Math Quest Prelims

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Quest 10
For Victoria

Sonja Stambulic
Chris Evangelou
Lyn Elms
Contributing authors
Robert Cahn Caroline Denney Elena Iampolsky Don Morelli
David Phillips Umesh Pratap Bob Starink Jenny Watson
Support material
Brett Barber Stephen Broderick John Dowsey Dennis Fitzgerald
Stephen Heames David Tynan Jill Vincent Don Wagstaff Wayne Youngs

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Second edition published 2006 by

John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
42 McDougall Street, Milton, Qld 4064
Offices also in Sydney and Melbourne
First edition published 2002
Typeset in 10.5/12.5pt Times
John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd 2002, 2006
National Library of Australia
Cataloguing-in-Publication data
Maths Quest 10 for Victoria: Level 6 Victorian Essential
Learning Standards.
2nd ed.
Includes index.
For Year 10 students.
ISBN-13 978 0 7314 0327 1 (student edition)
ISBN-10 0 7314 0327 4 (student edition)
ISBN-13 978 0 7314 0331 8 (teacher edition)
ISBN-10 0 7314 0331 2 (teacher edition)
1. Maths Textbooks. 2. Maths Study and teaching
(Secondary. I. Stambulic, Sonja. (Series: Maths Quest
Reproduction and communication for educational purposes
The Australian Copyright Act 1968 (the Act) allows a maximum
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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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Introduction viii


Rational and irrational
numbers 1

Are you ready?

Real numbers 3
Operations with fractions 3
Exercise 1A 6
Finite and recurring decimals 8
History of mathematics: Srinivasa Ramanujan
(18871920) 10
Exercise 1B 11
10 Quick Questions 1 12
Irrational numbers 12
Exercise 1C 14
Investigation The Golden Ratio 16
Investigation Where do I belong? 17
Investigation Plotting irrational numbers
on the number line 19
Simplifying surds 20
Exercise 1D 23
Investigation Braking distances 25
Career profile: Peter Richardson Analyst
Programmer 26
Addition and subtraction of surds 26
Exercise 1E 27
Code puzzle 29
Multiplication and division of surds 30
Exercise 1F 33
Investigation Recurring surds 35
10 Quick Questions 2 36
Writing surd fractions with a rational
denominator 36
Exercise 1G 38
Summary 40
Chapter review 41


Algebra and equations

Are you ready?


Operations with pronumerals 45

Exercise 2A 46
Substituting into expressions 47
Exercise 2B 49


Expanding 51
Exercise 2C 52
10 Quick Questions 1 53
Career profile: Karin Xuereb Supervising
Meteorologist 54
Factorising using common factors 55
Exercise 2D 55
Adding and subtracting algebraic
fractions 57
Exercise 2E 59
Multiplying and dividing algebraic
fractions 60
Exercise 2F 62
Solving basic equations 63
Exercise 2G 66
10 Quick Questions 2 68
Investigation Musical notes 69
Solving more complex equations 70
Exercise 2H 73
Solving inequations 74
Exercise 2I 75
Investigation Dance fever 76
Code puzzle 77
Summary 78
Chapter review 79


Linear graphs

Are you ready?



Plotting linear graphs 83

Exercise 3A 84
Sketching linear graphs 85
Exercise 3B 91
10 Quick Questions 1 92
Finding linear equations 92
Exercise 3C 95
Code puzzle 97
Linear modelling 98
Exercise 3D 100
Investigation Old geyser 102
10 Quick Questions 2 103
Sketching linear inequations 103
Exercise 3E 106
Investigation Marias kitchen 107
Summary 108
Chapter review 109

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Quadratic equations

Are you ready?



Expanding algebraic expressions 113

Exercise 4A 116
Factorising expressions with two or four
terms 118
Exercise 4B 120
Factorising expressions with three terms 122
Exercise 4C 124
Investigation Quilt squares 125
Code puzzle 126
Factorising by completing the square 127
Exercise 4D 129
10 Quick Questions 1 130
Mixed factorisation 130
Exercise 4E 130
Solving quadratic equations 131
Exercise 4F 134
Using the quadratic formula 137
Exercise 4G 138
10 Quick Questions 2 139
Finding solutions to quadratic equations by
inspecting graphs 140
Exercise 4H 142
Investigation Finding solutions to quadratics
by interpolation 144
Using the discriminant 144
Exercise 4I 147
Investigation Flying dolphin 148
Summary 149
Chapter review 150


Quadratic graphs

Are you ready?



Plotting parabolas 155

Exercise 5A 160
Investigation Identifying the type of function
from its table of values 162
Sketching parabolas using the basic graph
of y = x2 163
Exercise 5B 167
Sketching parabolas in turning point
form 168
Exercise 5C 172
Investigation Designing your own water
feature 174
10 Quick Questions 1 175

Sketching parabolas of the form

y = ax2 + bx + c 176
Exercise 5D 180
Code puzzle 183
Investigation Finding intercepts and turning
points using a graphics calculator 184
Investigation Catch this! 186
10 Quick Questions 2 186
Solving quadratic inequations using sketch
graphs 187
Exercise 5E 189
Investigation Bicycle helmets 191
Summary 192
Chapter review 193



Are you ready?


Direct variation 197

Exercise 6A 202
10 Quick Questions 1 204
Direct variation and ratio (rate) 205
Exercise 6B 208
Investigation Leonardos observations 209
Partial variation 210
Exercise 6C 212
Investigation Many hands make light
work! 213
Inverse variation 214
Exercise 6D 216
Investigation The building problem 218
Other forms of direct and inverse
variation 219
Exercise 6E 222
Code puzzle 224
10 Quick Questions 2 225
Investigation Focus on variation 225
Identifying the type of variation 226
Exercise 6F 228
Joint variation 229
Exercise 6G 230
Summary 232
Chapter review 233


Simultaneous equations

Are you ready?


Introduction 237
Graphical solution of simultaneous
equations 237


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Exercise 7A 242
Algebraic solutions of simultaneous
equations 244
Exercise 7B 246
10 Quick Questions 1 246
Algebraic solutions of simultaneous
equations the elimination method 247
Exercise 7C 250
Investigation How many cockatoos and
kangaroos? 251
Investigation Solving simultaneous linear
equations using a numerical
(bisection) approach 252
Investigation Simultaneous equations in
3 unknowns 255
Investigation Cramers rule for simultaneous
equations 255
Code puzzle 256
Problem solving using simultaneous
equations 257
Exercise 7D 259
Investigation Concert hall seating 261
10 Quick Questions 2 262
Solving a quadratic equation and a linear
equation simultaneously 263
Exercise 7E 266
Solving simultaneous inequations 267
Exercise 7F 269
Summary 274
Chapter review 275


Exponential functions

Are you ready?



Index laws 279

Exercise 8A 281
Negative indices 283
Exercise 8B 286
10 Quick Questions 1 287
Fractional indices 288
Exercise 8C 291
Career profile: Jim Elliot Flood
Engineer 293
Further use of index laws 294
Exercise 8D 296
Exponential functions and their graphs
Exercise 8E 301
Investigation Further exponential
graphs 302
Code puzzle 303
10 Quick Questions 2 304

Modelling exponential growth and

decay 305
Exercise 8F 309
Investigation A growing investment 311
Summary 312
Chapter review 313



Are you ready?



Introduction 317
Exercise 9A 319
Perimeter 320
Exercise 9B 324
Area 327
Exercise 9C 331
10 Quick Questions 1 335
Investigation Teardrops 336
Total surface area 336
Exercise 9D 342
Volume 345
Investigation Maximising volume 347
Investigation Volume and capacity 350
Exercise 9E 351
Investigation Water tank worries 354
Career profile: Mike Matheson
Hydrologist 354
Code puzzle 356
10 Quick Questions 2 357
Time, speed, density and concentration 358
Exercise 9F 362
Investigation More units of
measurement 364
Summary 365
Chapter review 366


Circle geometry

Are you ready?




Intersecting chords, secants and

tangents 373
Investigation Constructing a tangent 374
Investigation Intersecting chords 375
Investigation Intersecting secants 376
Exercise 10A 380
Investigation Angles in a circle 381
History of mathematics: They couldnt
do it! 382

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Angles in a circle 383
Exercise 10B 385
Code puzzle 388
Investigation Quadrilaterals in circles 389
Cyclic quadrilaterals 389
Exercise 10C 390
Code puzzle 392
10 Quick Questions 1 393
Great circles 394
Investigation Greenwich Mean Time 395
Exercise 10D 398
Investigation SOS! 399
Investigation Eratosthenes calculates the
diameter of the Earth! 400
10 Quick Questions 2 401
Locus 402
Exercise 10E 405
Investigation Chords and triangles in
circles 405
Investigation Going loci 406
Summary 407
Chapter review 408


Further geometry

Are you ready?



Introduction 415
Review of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional
drawing 415
Exercise 11A 420
Cross-sectional view of objects 422
Exercise 11B 423
Investigation Conic sections 424
Similarity 425
Exercise 11C 429
History of mathematics: Thales of Miletus
(c. 624 545 BC) 434
Investigation Midpoints and similar
triangles 434
Investigation Proving Pythagoras
theorem 435
Code puzzle 436
10 Quick Questions 1 437
Congruence 438
Exercise 11D 440
Investigation Geometry and pool 443
Nets, polyhedra construction and
Eulers rule 445
Investigation Faces, edges and vertices of
solid shapes 447
Exercise 11E 448

10 Quick Questions 2


Transformation of points and figures 452

Investigation Using a mira 457
Exercise 11F 461
Investigation Map measurements 466
Summary 467
Chapter review 468



Are you ready?



Introduction 475
Angles and the calculator 475
Exercise 12A 479
Using trigonometric ratios to find side
lengths 480
Exercise 12B 483
Code puzzle 485
Using trigonometric ratios to find angles 486
Exercise 12C 489
Code puzzle 491
10 Quick Questions 1 492
Applications 493
Exercise 12D 496
Investigation Satellite height 499
Bearings 500
Exercise 12E 505
Investigation Which way do I go? 508
The unit circle quadrant 1 508
Exercise 12F 512
10 Quick Questions 2 513
Circular functions 514
Investigation The 4 quadrants of the unit
circle 515
Exercise 12G 519
Graphs of y = sin x and y = cos x 521
Exercise 12H 522
Summary 524
Chapter review 526



Are you ready?



Probability revision 531

Exercise 13A 540
Complementary events 545
Exercise 13B 546
10 Quick Questions 1 549
Mutually exclusive events 550
Exercise 13C 552

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Two-way tables and tree diagrams 554
Exercise 13D 561
Independent and dependent events 564
Exercise 13E 566
Code puzzle 569
Karnaugh maps 570
Exercise 13F 575
Investigation Footy card collecting 578
Investigation Hit or sit? 578
10 Quick Questions 2 579
Subjective probability 580
Exercise 13G 580
Summary 582
Chapter review 583

Strategies for problem

solving 679



Are you ready?

Bivariate data 640

Exercise 14F 646
10 Quick Questions 2 650
Lines of best fit 651
Exercise 14G 658
Time series 660
Investigation A pulsating problem 664
Exercise 14H 665
Investigation Fluctuations and cycles 669
Investigation Long jump to the top 669
Investigation Whats that smell? 670
Summary 672
Chapter review 675


Collecting data 589

Investigation Problems collating data 589
Exercise 14A 593
Investigation Non-random sampling 595
Presenting categorical and discrete data 595
Exercise 14B 601
Code puzzle 606
Representing data grouped into class
intervals 607
Exercise 14C 613
Investigation Misuse of graphs 618
10 Quick Questions 1 619
Measures of central tendency 620
Exercise 14D 625
Measures of spread 628
Exercise 14E 634
Investigation Standard deviation 637
Investigation Conducting a statistical
inquiry 638
Investigation Who owns the gold coins? 639

Introduction to problem solving 680

Strategies for investigation and problem
solving 682
Create a table, then look for a pattern or a
result 682
Draw a diagram, then look for a pattern or
a result 684
Set up equations and find a solution, making use of technology such as a computer
spreadsheet 685
Work backwards from the answer 686
Use a process of elimination 688
Look at similar but simpler problems 690
Create a mathematical model of a complicated situation 692
Communicating, reasoning and
reflecting 694


Answers 705
Index 773

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The second edition of Maths Quest 10 for Victoria is one of the exciting
award-winning Maths Quest resources specifically designed for the Victorian
Essential Learning Standards (VELS).
This resource contains:
a student textbook with accompanying CD-ROM
a teacher edition with accompanying CD-ROM
a student homework book
a teacher support book.

Student textbook
The key features added in the second edition include:
an introductory set of questions at the start of each chapter to establish the
students current level of understanding. Each question is supported with a
SkillSHEET to explain the concept involved and provide extra practice if
a new chapter on problem-solving strategies to assist students skills in
working mathematically
eTHINKING multi-level interactive problem-solving games to encourage
deeper understanding of concepts and to challenge students mathematical
thinking and reasoning (see page xii for details)
updated and revised interactive technology files to foster Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) skills and aid conceptual learning
a glossary to enhance students mathematical literacy.
The second edition textbook continues to offer the following awardwinning features.
The use of full colour throughout produces clearer graphs and headings, provides bright, stimulating photographs and makes navigation through the text
Clear, concise theory sections contain worked examples, graphics calculator
tips (Texas Instruments in the text and Casio on the CD) and highlighted
important text and remember boxes.
Worked examples in a Think/Write format provide clear explanations of key
steps and suggestions for presentation of solutions.
Exercises contain many carefully graded skills and application problems,
including multiple choice questions. Cross-references to relevant worked
examples appear beside the first matching question throughout the
Many exercises finish with Maths Quest challenge questions designed to
extend students. Code puzzles reinforce mathematical skills and History of
Mathematics sections highlight mathematical concepts in context.
Two sets of 10 Quick Questions in each chapter provide a cumulative review
of concepts covered.
Investigations focus on links to the interdisciplinary strands, providing
further opportunities for discovery learning.

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The accompanying CD-ROM contains the entire student textbook. Students

may work from the CD on laptops, or school or home computers, and cut and
paste material for revision or assignments.
Clearly labelled icons within the electronic version of the text hyperlink to
hundreds of technology files for programs such as Mathcad, Excel and Cabri
Geometry to allow further exploration of what if scenarios.
TI-83 and Casio CFX-9850GB PLUS graphics calculator programs can be
downloaded to students calculators using the Graphlink and FA-123 software provided.
E ti
Game time icons link to interactive games that reinforce mathematical skills
as well as being good fun. There are two in every chapter.
WorkSHEET icons link to editable Word 2000 documents, and may be com3.2 pleted on the screen, or printed and completed by hand. The Test yourself
tests are interactive, allowing students to select their answers and receive
instant feedback.
10.2 SkillSHEET icons link to printable pages designed to help students revise
required concepts, and contain additional examples and problems.
Naming eTHINKING icons link to multi-level interactive problem-solving games.





Student CD-ROM


Each chapter concludes with a summary and chapter review exercise helping
consolidate students learning of new concepts.
Technology is fully integrated (in line with VELS recommendations) and
features graphics calculators, computer algebra systems, spreadsheets,
dynamic geometry software and several graphing packages. Maths Quest
continues to promote these technologies as learning tools, providing demonstration versions of the programs (with the exception of Microsoft Excel) as
well as hundreds of supporting files on the bonus accompanying CD-ROM.






Minimum system requirements

Windows 98
Pentium II
Windows 2K/XP
Pentium III
128 MB RAM

Macintosh OSX
Power Macintosh G3 running
OS 10.1.5, 10.2.6, 10.3
128 MB RAM

Programs included
Mathcad Client: a computer algebra system and graphing program
Graphmatica: an excellent graphing utility
GrafEq: graphs any relation, including complicated inequalities
Poly: for visualising 3D polyhedra and their nets
Tess: for producing tessellations and other symmetric planar illustrations
TI Connect and Casio software FA-123: calculator screen capture and
transfer programs
Cabri Geometry II PLUS: dynamic geometry program
Adobe Acrobat Reader v7

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eTHINKING Software developed by cooperation between Greygum Software

Pty Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
Ten vibrant and interactive problem-solving games are presented. Each
game is content-based and contains 8 or 9 multi-level tasks, increasing in
complexity and difficulty.
Due to the multi-level nature of the eTHINKING problem-solving games,
students can attempt these at various stages throughout the chapter. Titles,
placement and descriptions of these games follow.
Arranging in order
Chapter 1 Rational and
irrational numbers

Nine number puzzles involving the concept of

the magnitude of rational numbers

Tower of Hanoi
Chapter 2 Algebra and

Eight puzzles of varying difficulty based on

the famous Tower of Hanoi problem

Chapter 4 Quadratic

Eight puzzles involving the concepts of

expanding and factorising quadratic

Quadratic graphs
Chapter 5 Quadratic

Nine puzzles involving: filling in tables of

values, identifying quadratic graphs and points
lying on the quadratic graphs, simple
transformations and combined transformations
of quadratic graphs

Simultaneous equations
Chapter 7 Simultaneous

Nine puzzles involving exploring linear and

quadratic simultaneous equations from both a
graphical and algebraic perspective

Knights tours
Chapter 9 Measurement

Nine puzzles employing logic and reasoning in

moving a knight around a chessboard and
extending this to a board of any size

Packaging shapes
Chapter 11 Further

Nine puzzles ranging from straightforward to

more complex problems testing the
participants spatial abilities

Circles and waves

Chapter 12 Trigonometry

Nine puzzles introducing the concept of the

unit circle and informal transformations
involving the sine and cosine functions

Coins and marbles

Chapter 13 Probability

Eight puzzles highlighting concepts related to

probability, such as: Pascals triangle, long-run
proportion, dependent and independent events,
and tree diagrams

Strategies for problem

Nine puzzles that encourage the participants to

design, test and modify a set of instructions for
moving a car through a series of mazes

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Teacher edition with accompanying

The teacher edition textbook contains everything in the student textbook and
more. To support teachers assisting students in class, answers appear in red
next to most questions in the exercises. Each exercise is annotated with
relevant standards. The readily accessible and comprehensive VELS planning
document, Work program and curriculum grid list available resources and
curriculum coverage.
The accompanying teacher CD-ROM contains everything in the student
CD-ROM and more. Four tests per chapter, fully worked solutions to
WorkSHEETs, interactive Test yourself tests in editable Word format, the work
program and other curriculum advice in editable Word 2000 format are provided.

Student Homework Book

The Homework Book is a valuable new addition to the Maths Quest series
and complements the student textbook with a variety of activities including
WorkSHEETs, rich tasks and fun code puzzles.

Teacher Support Book

This fully photocopiable resource contains all the WorkSHEETs in the
Homework Book, plus teacher support material that includes assessment
sheets, a VELS planning grid and extra activities for students to further
develop their skills in working mathematically. All answers to the WorkSHEETs and additional teacher support materials are also provided.
The Maths Quest website will provide support in the form of additional technology files, worksheets, links to other sites, assessment materials including
practice tests and more.
Maths Quest is a rich collection of teaching and learning resources within
one package.

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The authors and publisher would like to thank the following copyright holders,
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eThinking Software
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Wiley and Sons Australia Ltd.
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