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International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research

Research Article

ISSN: 2321-3124
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Respiratory Allergies and or Skin at the Personnel in Care of Tlemcen Medical

Analysis Laboratories
Meziane. Z, Taleb A, Bouanani.A, Mahdad.S, Lachachi.A and Aounallah.S.A
Laboratory Toxicomed 32, 1Service of Medicine of work, 2Service of Dermato-Venereology, 3Service of Otho-Rhino-larynguologie
Meziane. Z** specialist doctor in medicine of work (M.A.B); Taleb A * Professor of occupational medicine Service CHU Tlemcen Algeria Laboratory
Toxicomed 32
Accepted 20 Sept 2014, Available online 01 Oct 2014, Vol.2 (Sept/Oct 2014 issue)

The main objective of our study is to determine the prevalence of respiratory allergies and skin at. the personnel of the
medical laboratories of care of the wilaya of Tlemcen. It is a descriptive cross-sectional study from the month of
November 2013 in may 2014; Bearing on the staff of the laboratories for medical analyses of care institutions private
and public of the wilaya of Tlemcen, whose 69 agents on 229 laboratory personnel or a rate of 30.13% with respiratory
allergy and skin. Staff nursing laboratories for medical Analyses that presents respiratory clinical manifestations and or
skin triggered or aggravated by work. A general clinical examination is practiced by the occupational physician; notices
specialized: ORL of Dermatology and possibly the pulmonologist questioned looking for associated allergic disease
(rhinitis, asthma). The registration of a flow - volume using a spirometer curve. Formula for blood count with
determination of the rate of Eosinophilia: looking for a hyper Eosinophilia that is often transient but relapses. [42]
The practice of skin testing: the prick-tests were performed by a physician allerguologue. Indicate whether or not the
Organization has a reaction to the suspected allergen.The skin epi tests: the test patch. These tests have a dual function,
highlight an allergic mechanism, and identify the responsible allergen. Statistical treatment: the seizure of data and
descriptive analysis of results are carried out on SPSS software. Version 17
Keywords: Respiratory-Tlemcen-prick-tests-statistics-asthma allergy - rhinitis

Skin or respiratory allergies affect a large number of
professions and sectors of activity. They are due to
exposure, even at low levels, to a sensitizing agent.
In the environment of care, as in many professional
circles, allergic manifestations are common and their
prevalence tends to increase, the diversity and the
multiplication of allergenic products that are handled.
Among personnel of the laboratories; Risks relate
mainly to a more intensive use of: gloves to protect
themselves from accidents to blood (AES).
The high incidence of occupational latex allergy know
antiseptics, disinfectants; and aldehydes in the fight
against nosocomial infections; all this against a
background of increasing the frequency of atopy in the
general population.
The literature of these past ten years agrees to
estimate the frequency of allergy to the latex in constant
progression. With a prevalence of allergy to the latex in
hospitals which can reach 17% of caregivers.
The first observation of occupational asthma to latex
has been described in 1988 in a laboratory technician

with criminalization of starch from corn that blowing his

1980, the latex allergy grew from a few cases
described in a real public health problem, a marked
increase in reported cases in France with the creation of
the 95 table under the general scheme, acknowledging
the latex allergy (1997)
Latex is not the only allergen responsible for allergic
disease care.
Handling disinfectants and antiseptics, formaldehyde
in the workplace and care in the medical laboratories is
responsible for the appearance of new allergic diseases
which may lead to asthma. (4)
Complaints of allergies "respiratory, dermal,
conjunctival where General" from the staff of the medical
care in the region of Tlemcen laboratories, continues to
increase each year and the responsible allergen
molecules are very many have significantly increased and
changed since several years.
Our present study looked specifically for respiratory
and skin allergies in the staff of public and private medical
analysis laboratories, which remain exposed to several
types of allergens during their professional activities.
1018|Int. J. of Multidisciplinary and Current research, Sept/Oct 2014

Meziane. Z et al

Respiratory Allergies and or Skin at the Personnel in Care of Tlemcen Medical Analysis Laboratories

Study which is currently a greater medical and social

The main objective of our study is to determine the
prevalence of respiratory allergies and skin at the
personnel of the medical laboratories of care of the
wilaya of Tlemcen.
Study Population
It will git of a descriptive cross-sectional study from the
month of November 2013 in May 2014, covering a sample
of 69 employees with a respiratory allergy and where skin
on 229 agents operating at the level of the medical
laboratories of private and public of the wilaya of
Tlemcen care facilities contracted with the hospital and
seen in the context of the medical periodical in the
service of Medicine of work.
The criteria for inclusion
Staff nursing laboratories for medical Analyses that
presents respiratory clinical manifestations and or skin
triggered or aggravated by work

A questionnaire diagnostic of allergic rhinitis (SFAR:

Score For Allergic Rhinitis) [21]: collects the various
symptoms of allergic rhinitis in the past 12 months and
apart from any period of influenza.
It will offer employees a balance sheet clinical and
para clinical, which will be done in the morning before
any activity which will include:
A general clinical examination is practiced by the
occupational physician; notices specialized: ORL of
Dermatology and possibly the pulmonologist questioned
looking for associated allergic disease (rhinitis, asthma)
The registration of a flow - volume using a spirometer
curve. The validation of the review being carried out by
the Visual control of registered trace .a minimum of three
curves of forced expiration must be done for each patient
and the best of the curves used for the calculation of the
following parameters: vital capacity (CV), maximum
expiratory volume during the first second of expiration
(VEMS), report VEMS1 / CV, maximum Middle expiratory
dedit (DMM), peak flow (DP) , expiratory flow rates at 75,
50 and 25% of the capacity vital (DEB 75.50, 25).
Formula for blood count with determination of the
rate of Eosinophilia: looking for a hyper Eosinophilia that
is often transient but relapses. [5]

Exclusion criteria
A seniority of less than 6 months
Treatments antihistamine or corticosteroid long-term
under treatment beta blockers
Materials and Methods
1-investigation initial on workplaces and exposure
Is based on the perfect knowledge of risks to which
employees are exposed, including the allergy risks
Locate sources of exposure.
Identification of positions exposed to known allergenic
Identify the most vulnerable workers.
Study of the positions of the trial of labour and work.

Skin tests: the prick-tests were performed by a physician

Indicate whether or not the Organization has a
reaction to the suspected allergen. The principle of these
tests is to put the skin in contact with the allergen. After
15 to 20 minutes, assessing the reaction of the skin
(redness, formation of bubbles).
Latex will be tested by allergenic extract and latex gloves.
The skin epi tests: the test patch
These tests have a dual function, highlight an allergic
mechanism, and identify the responsible allergen.
For the performance of tests, should eliminate any
medication that could interfere with the interpretation,
playback occurs at 48 h, 96 h and one week.
Test material

2 -Survey itself
The anamnesis, first step of this investigation is made by
three questionnaires
This questionnaire, based on the questionnaire
prepared by the University of health McGill [19] is
interested in allergic history adapted to the circumstances
and conditions of life in our country.
A bronchial symptoms questionnaire, prepared by the
Committee of respiratory diseases, the international
union against tuberculosis and lung disease (UNION)
1986) [20]: allows you to collect information on the
existence of respiratory symptoms 12 months 'whistle
and breathing difficulty, shortness of breath, cough and
sputum, asthma, smoking... '. .

Test skin epi TROLAB Stallergnes on a bed isolation FINN

Statistical treatment: the seizure of data and descriptive
analysis of results are carried out on SPSS software.
Version 17
A. General population
On 229 officers engaged in medical analysis laboratories,
69 employees, or 30.13% complain a respiratory allergy
and/or skin.
1019 | Int. J. of Multidisciplinary and Current research, Sept/Oct 2014

Meziane. Z et al

Respiratory Allergies and or Skin at the Personnel in Care of Tlemcen Medical Analysis Laboratories

Table 1: General characteristics of the population

General characteristics

Hospital laboratories Tlemcen
Blood Transfusion Centre
Occupational Medicine
Laboratory EHS
Privates Laboratoires


Percentage %
middle aged: 33,8 ans :+/-10 year old
F : 84%
H : 16%
average length: 8,9 +/- 9 ans year old
1 .42%

tobacco use
ex smoker
allergy treatment
Familial atopy
Skin allergy
Respiratory respiratory


Antecedent family


Table 2: Type of allergic disorders by institution and department

Establishment / Services
Hospital laboratories Tlemcen
Blood Transfusion Centre
Occupational Medicine
Laboratory EHS
private laboratories
Grand total

Respiratory allergy
and Ear Nose & Throat

Skin allergy

Respiratory and
skin allergy

1.70% Family atopy where staff

family atopy
previous allergy
without any spcial

Figure No. 1: Family where personal atopy

1020 | Int. J. of Multidisciplinary and Current research, Sept/Oct 2014

Meziane. Z et al

Respiratory Allergies and or Skin at the Personnel in Care of Tlemcen Medical Analysis Laboratories

More than half of our population reported a history of

atopy family and 42% have a history of previous allergy.

Distribution of cases according to the allergen



Allergy distribution depending workstation

laboratory assistant

medical biologist

Ammoniums quaternaitres



resident doctor


assistant master
cleaning woman

Figure No 4: Distribution of cases according to the



The entire study population wears gloves in latex (100%)

and manipulates disinfectants consisting mainly by
quaternary ammonium (ANIOS) (100%).
Aldehydes are handled by 20.28% of allergic
individuals (service of pathological anatomy, the
Hemobiology and the laboratory of histology personnel)
and cytostatics are handled by 2.89% of the allergic
(Hematology-clinical staff).


cleaning woman

assistant master

resident doctor


medical biologist

laboratory assistant

Figure No. 2 Distribution of allergy as the workstation

B. Clinical Features
The position
1. Personal history of allergy
In our population, the majority of allergic individuals are
represented by the laboratory (46.4%), followed by
biologists (33.3%) then the Secretaries (8;7%) and then
medical residents (7.2%) teachers assistants (2.9%) and
the housekeeper (1.4%).)

70% of patients included in our study already have

previous allergy. Respiratory and/or dermal (82.6% and
42%, respectively).
Distribution of cases by type of allergy

Respiratory and Skin Allergy profession











Figure No 5: Distribution of cases by type of allergy

Distribution of skin lesions by sites according
respiratory allergy / Ear Nose & Throat

contact dermatitis


Figure No 3: Respiratory and Skin Allergy profession

The laboratory technicians and biologists virtually
ensuring the same activity at the level of analytical
laboratories medical have the highest rates of respiratory
allergy and / skin (46.4% and 33.3% respectively)




Figure No 6: Distribution of Skin lesions by sites according

1021 | Int. J. of Multidisciplinary and Current research, Sept/Oct 2014

Meziane. Z et al

Respiratory Allergies and or Skin at the Personnel in Care of Tlemcen Medical Analysis Laboratories

Rhinitis represents most allergic manifestation at the level

of the medical analysis laboratories (79.7%) followed by
allergic conjunctivitis (43.5%), then the eczema and
asthma (42%) and (8.7%), respectively
Among the 69 allergic subjects included in this study;
57 people have an upper airway allergy or 82.6 per cent
50.7% of cases complain secondary Erythema at the
port of latex gloves or the use of disinfectants. 17.4% of
our population has a skin rash after wearing latex gloves.
The hand represents the most relevant location by
allergic contact dermatitis (69.6%), followed by the
forearms and face (13%) and (10.1%) respectively (form
of airborne eczema).

-04 patients reported their pregnancy during the

-A patient has resigned from his work position (moving
-A patient came out to retreat.
-09 patients remaining refused the test.
19 cases have presented a respiratory allergy linked to
exposure to latex product, but most allergic individuals
had an awareness at one where several allergens 'pollen
and latex', 'cat and latex '.
Testing patches
Table No 5: Results of test patches

C. Additional Examinations
Table No 3: Spirometry results

Normal Spirometry
Obstructive syndrome
Restrictive syndrome
Joint syndrome
Syndrome of the small airways
Grand Total

Grand total (%)

38 (80,85%)
00 (00%)
04 (8,51%)
01 (02,12%)
04 (8,51%)

Practiced in any person with respiratory allergic

symptoms.Peak expiratory flow "DEP" has been
calculated before and after occupational exposure to
allergens: a decrease from DEP by 20% or more (before
and after occupational exposure to allergenic products) in
two patients.
The prick tests
33 people on 69 (is 47,82%).presentant a respiratory
allergy where respiratory and dermal allergy benefited of
a prick test)

Fragrance mix
Paraphynylne diamine free base
Cobalt chloride
Thiuram mix
Wood alcools
Nomycine sulfate
Nickel sulfate

The Number(%)

31 persons (i.e. 44,92%) have benefited from a patch test

with an allergic skin reaction after advice from a
dermatologist doctor whose 13 (18.84%), have patches
positive tests to the latex powder, 3(4,34%) to
formaldehyde.The rest of the employees has not
benefited from these tests for the same reasons cited for
the prick test.
Formula of blood count
NSF to practical summer; in 52 patients, either 75.36%
and which has proved to be normal in 47 patients, and a
noted hyper-eosinophilie in summer 05 patients.

Allergic staff

E. Means of Protection



Distribution of cases by the use of PPE




olive tree





Figure No 7: prick test results performed

The rest of the subjects did not these pricks are as follows
-04 patients are already under desensitization.
-05 patients are under continuous Antihistamine


blouse +gloves +masks

Figure No 8: Distribution of cases by the use of individual

protective equipment
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Meziane. Z et al

Respiratory Allergies and or Skin at the Personnel in Care of Tlemcen Medical Analysis Laboratories

No service of public care facilities has a suction hood or

adequate ventilation, the pathological anatomy service
remains equipped with a hood but in a defective
condition. On the other hand all private laboratories are
equipped with a functional hood.
Our study has brought on a population of 69 allergic
subjects part of personnel of laboratories for medical
analyses public and private of the city of Tlemcen with
respiratory allergic symptoms and / or skin triggered or
aggravated by work.
The average age of our population is 33, 810 years
with a majority age range between 20 to 30 years.
A clear female predominance is noted among our
population with a rate of 84%, which can be explained by
the female dominance in our laboratories for medical
analyses, also of activities especially household
professional extra-which are exercised by the female use
of detergents and disinfectants and which may be the
cause of an allergic reaction.
The average tenure at the workplace of our
population is 8.9 9 years with a majority slice between 1
and 5 years (63.7%), which joined the study made by
Mr. Batllo and collaborators on 11 public and private
care facilities Montpellier who found an average age of
39.6 years (17-63) for an average tenure in the
occupation of 11.7 years. There were 307 women,
representing 84% of the total [15] which is consistent
with our results (NET female 84%)
On the other hand, another study carried out in 2003
at the Morocco by A. Alaoui-Yazidi and coll has brought
on 2831personnel of health comprised 53.8% of women
and 46.2% of men. The average age was 40.5 years with
extremes of 18 and 60 years, average tenure at work was
16.1 years with extremes of 1 month and 45 years. [1].
Regarding lifestyle, the factor tobacco and alcohol
have not been found, and only1, 4% are for quitters,
these results can be explained by our population which is
predominantly female the laboratory of pathological
anatomy, bacteriology and CHU Tlemcen hemobiology
represent services that combine the highest number of
allergic subjects with 18.57% for each lab, this can be in
relation to the port of powdered latex gloves, and the use
of quaternary ammonium-based disinfectants as well as
handling and the inhalation of formaldehyde (service of
pathological anatomy and Hemobiology) without
adequate protection.
Several occupational categories are listed, laboratory
technicians and biologists performing the same tasks at
the level of the medical laboratories have the highest
rates of allergic manifestations (46.4% and 33.3%
respectively) followed by Secretaries (8.7%) which can be
in relation to the daily inhalation of products a laboratory
whose inhalation of allergens may be responsible for
respiratory allergy).

More than half of our population has a family history of

atopy (56.5%) and a personal history of allergy skin in 42%
and respiratory in 82.6%
12 persons on 19 allergic to latex (or 63.15%) have a
family history of atopy, and subjects with confirmed their
allergy to latex by skin test. For Levy 67% of patients
sensitized to latex are atopic [12].
Outside atopy, the literature suggests that the
concentration of allergens from the latex in the working
atmosphere is involved in awareness [22].
The concept of cross-ownership between latex and
various food allergy is now classic. M'Raihi proved this
allergy cross between latex and banana [13]. Cossart
described 2 cases of allergy to counsel, banana and latex
In our work, a single case of food allergy has been
found (the fish - tuna - allergy) (he is a person whose the
prick was positive to latex) but no link can be made
between latex allergy and food allergy to tuna (crossallergy) due to the low frequency of the latter.
Concerning the clinical manifestations, 79.7% allergic
subjects included in our study represent isolation or in
association allergic rhinitis followed by conjunctivitis in
43.5% of cases, and eczema in 42% of cases, asthma has
been present in 8.7% of allergic patients.
The first observation of occupational asthma to latex
has been described in 1988 in a laboratory technician
with criminalization of starch from corn that blowing his
gloves (79).
The Moroccan study 2831 health personnel were
22.8% of rhinitis, 17.4% of conjunctivitis and 10.4%
asthma (63). the prevalence of rhinitis, conjunctivitis and
asthma was significantly higher among biologists with
respective rates of 39.6 and 43.8, 27.1%. According to
assignment services, the rate of prevalence of the three
diseases was higher in anaesthesia and resuscitation
services and laboratories. [11].
Rhinitis and asthma are often associated because all
asthmatics have chronic rhinitis, the severity of asthma
and rhinitis are parallel and finally the seriousness of
rhinitis has an influence on the severity of asthma [13].
Thus the studies have shown that the prevalence of
asthma varies from 2 to 15%, which is consistent with our
results 8.7% [11.14]
The overall rate of 10.4% of asthma in the Moroccan
study was fluctuating between different services but the
rate is very important in laboratories (32.8%) which was
predictable given the allergic risk particularly important in
these places.
More than 63% of the study population suffers alone
or in combination of the signs of allergic rhinitis (nasal
obstruction, rhinorrhea and sneezing), and then come the
low respiratory allergic manifestation (sensation of
breathing difficulty, coughing, feeling of whistling and
In our study rhinitis was found in 79.7% of allergic
patients, also Moroccan studies have found rates of
1023 | Int. J. of Multidisciplinary and Current research, Sept/Oct 2014

Meziane. Z et al

Respiratory Allergies and or Skin at the Personnel in Care of Tlemcen Medical Analysis Laboratories

allergic rhinitis ranging from 24 to 47% and the study by

A. Alaoui-Yazidi and al, has observed a rate of 22.8% [1].
This reflects the reality of the allergic risk in hospital and
medical analysis laboratories especially.
On the other hand, skin diseases are common in
hospital. It is most often dermatitis irritation, but contact
with eczema or hives allergy can occur when
sensitizations hospital disinfectants, or LaTeX. The
prevalence of the dermatitis in caregivers ranged from 12
to 41% [16] the port of powdered latex gloves, the
frequent washing of hands and the daily use of
disinfectants (sometimes without any means of
protection) containing quaternary ammonium are
responsible for the appearance of pruritus of the hands in
72.5% of allergy sufferers included in our study, a dryness
in 24.6% of cases and a skin rash in 17.4% of cases (the
diagnosis of contact urticaria was made by the
Complementary exams, among our population
consisted of a spirometry carried out at anyone
presenting a respiratory allergic manifestation and
occupationally exposed to allergenic products, only 47
person could benefit from this, it was normal in 38
patients. 4 patients presented a restrictive Syndrome, and
4 others have presented a small airway Syndrome, one
patient presented a joint Syndrome
A measurement of "peak expiratory flow" DEP before
and after occupational exposure has been practiced in 30
agents, and a decrease in DEP of more than 20% between
the two measures is found in only 2 patients.
The prick tests (PT) were carried out in 33 cases with
allergenic extracts Stallergnes whose positivity was
particularly marked for pollen, cockroach, cat, olivier and
latex (19 people have a prick test + LaTeX or 27.53 per
In a study of the carers hospital Ibn-Sina (CHIS of
Rabat) 119 participants reported of allergic
manifestations, i.e. 44.4%. After an allergic assessment,
only 45 participants were actually allergic events in
connection with the handling of materials containing
natural rubber latex proteins is
16.7% of all people who participated in this study.
In 1998 a French study on the staff of the CHU de
Montpellier objectified a prevalence of 7% of workers
sensitized to latex in care staff with a total of 537 topics.
The results can mean that either the population was
poorly targeted and that the proportion of sensitized staff
is unfortunately stronger described, either the prevalence
of sensitization to latex among healthcare staff tends to
decrease [8]
Also allergy to cockroaches is found in 18 sufferers
having benefited of prick test, it is strongly linked to the
adverse socio-economic conditions. The cockroach can be
found in care facilities
A single study to determine the prevalence of
sensitization to allergens of roaches among 623 people
aged 20-60 years of a Marseille medical centre [8]

Test patches were indicated for patients with a skin

allergy, 26 subjects have benefited from this test whose
13 (18.84%) have presented a positive reaction to the
latex powder, and 3 (4.34%) presented an allergy to
20.28% of officers are in contact with aldehydes (for
handling or inhalation) it's pathological anatomy and
histology laboratory staff and the Hemobiology service
using formaldehyde mainly for the establishment of
anatomical parts. The study hraultaise made by Mr.
Batllo and coll, shows that among the 175 agents using
disinfection or sterilization products cold, 90, or 52%,
were embarrassed at their contact, mainly at the level of
the respiratory tract and nasal [15]
These products are extremely widespread in the
hospital or their replacement by other less allergenic
disinfectants seems little conceivable given their high
biocide efficiency but maintenance of service personnel
remains little or poorly formed on the use of such
The adjustment of the family atopy factor with factor
latex allergy and exercise service, was represented by a
rate of 15.9% of allergic subjects of the hemobiology
service, but the difference is not statistically significant
which can be explained by the reduction of strength of
our population;
In other epidemiological studies the allergy to the
latex /atopie family relationship is established, they
demonstrate that atopy is 2 to 5 times more frequent
among workers sensitized to latex than among their nonsensitized counterparts, [16]
In addition to repeated exposure to latex, the
presence of atopic land seems to be a main risk factor in
the onset of allergy to latex [12.16].
Concerning the means of prevention, found that EPI
are likely in a different way with a subject to other, 71%
wear aprons and gloves (rubber) and 29% of wear aprons
and gloves (rubber) and even masks (it is surgical masks);
As the means of protection collective, there is a marked
failure specifically in laboratories of CHUT or no service
has a suction hood or proper ventilation except the
service of pathological anatomy which is equipped with a
hood but in a defective condition. also private
laboratories are all equipped with a functional hood.
Given the frequency of allergies found in laboratories
for medical analyses, confirmed by skin testing a
declaration in respect of disease to professional character
"illness unrecognized by the Algerian occupational
diseases table" has concerned all patients with an allergy
to latex is found positive skin tests, and a declaration in
respect of occupational disease according to TMP No. 43
interested 3 patients with a clinical manifestation of
allergy confirmed by a positive reaction to the
A review of fitness and workplace planning was issued
to anyone with an allergy to latex with contraindication to
contact with latex products.
1024 | Int. J. of Multidisciplinary and Current research, Sept/Oct 2014

Meziane. Z et al

Respiratory Allergies and or Skin at the Personnel in Care of Tlemcen Medical Analysis Laboratories

Professional pathology of allergic-type reactions in
hospitals is a hot topic and a global health problem. The
incidence and prevalence of these disorders are probably
undervalued and certainly very underreported. The
causes of these ailments are varied
Our study looked at the medical laboratories staff
handling allergenic substances (latex, formaldehyde) and
established the risk of allergy respiratory and skin
resulting from contact with these products.
The questionnaire is still insufficient for an accurate
assessment of the prevalence of asthma and other
allergic diseases because the door diagnosis is before any
But despite the "difficulties" of a such cross-sectional
study, our survey gives an idea of the magnitude of the
problem of allergic diseases in medical analysis
It would have been more interesting to control data
by immunological assays more particularly subjects with
an allergy immediate type, but, in practice, it was difficult
to achieve.
(Prevalence of different conditions) results that we
have obtained seem predictable and prevalence rates are
virtually the same found in studies in the staff what
means that the allergic risk and is present in all health
So it is important to give the necessary attention to
the allergic risk identification, risk factors (e.g. atopy
56.4%) and their evaluation to implement strategies
tailored support based on preventive measures and early
detection of occupational allergy in analysis laboratories
a *

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[16]. N. Rosenberg , Hpital Fernand Widal , Paris et ACMS ,Paris
Allergies respiratoires professionnelles chez le personnel de
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1025 | Int. J. of Multidisciplinary and Current research, Sept/Oct 2014

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