Exjobb Caa Annons2009-10283

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Volvo Cars Thesis Work Proposal

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OpenFOAM a tool for predicting flow induced noise

* Location

* Category/SubCategory

Product Development Complete Vehicle Environment and

Fluid dynamics centre/Computational Fluid Dynamics

Description of thesis work

The CFD-group at Volvo Cars is working with a wide range of attributes such as flow induced noise,
aerodynamics, thermodynamics, climate control and contamination. These flow fields have until now
been solved by commercial codes, such as FLUENT. In recent years, open source codes has gained
in interest mainly due to cost reductions. One of these codes, namely OpenFOAM has shown great
potential for industrial use which is characterized by fast turn around time and low user interaction
while still proving to be robust for complex meshes. This thesis aims at benchmarking the two codes
(FLUENT and OpenFOAM) and to some extent tailor the latter code for matching the existing
computational procedures.
Description of thesis work:
By using existing CFD models of an XC90 as well as a more generic geometry, a number of different
studies should be done, the simulation results will be analyzed against existing wind tunnel tests.
i) Incompressible LES simulations on the XC90 will be the base for evaluating the sources to flow
induced noise. Lead time, robustness and quality of results will be focus areas.
ii) Compressible simulations will be conducted for predicting resonanse phenomenas on a generic
geometry. FLUENT and experimental results exists to some extent, the OpenFOAM solver will be
updated to work in future production environment.
iii) (Optional) Incompressible steady state simulations will be conducted for predicting the load on the
door bow under sidewind conditions.
Suitable Student background
Good knowledge and interest in fluid mechanics/numerics and CFD computations.
Starting date
Tutor / Contact person
Jonas Ask
Volvo Car Corporation
Fluid Dynamics Centre
Dept. 91780, PVT3
SE-405 31 Gteborg

Number of students
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