DSynchronize (ENG)
DSynchronize (ENG)
DSynchronize (ENG)
The current version is found to the following Link:
Home: "http://dimio.altervista.org/"
DSynchronize is a program (Freeware) that syncronizes two or more directories on
a local area network.
The program compares every directory "Source" with the respective "Destination",
then changes the "Destination" (adding, replacing, or deleting files and subdir
ectory) in such way to make those files or subdirectories identical to the "Sour
ce." It supports multiple filters (separated by "; ") type *.exe; *.txt etc.
You can configure synchronizations to use Varying environments (% WINDIR%,% USER
PROFILE% etc.).
The use is rather intuitive.
NT4 with SP6a and IE4 or superior.
"Save on exit"
It serves for saving all the settings and remembering which directories to synch
It reduces the fragmentation of the disk: In order to prevent holes in the file
structure when a file is replaced, the old file is first removed from the struct
ure and then the replacement file is written into the old file's place.
"Set/Enable timer"
This option sets the synchronization to run on a regular basis. You can tell it
how much time to wait between synchronizations in terms of hours and minutes. Y
ou can also specify certain days that you would like synchronization to occur or
a specific time to sync on the days specified.
"Shutdown at the end"
This option will automatically shut down the PC at the end of the synchronizatio
"You create folder if it does not exist"
If the specified directory does not exist on the destination, it will automatica
lly be created there with the same name as the source directory.
Before effecting the synchronization, it doesn't check if they are possessed or
I lead the permissions of lettura/scrittura on the briefcases. In fact, In some
rare case, it seems that the security check also prevents the synchronization on
briefcases on which such permissions are possessed, for which, to select the op
tion aforesaid, it allows to also operate normally in that particular cases.
It uses a specific file INI to control the synchronization. This file must be on
same directory of DSynchronize.
Dimitrios Coutsoumbas (Dimio)
SKYPE : katafratto
: 145633952
E-MAIL : cyberdimio@gmail.com
HOME : http://dimio.altervista.org/
The program uses the UPX technology (http://upx.sourceforge.net/) to increase it
s portability.
The program is distributed with the license Freeware.