CH 20 A

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Chapter 20

Electric Circuits

Ch20A: Sec. 1-6

This power point presentation is based on the supplement provided by

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. for Cutnell & Johnson’s Physics. It is
provided for the students in College Physics II class of NC A&T by Dr.
Y.-L. Lin and cannot be copied or distributed to any third party.
20.1 Electromotive Force and Current

In an electric circuit, an energy source and an energy consuming device

are connected by conducting wires through which electric charges move.
20.1 Electromotive Force and Current

Within a battery, a chemical reaction occurs that transfers electrons from

one terminal to another terminal.

The maximum potential difference across the terminals is called the

electromotive force (emf).
20.1 Electromotive Force and Current

The electric current is the amount of charge per unit time that passes
through a surface that is perpendicular to the motion of the charges.

I= (20.1)
One coulomb per second equals one ampere (A).
20.1 Electromotive Force and Current

If the charges move around the circuit in the same direction at all times,
the current is said to be direct current (dc).

If the charges move first one way and then the opposite way, the current is
said to be alternating current (ac).
20.1 Electromotive Force and Current

Example 1 A Pocket Calculator

The current in a 3.0 V battery of a pocket calculator is 0.17 mA. In one hour
of operation, (a) how much charge flows in the circuit and (b) how much energy
does the battery deliver to the calculator circuit?

(a) Δq = I ( Δt ) = (0.17 × 10−3 A)(3600 s) = 0.61 C

(b) E = qV = ( 0.61 C )( 3.0 V ) = 1.8 J

20.1 Electromotive Force and Current

Conventional current is the hypothetical flow of positive charges that would

have the same effect in the circuit as the movement of negative charges that
actually does occur.
20.2 Ohm’s Law

The resistance (R) is defined as the

ratio of the voltage V applied across
a piece of material to the current I through
the material.


The ratio V/I is a constant, where V is the

voltage applied across a piece of material
and I is the current through the material:

= R = constant or V = IR (20.2)
SI Unit of Resistance: volt/ampere (V/A) = ohm (Ω)
20.2 Ohm’s Law

A wire or an electrical device offers

resistance to electrical flow,
it is called a resistor.

For example, the filament in a

light bulb is a resistor in the
form of a thin piece of wire.
20.2 Ohm’s Law

Example 2 A Flashlight

The filament in a light bulb is a resistor in the form

of a thin piece of wire. The wire becomes hot enough
to emit light because of the current in it. The flashlight
uses two 1.5-V batteries to provide a current of 0.40 A
in the filament. Determine the resistance of the
glowing filament.


V 3.0 V
R= = = 7.5 Ω
I 0.40 A

20.3 Resistance and Resistivity

For a wide range of materials, the resistance

of a piece of material is proportional to the length L

and inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area A

R ∝ 1/ A
Thus, we may write

R=ρ (20.3)
resistivity (in units of ohm·meter)
20.3 Resistance and Resistivity

20.3 Resistance and Resistivity

Example 3 Longer Extension Cords

The instructions for an electric lawn mower suggest that a 20-gauge extension
cord can be used for distances up to 35 m, but a thicker 16-gauge cord should
be used for longer distances. The cross sectional area of a 20-gauge wire is
5.2x10-7 m2, while that of a 16-gauge wire is 13x10-7 m2. Determine the
resistance of (a) 35 m of 20-gauge copper wire and (b) 75 m of 16-gauge
copper wire.

L (1.72 ×10 −8 Ω ⋅ m)(35 m)

(a) R=ρ = = 1.2 Ω
A 5.2 × 10 m
-7 2

L (1.72 × 10 −8 Ω ⋅ m)(75 m)
(b) R=ρ = = 0.99 Ω
A 13 ×10 m-7 2

20.3 Resistance and Resistivity

Reading Assignment

Impedance Plethysmography

L L L2
R=ρ =ρ =ρ
A Vcalf L Vcalf

20.3 Resistance and Resistivity

The resistivity of a material

depends on temperature.

ρ = ρ o [1 + α (T − To )]

temperature coefficient
of resistivity

Since R = ρL/A, (20.4) becomes

R = ( ρ L / A)
= ( L / A) ρo ⎡⎣1 + α (T − To ) ⎤⎦
= ( ρo L / A) ⎡⎣1 + α (T − To ) ⎤⎦
= Ro ⎡⎣1 + α (T − To ) ⎤⎦ (20.5)
20.4 Electric Power

Suppose some charge emerges from a battery and the potential difference
between the battery terminals is V, the electric power can be calculated
from V and I.

energy Eq. (19.3): V=EPE/qo

E (Δq )V Δq
P= = = V = IV (20.6a)
Δt Δt Δt

Time interval
20.4 Electric Power


When there is current in a circuit as a result of a voltage, the electric

power delivered to the circuit is:

P = IV (20.6a)

SI Unit of Power: watt (W = A / voltage)

Alternative ways for calculating the electric power are:

P = I (IR ) = I 2 R (20.6b)

⎛ ⎞
P = ⎜ ⎟V = (20.6c)
⎝R⎠ R
20.4 Electric Power

Example 5 The Power and Energy Used in a


In the flashlight, the current is 0.40 A and the voltage

is 3.0 V. Find (a) the power delivered to the bulb and
(b) the energy dissipated in the bulb in 5.5 minutes
of operation.


(a) P = IV = (0.40 A) (3.0 V) = 1.2 W

(b) E = PΔt = (1.2 W) (330 s) = 4.0 × 10 2 J

Lec. 7 (2/5/09)
20.5 Alternating Current
20.5 Alternating Current

In an AC circuit, the charge flow reverses direction periodically.

Fig. 20.11

The voltage (V) produced by ac generator is

V = Vo sin (2π ft ) (20.7)

Peak voltage Frequency (in cycles/s or Hz)

Period = 1/f
20.5 Alternating Current

In circuits that contain only resistance, the current reverses direction each time
the polarity of the generator reverses.

t=0 t = 1/f t = 2(1/f)

V ⎛ Vo ⎞
I = = ⎜ ⎟ sin ( 2π ft ) = I o sin ( 2π ft ) (20.8)
R ⎝R⎠
peak current
20.5 Alternating Current

I = I o sin (2π ft ) V = Vo sin (2π ft )

P = IV = I oVo sin (2π ft ) 2


Fig. 20.12
20.5 Alternating Current

I oVo ⎛ I o ⎞⎛ Vo ⎞
P= =⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = I rmsVrms (20.11)
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠⎝ 2 ⎠
(20.10) Root mean square
20.5 Alternating Current

Ohm’s law can be

written as: Vrms = I rms R (20.14)

Average power
can be expressed

P = I rmsVrms (20.15a)

P = I rms
R (20.15b)

P= (20.15c)
20.5 Alternating Current

Example 6 Electrical Power Sent to a


A stereo receiver applies a peak voltage of

34 V to a speaker. The speaker behaves
approximately as if it had a resistance of 8.0 Ω.

Determine (a) the rms voltage, (b) the rms

current, and (c) the average power for this

(a) Vo 34 V
Vrms = = = 24 V
2 2
(b) V 24 V
I rms = rms = = 3.0 A
R 8.0 Ω
(c) P = I rmsVrms = (3.0 A )(24 V ) = 72 W
20.5 Alternating Current

Conceptual Example 7 Extension Cords and a Potential Fire Hazard

During the winter, many people use portable electric space heaters to keep
warm. Sometimes, however, the heater must be located far from a 120-V wall
receptacle, so an extension cord must be used. However, manufacturers often
warn against using an extension cord. If one must be used, they recommend
a certain wire gauge, or smaller. Why the warning, and why are smaller-gauge
wires better than larger-gauge wires?

The extension cord can be heated up
when electric current passes through.
The resistance of the wire must be
kept small.
Wires with smaller gauge (smaller
cross section) are better because they
offer less resistance than larger-gauge
20.6 Series Wiring

There are many circuits in which more than one device is connected to
a voltage source.

Series wiring means that the devices are connected in such a way
that there is the same electric current through each device.
20.6 Series Wiring

V = V1 + V2 = IR1 + IR2 = I (R1 + R2 ) = IRS

Series resistors RS = R1 + R2 + R3 + "

Equivalent resistance of
the series circuit
20.6 Series Wiring

Example 8 Resistors in a Series Circuit

A 6.00 Ω resistor and a 3.00 Ω resistor are connected in series with

a 12.0 V battery. Assuming the battery contributes no resistance to
the circuit, find (a) the current, (b) the power dissipated in each resistor,
and (c) the total power delivered to the resistors by the battery.
20.6 Series Wiring

V 12.0 V
(a) RS = 6.00 Ω + 3.00 Ω = 9.00 Ω I= = = 1.33 A
RS 9.00 Ω

(b) For 6 Ω resistor: P = I 2 R = (1.33 A ) (6.00 Ω ) = 10.6 W


For 3 Ω resistor: P = I 2 R = (1.33 A ) (3.00 Ω ) = 5.31 W


(c) P = 10.6 W + 5.31 W = 15.9 W

20.6 Series Wiring

Personal electronic assistants.

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