ls. He also travels all over India and around the world giving discourses in Ind
ian philosophy and Hindu scriptures.
Publications edited
Works of Madhwa : This monumental work is a painstakingly crafted reconstruction
of the complete commentary on Madhwa's works by Shri Hrishikesha Tirtha, a dire
ct disciple of Shri Madhwacharya of the 13th CE. It comprises 2000 pages in five
volumes complete with footnotes and colophons. Two other works of Shri Madhwach
arya, Tithinirnaya and Nyasa Paddhathi which were unknown were discovered and in
cluded in this great work.
Translation of major Sanskrit works into Kannada
Apart from the Vedic texts, Shri Bannanje has also translated several other Sans
krit works into Kannada. These include,
Bana Bhattana kadambari - A translation of Bana Bhatta's novel
Kalidasa's Shakuntala
Shudraka's Mrichakatika as Aaveya Mannina Atada Bandi, won the Sahitya Akade
mi's award for translation in 2001[2]
Bhavabhuti's Uttaramacharita
Mahashweta's Sanskrit stories
Several Sanskrit poems.
Short commentaries in Sanskrit
Anandamala of shri trivikramarya dasa
Vayu Stuti of Shri Trivikrama Pandita
Vishnu Stuti of Shri Trivikrama Pandita
different stotras in Sanskrit
Raghavendra stotra
Jayathirtha stuti
vada ratnavali of Shri Vishudasacharya
A philosophical dialectic in Sanskrit
Short commentaries for six upanishads with commentaries of Trivikramarya Das
Detailed commentaries in Sanskrit
Some of Bannanje's detailed commentaries in Sanskrit include,
Nirnaya Bhava Chandrika Tippani on Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya by shri Madh
Teeka(critique) on Mahabharata Tatparya (yamaka bharatha) by Shri Madhwachar
Teeka on Shri Madhwavijaya of Narayana Pandita
Tippani on Bhagavata tatparya by shri Madhwacharya
Translation of Sanskrit to kannada
Purusha sukta
Shri sukta
Shiva stuti, Narashimha stuti
Talavakaropanishad (Kenopanishad)
Krishnamritamaharnava of Shri Madhwacharya
Tantra sara sangraha of Shri Madhwacharya
Sangraha Ramayana of Shri Narayana Panditacharya
Madhwa Ramayana
Parashara kanda para tattva (Kannada rendering of Shri Vishu Purana)
Prameya nava malika of Shri Narayana Panditacharya
Anu Madhwa Charita & Sampradaya paddhati
The Academy of General Education, Manipal presented him a fellowship for the
meritorious service and scholarship in Indian religion and philosophy.
Veda Vyasya Sanman : by Sree Ramaseva Mandali, Chamarajapet, Bangalore
Conferences attended
Brand Ambassador of India in World Conference on Religion & Peace, Princeton
, USA in 1979.
Participated in World Sanskrit Conference in Delhi in 1980s.
Was president to Sanskrit Parishat of South Canara.
Served as President of All India Madhwa Sammelanna in Chennai in 1995.
Served as President of the Sahitya Sammelanna in Udupi in 2001.
Participated in number of poetic symposiums and debates.