also earned him some enmity from the
tired and beleaguered caravan workers hoping for a few
nights respite. Sandjas believes that rest is for the weak,
and, while he cannot be described as a taskmaster, he
has no understanding of those who are not completely
devoted to their work during every waking moment.
It goes without saying that Sandjas has very little
understanding of the other trade guilds. He has examined and re-examined his schedules and delivery ability and cannot grasp how others remain to compete. For
him, his business is so clearly superior that any alternative is sheer madness. Of course, it is his ego and rigidity that turn business away, as there are many merchants
and craftsmen who value trusting and friendly relationships above an extra copper piece or two earned (or
saved). Recently, Sandjas has tried to correct this view
with his own brand of marketing indeed, the current name of the company is his best attempt at advertisement. He has also dabbled in more nefarious activities, such as hiring a spy to work in his rivals warehouse. This action has yet to prove fruitful, however,
and Sandjas plans to end the ruse shortly.
Sandjas has many contacts and customers in Xavel,
beyond into the Southern Wastes, and even as far as
Zalavat. Sandjas deals in fine metals, raw ore, fabrics,
crystal, and worked goods. Though he is often difficult
to deal with, his reputation for speed and reliability is
well-earned and, grudgingly, respected.

The Trade Council

One of the larger trade organizations, the Trade
Council (or Trade Guild as it is sometimes known)
resulted from the merger of four small rivals some time
ago. Hoping eventually to match the Jaren and other
large guilds in stature and knowing that their ongoing
rivalry was a limitation, the four groups put aside their
differences and formed an organization with a singular
purpose: to make money. The Trade Council has guildhalls in various cities and towns throughout the
area, and while the company as a
whole is united in pur-


various Masters of each branch are very competitive
with one another. The Trade Guild Master in Gahanis
is Ibrian Mossel, and he works night and day to post
greater earnings than his rival in nearby Lothis,
Follaren Mithellin. Ibrian does well, though he constantly complains of his rivals unfair advantage of
not having to worry about the law. Lothis has no
Steward, and the Trade Council there is able to perform dealings that are sometimes a little shady in
Ibrians operation is not all above board, however, as he does keep his fingers involved in
Gahaniss underground economy. He is careful,
though, to maintain the appearance of innocence in
these dealings and will never compromise the
safety, security, and reputation of his guild. He
presents himself as extremely honest and forthright, to avoid any suspicion of his less reputable
activities, as well as to provide cover for lesswatched Trade Council operations in other towns
and cities.

The Jaren
Across the lands of the Diamond Throne, the
Jaren have become firmly established as the most
successful mercantile organization, as well as the
most mysterious. The Jaren seemed to arrive
shortly after the disappearance of the dramojh,
their true identities hidden under long purple
robes and burnished bronze masks. No one has
ever seen their faces or bodies and those who
have were later slain in bandit raids or grievously harmed in accidents or have simply vanished.
The Jaren Guild of Gahanis is most unusual, an
anomaly within a riddle. For years, the Jaren were
content to remain based in the larger cities, avoiding the smaller trade towns such as Gahanis and
Lothis. Slightly more than seven years have
passed since the Jaren came to Gahanis or
rather, since Gahanis came to them.
Five outcasts socially awkward and misunderstood among their own kind found each other
and immediately formed a strong bond. Victims of
a rare genetic quirk, they are all albino verrik.
Rather than having the wine-colored skin and light
hair of their folk, they have pinkish skin and dark
hair, like some humans. While they may appear
human, they are truly verrik in spirit and mind, odd
and consumed and finding themselves apart from
society. Not accepted in their distant homes due to
their freakish appearance, they each left their families and communities and settled in Gahanis. Taking
human names and lives, they gained some minor
acceptance from the citizens, though they were not
very social and never truly fit in with any group. Until
one night, when they each shared a vision .
The five outcast verrik, each unknowingly living
parallel lives as humans, found each other in the first

of their shared dream visions. Finally finding

commonality with others, the five immediately
bonded, sharing their secret verrik heritage with
each other, but retaining their human masquerade
with the outside world.
The initial dream vision was but the first.
Unknown forces have gifted the five with some
form of communal prescience. Experiencing identical dreams, the five have followed these revelations and charted a course of success. Each
excelling in separate endeavors, they were eventually led to a new reality. A dream, seven years
ago, showed them contacting the Jaren, becoming the Jaren. Traveling to Mi-Theron, they contacted the mysterious guild and petitioned to
form a Jaren branch in Gahanis. For some reason, the Jaren council approved, and the five
found themselves directing the Gahanis post of
the powerful guild.
Now they each live three lives, appearing as
aloof humans during most days, sharing their
verrik heritage and secret thoughts together at
night, and occasionally wearing the bronze
masks and purple robes when directing the
Jaren affairs of Gahanis. Even though they are
the Jarens agents in the busy mining town, the
five have never again interacted directly with
another Jaren. This situation is not wholly
unusual, however, for one may never meet an
actual Jaren when working for them or with
them. They have a vast network of employees
and contractors from every major race. As to
what grants the dream visions or why the Jaren
would allow outsiders into their operation, the
true answer is unknown. Perhaps a greater
power exists that is using the five outcast verrik for its own purpose. Perhaps the Jaren
themselves whatever their true nature may
be are responsible for the visions and are
using the five to further their own unfathomable plans. Whatever the reason, the five
have reveled in their power and mystery.
Regardless of the source, the five Jaren have
followed the course laid out by their shared
dreams, not understanding the sometimes conflicting actions, but always obeying. The mysterious visions have led to expanded trade, helping
unlucky merchants, providing resources to the
town library and council, and creating funds to
help widows and orphans. The visions have also
led to murder, blackmail, sabotage, and the creation of the Blue Knight. The five Jaren have no
preference when their dreams come; they are cold
and remorseless when performing vile acts and
kind and tender when performing generous acts. In
truth, the five outcasts suffered psychologically
during their formative years, and each has become
removed from emotion and regret.

Roleplaying in Gahanis
When describing Gahanis to your players, here are
some elements to remember when roleplaying in the
bustling town. With regular trade caravans, a diverse
and varied population, dynamic artists and performers,
and a thriving mercantile culture, Gahanis is always
alive with more activity than one would expect from a
town of its size. There are always pedestrians walking
the streets, travelling to a specific destination or simply
browsing the storefronts.
In addition to the 3,500 residents noted in the town
stat block, there are more than 800 children and adolescents who reside with their families in town. Kicking
leather balls, staging mock sword fights, or simply
practicing their skill with the sling, the young people of
Gahanis play joyfully in all areas of town.
Remember that the town exists outside of the PCs
experience and that the citizens of Gahanis do not sit at
fixed locations, waiting for the characters to arrive. Be
sure to make them evolve and grow; create relationships and continuity. Feel free to use clichs at first
when introducing the various races of the Diamond
Throne, developing individuals further as the PCs
become more accustomed to the town and its residents.
For example, giants are fond of ritual and ceremony and
live a rigid and regimented life. Faen are free spirited
and joyous, with toadstool chairs and butterfly pets.
Verrik are awkward and unsubtle, failing to understand
humor and missing sarcasm. Litorians like milk and
sleeping in late. Sibeccai wake early, preparing for possible giant guests that never arrive. The mojh are rarely
seen and rarely discussed.
The people of Gahanis are used to strangers and
know that the economic health of the town is based on
trade, so they take pride in their wares and workers.
They are generally friendly and helpful, as long as they
are approached in a respectful and polite manner. While
some of the races do display the occasional bias, NeChardath and the town council have worked very hard
to instill a community spirit.
On the surface, Gahanis may seem like an ideal small
town, and for the most part it is. Lurking just below the
surface, though, there are some darker aspects. An
underground economy, nurtured by Ibrian Mossel of the
Trade Council and others, operates in the shadows.
Occasional reports of robberies and thievery do reach
the ears of Mynorath, and his men are not always able
to find the culprits. Some individuals in the town also
harbor darker secrets or selfish desires, often hidden
behind a faade of congeniality.
Gahanis is an ideal home base for low-level characters, as the regular traffic and local geography introduce many options for adventure, while the small town
politics remain interesting but not overwhelming. There
are no retired 15th-level magisters or warmains with
exploits and abilities that would overshadow the characters. Truly, Gahanis is a place for a lowlevel party to grow and shine,


Gahanis Weather
Heat wave
Light Rain
Heavy Rain




while developing the political skill and savvy that will

certainly be necessary in mid- and high-level adventures. Basically, Gahanis is a great testing ground, a
semi-controlled environment representative of many
features in the land of the Diamond Throne at large.
One tool to make Gahanis seem alive is weather. It is
not always sunny and dry, for the weather has a mind of
its own. According to the season, roll 1d20 and consult
the chart above to determine the daily weather.

Random Encounters
in Gahanis
As mentioned, the citizens of Gahanis do not stand in
place waiting for the characters to approach. Instead,
everyone in Gahanis who is not encountered in their residence or place of employment is traveling from one
location to another. For these chance encounters, first
determine where the NPC is traveling from and where he
is traveling to by rolling 1d12. There are 12 main areas
in Gahanis, and the number generated corresponds to the
general area that is either the origin or the destination of
the NPCs journey. If a more specific location is needed,
each area has been divided into a number of specific
locations that can be represented by further die rolls.
For example, rolling a 10 means that the NPC set out
from the Trade Center area, which contains 6 specific
locations that can be determined by rolling 1d6. Area 2,
the Market Square, is divided into 10 locations that can
be generated by rolling 1d10.
Once the origin and destination are determined, the
race of the NPC can be established with a simple 1d20 roll:







NPC Race

Faen, Quickling
Faen, Loresong
Faen, Spryte**
* Special indicates that one of the notable personalities listed below is encountered, likely
** Sprytes will only be traveling to or from
Area 4, the Faen Park.
*** Mojh will only be encountered traveling to
or from Areas 1 or 10.

Notable Personalities
Giant Steward of Gahanis (Giant 2/Greenbond
1/Aristocrat 3)
The Steward sees himself as the shepherd of the
community, fostering economic growth through trade
negotiations and incentives, but also nurturing the spirit of the citizens with a love of art, music, ritual, and
history. He is aware that nearby Lothis is siphoning off
some of the areas trade, but feels that the culture of

Gahanis will eventually be as big a draw to the city as

the ore mines and cattle ranches and that the local
businesses will benefit in the long term.

Neril Sann
Human Speaker of Gahanis (Aristocrat 2)
The Speaker of Gahanis serves as the ombudsman for those who feel disenfranchised from the
rule of the Diamond Throne. He is a practical man
and always tries to find the fair solution. He is
more interested in order and peace than artistic
pursuits, but he supports the Stewards wishes,
especially in public. He sees himself as a public
servant rather than a politician.

Locations in Gahanis
Area 1: Civic Center
The political center of town, this area is made up of
many recently built structures and showcases the
themes and concepts that Ne-Chardath would like to
spread to the rest of the community. This area is heavily traveled, with town guards, newly-arrived nobles,
powerful merchants, and artists frequently encountered.
It is clear that many of these buildings are of giant
design the large pillars, ornate scrollwork, and other
decorative touches show the attention to detail and
architecture for which giants are known.

Mynorath the Peacekeeper

Sibeccai Guard Captain (Sibeccai 2/Warmain
Mynorath understands the city very well.
While he generally respects the Steward and the
Speaker, he believes that Ne-Chardath is an
unrepentant optimist and that Neril Sann avoids
confrontation. The Captain knows that the town
has an underbelly, where those who do not
respect law or who resent the giants rule
scheme and plot and act out of selfish desires.
The sibeccai is respected or feared for his
tenacity and unswerving dedication to the law
of the land. He believes in swift and powerful
justice and would rather overestimate a threat
than be caught unprepared.

Litorian Healer (Champion of Life 2)
Elantor is a compassionate and caring individual and sees himself as the caretaker of
Gahaniss health. He has a small supply of healing capsules and potions available for those in
need, as well as his own class-derived abilities.

Popular Verrik Artisan (Akashic 2/Magister 4)
Nefenr is the puppet master behind the scenes
in Gahanis. While he has both akashic and spellcasting ability, his true power is in information.
He is an agent of the Jaren, the leader of the bandits, and a trusted advisor to the Steward and
Speaker of Gahanis. In truth, Nefenr works for
himself, providing a lavish lifestyle and valuable
position within the community. Nefenr will seek
out the PCs, hoping to gain information about any
and all activities in which they may be involved.
He will use this information to his greatest advantage and will be most curious if these activities
should overlap his own, such as the PCs being hired
to investigate the bandits or other orb-related activity sponsored by the Jaren guild.
Nefenrs stats can be found in Appendix I.

Location 1A: Town Hall This large building is the

main political arena in town. Carved and ornate, frescos
on the sides of the building depict the ruling giants in
both Chi-Julud mode against the dramojh foe, as well
as Si-Karan mode, shepherds of the citizens of the
Diamond Throne. The massive doors are built from an
old and weathered black wood, taken from the original
ships that brought the giants to Khorl.
Elantor, the resident healer, also operates out of the
Town Hall.
Location 1B: Courthouse This building is the
scene of the monthly trials held by the Speaker or the
Location 1C: Jail With 12 secure cells, this building is constantly watched by 4 town guards. At any
given time, there are 14 caravan guards or mercenaries within, sleeping off a night of drunken revelry or
disorderly conduct. There are no permanent inhabitants,
as Mynorath prefers corporal punishment for greater
Location 1D: Guard Hall This building is the
barracks for all active town guards in Gahanis. Full
guard stat blocks can be found in Appendix I. The town
guard is made up of all races, except the mojh.
Location 1E: Library Run by four mojh scholars,
this building is full of dusty tomes and old
land surveys. Two mojh work


during the day, while two work through the night.

They are assisted by a human and a verrik who aid
citizens when researching in the library. Merchants
from distant cities often stop buy to sell unusual and
rare books to the library, while the mojh complain
that they are under-funded and do not get the
respect they deserve.
Location 1F: Nefenrs Observatory This
building serves as both Nefenrs residence and his
studio. A large central room features a domed
ceiling, which the artist uses to create the illusion
of moving stars and heavenly bodies. This building is a prime destination for the elite citizens
and visiting nobles or wealthy merchants, and
Nefenrs sculptures and artistic creations, as
well as his flamboyant (for a verrik) personality,
are greatly desired commodities among the rich.
At any time of the day, there are 18 apprentice
artisans or local artists here discussing projects
and creating works. Nefenr can often be found
here, telling stories and gathering information.
Currently, Nefenr is involved in Ne-Chardaths
plan to revitalize the Battlehome fortress and
celebrate the history of Gahanis.

Area 2: Market Square

This is the permanent market area in
Gahanis. While various tables and wares are
displayed further south near the caravan roads,
this area contains the established and noteworthy shops of the town. This area is busy at all
times and is the most diverse location in town,
with all of the various races purchasing items
from the shops.
Most of the merchants with shops here have
residences within the building, either in an
attached addition or in a second story. Most
doorways are 8 to 10 feet high, accommodating
the various residents of the town (though some
giants must duck to enter).
Location 2A: Mountain Meadow An
apothecary and herbalist shop, run by Sauz
Truesong (loresong wood witch 3) and her five
daughters. This shop has various spices and
herbs for sale, gathered from the nearby mountains and wild areas. The famous Gahanis Steak
Spice is created and sold here, along with various magical herbs and potions that can recreate
common 0-level spells (at 25 gp each).
The first time the characters visit here or
encounter Sauz, she is instructing her daughters on
the proper way to run the store (though they
already know!). Sauz Truesong is presently preparing to transform into a spryte, and her daughters
will be minding the business while she is away.
Location 2B: Browns Bakery Bread and pastries are enjoyed greatly in Gahanis, likely due to
their slightly rare nature (loaves of bread often sell
for 3 cp or more). Flour and grain is imported by

Heaths Goods and Trade and purchased in large quantities by Redjak Brown, the human baker who runs this
shop. Redjak is assisted by his wife and daughter, a
young wind witch named Kirsten who runs her own
delivery business during the morning hours.
Location 2C: Sron & Marl This unfortunately
named enterprise is the local occult shop and fortuneteller. Sron, a 1st-level verrik mind witch, and
Marl, a 4th-level verrik akashic, sell various potions,
supposedly magical items, and entertain customers with
awkwardly delivered prognostications.
Location 2D: Hods General Store This store,
owned and operated by Hod Dandenning (male human
Exp3) and family, carries all regular items needed for
day-to-day life in Gahanis. Occasionally, Hod will pick
up a minor curiosity to sell to his customers, but he
prefers to maintain a standard catalogue and not get all
fancy like his competitor, Mithellin & Mithellins
Mercantile (Those fellas from Lothis, as Hod is wont
to remind customers.)
Location 2E: Glass & Pottery Shop Lile and
Yrene Morris (both human Exp3) once ran competing
craft-based businesses, but decided to merge into a
stronger and more varied shop. Shortly thereafter, they
were married.
In a book of notes passed down from his grandfather,
Lile has some strange drawings and symbols that are
unknown and undecipherable. If the proper circumstances presented themselves, they would be revealed
as an ancient map of dimensional portals used by the
dramojh to collect slaves from other worlds.
Location 2F: Dairy Shop The litorian Grafton
runs this shop, with the aid of his family and 2 young
apprentices. This building is kept cool with the aid of
magic and has a large cold cellar under the main store
filled with iced creams and other treats enjoyed by the
residents of Gahanis as well as the travelling caravan
members. Grafton also purchases milk (both cow and
goat) from local farmers and sells it or processes it into
cheese or cream. Litorians love milk.
In the cellar, under a thick layer of dust and discarded blankets, is a sealed barrel containing the remains of
Tralion the Investigator, a former sibeccai town guard
who went missing 2 years ago. Grafton stored the barrel for a friend and has since forgotten about it.
Location 2G: Wee Carpenter & Tinker This
small shop features a troupe of quickling craftsmen
who have joined together to offer their services to the
greater community. While they do quite well charging
for their exceptional skills, they make considerably
more money behind-the-scenes as enforcers and extortionists.
Location 2H: The Wedding Present Inn A gift
from his in-laws, Gedge Frumleeds has run this prosperous inn and tavern since the day of his wedding ceremony. To honor his wifes parents, Gedge changed the
name of the inn and promised to provide a life
of fortune for his wife and family.


The Wedding Present is the destination of choice for

wealthier merchants and travelers who can afford to pay
good coin for exceptional service and comfort. The inn is
large, with a well-lit and comfortable common room and
guest suites for everyone from sprytes to full-grown
giants. Charging 2 gp per night for a room and 3 sp for a
meal, Gedge can afford to serve the best. The Wedding
Present offers the famous Gahanis spiced steak and
always has bread and desserts for its guests.
Location 2I: Artist Guild This shop is run by passionate art lover Donathan. The single-named human sells
both his own work and that of Gahaniss larger artist community. Prominently featured are works by Nefenr. Artists
are usually gathered in the street in front of this building,
debating the merits of various techniques and often arguing.
Location 2J: The Braised Bull Tavern This tavern
and restaurant serves the visiting merchants and wealthy
residents of Gahanis. It is also the premier special meal
destination, and citizens often save their wages to impress
a lover or relative. Special dinners run from 3 sp to 10 sp
(per person) for a banquet-style feast.

Area 3: Uptown Residences

This area is primarily filled with human and giant residents. The smaller human-sized houses are one-story
dwellings, usually occupied by a family of 46. The larger human houses are two- and sometimes three-story
buildings, housing up to 12 people (which could include a
wealthy family and its servants).
Giant homes are notable by their red terra cotta shingled
roofs and, of course, large size. All giant homes have an
inscription over the main doorway, written in an ancient
and nearly unreadable runic code. These inscriptions are
blessings put on the house and residents before a giant
family moves in.
Both the human and giant community tend to keep similar life cycles. Breakfast is a meal eaten before the days
work begins, lunch is a large repast that breaks up the
work day, and dinner is a final feast celebrating the conclusion of a successful day. Humans seem to be slightly
more flexible in their schedules, while giants, as an extension of their love of ritual, are very punctual and regimented, eating at precisely the same time every day.
Giants are also strict about greeting and parting rituals, so
acquaintances and friends are often avoided completely
when a non-giant is in a hurry.
In their secret human identity, three of the five Jaren
Guild Masters live in this community.
Location 3A: An Evenings Rest This large building
is an inn designed and built for the comfort of giants. The
slogan over the door reads in giant, All worthwhile activities must be followed by rest and contemplation. AeRadona is the owner and hostess of An Evenings Rest and
greets all guests personally when they enter. (If a large
group is entering at one time, completing the elaborate
host greeting for each individual can take quite a while).
The common room is small yet accommodating,
and Ae-Radona pays local performers to entertain
guests nightly.


Location 3B: Well House A large gazebo-like

structure shelters the local well during poor weather. The
well is 30-feet deep and provides fresh water for many
residents of Gahanis. One wall is used as a community
message board, with notes and announcements tacked
Location 3C: The Ale House A master of marketing, Rachael Downing named her tavern clearly
and appropriately. The Ale House is the destination
of choice for those who have spent time on dusty
roads or have put in a hard days work in the blazing sun. Rachaels income is further augmented due
to tragedy. Her brother Halreck once owned
Eagles Rest, an inn in nearby Lothis. The current
owner, Ea-Nilarnis, sends half of the inns profits
to Rachael monthly out of respect for her late
brother. Rachael uses this money to provide a
diverse collection of ales and spirits, as well as
nightly entertainment. She also employs a few
giant bouncers to keep the peace.
The most notorious drink at the Ale House is
called a Flaming Lip. A rare oil coats the rim of
the mug and is lit before consumption. Any character who imbibes this drink suffers 1 point of
temporary Dexterity and Wisdom damage;
however, any spellcaster who does so is able to
apply the fire template to a single spell cast within the next 3 hours without using a material component (the necessary feat is still required,
Location 3D: Bathhouse Two large pools
fill this building, with sun-warmed water refilling
a smaller area every few hours. A fee of 2 cp buys
a few hours enjoyment of the pools and steam
rooms. A luxurious retreat, the bathhouse is often
used as a meeting spot for organized criminals
and participants in the underground economy.
Spending 2 gp here reduces a Gather
Information DC by 2.

Area 4: Faen Park

The majority of faen in Gahanis do not live in
houses or similar confining structures. Instead,
they inhabit large tree-filled parks and green
spaces. Densely grown trees form something of a
protective barrier, turning these areas into secluded
retreats for the free-spirited faen. The canopy
above is riddled with rope ladders and swing
bridges, wooden platforms and canvas shelters. The
faen in Gahanis have a liberal concept of property
ownership and often retreat to a residence that is
convenient or familiar than one that has been specifically assigned. Fairy lights and toadstool seats, pan
flutes and enchanting laughter: these are the qualities
that make a faen home desirable.
Quicklings are barely visible, running from tree to
tree, often swinging on ropes or simply jumping from
branch to branch. Loresongs gather in knowledge circles, sharing stories and songs. Sprytes flit on gossamer
wings among the greenery that blocks out the non-faen

Area 5: Verrik Row Houses

Location 4A: Central Meeting Area A large

open space in the center of the community provides a place for rituals and sports. Quicklings
can often be found engaged in running races or
team competitions. Small woodland animals run
freely with the residents, showing no fear of the
larger creatures and enjoying complete comfort
in their presence. Groups of faen gather here as
the twilight overtakes day, singing and dancing
and celebrating life, often with wild abandon.
Location 4B: Faen Cook House From
mid-afternoon until well into the night, this location is often the center of faen activity. More of a
cooking area than an actual building, quickling
and loresong chefs and staff work in shifts, creating meals for the members of the faen community. Visiting guests are often invited to join in a
feast of mushrooms, berries, spiced apples, and
similar light fare. Every 3 to 4 days, as their
stomachs dictate, the faen serve roast pig or goat,
turned all day over an open spit.
Location 4C: Faen Shops & Services
Quickling craft stores and loresong spell shops
are sprinkled throughout the faen parks.
Characters can purchase faen-sized equipment
and gear at standard prices and can have 4th-level
loresong witches cast spells (up to 2nd level) at
the appropriate price.
Location 4D: Kraens Tavern Kraen
Fullstring owns this small tavern. With drunken
quicklings, wise-cracking loresongs, and flittering
sprytes, this pub comes alive as the sun descends
each day. Should the characters visit this tavern, they
will notice a grim quickling named Daen
Longfellow sitting quietly in the back corner. Daen is
a 3rd-level oathsworn, dedicated to finding a mysterious fey being known as The Grim who stole away
his wife and child several months ago. Daen has traveled far and wide since leaving his home in the
Harrowdeep. He has stopped at Kraens, seeking information and possible allies. As with most oathsworn, he
will not rest until he has completed his quest.

Always organized and practical, the verrik community is comprised of linked row houses: structures that
share common walls, reducing the need for materials and
adding insulation value. These long buildings are divided
into smaller housing units, with up to 4 verrik inhabiting
a single living space. A terrace in each unit is used for
hanging clothes out to dry or for enjoying evening meals
in the warmer seasons. Verrik runes over each entryway
act as an address system.
Location 5A: Book Shop A source for old tomes
and ancient information, at a cost. Dajson and Yendac
are verrik magisters who have established this successful business serving like-minded verrik, inquisitive
loresongs, and questing adventurers. They occasionally
will sell tomes to the civic library at a minor discount,
but only if they are slow sellers or specially ordered items
that were never picked up. Recently, they helped a human
client source a mojh-penned book in Zalavat. Little did
they realize that this human client was, in fact, an albino
verrik and one of the Jaren.
Location 5B: Cartography & Copies Master cartographer Dowmas (verrik Exp5) uses his exceptional skill to
create maps and to copy text, for 1 gp per page. In a practice book kept in a locked chest, Dowmas has recorded the
truename of the dragon known as Shivawrang, who is
rumored to haunt the Devanian Coast.
Dowmas once had a human apprentice, Den Rudiger,
but ended the relationship when it was revealed that Den
had been using his skills to forge royal treasury notes and
civil documents.
Location 5C: End Unit Inn The final two units in
this row house have been converted into a modest verrikrun inn. A small common room serves simple meals in the
afternoon and evening, and the inn has 6 rooms available


for 3 sp per night. A loose floorboard in one of the upper

rooms can be spotted with a Search check (DC 25) and
pried up with a Strength check (DC 15), revealing a +1
rapier, stored here months ago by a verrik unfettered.
Location 5D: Accountant & Money Changer
Lomar is a verrik money handler who has established
an in-house business as an accountant and money
changer. For a 1% fee, he will convert gold, gems, and
jewelry into more common silver or copper pieces.
Lomar employs 2 litorian warmain bodyguards to protect his premises. He also informs the quickling gang
from the Wee Carpenter & Tinker (see Location 2G) of
any wealthy targets that seem ripe for robbery.

Area 6: Sibeccai Houses

Sibeccai live in tall houses with 15-foot tall entryways.
The reason for the extra tall doorway is simple: sibeccai
feel that they must always be ready for giant guests.
Their fondness for the giants is evident in the oversized
tables and couches placed in their homes. The front doorway is designed so that any potential giant guests need
not stoop to enter. Due to the difficulty in opening and
closing the large and solid wooden door, the sibeccai
open their doors just before sunrise in the morning and close them before dusk at
night. While the doors are


open, large leather sheets drape down from supporting

rods in the doorway, keeping out most of the elements
and maintaining privacy.
The upper floor in a sibeccai house is actually a loft,
open to the main living room below. Sleeping quarters
are set in the loft, with leather curtains separating them
for privacy. Up to 12 sibeccai can dwell in a single
unit, though the average is 6.
Location 6A: Kangis the Fletcher The preferred place to purchase bows, crossbows, quarrels,
and arrows, Kangiss modest shop is the home of a
true master craftsman. All weapons and ammunition
created by Kangis are of masterwork quality and
cost an additional 300 gp beyond the standard price.
While Kangiss skill is impressive, it becomes even
more so when you notice that the sibeccai is completely blind.
Location 6B: Raetrans Hostel A cheap and
convenient shelter used by travelers and tired caravan workers, Raetrans is the affordable alternative
to The Wedding Present or An Evenings Rest. As
the sign outside notes (A deuce a night), a single
silver piece will buy a nights rest on a mattress in
the common room. The peace is maintained by
Raetran the Keeper himself, though his guests are
often looking for nothing more than a quick sleep
and some shelter from the elements. On rare occasions, Raetran will let a poor guest stay for free.
Location 6C: Jundath the Weaver Shabby
tapestries and worn blankets hang on display outside this converted home, testaments to Jundaths
poor skill at his craft. That doesnt bother the
shopkeeper, however, as the store is a front for
criminal activity in the town. The front room of
this building displays a few additional low-quality
blankets, and the door to the back room is guarded
by Throm Kalsen, a 3rd-level human unfettered.
Throms former partner, Merril Yannis, left recently when he was identified as one of the caravan
bandits operating near Gahanis.
Jundath can secure any item for purchase, for a
simple 10% on the items normal cost. The time
needed to provide the item is equal to the items
normal gp value divided by 100. So, for example,
Jundath could provide a rare water clock in 10 days,
for a price of 1,100 gp. Jundaths services are usually used to secure weapons and armor, which are considerably cheaper and easier to come by, with most
items available in a single day.
Since the discovery of Merrils outlaw activity,
Jundath is very careful to keep any mysterious or suspect item in a secret location, far away from this shop,
which is now used strictly as a meeting place.
Location 6D: Ceremony Grounds This large,
open green space is used by the town for mass rituals
and special ceremonies. When not being groomed for
an upcoming ceremony, it plays host to lovers picnics,
childrens sports, martial practice, and general leisure

Area 7: Old Foundry and Shops

The old foundry has not been used since the first
iron mine was turned into a lake, but the area has
long been a part of the towns commercial history.
These buildings show the signs of their age, but
also the signs of great care, as sections have been
carefully rebuilt and replaced when needed. Shops
and businesses in this area persist due to their
quality and craftsmanship, leaving those that are
in vogue or trend-followers to the marketplace in
the uptown area.
Location 7A: Old Foundry This large
building was once the center of the community.
As Gahanis grew and new mines opened, the
foundry became something of a landmark,
reminding the community of its proud history
and roots. The first project of the Society of the
Home (the organization that is now working on
restoring the Battlehome fortress), a portion of
the Old Foundry is now a museum showcasing
arms and equipment used in the long-ago battle
against the dramojh, as well as an exhibit to
celebrate noted residents of the past. Statues,
many by local artist Nefenr, stand where iron
was once forged, testaments to luminaries such
as Cutter Rundlestone and Roark Westcoat.
The largest part of the Old Foundry is now a
circular theater, with seasonal performances
put on by several local companies of talented
actors. Ne-Chardath has quietly submitted a
play for the next season, entitled The Making
of the Rose. It is a romantic comedy and will
surprise some with its wit but not its pro-community message.
Location 7B: Blacksmith Hu-Baran, the
giant blacksmith, runs the shop here. Most of
the wares made here are set for export through
one of the trade guilds. Hu-Baran is a self-proclaimed artist of steel, making everything
from common items to armor worn by the
Knights of the Diamond. He would trade his
entire enterprise, however, for a chance at
adventure on a mystical quest.
Location 7C: Cooper & Wheelwright
With all of the caravan travel that comes to
town, Ralston Jonnas has made a decent living
repairing and replacing items damaged on the
trails. Ralston employs 20 hands and is honest
and forthright in business dealings.
Location 7D: The Ol Barn A place to rent,
buy, or board horses, this stable and livery is run
by Rakthar the Tender, a sibeccai with exceptional skill in the art of animal husbandry. Horses are
not commonly ridden through town, so most visiting dignitaries pay 5 sp per day to keep their
mounts here, where they will be well-groomed and
well-treated. Horses can also be purchased here, and
Rakthar currently has 4 mares for sale.

Location 7E: Mason Most of the stonework in

town is overseen by Mo-Telor, a large being even by
giantish standards. Mo-Telor understands the art of
stone and has been consulted by Nefenr on behalf of the
Society of the Home about the Battlehome restoration
Location 7F: Two Weeks Wages Dancing Bones,
Spit and Bobber, and Threes Your Uncle are all played
at this gambling house, with small fortunes gained and
lost on a monthly basis. With a constant influx of caravans entering town, there are always newcomers ready
to part with their hard-earned pay. Two pairs of town
guards visit the premises every half-hour or so, keeping
the ruckus to a minimum.
Most of the residents of Gahanis avoid the games
here, and quiet talk says that the house has rigged most
of the contests in its favor. Jundath the Weaver is secretly behind the gaming house, and does indeed rob those
foolish enough to wager their coppers at his establishment.
Location 7G: Tegmans Brewery Ale and beer
created by litorian brewmaster Tegman is consumed
locally, available at all inns and taverns, or exported
through the Trade Council.
Location 7H: Shearing and Wool Jak Jakie
Howe shored 321 sheep in 7 hours and won the right to
establish his shearing and wool shop on this site two
generations ago. His grandson Kent Howe now runs the
shop, shearing the local sheep and splitting the proceeds with the shepherds and farmers. It should be
noted that none of the wool produced is ever used by
Jundath the Weaver, something that Kent finds suspicious but has not investigated further. It should also be
noted that Jakie Howes shearing record still stands.

Area 8: Litorian Grounds

& Old Mine
A shallow stream separates the bulk of Gahanis from
the litorian grounds, which are situated on the east side
of town. Two plains-dwelling tribes of litorians maintain strong relationships with the citizens of Gahanis,
and the litorian population here rises and falls as new
litorians casually join and others casually leave. Of the
litorian residents, only 100 or so seem to have settled
permanently, though that number can grow by as much
as three dozen at times. While the litorians are considered and do consider themselves residents of
Gahanis, they do enjoy the illusion of freedom and separateness that the stream provides. The stream flows
into a central lake, which was created by diverting a
larger river into the old iron mine, abandoned a generation ago.
Litorians live in large tents and mobile shelters, a
tribute to their wandering nature. These huts are large
and cover a wide area, with 610 litorians sharing a single shelter. Litorian youth sleep in hammocks while
adults sleep on mattresses or pillows on the


Litorians generally begin their day in the late morning, with their first meal coinciding with the humans
and giants lunch break. Litorians prefer to work during the dusk and into the night and are known to keep
local taverns open well past midnight.
Location 8A: Hostel These empty tents were set
up to accommodate the tribal litorians who often
dropped in to visit for a day or two. Unlike the other
hostels and inns in Gahanis, the litorians do not charge
fees or require payment from those who need lodging.
Location 8B: Cook House Similar to the faen,
the litorians enjoy community meals, prepared at one
of the large cookhouses. Unlike the faen, meat is
always on the menu, with visiting litorians often
bringing wild game from the nearby grasslands.
Location 8C: Abattoir The slaughter house used
by the town is kept on the litorian side of the lake and
away from the more civilized sections of society.
Farmers and ranchers sell their animals to the litorians, who in turn sell the prepared meat to the inns and
taverns. Smaller orders are handled through the butcher shop.
Location 8D: Butcher Shop Meat from the abattoir is cut and prepared here and sold to the citizens of
Gahanis for their mid-day and evening meals. Charnor
is the lead butcher and has mastered his craft. Before
settling in Gahanis, he used his 5th-level unfettered
skills as a bounty hunter, but a near-fatal encounter
with some chorrim cost him two fingers and led to his
retirement. He keeps his past to himself, and most
assume that he lost his fingers plying his trade.

Area 9: New Foundry

When the old mine was closed and the new mines
opened, a larger foundry was built to process the harvested ore. Both processed iron and steel, as well as
raw ore, are important exports for Gahanis, with much
of the towns wealth relying on this resource.


Location 9A: Foundry Still called the new

foundry, though it is more than a generation old, this
building is the largest in Gahanis. A massive giantbuilt bale furnace produces enough heat to keep the
entire building free of snow in the winter. The
foundry is active from dawn until dusk, and materials move in and out of this building by the wagonload. Anyone who enters this building suffers a
2 penalty to Listen checks for the next hour, a
result of the constant hammering and overwhelming noise generated. The penalty is permanent for
those who work here on a daily basis.
The fire in the bale furnace is magically
enhanced by two small stones that must be
replaced every other month. Rogan Tomes, the
foundry captain, purchases these stones from the
Jaren and believes them to be made from dragons teeth. With them in the furnace, the fire can
climb to an unbearable temperature, able to purify the recently mined ore or to create strong
alloys such as steel or bronze.
Location 9B: Iron Monger Iron items are
cheaper at the source, and any common nonweapon can be purchased here for a few coppers
below the standard price.
Location 9C: Swordsmith Blan Cruthers is
a master swordsmith, creating masterwork
blades in his shop. Each sword costs 350 gp
more beyond the standard value, and each blade
is given a specific name before being purchased.
Over drinks one night, Blan learned the truename of Throm Kalsen, Jundath the Weavers
bodyguard. Throm has no recollection of his
drunken revelry, but Blan has memorized the
valuable information to aid him should the need
Location 9D: Distillery Many of the fine
alcoholic beverages served in Gahanis are born
in this distillery. While resources must be
imported into the city, the skilled workers in the
distillery can create potent products that are
sought across the region.

Area 10: Trade Center

& Warehousing
The four major trade guilds have their offices
here, at the main entry into town. Inbound caravans report to the designated guild and unload
their wares into the appropriate warehouse.
Outbound caravans negotiate cargoes with the
same guilds, loading local wares and product from
other warehouses.
The guilds make their fortunes by buying imports
and selling to the local citizens at a slight profit,
while buying local goods and resources and selling
for export also at a slight profit. The profit per unit is
usually relatively low; only by dealing in large volumes can the guilds generate their riches.

Location 10A: Heaths Guild Hall The main

office for Heaths Goods & Trade. Staffed by 30 to
40 accountants, foremen, buyers, and negotiators,
Heaths employees are all human. The neighboring
warehouse is fully staffed and organized, with
goods rarely sitting for more than 30 days.
Location 10B: R&B Guild Hall The verrik
entry into the trade market, the Responsible and
Beneficial Trade Organization employs some 20
workers, including at the warehouse. In a move
later copied by the Trade Council and the Jaren,
R&B have hired a mojh overseer to organize the
schedules throughout the night. Gazlar, the
R&B mojh employee, enjoys having access to
the multitude of items that come through the
warehouse and prefers to work at night, keeping a low profile in the often-biased town.
Location 10C: Trade Council Hall This
is where Ibrian Mossel curses the activities of
his rival in Lothis. Like R&B, Ibrian has
employed a mojh overseer to work nights on
schedules and bookkeeping. Ibrian does not
trust his employee, however, and ends up going
through every schedule and record twice, hoping to maintain his legal and respectful appearance. The Trade Council flag, a field of white
with a single red drop of blood, hangs above
the doorway to this building.
Location 10D: Jaren Guild Hall The
office of the mysterious Jaren. Sixty people
work in the guild hall and warehouses, but
only three have ever seen their employers.
The Jaren deal with their senior staff in a special room while wearing their full costumes.
The managers have been unable to deduce any
true information about their masters, but they
are well compensated for their skill and discretion and so remain faithful.
Location 10E: The Lame Pony This
large inn is frequented by the captains and
drivers of the trade caravans that pass through
Gahanis. The quickling owner, Gez
Swervedriver, understands his guests need for
rest and revelry in equal measure. Comfortable
rooms are affordable and well-tended, and the
common room features nightly entertainment
and strong ale.
Gez spent years as a driver of some skill and
established this inn when his lead pony broke
her hind leg and had to be put down. Taking that
as a sign, Gez promptly quit and invested his
large savings in his next project.
A quickling of few words but good spirits, Gez
may be the only being alive who has seen the
Blue Knight and lived. While he never mentions
this fact, his regular patrons quietly spread the
word to new guests, establishing Gezs reputation
and enjoying a fine tale at the same time.

Location 10F: Warehouses These massive

buildings are the economic heart of the town. Needed
goods are pumped into the markets as imports, and
local crafts and resources are pumped out as exports.
Each trade guild has one massive warehouse (the
Jaren actually have two) and have armed guards
patrolling the building at all times. Warehouse workers are inspected at the end of each shift to keep theft
to a minimum. The warehouses are stocked with every
item imaginable, from rare books and magic stones to
full suits of armor and cut lumber.

Area 11: Miners & Packers Camp

Most of the commoners of Gahanis are employed as
miners and packers in one of the towns two iron
mines run by the sibeccai. The miners work in two
shifts that begin early in the morning or end well after
dusk. Most of the miners and packers are modest wage
earners, saving enough to move to a more prosperous
neighborhood or leaving Gahanis entirely. Due to the
nature of the work, there is a large turnover in employees as caravan guards and drivers grow weary of the
road and settle down, while the miners dream of an
exciting and exotic life on the road.
Location 11A: Barracks Up to 12 miners can
share a single unit, usually sleeping in hammocks. The
haphazard construction and organization of the miner
barracks is evident in the leaking roofs and exposed
dirt floors. The rent for sleeping quarters is deducted
automatically by the Mining Guild.
Location 11B: Greasy Gullet A rough and tumble tavern, this is the site of more fighting and confrontations than anywhere else in Gahanis. Town
guards patrol this area regularly and do not mind abusing the drunks and revelers who spill out of the Greasy
Gullet on a nightly basis. The bartender has a strict
policy and extends credit to no one.
Location 11C: Gambling Hall Another gaming
house, this pastime is second only to drinking in the
lives of the miners. The gamblers enjoy everything
from simple games such as dice and stones to more
complex challenges such as dagger throwing and Two
Man Punch. Rumors have it that Master Heath organizes a bare-fisted fighting tournament here once a
month, but Mynorath the Peacekeeper has been unable
to prove this.
Location 11D: Mithellin & Mithellins Mercantile
An expansion store run by merchants in Lothis,
Mith & Mith is the source for most citizens common
needs. Any common item can be found here for purchase, and anything exotic can be ordered and delivered promptly (Order on Dawnday, deliver on
Waterday, is the motto). Employees of the Trade
Council are unofficially forbidden from purchasing
goods here, as Ibrians jealousy of his rival in Lothis
creates odd regulations and petty rules.


Area 12: The New Mines

The noted resource of Gahanis, two massive iron
mines produce vast amounts of ore, which is either
refined or shipped raw to the various corners of the
realm. Unlike typical metal mines, the Gahanis mines
are open strip-mines, worked in descending layers.
The mines are controlled by the Mining Guild, run by
the sibeccai Guild Masters.
Location 12A: Iron Mine I Known as the West
Mine, this large open pit has been producing ore for a
generation. The sibeccai have two shifts of miners
who work newly exposed layers from dawn until
dusk. Ore is then sent to the foundry for processing or
directly to a warehouse for export in raw form.
Location 12B: Iron Mine II The East Mine is
larger but also shallower than its partner.
Occasionally, gold, silver, or other precious metals
turn up in this mine, but only in small quantities and
not enough to pursue further. Working the mines is
difficult, involving pick axes, hammers, buckets, and
wagons, with workers constantly in motion. Sibeccai
foremen ensure that work schedules are adhered to
and that the workers are treated fairly.
Location 12C: Miner Guild Hall Run by sibeccai Guild Masters, the true power in Gahanis may
reside here. Every ounce of ore taken from the mines


and shipped from Gahanis is accounted for here, and

the Guild Masters are sure to make this fact known to
those who would challenge them. Two Guild Masters
sit on the town council, while a third travels monthly to Jerad to negotiate larger trade rights and tariffs.
Six 6th-level unfettered sibeccai guards are
always on duty in the hall, and justifiably so, as the
guilds treasures include a cache of truenames,
gems, jewelry, and magical items.
Location 12D: Fortune Mine The last desperate hope of the poor, Gahanis has three small
mines that intrude into the hillside. Discoveries of
gold, silver, copper, and precious gems have led
to the creation of these dark and unregulated
mines. Exploration of the mines is allowed, provided that a 15 sp fee is first paid to the local
Mining Guild and that any discoveries are reported.
Traveling into the mines can be a life-or-death
affair, however, as cave-ins and strange attacks
are a regular occurrence. In addition, a massive
explosion, possibly magical in nature, wracked
the area just 8 months ago, killing several
prospectors and causing untold havoc to the
nearby landscape. The only clue as to the cause
of this catastrophe was a single sapphire-tipped
dagger left at the scene. Many say that this is the
calling card of the Blue Knight.

While in Gahanis, the characters will be approached by the Jaren. The secretive guild desires the capture of the two bandit spies and the return of a special item, the Inmagus Libellum, a rare tome from far-away Xavel. The characters will then have some time to gather resources and information before
setting out for the supposed location of the bandits, the abandoned
Battlehome fortress.

Starting the Adventure

Whether the characters have joined into a group
or are still acting as individuals, they have come to
the attention of the Jaren Masters in Gahanis. This
section assumes that the GM is using the Jaren as
the impetus for the adventure and not one of the
alternate story hooks suggested in the
Introduction. Regardless, this section contains
relevant information for any group about to
investigate the Battlehome.
There are three encounters that will occur
before the characters set off for the Battlehome:
a summons from the Jaren, a casual encounter
with Nefenr, and the actual meeting with the
Jaren. After these encounter descriptions are
notes on information that may result from PCs
investigation into related topics.

The Attention of the Jaren

The Jaren want an outside source to capture
the bandits and hopefully return their stolen
treasure. While they have publicly supported
the reward offered, the secret organization does
not want Ne-Chardath, Mynorath, or their competitors to gain any knowledge of their true
goal: the Inmagus Libellum.
The PCs will receive a message from the Jaren
in one of the following ways (each character may
be approached via a different method, or all at
once, if they have already formed into a party by
other means).

In ritual, the Jaren are able to expand and guide their
dream-vision ability. When the character (or characters)
is asleep, he or she will have a vivid dream. Read or
paraphrase the following:

You stand in the middle of a darkened space.

Starlight begins slowly to illuminate the area,
and you realize that standing before you is a tall
and commanding presence. A being, dressed in
purple robes and a burnished bronze mask
begins to speak, its words echoing in the darkness: Adventurer and hero, I am the Jaren
Trade Master of Gahanis. As you may know, a
bandit plague has descended upon this region.
In the most recent attack, something of great
value to my organization was stolen, something
we desire greatly and wish to have returned.
Our enemies are numerous and deadly, and
news tells that the bandits involved may very
well have been citizens of Gahanis itself.
Therefore, the Jaren council desires utmost discretion and commitment. The Jaren request
your aid in this matter. Will you perform a valuable service to the community by capturing
these vile bandit spies and return that which
was stolen from us? We offer compensation
and instruction for this endeavor. Should this
assignment intrigue you, then please come to
the Jaren Guild Hall one hour past tomorrows
twilight. We hope that you are honorable and
heroic and can aid us.


When the character (or characters) wakes, he or she

will have a complete and vivid memory of this dream.
Any resident of Gahanis will be able to provide directions to the Jaren Guild Hall.

Messenger Witch
While supernatural means are at their disposal, the
Jaren will also use more common tactics. Kirsten
Brown, the young daughter of the towns popular baker,
runs a small delivery service during the morning hours.
The character (or characters) will be approached by the
youth while in town. Read or paraphrase the following:

A gentle breeze awakens nearby wind chimes

and stirs the dust, but its the whispering that
draws your attention. The wind seems to be
whispering your name as it blows. Looking to
its possible source, you see a young human girl,
wearing a simple black dress accented with a
large red bow in her hair. She smiles and hurriedly approaches. Oh, I found you! she
exclaims. Ive been looking for nearly an
hour. I have a message for you! She hands you
a folded piece of parchment, then reaches into
her pocket to produce a small book and writing
stick. Can you sign this delivery receipt,
If asked, Kirsten reveals that the parchment was
dropped off earlier in the morning by one of the warehouse workers employed by the Jaren Guild. She does
not remember anything specific about him he was
pretty nondescript except for his serious manner and
insistence that the message is delivered promptly. (In
fact, he was one of the Jaren, posing in his human identity). Once she has the receipt book signed, she will
happily skip down the street back to her home.
The note is written in a formal hand, and reads: Dear
Heroic Adventurer, The powerful and honorable Jaren
Trade Guild has need of your services. Recent bandit
activity has affected the trade routes surrounding
Gahanis and therefore affected the livelihood of the
towns residents and local businesses. While two of the
bandits identities have been discovered, there are other
related matters of more importance that require the dedication and skill of individuals such as yourself. If you
are able and willing to undertake a bold and rewarding
quest, please come to the Jaren Guild Hall one-hour
past tomorrows twilight. All questions will be
answered at that time. Until then, please keep the contents of this message and our needs in utmost secrecy.
There is no signature, but the seal of the Jaren is present. Any resident of Gahanis will be able to provide
directions to the Jaren Guild Hall.


Encounter with Nefenr

Thanks to his resources, Nefenr will know the characters are in town and wonder at their purpose. He will
arrange to bump into one of the PCs or the entire
party, if theyre traveling together. Two things will be
obvious to the characters immediately: the first is that
Nefenr is very charismatic and flamboyant for a verrik; the second is that there is nothing else obvious
about the man at all! Nefenr displays akashic memory abilities, yet he casts spells. He seems to have the
training of a magister, yet he rarely carries a staff.
Nefenr uses his psionic ability to mask his training
and hide his true nature. The only thing he will willingly reveal is the fact that he is an artist of great
Currently, Nefenr is sought for his memory
sculptures. Using his empowered akashic stone
(see Appendix I), Nefenr is able to cast laden versions of his spells, applying the psionic template.
Once his clients have paid, he begins asking about
people in their past while he discretely casts read
mind. Gaining a verbal description, he also takes
mental cues from a clients own mind. Asking his
customer to think about the subject for 5 minutes
(the spells duration), Nefenr will attempt to glean
all necessary information about the subject (and
anything else interesting that comes up in casual
conversation). Then, using a psionic illusory creature spell, he can create an animate replica of the
subject discussed. The illusion will interact with
the client for a limited time, acting exactly as the
client expects (thanks to the read mind spell).
When Nefenr runs into the characters, he will
attempt to sell them on a memory sculpture. For
the low price of 3 gp a special rate for you alone
you can participate in one of the most extraordinary sights in all of Gahanis! Whether the characters agrees or not, Nefenr will continue the conversation, casting his psionic-laden read mind spell in
hopes of learning the PCs motives and plans while
in Gahanis. Nefenr will seek to target an obvious
totem warrior or unfettered, or failing that, a mage
blade or warmain. He will only work on another
class if the target is litorian or if none of the other
options are present. A Will save (DC 15) is required
to negate Nefenrs spell.
At this point, Nefenr intends no harm toward the
characters; he is merely curious. Should he learn of
their invitation by the Jaren, he will keep a close eye
on them and have his many agents (artists throughout
the town) keep him informed.

Meeting at the Jaren Guild Hall

While the town is boisterous on most nights and
drunken voices can be heard arguing and singing in the
distance, the area around the Jaren Guild Hall is usually empty and quiet. The mystery and rumors that surround the guild are enough to keep most away, while
two imposing litorian guards (both 3rd-level unfet-

tered) deter those with more curiosity than brains.

They have been told that the PCs will be attending a
meeting at exactly one hour after twilight.
Approaching the guards or Guild Hall anytime
before then will result in a polite but firm invitation
to come back at the appropriate time.
At the designated time, and not a moment
beforehand, the guards will lead the PCs each
of whom they will recognize due to very specific
descriptions into the main foyer in the Guild
Hall. No lights permeate this building, and the
guards will close the doors behind the characters,
leaving them in total darkness. Moments later,
an interior door will open, leading to a dimly lit
room with comfortable chairs to accommodate
all of the PCs. Also in the room is a single Jaren
Master, dressed in the ceremonial purple robes
and burnished bronze mask. In the darkness, he
appears to float, though this is just a side-effect
of sitting on an all-black chair in the dim light.
A voice will beckon them to enter, at which
point the following text should be read aloud or

Brave adventurers, you have been chosen from

the ranks of Gahanis for your prowess and discretion. As you may know, the Jaren are a powerful
and respected trade organization across the realm.
Bandits, those of weak character who prey on the
success and fortunes of others, have repeatedly
haunted these lands, attacking our trade caravans
and disappearing into the wilderness with their illgotten gains. The most recent attack occurred less
than a fortnight ago, and it seems that fortune has
finally favored the righteous. Two of the bandits
have been identified as citizens of this town and
are believed to be hiding in the abandoned
Battlehome fortress to the south.
Rewards have been offered for the capture of
these miscreants, but there are matters of more
interest to the Jaren. Our organization wishes to
employ you in an effort to bring justice to these
bandit spies as well as to attend to a matter of
utmost importance: the retrieval of Jaren property
stolen during the last raid. We offer a bounty of
400 gold coins for the capture of the two bandit
spies and an additional 300 gold coins for the
retrieval of a single lost item. There is one concern,
however: the Jaren have long been a secretive and
secure organization. Our business dictates that we
must maintain neutrality and remain above the
petty concerns and machinations of our competitors. So, this task must be undertaken with the
gravest care and secrecy, so as not to betray the
trust that so many merchants and craftsmen have
given us or to or our competition an undue edge.
Will you abide by this concern and take up this

The Jaren speaking to the party (the remaining 4 are

observing from the next room) is completely sincere
and will seem so as a result of any Sense Motive check.
If asked about their secretive nature, the Jaren will
explain to the party that, due to the often antagonistic
relationship between the various races of the realm,
they must maintain their anonymity and impartiality;
revealing themselves would expose them to the corruption that haunts the other trade guilds and merchant
If the assignment is accepted, the Jaren will reveal
further details. Merril Yannis (a snake totem warrior)
and Den Rudiger (believed to be a scribe of some kind;
his runethane abilities are not widely known) are two
citizens who were identified in the recent bandit raid.
The single guard who survived had been to Gahanis on
numerous occasions and recognized the two by sight.
It is believed that the two were spies who informed a
larger bandit community about trade routes and caravan schedules. The two spies are believed to be hiding
in the abandoned Battlehome fortress.
The Steward and the town council have also offered
a reward 200 gp for the capture of each bandit (100
gp for their dead bodies) but the Jaren have no
knowledge of any other bounty hunters or adventurers
currently pursuing this task. Mynorath and the town
guard have discussed inspecting Battlehome and hunting the bandits, but have spread themselves thin
patrolling the nearby routes and preparing for the
upcoming Bounty Day festival, which is set to occur
in just over two weeks time. If a break in the trade
schedule can be found after the festival, there may be
activity against the bandits undertaken by the town;
until that time, adventurers, mercenaries, and bounty
hunters seem to have the job to themselves.
The item sought by the Jaren is a simple looking
book, bound in red leather. The title, Inmagus
Libellum, should be written in a dark script across the
face of the book. It is but a simple history text, though
it does hopefully contain some rare and valuable information related to some recent Jaren pursuits. The Jaren
Master will remind the party that recovery of this tome
is the main goal on this quest and should be the highest priority.
The Jaren will be willing to pay a portion of the
reward upfront, to provide equipment if necessary.
They will also agree to any additional terms, within
reason, that the PCs may present during negotiations.
After all, money is easy to come by for the Jaren, and
the PCs can be easily killed after completing the
After the party concludes its meeting with the Jaren,
it will once again be escorted out into the night by the
two litorian bodyguards. None of the Jaren will be seen
leaving the guild hall.


Gathering Information
The characters may talk to citizens and visitors alike
to discover the following information, listed by topic.
Each topic investigated will require a few hours socializing and a few gold pieces spent, as well as a Gather
Information (DC 10) check, with greater success
revealing further information as noted. Characters who
are native to Gahanis or who have established historic
ties to specific residents may take 10 on this check.

DC 10: Rewards have been offered in the past, but
none of the bandits identities or their location was previously known. It is only recently that any leads have
been available, but the town guard and Steward have
been unable to act on them, as a busy trade season and
upcoming festival consume their time.
DC 10: Some believe that the bandits are being paid
by the jealous merchants of Lothis!
DC 12: The bandits have been attacking the trade
routes for some time, but it is only within the last year
or so that the attacks seem to have become more organized and deadly. It is assumed that the two identified
bandits, Merril Yannis and Den Rudiger, acted as spies
within the community.
DC 14: Some say that the bandits are led by the Blue
Knight, a mysterious and deadly figure who haunts the
countryside. The Blue Knights hallmark is a sapphiretipped dagger left at the scene of brutal carnage and
DC 16: Merril Yannis was a somewhat accomplished
snake totem warrior and formerly served as an escort at
the local weavers shop (though no one seemed to purchase much weaving while he worked there). Den
Rudiger was an apprentice to a verrik cartographer and
copier, but was fired when he began forging official
documents. Its said that he was well versed in rune

DC 10: The Jaren are the largest mercantile organization, but also the most mysterious. They have maintained guild halls across the realm since the disappearance of the dramojh, but have only come to Gahanis
within the last 8 years. No one, not even their most
trusted employees, has ever seen their true identity.
DC 12: The Jaren, while skilled negotiators and dedicated businessmen, also seem to have a genuine public
concern. Funds have been established to aid orphans
and widows and to provide the poor with occasional
DC 14: The Jaren do not always pay the highest price
for goods or sell at the best cost, yet they are still very


successful. Some believe that their secrecy has become

celebrity and merchants deal with them for the gossip
generated rather than the monetary benefits.
DC 20: Some who have refused Jaren propositions
have encountered unfortunate luck, often destroying
their finances. Jaren caravans have been attacked by
bandits in the past, but it seems to be far more likely
that a non-Jaren caravan will be attacked.

DC 10: The Battlehome fortress was built during
the war against the dramojh by incredibly skilled
giant architects. The vast tunnel network under the
complex served as a hideout for escaped slaves and
eventually became an important giant outpost in
the war.
DC 12: The fortress has long been abandoned,
but periodic visits from concerned guards and
officials help keep it from becoming too dilapidated. Still, the main doors are chained and
locked, and it is against the town charter to trespass. It has often been assumed, though, that the
fortress is used as a hideout for the criminal element.
DC 12: Nefenr is currently consulting with the
Society of the Home with regards to refurbishing
Battlehome or at least documenting its importance to the town of Gahanis.
DC 14: The Battlehome fortress once held the
famed Ebonring, an evil artifact that was said to
have tainted the very stone of the building itself.
DC 18: Maps of the fortress do exist, but maps
of the tunnels and caverns under the fortress, let
alone a living guide, are impossible to attain. The
tunnels are so complex that they are nearly
impossible to navigate without aid, and some are
said to lead to the Dark Depths.
Kowledge (history), Knowledge (humans), or
Knowledge (giants) might also reveal information
about the Battlehome corresponding to the results
of the DC 10 and DC 14 Gather Information check
about the Battlehome. However, the DCs to get the
info are slightly higher: DC 10 Gather Information
becomes DC 15 Knowledge, and DC 14 Gather
Information becomes DC 25 Knowledge.

The PCs, having either been assigned a task by the Jaren or simply pursuing
the matter on their own, enter the long-abandoned Battlehome fortress. Once
inside, they discover that the keep is being used as a home for various creatures, including some transformed goblins, as well as a hide-out by the two
bandit spies. Capturing or eliminating the bandits, the PCs will discover that
the item desired by the Jaren is being kept at a different location the bandits main lair two days travel to the south. At this point, the characters may
have enough experience to gain a level.

Starting the Adventure

The Battlehome fortress lies a few hours journey to the southeast of Gahanis. If the PCs investigate the existence of maps of the fortress, they
will discover that copies are available in the
towns library (Location 1E). The maps can be
copied for free, as long as they are not taken out
of the premises and a successful Craft (scribe)
check (DC 10) is made. Copying the maps
requires 4 hours of work. Alternatively, purchasing the maps costs 2 gp, but will draw
questions from the curious mojh librarian. A
Diplomacy check (DC 15) or Bluff check
(DC 15) will be needed to assuage the librarian. Failure indicates that the PCs will be
reported to the towns speaker or steward.
According to town charter, entering the
Battlehome fortress without a permit is a
crime. Such permits can be acquired at the
town hall (Location 1A) or courthouse
(Location 1B), as long as the characters sign a
sworn statement that their intentions are honorable and that they are entering the fortress as a
part of the restoration team or to cleanse the
area of foul creatures. Either way, a 10 gp
deposit, per person, must be left with the magistrate on duty, half of which will be returned to the
adventurers upon their return. Furthermore, the
PCs must agree to forfeit to the town 5% of any
non-historic treasure found, and anything that the
town deems as having historical significance (such

as a giants ritual mask) will be considered property of

Gahanis. An iron key is supplied with the permit and
must be returned promptly.
Of course, these negotiations will violate the Jarens
requirement of absolute secrecy, so should be avoided!
Any breech of security will be recorded by Jaren spies
and will result in a substantially lowered fee (or death,
once the characters retrieve the missing tome.)

Approaching the
The journey to the fortress will take only a few hours
once the characters set out from Gahanis. The road
through the Derenblack Hills is unused and rough, but
will not present an obstacle. As the PCs near the location of the Battlehome, they may encounter Howorand
Sala, an artist working with Nefenr on the Battlehome
preservation project. A Spot check (DC 10) will alert
the PCs to his presence from a distance; otherwise, they
will suddenly encounter him as they clear the final rise
before viewing the Battlehome.
Howorand sits cross-legged on a rock formation, a
blue crystal in one hand and an expression of concentration on his brow. If the PCs spot him at a distance,
they may simply avoid him in his thought-consumed
state. If, however, they stumble upon him or purposely
interrupt him, he will begin the encounter as
Indifferent. A Diplomacy or Charisma check (DC
15) can shift this attitude to Friendly.


1 square = 10 ft.



























If Indifferent, Howorand would prefer that the PCs

simply continue on their way and leave him to his
work, to the point of simply walking away to a higher
vantage point and ignoring further conversation. If
Friendly, then Howorand will reveal the following:

Youre going in to the Battlehome? How fortuitous that Ive encountered you! Id love to create
some works based on the interior majesty of the
fortress, but again my disdain for physical danger cautions me against pursuing this course. Would
it be possible for you to take this memory stone of
Nefenrs in with you, to record some of your observations and capture details of the interior?

Hello, gentle travelers. My name is

Howorand Sala, artist of Gahanis. You have
found me deep in concentration, studying the
quiet majesty of the Battlehome fortress. I have
recently been commissioned by the Society of
the Home to create a series of paintings of this
respected and historic site, a great honor to be
sure. However, I must admit a certain reluctance
in spending time alone near a location with such
a reputation. Luckily, my patron Nefenr has fashioned several memory stones, allowing me to
absorb the details at a safe distance and explore
them more fully at my leisure and safety
back in my studio. Where are you bound on such
a fine day as this?

If the PCs agree, Howorand will gladly hand over the

memory stone, asking them to return it to Nefenrs
observatory when they have completed their quest.
Though they may not realize it, the characters may be
exposing themselves to danger by accepting the memory stone. Should the stone be returned to Nefenrs
hands, he will be able to glean basic information from
it as to the partys capabilities and tactics. The stone
records impressions for a 24-hour period, beginning
when Howorand hands it over. With the stone, Nefenr
will have knowledge of the partys activities during this
period including any encounters with the bandit
spies hiding in the fortress.
If the characters refuse this task, Howorand will simply shrug and carry on his studies, returning to an
Indifferent attitude. He will relay information about this
simple encounter to Nefenr, however, which will again
pique his curiosity. Should the PCs choose to subdue
Howorand or worse they will find him an easy
target, incapable of defending himself or of escaping. A
single successful hit against AC 10 will reduce him to
0 hit points, leaving him unconscious. Howorand
wears no armor and carries only simple artists supplies
(and the memory stone) on his person.

Howorand will not be concerned with the

partys destination in any legal regard; the idea
that the PCs may be illegal trespassers does not
even cross his mind. If they chose to reveal that
they are traveling into the Battlehome, Howorand
will offer up the following suggestion:



1 square = 10 ft.






The Battlehome Fortress

Carved from the side of Veil Mountain, the
Battlehome fortress is a masterpiece of ancient magic
and skilled architecture. Designed for a single purpose
war against the dramojh the catacombs under the
hill (which stretch out across the entire region) served as
shelter for escaped slaves while the giant-built fortress
acted as a defensive outpost and supply depot. After the
dragon-scions were defeated, the Battlehome no longer
had purpose, and those who were once slaves hiding in a
dark shelter emerged and founded the community that
would one day become Gahanis, which means shelter
in the ancient human tongue.
Cut directly into the rock face, the immensity of the
structure is breathtaking. A 200-foot wide wall reaches
nearly 160 feet in height, with the top third of the wall
featuring lattice-like weaving, designed for maximum
effectiveness against an airborne foe. Birds dart through
portions of this upper lattice, and the concave mountainside visible beyond the wall suggests that the enclosed
area is a giant hollow, scooped from the mountain like
pulp carved from a hollow pumpkin shell.
A winding trail leads down from Howorands vantage point, dipping into a gully before ending at the
fortress gate. Two massive iron doors secure the 20-foot
by 20-foot entryway, flanked on either side by 30-foot
wide towers. While the general opinion may be that the
fortress is long-abandoned and therefore decrepit, closer inspection of the massive wall and towers proves
otherwise. While the fortress is roughly 400 years old,
it shows no signs of obvious weakness. A Decipher
Script check (DC 15) will reveal that a few sets of
strange runes carved into the wall are actually coded
messages (Meet on third full moon; Town guard
changes at midnight; Uatu loves Jef, and so forth)
left by unsavory characters, further bolstering the
Battlehomes reputation of being a hideout for criminals at large.

Entering the Battlehome

There are four known caves that lead to the tunnels
under the fortress, but they have all been sealed over to
prevent creatures from the Dark Depths wandering up
into the Gahanis area. Characters hoping to scale the
mountain and rappel down into the fortress will find the
steep mountain more daunting than the giant wall itself.
A seemingly unending series of Climb checks (DC 25)
will be needed to conquer the nearly 300-foot peak. The
central iron doors of the main gate are impregnable and,
outside of a dusting of oxidation, as strong as they ever
were. They are barred internally by a complex locking
system that is controlled in Area 9. The doors are further protected by a heightened greater sealed door
spell inscribed upon them. The password for the doors
is kept secret within an ancient tome (simple entitled
The Battlehome) currently in Ne-Chardaths


There are two alternate means of entry: undertaking a difficult climb over the wall or passing
through the makeshift opening in the eastern
tower (Area 1). Climbing the fortress walls
requires a series of Climb checks (DC 25),
allowing a character to travel one-half of her
movement rate for each successful Climb check.
Since the wall is 100 feet in height (before opening into the lattice structure), most characters will
need between 7 and 10 successful checks. Once
the characters have penetrated the lattice, they
can either repeat the process, climbing down the
inside (though they risk interference from the
dark scamps see Area 13), or they can affix a
very long rope, reducing the Climb check DC to
The tower on the east side of the gates may
present the most attractive opportunity. A
makeshift opening, roughly 10 feet by 12 feet is
barred by a mounted iron gate. This gate was
installed long after the fortress was officially
decommissioned, allowing easy access for official business. It is bound with heavy iron chains and
a padlock. Scribed on padlock is the symbol for the
town of Gahanis, a stylized G. A plaque mounted
beside the makeshift gate reads:
With regard to any intent of entrance: The
Battlehome and its outlying caves fall under the
jurisdiction of the Gahanis township. Any entry without the required permit will be considered trespassing.
Any violation of this order will lead to punishment
under the specified laws of Gahanis. This order is for
your protection, as well as the free peoples of Gahanis.
Permits for lawful entry can be obtained at the Gahanis
Town Hall.

If the PCs received an official permit to explore the

fortress, they will have a key for this padlock.
Otherwise, they must use an alternative means to
pass the gate.
Padlocked Chain: Hardness 10; hp 5; Break
DC 26; Open Lock DC 20.

Exploring the
The open nature of the fortress will yield sufficient light to navigate the first 14 areas of the
fortress. Penetrating deeper into the structure
will require the characters to supply their own
light source or else suffer all darkness related
penalties (i.e., half-movement rate, 50% miss
chance due to concealment, penalties to Spot
and Search skill checks, and so forth).
Any keyed encounters will list the creatures
name and hit points; complete stat blocks can
be found in Appendix I. Several encounters
within the dungeon, though taking place in specific areas, are fluid in nature. Creatures may
attack and retreat, only to appear in another
part of the complex; some may be forewarned
of the partys presence and make an aggressive
attack; others may stick to their main lairs,
oblivious of the world around them. Read
through the possible encounters carefully and
make notes when creatures relocate or retreat.
Use the map as an aid, noting locations for
traps and ambushes. While the adventure as
written is set up to do most of the simple work,
bringing the complex to life is the purview of
the Game Master, and the more believable the
inhabitants of the Battlehome are, the greater
the chance for an enjoyable adventure.

Area 1: The Gate Towers

Each tower has a 10-foot wide spiral stone
staircase that winds its way up through an opening in the ceiling. The eastern staircase leads up
to Area 1B and is connected to Area 1C by the
keeps rampart. The staircase in the west tower
descends from Area 1C to 1D below, which is
the base of the western tower.
The only method of entering the fortress
through the towers is to climb the staircase to the
rampart level and then descend one of the rampart staircases at Area 2A.

Areas 1B and 1C
From this level above the iron gates, the giants
would be able to pour hot oil upon and cast spells
through murder holes in the tower at those near
the entrance. These holes were bricked up many
years ago. Archways 15 feet tall lead from these
rooms to ramparts on the main wall. Traveling along
the ramparts may attract the ire of the dark scamps
located in Area 13.

Area 1D
Traveling down the stair case into the enclosed base
of the tower, the party will come across a ghastly smell
and an even grislier sight.
At the base of the stairs awaits a dreadful scene.
A man in heavy brigandine armor lays sprawled
out from an apparent fall, his head twisted completely around due to a crushed neck.
A Heal check (DC 10) will reveal that the decomposition of the body suggests it is at least 2 weeks old, while
a Survival check (DC 10) will further suggest that the
body has been consumed by something more than time
(the handy work of the dark scamps).
The body is that of Stariff Blackweather, a relatively
inexperienced warmain who decided to track down the
bounty on the bandit spies in order to bolster his reputation. Unfortunately for him, the dark scamps from Area
13 swarmed him, forcing his fall down the tower stairs.
His body has been picked clean by the dark scamps, and
his possessions have been stolen by the goblin tribe,
including his permit and entry key, which are now in the
hands of the bandit spies.

Area 2: The Inner Courtyard Dome

Impressive to say the least, the expansive inner vault
of the Battlehome rises 160 feet from floor to ceiling.
Arrayed in a concave manner like an amphitheater, the
cavern is dominated by a 60-foot diameter central pillar,
supporting the roof and providing a key command area.
Like the lattice wall, sections of stone appear to have
been removed from parts of the tower, creating defensive
openings to ward off attacking aerial creatures.
Though gloomy and thick with dust, light penetrating
the lattice-wall makes the upper portion of the vault visible. Hundreds upon hundreds of long metal rods,
anchored into the stone ceiling above, thrust down like a
sea of stalactites. They once supported a multi-tiered catwalk structure, which has since been dismantled. Even if
the enemy were capable of penetrating the outer defensive wall, it would most certainly have faced a fierce barrage of arrows, bolts, and spell fire from this inner
defense. Taken in its entirety the domed ceiling, the
many ramparts anchored into the main wall, the extensive catwalk system the cunning tactics of the giants
become apparent: the fortress was not necessarily meant
to prevent invasion, but rather to absorb it, corral it, and
even trap it.
Examining the ancient structure, a Craft (stonework)
check (DC 10) or Knowledge (architecture or engineering) check (DC 10) will reveal that the construction
of the fortress must have involved powerful magical
means. Lines and edges are crisp and plumb, yet the
stone is seamless and without the suggestion of assembly. As noted, it seems the rock itself was simply scooped
out, leaving the towers, walls, and buildings
in this vast hollowed out space.


Area 2A
Four ramparts stretch across the interior of the main
wall. All of them are accessed by the iron spiral staircases at the east and west ends and are 10 feet wide.
There was once evidence that an iron guardrail had
been mounted to prevent soldiers from slipping and
falling. The lowest rampart stands 45 feet above the
floor and connects with Areas 1B and 1C (which puts it
25 feet above the main gate). The next rampart is 55
feet above the first, where the lattice structure begins.
From that point, there are two more ramparts, one 20
feet up and the last one another 20 feet above that.
Venturing out on to the higher ramparts, the wonder
of the Battlehome will become more apparent. The top
three ramparts coincide with each level of the inner
tower (Areas 9B, 9C, and 9D). Openings in the tower
align with the ramparts in such a way as to suggest that
at one time a soldier could walk from rampart to tower
by means of the suspended catwalk. Of course, these
catwalks no longer exist, but there is evidence to imply
their positioning. A Knowledge (architecture or engineering) check (DC 10) will immediately point out the
exact positioning of where the catwalks might have led.
From the upper three levels of the central towers, they
fanned out into a complicated network that allowed
access to the entire upper portion of the cavern.
Defenders were most likely positioned along the ramparts/catwalks with bows and long javelins to form a
devastating formation against the flying dramojh.
Any characters who have surmised this scenario or
acquired this information through successful
Knowledge checks, may make an Knowledge
(Engineering) check (DC 10) to gain a further insight:
the catwalks were likely made of metal, as wood would
be too flammable and stone too heavy and dangerous to
those below. Steel or iron would have been only slightly less deadly if toppled, but would present the best
compromise to the giant designers.

Area 3: Small Guard House

Resting directly against the cavern wall is this 10foot wide and 15-foot tall stone structure. A 12-foot tall
iron door is in the precise center in the facing wall. It
appears that the township has considered this door off
limits, seeing as a swing latch is fixed to the door with
a padlock.
Padlocked Latch: Hardness 10; hp 5; Break DC
26; Open Lock DC 20.
The padlock is scribed with the familiar G for
Gahanis. Getting past the padlock will reveal an empty
room. Before entering, a Spot check (DC 10) will discover a large carved rune on the dusty floor. The effect
of the rune will be displayed on the first character who
enters the room: a teleport spell. The affected character
will be transported about 600 feet north of the fortress
should he fail a Will save (DC 15). The entire floor is
the trigger for this magical effect. A
Knowledge (runes) check (DC


15) will suggest that the rune is indeed the cause of this
effect. If this check was completed by a runethane, the
character will further surmise that the rune appears to
be a modified rune of transport. The magical effects
of this unorthodox defense have diminished greatly
over the years. Giant warriors and their allies wore a
special applied rune on the soles of their footwear
that would counteract this teleport effect.
A Search check (DC 20) will lead to the discovery of a secret door against the cavern wall
(depressing a section of rock beside the door will
unlock it with a noticeable click noise; pushing
the one side will swing it open). Behind the secret
door is a natural underground passage that leads to
Area 30. This passage was used as a quick access
to the natural caverns, an option for escape, or a
means for a surprise counter attack.

Area 4: The Stables

Large stone partitions set in rows immediately
suggest that at one time this building served as the
stables for the massive radonts, the enormous
horses used by the giants as mounts. The wooden
doors that once housed the beasts have rotted
away, leaving rusted hinges that have worn paper

Area 5: The Smithy

This large area has a 25-foot ceiling and an arched
20-foot entryway. A large hearth set in the southwest
corner of the room establishes this building as the
fortress smithy. The hearth is now inactive, but
still very impressive in its construction. Resting
before it is a large stone, whittled down by time,
which was once the pedestal that supported the
mighty anvil of the Battlehome. To the west is a
10-foot circular well. Beside it is another large
stone container, decayed but still recognizable as
the basin in which the smithy would temper his
The building is empty, but a Spot check (DC
15) by a character who possesses the Track feat
will expose tracks on the dusty floor. They
appear to be recent, numerous, and made by
small creatures. A second tracking-based
Survival check (DC 17) will reveal Mediumsized humanoids among them. These tracks are
the signs of the goblins and bandit spies who
use the well as a means to traverse from their
hideout to the inner courtyard. A Search check
(DC 10) will reveal 120 feet of knotted rope
fixed to a large grappling hook, located in the
hearth and hidden from the casual viewer. This
rope is used by the bandits and goblins to
descend into the well when returning to the
The well taps 80 feet down into an ancient
underground river (Area 38). The river is no
longer active (see Area 38 and 39A for further
details) and has been used by the bandits and
goblins as an alternative route to exiting
through the fortress complex which they
consider dangerous. A Wilderness Survival
check (DC 10) or the simple opinion of a
greenbond will immediately assess the well as
being dry before any investigating into the matter is done.

Area 6: The Central Tower

These massive, 15-foot tall iron doors stand
unguarded and unlocked. Until recently, these
doors were kept barred and locked by the town,
but the goblins have acquired a key and have left
the doors unlocked so they can enter and exit the
inner keep at will. A 15-foot iron slat leans
against the wall, no longer securing the doors.

Area 7: Inner Gate Room

Like the main tower doors, the massive iron
doors leading into this room are unlocked. A spiral
stone staircase in the northwest corner leads to the
upper levels of the tower (Area 9).

Area 8: Inner Courtyard

The central tower to the north, the cavern wall to the
south, and two 50-foot high stone walls to the east and
west square off this enclosed courtyard. The walls are
in place to offer some kind of protection to the main
entrance into the fortress underground complex. A
rampart 40 feet above connects to the tower from Area
9. The southern door leading to Area 14 is the same
kind that is mounted in Area 6. It, like the other doors
in the series, is also unlocked.
Note that this is a likely area for the dark scamps of
Area 13 to swoop down and attack.

Areas 913: The Main Tower

Rampart Levels
Climbing the 40-foot spiral staircase from Area 8 will
lead up to the first rampart level within the central
tower. A central staircase carries up through the rest of
the tower, granting access to Areas 1013. Each of
these levels matches up with one of the ramparts on the
main wall; the old catwalk system once connected
Areas 1113 to the ramparts accessible through Area
2A. This tower was the defensive control center of the
Battlehome, with each level serving a specific purpose.

Area 9: Main Gate Control

This massive room features 20-foot wide by 12-foot
high doorways that once led out to the lowest catwalk
level; now, they only lead to open air. The ceiling is 35
feet above, and a 6-foot square observation window is
set 10 feet above the floor on the north wall. Evenly
spaced every 6 feet around the room are giant-sized
arrow slits. Directly east of the observation window is
a 5-foot tall stone pedestal, with a lever mounted to its
The observation window has a clear view of the main
gates. Should the lever be pulled, the main gates will
suddenly rumble and shudder, and then slowly open
outwards. Furthermore, when the lever is pulled, the
effects of the heightened greater sealed door spell are
negated. Returning the lever to its previous position
closes the doors and re-activates the spell. The gates
have not been opened in generations, and doing so will
send vibrating tremors throughout the complex, alerting
the goblins and bandits.

Area 10: Safe Fall Rune Level

Spread around the outer rim of this room are eight
pedestals, similar to that found in Area 9. Rather than a
lever, however, each pedestal bears an engraved rune.
This 25-foot tall room is without windows of any kind
and also lacks exits to the former catwalk. The only
means of exiting this room is the spiral staircase in the


As noted, the Battlehome was built to combat the aerial dramojh, with the upper lattice structure and ancient
catwalks designed to provide attack and defense vantages
against a flying foe. The fortress defenses did not end
there, however. The safety of the defenders was also considered, and a battle ceremony conducted in this room
would activate the eight runes, which would blanket the
Battlehome fortress with a safe fall spell effect. Any
defenders wearing special footwear marked with a
special applied rune on the soles would gain the protective effects of this spell should they be knocked off the
catwalk or rampart during combat.

Area 11: Lower Catwalk Level

This 20-foot high room features 20-foot wide by 10foot tall openings at the cardinal compass points, once
granting access to the lowest level of catwalks. Peering
through the openings, characters main gain a better
understanding of the former layout, as an array of iron
poles of various thickness descend from the
Battlehomes stone ceiling. Poles that descend down to
this lower level are the thickest, able to accommodate
the stress of supporting weight over such a long extension. From this vantage, some rails linking the poles are
visible, though most have fallen away due to rust and
exposure. Apparently, the main portion of the catwalk
the metal plates that would form the actual flooring
of the suspended walkways has been entirely
removed for safety reasons. Jumping from pole to pole
would appear to be extremely difficult, requiring a
Jump check (DC 30) followed immediately by a
Balance check (DC 20) to keep from falling. Making
these checks would allow a character to travel from
pole-to-pole, 10 feet at a time.

Area 12: Central Catwalk Level


This room is exactly like Area 11; however, catwalk

access openings are located diagonally, meaning that they
are at the northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest
portions of the space. The difference in this arrangement
allowed for total coverage of the upper portion of the caverns dome. It should be noted that the northeast and
northwest configuration would have linked up with the
lattice structures rampart (120 feet from the cavern
floor), roughly 55 feet directly ahead.
One can see human an animal bones scattered about the
room. Beyond this room are five 5-foot by 10-foot metal
plates that were once used in the formation of the walkway for the suspended ramparts. Curiously, a large rune is
stamped in the middle of each of the plates. This is the
same applied rune that the giants would have on the soles
of their footwear that allowed them to bypass the magical
trap in Area 3 and take advantage of the magic safe fall
field generated within the dome. Needless to say, each of
the metal plates was stamped with this rune so that should
a portion of the catwalk be destroyed during an attack, the
safe fall effect would apply to them as well. By this token,
if any of the plates are placed on the floor of Area 3,
then the effects of the teleport trap
would be blocked, allowing easy access to
the secret door.

Area 13: Lair of the Dark Scamps

The top level of the central tower is where 4 dark
scamps have made their lair. As noted earlier, it is the
GMs discretion when these creatures are actually
encountered, given their vantage and ability to fly.
Most certainly, they would likely detect intruders
within the cavern itself (Area 2), along the ramparts
(Area 2A), the inner courtyard (Area 8), or in any of
the upper tower levels with an opposed Spot/Listen
check. Should the party make loud noises on purpose (or by mistake), then the echo will be enough
to immediately alert the dark scamps of their existence. The dark scamps have lived in the cavern for
some time now and have no problem filling their
voracious appetites; they simply fly abroad for
small animals when bigger prey such as adventurers is sparse. They have an uneasy truce with the
goblins, trading food, information, and treasure as
the need arises. The goblins have not made a concentrated effort to remove the dark scamps knowing they make good watchdogs.
The dark scamps will try to concentrate on one
individual at a time if possible, hoping an early
kill will drive the rest of the intruders away (and
leave plenty of meat for their stomachs). If
encountered in their lair, they will try to corral
attackers to one of the openings and attempt to
push them over the edge.
Dark Scamps (4): hp 4, 4, 4, 4.
The room is filthy, full of debris and garbage
and the remains of past kills. After a Search
check (DC 10), a character will find the following: 32 gp, 150 sp, a half-used candle, a small
steel mirror, and Stariff Blackweathers +1 round
shield. Otherwise, this room has the same characteristics as Area 11.

Area 14: Main Hall

Aside from the rusty hinges, the great iron
doors that divide the main hall and the inner
courtyard (Area 8) swing open easily. To the south
is a 20-foot wide hallway lined with pillars. The
pillars are ornately carved into the forms of giant
warriors stretching to the ceiling. At the end of this
hallway are double iron doors with a very striking
relief emblazoned across its surface: that of a
champion giant warrior besting a dramojh.
To the southeast and southwest are two iron
doors. Each door has two metal latches, each with a
small G scribed on it, relaying that the town of
Gahanis has officially attached them in order to control entry into these areas. Each of the four latches
should be fitted with a padlock the same as that
found in Area 1, though only the top latch of the
southeastern door is actually present. The other padlocks have been removed by the goblins with the key
acquired from Stariff Blackweather in Area 1D.
Padlocked Latch: Hardness 10; hp 5; Break DC
26; Open Lock DC 20.

The Curse of the Vultrek

A loathsome creature that
feeds off the carrion of demons,
a vultrek has made its lair in
Area 36. Feeding on the dead
flesh of outsiders imbues it with
magical side-effects, which
manifest within a 200-foot
radius of its location. In most
cases, these effects are harmless, but they might manage to
keep a low-level party on its
toes. In lieu of wandering monsters (which can occur in the
complex, but are rare), the party
will most likely encounter these
manifestations. Every 10 minutes, roll a 1d6. A result of 1
will require a second roll on the
table at right.
Of course, the details of these
effects and their place in the
dungeon are wholly up to the
GM. One need not make them
random, but plan for them to be
encountered in a specific order
or area. Keep in mind, some of
these effects could come into
play during melee, thereby
complicating the situation for
the characters. In the end, these
manifestations are best used to
add flavor, lead the adventurers,
and establish that the dungeon
is, indeed, active.

The Curse of the Vultrek

Encounter Table (roll 1D8)

The party will hear chanting from another room or from down a darkened hallway, suggesting that a ceremony is in progress. The effect lasts as long as the
GMs target point has been reached i.e., a particular room, the corner of a
hallway, and so on. (As per the vultreks ghost sound ability; no saving throw.)

A gusting wind, as per the spell, will blow through the party for 1 round. (As per
the vultreks gusting wind ability, Fortitude save [DC 12].)

The party wanders through a 10-ft. x 10-ft. field of touch of nausea. The effect
lasts as long as a character remains in the field, and 1 round thereafter. The field
will remain in place for 2 hours. (As per the Vultreks touch of nausea ability,
Fortitude save [DC 10].)

An ancient weapon, discarded and forgotten, rises and attacks as per an animate
weapon spell. Assume a longsword (AC 11; Hardness 10; hp 5) that will stay
animated for 4 rounds. It has a speed of 30 ft. and a +2 attack bonus.

A ghost-like figure can be seen 40 feet away and then disappears from sight. (As
per the Vultreks lesser illusory creature ability.)

The party will hear moans of pain from another room or from down a darkened
hallway. The effect lasts as long as the GMs target point has been reached
i.e., a particular room, the corner of a hallway, and so on. (As per the Vultreks
ghost sound ability; no saving throw.)

A party member, randomly determined, feels the effects of distraction, as per the
spell. The type of distraction is up the GM, but one suggestion might be the horrific visage of the vultrek itself. The effect lasts for 2 rounds. (As per the
Vultreks distraction ability, Will save [DC 11].)

The party will hear loud, blasphemous voices growling from another room or
from down a darkened hallway. The effect lasts as long as the GMs target point
has been reached i.e., a particular room, the corner of a hallway, and so on.
(As per the Vultreks ghost sound ability no saving throw.)

The opposite doors are not necessarily passable, however, which will be evident should the
PCs attempt the southwestern door. The goblins
have barred it from the inside (see Area 17 for
further details). They do not have the resources
to control the fortress complex properly, but they
have taken the necessary precautions to fortify
the areas that lead to their lair.
Good Wooden Door: 1 1/2 in. thick;
Hardness 5; hp 15; Break DC 18.

Area 15: The Guard Rooms

Once used to by giant warriors on active duty as
a meeting area, these rooms are now empty and full
of debris. Dust, decaying lumber, and cobwebs fill
the floor space.

Area 16: Throne Room

Perhaps in its original state, this room reflected the
might of the giant commander who once oversaw the
Battlehome, but this audience chamber is now dank and
rank. A modest stone throne resting on a low dais in the
southwest corner awaits visitors. In the floor, a stress
fracture can be seen that cuts across the room lengthwise; a moldy smell seems to emanate from it. Refuse
and garbage are piled up along the edges of the chamber and stacked up heavily behind the throne. The door
in the southeast corner is slightly ajar.
Laying in wait beneath the garbage are 3 dire rats
hungry for flesh. They will wait for the party to enter
and settle before they attack.
Dire Rats (3): hp 5, 5, 5.
A Search check (DC 10)


will yield the following treasure: a single spryte-sized

crystal slipper worth 34 gp and coins totaling 13 sp and
12 gp. The fissure is the result of hundreds of years of
micro-shifts in the bedrock. It once connected to the
underground river that is now dry, but the mold and
decay remain. Beneath the grime and dirt of the walls
and ceilings, observant characters will see painted frescos. They are so badly decayed, however, that fully
assessing what their images depicted would be impossible, but they clearly filled the entire space, most likely lending to a very powerful effect.

Area 17: Common Room

This area was once the common room of the fortress,
a place where off-duty giants could sit, relax, converse,
and play games. Seeing as the space is a direct entry
way into the goblins lair, they have seen fit to bar both
doors leading into the room. They have managed to fix
2 crude but effective iron latches of their own to the
northeastern door (leading to Area 14), making use of 2
stolen padlocks (which have the official G inscribed
on them). The double doors to the south of the room are
chained through their handles, with the remaining padlock securing the chain.
Padlocked Latch: Hardness 8; hp 5; Break DC 24;
Open Lock DC 20.
Standing guard, but bored to tears, are 2 goblins.
They are aware of the fact that the fortress complex has
been experiencing frequent hauntings of late (due to the
vultrek) and will not react immediately to noises or the
rattling of the doors (should the party try to open them).
Should it appear that something is definitely trying to
bash down the door, however, they will react accordingly, retreating back to Area 18 to join with more sizable numbers and make a stand. Once gathered in Area
18, the goblins will send one of their own to warn the
rest of their numbers in the caves. Should they be
caught off-guard by a magical means of bypassing the
door (such as an open lock spell), the goblins may
attempt to flee or stand and fight, as the situation warrants.
Goblins (2): hp 4, 4.

Area 18: Dining Hall

This room is absolutely devoid of any debris or
garbage. Two very ancient iron chandeliers covered in
cobwebs hang at either end of the room. Though this
was once the main dining hall of the fortress, nothing
suggests the spaces former use other than the chandeliers. Areas 17, 18, 19, and 20 were once used by the
goblins as their living space, but since the recent advent
of the complex haunting (brought on by the presence of
the vultrek in Area 36), they have pulled back into the
caves to rest and sleep.
Three goblins, preferring the comfort of the complex rather than the bizarre transformation that is overtaking their gang (see Area 29 for more
details), are helping stand


watch. Should the adventurers attempt to force their

way into Area 17, the goblins from Area 17 will retreat
back to this location to protect their lair as a group.
Goblins (3): hp 4, 4, 4.
Scattered nearby are several pairs of dice, suggesting the goblins like to gamble while at watch. The
party might want to look at several scratches on the
floor, requiring a Search check (DC 10). The
scratches on the floor seem to be a tally of who has
won and lost in the goblins games of chance. Each
column of scratches looks to represent a separate
goblin, signifying their numbers. There are 13
columns in all.

Area 19: The Kitchen

To the northwest, a large well occupies the corner of the room. South of it, a large rectangular
block of stone rests on low columns, once used as
a table. To the southeast is a 5-foot deep, 10-foot
square pit, blackened by fire. A shaft of light, concentrated through a chimney over the pit, illuminates the room.
The well is exactly like the one found in Area
5. It has a 100-foot knotted rope with a grappling
hook fixed at the edge to allow access down into
the dry river tunnel (Area 38). The table is giant
sized, standing 6 feet above the ground. To the
south is an open doorway that leads to stairs
going 40 feet down into Area 20. The chimney is
4 feet in diameter and leads directly straight up,
almost 225 feet in length. It is through this long
opening that the bandits release their homing
pigeons (see Area 42B for further details). A
Search check (DC 10) will turn up pigeon feathers and droppings, possibly hinting at the chimneys current use. A Survival check (DC 10) will
indicate that the fire pit has been used often and
recently. Needless to say, the bandits and goblins
have used the kitchen to cook their meals, just as
the giants did many years ago.

Area 20: Storeroom

Two dire rats will begin to snarl as intruders
enter the room. Unlike the dire rats of Area 16,
these creatures were raised by the goblins and
behave like guard dogs. Goblins fleeing from Area
17 will dash through the southern door and leave
the rats to deal with pursuers. Around their necks,
the rats wear iron collars used when they are
chained up in the goblins caves. A secret door in
the south wall (Search check DC 20) will spring
open once a brick near the door is pressed.
Dire Rats (2): hp 4, 4.

Area 20A
This cave is the starting point for the tunnel that
leads directly to the goblins lair. It extends roughly
100 feet until it reaches an intersection (Area 40A).
About 20 feet down the cave, on the eastern wall, a

Spot check (DC 10) will reveal ancient writing

carved in Common: Beware all who travel forth, for
beyond this point there is no point. It is signed with
skull and crossbones. Indeed, past the intersection,
the full complexity of the caves of Veil Mountain
stretch out in a maze for miles upon miles .
A Search check (DC 15) will yield a crude secret
door to the southeast. It swivels on a central post.

Area 21: Barracks

This enormous chamber at first glance appears
to be empty save for the thick layer of rubbish that
covers the floor. At one time, these barracks
housed the company of giants that manned the
fortress, hence their enormous size. The wooden
bunks that the giants used have now fallen into
decay, along with any other furniture and personal effects that used to be present. Given the fact
that treasure seekers and lore finders alike have
ventured through the complex, anything of any
real interest has long since being hauled away.

Area 22: The Armory

Lining the walls of this moderately sized
room are rusted iron racks, once used to store
weapons. The room is empty aside from the
remnants of rusted weapons and broken
arrows. It was a staging area for small arms
that augmented the main armory at Area 34.

Area 23: The Body

Entering this juncture in the hallway, the
party will discover a grisly sight. Lying face
down is the body of a verrik female eviscerated by what appears to be an animal.
Uncharacteristically, there are no signs of
armor or weapons among her shredded robes
odd for one in such a dangerous place. The
large pool of dried blood that encircles the
remains trails off, leading down the hallway to
the south, signifying that this brave soul was
already dying before she reached this point.
Examining the body will reveal the once
proud face of Shema Nralep, a verrik
oathsworn bound to the protection of a noble
son from the far-off city of Mi-Theron. This
young noble, Jedrith Heros, was an unfettered
with a sense of adventure. Disobeying the orders
of his rich and powerful father, Jedrith set out to
explore the world. His travels brought him to the
Battlehome, an excellent starting point to build
ones reputation as an adventurer. He did not heed
the warnings, however, and delved deeper into the
progressively dangerous caverns of Veil Mountain.
For this he paid a terrible price. His loyal and loving companion Shema took a killing blow, saving
him from certain death during battle with a creature
of the Dark Depths. He escaped with his love in his
arms, but they were not to make it free. They were

ambushed by the vultrek as they attempted to enter the

Battlehome by the southern entrance. They escaped him
temporarily, but he followed and in the end devoured
their souls. Jedriths remains can be found in Area 23A.
A Spot check (DC 10) will show drops of blood leading from Shemas body to Area 23A. This incident can
be dated back to roughly 5 days ago by means of a
Survival check (DC 10).
Searching the body (Search DC 10) will lead to a hip
pouch containing love letters, written to Shema by
Jedrith. A Heal check (DC 10) will confirm that the
devouring of her body took place after death. A
Survival check (DC 10) will suggest that the body was
scavenged by an animal the signs pointing toward a
bird of some sort (vulture). A Handle Animal check
(DC 10) will also verify this assumption. A Knowledge
(dangerous beasts) check (DC10) cannot confirm the
exact type of creature, but it can add that not only did
the creature use a large beak to rend the flesh, it also
had very sharp claws. The dire rats in Area 16 fear the
remains, the stench of the vultrek keeping them at bay.
There is nothing of value on the body.

Area 23A
Lying among the clutter and trash is the body of a
young warrior, face up, his leather armor torn from his
torso. Like the body of the young woman, he has been
opened up in a savage and brutal way, stripped of his
weapons, and the contents of his backpack spilled out.
Needless to say, blood and dried viscera are sprayed
about him. Closer inspection of the body (as per the criteria detailed in Area 23) will yield the same results. His
empty scabbard was for a scimitar. A Search check
(DC 10) of his backpack only shows standard equipment needed for underground exploration: 4 torches, 8
tindertwigs, 6 oil flasks, 2 days rations (for one person), 25 feet of hemp rope, a small blanket, crowbar,
thieves tools, and so forth. Smeared with blood, however, is what looks to be an official town permit to
explore the fortress, made out to a Master Jedrith Heros
of Mi-Theron (see Area 36 for further details).
The rooms purpose was that of sleeping chambers
for giants who focused on the upkeep of the ceremonial chamber (Area 33) and leading the Chi-Julud rituals.

Area 24: The Ritualists Quarters

The most striking thing about this otherwise empty
room is a fresco on the east wall: a stylized depiction of
a giant ceremony. The head ritualist used this chamber
as his private quarters.

Area 25: Officers Quarters

This large rectangular room has been divided into 7
stalls, each 20 feet deep. An iron bar is mounted at
the top of each opening, likely used to hang curtains.
Each stall is full of debris and garbage. A low growling
will be audible with a Listen check (DC 10). Failure
will mean a surprise round for the rooms
current resident.


A goblin that once belonged to the gang resides in the

last northern stall. Given the unstable state of the goblins (see Area 39A for further details), it should be no
surprise that one of their number has gone completely
insane. Exiled from the caves, he now lurks in the complex, scavenging for food and water. He will wait for
the adventurers to come to him, and then will pounce
with his short sword, his eyes wild with fury and his
mouth frothing.
Goblin (1): hp 4.

Area 26: The Commanders

A simple Spot check (DC 10) will show that the
room has been recently occupied, given that much of
the debris is piled to one side of the room and that evidence suggests a small cooking fire was once set up
here. There is nothing more to this room other than confirming that the dungeon is used as a refuge to those
wishing not to be found.

Area 27: Council Chamber

The large doors to this room carry a relief of a great
rune. A Knowledge (runes), (giants) or (history)
check (DC 10) identifies it as an ancient giant symbol
of power. Unlike most of the ceilings throughout the
complex, the ceiling here is arched. A long, rectangular
stone block that once served as a table is situated in the
middle of the room. On the back wall, chipped and
worn, is a large fresco of giants at war with the dramojh and winning. Outside of the giant stone table, the
room is empty. Important council meetings and plans of
war were conducted here.

Area 28: Judgment Room

Across from the doorway rests an oblong pedestal,
slightly off center in the room. To the west, built into
the wall, is a solid stone bench that spans the width of
the chamber. Above it, high on the wall, is a stylized
iron mask with ceramic tiles that radiate in a semi-circular pattern around it. The face is foreboding and full
of strength.
If detect magic is cast on either the pedestal and/or
the mask, they will radiate a faint glow for 1d6 minutes.
Should a character touch the pedestal and then look up
to the eyes of the mask, she must make a Will save (DC
15) or be transfixed, now under the influence of a
greater compelling question spell. The character will
not leave the gaze of the mask until she is pulled away
by someone else; otherwise, she will stand there indefinitely, in a trance. In this time, she will answer whatever questions are asked of her as per the spell (receiving a Will save [DC 15] per question).
Prisoners, criminals, and spies were questioned here
by the enchantment of the iron mask.


Area 29: Commanders Office

Unless the characters make a successful Sneak
check (DC 12), the creatures inhabiting this room will
be preparing to attack as the party enters. When the
PCs open the door, a choking green cloud will fill the
immediate area. Living in this small room are 2
phungoid goblins (see Appendix I), who will exude
their spore cloud attack (Fortitude DC 12) when the
characters open the door. Should the adventurers
enter and survive the initial spore attack, the first
phungoid goblin will move to attack with his short
sword, while the other attempts a second spore
attack. Either way, they will kill or be killed.
Phungoid Goblins (2): hp 5, 5.
These two phungoid goblins were once members of the goblin gang, but were overcome by
their ingestion of the sweet spore fungus that
grows in the goblin caves (see Area 39A for further details). They no longer needed their comrades and decided to live out their new form cut
off from the others. Most of all, their goblin
brothers would not have them.

Area 30: Escape Tunnel

Entering the tunnel from Area 3, a party traveling south will eventually encounter an greater
eldritch wall spell covering the tunnels opening
as it connects to a second tunnel leading east. The
wall is part of a trap that was triggered a century
ago. It is permanent in duration and has 725 hit
points remaining. The party will be able to see
the door leading to the complex. From within the
complex, the door once had a latch and padlock
fixed by the town of Gahanis, but the latch has
been destroyed long since. Should the characters
find themselves on the other side of the eldritch
wall and decide to head east into the dark
unknown, they will encounter a large inscription
on the northern wall, quite clearly, 40 feet up the
tunnel: Continue forth into the unending passages and ye shall likely find thyself between midnight and death.

Area 31: The Prison

Three imposing doors are spaced out along the
northern wall. Positioned in the two doors closest
to the eastside, 8 feet high, are small view windows
with cover slats, which can be pulled back to see
what is behind the doors. The door to the west is
heavier in its construction, with runes carved across
its surface. All the doors are fixed with heavy bolt
locks, though the western doors bolt locks do not
show the rust of time like the others.
These were the fortress prison cells. The smaller
prisons were meant for creatures of a non-magical
nature; the larger cell was constructed for more powerful prisoners; each door is still functional. The two
eastern cells are empty save for debris and the fallen
skeleton of an unfortunate soul. The skeleton is human,

wearing a coat of rusted chain hauberk with a broken

longsword by its side, suggesting that the being was
an adventurer. In a pouch on its tattered belt is a
peridot-topped ring worth 65 gp and an amber
wedge worth 100 gp.
The doors are held in place with heavy springs,
which make them difficult to open, requiring a
Strength check (DC 15) to open from the outside
and a more difficult Strength check (DC 26) to
open from inside the cell. The reason for the difficulty is a heavy spring trap in each of the doors.
If let go while open, they will slam shut, possibly
sealing someone inside. They can be wedged
open, provided that the method used involves
something of 30 lbs. or more.
The larger cells door has a heightened
greater sealed door spell permanently cast upon
it. Within its space are multiple heightened null
magic zone fields to complete its impressive
security (a combination of spells cover the
entire cell). The door does not have a view
window in order to maintain integrity. Needless
to say, the characters would not want to be
trapped in this room. Should they open the door
to peer inside, they will encounter a black
scathe (see Appendix I), which wandered up
through the caves of Area 30 and mistakenly
locked itself in this room (the acute aura of former dramojh prisoners was responsible for the
attraction). It will erupt from the cell, fighting
for freedom before it will truly attack the characters.
Black Scathe (1): hp 21.

Area 32: Ceremonial

Procession Hall
This long and wide hallway, roughly hewn
from the bedrock of the mountain, winds its
way to the ceremonial chamber of Area 33. It is
designed to allow the giants, during times of ritual, to file along its length. At its very end is a
large bronze mask that fills the entire 20-foot by
20-foot space, spiraling flourishes enhancing its
design. Should the mask be touched, the hallway will suddenly be illuminated by lesser
glowglobe spells, situated every 20 feet along
the hallway. Furthermore, magically generated
ancient music will fill the air in a soft and rhythmic manner. As the music continues, the mask
almost seems to start chanting, acting as a sonic
guide to the ancient proceedings that took place
here so very long ago.
The large iron doors that lead to Area 33 are
molded into to large faces, emulating the face that
forms the bronze mask. The doors will open easily.

Area 33: Ceremonial Chambers

As the characters examine this room, a feeling of good
will settles upon them. An ironic feeling, to say the least,
given the aggressive images painted on the walls: giant
warriors, full of might and blood lust, rage across a battlefield against the shadow of their most hated enemies, the
dramojh. The murals are intricate and detailed, a visual
record of the giants determination in dark times. Yet the
topics vary beyond simply depicting heroic portraits; specific weapons of power and famous moments of giant history up until the point of the Battlehomes construction are
also present. A large fountain, with a sculpted fist of iron
erupting from its waters, sits near the north end of the room
and yes, its waters remain as fresh and blue as this days
sky. Flanking either side of it are 5-foot tall stone pedestals,
covered in runes. Needless to say, as the rest of the fortress
is old and decaying, this room seems to be resisting such
If detect magic is cast on either the fountain and/or the
pedestals, they will radiate a moderate glow for 1d6 x 10
minutes. The fountain acts as a decanter of endless water.
If tried, the water is soothing, but should a PC succeed on
a Fortitude save (DC 10), it also unleashes one of the following special properties (roll 1d4):


The character is healed, as per a battle healing

spell (1d6 hit points of healing only);
The character carries the effects of a precise vision
spell (duration of 40 minutes);
The character carries the effects of a magic armor
spell (that lasts up until its first successful use);
The character carries the effects of a magic
weapon spell (that lasts up until its first successful

The fountain will only grant a character these powers

once per month. Giant characters need not roll the
Fortitude save, as they gain the magical effect immediately. Beings who would be considered enemies of the
giants (whether it be mojh, goblins, or otherwise at the
GMs discretion) do not gain any positive effects at all. In
fact, these recipients will experience a touch of nausea, as
per the spell, for 1 hour.
A Knowledge (history) or (giants) check (DC 10)
will identify specific events of the frescos including the
landing of the giants at Khorl (Common Year 1228), the
Battle of the Rosewood (Common Year 1230), and the
great champion Ru-Annalor. Characters will be able to
identify the runes on the pedestals with a Knowledge
(runes) check (DC 10) as ancient runes of power and


Area 34: Main Armory

Historians have noted that no libraries were located in
the Battlehome this is due to the fact that while in ChiJulud mode, the giants library was in effect their armory.
This large chamber was dedicated to the massive build up
of weapons that were stored and utilized at the fortress.
Now, however, it is empty, with nothing to indicate the
rooms purpose.

Area 35: Locked Door

The door to this area is locked with a latch and padlock from the town of Gahanis (on the northern side) in
an attempt to prevent anything from wandering into the
fortress proper from Area 37A.

Area 36: Lair of the Vultrek

The door to this room is black and scorched, radiating
an apparent and foreboding evil. It is unlocked, and when
opened, it releases an ungodly stench of death. Characters
will need to make a Fortitude save (DC 12) or feel the
effects of a touch of nausea spell for 1 round. Within this
first round, the vultrek (hiding in Area 37D) will generate
an illusory creature spell, having a shadowy version of
itself peer quickly from around the northeastern corner
and then retract back into the room. Should the party hesitate even further, the vultrek will cast ghost sound to convey the whimpering moan of a woman in pain. If any of
the characters venture further into this hallway, the vultrek will send forth his pet, a seether (see Appendix I),
from Area 37E. This beast will creep along the northern
wall leading out of Area 37E in order to get a possible surprise attack. While the seether engages the characters, the
vultrek will cast its distraction spell on one of the more
powerful looking PCs. Should the seether be slain, the
vultrek will attempt to flee, trying for an escape down
Area 37A, unless the party appears noticeably weakened,
in which case it may attack. The vultrek prefers prey that
is freshly dead or on the verge of death. It will avoid fair
fights if possible; however, the seether will fight to the
Vultrek (1): hp 18.
Seether (1): hp 15.
Area 36 was once the vault that kept the famous and
evil Ebonring. During the ancient conflict between the
dramojh and the giants, a key victory was scored with the
capture of the Ebonring, a powerful artifact forged by the
dragon-scions. The rings nature was a mystery to the
giants and left them with no alternative but to hide it from
their draconian enemies. The great giant warrior JiCondur was put in charge of its safe keeping and elected
to construct a keep in the Floating Forest for the specific
purpose of protecting the ring. The artifact was kept at the
Battlehome during construction, and in its time here, the
fortress paid a haunting price. The Ebonrings influence
began to permeate through the structure, causing acts of
bad luck, strife, and unrest. When it came time for the ring
to depart, all that were stationed at the fortress
breathed a sigh of relief. The vault
in which it was kept was


however, the aura of the ring still very much alive within
the tiny chamber.
The vultrek entered the Battlehome from the Dark
Depths, immediately attracted to the aura of evil. Due
to the synergy of this location, the vultreks powers
manifested heavily, haunting the fortress as the ring
did in its own time. The same can be said about the
seether: it, too, wandered into the fortress feeling the
ancient evil of the Ebonring. The pair formed an
alliance of sorts, the seether feeding on the flesh of
its victims and the vultrek on their souls.
Although the rooms aura of evil is noticeable,
once the characters get over the initial shock, they
will not suffer any other ill effects. Within the
chamber is the vultreks treasure scattered about
the floor (a +1 scimitar recovered from its most
recent victim, a brilliant necklace made of 10
amethyst stones worth 800 gp, and a carved bone
statue worth 45 gp). Also among the treasure is
Jedriths family seal, a pendant worth 25 gp. On
the obverse is an inscription: To my son Jedrith,
heir to our future. Our hopes go with you. An
Appraise check (DC 10) will confirm the pendants importance, not only as a piece of jewelry,
but as a powerful token that Jedriths father, Able
Heros, may wish returned. Given the town permit
found in Area 23A and this pendant, it may occur
to the players that a journey to Mi-Theron could
be a possibility: the return of the family seal and
the sad news that accompanies it may answer the
lingering questions of the Heros clan and possibly add to the PCs coin pouches.

1 square = 10 ft.









Area 37: Main Armory

Area 37B

The rooms of Area 36 and 37, carved out and

constructed as needed, acted as a subsidiary to
the main fortress.

A Search check (DC 15) will yield a crude secret

door to the northwest. It swivels on a central post to a
tunnel that links up to Area 20A. Otherwise, it is empty.

Area 37

Area 37C

The central room, this space is now empty.

Bones, rusted weapons, armor, and refuse litter
the floor and adjacent corridors.

Area 37A
This passage is most likely thought of, by
those who know the fortress, as the main entry
to the uncharted tunnel complex that carries
throughout the mountain and the surrounding
region. Many expeditions have started here,
never to return. Graffiti, carved on the tunnels
walls, provides the evidence: The Company of
the Righteous Sword 1752 and The Blazing
Hands spit at luck are but a few of the signatures.
About 30 feet down the tunnel is the official warning, carved and filled in with white dye: If thy
wish is to live no longer, then by the Bitter Suns,
please proceed.

Another empty cave.

Area 37D
Normally, the vultrek lives in Area 36, but given the
evil energies of the area and the vultreks desecration
ability, the creature is able to sense when prey is close.
Therefore, it prefers to position itself in this room as
described above. It allows for long range attacks and an
easy mode of escape. This chamber used to be a workshop, either to fashion clothing and small bits of jewelry or more intricate items such as glass and pottery.
Two ovens are located in the wall to the east.

Area 37E
The seether lairs in this room. The floor is clawed
and marked up from the creatures nervous scratching.


Area 38: The River Tunnel

Should the characters venture down the wells in
Areas 5 or 19, they will find themselves in the river tunnel. It is empty but not completely dry, given the dankness in the air and on the walls. This dankness further
perpetuates the smell of rot that fills the area. Should a
greenbond be present, her assessment will be that the
tunnels water flow has likely been damned much further upstream, which can be the only explanation as to
why the tunnel is empty yet still very humid. Every now
and then, pools of water have collected along the tunnel
floor. A greenbond would strongly recommend not
drinking this water, as it is obviously contaminated.
Directly in between the connection of Area 5 and
Area 19 is a rune of warding on the tunnel floor, placed
there by Den Rudiger, the bandit runethane spy. The
first PC attempting to cross over the rune (either coming from Area 5 or going to Area 5) must make a Will
save (DC 13) or refuse to cross the area for 1 day. When
the spies gained the permit key from the body of Stariff
Blackweather they elected to lock down the tunnel,
having changed the configuration of the town locks in
Area 14 to the doors of Area 17. The tunnel continues
down past the well opening of Area 19 to Area 39.

Area 40A
This is the junction with the tunnel of Area 20A.
No sentry is posted here.

Area 41: Goblin Caves

Standing in an alcove is a lone goblin sentry.

Adventurers using standard illumination to see their
way through the darkness will be spotted immediately,
in which case, the sentry will retreat up to Area 40 to
warn the rest of the gang.
Goblin (1): hp 4.

This is the latest residence for the goblins, who

moved here shortly after the vultrek began haunting the inner fortress. The goblins are relatively
new to the fortress, having come from the cavern
complex of Veil Mountain. They once had a
chieftain, but he was slain by the bandit spies
when they were looking for a hideout. The goblins took to their new masters, their loyalty sealed
when they were offered gold for their services.
Both bandits and the goblins, however, are now
enthralled with the sweet spore drug, which has
affected them greatly. The gang has splintered
somewhat due to the spores influence, but still
they continue on a path of self-destruction.

Area 39A

Area 41A

Further down the tunnel, past the opening to the east

passage, is an enormous fungus garden. It gives off a
slight phosphorus glow, which can be seen 70 feet
away. The fungus takes on the form of mushroom-like
stools, but moss and branches (some as thick as small
trees) also fill the space. The collection of mold is so
great and dense that it completely blocks the passage
(and does so for another 200 feet). A greenbond will
surmise that the patch is not the reason for the
damming of the tunnel, but a by-product. Furthermore,
the fungus is growing down the tunnel, continuing
along the tunnel path. It can also be determined that this
fungus is odd and likely dangerous to consume. This is
where the sweet spore has been harvested by the goblins and bandits, who have become addicted to the dangerous substance (see Appendix I for further details).

This cave is sometimes used to hold the dire

rats from Area 20. A large spike has been driven
into the center of the room in order to chain them
up (the chains lie to the side). Two more dire rats
are presently chained up here (the chains are 10
feet in length), spoiling for a fight. Should the PCs
blunder their assault upon the goblin caves, these
rats could be freed in time to be of use against
them in a concentrated counter-attack.
Dire Rats (2): hp 4, 4.

Area 39: Entrance to the Goblin


Area 40: Central Cave

The main area for the goblins to gather, a large fire
pit rests in the middle of the space. Rickety stools,
bedrolls, flagons, and so forth encircle the fire, which is
presently full of burning embers. A half-full
bucket of sweet spore rests to one
side as 3 goblins lay


sheepishly about the room. Should the goblin from

Area 39 make it here to warn them, or should the characters fail an opposed Sneak check, the goblins will
quickly gather themselves up and prepare for combat.
They will suffer from a 1 circumstances bonus to
attack and damage rolls, saving throws, and skill
and ability checks, but benefit from a +1 natural
armor bonus to AC due to the effects of the spore.
Once his companions have been roused, the sentry
goblin will continue on to Area 41 to alert the rest
of his fellows (for a total of 6 goblins). They will
then return to the caves in force looking for the
intruders within 5 minutes.
Goblins (3): hp 4, 4, 4.

Area 41B
A sleeping chamber for a number of goblins, a
Search check (DC 10) will yield 65 gp, some of
the payment given to them by the bandits. Other
goblin personal effects are in here as well, such as
furs, odd shaped stones, goats bladders full of goblin moonshine, and so on.

Area 41C
A fire pit set with a spit rests to the west of the cave,
with a number of cooking utensils scattered about.
Several sacks hold dried meats and fish. A keg of
human beer (half full) sits on saw horses to the south.

Area 41D
The same as Area 41B, but two goblins lie here,
passed out after having just taken a large dose of
sweet spore. Should combat in Area 40 become
excessively loud, they will wake, albeit in a very
groggy state, and attempt to join the fight. They
will suffer a 2 circumstances bonus to attack
and damage rolls, saving throws, and skill and
ability checks, but gain a +2 natural armor
bonus to AC due to their sorry state. The goblins
appearance will be a shock as the effects of
heavy sweet spore ingestion are starting to take
hold. Much of their bodies are covered in mold,
with toadstools sprouting from their flesh in
many areas.
Should the cave be searched (Search check
DC 10), the PCs will find the following treasure: an unused akashic memory stone (500 gp),
a pair of dried spryte wings, a piece of chalk, 2
glass beads, and a tindertwig.
Goblins (2): hp 3, 3.

Area 42: The Bandits Lair

Den Rudiger and Merril Yannis reside within these caves, hiding out due to the bounty
recently placed on their heads. Having been
spotted and identified during a raid on a Jaren
caravan that involved their bandit gang stealing the Inmagus Libellum (a tome seemingly
regarded as priceless to the Jaren), they have
since made their home with the goblins.
Before this incident, the pair lived in Gahanis,

helping their bandit leader Nefenr spy on other merchant companies, rich travelers, and anyone else who
drew attention to themselves. Now that they have been
identified, however, Nefenr considers them a detriment to his operations and has made it clear to them to
lay low in the Battlehome until all is fine. They only
leave the fortress in order to get supplies or hunt for
heartier food. To relieve the boredom of their present
existence, they found solace in the sweet spore, its
effects discovered by accident when Den decided to
make a mushroom soup. While Merril suffers from
a mild addiction thus far, Den is completely overcome by the drug. Given this addiction, neither will
venture too far from the fungus, no matter what, due
to its powerful control.

Area 42A
This is Den Rudigers cave; he lies passed out on its
floor. Like the goblins in Area 41D, he is now in the
second stage of the sweet spores influence his
body being ravaged with the growth of mold and fungus, toadstools beginning to protrude through his tattoos and twisting their patterns. If combat breaks out
in the caves, it is the GMs discretion on whether Den
wakes from the sound, but Merril will most likely
wake him in any event. Should he be in a position to
do battle, he will suffer a 2 circumstances penalty
to attack and damage rolls, saving throws, and skill
and ability checks, but gain a +2 natural armor
bonus to AC. Knowing his skill in melee is basic at
best, Den prefers to attack with mudballs before
resorting to his nearby club.
The cave is furnished with a table, chair, and bed.
On the table are a number of inks, quills, and stamps,
as well as maps of Gahanis, the immediate region, and
lands to the north and east all of which detail
known trade routes of various merchant companies. A
Search check (DC 10), however, will single out one
map in particular that features the Lake of Lost
Voices. This is peculiar due to the fact that the lake is
2 days trek from Gahanis and has no direct trails to it.
Furthermore, the map carries an odd symbol: that of a
square with a black circle in the middle, the symbol of
the bandit gang. There are also a number of notes and
documents; some are shipping schedules, but most are
falsified invoices, shipping licenses, and personal
papers (an Appraise check [DC 10] will verify all
this). A second Search check (DC 10) will also
uncover Stariff Blackweathers official town permit to
enter the fortress. Another Search check (DC 10) will
yield a small chest kept underneath the bed. A small
dart trap protects the contents of the chest, which
includes 285 gp, a silver dice cup worth 30 gp, and a
fine bottle of wine worth 10 gp (Dens personal trove,
as well a separate sack that holds Merrils) and correspondence to the bandit camps leader.


Dart Trap: CR 1; mechanical; touch trigger;

manual reset; +10 ranged (1d6/x3 crit, dart); 10-ft.
max range; Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 20.
One letter lists the haul from the most recent raid,
broken into three columns. The first column, labeled
N, is followed by an assorted list of coins and gems.
The second column, marked Rudiger & Yannis, lists
350 gp. The third column, labeled Back to Lair, lists
a variety of unusual items, including a rare opal, silks,
2 barrels of grain, 12 kegs of ale, and an old tome from
Xavel. Other personal effects, such as a change of
clothes, wash basin and soap, and a bucket full of sweet
spore round out the space.

Area 42B
The main cave is empty (this could change, however;
see below), but in an alcove to the west are two bird
coups up on saw horses. The coups hold four carrier
pigeons each with a small brass ring around one of its
legs. Upon closer examination, each ring is inscribed
with the bandits symbol (see above), a square with a
circle in the middle. The spies use these pigeons to
communicate with their comrades at the Lake of Lost
Voices. A sack of bird feed and a toolbox sit beside the

Area 42C
This is Merrils cave. At the time the adventurers
invade the caves, he will be lucid and aware, despite his
addiction to the sweet spore, but he will be resting in his
cave. Should noticeable sounds of battle echo into his
area, Merril will rise and prepare for combat. His first
thought will be to wake Den in order to augment his
attack, should he have time to do so. Otherwise, he will
send his viper into Area 42B to act as a distraction to let
him attempt an ambush from the southern tunnel. The
snake will lie in wait, attempting a surprise strike on a


Merrils main asset is his speed, and he will react

quickly, attacking any obvious spellcasters in the party.
He knows these caves fairly well now and will circle
around, attacking from the rear and retreating if given
the chance. He knows that he faces a very angry mob
should he be taken back to town and figures that his
life is already forfeit, so he will carry on until his last
Neither Merril nor Den will offer up Nefenrs
name in any connection to the bandit raids. Despite
their betrayal of the community, they still have family that they care for living there, and Nefenr has
threatened revenge should his secret be revealed.
The bandits have never actually themselves been
to the lair at the lake (the map was to be their guide
when the search for them died down), so they will
deny any knowledge of the larger bandit group or
a camp.
Within Merrils cave is a small pool of water to
the south, making the cave damp and humid just
right for the snake totem warrior. Resting on a
small stool beside a bedroll is the permit key
recovered from the body of Stariff Blackweather.
With this key, the bandits are able to come and go
as they please.

Information gained from the bandit spies will lead the PCs to the main bandit lair at the Lake of Lost Voices. Two days of overland travel are needed to
reach the lake, and the PCs will encounter a few situations during their travels that may aid or hinder them. Upon arriving at the lake, the PCs must figure out how to gain access to the bandit lair, while the restless spirits of those
trapped in the lake itself will try to lure the weak willed to their death.

Starting the Adventure

Once the PCs conclude their adventure within the
Battlehome, they have several options. Examining
the maps and documents, they may correctly conclude that the bandit lair and the tome sought by
the Jaren is located at the Lake of Lost Voices.
The PCs may then decide to travel there directly,
hoping to retrieve the tome and complete their mission for the Jaren. Alternatively, they may not have
discovered the location of the bandit lair, in which
case they may need guidance or assistance from
the Jaren or Nefenr to get them pointed in the right
direction. Or, a third possibility may arise: the PCs
decide that the life of an adventurer is too fraught
with peril and choose to give up the excitement for
a more sedate and safe life on a farm outside of
Gahanis. Should that be the unfortunate case, then
it will be time for the Jaren to hire new heroes to
pursue their missing tome (and possibly eliminate
those who failed!).

Pointing the Way

The primary consideration once the PCs have
returned from the Battlehome is getting them properly motivated and directed toward the bandit lair at
the Lake of Lost Voices. Likely, they will have
determined their next course of action themselves.
Should they require further prompting, however, the
GM may wish to have key NPCs introduce appropriate motivation and knowledge to guide them on
their course.

The Jaren
First off, the PCs will not be able simply to walk in and
discuss their mission with the mysterious Jaren. They must
book an appointment with the clerk on duty and return at
the designated time. All meetings of such nature with the
Jaren will always be conducted during the night, likely one
hour after twilight. Should the PCs bring captured prisoners to the Jaren Guild Hall, guards will seize them, holding
them within the hall as prisoners for the Jaren themselves
to deal with. Again, the PCs will need to schedule an
appointment for later that night. They will not see the bandit spies again.
Their eventual meeting with the Jaren will be held under
similar circumstances to their first meeting: during the
night, in a dimly lit room, a single Jaren seated on a black
chair. From the start, the Jaren will remind the PCs that they
have not completed their full assignment until the book is
returned. If the PCs have captured the spies alive, Jaren
questioning will reveal the location of the bandit lair as the
Lake of Lost Voices, two days south of Gahanis. If the prisoners are not available to interrogate, the Jaren will ask to
examine any evidence or clues that the spies may have

Evidence: Homing Pigeons

If the PCs deduced that the spies were using homing
pigeons as messengers, the Jaren can arrange a tracer
spell to be cast on one of the birds, which will be released
and tracked. If the PCs did not bring a pigeon back from
the Battlehome, the Jaren will request that they return
quickly and fetch one, so as to properly complete their
assignment. This will be an easy task and may take no
more than two hours if the PCs remember
their way around the fortress.


If the PCs have not guessed as to the nature or purpose of

the pigeons, they may get some prompting from the Jaren.
Surely these lowly spies had no magical means to contact
their superiors who must maintain a larger lair! What possible means of long-distance communication could they have
used? If the PCs are still clueless,
the Jaren will have them recount
their entire adventure within the
fortress, possibly suggesting the
pigeons if they are described.

Evidence: Den
Rudigers Papers
If the PCs deduce the existence
and location of the bandits main lair,
then any citizen of Gahanis will be
able to provide them with simple
directions to the Lake of Lost Voices
(as simple as, Follow the southern
stream for two days. It winds some,
but itll take you there.)
If the PCs have not correctly interpreted the documents, examination
by the Jaren will raise this point.
Again, should the PCs have failed to
gather the obvious clues, the Jaren
will send them back into the
Battlehome to collect the information and then provide the party with
a clear course of action.
Regardless of the evidence used,
the Jaren will advise the PCs that
they have not yet completed their
assignment and therefore are unable
to be compensated as agreed. The
Jaren will advise the PCs that their
goal is likely held at the larger lair
and will request that they set out for
the Lake of Lost Voices at once.
Should the PCs balk, the Jaren will
agree to pay the fee for the
capture/elimination of the spies (400
gp unless further negotiated) and will
double the payment for the retrieval
of the tome (to an additional 600 gp).
If the PCs pursued the bandit spies
for alternate means, either to claim
the towns reward or for personal
reasons, then the towns steward and
sheriff will play roles similar to the
Jaren, outlined above. A reward (300
gp) will be offered for the capture or
execution of the bandit leader, and
the officials will similarly direct the
PCs to the Lake of Lost Voices.

Meeting Nefenr in Gahanis

If the PCs took the memory stone
from Howorand, they may
choose to return it


to Nefenrs studio as requested before setting out for the

Lake of Lost Voices. Should this happen, they will
encounter Nefenr as he is preparing to leave to go on a short
overland journey. He will gladly accept the stone from
them, curious as to what they have learned about his operation and his involvement.
He will then depart promptly, hoping to secure a few
loose ends at the bandits
lair before any further
investigation occurs. The
PCs will next see him on
the road as he returns from
his mission.
If the PCs visit the
Jaren first or suspect
Nefenrs involvement in
the bandit organization,
they will find he has
already left, but his aide
will accept the memory
stone on his behalf.

to the
Lake of
Lost Voices
Before setting out, a
Gather Information
check (DC 10) will provide the characters with
directions to the Lake of
Lost Voices (confirmed
by Dens map) and an
oft-repeated rumor about
he location: the Lake of
Lost Voices is haunted.
Possibly related to the
feared Blue Knight, the
lake is a place of doomed
souls looking to add to
their number. No one
from Gahanis will travel
The trip to the lake is
simple: an almost-dry
stream flows south to the
lake. Following it is an easy
task, though the stream
does wind back and forth
throughout the hilly area.
Due to the rough and rocky
nature of the terrain, traveling
on horseback will be no quicker than traveling on foot.
The party will have three encounters before reaching the
lake, where it will need to deal with the restless spirits that
haunt the area. See the overland map for the locations of
these encounters.

If the PCs are able to chase the bear away, the rhodin will
let out a choking gasp and motion them to come closer. With
its last breath, it will whisper (Listen DC 10) a final warning
in broken common: Beware she wants the sphere to
destroy us all. Do not let her have the orb.
Unless treated, the rhodin will reach 13 hit points and
death the following round. Should the characters foolishly
heal this creature, it will attack the characters quickly for 2
rounds before retreating into the forest.
Should the rhodin die, a Wilderness Survival check (DC
10) or a greenbond will reveal that the rhodin was not a victim of the black bear. Rather, the terrible gashes and cuts
were delivered by a fierce weapon, wielded by expert hands.
A character, with a successful Intelligence check (DC 10),
will be able to identify these wounds as the result of a dire
weapon. Investigating the dead rhodins body, a Search
check (DC 18) will uncover a sapphire-studded masterwork
dagger protruding from its back. The PCs may not realize it,
but this dagger is the sign of the Blue Knight. The rhodins
armor has been destroyed by the killing blows, and any other
items of value have been taken.

Encounter 2: The Witch

in the Woods
Encounter 1: Words of Warning
As the party follows the dried stream on its winding course, a Listen check (DC 10) will cause the
PCs to hear a growling and thrashing noise, just
around the next bend. A Wilderness Survival
check (DC 15) or Knowledge (dangerous beasts)
check (DC 10) will identify the growl as coming
from a bear. Greenbonds or bear totem warriors gain
a +2 insight bonus to these checks. If the PCs hear
the bear and act accordingly, they will get a surprise
round. The bear is too involved in its activities to
stop to listen as the group approaches.
As the PCs round the corner, they will see a black
bear standing over a fallen form. A Knowledge
(dangerous beasts) check (DC 10) will remind the
PCs that black bears are normally not aggressive, yet
this bear appears to be feeding and agitated, so is
unusually dangerous. Greenbonds or bear totem warriors will be aware of these facts immediately, without a check required. A Spot check (DC 10) will tell
the PCs that the bears current feast the fallen form
is that of a humanoid, who appears to have the
barest remnants of life left, much to the bears dismay.
Black Bear (1): hp 19.
The fallen warrior is a male rhodin, a monstrous
humanoid that plagues the realm. With ram-like horns
protruding from their head and a thick, powerfully
muscled body, the rhodin are normally fearsome warriors capable of great violence. This rhodin, however, is
moments away from death.
Rhodin (1): hp 12 currently.
The black bear can be scared off with an Intimidate
check (DC 13). Furthermore, any attack that deals damage
to the bear requires it to make a Will save (DC 15) or flee,
leaving its helpless victim behind. The rhodin presents no
threat to the party at this time and if left alone will certainly

As the PCs approach a massive earthen mound, they

must make a Spot check (DC 15) or be startled by a wood
witch, who will emerge from behind the obstruction, hoping to get a surprise attack with her greenfire ability (Reflex
DC 13 for half damage). She will attack the closest character within range, following with her second burst of
greenfire the following round before resorting to spells.
Witch (1): hp 6.
The witch is working for Nefenr, whom she knows only
as The Master, and often acts as a go-between for Nefenr
and the bandits when he cannot leave town. Nefenr discovered the woman, whom he simply calls The Witch, living
near the Lake of Lost Voices when the bandits moved their
lair. She had been tormented by the voices there for quite
some time and has completely lost her mind. Now, she
serves with single-minded devotion, grateful for the infrequent opportunities to leave the haunted lake, but always
eager to return for more punishment. She is currently waiting for Nefenr to return from the lake and believes the PCs
are assassins hired to eliminate him. She will therefore fight
to the death to save her master.
Examining the earthen mound (Search DC 15) will
reveal a stone surface with ancient writing carved into it.
An old form of Common, it still has a basic familiarity and
only requires a Decipher Script check (DC 15) to read.
It came from the sky, but not from our makers. We
fashioned it into a magnificent orb, the symbol of our
hopes and dreams. Instead it was full of nightmares. It
has taken the lives of our city, but is now safely sealed
away in the temple. Should this fall into the wrong
hands, our nightmares will be shared in a plague of
dreams. Heed this warning and avoid the temple and
the orb at all costs.


Encounter 3: Nefenr
on the Road Home
Nefenr is returning from his most recent visit to the orb,
there once again to charge his memory stone. Nefenr will
feign surprise, wondering what the party would be doing
traveling down this inhospitable route to nowhere. He will
then have a coughing fit (due to the dry air, he will say),
allowing him to consume a capsule of glamour (see
Nefenrs stats in Appendix I).
If questioned as to his actions, Nefenr will first offer a
feeble explanation, saying that he was working on some
natural landscape features in a painting and in desperate
need for reference material. This explanation will quite
obviously be a false statement (Sense Motive DC 5), which
he intends to have doubted. With only minor prompting, he
will then seemingly break down and reveal the true story,
hoping to misdirect any suspicion or theories the PCs may
have as to his relationship with the bandits.
Nefenrs story, told with a total Bluff modifier of +11, is
that he is the unwitting victim of the bandits. He needed
funds to begin his observatory and latest operation, but
could not find sponsorship with any of his regular patrons.
A rich man in Gahanis, introduced to him by Den Rudiger,
promised to support him, but would require a favor in the
future. Only after Dens involvement with the bandits did
Nefenr suspect that the rich patron was, in fact, in league
with the bandits, but he has since learned that his repayment
has come due. Now that the bandit spies have been rousted,
Nefenr has been ordered to provide the bandits with critical
caravan schedules and guard schedules. Nefenr is frightened, especially since he is just now returning from receiving these orders at the bandits lair in a secret cave by the
Lake of Lost Voices.
Of course, this story is a total fabrication. Nefenr is hoping to gain the PCs sympathy and plans to send them to
their doom against the bandits. Still, hes hedging his bets
and will be leaving town immediately upon his return. His
primary goal in this encounter is to deflect any suspicion
and buy time to escape. If confronted further, Nefenr will
use his spells to escape, knowing that physical combat is
not his strong suit. He will cast cloak of darkness and silent
sheath and slip away into the country, which he knows
much better than the PCs. Once out of sight, he will travel
to a nearby location, where bandit scouts have hidden a
cache of homing pigeons, releasing one in time to warn the
bandit lair of the partys approach.
Nefenr (1): 24 hp.

Encounter 4:
The Lake of Lost Voices
The bandit lair is located in a hidden cave near the haunted Lake of Lost Voices. Centuries ago, a small city once
existed at the base of these mountains, dedicated to worshiping the astral bodies viewed in the night sky. Blessed
by their gods, the citys people received a great gift: a meteorite landed in the nearby area and was brought back to the
city by the wise men and elders. The
meteorite was worked and
polished until it


resembled a great sphere, and it came to represent the

hopes and dreams of the citys inhabitants. Not everyone
had the same motivations, however, and a dark ritual was
performed, dooming the once hopeful sky watchers to
live out their nightmares. A cleansing ceremony was
attempted, but it was too late, and the starlight was
replaced by torrential rain as the citizens drowned in
their sleep. The Lake of Lost Voices is the haunted
reminder, the watery grave that hides the remnants of
the ancient city.
The bandits once used the area, long known to be
haunted, as the perfect cover for their operation. Over
time, they were able to resist the compelling effects of
the lake and promoted the rumors and myths further to
keep prying eyes away from their business. Eight
months ago, however, a large underground explosion
in the fortune mines of Gahanis set off an underground chain reaction, breaking off portions of the
mountain and revealing an entrance to a long-lost
temple built within the mountain. Crossing the lake
in crude rafts, the bandits eventually took over the
temple as their lair, creating a convenient yet secret
exit in the far side of the mountain. Now, the bandits
are protected from prying eyes in their hidden hideout and further protected by the nature of the lake
An eerie calm permeates the area of the lake,
which seems undisturbed by the wind. With a mirror-like surface, the lakes depth is unknown, showing only the reflection of a cloudy sky and the surrounding mountains. A few rocky boulders jut above
the waters surface. A closer inspection (Search DC
15) will reveal that these are not boulders, but the
tops of ancient stone towers and buildings, signs of
the ancient city buried beneath.
All PCs who approach within 25 feet of the lake
must make a Will save. Whichever character
achieves the lowest result will be the first affected by
the lakes dark power. Whispering voices begin to fill
the characters head, replicating the effects of a suggestion spell. The character must make a second Will
save (DC 10), or follow the commands of the whispering voices, which murmur, Join us below the surface. Join us in the sunken city. Join us in our grave.
If the second Will save is successful, the character will
be able to resist the urge to swim down to his death;
however, the voices will continue in his heads for the
next 6 hours, giving him a 2 penalty to all Listen
and Concentration checks.
Should the character fail the save, he will be compelled to dive into the lake, thinking that the city
beneath is made of his hopes and dreams.
Every time the PCs leave the area and return within
25 feet of the lake, they must repeat the process, with the
lowest Will save result being the target every time.
A Search check (DC 10) will reveal a crude raft hidden behind some fallen trees and scrub. Examining the raft
will show that it has seen recent use and seems water worthy. The entrance to the bandit lair (Area 1) can be found
with a successful Spot check (DC 25 from the shore, DC
10 from the lake).

Having discovered the bandits lair in an ancient temple, the PCs must penetrate the complex and deal with the various traps and creatures inside, not to
mention the bandits themselves. Learning more of the origins of the Malus
Morphaera and the history of the Lake of Lost Voices, the PCs may realize
that the true danger inhabiting the temple is not the bandit gang, but the dangerous orb should it fall into the wrong hands. The heroes will have a
chance to confront the bandit leader and his lieutenant and decide the final
fate of the orb. Just as the matter appears to be settled, however, the enigmatic and deadly Blue Knight will show up, seeking her deadly prize. The fate of
the region may be decided in a final confrontation with the Champion of
Death. Should the PCs survive this encounter, they may well reach 3rd level.

Starting the Adventure

The Temple of Vespers, the ancient structure
now used by the bandits as a lair, has been sealed
away inside a mountain since before the time of
the dramojh. While it was once the religious
pride of the city of Cylilithan, a dark destiny took
hold and led to the citys destruction and the temples burial. For ages, the temple remained the
prison for the Malus Morphaera, an odd artifact
fashioned from a fallen star by the sky worshipping people of Cylilithan. Realizing that an
important ceremony had been corrupted, the
priests of the temple tried to cleanse the orb, but
their efforts were in vain. In a final act of desperation, they sealed the orb and filled the temple
with discouraging traps, hoping that the dark
powers of the orb would never be seen again. The
orb has remained so sealed, until a day eight
months ago when a devastating attack on a mining operation in the region triggered a series of
earthquakes that shook the mountain and opened
the temple.
The orb is a tool, and like any other, its function
is dictated by its user. An amazing mixture of magic
and mysticism, the orb can be used to fuel the spellcasting ability of those who have also mastered
memory. Nefenr is such a person and has used the
orbs powers to augment his artistic ability and gain
prestige and wealth.

The orb was once used for another purpose, though. A

dark contingent in the ancient priesthood used the artifact
to steal the minds of the citys inhabitants through their
dreams, forcing them to live in an unending world of
nightmares, forever separated from their psyches. This
psychic upheaval created ecological disaster, damning the
city to its watery grave. Should the orb fall into the wrong
hands, it can be used for similarly vile purposes again.
Worse still, should it be shattered under the proper circumstances, it will unleash at once all the memories of the
nightmares trapped inside, creating a plague of dreams
that will devastate the region, drowning the residents in
their own uncontrollable madness.

Attacking the Bandits

Once the PCs have found the bandit lair, they may
begin to doubt their ability to challenge the bandit gang
effectively in their own lair. If the party finds a secure
vantage point, it may begin to observe some standard bandit activity. While the bandits secret entrance (Area 12A)
remains hidden, the PCs will see bandit activity in this
general area. It will become obvious that the bandits have
been divided into two shifts, with one shift guarding the
temple while the other forages in and patrols the forest
area. Unless the party attacks specifically at a shift
change, it will only be facing half of the bandit gang at any one time (indeed,
the adventure key is set
up this way).


Temple Lake Level


1 square = 10 ft.







Temple Ground Level

1 square = 10 ft.











Temple Upper Level


1 square = 10 ft.







The party can certainly set up something of a nearby base camp, hoping that repeated raids and hit-andrun tactics, along with purely investigative forays,
could provide an advantage. This is also a sound
strategy, and the bandits would not expect invaders
to remain close to their lair. Should the PCs make
repeated attempts on the temple, however, eventually the lairs bandit leader will realize that they
must be located nearby and a more determined
search party will be sent.
There are two entries into the temple: the
secret door on the far side of the mountains
ridge (Area 12A), which requires a Search
check (DC 30) to locate from the exterior, and
the lake-side entrance (Area 1), which has been
noted in the previous chapter. If the heroes need
a push to investigate this entry, perhaps a loose
raft has slipped free of its mooring at Area 1 and
drifted into visibility in the lake. Regardless,
eventually the PCs must find their way in if
they wish to complete their Jaren-appointed
task or personal quest. Entering through Area 1
is the partys safest bet, as the lake level of the
complex is rarely patrolled by the bandits, who
prefer to use the mountain door to enter and

Area 1: Temple Stairs

Entering a small chasm in the rock face, the
PCs will see a 20-foot by 20-foot landing
ahead. A Knowledge (science) check (DC 10)
will reveal that this opening is the result of
seismic activity, and large portions of the rock
face must have fallen off within the past year.
It appears that the bandits have tried to prevent
any further degradation, as the party will notice
braces and supports fitted into place.
A wide staircase leads up to the west, along
an arched niche. Water laps against the stairs,
which appear to continue down below its surface. Algae covers the lower stairs, and a
Balance check (DC 10) must be made to disembark from a boat without slipping into the

Area 2: Grand Hall

of the Sun God
Sunlight does not penetrate this area, so the
party must provide illumination to continue. The
60-foot high ceiling of this chamber is supported
by massive columns that stretch up into the darkness. What appears to be a thin layer of fabric or
material stretched across the room is actually the
intricate webbing of a Large monstrous spider. The
spider will attempt to surprise the party, hungry for
rare victims in its lair.
Monstrous Spider, Large (1): hp 22.
At the north end of the room, resting against a
stone partition, is a massive 30-foot tall statue without

a head. If detect magic is cast on upon the statue, it will

radiate a faint glow for 1d6 minutes. In its outstretched
hands, it holds 2 spheres: a large one representing the
sun and a smaller one representing the moon. Should a
PC manage her way up to the statues shoulders (Climb
DC 15), she will discover a large round depression that
looks as if it once contained ceremonial fires. Should
some kind of fuel be placed within the depression and
lit, the whole room will suddenly blaze with illumination. This effect will last for 1d4 rounds. While within
the room and under the haze of the mystic fire, champions of light will gain a +1 circumstances bonus to
attack and damage rolls, saving throws, and skill
and ability checks.

Area 3: Vestry
This small room was once a vestry, but now its floor
is unstable. PCs who enter the room will have found
they just stepped in a collapsing floor trap. The space
below is another room that is surrounded on all sides
with stacked rubble. A Search check (DC 10) within
the rubble, however, will lead to a pendant shaped like
a griffon (81 gp value).
Collapsing Floor Trap: CR 1; mechanical; location trigger; manual reset; Reflex save (DC 20)
avoids; 10 ft. deep (1d6 fall); Search DC 24; Disable
Device DC 20.

Area 4: Dire Rat Lair

This room is empty save a layer of dust. A Spot
check (DC 10) will reveal a number of sizable holes in
the walls along the floor. A Knowledge (dangerous
beasts) check (DC 10) will identify them as dire rat
holes. The dire rats will not rush to attack, however,
having being well fed on a steady diet of fish. They will
stay in their tunnels unless provoked; otherwise, they
will lay in wait for an opportune time (see Area 4B).
Dire Rats (6): hp 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.

Area 4A
One of many shrines devoted to the celestial gods of
the temples former worshipers, this rectangular room
features a humanoid iron statue resting on a pedestal,
devoid of arms or a head. Iron poles extend from the
torso in place of these missing body parts, similar to a
scarecrow. If detect magic is cast on upon the statue, it
will radiate a faint glow for 1d6 minutes. Should the
statue be touched in any way, then an electrical charge
will erupt from the poles, striking the two closest PCs
and unleashing a lesser transfer wounds spell as a 1stlevel caster. This effect will not occur again until it is
recharged through a heavy presence of ozone in the
atmosphere (such as a major lightning storm).
Transfer Wounds Trap: CR 1; magic device; touch
trigger; automatic reset; spell effect (transfer
wounds [lesser], 1st-level magister, 1d10+1 hp
healed, half dealt as subdual; Will save [DC 10]
half); Search DC 26; Disable Device DC 26.


Area 4B
A second shrine devoted to the energies of the universe, the humanoid statue situated in this rectangular
room can be found levitating above its pedestal. If
detect magic is cast on upon the statue, it will radiate a
faint glow for 1d6 minutes.
Entering the room will trigger the statues magnetism
power. The statue itself will become magnetic, affecting anything metallic within a 10-foot radius. PCs
wearing metal armor must make a Strength check (DC
15) in order to resist the pull. Similarly, a Reflex save
(DC 15) must be made to keep held weapons or other
affected items from being snatched from a characters
grasp. Every round that is spent within the statues
radius of effect requires another round of Strength
checks or Reflex saves. Items or characters pinned to
the statue may attempt to pull free with a Strength
check (DC 20) or Escape Artist check (DC 25). This
effect will last for 12 hours and then dissipate, requiring an additional 12 hours to recharge.
One round after the statue ignites, the dire rats from
Area 4 will arrive (the magnetizing hum of the statue
attracts them). They will split into two groups of 3,
approaching the room from both ends of the corridor
that surrounds the statue room. They will fight to the
Magnetic Trap: CR 2; magic device; proximity
trigger; automatic reset; spell effect (magnetism,
3rd-level magister, effects noted above); Search DC
27; Disable Device DC 27.

Area 5: Moon Shrine

A 20-foot tall statue stands against the south wall of
this 40-foot high room. With a similar design to the previous statues, this one holds a large stone sphere. The
chamber itself is otherwise empty, though the walls and
ceiling are covered in reflective mirrored tiles. If detect
magic is cast on upon the statue, it will radiate a faint
glow for 1d6 minutes. Should a PC stare at the statues
reflection in the mirror for more than one minute, he
will be affected with a darkvision spell for 4 hours. If
this room is ventured into during the night, the statue
will glow dimly. When its reflection is studied at this
time, the darkvision effect will be upgraded to a heightened darkvision effect for the same duration.

Area 5A
The 20-foot by 25-foot area of this room is completely enveloped in a veil of darkness spell. Magical
light does penetrate this version of the spell, but only in
a 5-foot radius. Due to this magical compromise, light
spells of any level or strength cannot cancel or dispel
this manifestation. Should a PC have the darkvision
ability and enter the room, after 3 rounds he will begin
to see what appears to be a vision of the night sky. As
the PC remains in the room, the vision becomes
stronger, as if the PC were standing outdoors. If the PC
stays in the room for 1 hour, he will be
given the benefit of a diminished foretell future


spell (chance of a correct answer being 50%). At one

time, the chambers power was much stronger, but it
has waned since its lack of use for thousands of years.

Area 6: Hall of Fallen Stars

Positioned on three 5-foot tall pedestals, each
securely mounted to the marble, are small metal statues: a hawk, an owl, and an eagle. A 5-foot wide
band of ancient and unknown runes circles each
pedestal. At one time, each of these statues represented a single gift from the gods in the form of
a recovered meteorite. Should a hawk totem warrior cross the runes surrounding the hawk statue, he
will gain a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls
and skill checks for the next hour.

Area 7: Hall of the Comet

Similar to Area 6, three 7-foot tall pedestals stand
in a row, with a 10-foot tall statue aligned with them
in the western end of the room. Unlike the
humanoid designs of most of the statues, this statue
is of a fiery avian form, similar to the bird statues
found in Area 6. As the statue is approached, it will
begin to glow and hum with mystic power. Should
any PC come within 10 feet of the statue, it will
release its energy in the form of a comet-like burst
that will travel across the tops of the pedestals. Any
PCs in the room at this time must save against a
shock spell as well as a dazzlesphere spell.

Comet Trap: CR 2; magic device; proximity

trigger; automatic reset; spell effect (shock, 1stlevel magister, 1d4 + 1 Dex damage; Fort [DC 14]
negates) and spell effect (dazzlesphere, 3rd-level
magister, dazed for 1d4 rounds; Will [DC 15]
negates); Search DC 27; Disable Device DC 27.
Once the comet hits the back wall, it will
leave a magical fire blazing on the tops of each of
the pedestals for 12 hours, after which the fire
will wink out.

Area 8: Star Man

Once a majestic star map projector, a white
marble statue now sits crumbled in dust, a victim
of the recent seismic activity.

Area 9: Spider Lair

In Areas 9A, 9B, and 10, a Large monstrous
spider waits in its webs (Spot DC 20; Escape
DC 26; Break DC 32; hp 14). The creature
generally positions itself in Area 9B, waiting
for any activity from Area 8 or from the southern passageways.
Monstrous Spider, Large (1): hp 22.

Area 10: Shrine of the

Celestial Winds
The northern end of the room is covered in
spider webs, while in the southern end stands
another humanoid statue made of iron. Unlike
some earlier statues, its features are much more
streamlined, only hinting at the human form.
Should the statue be touched, it will activate a
wind churn spell that swirls in the upper half of
the room, harmlessly flinging around whatever
loose debris and webbing occupy the chamber.

Area 11: Refuse Heap

Before the PCs enter this room, they will be
able to smell the stench of refuse and offal.
Inside, they will see that the room is half collapsed, but the bandits have installed several
heavy lumber beams and struts to lend support
to the ceiling. The main feature that dominates
the room is a 20-foot wide staircase that extends
60 feet up to the next level. It is clear, however,
that the bandits rarely come this way, for lying
all about, down the steps and in heaps on the
floor, are large piles of filth and garbage.
Needless to say, this is the gangs dumping
ground (tossing the trash down the stairs and too
lazy to manage it).
Hidden in the waste is a violet fungus, living off
the sickly compost. A Balance check (DC 10) will
be required in order for PCs to find proper footing
as they ascend the slime-covered stairs. Should they
slip down the stairs, no damage will be taken (due to
the cushion of the garbage and slime), but it is possi-

ble that they may make enough racket to alert the bandit guard in Area 11B (possibly with a successful
Listen check [DC 20]; this check may also apply
should the party make an even bigger commotion in
combat with the violet fungus).
Violet Fungus (1): hp 15.

Area 11A
Once the PCs reach the top of the steps, they will discover that the bandits have placed a number of stone
partitions (sections that have fallen from the temples
structure) as a gate of sorts. They have left a 5-foot
space clear to negotiate. This is a minor defensive
measure assisting the bandit guard in Area 11B.
Through this space, as the PCs climb the stairs, they
will see the light of a hooded lantern, fixed to the eastern wall, illuminating the stone partitions. The lantern
oil will last for 6 hours before it must be attended by the
bandit guard. Furthermore, if they peer down the chamber from behind the partition, the PCs will have a
chance to view (Spot DC 20) the light of an arrow slit
fashioned in the northern wall of Area 11B. Opposed
Sneak/Spot checks will give the bandit a +4 bonus
should he be on alert, or a 1 modifier if not.
If they are successful in clearing the staircase, the
PCs will then have the option to hide behind a large pile
of fallen rock and rubble to the southwest that provides
1/4 cover or in an alcove to the east. From there, the
guard receives a +6 bonus if he is on alert and a +1
bonus if not.
If the bandit gang has been warned of the party by
Nefenr or if there is some other reason for the bandit
guard to be cautious, consider him on alert status
meaning that he will be peering through his arrow slit
watching and listening for any signs of activity during
his shift. Otherwise, he will sit by his post, paying modest attention while he smokes his pipe. Should the PCs
decide to wait for the lantern light to fade, this will signify the end of the shift for the present guard (roll 1d6
to determine randomly how many hours of fuel are
left). He will signal for the next bandit in line, and
while his partner takes up a position in Area 11B, he
will refuel the lantern, holding a small candle to see his
Should the guard spot any invaders, he will signal a
silent alarm to rouse his comrades to arms in Area 13.
They will arrive in 4 rounds. While he waits for their
support, the guard will start firing with his short bow
through the arrow slit.
It should be noted that the bandits are aware that this
method of guarding the back door is awkward, but
Nefenr has commanded that they leave nothing to
chance. They have rejected the idea of setting up a trap,
fearing it would place undo stress on the fragile structure but also to maintain a clear alternate escape route.


Area 11B
The guard post features a 2-foot long arrow slit
carved through the wall to spy and fire upon possible
intruders, providing 9/10 cover (+10 AC bonus; +4
Reflex save bonus) for the bandit guard. Should the
need arise, he will trigger the silent alarm: a system
of twine and pulleys that are threaded through the various hallways (along the ceiling) leading to Areas 13 and
14 which will ring a small bell in each room. A single
pull signals a shift change, a vigorous ringing signifies
the alarm. Although a war horn would be a more efficient means of alerting the temple complex, it has not
been employed for fear of causing stress to the structure.
Bandit (1): hp 6.
The bandits from Area 13 will arrive in 4 rounds
from the time of the alarm (see Area 13 for more
details). Once they have assessed the situation, they
will immediately send one of their number to warn the
other group of bandits in Area 12. If this action is possible, then that bandit and Therder from Area 17 will be
on the move, arriving in 12 rounds (see Area 12 for
more details).
Also located in the room are several stools, 10 boxes
of candles, a small pitcher, and 3 barrels each holding
20 pints of lantern oil.

Area 11C
This space is unoccupied, but does contain several
stacks of timber used in the shoring up of the temples

Area 12: Main Entrance

This large spacious chamber is considered the main
entryway by the bandits. Through a passage to the north
of the room lies the secret door that leads to the outside.
A Search check (DC 15) will reveal it for what it is; by
pressing a stone pressure plate to the side, a section of
the wall slides down, and pressing the stone plate again
raises the wall.
On the west side of Area 12, 5 bandits are present,
sitting around a table playing cards. They are more preoccupied with their card game than anything else. The
room is lit with 3 lanterns. Should the bandits be on
alert status, then these 3 will be sober. If there is no reason for them to be concerned, however, they will have
already consumed a few tankards of ale (1 circumstances penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, skill
and ability checks due to their level of intoxication).
If the alarm has been sounded, and a bandit has managed to make it to this room to warn them of intruders,
the 3 here will immediately inform Therder, the bandit
lieutenant in Area 17. First, he will send 1 bandit up to
Area 22A to warn the upper level. He will then assign 4
to the secret door (fearing a diversionary tactic). After
this, he will take the remaining bandit with him to
investigate the situation in the east end.
If the PCs decide upon a frontal


assault and enter through the secret door, the guards

will not be so quick to rise, thinking that their comrades
have returned from their latest mission. Depending on
the PCs tactics, they may be able to gain surprise or
manage to slip by before the bandits notice. If combat
does break out, Therder in Area 17 will most certainly come to investigate, while one of the bandits will
attempt to break free to warn the others in Areas 11B
and 13. There is a chance in this scenario that the
upper level is not made aware of the intruders in
Bandits (5): hp 6, 6, 6, 6, 6.
On the table, the PCs will be able to recover 128
gp and a single black leather boot from the card

Area 12A
The area outside, should the party reconnoiter
the ridge that surrounds the Lake of Lost Voices.
Sixty feet from the secret door, the PCs will find
a small decayed stone arch standing on the rocky
slope. Upon closer inspection, they will see that
underneath the arch there appears to be a hollow
space. Within this space are a number of bird
perches. A Spot check (DC 10) or the presence of
a greenbond will note that on the ground surrounding the arch is bird seed. This is the collection point for the bandits carrier pigeons. Every
4 hours, a bandit from Area 12 is sent to check on
the hollow to see if any pigeons have returned.
The slope of the ridge rises abruptly to steep
facing. A Search check (DC 30) will be required
in order to discover the secret door leading to
Area 12. The mechanism is the same as it is to
open it from the inside.

Area 13: Sleeping Quarters

A large and expansive chamber (40-foot high
ceiling), the entire east end is full of rock and
debris. Much of this is offset by the bandits work
of reinforcing the chamber with timber beams.
This is the first of two sleeping quarters for the
bandits, each barracks divided by shift; the present
shift is sleeping in this room. At the time of the
PCs exploration, 4 bandits will be resting here.
Should the alarm be sounded, they will react as
quickly as they can, hastily donning their armor.
Once ready, they will arrive at Area 11A in 4
rounds (see Area 11B for more details). Obviously,
if they are caught napping, they will have no armor,
but they do sleep with their weapons by their side.
The room is full of bedrolls and small lockers or
sacks holding personal effects. A Search check (DC
10) and 15 rounds to cover everything will yield the
following treasure: 750 gp, a giantish ceremonial
mask (1,250 gp), a deck of cards (2 gp), and 2 kegs of
beer (3 gp each)

Area 14: Sleeping Quarters

The second of the two main sleeping quarters for
the bandits, this room is presently empty except for
bedrolls and small lockers or sacks holding personal effects. A Search check (DC 10) and 15 rounds
to cover everything will yield the following treasure: 81 gp, 15 sp, and a silver comb (15 gp).

Area 15: Witchs Quarters

When the witch from the valley (see Chapter 5,
Encounter 2) stays at the temple, this room
serves as her sleeping quarters. It is empty now
save for a bed a night stand with a table and a

Area 16: Spiral Staircase

This stone spiral staircase climbs 60 feet to
Area 22 of the upper level.

Area 17: Therders Chamber

Lieutenant of the bandit gang, second in command to Odthow the litorian chief, Therder is
taking a moment before retiring to read a book
of short stories entitled Blood Banes Tales. He
sits at a table by his bed, reading by candle light.
He is dressed in his armor, with his spear close
to his side. Unless a commotion is raised in Area
12 or he is summoned by one of his underlings,
Therder will be found in his room.
Therder, Bandit Lieutenant (1): hp 23.
In the corner of his room is a locked chest
containing a list of 3 spies currently operating in
Gahanis, a worked silver bookmark (12 gp), 250
gp, and a large diamond ring worth 1,500 gp.
Locked Chest: Hardness 5; hp 1; Break
DC 17; Open Lock DC 20.

Area 18: The Temple Well

This room holds the well used by the bandits,
drawing forth water from the Lake of Lost

Area 18A
A makeshift kitchen, this room is complete
with a cooking pit, spit, tables, and shelving
containing cooking utensils, dried foods, and
spice jars. It is presently unoccupied.

Area 19: Storage Hall and

Stacked and organized throughout the
antechamber to the west and the main room to the
east are the supplies held by the bandits: crates of
woodcraft tools, camping equipment, barrels of
ale, rope, chains, shackles, fishing poles, stone
picks, torches, 5 lanterns, 2 bullseye lanterns, and
several barrels of oil, as wells as 12 shortbows, 20
short swords, hundreds of arrows, several quivers,
and 5 leather jacks.

Area 20: Hallway of

the Horse Stables
This long and wide hallway serves as the bandits stables, holding a total of 16 horses at this point. Two long
beams are fixed along the hallway on either side, to
which the horses are tied. Stacked against the wall to
the very west are bales of hay that should last the horses for a week.

Area 21: Caretakers Hallway

Febb, the bandit caretaker of the horses, lives in this
lonely hallway. He is responsible for the cleaning of the
stables and the care of the horses (replace his
Intimidate +4 skill with Handle Animal +4). He is
slightly askew in his perception of the world, constantly talking to himself and referring to the horses in his
care as his little dragons. He is a capable fighter,
though, and will defend the horses if he feels they are
threatened. He prefers to live filthily, and he smells, his
living space at the end of the hallway containing nothing more than a bedroll and a sack of twigs (which he
chews on). Saddles for the horses are hung along the
walls of the hallway, with riding blankets and bits kept
in foot lockers under each one.
Febb, Bandit (1): hp 6.

Area 22: The Hallway of Malus

This large ceremonial hallway seems to be lined with
a substance that takes on the characteristics of obsidian.
Yet it is reflective and carries light normally despite its
jet black color.

Area 22A
Resting here (or waiting, if alerted) is a single bandit
crossbowman. On the steps of Area 22A, he has placed
a bullseye lantern, aimed down the hallway. If he is in
a ready position, he will fire upon intruders immediately, yelling down the hallway to his comrades in Area
22B. If he feels he will be outmatched for melee, he
will turn and run to Area 22B.

Area 22B
Two more crossbowmen wait here for a signal from
their partner at Area 22A. They too have a bullseye
lantern trained down the hallway. If alerted, they will
shout out to warn the bandit chief, Odthow, in Area 25.
Bandit Crossbowmen (3): hp 8, 8, 8.

Area 23: Bandit Command Center

Once priests quarters, the room now serves as the
bandits war room, from which they plan out and map
their raids. In the middle of the chamber is a large table
surrounded by several chairs. Large maps of the region
are hanging on the walls, while even more detailed
maps, ledgers, and diaries are found on the table. In the
corner is a small stand that holds quills, ink, and many
rolls of parchment. Searching through the ledgers and
diaries, a PC can surmise that the information inside will prove to be


of great value to the authorities in Gahanis. It should be

noted that the bulk of the information deals with specific departure/arrival times of various trade caravans
and a listing of the loot captured. The diary holds
accounts of the bandits raids: number of killed and
wounded (for both sides), whether the information
they received on the caravan was correct, how big the
caravan was, and so on. There is no direct mention or
hint of Nefenrs involvement in any of the books.

Area 23A
Three large pigeon coups are here, each holding a
total of 15 pigeons with a small brass ring around one
of their legs. Each ring is inscribed with the bandits
symbol: a square with a circle in the middle. Many
sacks of bird feed sit beside a stool where a lit lantern

Area 24: Antechamber

This small room leads to Nefenrs quarters in Area
24A. A secret door to the southeast can be found
(Search DC 20), however, leading to the bandits stash
of booty.

Area 24A
When Nefenr stays at the temple (which is, at times,
as regular as once every two weeks), he takes this room.
An oak poster bed, very polished, occupies the southeast corner, a matching nightstand with candles right
beside it. An ornate footlocker, full of ceremonial robes,
sandals, and a travelers outfit, sits at the foot of the
bed. Another oak writing table with a chair is set against
the north wall, with a number of books in its shelves:
Celestial Navigation of the Ancients, Runes of Power
Dictionary, and Hulalehas Guide to Magical Stones
are the most notable titles. The total collection is worth
700 gp. Blank parchment and notebooks sit to the side
with a number of quills and bottles of ink. There is also
an ink stamp with the bandits seal (a square with a
black circle within it) resting on top of it. Three paintings of the Gahanis landscape (by an unknown artist)
hang on the rooms walls.

Area 25: Odthows Room

Although Nefenr is the overseer and executive commander of the bandit gang, the litorian warrior Odthow
is their chief. He handles the day to day operations, and
coordinates the raids from Nefenrs orders by way of
the carrier pigeons. All notes from these carrier pigeons
are destroyed once received. Odthows furnishings are
sparse, consisting of bear furs and cushions piled on the
floor. A locked chest contains 360 gp, an ornate but
empty picture frame (12 gp), a bone comb (1 gp), a silver tankard (3 gp), and a childs sized ring (1 gp).
Locked chest: Hardness 5; hp 1; Break DC 17;
Open Lock DC 20.
Should Odthow be alerted of intruders, he will position himself in Area 28 to protect the Malus
Morphaera. If not, he will like-


ly be meditating in his room (though ready for action),

focusing his litorian nature.
Odthow, Bandit Leader (1): hp 26.

Area 26: Treasure Room

This chamber once held the Malus Morphaera
until the earth tremor that shattered much of the temple cracked its containment unit. This container
still exists in the middle of the room: a large cylinder, extending from floor to ceiling, consisting of
the same strange material found in the lining of the
hallway of Area 22. A noticeable fault line can be
seen stretching the length of the cylinder, but worse
than that is a small hole, chipped out by Nefenr, to
release the artifact. The surface of the cylinder is
covered in a geometric rune code that can be confirmed by a Knowledge (runes) or (magic) check
(DC 20) as being very ancient, yet sophisticated,
in its application. Piled about the container, to
every corner of the room, is the bandits captured
booty: numerous bots of silk (120 gp total), 20
jars of rare spices (50 gp total), beautifully
worked trinkets and jewelry (500 gp total), an
unclaimed +1 dagger, 12 pairs of fine leather
shoes (10 gp), and several sacks filled with coins
(300 gp total).

Area 27: Wall Memorial

Situated in this 80-foot long hall is an ancient
wall fresco depicting the story of the Malus
Morphaera on both sides of the partition. An
Appraise check (DC 20) or Knowledge (history) or (humans) (DC 15) check
will define the fresco as being a major archeological find prized by any scholarly historian. It is
very realistic in its treatment, the artist or artists
having possessed a tremendous amount of skill.
The painting is divided up in very large and
detailed sections that appear to be arranged in
chronological order.
The first section shows a sophisticated ancient
city resting in a ridge valley; an Intelligence
check (DC10) will immediately identify it as
being under the Lake of Lost Voices. The second
section features a comet in the sky over the city at
night. The third focuses on many priests and workers digging out of the earth what seems to be a
small black orb. The fourth section depicts them as
revering the orb as holy. The fifth section has the
priests taking the orb back to a temple in the ridge
overlooking the city. The sixth section shows the
orb at rest in a ceremonial chamber, worshippers
extending their arms to it. The seventh section pictures the orb hovering over the city, with what can be
described as a calendar overlaid in the background.
The eighth section shows the priests construction the
orbs container (which must be described to the PCs if
they have yet to see it). Finally, sections 9 and 10 are
blank, ready for the depiction of the next stage.

Area 28: The Malus Morphaera

The artifact itself resides here. Floating above a
solid stone pedestal is a large blackened sphere,
which hums and throbs with mystic energy. Peering
at the orb will reveal glimpses of faces tortured and
screaming, the remains of the psyches stolen so
long ago. The only other items in this room are a
large cushion resting on the floor directly in front
of the orb, a sheet of parchment covered in writing,
and a single tome, the Inmagus Libellum.
The book is open to a specific page, which features a rendering of the black orb on the top corner. Directly under this image is a brief passage:
The Malus Morphaera, called the Sphere of
Nightmare. Created long ago as a tool to incarnate
the dreams of a hope-filled people, the black orb
served another purpose, that of destruction.
Contained within the sphere itself are the tortured
thoughts and nightmare dreams of the doomed worshippers from long ago. While it can be used as an
enhancing tool, the Spheres true purpose is now
that of a powerful weapon of annihilation. To
release the fearful energy contained within, the
sphere must be shattered on the third midnight of
the full moon. Doing so will release the plague of
dreams, a nightmare wave of madness that will kill
all in its path.
My visions of this relic have been terrifying. The
great memories do not reveal its location, but it
must not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.
From the akashic scholar Ven Brion
The parchment is covered in Nefenrs notes.
Hes arranged his thoughts into three sections.

The Orb an item of power, surely.

Concentration is the key. Must be a keen mind. A
special link, psyche and spells, magic and mystic.
Concentration is key to charge stones. Drain the
memories, fuel the power. Key to success.
Eliminate all who know and retrieve the orb.
Jaren hunt the orb? Sent for the tome,
Inmagus Libellum, without notifying me. Behind
my back dont want my attention. What is their
purpose for the orb? Surely chaos. Must liberate
book to gain knowledge. Cannot let them know my
involvement. They may be more dangerous than
Hunter a distant memory, pushing her to find
the orb. The Jaren, or something else? Again,
destruction down that path. Must maintain the
secrecy of the lair to protect from her and Jaren.
Just a myth, or truly death incarnate?

The orb itself has a physical presence in the room, as if

a powerful giant magister were sitting on the pedestal.
Faint whisperings can be heard, mixed with distant
shrieking. Anyone who comes in physical contact with
the orb must make a Will save (DC 17) or suffer a distraction, as per the spell cast by a 10th-level magister
(lasting 10 rounds). The distracting image takes the form
of the floating faces trapped within the sphere, calling to
the PC.
Touching the orb for longer than a single round will
result in another Will save (DC 19) to avoid a second
effect. Should the PC fail this save, a heightened learn
truename effect will be released, mentally forcing the PC
to answer the simple question, What is your truename?
Each of these effects is repeated upon subsequent contact.
The Malus Morphaera (Hardness 0; hp 10; Break DC
10) is an ancient and mystical artifact that combines both
the power of spellcraft and akashic memory mastery, the
magical and the mystical. If a PC touches the orb and
saves against its distraction and compelling question
(greater) effects and meditates using the orb as a focus for
1 hour (requiring a successful Concentration check [DC
20]), then the orb will allow the user to siphon off the
trapped minds, turning the living memories into spell
slots. The orb will grant 2 extra spell slots of 1st, 2nd, and
3rd level, which can only be used to cast heightened or
laden versions of spells already prepared by a spellcaster.
These memory-slots must be stored in a physical device,
such as an akashic memory stone. The orb will grant this
empowerment once every two weeks.
Should the orb be shattered, the entire area within an
800-foot radius will become affected as by a cursed
locale spell, forever more inflicting a 2 morale penalty
on all attack rolls, saving throws, and checks made in
that area.
Should the orb be shattered on the third midnight of the
full moon, then the trapped psyches will rush out in a terrible plague of dreams. Replicating the effects of a curse
of the chaotic mind spell, the terrible wave of despair and
confusion will spread to an ever-widening area, at a rate
of 3 1/2 feet per minute (1/3 of a foot per round). After 2
days, the radius will stop at 2 miles. Any living being
within the radius during these 2 days will become afflicted with the curse of the chaotic mind effect should it fail
a Will save (DC 23). Certainly, this result would devastate a heavily populated area or even a small town, permanently reducing all but the most iron-willed to mentally-impaired shells. After a 2-day period, the area can be
safely entered, but those affected can be saved only by a
remove curse spell.


Upon discovery of the Malus Morphaera, the Inmagus Libellum, and
Nefenrs notes, the PCs very well may realize that they have been told only
part of the greater picture. The orb is a dangerous tool, and the PCs might feel
it necessary to keep it from falling into the wrong hands but whom can
they trust? Certainly, the writings in the temple put the motives of the Jaren
in question, and the author of the note itself does not have the purest of interests in the artifact. Ne-Chardath and the town council of Gahanis may provide
a safe haven, but are they fully aware of the machinations being plotted
around them? Should the orb be destroyed or protected?
While the PCs dwell on these possibilities, the final
piece of the puzzle appears: the Blue Knight. Striking
quickly, she will attempt to liberate the orb for her own
dark purposes.

The Blue Knight

This champion of death has been stalking the PCs
since they set out for the Lake of Lost Voices. Letting
them penetrate and weaken the bandit forces, the Blue
Knight hopes to attack them at their weakest and liberate the orb.

Attacking in the Temple

This encounter is one of dramatic purpose, and its
exact timing should be determined by the actions of the
PCs themselves. If the PCs are planning simply to
destroy the orb before leaving the temple, then the Blue
Knight will strike while they are still on the premises.
Once the PCs have taken a moment to reflect on their
information and discuss their plans, they will need to
make a Listen check (DC 10) to avoid a surprise
ranged attack by the Blue Knight, who will attempt to
neutralize one target with a deadly thrown dagger
before wading in further with her fearsome dire


Attacking During
the Overland Trek
If, however, the PCs plan to carry the orb back to
Gahanis to seek further guidance, or perhaps a
reward, then the Blue Knight will move against the
party during the 2-day overland journey. Preferring
to strike at night in order to gain the maximum
advantage from her Night Owl feat, the Blue
Knight will attack the party with savage ferocity
and dark cunning, calling upon the power of death
should the party present a significant challenge.

Blue Knight (1): 26 hp.

While the primary objective of the Blue Knight is
the orbs retrieval, she will revel in the melee and
attempt to slay every member of the party. Since the
day when she first began haunting the Gahanis
region, she has left only one victim alive. She plans
to kill the entire party and leave one of her infamous sapphire daggers as a calling card.
Though she is ruthless and determined, she is
not reckless and will not throw away her own life
in vain. Should she suffer injury and admit defeat
is possible, she will activate her dimensional door
stone, transporting herself to a pre-determined
safe location 600 yards away.

Concluding the
Success and
Continuing Plot Hooks
Should the PCs survive and return to Gahanis,
there will be several avenues to pursue. If the
PCs have retrieved the Inmagus Libellum, they
will be paid their full reward by the Jaren. The
Jaren, however, will begin using information
found within the book and seeking the orb in
earnest. Should they determine that it is now in
the possession of the PCs, or if the PCs were
involved in its destruction, then the Jaren will
become a dangerous threat indeed. The PCs will
be safe in public, as the Jaren work hard to
maintain their benevolent appearance, but the
heroes will be the target of repeated assassination attempts and robbery. Should the Jaren be
exposed, the Gahanis branch of the Jaren guild
will be terminated by the Jaren organization at
large, and the five outcasts may possibly find
themselves without their vast network of
resources, which may make them even more
dangerous as the matter becomes personal.
Nefenr will have left for Lothis by the time the
PCs return to Gahanis, though he will monitor
stories and rumors that come from the town for
some time. Should his name be discussed in relation to the bandits, the Jaren, or the orb itself, he
will quickly move on to a large community, likely Ka-Rone or Khorl on the coast. There, he will
live under an assumed name, trying to restore the
opulent lifestyle that he had built in Gahanis and
possibly planning revenge against those who
thwarted his plans.

Ne-Chardath the steward would be the safest avenue

for the PCs to pursue with regard to matters of the orb.
His first suggestion would be to send the orb to the scholars in the capital city of De-Shamod for further examination and protection. Of course, the Jaren will volunteer
their caravans for this task, should they remain in a position to do so.

Failure and Continuing Plot Hooks

If the Blue Knight absconds with the orb, then the PCs
will have less than 3 weeks to track her down before she
performs the devastating plague of dreams ritual during
the third midnight of the full moon. Perhaps an unknown
eclipse buys them more time or alters the result of the
deadly ritual in some way, leading to further adventure.
If the party fails to survive, the Jaren may be forced to
recruit a second party to track down the Blue Knight and
retrieve certain items in her possession that they desire
greatly. The bandits may have rebuilt and refortified their
lair, claiming the area and further hampering the partys
search. Perhaps the Blue Knight has recruited the remaining bandits, forming a death cult intending to unleash the
plague against the people of Gahanis, and the second
party is the only means of averting this disaster.
Or perhaps new adventurers are needed to travel to
Gahanis to learn why all communication has ceased and
trade caravans have not emerged for some weeks. The
new characters will find the town plunged into madness,
victims of the plague of dreams ritual held by the Blue
Knight some time earlier. Can a cure be found, and if so,
what adventure might lead to the reversal of this terrible

Adventure Aftermath
Regardless of the final outcome, there will be plenty of
loose ends and plot threads to follow. These five chaotic
Jaren are directed by dream visions and may be only the
smallest manifestation of a greater dark plan. The Blue
Knight could haunt the PCs for some time, appearing at
unexpected times and interfering in completely unrelated
adventures. Nefenr could be disgraced, plotting revenge,
or may have completely escaped detection and taken his
activities to the next level. The PCs might need to bide
their time, collecting experience and power, until they can
finally confront those who they know have plotted against
the town. Spending time in Gahanis while the Jaren,
Nefenr, and the party all have their hidden agendas can
lead to some tense and exciting roleplaying moments, as
each group struggles to learn the others secrets without
revealing its own.


Bandit, male human War1

CR 1/2; Medium-sized Humanoid; HD 1d8+2; hp 6 (3
dying/14 dead); Init +1 (Dex); Spd 40 ft.; AC 13 (+1 Dex,
+2 leather jack; touch 11, flat-footed 12); BAB +1; Grap
+3; Single Atk +3 melee (1d6+2/1920, short sword), or
+2 ranged (1d6/x3, 60 ft., shortbow); SV Fort +4, Ref +1,
Will +1; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Skills: Intimidate +4, Jump +6. Feats: Fleet of Foot,
Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (short sword).
Possessions: 20 masterwork arrows, leather jack, shortbow, short sword, 1d8 gp.

Bandit Crossbowman, male human Unf1

CR 1; Medium-sized Humanoid; HD 1d8; hp 8 (1
dying/10 dead); Init +2 (Dex); Spd 40 ft.; AC 16 (+2 Dex,
+1 dodge, +3 studded leather jack; touch 13, flat-footed
13); BAB +1; Grap +2; Single Atk +2 melee
(1d6+1/1820, rapier) or +4 ranged (1d8+1/1920, 80 ft.,
light crossbow); SQ Parry; SV Fort +0, Ref +4, Will 1;
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14.
Skills: Climb +5, Gather Information +6, Jump +5,
Open Lock +6, Sneak +6, Spot +3. Feats: Fleet of Foot,
Natural Archer, Point-Blank Shot.
Possessions: 10 masterwork bolts, light crossbow, rapier, studded leather jack, 1d10 gp.

Black Bear
CR 2; Medium-sized Animal; HD 3d8+6; hp 19 (3
dying/15 dead); Init +1 (Dex); Spd 40 ft.; AC 13 (+1 Dex,
+2 natural; touch 11, flat-footed 12); BAB +2; Grap +6;
Single Atk +6 melee (1d4+4, claw); Full Atk +6/+6 melee
(1d4+4, 2 claws) and +1 melee (1d6+2, bite); SQ Lowlight vision, scent; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 19,
Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6.
Skills: Climb +4, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +8. Feats:
Endurance, Run.
Feat Notes: Endurance bestows a +4 bonus on checks or
saves to resist nonlethal damage. Run allows the black
bear to run at 5 times normal speed and gain a +4 bonus on
jump checks made after a running start.

Black Scathe
CR 2; Large Aberration; HD 4d8+23; hp 41 (3 dying/15
dead); Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (1 size, +5 natural; touch
9, flat-footed 14); BAB +5; Grap +11; Full Atk +7/+7 melee
(1d6+5 plus 1d6 fire, 2 slams); Face/Reach 5 ft./10 ft.; SA
Burn; SQ Blindsight 60 ft., ooze; SV Fort +3, Ref
+1, Will +3; Str 20, Dex 10, Con 15,
Int 4, Wis 8, Cha 7.


Burn (Ex): Scathes produce great internal heat as a

result of their unstable chemistry. A scathe that touches or
strikes a living opponent or an organic substance deals
1d6 points of fire damage; constant contact deals 10
points of fire damage per round.
Blindsight (Ex): Scathes can see by way of sound,
allowing them to locate objects and creatures within 60
feet. A silent sheath spell or any similar effect negates
this ability and effectively blinds the scathe.
Ooze: Although scathes are technically aberrations,
they retain many of the special qualities of oozes.
They are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and shape changing. They have no functional
sensory or vital organs and are thus immune to critical hits or flanking. They are immune to all mindaffecting spells or effects. They are blind but have
the blindsight special quality, and they gain bonus hit
points by size as an ooze. Like oozes, however, they
receive no feats or skills.

Blue Knight, female

sibeccai Chm4 (Death)
CR 4; Medium-sized Humanoid; HD 4d10; hp 26
(1 dying/10 dead); Init +2 (Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC
19 (+2 Dex, +6 breastplate, +1 feat; touch 13, flatfooted 17); BAB +4; Grap +7; Single Atk +8 melee
(1d8+7/1920, +1 dire longsword), or +8 melee
(1d4+4/1920, masterwork dagger), or +6 ranged
(1d4+4, 10 ft., masterwork dagger); SA Deaths
Blessing (+1 to damage vs. living); SQ Call Shield
(+3 AC for 4 minutes, 1/day), Call Upon Power (+2
Str and +2 Con for 4 rounds, 1/day), low-light
vision; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5; Str 16, Dex 14,
Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 11.
Languages: Common, simple Giant.
Skills: Skills: Climb +6, Jump +6, Knowledge
(Geography) +3, Spot +4, Sneak +4. Feats: Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Heavy), Iron Flesh, Night Owl.
Possessions: +1 breastplate, +1 dire longsword, 6
masterwork sapphire daggers, dimensional door
stone, 32 gp.
Ability Notes: The deaths blessing bonus has
already been included in the weapon damage stats.
Invoking the call shield ability summons a +1 medium
shield, bestowing a +3 bonus to AC and last for 4 minutes. Calling upon power increases the Blue Knights
Strength and Constitution by +2 for 4 rounds, adding a
+1 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, related skill
checks, and Fortitude saves, and bestowing 4 temporary

New Magic Item:

Dimensional Door Stone
This small, smooth rock is enchanted with the
dimensional door spell. The stone is thrown down and
releases the spell upon impact, targeting the thrower.
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft One-Use
Item, dimensional door; Market Price: 1,400 gp; Cost
to Create: 700 gp + 56 XP; Weight: 1 lb.

hit points. The Night Owl feat grants the Blue

Knight a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls,
saves, and skill checks during the night.

Dark Scamp
CR 1/3; Small Aberration; HD 1d8; hp 4 (1
dying/11 dead); Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved
Initiative); Spd 20 ft., climb 15 ft., fly 60 ft. (average); AC 14 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural; touch 13,
flat-footed 12); BAB +1; Grap 3; Single Atk +3
melee (1d6, tail whip); Full Atk +3/+3 melee (1d3,
2 claws) or +3/2/2 melee (1d4 and 1d2, bite and
2 rakes); SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +3; Str 10, Dex
15, Con 11, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 5.
Skills: Climb +9, Jump +6, Listen +3, Sneak +5,
Spot +3. Feats: Flyby Attack*, Improved Initiative,
Weapon Finesse (tail whip)*. *Bonus feats.

Den Rudiger, male human Rth1

CR 1; Medium-sized Humanoid; HD 1d6+1;
hp 7 (2 dying/13 dead); Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30
ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex; touch 11, flat-footed 10);
BAB +0; Grap +2; Single Atk +2 melee (1d6+2,
club); SA Erase rune, activate 2 lesser runes, runic
template; SQ Fire resistance 5; SV Fort +1, Ref
+1, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 15, Wis
10, Cha 8.
Skills: Appraise +6, Concentration +5, Forgery
+10, Gather Information +4, Knowledge (runes)
+7, Spot +5. Feats: Elemental Mage (Fire),
Elemental Resistance (Fire), Skill Focus
Possessions: Travelers outfit, stout club, 3 sp.
Lesser Runes Known (DC 13): Rune of
Affliction, Rune of Warding
Spells Readied (3/1): 0bash, glowglobe, scent
bane; 1stmudball, transfer wounds (lesser).

Dire Rat
CR 1/3; Small Animal; HD 1d8+1; hp 5 (2
dying/12 dead); Init +3 (Dex); Spd 40 ft., climb 20
ft.; AC 15 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural; touch 14,
flat-footed 12); BAB +0; Grap 4; Single Atk +4
melee (1d4 plus disease, bite); SA Disease; SQ Lowlight vision, scent; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3; Str
10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 4.
Skills: Climb +11, Listen +6, Sneak +8, Spot +6,
Swim +11. Feats: Skill Application (Listen and Spot);
Weapon Finesse (bite).
Disease (Ex): Filth fever, bite, Fortitude DC 11, incubation period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con.
The save DC is Constitution-based.

Skills: Dire rats have a +8 racial bonus to Swim and

Climb checks and may take 10 on Climb checks, even
if rushed or threatened. Dire rats use their Dexterity modifier for Climb and Swim checks.

Gahanis Town Guard, War1

CR 1/2; Medium-sized Humanoid; HD 1d8+6; hp 10
(3 dying/14 dead); Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+1
Dex, +3 studded leather jack; touch 11, flat-footed 13);
BAB +1; Grap +3; Single Atk +4 melee (1d8+3/x3,
longspear) or +3 melee (1d6+2/1920, short sword) or
+2 ranged (1d8/1920, 80 ft., light crossbow); SV Fort
+4, Ref +1, Will +1; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis
12, Cha 8.
Skills: Climb +8, Jump +8. Feats: Skill Application
(Climb and Jump), Sturdy, Weapon Focus (longspear)
Possessions: 10 bolts, light crossbow, longspear, short
sword, studded leather jack, 1d4 sp.

CR 1/4; Small Humanoid (Goblinoid); HD 1d8; hp 4
(1 dying/11 dead); Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+1
size, +1 Dex, +3 studded leather; touch 12, flat-footed 14);
BAB +0; Single Atk +1 melee (1d81, morningstar) or +3
ranged (1d61/x3, 30 ft., javelin); SQ Darkvision 60 ft.;
SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 8, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 10,
Wis 11, Cha 8.
Languages: Goblin, Common.
Skills: Hide +6, Listen +3, Move Silently +5, Spot +3.
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Skill Application (Listen and
Possessions: 2 javelins, morningstar, studded leather
jack, 1d4 sp.

Goblin, Phungoid
CR 1/4; Small Humanoid (Phungoid); HD 1d8+1; hp 5
(2 dying/13 dead); Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+1
size, +1 Dex, +4 natural; touch 16, flat-footed 15); BAB
+0; Grap 5; Single Atk +1 melee (1d81, morningstar) or
+3 ranged (1d61/x3, 30 ft., javelin); SA Spore cloud; SQ
Darkvision 60 ft.; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will 2; Str 8, Dex
13, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 7, Cha 4.
Languages: Goblin, Common.
Skills: Hide +6, Listen +1, Move Silently +5, Spot +1.
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Skill Application (Listen and Spot).
Possessions: Morningstar.
Spore Cloud (Su): As a free action once per day, a phungoid goblin may expel a cloud of spores in a 10-foot radius
from its body. Any living creature within the cloud must
make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the phungoids HD +
the phungoids Constitution modifier) or be stunned for 1
round; further, if it fails this save, the creature gains a level
of sweet spore dependence 24 hours later. Multiple failed
saves against phungoid spore clouds stack with one another
(so a creature with Stage One dependence that fails a second
time against a spore cloud gains Stage Two dependence 24
hours later), and they also stack with dependence brought on
normally by sweet spore consumption.
Fey are immune to the effects of the spore cloud, as they
are to sweet spore consumption.


Jaren Guild Master, male verrik

unbound Wtc5 (Mind)
CR 5; Medium-sized Humanoid (Verrik); HD 5d6+5; hp
25 (2 dying/13 dead); Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved
Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex, +3 robes of protection; touch 14, flat-footed 13); BAB +3; Grap +3; Single
Atk +3 melee (1d6, club); SA Mindcloud (Will DC 15 or
dazed for 1 round, 1/day), mindfire (4d6, half subdual,
Will DC 15 negates, 3/day), spells; SQ Innate abilities
(1/day, as 6th-level caster: contact, sense thoughts,
telekinesis [lesser]); SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +7; Str 10,
Dex 12, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 6.
Skills: Bluff +6, Concentration +5, Disguise +9,
Innuendo +11, Intimidate +6, Sense Motive +11, Use
Magic Device +2. Feats: Improved Initiative, Sensitive,
Skill Focus (Disguise).
Possessions: Robes of protection +2, mask of sorcerous
guise (constant), gauntlet of sorcerous blast (12 charges),
witchery bag, guild scepter (can be used as a club).
Spells Readied (4/3/2): 0bash, canny effort, detect
magic, ghost sound, minor illusion; 1stcompelling command, distraction, glamour, veil of darkness; 2ndice
bolt, read minds.

Merril Yannis, male human Twr3 (Snake)

CR 3; Medium-sized Humanoid; HD 3d8+3; hp 20 (2
dying/12 dead); Init +8 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative, +2
class ability ); Spd 30 ft.; AC 18 (+2 Dex, +5 snakeskin
armor, +1 class ability; touch 14, flat-footed 15); BAB +3;
Grap +4; Single Atk +5 melee (1d8+2, spikestick) or +5
ranged (1d4+2, 20 ft., darts); SQ Animal companion; SV
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis
12, Cha 8.
Skills: Climb +7, Intuit Direction +6, Listen +6, Spot +6,
Swim +7, Survival +6. Feats: Improved Initiative, Intuitive
Sense, Resistance to Poison, Speed Burst, Weapon Focus.
Possessions: Spikestick, 8 darts, +1 snakeskin armor,
potion of beastskin, potion of darkvision, potion of see invisibility, potion of subtle step, 12 gp.
Totem animal companion: Viper, CR 1/2; Small Animal;
HD 1d8; hp 4 (1 dying/11 dead); Init +3 (Dex); Spd 20 ft.,
climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.; AC 17 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +3
Natural; touch 14, flat-footed 14); BAB +0; Grap 6; Single
Atk +4 melee (1d22 and poison, bite); SA Poison; SQ
Scent; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1; Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11,
Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2.
Skills: Balance +11, Climb +11, Listen +7, Sneak +11,
Spot +7, Swim +6. Feats: Weapon Finesse (bite).
Poison (Ex): Vipers use their poisonous bite to subdue
and kill their prey. Injury, Fortitude DC 10, initial and secondary damage 1d6 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Poison (Ex): Monstrous spiders use their poisonous bite

to subdue and kill their prey. Injury, Fortitude DC 17, initial and secondary damage 1d6 Str. The save DC is

Nefenr, male verrik Aks2/Mgr4

CR 6; Medium-sized Humanoid (Verrik); HD 6d6; hp
24 (1 dying/10 dead); Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC
13 (+1 Dex, +2 ring of protection; touch 13, flat-footed 12;); BAB +3; Grap +2; Single Atk +3 melee
(1d4/1920, +1 dagger), or +5 ranged (1d4/1920, 10
ft.,+1 dagger); SQ Innate abilities (1/day, as 6th-level
caster: contact, sense thoughts, telekinesis [lesser]),
perfect recall, sensory control, skill memory +2
(1/day), magisters staff; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +9;
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 12.
Languages: Common, Verrik.
Skills: Appraise +8, Bluff +6, Concentration +9,
Craft (sculpture) +12, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +3,
Forgery +8, Gather Information +9, Innuendo +11,
Knowledge (cosmology) +8, Perform (storytelling)
+6, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +3, Sneak +6,
Spellcraft +5. Feats: Craft One-Use Item, Psion,
Skill Focus (Gather Information), Spell Artist.
Possessions: Ring of protection +2, +1 dagger,
10 capsules of glamour, magisters staff, empowered
akashic memory stone, masterwork artisans tools,
ink vial, ink pen, 3 sheets parchment, courtiers outfit, warm cape, 56 gp.
Spells Readied (5/4/3): 0detect creature, detect
disease, detect poison, door warning, ghost sound,
minor illusion, scent bane, sense thoughts; 1st
charm, compelling question, illusory creature, mind
stab, transfer wounds (lesser); 2ndcloak of darkness, protective charm, read minds, silent sheath.
Akashic Memory Stone Notes: Nefenr purchased
this akashic memory stone, and has empowered it by
using the Malus Morphaera. When empowered, the
stone holds 2 extra spell slots of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
level, which can only be used to cast heightened or
laden versions of spells already prepared by Nefenr.

Odthow, bandit leader,

male litorian RWr2/Ltn1
CR 3; Medium-sized humanoid (litorian); HD
2d10+1d8 +6; hp 26 (-3 dying/-14 dead); Init +2;
Spd 40 ft.; AC 17 (+4 armor, +1 dodge, +2 Dex,
touch 13, flat-footed 14); BAB +2; Grap +5; Single
Atk +6 melee (2d6+6/19-20, +1 greatsword), or +4
ranged (1d6+1/*3, 70 ft., mighty [+1] composite
shortbow); Full Atk +4 melee (2d6+6/19-20, +1
greatsword) and +3 melee (1d6+1, bite), or +4 ranged

Monstrous Spider
CR 2; Large Vermin; HD 4d8+4; hp 22 (2 dying/13
dead); Init +3 (Dex); Spd 40 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 14 (1
size, +3 Dex, +2 natural; touch 12, flat-footed 11); BAB
+3; Grap +9; Single Atk +4 melee (1d8+3 and poison,
bite); Face/Reach 10 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.; SA Poison; SQ
Darkvision 60 ft., immune to all mind-affecting effects;
SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1; Str 15, Dex 17, Con 12, Int
, Wis 10, Cha 2.
Skills: Climb +14, Jump +8, Sneak +6,
Spot +15.


New Magic Item:

Capsule of Glamour
Ingesting this small tablet activates a single-use
glamour spell.
Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft One-Use
Item, glamour; Market Price: 100 gp; Cost to
Create: 25 gp + 2 XP; Weight: .

Sweet Spore Dependence

Failed Fortitude Saves

Dependence Level



Stage One
Stage Two
Stage Three
Stage Four
Stage Five*

* At this point, the creature gains the phungoid template.

Penalty is the modifier applied to all attack and damage rolls, skill and ability checks, and all saving throws (including future saves against sweet spores effects) thereafter. Where two numbers appear separated by a slash, the second
number indicates a penalty applied to the affected creatures Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. Ability scores
reduced in this way can never be reduced to less than 1.
Bonus is the modifier applied to the creatures natural armor (if it has no natural armor, it gains this number as a
natural AC bonus). Where two numbers appear separated by a slash, the second number indicates a bonus applied to the
affected creatures Constitution score.

(1d6+1/*3*3, 70 ft., mighty [+1] composite shortbow); SA Combat Rites; SQ Low-light vision, +1
AC vs. swords; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 16,
Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.
Skills: Climb +7, Handle Animal +1,
Intimidate +4, Jump +7, Listen +2, Search +2,
Sneak +2, Spot +2, Survival +2; Feats: Bite,
Defensive Stance, Fleet of Foot, Natural
Possessions: 20 arrows, +1 greatsword, masterwork chain shirt, mighty (+1) composite shortbow, potion of lesser battle healing (CL 5:
1d6+5), 60 gp.
Combat Rites (Su): Rank 1: 5, Rank 2: 1.

Wis 12, Cha 7.

Skills: Climb +11, Escape Artist +8, Jump +8, Listen
+12, Search +3, Sneak +7. Feats: Affinity with Skill
Blindsight (Ex): Seethers can see by way of sound,
allowing them to locate objects and creatures within 60
feet. A silent sheath spell or any similar effect negates this
ability and effectively blinds the seether.
Skills: Seethers receive a +2 racial bonus to Escape
Artist checks. Seethers also receive a +4 racial bonus to
Listen and Search checks and may always make Listen
checks in place of Spot checks. These bonuses and ability
are lost if blindsight is negated.


This dungeon hazard poses no direct threat to creatures,

but for those who might consider fungi to be part of a normal diet, eating the aromatic and delicious fungus can easily become a deadly habit. Any time an omnivore or herbivore passes within 10 feet of sweet spore, it must make a
Will save (DC 10, +1 for every time that creature has eaten
sweet spore in the past) or break off a piece of the fungus
and devour it.
Every third day during which a creature eats sweet
spore, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 13) or suffer
from sweet spore dependence. The first time it fails such a
save, it gains the effects of Stage One dependence. Each
subsequent failure results in another level of dependence,
until the creature reaches Stage Five and the effects
become irreversible. The effects of dependence are shown
on the chart above.
Levels of sweet spore dependence are easily visible to
observers. A creature with Stage One dependence breaks
out in small, hard fungal growths all over its body, especially growing out of and around its bodily orifices, while
a creature with Stage Four dependence is covered entirely
in brownish growths and is distorted almost
beyond recognition.

CR 1/2; Medium-sized Humanoid (Rhodin);

HD 1d8+1; hp 5 (2 dying/12 dead); Init +0; Spd
20 ft.; AC 16 (+4 beastscale armor, +2 Large
wooden shield; touch 10, flat-footed 16); BAB +0;
Grap +2; Single Atk +2 melee (1d8+2/x3, battleaxe) or +0 ranged (1d6+2/x3, 20 ft., shortspear);
Full Atk +2 melee (1d8+2/x3, battleaxe) and +0
melee (1d6+1, butt) or +0 ranged (1d8+2/x3, 20 ft.,
shortspear); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will 1; Str 14, Dex 10, Con
12, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 9.
Languages: Rhodin, Common.
Skills: Listen +2, Spot +1. Feats: Multiattack,
Night Owl.

CR 1; Small Aberration; HD 3d8+6; hp 19 (3
dying/14 dead); Init +2 (Dex); Spd 40 ft., burrow 10
ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 16 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural;
touch 13, flat-footed 14); BAB +3; Grap +1; Single
Atk +5 melee (1d6+1, bite); Full Atk +5/+5/+0 (1d4+2
and 1d6+1, 2 claws and bite); SQ Blindsight 60 ft.; SV
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 6 ,

Sweet Spore (CR 1)


CR 2; Medium-sized Humanoid; HD 3d8+10; hp 23 (3

dying/14 dead); Init +1 (Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 16 (+1 Dex,
+5 breastplate; touch 11, flat-footed 15); BAB +3; Grap
+5; Single Atk +7 melee (1d8+3/x3, masterwork longspear) or +5 melee (1d6+2/1920, short sword) or +4
ranged (1d8/1920, 80 ft., light crossbow); SV Fort +5,
Ref +2, Will +2; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12,
Cha 8.
Skills: Climb +10, Jump +10. Feats: Power Attack, Skill
Application (Climb and Jump), Sturdy, Weapon Focus
Possessions: 10 bolts, light crossbow, masterwork
longspear, short sword, breastplate, 24 gp.

Skills: Concentration +6, Knowledge (ceremony) +5,

Knowledge (magic) +5, Listen +4, Search +5, Sense
Motive +5, Spellcraft +7, Spot +6, Wilderness Survival
+2. Feats: Corrupt Mage, Multiattack, Sanctum*.
*Bonus feat.
Spells Readied (5/3/2): 0bash, detect magic, disorient, ghost sound, minor illusion, read magic, touch of
nausea; 1stdetect secret doors, distraction, illusory
creature (lesser), touch of fear, veil of darkness; 2nd
animate weapon, bypass ward, gusting wind.
Desecration (Su): The very presence of a vultrek
imbues its sanctum with negative energy. Once the
vultrek assigns a sanctum (per the Sanctum feat), it
may cast any spell it knows at any point within the
affected area, even if it cannot see the targeted area or
if the area would normally be beyond its spell range.
This ability is in addition to any other spell modifications made possible by the vultreks Sanctum feat or
any other feats.
Incidentally, undead creatures within such a desecrated area gain a +1 profane bonus to attack rolls,
damage rolls, and saving throws. Undead created
within a desecrated area gain +1 hit point per HD.
Spells: Vultreks cast spells as magisters, with a
caster level equal to the vultreks HD. They have no
need of a staff for a focus, however, instead casting
their spells through their own corrupt, otherworldly
Telepathy (Ex): A vultrek can communicate telepathically with any creature within its sanctum that
has a language. It must know of the creatures presence, however, although it need not know the creatures precise location.
Immunities (Ex): Vultreks are immune to poisons and diseases.
Resistances (Ex): Vultreks have acid, cold, electricity, and fire resistance 10.
Skills: Vultreks receive a +2 racial bonus on
Sense Motive and Spot checks.

Violet Fungus

Witch, female human Wtc1 (Wood)

Any penalties or bonuses accrued from sweet spore

dependence last for one full year, minus a number of
months equal to the creatures Constitution modifier. Thus,
if a creature with an 11 Constitution reaches Stage Two
dependence after 2 weeks of consuming sweet spore, but
then does not consume any more of the fungus for a full
year minus two weeks, it drops down to Stage One
dependence; two weeks later, if it still consumes no more
sweet spore in that time, its body finally purges the last of
the sweet spore from its system. If the creature had a 19
Constitution, it would drop down to Stage One after only
8 months, and then two weeks later purge the remaining
sweet spore.
Moreover, once a creature has developed any level of
sweet spore dependence, it becomes addicted. Each day
thereafter, it must make a Will save (DC 15) or seek out
more sweet spore, returning if necessary to the location
where it previously found the fungus or to some other
location at which it might reasonably expect sweet spore to
be found.
For some reason, fey can ingest sweet spore without any
effect; in fact, many fey consider sweet spore to be a great

Therder, bandit lieutenant,

male human War3

CR 3; Medium-sized Plant; HD 2d8+6; hp 15 (4

dying/16 dead); Init 1 (Dex); Spd 10 ft.; AC 13 (1 Dex,
+4 natural; touch 9, flat-footed 13); BAB +1; Grap +3;
Single Atk +3 melee (1d6+2 and poison, tentacle); Full
Atk +3/+3/+3/+3 (1d6+2 and poison, 4 tentacles);
Face/Reach 5 ft./10 ft.; SA Poison; SQ Low-light vision,
plant; SV Fort +6, Ref 1, Will +0; Str 14, Dex 8, Con 16,
Int , Wis 11, Cha 9.
Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 14, initial and secondary damage 1d4 Str and 1d4 Con. The save DC is

CR 3; Medium-sized Outsider (Chaotic, Evil); HD
3d8+3; hp 16 (2 dying/13 dead); Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30
ft., fly 50 ft. (average); AC 16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural; touch
11, flat-footed 15); BAB +3; Grap +4; Single Atk +4 melee
(1d6+1, claw); Full Atk +4/+4/1 melee (1d6+1 and 1d4,
2 claws and bite); SA Desecration, spells; SQ Darkvision
60 ft., telepathy, fast healing 1, immunities, resistances, SR
14; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 12, Dex 13, Con 13,
Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 13.

CR 1; Medium-sized Humanoid; HD 1d6+1; hp 7

(2 dying/13 dead); Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC
12 (+1 Dex, +1 padded armor; touch 11, flat-footed
11); BAB +0; Grap +0; Single Atk +0 melee (1d6,
club); SA Greenfire (2d6, Ref DC 13 halves, 2/day),
spells; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6; Str 10, Dex 12,
Con 13, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 8.
Skills: Bluff +3, Climb +4, Concentration +5, Heal
+6, Wilderness Survival +6. Feats: Energy
Resistance (Fire), Iron Will, Slippery Mind.
Possessions: Witchery bag, padded armor, club.
Spells Readied (3/1): 0bash, canny effort, ghost
sound; 1stmudball.

For further information on the Dark Scamp, Phungoid,

Scathe, Seether, Sweet Spore and Vultrek, see Counter
Collection IV: World of the Diamond Throne from
Fiery Dragon Productions.
For further information on rhodin, see The Diamond
Throne from Malhavoc Press.





Dark scamps appear to be some horrific blend of twisted,

malevolent monkey and great bat. Alone, they are not particularly dangerous to a competent swordsman, but they often
appear in large numbers, making them rather more of a matter
for concern.

Small Aberration
Hit Dice:

1d8 (4 hp)




20 ft., climb 15 ft., fly 60 ft.



14 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 12


Tail whip +3 melee; 2 claws

+3 melee; or bite +3 melee
and 2 rakes 2 melee

When landing on or near a target (swarming is a common tactic), dark scamps typically attack with their two lower claws;
only when grounded do they attack with their vicious bite and
rake with the bony claws located at the tip of their wings. Dark
scamps can use their tail attack at any time, although they tend
to do so only while flying, in combination with their Flyby
Attack feat.


Tail whip 1d6; claw 1d3;

bite 1d4; rake 1d2



5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Hit Dice:

4d8+23 (41 hp)

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 90 ft.




Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +3


30 ft.


Str 10, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 5,

Wis 12, Cha 5


14 (1 size, +5 natural),
touch 9, flat-footed 14


Climb +9, Jump +6, Listen +3,

Sneak +5, Spot +3


2 slams +7 melee


Slam 1d6+5 plus 1d6 fire


Flyby Attack (B), Improved

Initiative, Weapon Finesse (B)


5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.


Any warm land or underground

Special Attacks:



Solitary, pair, flight (36),

grist (712), or hive (1330)

Special Qualities:

Blindsight 60 ft., ooze


Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3

Challenge Rating:





Str 20, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 4,

Wis 8, Cha 7


Always neutral evil


Advancement Range:

23 HD (Small)



Any land and underground



Challenge Rating:




Always neutral evil

Advancement Range:

512 HD (Large)


Large Aberration

Small Aberration
Hit Dice:

3d8+6 (19 hp)




40 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 20 ft.


16 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 14


2 claws +5 melee and bite +0 melee


Claw 1d4+2; bite 1d6+1



5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.

There are rumored to be different kinds of scathes, but if this is

true, black scathes are by far the most common of their kind.
A scathe was at one time the toxic waste from dramojh bioexperiments, which has over time become sentient; however,
scathes dont break down matter well when they absorb prey,
as do most oozes, so over time they tend to harden and take on
an ambulatory form of their choosing, most often that of a
large, black, oily-skinned humanoid.

Special Attacks:

Special Qualities:

Blindsight 60 ft.


Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4


Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 6,

Wis 12, Cha 7


Black scathes generally stand between 8 and 10 feet tall in

humanoid form, and a glowing orange heat is visible where
another creatures eyes and mouth would be.

Climb +11, Escape Artist +8,

Jump +8, Listen +12*, Search +3*,
Sneak +7


Affinity with Skill (Listen)




Black scathes are terrible foes, for they do not know fear and
they do not tire. Their assaults are simple, straightforward, and


Swarm (47), throng (815),

or mass (1640)

Challenge Rating:

Burn (Ex): Scathes produce great internal heat as a result of

their unstable chemistry. A scathe that touches or strikes a living opponent or an organic substance deals 1d6 points of fire
damage; constant contact deals 10 points of fire damage per
Blindsight (Ex): Scathes can see by way of sound, allowing
them to locate objects and creatures within 60 feet. A silent
sheath spell or any similar effect negates this ability and effectively blinds the scathe.
Ooze: Although scathes are technically aberrations, they retain
many of the special qualities of oozes: They are immune to
poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. They
have no functional sensory or vital organs, and are thus
immune to critical hits or flanking. They are immune to all
mind-affecting spells or effects. They are blind but have the
blindsight special quality, and they gain bonus hit points by
size as an ooze. However, like oozes, they receive no feats or




Always neutral evil

Advancement Range:

46 HD (Small); 79 HD

Seethers were first bred long ago by the dramojh; these small,
agile, yet strong creatures were designed to burrow into enemy
strongholds and attack their draconic masters foes from sur-

prise. Since that time, seethers have become a fairly common

problem throughout the lands ruled by the Diamond Throne.



Always chaotic evil

Advancement Range:

47 HD (Medium-size); 89
HD (Large)

Seethers use fairly simple tactics in combat, as befits their relatively weak intellects. They are fierce foes, though, and their
attacks are always sudden and concerted.
Blindsight (Ex): Seethers can see by way of sound, allowing them to locate objects and creatures within 60 feet. A silent
sheath spell or any similar effect negates this ability and effectively blinds the seether.
Skills: Seethers receive a +2 racial bonus to Escape Artist
checks. *Seethers receive a +4 racial bonus to Listen and
Search checks, and may always make Listen checks in place of
Spot checks. These bonuses and ability are lost if blindsight is


Medium-Size Outsider (Chaotic, Evil)
Hit Dice:

3d8+3 (16 hp)




30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average)


16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 11,

flat-footed 15


2 claws +4 melee, bite 1 melee


Claw 1d6+1; bite 1d4


5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Desecration, spells

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., telepathy,

fast healing 1, immunities,
resistances, SR 14


Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4


Str 12, Dex 13, Con 13,

Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 13


Concentration +6, Knowledge

(ceremony) +5, Knowledge (magic)
+5, Listen +4, Search +5, Sense
Motive +5, Spellcraft +7, Spot +6,
Survival +2


Corrupt Mage, Multiattack,

Sanctum (B)





Challenge Rating:



Once simple vulture-like birds, these loathsome creatures fed

off of the carrion of abyssal battle fields. With a steady diet of
such arcane evil essence, the birds eventually mutated and
grew into a new abyssal species. Individual vultreks powers
vary widely, but all act as a sort of conduit for magical manifestation. They gravitate to areas of arcane evil, and need to
devour souls in order to survive.
Vultreks resemble large, gaunt humanoids with heads very
much like those of vultures. They retain their large, foully pinioned wings, and have developed a set of fully functional arms
with wicked claws.

Vultreks are cunning and malevolent foes, reveling in terror
and bloodshed. They are spellcasters first and warriors second,
using their spells to weaken, harry, and dishearten their foes
before rending them to pieces and feeding on both flesh and
Being descended from one of the most effective scavengers,
vultreks are not averse to allowing other creatures to kill their
prey and feed on the physical remains it is the soul of the
victim that truly nourishes them. For this reason, it is not
uncommon for vultreks to form alliances with other fierce
predators, assisting from a distance with magic while their
allies tear into their victims.
Desecration (Su): The very presence of a vultrek imbues its
sanctum with negative energy; once the vultrek assigns a sanctum (per the Sanctum feat), it may cast any spell it knows at
any point within the affected area, even if it cannot see the targeted area or if the area would normally be beyond its spell
range. This ability is in addition to any other spell modifications made possible by the vultreks Sanctum feat or any other
Incidentally, undead creatures within such a desecrated area
gain a +1 profane bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and sav-

ing throws. Undead created within a desecrated area gain +1

hit point per HD.
Spells: Vultreks cast spells as magisters, with a caster level
equal to the vultreks HD. However, they have no need of a
staff for a focus, instead powering their spells through their
own corrupt, otherworldly power.
Telepathy (Ex): A vultrek can communicate telepathically
with any creature within its sanctum that has a language. It
must know of the creatures presence, however, although it
need not know the creatures precise location.
Immunities (Ex): Vultreks are immune to poisons and diseases.
Resistances (Ex): Vultreks have acid, cold, electricity, and fire
resistance 10.
Skills: Vultreks receive a +2 racial bonus on Sense Motive and
Spot checks.


Sweet Spore (CR 1): This dungeon hazard poses no direct
threat to creatures, but for those who might consider fungi to
be part of a normal diet, eating the aromatic and delicious fungus can easily become a deadly habit. Any time an omnivore
or herbivore passes within 10 feet of sweet spore, it must make
a Will save (DC 10, +1 for every time that creature has eaten
sweet spore in the past) or break off a piece of the fungus and
devour it.
Every third day during which a creature eats sweet spore, it
must make a Fortitude save (DC 13) or suffer from sweet
spore dependence. The first time it fails such a save, it gains
the effects of Stage One dependence. Each subsequent failure
results in another level of dependence, until the creature reaches Stage Five, and the effects become irreversible (see below).
The effects of dependence are shown on the chart below:
Fortitude Saves



future saves against sweet spores effects) thereafter. Where

two numbers appear separated by a slash, the second number
indicates a penalty applied to the affected creatures
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. Ability score
reduced in this way can never be reduced to less than 1.
Bonus is the modifier applied to the creatures natural
armor (if it has no natural armor, it gains this number as a natural AC bonus). Where two numbers appear separated by a
slash, the second number indicates a bonus applied to the
affected creatures Constitution score.
Levels of sweet spore dependence are easily visible to
observers: A creature with Stage One dependence breaks out in
small, hard fungal growths all over its body, especially growing out of and around its bodily orifices, while a creature with
Stage Four dependence is covered entirely in brownish
growths and is distorted almost beyond recognition.
Any penalties or bonuses accrued from sweet spore dependence last for one full year, minus a number of months equal to
the creatures Constitution modifier. Thus, if a creature with an
11 Constitution reaches Stage Two dependence after 2 weeks
of consuming sweet spore, but then does not consume any
more of the fungus for a full year minus two weeks, it drops
down to Stage One dependence; two weeks later, if it still consumes no more sweet spore in that time, its body finally purges
the last of the sweet spore from its system. If the creature had
a 19 Constitution, it would drop down to Stage One after only
8 months, and then two weeks later purge the remaining sweet
Moreover, once a creature has developed any level of sweet
spore dependence, it becomes addicted: Each day thereafter, it
must make a Will save (DC 15) or seek out more sweet spore,
returning if necessary to the location where it previously found
the fungus or to some other location at which it might reasonably expect sweet spore to be found.
For some reason, fey can ingest sweet spore without any
effect; in fact, many fey consider sweet spore to be a great delicacy.


Stage One



Stage Two



Stage Three



Stage Four



Stave Five*



Penalty is the modifier applied to all attack and damage

rolls, skill or ability checks, and all saving throws (including

Creatures that become addicted to sweet spore literally eat

themselves into a fungal state. After ingesting too much of that
substance, they lose their identity and become something that
resembles a walking, hostile toadstool: a fungoid. Some portion of their intellect remains, though, for they hate what they
have become, and they project this hatred onto those who
resemble what they once were, exhibiting brutal violence
toward sentient creatures that remind them of their former
Fungoid is a template that can be added to any omnivorous
or herbivorous creature, (hereafter referred to as the base
creature), except for fey, which are for some reason immune
to the effects of sweet spore. The base creatures type changes

to plant. A fungoid uses all the base creatures statistics and

special abilities except as noted below.
Hit Dice: Same as base creature.
Speed: Same as base creature.
AC: The fungoid gains a +1 bonus to natural armor. This
stacks with the bonus gained from Stage Four sweet spore
Attacks: Same as base creature.
Special Attacks: A fungoid retains all the special attacks of
the base creature and also gains the following.
Spore Cloud (Su): As a free action once per day, a fungoid
may expel a cloud of spores in a 10-foot radius from its body.
Any living creature within the cloud must make a Fortitude
save (DC 10 + 1/2 the fungoids HD + the fungoids
Constitution modifier) or be stunned for 1 round; further, if it
fails this save, the creature gains a level of sweet spore
dependence 24 hours later. Multiple failed saves against fungoid spore clouds stack with one another (so a creature with
Stage One dependence that fails a second time against a spore
cloud gains Stage Two dependence 24 hours later), and they
also stack with dependence brought on normally by sweet
spore consumption.

Fey are immune to the effect of the spore cloud, as they are to
sweet spore consumption.
Special Qualities: Same as base creature.
Saves: Same as base creature.
Abilities: A fungoids Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
each decrease by 2 points, and its Constitution increases by 2;
these modifiers stack with those from Stage Four sweet spore
Skills: Same as base creature, but modified for any change in
ability scores.
Feats: Same as base creature, although the benefits of some
feats may be lost if the creatures ability score prerequisites
drop too far.
Climate/Terrain: Any temperate or warm, but usually underground.
Organization: Solitary, but often encountered with other fungoids if a sweet spore patch has existed in the area for any length
of time.
Challenge Rating: If the base creatures HD are 3 or less, then
same as base creature; if the base creatures HD are 4 or more,
then as base creature +1.
Advancement Range: Same as base creature.

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