Introduction To The UNIX Shell: by Mark Virtue and The Virtual Training Company

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Introduction to the UNIX Shell

by Mark Virtue
and The Virtual Training Company
Chapter 1

About this Course
 This course contains instruction on the following topics:
 The UNIX shell (specifically the Bourne family of shells)
 Common text-based (command-line) UNIX programs, such as
 ls
 vi
 grep
 etc
 UNIX GUI (graphical user interface, such as X-
Windows) usage will not be taught
 The commands taught in this course are compatible
with all brands of UNIX (including Linux)
Audience and Prerequisites
 You might want to learn about the UNIX shell if:
 You are using a version of UNIX at work/home/school (e.g.
Linux) and want to know more about the commands available
 You have a need to log into a computer remotely across the
Internet and run commands there (e.g. your ISP’s computer)
 You need to learn the basics of the shell so that you can then
learn about shell script programming for the purposes of UNIX
system administration or CGI programming
 No prior knowledge of UNIX or UNIX shell commands is
 Familiarity with computers in general and command-line
interfaces (such as DOS) in particular will be helpful,
but is not necessary
Chapter 2

Understanding UNIX
What is UNIX?
 UNIX is the name given to a family of operating systems
 An operating system is a software platform upon which
programs may be run
 Windows 2000 is an example of a (non-UNIX) operating system
 Each operating system is usually tied to only one type of
computer (such as Intel x86 or Sun SPARC)
 There are many flavours (or variants) of UNIX produced
by a variety of technology companies
 Many are incompatible with each other, in the sense
that they cannot run each others’ programs
 In order to fully understand what UNIX is – and how the
different versions are related to each other – it is
necessary to know something of UNIX’s history
UNIX History
 UNIX was originally developed in the early 1970s by
AT&T’s Bell Laboratories
 It was so useful an operating system that other
organisations (including universities) expressed interest
in developing versions of their own, and were given the
source code for free
 Soon all the large computer vendors were marketing
their own (diverging) versions of UNIX optimised for
their own computer architectures, boasting many
different strengths and features (including Microsoft’s
own effort: Xenix)
UNIX History (cont.)
 It quickly became apparent that, although UNIX
systems were available everywhere, they seldom were
able to interoperate without significant effort. The
trademark UNIX was ubiquitous, but it was applied to a
multitude of different, incompatible products
 In 1987, the two leading vendors of UNIX – AT&T
(System V) and Sun Microsystems (BSD) combined
their efforts to produce System V Release 4 (SVR4),
foisting what they hoped was a new standard upon the
UNIX world
UNIX History (cont.)
 This only served to further divide the industry, and many
other market players banded together to develop their
own open UNIX variant, called OSF/1 (Open Software
Foundation UNIX version 1)
 To introduce a sense of unity, an organisation called
X/Open began putting in place a set of open standards
that would allow greater interoperability between UNIXs
 In 1993, AT&T sold their UNIX business to Novell, who
sold it to X/Open (now The Open Group)
 Linus Torvalds ported a version of UNIX to the PC and
gave the source code to the community at large – Linux
was born
Which UNIX?
 There are currently hundreds of UNIX variants running
on computers around the world
 There are roughly 80 still being developed and
 The following table details some of the major variants
Which UNIX? (cont.)
UNIX Variant Company
A/UX Apple
FreeBSD (free)
HP-UX Hewlett-Packard
IRIX Silicon Graphics
Linux (free, PC) Various
SCO-UNIX (PC) Santa-Cruz Organisation
Solaris Sun
Ultrix Digital
UnixWare (PC) Novell (now SCO)
QNX (real-time) Quantum Software
Which UNIX? (cont.)
 How compatible are these variants of UNIX?
Specifically, if a person learns one UNIX, will those
skills by useful when running another UNIX?
 The answer is complex:
 For end users, the UNIX shell (the subject of this course) is
virtually identical across all UNIX’s
 Some UNIX’s offer GUIs (X-Windows, Motif, etc). These can
differ widely, but having learned one, most end users will find
the others relatively easy to learn
 For advanced users, UNIX shell-scripting is virtually identical
across all UNIX’s
 UNIX system administrators will find significant differences
when administering a variety of UNIX systems
UNIX Architecture
 UNIX is a terminal-based operating system, meaning:
 Many users may be simultaneously using the one computer,
each with their own keyboard and monitor (and sometimes
mouse) – known as a terminal (compare this with PCs, which
have only a single keyboard and monitor for each computer)
 The programs that each user is running are all competing for
the computers CPU time and memory. This means that one
user can potentially slow down the system for the rest of the
users on the system
 Some UNIX terminals are capable of displaying a GUI,
complete with icons and mouse support. Such
terminals are known as X-terminals
 UNIX is also capable of existing within a network
Five Computers on a Network

PC or
One Computer with Five Terminals

Terminal or
Chapter 3

Understanding the UNIX Shell

What is the UNIX Shell?
 What is a “shell”?
 A shell is simply “a program that is used to start other programs”
 All operating systems have shells

Operating System Shell

Windows 3.1 / NT3.x Program Manager
Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT4 / 2000 / XP Windows Explorer
What is the UNIX Shell? (cont.)
 Another way to think of a shell is a layer of software between the
operating system and the user (thus the term “shell”)


What is the UNIX Shell? (cont.)
 The UNIX shell is a text-based, command-line-driven program
 Each line of text that the user types is interpreted by the program
(the shell) as one command (program) to run
 It looks like this:
Welcome to UNIX
Have a nice day!
$ ls
$ _
Which Shell?
 There are a variety of (similar) UNIX shells to choose
 The original and most widely supported shell is called
the Bourne shell (after S.R. Bourne). These days it is
considered the most basic of shells. Its program
filename is sh
 There are a number of Bourne shell derivatives, each
offering a variety of extra features, including:
 The Korn shell (after David Korn) (ksh) (not open/free)

 The Bourne-again shell (bash) (open/free)

 zsh
 and many more
Which Shell? (cont.)
 It is possible to write scripts using the Bourne shell as
an interpreter. Such scripts are known as shell scripts
 The facilities that the Bourne shell makes available for this
purpose allow the shell to be thought of as a programming
language (a scripting language, to be precise)
 Compare these with DOS batch files, interpreted by
 All Bourne-compatible shells share the same programming
language (that’s why they’re called Bourne-compatible)
 Much UNIX system administration and Web back-end
processing (CGI) is done via Bourne shell scripts
 The Virtual Training Company offers a training course on UNIX
Shell Script Programming (Bourne-compatible shells)
Which Shell? (cont.)
 In an effort to offer more power to shell programmers,
another shell was developed in which the programming
language was more closely related to the powerful “C”
programming language. This shell was called the
C-shell (filename csh)
 This in turn spawned its own family of compatible
shells, most notably tcsh
 The Bourne and C-shell families are completely
incompatible from a programming standpoint, and they
differ in their implementations of other certain features
(such as command history), but otherwise they can be
used interchangeably
Logging In
 Virtually all UNIX systems require users to log in
(identify themselves to the computer with a username
and password) before any programs can be run
 On some systems, as soon as a user has successfully
logged in, a shell is automatically started for them to
use to run programs
 Note: at the end of this course we will look at how to choose
which shell is automatically started for you
 Your username and password will have been created
for you by the system administrator
 One username (root) has full system privileges,
meaning they are never denied access to a resource
Logging In (cont.)
 On other systems (notably those with GUIs), once the
user has logged in they have the option of starting any
number of (concurrent) command-line shells by clicking
the appropriate icon
Basic Commands
 In this module we will simply type in a few basic
commands to get the feel for text-based commands
 For each of the following, type the name of the
command, and then press the ENTER key (on some
UNIX systems this key is labelled RETURN or  )
Command Purpose
uname Details about the machine you are logged into (including the
version of UNIX). Try also: uname -a
ps Find out which shell you’re running
cal Display a calendar for the current month
Try also: cal 2001 / cal 10 2001 / cal 9 1752
passwd Change your login password (follow the prompts and be careful)
Command Syntax
 The syntax (structure) of every command entered into
the UNIX shell is as follows:
$ prog-name [options] [arguments]
 Where:
 prog-name is the name of the program you wish to run
(for example, ls)
 options are single letters prefixed by a “–” (dash, minus sign) that
modify the behaviour of the program (for example, -a). These are
always optional, meaning that the program will still do something if no
options are specified
 arguments are any other words (separated by spaces or tabs) that
the program needs to perform the task you wish it to perform (such as
a file or directory name). Some programs require a certain number of
arguments, others (like ls) do not require any
Command Syntax (cont.)
 Notes:
 The program name must be first. It is not possible to type in the
name of a document and expect the shell to know how to open
it (the UNIX shell has no concept of file “associations”). The
program name must be the name of a binary program or an
executable (text) script. Nothing else will run
 Case is significant. In other words, ls is different from LS
 It is possible to specify the location of the program as well
(for example: /bin/ls ./myscript)
 There must be a space between every element of the
command-line. Commands like ls-la or cd/ will not run
 The options may be specified in a variety of ways. All of the
following are synonymous:
ls -lax ls -l -x -a ls –ax -l
Getting Help
 Help text is available for every standard UNIX program
 This help is known as the “Manual Pages”, or man
 These are a reference tool, not a “how-to” guide
 They are used as follows: man prog-name
For example: man cal
 It is difficult to determine which program is best for a
certain task. A program that offers partial help is
 Many versions of the UNIX man pages can be found on
the Internet
Logging Out
 There are two ways of exiting a (Bourne-compatible)
 Typing the exit command
 Typing Ctrl-d
(in UNIX command-line programs, Ctrl-d always means:
“I have finished typing – I will be typing nothing further into this
 Once the shell exits, UNIX automatically logs you out,
and you are (typically) presented with a login screen
 If you are using a GUI, exiting the shell will simply close
the shell’s window – the user will remain logged in
Chapter 4

Files and Directories

Working with Files and Directories
 Similar to most operating systems, data in UNIX is
stored in files. These files are organised hierarchically
into directories (called folders in Windows)
 A useful analogy is to think of a UNIX filesystem as a
tree (perhaps an upside-down one), with the directories
being branches, and the files being the leaves
 The “top” of the tree is called the root directory
(called “/”)
 Every file (and directory) on the tree is named by listing
all the branches that lead back to the root, each
separated by a “/”, as follows:
Working with Files and Directories

bin usr tmp etc

john tom sue

documents documents email

reports proposals

returns.txt sales.txt interest.txt invoices.txt

Working with Files and Directories
 When working with files and directories, the first and
most important information to be able to find out is:
What’s available?
 The program called ls is used to display file details
(most importantly their names) and display the contents
of directories
 Useful options for ls include:
 -l display many file details, including size and security info
 -C arrange list alphabetically in columns
 -r (recursive) display contents of every sub-directory
 Arguments for ls (if there are any) are interpreted as
names of either files or directories
Working with Files and Directories
 If we can identify a directory, we can use the program
cd to “go there” (e.g. cd Documents)
 This means that if we want to manipulate files within
that directory, we no longer have to prefix each filename
with the directory’s name
 The command cd with no arguments will “take us” to
our “home” directory
 To determine where you are at any time, use the pwd
Filenames and File Types
 The following characters may be used in a filename
with no problems:
a-z A-Z 0-9 . , @ - _ + = :
 The following characters should be avoided when
naming files, because they have special use with most
space ~ ` ! # $ % ^ & * ?
( ) ' " [ ] { } ; < > \ |
 There is only one character that is not possible to use
within a filename:
Filenames and File Types (cont.)
 Unlike Windows, UNIX has no concept of a file type
 Files do not have associations – at least, not using a
command-line shell. This means that it is not possible
to type in the name of a document and expect the file to
be opened in the appropriate program
 Nor do UNIX filenames have any formal extension – a
period (‘.’) can be placed anywhere within a filename,
even at the beginning
 Some programs will work more readily with filenames
that have certain extensions
 The program file is used to make a guess as to a
file’s contents
 When using the shell (and many other programs), it is
possible to specify groups of files in a simple manner,
by using “wildcard” characters
 The shell’s wildcard characters are:
 * match any characters in the filename(s)
 For example: *.txt mark.* a*b *.*
 ? match any single character
 For example: c?t fred.???? ????x?
 [] match any single character that appears within the brackets
 For example: c[aou]t [a-zA-Z]*.txt [!d]*
 What does the following match?
ls ?[!.]*.[ch]
Displaying File Contents
 If a file contains nothing but text (for example, an HTML
file), the file can be displayed on the screen using a
number of programs:
 cat The simplest program for displaying file contents on
the screen
 more Allows output to be displayed a page (or a line) at a
 head Display only the first 10 lines of the file(s)
 tail Display only the last 10 lines of the file(s)
Comparing files
 Files may be compared to check how similar their
contents are
 There are two programs for this, depending upon what
is in the file:
1. diff Used to compare two text files. A complete list of
differences is output to the screen
2. cmp Used to compare two binary (non-text) files. The only
output is a simple statement about the character location of the
first difference between the files (if there is one)
Copying, Moving and Renaming Files
 Files may be duplicated (copied) using the cp
 cp is used in two ways:
1. cp file1 file2
Create a duplicate of file1 called file2 in the current
directory. If file2 exists it is overwritten (if you have
2. cp file1 [… fileN] dir1
All the files file1 … fileN are copied to the specified
directory dir1
Copying, Moving and Renaming Files
 Similarly, files may be moved and renamed using the
mv command
 mv is used in two ways:
1. mv file1 file2
Simply rename file1 as file2 in the current directory. If
file2 exists it is overwritten (if you have permission)
2. mv file1 [… fileN] dir1
All the files file1 … fileN are moved to the specified
directory dir1
Deleting Files
 The program called rm is used to remove (delete) files
 If a file is marked as “read-only” (more about this later),
you will be asked for a y/n confirmation
 This program has several options:
 -i (interactive) Ask for a y/n confirmation before deleting
each file
 -f (force) Do not ask for any confirmation, and display no
error message if a file does not exist
 -r (recursive) Use with extreme caution!! If any of the
arguments is a directory, remove the directory and all its
contents (including subdirectories)
Hidden Files
 All files whose names begin with a “.” are considered
“hidden” files
 This means they are not displayed during a regular ls
of that directory, and are not matched by wildcards
(* or ?). For example, they are not removed by the
command rm *
 The -a option can be used with ls to list hidden files
 These files are not special in any particular sense. Any
file can be renamed so that it starts with a “.”
 Hidden files are usually configuration files, such as
.profile or .exrc
The “.” and “..” Directories
 Two useful aliases are automatically created in each
 “.” This is a shorthand for “the current directory”
For example: cp /tmp/*.doc .
 “..” This is a shorthand for “the parent” directory”
For example: mv *.txt ..
 These are treated as “hidden”
Relative vs Absolute Paths
 Consider the following file:
 There are a number of ways of accessing this file,
depending upon your “current directory”:
 From /usr/tom
 From /usr/tom/business/reports/june
 From /
 From /usr/tom/business/reports/june/drafts
Relative vs Absolute Paths (cont.)
 If we had no concept of a “current directory,” we would
always have to use the full filename (path) for any file
(known as an absolute path)
 The notion of a “current directory” was created to allow
shorter, simpler specification of filenames
 A filename that is specified relative to your “current
directory” is known as a relative path
 Any filename (path) that begins with a “/” is an absolute
path. All others are relative paths
 All UNIX programs can handle relative or absolute
paths, or a mixture of both
Working with Directories
 Directories can be created using the mkdir program
 For example: mkdir newdir
 Directories can be removed (deleted) using the rmdir
 For example: rmdir newdir
 Directories can only be deleted using rmdir if they are empty
(contain no files – not even hidden files)
 To remove a directory that is not empty, use rm -r (Note: this
will remove all files and subdirectories as well)
 Directories can be renamed and moved using mv in the
usual manner
Finding Files
 The find program can be used to locate files (amongst
other things). It’s usage is:
find top-directory [criteria and actions]
 For example:
find /usr/tom -name report.txt -print
 Notes:
 The -print option is the default action in some
implementations of find, and is thence not necessary
 When using wildcards with the -name criterion, enclose the
argument in single-quotes ('), as follows:
find . -name '*.txt' -print
Finding Files (cont.)
 The find program can also be used
 to find files based on other criteria
 to perform actions on the files found (other than display their
 For example:
find . -type f -exec rm -i {} \;
 Files can be found on the basis of any file attribute
Archiving Files
 Consider the following tasks you may wish to perform
on a collection of files and subdirectories:
 Move them to another location on the hard disk
 Back them up onto removable media (such as tape)
 Send them electronically to another machine (perhaps over the
 For these purposes it is necessary to create an archive
– a single file (or image on tape) that contains all the
information about the files and directories (including the
file names, ownerships, modification dates and
Archiving Files (cont.)
 There are several programs available in UNIX that can
archive files:

Command Can write to Provides

offline media? compression?
tar Y Y
cpio Y N
gzip N Y
compress n/a Y
Chapter 5

Users and Groups
 UNIX is a "multi-user" operating system
 This means:
 More than one user may interact with (log on to) the system at
any given moment
 Each user has a separate set of access privileges for system
resources (such as files)

Operating System Simultaneous users? Separate privileges?

Windows 2000/XP Y Y
Windows NT N Y
Windows 95/98 N N
Users and Groups (cont.)
 A user is a system ID that allows each user that logs in
to identify themselves for resource-access purposes
 When a collection of users require similar access to a
resource, each user in the collection may be made a
member of a group, and the group given access to the
 The following table shows security-related commands:
Command Purpose
who am i Display login information, including user name
id Display current user and group information
su username Temporarily run a shell as another user
newgrp groupname Switch current group
File Protection Overview
 The following security-related information is stored
against each file/directory in a UNIX filesystem:
 The owner of the file (a user name)
 The group that the file belongs to (a group name)
 The permissions that various parties have to access the file
 There are three sets of permissions:
1. The access privileges of the owner of the file
2. The access privileges of any members of the file's group
3. The access privileges of everyone else
 Only the file’s owner is allowed to change any of these
 All the above details may be examined using ls -l
File Protection Overview (cont.)
 The three permission letters (r, w, and x) mean the

Permission For Files For Directories

r read view contents (e.g. ls)
w modify (write) create or delete files
x execute access (e.g. cd)
Changing File Permissions
 The program used to change file permissions is chmod
(short for change mode)
 There are two distinct methods of using chmod:
1. Symbolic mode
2. Numeric mode
 Both methods have the following usage:
chmod permissions filename(s)
Only the permissions differs between methods
 Symbolic mode is used mainly by beginners. Once a
user is comfortable with chmod, they almost always
use Numeric mode
chmod Symbolic Mode

 In symbolic mode, permissions are specified by using

letters, as follows:
 chmod u+w file1 Give the owner write permission
 chmod g-r file1 Remove read permission for the
 The most common letters are:
Persons Action Permissions
u owner + add r read
g group - remove w write
o other = set x execute
a all
chmod Symbolic Mode (cont.)

 Multiple permissions may be specified as follows:

 chmod uo+w,u-rx file1
Give the owner and others write permission, and remove read
and execute permission for the user
 As you can see, to set all 9 permissions could be time-
chmod Numeric Mode
 In numeric mode, permissions are specified by using
three numbers
 All permissions are specified in one command
 If we allow that r=4, w=2 and x=1, we can set
permissions for each of the three types of persons
(owner, group & others) by adding together the
numbers corresponding to the permission we want
 For example:
 chmod 640 file1 rw-r-----
Give the owner read and write permission, the group read
permission, and no permissions to anyone else
 chmod 070 file1 ---rwx---
Give full permissions to the group only
chmod Numeric Mode (cont.)
 While there are hundreds of legal combinations, only a
few are used commonly:
chmod ls
Data files 444 r--r--r--
644 rw-r--r--
664 rw-rw-r--
666 rw-rw-rw-
Programs 750 rwxr-x---
755 rwxr-xr-x
777 rwxrwxrwx
Directories 755 rwxr-xr-x
775 rwxrwxr-x
777 rwxrwxrwx
Changing File Ownership
 Changing the owner of a file is done using the chown
program, as follows:
chown owner filename(s)
 For example:
chown fred *.doc
 Notes:
 Ownership of a file has nothing to do with the location of the
file. In other words, a file may be owned by fred but sitting in
tom's home directory
 You cannot change any permissions on a file that you don't
own, so if you're changing many things, change ownership last
 If you change the ownership of a file, you cannot change
it back
Changing File Group
 Changing the group ownership of a file is done using
the chgrp program, as follows:
chgrp group filename(s)
 For example:
chgrp marketing data*
 Notes:
 If you are a member of a group, and that group has permission
over a file, and when you try to exercise that permission you get
a "permission denied" error, use the newgrp command to
switch your current group
A Dangerous Security Loophole
 Consider the following permission set:
drwxrwxrwx ... dir1
-r--r--r-- ... dir1/file1
 It is possible to modify file1 by doing the following:
1. cp file1 file2
2. Modify file2 (this is possible because all files created by you
are able to be modified by you by default)
3. rm file1 (this is possible because dir1 is writable)
4. mv file2 file1
5. Change any necessary ownership/permissions/etc to make
file2 look more like the original file1
 Moral: Always pay attention to directory permissions
Chapter 6

Combining Programs
- Pipes and Filters
Standard Output
 Most running UNIX programs produce output
 Such output usually ends up on the screen (the user's monitor)
 This output can be "redirected" to one of two other
1. A file
2. Another program
 To redirect output to a file, the ">" symbol is used
 For example:
ls –l > listing
A file called listing is created in the current directory
that contains the output of the ls program
Standard Output (cont.)
 To redirect output to another program, the "|" ("pipe")
symbol is used
 For example:
who | wc
 When this command is typed on the command line, the
shell does the following:
 Starts the who program
 Starts the wc program
 Connects the two in such a way that the output of the first
program is "piped" to the second, where it is used as input

who wc
Standard Input
 The previous diagram implies (correctly) that programs
can take input
 Not many programs take input
 By default, a program's input comes from the keyboard
 An appropriate use of the shell can cause a program to
take input from one of two other places:
1. A file
2. Another program
 Input is read from a file by using the "<" symbol
 For example:
wc < file
Standard Input and Output
 The input and output described above are known as
Standard Input and Standard Output
 The diagram below summarises this:

Keyboard Screen

File File
Running UNIX
Program program Program
Standard Output
Standard Input
Standard Input and Output (cont.)
 Why would we want to do this? Why would we want to
connect programs together, or read data from files?
 Most of the command-line utilities that come with UNIX
adhere to the philosophy that "complex" tasks may be
performed by combining simple programs
 This "roll-your-own" approach has made UNIX very
successful, and is the foundation of shell-scripting
About Filters
 A filter is a UNIX command-line utility that has the
following properties:
1. It takes standard input
2. It performs some processing on the data it reads
3. It produces output based upon that input
 For example, wc is a filter. The processing it performs
is counting lines, words and characters. ls, however,
is not a filter (it takes no input)
 Filters are used to process the data produced by other
programs and the data in files
Common Filters
 The following programs are filters that are used
regularly in UNIX:
Filter Processing done to Standard Input
cat None
more Pagination
grep Removal of lines that do not contain certain text
sort Sorting
wc Counting of lines, words and/or characters
tee Duplication – write to files and screen
sed Basic editing
awk Anything
Searching for Text in Files
 In the previous table, it was said that grep's processing
is "removal of lines that do not contain certain text"
 This can be put more meaningfully in two other ways:
 grep is used to search for text in files (or Standard Input)
 grep is a true filter, in every sense of the word
 grep has the following usage:
grep pattern filename(s)
 For example:
grep Mark *.txt
 grep uses its own set of wildcards
 Use grep with find to locate files in all directories
Standard Error
 Each program actually produces two sets of output:

Keyboard Screen

File File
Running UNIX
Program program Program


Standard Error
Standard Error (cont.)
 To redirect Standard Error to a file, use "2>"
 (Standard Output can also be redirected using "1>")
 This means that a command's output can be redirected
to two separate files, if need be, as follows:
command1 > fileA 2> fileB
 It is possible to redirect all output to the same place, as
command1 > fileA 2>&1
 Any form of output may be redirected to /dev/null if it
is not wanted at all
Chapter 7

Process Control
About Processes
 A process is a running program
 Every process is assigned a unique process ID (usually
in the range 1-30000)
 Running processes for the current login session can be
examined by using the ps command
 ps also has the following options:
 -u userDisplay all processes for the given user
 -f or -l Display listings with more details
 -e Display all processes on the system
About Processes (cont.)
 It is sometimes useful to think of a process stack:




Running Commands Asynchronously
 If a process is run asynchronously ("in the background"),
the shell does not wait for the process to finish before
presenting another prompt and allowing you to start
further processes
 To run a process asynchronously, append a "&" to the
command line
 Notes:
 Commands that take Standard Input should never be run in the
 Commands that produce Standard Output (or Error) can be run
in the background, but it is a good idea to redirect their output to
a file (or /dev/null)
 Asynchronous processes are terminated when you log out
Killing Processes
 Any running process may be stopped by using the
kill program, as follows:
kill process-ID
 For example:
kill 12548
 Notes:
 Some processes can leave the system in an unexpected state
when they are killed – try to avoid using kill if possible
 kill will only succeed if you have permission to kill a process
 Some processes are programmed to ignore attempts to kill
them. If you really want the program to end, and you've already
tried kill, then try:
kill -9 process-ID
 If you are using ksh or bash, it is possible to suspend
(or stop) running processes, in order that further
processes may be started. A stopped process is called
a job
 While a process is running, use Ctrl-z to stop it
 The command fg will resume the most recently
stopped program
 The command jobs is used to see a list of all stopped
jobs. Each is prefixed by a number that can be used by
fg to resume that particular process
 Note that programs running asynchronously cannot be
More Process Control
 All running processes are assigned a priority by the
operating system. This priority determines what share
of the CPU time the process is given
 It is possible to adjust this priority using the nice
 A higher priority will result in the process completing
sooner, at the expense of other processes. A lower
priority will prevent your process from impinging too
much upon the speed of other processes
 Priorities are numbers in the range -20 (highest) to 19
(lowest). The default priority is 10
More Process Control (cont.)
 nice is used as follows:
nice -priority command [arguments]
 For example:
nice --20 find / -name output.file
nice -19 backup /home
 Note that on most UNIX's, no user except root is
permitted to increase a process's priority
More Process Control (cont.)
 Recall that processes running asynchronously are
terminated when the user logs out
 It is possible to prevent this, by using the nohup
command (short for "no hang-up"), as follows:
nohup command [arguments] &
 For example
nohup backup /home &
 Any Standard Output the process produces will be
written to a file called nohup.out, unless it is
redirected elsewhere
Scheduling Commands
 It is possible to schedule commands to be run at a
particular time in the future (usually within the next 24
 The command at is used to schedule commands, as
$ at 2315
> cd /home/fred
> tar cf /dev/fd0 *
> rm –rf *
> Ctrl-d
 Any Standard Output produced is emailed to the user
Chapter 8

vi – A UNIX Text Editor

Understanding vi
 vi (short for visual editor) is a UNIX text editor – a
full-screen program used to edit text files, including:
 HTML documents
 Shell scripts
 Configuration files
 Source code (C, C++, etc)
 It evolved from the line-based editing programs ed and
ex, and shares many of the same editing commands
 vi is notoriously unintuitive and difficult to learn, but
conversely, once learnt, it is one of the most powerful,
and feature-rich editors in the world (on any platform)
Understanding vi (cont.)

 Owing to the limitations of primitive early keyboards,

and unlike most other text editors, when using vi, you
will always find yourself in one of two modes:
1. Command mode, where each key typed represents an editing
2. Insert mode, where each key typed (except ESC) represents
text that you wish to insert into the document
 The diagram on the next page summarises this
Understanding vi (cont.)


Command mode Insert mode

a, A, i, I, o, O, s, S, c, C, etc
Manipulating Files
 Like most text editors and word processors, vi can be
started with a document to edit, or without – as an
"empty canvass", as follows:
 To use vi to edit a file:
vi filename(s)
 For example:
vi script1
vi *.txt
 Or to start vi with no file:
Manipulating Files (cont.)
 Once vi has been started, you will find yourself in
Command Mode
 To perform some simple editing:
 Use (for example) a to "append" text after the current cursor
position (and enter Insert Mode)
 Enter some text, for example:
The quick brown fox
Jumps over the Lazy Dog
 Press ESC to return to Command Mode
 We will now look at the many ways in which we may
quit vi and save the changes
Manipulating Files (cont.)
 :w write (save) the file (only if a name has been specified)
 :w file write to the specified file (save as)
 :q quit (only if no changes have been made)
 :wq save and then quit
 :x or ZZ save the file (if changes have been made), then quit
 :q! abandon any changes and quit
 :w! write to a read-only file (that you own)
 :e file open the specified file (if no changes have been made)
 :e! file open the specified file (abandon any changes)
 :e# or ^6 open the last file edited
 :n and :n! open the next file specified on the command line
 :rew rewind to the first file specified on the command line
 :f or ^g display current file details
Moving Around
 PC keyboard special keys (arrow keys, Page Up, End,
etc) sometimes work in vi
 Any command listed below with a  can be prefixed
with a number n to move n intervals
 Moving on the current line
 SPACE or l  Move ahead one character
 BACKSPACE or h  Move back one character
 $ Move to the last character on the line
 ^ or 0 Move to the first character on the line
 fX  Move to (find) the next instance of character X
 ;  Move to the next instance of character X
Moving Around (cont.)
 Moving between lines
 ENTER or j or +  Move to the next line
 k or -  Move to the previous line
 ^f  Move forward one page (page down)
 ^b  Move back one page (page up)
 ^d  Move down half a page
 ^u  Move up half a page
 G Go to last line in file
 1G Go to first line in file
 nG Go to line n in file
Moving Around (cont.)
 Other move commands
 /pattern Move to the next occurrence of pattern
 n (N)  Move to the next (previous) occurrence
 w (b)  Move forward (back) one word
 % Find the matching bracket: ( ) [ ] and { }
 ]] ([[)  Move to the next (previous) C function
 mx Mark a line with label x
 'x Go to line labelled x
Basic Editing
 The following commands take you into Insert Mode,
where text is then entered. Press ESC to return to
Command Mode:
 a (i) Append (insert) text after (before) the current cursor
 A (I) Append text to the end (beginning) of the line
 o (O) Start (open) a new line after (before) the current line
 s  Substitute the current character with text
 cw  Change the remainder of the word to new text
Basic Editing (cont.)
 The following commands are also used for basic
editing, but do not take you to Insert Mode:
 x (X)  Delete (cut) the char under (before) the cursor
 dd  Delete (cut) the current line
 p  Put (paste) the recently deleted text
 yy  Yank (copy) the current line
 rx  Replace the current character with x
 The following commands special commands are very
 u Undo the last command
 U Restore the current line to how it was when
you arrived on it
 .  Repeat the last command
Advanced Editing
 The following commands are simply useful:
 >> (<<)  Shift the current line to the right (left)
 J Join the next line to the current line
 ^l Redraw the screen
 :m,ns/abc/xyz/g
Substitute all occurrences of abc with xyz on
lines m to n (using grep-like regular expressions)
(use 1,$ for all lines in file, . for current line)
 :!command Run a shell command (e.g. ls)
(use % for current filename, # for alternate file)
 :sh Obtain a temporary shell
Configuring vi

 It is possible to specify options that modify the general

behaviour of vi
 Use :set to list currently set options (or :set all to
list every option)
 "On/off" options (for example, ai) can be specified as
:set ai (turn option on)
:set noai (turn option off)
 "Value" options (for example, ts) can be specified as
:set ts=4
Configuring vi (cont.)

 Useful options include:

Option Name Type Purpose
ai autoindent on/off Cause new lines to inherit the indentation
of the previous line
ic ignorecase on/off Searches will be case-insensitive
nu numbers on/off display line numbers
sw shiftwidth value The number of spaces the shift with >>
and <<
ts tabstop value The number of spaces to use when
displaying TAB characters
Configuring vi (cont.)

 If you would prefer these options to be in effect every

time you start vi, put them into a file in your home
directory called .exrc
 Ensure every line starts with set …
Chapter 9

The UNIX File System

How Files are Stored
 What does it mean to say that a file is "in" a directory?
 Everything on a UNIX filesystem (hard disk) is a file,
even directories
 A UNIX directory "file" simply contains a list of filenames
and i-node numbers
another.txt 10299
Directory binfile 3409
"File" commands 23568
jjchap1.html 4574
jjchap2.html 34785
links.html 4366
new.file 1002
sample.html 45845
subdir1 9933
user.list 5646
How Files are Stored (cont.)
 An i-node number is simply a reference to an i-node in
the i-node table (c.f. FAT in DOS/Windows)
 An i-node ("information node") is a set of details about a
single file on disk, including:
 File size
 Creation, access and modification times
 Owner and group
 Permissions
 File type (file, directory, device, etc)
 Link count (typically 1)
 Starting block number
 Use ls -i to display i-node numbers for any file
How Files are Stored (cont.)

another.txt 10299 4573 4575

binfile 3409
commands 23568 12 bytes 112006 bytes
jjchap1.html 4574 mvirtue root
jjchap2.html 34785 admin root
links.html 4366 rw-rw-r-- r--r--r--
new.file 1002 Block 86764 Block 1204
sample.html 45845
subdir1 9933
4574 4576
user.list 5646
966 bytes 4441 bytes
fred mvirtue
marketing marketing
rw-r--r— rwxr-xr-x
Block 91283 Block 45623

I-node Table
How Files are Stored (cont.)

another.txt 10299 91282

4573 91284
binfile 3409 Dies machine 1%6e@-_ 7[;z.
commands 23568 12 bytes 112006 bytes
is nicht fur $9_&!)_.ywefr
jjchap1.html 4574 mvirtue root
gefingerpoken _data%8@ &
jjchap2.html 34785 admin root
und mitten-g 9(@&..-'<b$sW
links.html 4366 rw-rw-r-- r--r--r--
raben by das 6^2@-';]{ .fR
new.file 1002 Block 86764 Block 1204
dumkopfen. Is _gfunc(*2@,.U
sample.html 45845
subdir1 9933
4574 91285
user.list 5646
Hello. My na #!/bin/sh
966 bytes 4441 bytes
me is Fred. I #
fred mvirtue
work in the m # This shell
marketing marketing
arketing depa #
rw-r--r— rwxr-xr-x
rtment. I am trap 1 15 ""
Block 91283 Block 45623
32 years old, usage()

Understanding Links
 In UNIX, unlike some other operating systems, it is
possible for a file to have more than one name, in more
than one directory
 Each name is called a link (including the original name)
 All links to a file share the same i-node, meaning that
every link shares the same permissions, etc
 No link is considered "more important" than any other
link. In particular, if there is more than one link, there is
no concept of an "original" and "duplicates"
Understanding Links (cont.)
 The rm program simply "unlinks" the link that you specify
 When all links to a file have been unlinked, the data that
the file contained is "deleted" (marked as available)
 ls -l can be used to examine how many links any
given file has (including the one in the listing)
 There is no simple program that can show all links to a
given file. Instead, use find and search for an i-node
number, as follows:
find dir –inum 12345
Understanding Links (cont.)
91282 91284
Dies machine 1%6e@-_ 7[;z.
is nicht fur $9_&!)_.ywefr
gefingerpoken _data%8@ &
und mitten-g 9(@&..-'<b$sW
raben by das 6^2@-';]{ .fR
dumkopfen. Is _gfunc(*2@,.U

91283 91285
Hello. My na #!/bin/sh
me is Fred. I #
work in the m # This shell
arketing depa #
rtment. I am trap 1 15 ""
32 years old, usage()

Linking Files
 The program ln is used to create links to existing files
 Its usage is identical to that of cp, except the file is not
copied (duplicated), another reference (link) to the file is
simply created
Symbolic Links
 All the links mentioned so far are also known as hard links,
to distinguish them from symbolic links
 To create a symbolic link to a file means to create a small
file (a separate file) that contains nothing but a reference to
the original's filename
 This means that, when referring to symbolic links, the terms
"original" and "link to original" make sense
 Microsoft Windows also offers a form of symbolic link,
known as a shortcut (Windows does not support hard links)
 ln -s is used to create symbolic links
 Using ls -l, symbolic links are indicated by a "l" file type
Symbolic Links (cont.)
91282 91284
Dies machine 1%6e@-_ 7[;z.
is nicht fur $9_&!)_.ywefr
gefingerpoken _data%8@ &
und mitten-g 9(@&..-'<b$sW
raben by das 6^2@-';]{ .fR
dumkopfen. Is _gfunc(*2@,.U

91283 91285
Hello. My na #!/bin/sh
me is Fred. I #
work in the m # This shell
arketing depa #
rtment. I am trap 1 15 ""
32 years old, usage()

UNIX File Types
 Most files in UNIX represent actual files (in the regular
sense). ls -l represents these with a "-"
 The table below shows the other types of file that exist:
ls -l Type Description
d directory Container for other files
l symbolic link Reference to another file
c character device Represents character-based
hardware (e.g. serial port)
b block device Represents block-based hardware
(e.g. floppy disk)
p pipe (FIFO) Communications file
 Microsoft DOS and Windows use designators like a:,
c: and k: to represent each accessible filesystem
 In UNIX, all files that users can access are found in a
single directory tree (with its root called "/")
 This is achieved by mounting each available filesystem
onto a subdirectory of the "root" filesystem, including:
 Other hard disks
 Floppy disks
 Network disks
 Each filesystem is typically mounted onto an empty
Mounting (cont.)

usr tmp mnt

tom sue

documents email

source library
Mounting (cont.)
 It is easy to determine used and available disk space on
any filesystem, by using the df (disk free) command
 The disk space used by any directory can by displayed
with the du (disk usage) command
Chapter 10

Using telnet
 telnet is a program used to obtain a login prompt
(and/or a shell) on another UNIX machine
 The remote machine must be connected to the local
machine by a TCP/IP network (including the Internet)
 In order to log on to a remote system, you will need:
 A telnet program (such programs exist for many platforms,
including Windows)
 The name or IP address of the remote machine (for example, or
 (usually) A username and password (your local username and
password will not necessarily work on the remote machine)
Using mail

 There is a simple and rudimentary email program

available on all UNIX systems, called mail
 It is used in two modes:
 To send an individual message to one or more recipients:
mail root
 To read and reply to messages and send new messages:
Chapter 11

Customising Your Shell Environment

Changing Your Login Shell
 Most users are unable to change their login shell. This
is usually the job of the system administrator
 If you have superuser access, you can modify your
login shell by trying one of the following:
 Some UNIX systems offer a program called usermod
 Start whatever program is used to create and modify user
accounts and look for an option to change your shell
 Edit the file called /etc/passwd and modify the last part of the
line that corresponds to your user
 Edit the .profile file in your home directory and add
the line exec new-shell to the end
(for example: exec /bin/csh)
Environment Variables
 A shell environment variable is a shell setting that can
be viewed and adjusted at any time
 Each variable is of the form name=value
 Shell variables may be set on the command-line as
 For example:
 Existing variables may be modified in exactly the same
Environment Variables (cont.)
 The values of existing variables may be examined by
echo $variable
 For example
echo $PS1
 The program set is used to show all environment
variable that have been set
 Shell variable names cannot contain spaces
 Shell variable values can contain spaces. If this is
required, enclose the value with double-quotes:
PS1="hello there"
Environment Variables (cont.)
 Many programs (including the shell itself) use shell
environment variable as configuration options
 For example:
 All variables that are to be used as configuration
options should be exported, as follows:
export variable
 For example:
export PS1
Common Environment Variables
Variable Purpose
LINES, Specify the dimensions of the screen for full-screen
COLUMS programs
HOME Directory name. Various programs will create config files
here. Where cd will go with no arguments
LOGNAME The name of the currently logged-in user
MAIL Location of the mailbox that the shell checks periodically
to notify of new mail
MAILCHECK Number of seconds between new mail checks
PATH Program search directories – See later module
PS1 Shell prompt – See later module
SHELL Your preferred shell, for programs like vi and telnet
TERM Terminal type
 PATH is an environment variable used by the shell to
determine where to look for executable programs
 PATH is interpreted as a list of directory names
separated by ":". When a command is typed on the
command-line, the shell will look in each PATH directory
in the list in turn until an executable file with that name
is encountered
 Users can add their own directories to the list (or even
completely replace the list):
 or
Your Prompt
 PS1 contains the text that represents your shell prompt
 As with any shell variable, this can be changed to
anything you like
 Certain shells, such as ksh and bash, offer dynamic
prompts, i.e. prompts that change with time. Dynamic
prompts can include:
 The current working directory
 The current date and time
 The current machine name
 The current user
 The command-history command number
 The results of any program
Your .profile
 Changing your PATH, your prompt, or any other shell
variable will only have an effect during the current shell
session. In other words, as soon as the shell ends (on
logout, etc), the changes are lost
 To make the same changes every time you log in, put
the commands into the file called .profile
 .profile is a file containing commands that are
executed automatically every time the user logs in with
a Bourne compatible shell
 It is possible to add to .profile any command that
you would like to have automatically run when you log
Your .profile (cont.)
 .profile is to logging into UNIX what autoexec.bat
is to booting into DOS
 .profile is an example of a shell script
 If you edit your .profile, it is possible to apply the
changes without having to log out and log in again. Use
the command:
. .profile
Command-line Editing
 A command-line history is a shell feature that allows
users to re-enter commands without having to retype
 Command-line editing allows the current command or
any previous command to be modified before ENTER is
 If you use bash, you can use the PC-keyboard arrow
keys t perform simple and intuitive command-line
editing and history
 If you use sh, you have no command-line editing or
history available
Korn Shell Command-line Editing
 If you use ksh, you have command-line editing and
history available by way of vi commands
 If you imagine that your shell command-line is a little,
one-line vi session, starting in Insert Mode each time
ENTER is pressed, then you should have no trouble
browsing your command history or editing command-
 For example, to re-enter the last command, type the
 ESC (to enter Command Mode)
 k (to go up one line)
 ENTER (to enter the command)
Other Shell Customisation Options
 The program umask is used to specify the permissions
that all files created by the current shell should have
 It usage is as follows:
umask permissions
where permissions are similar to those specified in
chmod's numeric mode, except that permissions
specifies the permissions that should be turned off
 For example, if the command
umask 022
is given then all subsequent files created will have a
permission "mask" of 666 - 022 = 644 (rw-r--r--)
(Note: "execute" permission cannot be specified)
Other Shell Customisation Options
 It is necessary for some shell accounts to exhibit the
following behaviour:
1. The user logs in
2. A particular program is automatically started, such as an
accounts package or some third-party software
3. When that program exits, the user is immediately presented
with another login prompt
 To cause this behaviour, add the following line to the
end of the .profile:
exec program-name
 The only way .profile can be subsequently
adjusted is to log in with a different username
Other Shell Customisation Options
 Other alternatives to achieve the same result include:
 Adding the following lines to the end of the .profile:
(Note: this method uses slightly more memory)
 Making the program your shell
(Note: with this method, no shell variables can be set or other
commands run)
The End

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