E.fecalis and Calcium Hydroxide
E.fecalis and Calcium Hydroxide
E.fecalis and Calcium Hydroxide
Key Words
Adhesin, adhesion, binding, disinfection, susceptibility
Kayaoglu et al.
Basic ResearchBiology
Pretreatment Conditions
One thousand fifty-microliter aliquots of the bacterial suspensions
were added to plastic test tubes. In group 1, 1,050 L of acid-soluble
collagen type I solution in PBS (100 g/mL) (Sigma Chemical Co, St
Louis, MO) was added. The pH of the collagen solution at this concentration was 4.25, as measured using a digital pH meter. The resultant
concentration of collagen in the mixture with bacteria was 50 g/mL.
The pH of the mixture was 4.91. In group 2, 1,050 L of acidified PBS
(ac-PBS) was added, the pH of which had been adjusted to 4.25 by
addition of acetic acid. There were four parallel tubes in each group.
The mixtures were then incubated at 37C for 1 hour as standard pretreatment of the E. faecalis cells.
After 1 hour, samples of 100 L were removed from each group,
serially diluted, plated on tryptone soy agar plates, and incubated at
37C for 2 days. Colony-forming units were counted and recorded as the
baseline viable bacterial numbers.
Challenge Conditions
Immediately after pretreatment, 1 mL of ac-PBS was added to
group 1 and 1 mL of collagen solution to group 2, with the purpose of
making the collagen concentration and the pH of the medium identical
in both groups. The study design also sought to make the possible
disinfectant-neutralizing effect of collagen similar for both groups. After
these additions, the pH of the mixture in both groups was 4.70. Subsequently, 7 mL of calcium hydroxide solution (1.25 mL of saturated
solution of calcium hydroxide diluted with 5.75 mL of distilled water)
was added to both groups. Samples of 100 L were removed at 6, 12,
and 24 hours; serially diluted; and plated on tryptone soy agar plates.
Colony-forming units (CFUs) were counted after incubation at 37C for
2 days. The experiment was repeated twice. Absolute viable bacterial
numbers were converted to log10 values, and the average of the three
experiments was calculated. Bacterial detection limit of the experiment
was 100 CFU/mL.
Adherence Assay
An adherence assay (biofilm assay) was performed to test whether
bacteria bound the free collagen molecules in the bacteria-collagen
pretreatment mixture. The assay was performed as described previously
(15). Briefly, 96-well microtiter plates (Sarstedt Inc, Newton, NC) were
coated with collagen type I (50 g/mL PBS) overnight at 4C. Wells
were blocked with bovine serum albumin (Sigma Chemical Co, 100
g/mL PBS) in order to prevent nonspecific binding of the bacteria to
JOE Volume 35, Number 1, January 2009
plastic surfaces. Bacteria were grown at 46C, washed, and standardized as described previously. The bacteria were pretreated 1 hour either
with collagen or ac-PBS at the same concentrations to which they were
exposed during the main experiment. Aliquots of 200 L of the bacterial
suspensions were then added to the collagen-coated wells and incubated for 2 hours. Nonadherent bacteria were removed by washing with
PBS three times. The remaining bacteria were stained with crystal violet
(1%), and the stain captured by the cells was solubilized by the addition
of ethanol:acetone (4:1). The intensity of the stain was measured spectrophotometrically at OD570 and served as a measure of adhesion to the
well walls. The assay was performed in two parallels and repeated three
The relationship of the OD measurements of the dissolved crystal
violet to bacterial numbers was assessed in a separate methodologic
experiment; suspensions of known bacterial concentrations were dried
onto the sides of wells before the staining procedure. The ensuing OD
readings were used to construct a standard curve for OD versus bacterial cell concentrations. A near-linear relationship was found for a loglog plot of the results (Fig. 1), which was used to transform the OD
measurements to bacterial cell concentrations.
Statistical Analysis
Data obtained were analyzed statistically using a Student t test at
p 0.01 as the level for statistical significance.
The results of the susceptibility experiment are shown in Figure 2.
Baseline viable bacterial numbers were found to be [mean CFU/mL
(standard deviation)]: 7.79 108 (6.0 107) for group 1 and 6.08
108 (1.19 108) for group 2. These mean values corresponded to
log10 values of 8.89 and 8.78, respectively. The baseline bacterial numbers were fewer than the nonpretreated standard yields of OD540
1.0 (1 2 109 CFU/mL), suggesting that some of the bacteria could
not survive the acidity in the pretreatment medium. However, no significant difference was found for the baseline viable numbers of bacteria
between the two experimental groups. There was no significant reduction in bacterial viability at 6 hours, and no significant difference was
found between the groups at this period. However, the number of viable
bacteria decreased significantly in both groups at 12 hours, and significantly more viable bacteria were recovered in group 1 compared with
group 2 (more than 10 times, p 0.01). No bacteria could be cultivated in the 24-hour samples of either group.
The standard curve obtained by matching known numbers of bacteria (the y-axis) and their corresponding OD readings after crystal
Figure 2. The survival of collagen-pretreated and ac-PBSpretreated (collagenadded) bacteria after calcium hydroxide challenge. Average and standard deviations of four experiments. The standard deviations were so small (all less
than 0.1) that the error bars cannot be discerned in the figure.
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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright 2016. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Basic ResearchBiology
violet destaining (the x-axis) (Fig. 1) were used to calculate the amount
of the bacteria adhering to the collagen-coated wells. According to these
calculations, collagen-pretreated bacteria were found to adhere significantly less than nonpretreated bacteria to collagen-coated surfaces
(p 0.01, Fig. 3).
The main finding of this study was that cells of E. faecalis pretreated with collagen were less susceptible to calcium hydroxide at one
period than those that were not pretreated with collagen.
E. faecalis A197A has been shown to adhere to collagen at increased numbers after growth at 46C (15). Therefore, 46C was chosen as the growth temperature in this study to achieve the collagenadherent phenotype and to test the effect of collagen association by the
bacterium on susceptibility to calcium hydroxide. After growth, potential collagen-adhering bacteria were exposed to free collagen in the
pretreatment medium. The results of the adherence assay suggested that
the free collagen was bound by the bacteria in this step; because the
bacterial cell surfaces were covered by the free collagen, these bacteria
could not further adhere to the immobilized collagen on the wells.
The effect of bacterial adherence to various surfaces on susceptibility to antimicrobial substances has been investigated in previous studies. For example, adhesion by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia
coli, and Candida albicans to organic or inorganic surfaces has been
found to increase the resistance of these microorganisms against antimicrobials or adverse conditions through stimulation of biofilm formation, upregulation of efflux pump genes, or production of stress proteins
(18 20). Although these experiments tested microorganisms attached
to a surface, the study presented here examined bacteria at a planktonic
state in which collagen-associated E. faecalis cells exposed to calcium
hydroxide were in suspension. The resistance mechanism of the suspended bacteria may be different from those adhering to a surface. One
example is the difference between the biofilm and the planktonic bacteria. Biofilm bacteria can become up to 1,000 times stronger against an
antimicrobial than their planktonic counterparts by using multiple resistance mechanisms including production of an exopolysaccharide
protective matrix and the modulation of the gene expression pattern
(21). The exact mechanism of the resistance found in this study for the
collagen-associated bacteria is unknown. However, because the bacteria were free floating, the whole surface of the bacterial cell was available for collagen binding. A cover of collagen around the cell, whether
a result of a specific adhesin-ligand binding or a nonspecific physical
coating, may have protected the bacteria against the disinfectant. Although such protection may occur in laboratory conditions, it is not
known whether this may occur in vivo.
Kayaoglu et al.
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