The Origin of Religion

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Man as a traveller is known since time immemorial.

Initially their travel was for the quest

of food followed by shelter. Generally with the passage of time their travel turned to
several new dimensions-travel as an adventure, travel as hobby, for relaxation, to enjoy
natural beauty, as a pilgrimage, to acquire knowledge on historical aspects and
archaeological sites. Travel sometimes is associated with adventure and sometimes for
religious purpose by visiting pilgrimages or by taking holy dip. All these are to quench the
thirst of mind. Thus, travel or tour has a very important position in human life and
ultimately tourism that is movement of people within their own country or across the
national border became one of the largest and gainful industries in the economic domain
of human life
Usually people do have positive feelings while discussing the relationship between
tourism and religion; they refer than to pilgrimages, Santiago the Compostella, Mecca, or
a visit to the Notre-Dame in Paris. The question is whether it is all sunshine in this regard.
Do we feel comfortable in a community where the
Sunday observance is (still) valid, or do we enjoy our holidays while the media speak
about the threat of
terrorist attacks (between the lines linking these to Muslim fundamentalists)?
Therefore, it is worthwhile to search for the influence of religion on tourism, mainly for
the influence of
fundamentalist utterances of the various religions on tourism.
Searching for the origin of religion it seems to be that non-humans e.g. chimpanzees
and bonobos
and elephants - do exhibit some traits that would have been necessary for the evolution
of religion (King, 2007),
while Bekoff (2009) argues that many species grieve death and loss.The earliest
evidence of religious thought is
based on the ritual treatment of the dead. The earliest known burial of modern humans is
from a cave in Israel
located at Qafzeh. Human remains have been dated to 100,000 years ago.
Insights from a totally different perspective are given by the neurobiologist Swaab
(2010). He says a primal
feeling is hidden in the human brain which makes people religious. According to him the
amount of
spirituality is determined on genetic base at least for 50%.
As stated before, we will focus on (possibly) uneasy influence of religion on tourism, in
terms of
(possibly) unwanted or unacceptable behaviour of tourists, unacceptable from the host
(society) point of view.
This point of view is dictated by religious convictions. It might be that sources referred to
are not explicit with regard to the motives of the host (society).
The problem statement consists of the following questions:
(1) How do hosts and host societies perceive tourists behaviour while relating their
perception to religious
(or cultural) convictions?
(2) Which differences and similarities can be found between (fundamentalist) utterances
of various
(3) Which theoretical views can be found in this regard?
The sources which have been consulted are: literature, papers, documents, newspapers,
TV programmes,
Internet, and other (social) media, including correspondence through social media.
While searching for similarities and differences between religions with regard to their
influence on tourism we
follow the methodology of the grounded theory in order to generate theory from data
(Glaser and Strauss, 1967).

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