Dolfyn CFD

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The key takeaways are that Dolfyn is an open source CFD code initiated in the Netherlands to promote the use of computational fluid dynamics. It aims to be easy to use and visualize results for teaching fluid dynamics concepts.

Some examples of applications where CFD is used that are mentioned include the automotive industry, heat exchangers, cooling of electronics, flows in pipes and tubes, air conditioning, wind forces in the built environment.

The basic needs that Dolfyn aims to fulfill are to provide easy to use CFD software for numerical simulations and visualization of results as well as training materials to teach fluid dynamics concepts using real examples like cars and heat exchangers.

Dolfyn: www.dolfyn.


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Introduction The Open Source CFD code dolfyn is an initiative in Noord-Brabant, a Dutch province in the south of the Netherlands, particularly in the region around Eindhoven. The goal of dolfyn is to promote, introduce and teach the use of modern numerical simulation techniques in general and the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in particular. Heat and flow Heat and mass transfer, transport phenomena, and fluid dynamics play an important role in various products, machines and in our daily life. Examples are: Automotive industry Drag resistance of vehicles Fouling Passenger comfort Heating and cooling Heat exchangers Cooling of electronics Flows in pipes and tubes Industrial installations Airconditioning Wind in the built environment Wind forces Wind nuisance for pedestrians and cyclists Basic needs In order to be able to teach and draw young polytechnical and academic students, graduated engineers, and new enthusiasts towards the wonderful world of Computational Fluid Dynamics a couple of issues have to be kept in mind: Courses and tutorials should focus in the first place on a general understanding of fluid dynamics (laminar/turbulent, buoyancy, boundary layers etc.). (Open Source) Software can play an important role in the teaching process (and can augment experimental practica, thus combining theoretical and practical results.). Therefore, the code has to be easy in use; simple variants must be easy

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to run and the results visualised. In order to catch the attention, real geometries such as cars, heatexchangers and walls should be used as well as flows along flat plates and through pipes. Only when the student has mastered the before mentioned items; then 'gridgeneration' or 'meshing' is the next, and very, very important, step. As gridgeneration is linked closely to the type of solver software, the capabilities of the preprocessor and the skills of the engineer, it is left out of the dolfyn project. Dolfyn is based on the ideas, algorithms, and procedures presented in the book by J.H. Ferziger & M. Peric "Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics" (Springer). This book is also acts as Theoretical Manual. Summary Dolfyn is aimed towards the fulfilment of the above mentioned basic needs and to supply all necessary ingredients. More specific: Easy to use CFD software for numerical simulations and visualisation of results. Training and courses in fluid dynamics in general, and Computational Fluid Dynamics in particular, accompanied by suitable training material. A network of students, users and specialists. Some uses and users Dolfyn is used as the underlying CFD engine in other codes One of the first codes to use dolfyn was Comflow. Comflow is an inexpensive 2D CFD code that has been developed since 1993 by a group of Dutch companies. Comflow was based on a very simple structured hex grid solver (Comsolv) before dolfyn was adapted in 2006. The CFD engine in Maelstrom for real time data center temperature modeling for energy efficient data centers (a project by the University of Michigan).

or for benchmarking The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) used dolfyn for their FiPy project (the fluid flow example of a rudimentary Stokes solver).

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and at universities The faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the TU Darmstadt uses dolfyn for their gas turbine combustion research in the "Energie- und Kraftwerkstechnik" group. In the Laboratory for Simulation and Modelling of Particulate Systems of the School of Materials Science and Engineering, UNSW Faculty of Science, Sidney. And by students from McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

Enjoy the dolfyn site!

Franken Consultancy

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