The Signalman Notes
The Signalman Notes
The Signalman Notes
by Charles Dickens
Annotating a text
Annotate and colour code / underline the text. Look for:
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The Signalman
by Charles Dickens
Name: .
Title: How does Charles Dickens use the ghost story genre to provoke fear in both the Victorian
and modern reader of The Signalman?
Develop a personal approach to a challenging text
Show understanding of social, cultural, historical and literary influences
Draw conclusions confidently from the writers use of language, structure and form
Express a critical view
Sustain perceptive and convincing critical responses with some evidence of original thought
Use quotations as evidence
Can Do:
Identify some aspects of cultural and social setting
Use reference to style and features of language
Write about important features like characterisation
Write coherently about the meaning of a story
Use quotation and detailed reference to sustain views
Comment on the ways in which the writer uses setting
Comment on the importance of the social and cultural background
Use well selected reference and quotation to illustrate and explain a
range of views
Begin to analyse features of a story
Develop view points about meaning and effectiveness
Show awareness / knowledge of the social and historical background
and its influence on a text
Analyse aspects of a challenging text
Develop a personal response, considering alternative meanings and
Use detailed reference consistently
Show how understanding of social, cultural, historical and literary
influences enhanced appreciation
Give a personal response to a text as a whole
Develop a critical response too
Consider alternative meanings and interpretations
Integrate knowledge of social, cultural and historical background
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The Signalman
by Charles Dickens
The narrator meets the signalman for the second time
Use full sentences and quotations where appropriate.
1. Why do you think the signalman carries a white light? Could it be
2. The narrator goes to see the signalman at night. Why is this significant to the
plot and genre?
3. Who or what had the signalman mistaken the narrator for? Why is this ironic?
4. In your own words, describe what happened to the signalman one moonlight night.
5. How does Dickens make the tunnel sound ghostly?
6. What effect does Dickens want to create when he uses the description, the slow
touch of a frozen finger tracing out my spine?
7. What does the narrator think is wrong with the signalman initially?
8. How does Dickens use imagery to describe the wind?
9. What is the link between the ghost and the accident? What do you think it means?
10. How does the narrator explain away this link?
11. What action did the spectre make when it appeared a second time?
12. What did the signalman find on the train that he stopped?
13. According to the signalman, what does the spectre keep doing on its third
14. What is the narrators attitude towards the signalmans account of the three hauntings?
Use a quotation.
15. What is the signalmans attitude towards the hauntings and the spectre? Use a
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The Signalman
by Charles Dickens
Dickens employs a first person narrator to shape our reactions and thoughts.
The story is pre-1914 and uses different vocabulary, sentence lengths and structure.
The writer uses the traditional ghost genre to reflect the fears of the Victorian age.
On the first meeting, the narrator believes the signalman had been haunted by a ghost.
On the first meeting, the narrator suspects the signalman to be touched by insanity.
The story raises doubts about the after life, fate and free will.
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The Signalman
by Charles Dickens
Notes / Reminders
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The Signalman
by Charles Dickens
Checklist / Plan
Show understanding of what a ghost story is and its typical conventions
How did the Victorians use ghost stories as a way of exploring other issues?
Main Body
NB: Proof read your work before handing in, checking spelling and punctuation.
Inverted commas around quotations and the title of the story.
This essay can be hand written or word processed.
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