Tom Jackson, Karl Rohnke, Laurie Frank, Priest, LINC Adventures, chris cavert:,
faith evans:, sam sikes: & Mary Sorg
Hey Golf
Balloon Frantic
Multipy Moonball
Break it Up
Mingle Mingle
Shadow Tag
Mouse Trap
Water Brigade Relay
Tight Rope Walking
Over & Under Relay
Hog Call
Racing forms
Zombie Tag
Loose Caboose
Pop His/Her Balloon
Follow the Leader
Fun Filled Games: if we can teach compassion, respect, and fairness within the context of
competition, our outlook of it can change for the better. These competitive games
provide great learning moments. Have Fun out there!! C. C.
Pass Your Own Name Game (no props) Playing off the name of a Karl Rohnke activity circle up
your players in groups of up to 12. The goal is to learn names. The simple (?) task: Have the
youngest player in the group start by pointing a straight arm at someone across from them in the
circle. With the point, this player must call out his/her OWN name (not the person he or she is
pointing at). Sounds too easy well let me know how it goes and what it takes to meet the goal. (If I
have multiple groups I mix and mingle the players up every once-in-a-while.)
No Prop Name Toss Directions: Circle up your group (10 to 30 players/circle). As the facilitator
start walking across the circle, say another players name someone you are walking towards, that
player will need to move from his or her spot before you get their to take the spot. This person says
the name of someone else they are walking towards, that person moves and says someone elses
name. As this is going on, you (the facilitator) starts again, adding more to the crossing. After a while
you can ask players to shake hands with the player they call or anyone who is in the circle at the
time of a crossing. End when chaos reigns.
See Ya Directions: Break up your big group into smaller groups of 3 or 4 players (over 50 players
groups of 4 or 5). As the leader you are going to call out some qualities or specifics. The person in
the group who matches that specific will be leaving the group and finding another. First, tell each
group to remember the size group they are in when they start this group must always stay this size
(if there are 4 in your group now, you will always want to have 4 in your group no more or less).
Next, explain to the group that you will all be sending off the players in this way when you hear the
word, READY we will all announce, SEE YA! Now, heres how it goes.
The leader might say, The player with the longest hair. Each small group decides who the player
with the longest hair is. The leader gives a few seconds for the groups to decide, then says,
READY? Everyone says, SEE YA! Then the player with the longest hair has to go and find
another group to be with. This is where remembering the size of your group comes in. Each small
group will want one new person to join them. It is helpful for small groups who need a player jump
up and down and say, OVER HERE, OVER HERE! So the wandering longhaired players can find a
place. After everyone has found a new home, call out another quality like, the oldest player, the
youngest, darkest eyes, longest nails, most jewelry, closest birthday to today, most pets in their
lifetimeyou get the idea. If you want to add a little more socialization, give a little time between
each round to make sure everyone gets the names of all the small group members they are with.
PATTERN GROUP JUGGLE= STRESS 4 Tossables for each group of 10
Leader tosses the item to a person who then tosses it to someone else & crosses his arms after doing
so; until everyone has it tossed to him once to establish the pattern of throwing the objects with the
last person tossing it back to the leader. Then the group tosses the item in the order established with
the leader introducing more items to be tossed at the same time after 2 go a rounds with one.
Leader may change the order & declare Reverse order. Can also be timed WARP SPEED
PATTERN GROUP JUGGLE=GOAL 3 Tossables the same, 1 different & 2 larger for each
group of 10 Leader tosses the item to a person who then tosses it to someone else & crosses his
arms after doing so; until everyone has it tossed to him once to establish the pattern of throwing the
objects with the last person tossing it back to the leader. Then the group tosses the item in the order
established with the leader introducing more items to be tossed at the same time. Leader then
introduces the different item to be tossed saying that that one item is special & you need to say
special ball when throwing it. Leader then introduces the 2 larger items (represents unexpected
events that come into your life) saying that they go in the opposite direction from all of the others.
Information Ball Toss Group sharing, listening, recall, learning names
one Squishy. 10 to 12 (multiple groups can play) for about 15 to 20 minutes. Process: Players
stand in a comfortable circle. One player starts with the Squishy and first tells the group his or her
name, then three things about his or herself. (It will be important for everyone to listen because no
one knows who the person is going to throw the Squishy to.) After sharing the three things, he or
she tosses the Squishy to another player. This player will first tell the group who tossed them the
Squishy and the three things that person shared about themselves. After that, the player with the
Squishy says her or his name and three things about her or himself. After that she or he tosses to a
new player and the process continues the new player first repeats the last players name and the
three things they shared before and then their name and three things. The Squishy goes around until
everyone has had a chance to share the player that started all this, receives the Squishy last
repeating back the name of the tosser and the three sharings. If there is still some energy in the
group, move on to Information Tossing. The player with the Squishy calls out someones name
in the group, says one thing that person shared with the group, and then tosses that person the
Squishy. The player with the Squishy will always call out a name, share something that person shared
with the group, and then toss that person the Squishy. Will the pattern stay the same or will it
change you never said the pattern needed to stay the same.
Ask volunteer to come up front & place gloved hands in front of him 10 apart palms in. 1.Wrap
string around once & ask to break. This is just like the first time you do something; it is not hard to
stop 2. Twice/break 3. Keep doing until cannot break any longer. Discuss how habits sneak up on
you one repeated behavior at a time until you no longer have control over it but it controls you.
Have group pair up with hands up & in front of them palms facing out & establish who is leader. The
leader then makes slow movements that their partner follows. Then change roles.
ABC Charades (energizer, team play) No special needs and any number can play.
Directions: Small teams select a rep who pantomimes as many words as possible in one minute,
that begin with a letter announced by the leader - team members guess. (faith)
Exercise Tossing Warming up, exercising the muscles, communication, honoring the rules
9 Squishy Balls. 15 to 25 players for 10 to 15 minutes. Process: Have the players stand in a
scattered formation around the playing area. Assign an exercise to each colored Squishy. For
example, (depending on the colors in your kit), red would be 10 jumping jacks, yellow would be 10
sit-ups, and blue might be 5 push-ups. Review the exercises so everyone remembers them or can
at least get help remembering. Now, hand out the Squishies to a variety of players and begin.
Whatever color they have, they perform the assigned exercise. When they are done they call out the
name of another player in the group. When they have that players attention they toss, or roll, the
Squishy to that player. Whatever color Squishy a player has, they perform that exercise. Players
waiting for a Squishy, can be stretching whatever. Variation: If the toss is a bad one, the tosser has
to do the exercises of that colored Squishy again. If the toss was good & their was no catch, the
catcher has to double the exercises of that Squishy the catcher can ask the tosser to roll the Squishy
or even bring it over to them to increase the chances of success its all about how you set it up.
Have You / Would You (idea from Karl Rohnke) Youll need the Rope Rings for this one. Best
played with more than 10. Process: Have the players form a large circle, standing about a one-arm
length apart and place the Rope Ring down around their feet the Rings stay in this circle position
for the entire game. One player without a Ring will have to start the calling from inside the circle of
players. I like to play this one, so I start in the middle with a few examples. I will say, Have you ever
been to New York? If anyone standing in a Ring has been, they must move from where they are
standing and find another open Ring to occupy. (Note: The question asked by the player in the
middle must be true for them as well.) Ill say another, Have you ever worn hand-me-down
clothes? If anyone has, they move to another Ring. Now, heres where the game gets interesting.
On the next, Have you ever..? Im going to find an open Ring to stand in (I tell the group this so
they are ready). This will leave a new caller in the middle - the player without a Ring to stand in. Play
as long as the energy is good. You can also play the game with, Have you never? or, Would
you...? or, Would you like to? types of questions. Possibilities: Another fun way to play is to
require that if a player has to move to another Ring they must shake someones hand and introduce
themselves before going to occupy a new Ring. Also, for the younger crowds, I make all the calls
from the sidelines due to the common behavior of not-being-able-to-find-a-Ring-because-they-wantto-stay-in-the-middle syndrome.
Across (idea from a Karl Rohnke book) Every player in the group will need a Rope Ring. A stopwatch
will be helpful as well. This one plays best with 10 or more. Process: Create a nice big circle of
players with everyone standing in a Rope Ring. The objective is for each player to go across the
circle and stand in a different Rope Ring. The activity will be timed, so the group wants to be quick
but SAFE. Let the group attempt several rounds with planning time between each round to see how
low of a time they can record. The biggest challenge most groups face is deciding upon, What is
ACROSS? (Would changing places with a player 2 down from you be going ACROSS the circle?)
Possibilities: There is a version of this activity, called Dont Touch Me, that requires no player-toplayer contact during the crossing. Any touches result in a 5-second addition to the time recorded.
BACK ART= COMMUNICATION Simple pictures, pencils & paper
Group of 5 or 6 standing or sitting in a line behind each other. Last person in each group is shown a
picture then traces it on the back of the person in front of them & so forth until the person in the
front draws on paper what was drawn on their back turns it upside down & raises hand they are
done. Groups picture in order of being done that closely resembles the original gets a point. Back
person moves up front & it continues until all have had a turn in each position.
BACK TO BACK DRAWING= COMMUNICATION Simple pictures, pencils & paper
Partner up sitting or standing back to back. Give one person in each pair a picture to describe to their
partner to draw on a paper, neither one looking at each others until they are done. May allow
partner to ask a question. When they are done compare pictures. Then switch & repeat the process.
DECIDE EARLY= PEER PRESURE Have group pair up with their hands behind their back. Have
them choose how many fingers they will stick out, then bring them in front & count total of fingers
on all four hands. Person of pair that yells out correct answer wins a point. Have them change
partners. (Already knowing ahead of time your count that makes it easier to add your partners count)
Playing Card Greeting a deck of cards, for grouping activity (over 40), set up the deck. Prearrange the cards in order from Aces through Kings make sure everyone has a card. What You
Say (playing cards) Using the playing card you received, mingle around the room. Meet up with
another player and then share facts about yourself equal to the number you have on your card (the
Jacks, Queens & Kings are wild share any number of things). So, if you have a three, share three
things about yourself. After sharing with someone, trade cards and then move off to find another
player to share with. The challenge, if chosen, is to not repeat facts about yourself
throughout the activity.
Card Groupings (playing cards) Ask the players to hold their playing card so the face is down
(cant see the value). Then have everyone mingle around and exchange cards with at least five other
players. Call for a stop of the action and instruct the group that they should not look at their own
cards and there will be no talking from this point on. You will be asking them to get into groups
determined by the Rank on their card (remembering they cannot look at their own card) this one
works best with groups of over 40. Here are the possible groups: Group by color; Group by Suit;
Groups by Rank; (you could have them split into pairs by Rank and color if you are moving into a
paired activity); and finally line up in Rank order by Suit (if players were processing for themselves
during the other groupings they should know right where they belong.
Quick Line-Up (playing cards) (You could transition from Card Groupings into this activity by
having the Suits get together to form a small group.) Create groups of 8 to 12 players (I like to
have at least 2 groups when I do this one) and make sure each player has a playing card kept face
down until instructed to look at it. Within each group the players are asked to do a blind shuffle
exchange cards with at least 5 other players in their group (still without looking at their card). When
this is done you can give the challenge. When you say GO! each group of players will be allowed to
look at their cards and then line up by card order in a single file line as quickly as possible. When
each team member is in the correct position then, and only then, can each player in the group raise
their cards above their head and shout DONE! (With multiple groups you can assume there will be
some competition but did you say that?) Rate the groups on their ability to follow the directions
give feedback. Then ask each group to do another blind shuffle to get ready for the next round.
Before starting give all the groups 30 seconds of planning time. (Keep a VERY open mind during
this activity lots can happen.) I like to play a few rounds to generate some
Card Support a Deck of Cards and 4 STURDY chairs 20 to 52 players. Process Set the chairs out
in the middle of the room, each facing in a different direction North, South, East & West - the chair
backs can be touching at the edges. To play this one you will want the large group to be able to be
split into 4 groups of equal size (plus or minus 1). Also, you will want to pre-set the Deck of Cards in
order by rank from Aces to Kings. With this in mind, heres how it goes. Deal out a Card to each
player - ask them not to look at their Cards. Place the remainder of the Deck back in the box and set
it aside. Now, when you say GO, the players can look at their Cards - then line up (or sit down I
should say) by rank. The Aces will sit in the chairs (which chairs will work itself out), the 2s will then
sit on the knees of the Aces, the 3s on the knees of the 2s and so on. The first suit to complete their
line holding their Cards up wins the round. After everyone has had the chance to sit down in their
respective lines, ask them to carefully get up. At this point you can collect all the Cards, shuffle them
and deal them out for another round (you dont need to use any of the other Cards left over from the
first round). Play several rounds if the group is able to keep things safe. safety issues: Make sure
the chairs are sturdy. Group needs to take care of each other.
Get It Back a Deck of Cards. more than 15 players. Process: Deal a Card to each player in the
group - they can look at their Card. Then ask them to simply mingle around meeting & greeting each
other. You might tell players to share their name & their favorite food with each person they greet or
any other appropriate information-seeking question. After each greet, players exchange Cards & then
move along to find another person to meet & greet. After a minute or so you can call out, Get It
Back. Play continues in the same way as before except when a player exchanges Cards & receives
their original Card s/he can step out of the mingle & watch the rest of the players finish up the
round. After all players have their original Cards they should end up in a large circle. I then take a
little time to find out how many names people remember. Possibilities: Each player shares
something about themselves equal to the number on her or his Card before trading.
Card Groupings a Deck of Cards arranged in order from all Aces to all Kings.16 or more players.
Process: Deal out a Card, starting with the Aces, to each player in the group - ask them not to look
at the face of the Card When each player has a Card, ask the group to arrange themselves into
smaller groups based on what you tell them. Players are not allowed to look at their Card & may not
tell another player what his or her Card is in any way no sign language another players Card.
Arrange yourselves into groups based on the color of your Card.
Arrange yourselves into 4 groups based on the suit of your Card.
Arrange yourselves into groups of like rank (number or face).
Arrange yourselves into pairs based on like color and rank (partner grouping) or..
Arrange yourselves in order by suit and rank, Ace being the #1.
By ending with partners or small groups you can move into an activity that requires the resulting
size. Possibilities: You could ask the players to do a blind shuffle with 5 other players, meeting and
greeting, before calling the next grouping - this throws off any hint of the Card they have. Also, since
you were using the low numbers of the deck, moving into What You Say works well.
Pass Your Own Name Game enough room to circle up your group. 8 to 25 players for 10 to 15
minutes. Process: This is an interesting name game that is much more challenging than it appears.
Choose a player to start the action. The action is a player pointing to another player in the circle with
an outstretched arm and hand and then saying his or her OWN name. The player pointed at chooses
another player to point at and says his or her own name. Each player pointed at continues the action.
If a mistake is made, after the laughing (with and not at), have the mistaken player restart with a
point and a pass of his or her own name. The underlying challenge is to keep this activity going at a
good pace moving as quickly as possible. This adds to the excitement factor. We like to use this
activity to point out that it is okay to make mistakes and when we laugh, we laugh with each other
and not at each other there is a difference. Variations: Sometimes we start out pointing and
saying the name of the player we are pointing at to learn names. Then we up the challenge by
passing our own name. You could also change the objective into a Fun Filled Game. If a player
makes a mistake they are asked to step out of the circle to observe (or be hecklers) the remainder of
the game playing down to the last few players standing.
Hot Spots Youll need 1 Squishy Object and the Rope Rings. divide your group in half, making 2
circles, if more than 14 players. Process: This is a move-around-quick-thinking warm-up. Have your
group in a circle with each player standing in a Rope Ring. Place one extra Rope Ring somewhere
between two players. Start by tossing around the Squishy Object - using good communication body
language. Then you tell the group - as theyre tossing - that the Squishy has become very hot and if
they hold it in their hands too long they will feel the burn!. They need to toss the ball as soon as
possible after they catch it. While still tossing you then call out a category - players need to fill in that
category before they can toss the ball - if it takes them too long to respond they are buzzed and
they have to move. For example, if you call, fast food restaurants they need to yell out
McDonalds or Wendys before they toss the ball. However, if it takes them too long (determined
by the group) or they repeat something already said they must move to the open space after tossing
the Squishy to someone else. Make sure to change topics regularly so players do not have to
remember a long list of answers. Possibilities: Topics - Televisions Shows, Music Groups, Actors or
Actresses, Cars, Computer Games, Sports, School Subjects, Candy Bars, Pets, Vegetables, Fruits,
Street Names, Starbucks Drinks.
Exchanging Knots 1 untied Rope Ring for every 2 players. Youll want at least 2 groups of 8 players
to make this interesting - even numbers are needed. Process: Set out at least 2 asterisk shaped Rope
lines if you have the players, make more asterisks. Have a different player grab the end of each Rope
line - that would be 8 players for a 4 Rope line asterisk. The first objective is for each group of 8
players to make a tangled knot with the Ropes. Each player must keep hold of the end they are
holding as the tangle is made. Encourage players to go over, under, through openings, around,
whatever it takes. Give them 2 minutes to make a knot. Then ask each group to set their tangled
knot down and rotate over to another knot. The next objective is to un-tangle this new knot. Once
un-tangled, have them make another knot. Now that they know whats up, notice the enthusiasm
that takes over. Where does it come from we wonder. Rotate again to untangle another knot. There
is no competition mentioned here, but.... Possibilities: Have one person stay behind with each knot
to be a consultant for the other group. Are there other ways to be helpful?
Orbit Ball 1 Inflatable Orb for this one. 4 or more. Process: The simple objective is to keep the
inflated Orb in the air. Each time the Orb is hit the group gains a point. One player may not hit the
Orb twice in a row. When the Orb lands on the floor or ground the round is over. The group is
allowed several attempts to reach the highest possible point total for one round. Provide planning
time before each round so players can develop effective strategies. Possibilities: For a greater
challenge, a player may not hit the Orb again until every other player in the group has hit it. Another
challenge is to use 2 Inflatable Orbs adding the points of both Orb hits together.
Limbetless Orbit Ball 1 Inflatable Orb. 6 or more. Process: This one plays just like Orbit Ball with
an added challenge. Once a player uses a part of her or his body to hit the Orb, that part of the body
can no longer be used to hit the Orb during that round of play - by that player. So, if the right foot is
used to hit the Orb up this foot can still be used for moving around the area but not for hitting the
Orb. As parts of the body get used up the activity becomes more challenging and more strategic. All
players obtain full use of their bodies after the Orb touches the ground. Planning time before each
round may improve scores. NOTE: If a player accidentally re-uses a body part, have them step out
of the game.
Spot Orbit Ball 1 Rope Ring for each player and 1 Inflatable Orb. 10 or more. Process: (First,
please review Orbit Ball in the Cooperation and Communication section.) This activity plays just like
Orbit ball with an additional challenge. Players can position themselves anywhere within the playing
field but they must have their foot inside a Rope Ring when they make contact with the Orb. So, at
first, every player has his or her own Rope Ring. When the Orb touches the ground, or any other rule
violation, the group is asked to give up one of their Rings - sharing Rings is acceptable (and
encouraged). With 1 less Ring the group attempts another round of Orbit Ball. Every time the Orb
touches the ground or there is a rule violation, a Ring is taken away before the next round begins.
What will be the fewest number of Rings the group can use and still be successful? Possibilities: What
if you either took away or added a Ring after a violation - no particular rhyme or reason why you add
or subtract. What will this do to the dynamics?
Pressure Play Deck of Cards, Rope Rings, 1 Tubular Webbing length and a stopwatch. 18 to 24
players. Process: First you will need to set up the Cards. Take the Diamonds and Spades and place
them in order alternating suits - Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Spades, 2 of Diamonds, 2 of Spades and so
on though the Kings. Now set up the playing field by extending the Webbing length out straight and
then spreading the Rope Rings out in front of the Webbing - the further the Rope Rings are apart the
longer the activity will take, the closer they are the tougher the activity. You will need enough Rope
Rings set out for all but 2 players - choose these 2 players, one for the Spades and one for the
Diamonds. Deal out the Cards face down to the remaining players, starting with the Aces on up - ask
players not to look at their Cards (you may end up with extra Cards - this is okay). Then send the
players into the field of Rope Rings, every player standing in 1 Ring. The starting players stay behind
the Webbing line. The objective is for the group to run through their two Card orders as fast as
possible. The time starts on the word GO! The first players without a Card must move to their Ace
and occupy that spot holding the Ace, the Ace player moves to their 2 and occupies that spot holding
the Card, the 2 goes to the 3 spot and so one. The player who was holding the highest Card must
run across the starting line (Webbing). When all players have moved up one Card, holding their new
Card in the air, and both players cross the starting line the time stops.
So, once each player is standing in a Rope Ring they can look at their Card and share it with the
rest of the group. The Card each player has will always stay with the Rope Ring it is in. Rope Rings
and the Webbing may not be moved. Planning can be done in any fashion but remember, Cards may
not be taken out of their Rope Rings. When the group is ready let them know that any contact
between players - body-to-body touch - during the process will result in 5 seconds being added onto
the overall time. The starting position for each trial will be 2 players behind the Webbing starting line
and 1 player in each Rope Ring holding up a Card. A few rounds usually produce a very good time.
(NOTE: No one said all the players could not move at the same time.) Possibilities: If a player is not
standing in a Rope Ring or behind the starting line they must have their eyes closed!
Foreign Exchange Variation a list of simple activity instructions for each player. Any number can
play. Directions: Following a printed list of instructions, players elicit information or perform an
activity with others bearing similar characteristics. (faith)
Popsicle Stick Greeting colored Popsicle sticks & marking pens Any number over 40 Directions:
Everybody receives a Popsicle Stick as they enter the room. There are four colors. Each color is
numbered from 1 to however many you need there should be the same count for each color. Sticks
are handed out starting with all the ones, then the twos, then the threes, and so on. This will give
you a count of how many players you have and then let you determine the group splits you will be
able to use by colors and/or numbers.
Building Words marked Popsicle sticks handed out at the beginning of the program. Any number
can play. Directions: This is just a little mingle activity to start things out. Ask everyone to move
around the crowd with their Popsicle stick letter and get involved in the spelling of as many words as
possible in the next three minutes. GO!
Building a Handshake Building a Handshake open space to move around in. 10 to 24 players
(even numbers work best for this one so you might get to play!!) for 15 to 25 minutes. Process:
Pair up players and have them create a sequenced greeting handshake of some sort one with 2 to
3 different moves included. For example, a high five followed by an index finger link shake followed
by a fist-to-fist touch. Give each pair a few minutes to master their greeting. When everyone has had
enough time to practice ask the players to find a new partner. Players then share their last greeting
with this new partner. The challenge is then to combine the two greetings together using all the
movements of both greetings they dont necessarily have to be in the same order (but most keep
them that way). Give the pairs ample time to memorize this new combination greeting. If you dare,
ask the players to find a new partner again someone they have not done a greeting with. Can this
new pair combine their newest greeting into one mega-handshake? If time allows you could have
pairs share their handshake with the rest of the group. Variations: Have pairs come up with a
sentence that rhymes, like, Once you find your way there you can stay. Each pair commits their
rhyme to memory. Create new pairs that put their rhymes together. Remember this combination and
find another partner to add to the poem. Pairs can rearrange lines to make it work.
A Penny For Your Thoughts a penny for each player. Any number can play. Directions: Each
person gets a penny and shares with someone else a significant event that affected them in the year
printed on the penny. If the coin is older than the person, ask them to think of something that
happened to someone else on that date that significantly affected their life.
Hollywood Survey Nothing needed and any number can play. Directions: As a little mingle/intro
ask everyone to think of a recent movie (within the past year) they really liked. Then each player is
going to go out into the public (the group) and take a survey on their favorite movie. Initially
everyone pairs up with someone near them. Each player shares their favorite movie with the other
person and finds out if they liked it or not (and maybe a little why?). After the discussion each
player raises their hand, looks for another player raising her or his hand, meet up and share the
movies. Dont forget to share names with each other and any other pleasantries needed. After a few
minutes the facilitator will stop the activity and ask about the survey results. How many found at
least one other person that liked their movie? How many people found at least five other players?
How many found 10 others that liked their movie? What were the movies with over 10 votes? (Chris)
Simon Says No special needs and any number can play. Directions: A new twist on the traditional
game where people change places move to the left side of the room or the right side - rather than
exiting the game and learn from their mis-takes (faith)
Gothcha (quick, funny, and energizer) No special needs any number can play. Directions: Players
gathered in a tight circle right palm up left hand index finger pointing down in the neighbors right
palm - attempt to grab neighbors finger while not letting their own finger be grabbedupon the
speaking of a selected word. (faith)
Gudag Nothing needed and any number can play. Directions: Divide the group in half in some
fashion without physically separating the halves (everyone should all be mixed up). For example,
Everyone with an even numbered month birthday are the Trees, everyone else is a River. The trees
will start shaking hands with their right hand; the rivers will start shaking hands with their left hand.
During this introduction players will be looking for other players who will have a matching hand they
can shake (right-to-right, left-to-left). When a player greets another, they will use the signified
language greeting and then share names. Starting with English is would be, (shaking hands) Good
day, Im Chris. The partner responds in kind, Good day, Im Faith. After a couple minutes stop the
action. Split the group in half in another way then give them another language into (just the Good
day part). For Swedish it would be, Gudag, Im Sam. When you stop again you can ask the group
if anyone has another language to use (recognizing diversity and/or multilingual people). Here are
some others if you needs some: Spanish Buen dia; German Gutten tag; Greek Kalimera (if its
the first day of the month its Kalomena [good month]); French Bon Jour; Italian Buon Giorno;
Latin- Salve (Chris)
Eye Contact Partner Tag No special needs and any number (we think) can play. Directions: This
is an interesting version of Partner Tag shared by Karl Rohnke. Pair up players. During the game the
only person that you can tag is your partner. (In the original version it is an open-handed tag of your
partner). For the tag in this version you must make eye contact with your partner. For this activity to
play well all players must keep their eyes open (except for the occasional blink) and at shoulder-head
level during play (so no looking up in the sky or down at the ground). Most non-IT players will make
eye contact with other non-IT players as to avoid looking at their partner. For a better tag ratio, limit
eye contact with any other player to 5 seconds (could be for the whole game!). Before starting make
sure everyone understands the boundary area the smaller the better (keep it safe). Then ask each
pair to decide who will be IT first. All the Its gather in the middle of the playing area for the IT salute
One for all and all for one! (At this time the non-IT players are looking for some sort of hiding
advantage within the playing area.) After the salute the Its go off to find and make eye contact with
their partners. Once the tag is made the new IT must turn around three times before going after his
or her partner for the tag-back. Play a few minutes before calling time. (Chris)
Partner Have You Ever a spot marker (poly spot, paper plate, and rope ring) for all but two
players. up to 50 players Directions: Pair up players and then make sure everyone (except one pair
who has volunteered to be in the middle first) has a spot marker. All the pairs together create a nice
big circle with each player then setting down and stepping on (or inside) their spot and finally end up
holding hands (or buddy ropes if needed). The volunteer couple steps into the center of the circle,
holding hands, and asks a, Have you ever? or Would you like to? or Have you never? type
question. This event or situation they ask about must be true for both players if it is to be asked. So,
lets say they ask, Would you like to take a trip to Scotland? The pairs that have created the circle
check in with each other would they like to go to Scotland? If not they stay where they are. If so,
they must leave their spots and move to two other spots in another part of the circle unoccupied. In
the midst of the movement, the players in the middle will attempt to fill two empty spots leaving
another pair in the middle to ask the next question. The game goes on this way while the energy is
still good. (Yes there might need to be some cooperative adjustments during the game a little
helping is a good thing!) To add a little mingling call a change before the question is asked. Pairs
drop hands and then hold hands with the person standing next to them on the other side. (Chris)
Introductions (f) - With a mass of people mingling around, everyone introduces people they meet
in the crowd to other people in the crowd. As Faith says, like its your birthday and you know
everyone. But your guests dont know each other. 2 or 3 minutes works well.
GORILLA GAME= PEER PRESSURE= different ways of saying no Group gets into pairs
then face you Show them 4 different hand motions & go through them enough to know they know
them. 1. Rabbit = hands above head for ears 2. Moose = thumbs in ears 3. Buffalo = hands
below chin wiggling fingers (represents hair) 4. Gorilla = arms down at side fingers curled inward
making grunting sounds. Then stand back to back & on your count face each other doing one of the
4 motions. If match have them sit down. Keep going a few more times (can change partners)
10 Flips This one is a simple (competitive) game that can be used with a smaller group of players
during downtime. Youll need 10 Playing Cards for each pair of players. This one can get pretty
addicting so you might need to set a playing time limit. Process: Lay out 10 cards in a line with the
faces up. To win, a player must Flip all the cards face down during his or her turn. The youngest
player has the first turn. The pair faces each other to throw some numbers this is like rock,
paper, scissors. Each player makes a fist and both count 1, 2, 3 and ON 3 each throws out a
number of fingers lets say a 3 and a 4. The player whose turn it is can now use the 3 the 4 or a 7
(adding them together) to turn the cards over (players do not have to use any or all of the numbers)
leaving 3 cards still facing up. On the next numbers the players throw out a 0 and a 4 (I wonder
who threw out the zero?). The second player has only a 4 to use, so she turns over the last three
cards and then must turn back up one of the other cards. Once a card is face up, it cannot be turned
back over until all the other cards are turned up. Again, the objective is to flip all the cards face down
during a turn using the numbers available. Players throw out numbers until the game is won. Then of
course there will need to be a rematch.
Chicken (Circle) Game (Chris Cavert) Use the different terms below to form different
size circles with your groups. Make a game out of making circles. Every time you need to adjust
the circle a bit to make it rounder, make clucking sorts of noises (great for most groups!!)
Chicken Soup - What do you put your soup in? A bowl! So, stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the two
players next to you and make a tight bowl like circle.
Single Chicken Wing (right or left) what does a chicken wing look like? (elbow out to the side
with the hand on the hip). Good! Lets all make a wing with our right arm and make a circle so our
right elbow is touching the player to our right.
Double Chicken Wing Put both wings up and touch elbows of the players to both sides.
Flying Chicken Arms straight out to the side touching finger-tip to finger-tip.
Chicken Dumplings find your own personal space within the playing area.
Slow Tag Any number can play. Make a good size boundary to fit the size of your group. Ask
everyone to get their own personal space within the boundary no one should be able to touch
anyone at this point. This is a tag game. If you get tagged you must sit down. The leader will call,
Step. Each player can take one step one foot in any direction (if the other foot moves from the
spot where it is at, the players has to sit). The leader calls, Step again. Now the other foot can take
a step in any direction. There will be some interesting tactics develop during this game. When you
are sitting, you are not out of the game. You can still tag players who are still in, but you must be in
the SITTING position (how ever this is defined at the beginning of the game) and you cant tag the
player who tagged you. Play until there are two players left or go for the dual.
Team Tag - One different, safe, tossable object for each group, 20+ players. Directions: Split your
big group into teams of 4 or 5. Give each team a different soft tossable object as their orb. This is a
basic tag game. Make some big boundaries. On the GO signal everyone is off to tag everyone else
(dont tag your own team members. If you get tagged you have to kneel down. To get back up you
need the orb passed to you. You hold the orb until someone else in your team needs it. If you have
the orb and you are tagged, you must pass the orb to someone else on your team so they can pass it
back to you to get you back in. Teams cannot steal or obstruct other orbs. The objective is to have
as many of your team standing when time is called.
Blind Cards - (Anonymous, adapted from Christian Itins activity page ) Preparation: Put your
playing cards in order starting with the aces - clubs, hearts, spade, diamonds - ending with Kings
Directions: Pass out a playing card to each player (best played with 30 to 52 players) and ask them
not to look at their card. Tell the players there will be no talking during the activity! Now have the
players arrange themselves by a certain order you call out. Here is the order I use: Group by color
(2 groups), group by suit (4 groups), group by value on the card (a number of small groups), group
by suit in order (4 lines). Remember this is all done without players looking at their own card. (This
one is a good lead into, Quick Cards)
Quick Cards - Directions: I like to do this one when I can make at least two groups of 8 or 10
players, but you can do this with quite a few small groups at once. Shuffle your deck (or decks) of
cards real good. After splitting up into small groups, give each play a card ask them not to look at
the face of the card just yet. When you say GO, each player can look at their card and then each
group must line up in sequence based on the ace through king order, as fast as possible. When a
team is in the right order they raise their cards up high together and yell, DONE! AS the facilitator
you can give out the medals as they finish (you might have to do spot checks on the order!). After
each round, have the groups turn their cards down and do a team shuffle hand the cards around
the group in random order so the values of the cards are unknown to the players. Then say, Keep a
card. Each player should have a card ready for the next round not looking at it until you say, GO!
Give the teams 30 seconds to plan their attempt before you start them. I like to play about three or
four rounds with the smaller teams, them I combine two teams together keeping the same cards
but now shuffling up with both teams cards they have the info, how do they share it to make the
activity successful. Play a few times for supper speed rating.
Creative Greetings (s) - Pairs of players make up their own greeting that has 3 components to it
three parts. For example, a high five, a handshake and a hip bump. After 30 seconds of practice mix
players up with different partners. Each person shows the greeting they just made up. Then the two
players combine their greetings to make one long one. Pair up one more time with a new person.
Share those long greetings and, you guessed it, combine the two for a super long greeting!
Arrow Warm Up (c) - I like to use three large green arrows (printed on a piece of paper) and three
large red arrows. Stand up on a chair or box so everyone in the group can see you (spotters if
necessary). All the group members are scattered around the area facing you they need to be in
front of you to see the arrows. Show one green arrow to the group. All the members stretch their
arms out in the direction the arrow is pointing up, down, left or right. The players can also give a
little body lean when the direction is left of right. As the facilitator you show the arrow, the group
reaches in that direction. As the group is leaning rotate the arrow. When you stop it the group
reaches in that direction. After several warm-up stretch rounds, show a red arrow. Repeat the same
process, however, this time the group leans in the opposite direction the arrow is pointing. Now for
the challenge, shuffle the three green and red arrows together, then show one arrow at a time
bring the front card to the back giving it a turn so it points in a different direction the next time it
comes up. This is a nice body warm-up and mind stretch.
People-to-People (s) - All players, but one, partner up (the facilitator may be the one left without
a partner to model the action). The solo player calls out some body-to-body connection like elbow to
shoulder. Pairs perform that action together one players elbow to the other players shoulder. The
solo player then calls left knee to left knee one players left knee to the other players left knee, at
the same time keeping the elbow to shoulder contact. Another doable body connection call could be
made or the solo player could call People-to-People. When this is called all players, including the
solo player, hook up with a different partner leaving another player (hopefully) flying solo to call the
next round. 6 or 7 different callers is a good number before changing activities.
Wallets (f) - Get into small groups of 4 or 5 players. Have everyone pull out their wallets or some
other personal item they my have with them something that has some significance to the person.
One at a time, within the small groups, players share a story about their item. Continue around the
circle with more items if other groups are not finished with their first round.
3-D Commonalties (c) - Get into groups of 5 or 6. Players are to discover something they all have
in common that can be presented 3-Dementionally to the rest of the group. When everyone is ready
each small group presents to the large group who shout out guesses of what the small group has in
common. Mix up players into different small groups for another round. 2 or 3 rounds work out well.
Categories (s) - The facilitator shouts out categories like favorite food, favorite form of
transportation, favorite color, number of brothers and sisters. Players then get into like groups. Go
around and have each group share their common category. You can also allow time for groups to
share names and details about themselves before sharing their category commonality.
Crossword People (f) - On a large piece of flip-chart paper create a grid pattern each square in
the grid should be about 1 x 1 leaving you with a big scrabble type board. As players first arrive
you can ask them to add their name to the grid (with the markers provided), or add something to the
grid, or at the end of the program have them add a word to the grid that best describes their day.
You can use this grid as an assessment tool or just something fun to create as a group.
One pencil & handout per team of 5
Each team designates a recorder to tally each persons points per each question, which becomes
teams total score at the end.
1. One point for each person living in your home.
2. One for each button on your clothes.
3. One point for each person born outside of this state.
4. One point for each pet in your family (fish count as one pet).
5. One point for each team member with brown hair.
Two points for each team member with blond hair.
Three points for each team member with black hair.
Four points for each team member with red hair.
Five points for each team member with hair color not listed above.
6. One point for each shoelace hole or hook on one shoe of each team member.
7. One point for each team member who has been in another state other then this one.
8. One point for each member who has flown in an airplane.
9. One point for each musical instrument each member knows how to play.
10. One point for each organized sports team each member as participated in this year.
Total team points for each question: Total combined points of all team members for each question:
1. ___________________
2. ___________________
Combined scores of 1 & 2_______________
3. ___________________
4. ___________________
5. 1._____2._____3._____4._____5._______
6. ___________________
7. ___________________
8. ___________________
9. ___________________
10. __________________
Where Do You Stand 25 for 10 to 15 minutes one activity rope Process: Lay the activity rope out
in a nice long line (you could even set it out in a big curve so the players could see each other a little
better). Signify to the players which end of the rope is less and which end is more like a time
line, one end will have less of a value than the other. Now you can ask the group questions that have
some sort of ranking to them. For example, How much do you like chocolate? Now, the players use
their bodies to vote by standing on the part of the rope (its okay with this rope) that best expresses
their love for chocolate - less or more or in the middle somewhere. Ask questions to get to know
each other. How many brothers and sisters? Distance from the program site. How awake are
you? Are you here to share or be a watchful observer? The longest hike you ever took.
Variation(s): Pocket Processor a deck of round cards - each card has yin/yang (opposites) listed
that can be used along with Where Do You Stand. Check out there web-site:
Tug-of-Peace up to25 for 8 to 10 minutes. one (or more) activity rope(s) - this one works
well right after Where Do You Stand. Process: Split the group in half and have each half stand
in a single file line near opposite halves of the rope. Ask each half of the group to face the other half.
Have all the players pick up the rope looking like a tug-of-war set up (several interesting things
could pop up to talk about). However, the idea here (similar to the Circle Sit on page 68 of your
manual) that the group is going to work together to sit and stand back up while holding onto the
rope slightly leaning back away from the other half of the group. This is all done with safety in
mind move slowly, support each other and avoid falling over. Facilitators should spot
where necessary. This could be done a few times for quality purposes if desired.
Name Hot-Spots Learning names, performing under pressure, accepting mistakes,
empathy 10 to 14 players in a group one Squishy Object and a Rope Ring for each player
plus one extra. Process: Instead of categories players will be calling out others names. The group
forms a large circle with each player standing in a Rope Ring there is one open/extra Ring
somewhere between two players. A Squishy Object will be passed around the group. When it is
passed, the person passing it, will need to say the name of another person in the group however, it
cannot be the name of the person being passed to (you might want to go over that one more
time??). Also, a persons name cannot be called out twice in a row (by two different players). Like in
Hot Spots, a player must move to the open Ring if he or she is buzzed by the group. Buzzing can
occur if a player takes too long to call out a name or holding on to the object too long (to long
determined by the group), calls out the players name that the object is passed to, or calls out a name
that was just called out by the previous player. The faster paced the game is the more demanding it
Wheres My Kitty Warming up, communication/eye contact skills, awareness, safety
issues, empathy 10 to 14 in a group. a Rope Ring for all but 1. Process: Form a good size circle
with your group and have each person standing in a Rope Ring. The middle player will walk up to
someone in the circle & say, Have you seen my Kitty? The player being asked the question will first
say, Sorry I have not seen your Kitty & then has a choice to say, 1) You should check next door,
or 2) Why dont you check across the street, or 3) You might consider looking around the corner.
The player looking for the Kitty will then perform the task next door, moves one person over from
the respondent (left or right), across the street, turns & moves to someone across the circle,
around the corner, must first go around the person who responded & then back into the circle, then
approaching any other player to ask the question, Have you seen my Kitty? challenge: while this
question/response is taking place, the other players will stealthily switch spots The middle player,
AT ANY TIME, will try and step into an empty spot leaving someone else in the middle. So, the
objective is for the middle player to get out of the middle. Any ties for occupation of a Ring
go to the middle player. Variation: You can be looking for things other that a Kitty too. An interesting
search can lead to an interesting debrief, Have you seen my place?
MIDDLES> INITIATIVES/ ACTIVITIES/ Challenges & Problem Solving
Mohawk Walk
Slack Walk
Electric Fence
Wild N Woozy
Criss Cross
Yurt Rope
Blind Polygon
Quad Jump
In The Loop
Walk the Circle rope
T P Shuffle
Support Fall with the Web
Spider Web
Raccoon Circles
Hot Choc & Marshmallows
The Meuse
Bull Ring
How High On the Tree
Cookie Jar
Diminishing Load
Traffic Jam
Magic Carpet
Sherpa Walk
Tubes N Marbles
Monkey See Monkey Do
The Shuffle Walk Boards
Worm Hole
Human Knot (with twine)
Blinfold Tag
All Aboard
Mine Field
Shackles & Handcuffs
In 3s (2 spotters & 1 faller)
In 4s face to face alternating (6s) cacooned by rest of the group in spotters position
Lean to Lean
Lean Too
Willow N the Wind
Willow N the Wind with the outside circle moving left/right in the circle while supporting the faller
End Over End
ALL THUMBS= IMPAIRMENT Lg. Screw, nut & pair of gloves for each team of 5- timer
1.Have team sit or stand in circle taking turns screwing the nut all of the way on then off then pass
to next person till everyone on the team as done it. Time?
2.Include putting on the gloves & doing it, taking them off & passing them around till all have had
their turn. Time?
3.Do again but only have 1st 3rd & 5th person do it with the gloves on. Time?
LAPSIT=COMMUNICATION/WORKING TOGETHER 1. In order for this to work- perfect circle,
close together, you worry about the person going to sit on your lap not the person you are going to
sit on. 2. Raise hands & clap 3. Move feet one at a time and walk around the circle
Lily Pads and Islands (idea from Karl Rohnke and Jim Cain) Youll need 1 untied Rope Ring for
each player and 2 Tubular Webbing lengths - untied as well. Plays well with 12 or more players.
Process: Spread out the untied Rope Rings, each in the shape of a circle, around the playing area.
Place the Webbing lengths down in the shape of a circle somewhere in the area as well. Leave
enough room between the Rings and the Webbing for people to walk around. Now, ask each player
to stand on/within a Lily Pad (untied Rope Ring) or an Island (Webbing circle). Tell them that
standing on a Lily Pad or Island will be safe from the sharks! When there are no sharks the players
are allowed to swim (walk) around the area meeting and greeting other players in the process - using
names and how ya doings. When you yell SHARK!, all the players must find safe haven on a Pad
or Island. During the swim time you will take away 1 or 2 Lily Pads before you say Shark! limiting
the safe areas forcing the group to share. Towards the end of the game there can be two ways to
proceed. You can take away all but one Island and have the players SAFELY share the last island turning the activity into the traditional All Aboard. Or, take away the Webbing (leaving enough Rope
Rings) and see if the group is able to shift by taking the small Lily Pads (Rope Rings) and reforming
them into a large Island - no one said the equipment (resources) could not be utilized in a different
Quad Jam (idea from Craig Dobkin) Youll need some Masking Tape (if you are playing on a hard
tape-able surface) or 1 Activity Rope if you are able to stake out the corners in some way. This one
plays best with 16 to 24 players - so you have at least 4 players per side. Process: For the purpose of
description lets say we are going to Tape out a large square on the floor (again, this can also be
done if you can stake out one of the Activity Ropes into a square). Each side should have about 2
feet of room for every player. So, if you are playing with 20 players, each side should be about 10
feet long. After the set-up ask each small group (of 4 to 6 players) to stand on one of the Taped
sides. Next, you are going to present a series of challenges to the entire group - each challenge
getting a bit more involved than the previous. Any time a players feet (or foot) is on the ground it
must have Tape (or Rope) under it. Any foot-to-ground touches that dont have tape under them will
result in the entire group starting from each players original position. Here is how I present the
around the circle it just needs to be turned 360 degrees one way and back the other (but you dont
tell them that, youre hoping to guide them in that direction). This activity opens up a good
discussion about thinking out-of-the-box.
Leaners (learned from Tom Smith) Youll need 1 Tubular Webbing circle (Webbing tied with a Water
knot) for every 6 to 10 players. Multiple groups can be lead at once. Process: Ask the group(s) to
stand in a circle holding the Webbing loop with both hands in front of them. Have each circle adjust
so the Webbing loop is tight and all players arms are out straight. Ask each player to position their
feet about shoulder length apart for a stable base. The challenge will be for each group to find a
balance as every player leans back away from the center of the circle. When a balance is achieved,
encourage players to slowly move their feet more towards the center while leaning back keeping
their arms straight? Groups also might need to move players around to find the right distribution for
optimal balance. NOTE: Be extra safe with footing issues.
Circle Sit (learned from Tom Smith) Youll need 1 Tubular Webbing circle (Webbing tied with a
Water knot) for every 6 to 10 players. Multiple groups can be lead at once. Process: Follow the same
process as in Leaners to start this one out. Once the group(s) have reached a comfortable lean, ask
them to SLOWLY sit down and then stand back up. Have them try again to reach a smooth up and
down motion. Then instruct the group(s) to perform 3 consecutive up-down motions and accompany
it with a group sound as they go down and up. After a little practice have groups perform there
creation for the other groups. NOTE: Safety issues here are falling over or down too quickly
on the butt!! Also, if knees are bad players might avoid this one or just bend at the waist
with the groups down and up. Also, footing is a key to safety, real big leans are not
needed. The last 2 activities initiate good discussions about trust and support.
Don't Spill The Beans a cup full of dried beans and a bandana for every 4 to 8 players (and a
dustpan and broom!) Any number can play. Directions: The team holds the bandanna by the edges
and flat as they transport the cup of beans around, over and through obstacles, trying not to spill
BLIND LINEUP= COMMUNICATION= Blindfolds Give each participant a blindfold, and then ask
group to put themselves in a line progression with the shortest in front to the tallest in back.
SHERPA WALK= COMMUNICATION= Blindfolds per two Make sure to give safety perimeters
1. Verbal not touching their partner & lead them through the course completing 3 tasks = a. smell
something b. feel something c. lift blindfold to take a snapshot
2. Up challenge by being silent = give them 1 min. to decide on their signals
Newspapers, masking tape & a lg. Can of? For each team of 5-6
Can has to fit under it standing upright & stand on it without it collapsing.
Newspapers, masking tape, a plastic cup & water for each team of 5-6
Free standing, movable & hold the water without collapsing.
A moveable chair & duct tape for each team of 5
Tape person to side of bldg. not on bare skin or around neck PLUG INTO SAFETY
Teams of 3 or 4-2 baggies ea. Team 40 sm. colored marshmallows, 40 colored toothpicks
1. Each team creates a design that lays flat on the floor or table. The team selects an explainer of
how they created it.
2. Have the explainer go to another teams design, 2nd person becomes the builder & 3rd & 4th
person(s) becomes the messenger. Only the explainer can see the design.
3. The explainer tells the messenger what to tell the builder to do to recreate the design. The
messenger can not see the explainers design or the design the builder is creating. Questions okay.
CONNECTED FOUR CHALLENGE= COMMUNICATION Obstacle course, String for groups of
4 & 3 blindfolds for each group ***GIVE SAFETY PREIMETERS
Have each group of 4 pick up & hold a string with the 3rd one in line not blindfolded; being the leader
& giving verbal commands to maneuver the course. Have each person take turns in each position.
MAKING A rope 30 ft long for 15 persons & a blindfold for each GIVE SAFETY
PERIMERTERS Have the group create the shape you tell them: square, triangle, rectangle,
hexagon, trapezoid, circle, pentagon etc.
Walking Around Cooperation & Communication This one works well with 4 to 6 players per
webbing circle, for about 5 minutes. (I have been using this one after Shapes on page 43 of the
Activity Manual and then I have the players travel from one program area to the next.) Process:
Youll need one Tubular
Through the Hoop Plays well with 10 to 15 players for 15 to 20 minutes.
1 length of webbing tied into a large circle and a stopwatch.
Process: This one works well with Loop the Circle (on page 30 of your manual). Set up and go
through the Loop the Circle activity. Then ask them to get the loop around as fast as they can
without the loop (webbing) touching the ground every players body must go completely through
the hoop. On go the hoop starts, when the last player gets through the hoop the time stops. (What
I look for in this activity is the shift will they change the formation they are in from Loop the
Circle to be more productive? If they get stuck you might ask, What might be preventing you from
being more productive? (They dont need to hold hands or stay in a circle.)
Double Pass 8 to 14 players for 15 to 25 minutes. 6 to 9 of the squishy objects to pass
around and a stopwatch. Process: Have the group sit in a circle. Leave a large space to the right
of the player who is going to be the, starter of the activity, which is to the left of the player who
will be designated as the turning point the last player. Place the small passable objects in this
open space between the two players. When time begins the starter picks up one of the items with
her right hand and places it in the right hand of the player to her left. He continues to pass the item
to the left placing it in the right hand of the next player. Meanwhile, the starter picks up another item
with her right hand, placing this item in the right hand of the player on her left. The starter continues
to pick and pass objects until all the objects are moving around the circle. When the, turning point
player (last one in the circle) receives an object, he puts the object in his left hand and reaches
around behind himself to hand this item back to the player on his right placing the item in her left
hand. She continues the left-handed back passing to the next player on her right and so on around
the circle. When the item returns to the starter, she places the object back into the open space.
When the last passable object is returned to the open space, the time stops. Allow the group(s) to
plan strategies for better times. Variation(s): pass around full cups of water. Or, water balloons.
standing up passing around noodles.
Rope Art 10 to 15 players per rope 18 to 25 minutes. An activity rope and a nice open area to
play. Process: Ask the group to form the shape of a heart, a clover, a fish, a letter (B, D, L, etc.), a
boat, a tree, a plane (tough one), a butterfly, etc.. The students are allowed to talk to one another as
much as they like. When they feel they have the figure or shape ready, ask them to place the rope
(shape) on the floor or ground, then step back and open their eyes to see how they did. Allow the
group to process the process, then, give them another shape to try. Variation(s): If you wanted to
give certain players leadership opportunities you can have them sighted during this one and have him
or her verbally guide the other unsighted players into making the shape given. Then, after the group
places the rope (figure) on the ground, they can give feedback to the leader of the activity. Several
different players could have a chance to lead and learn leadership qualities. The group should be
use to feedbacking skills before using this option. By just asking the players to close their
eyes, you give them more of a choice the choice to open their eyes if they need to> boils down to
trust issues, which are always wonderful to discuss.
Group Jump Cooperation Communication, Trust & Support Building 1 Activity Rope. 10 to 25
10 to 15 minutes. Group Jump is less of a Problem Solving & more of a just do it activity a group
accomplishment. Process: Using one of the activity ropes, youll need a couple rope turners. The
rest of the group stands along side the rope. The turners turn that rope and try to get it under
everyone jumping at once. It might take a few times to develop the coordination that the group will
need. Set a time limit on how long you are going to work on this. After they perform one jump over,
can they do multiple jumps two or three in a row. If the energy is good, and the time is up, tell the
group youll try and come back to this one later if they want to better their record of jumps.
(Warning: This one has proven to be a great energizer and also a great downer if the group is not
ready for it - the right group the right time!) Communication, participation, challenge, sticking to it
Fours A (Good) Crowd Learning names, concentration, small group challenge 10 to 12
players (multiple groups ok) 15 to 20 minutes. one Squishy Ball. Process: create a pattern of
tosses, each player tossing and catching once the first player to start the tossing will be the last
player to catch the Squishy. Once the pattern has been established heres how it works. The first
player, before tossing the Squishy, says, out loud, the name of the player to their right, then the
name of the player to their left, then their name, and then throws the Squishy to the next player in
the pattern after saying that players name four names before tossing. This next player does the
same thing says the name of the player to their right, then their left, then their name, and then
tosses it to the next player in the pattern after saying that players name. This process continues until
the first player receives the Squishy. After that practice run you can time the group to see how fast
they can make it through the pattern and names. Tossing Order challenges ok Variation: Call out
Mix it Up! so the players rearrange their positions in the circle. Start the activity again, same people
tossing pattern, but now there are new names to call out.
Circle Hop Cooperation, communication, trust, responsibility 10 - 25 players for 15 to 20 min
Rope Rings (one per player). Process: Word of warning first. This one has real physical safety
issues monitor the practice rounds to see if the group is ready for the Ultimate Challenge! Create a
large circle (Double Chicken Wing, page 14 in The EMPTY Bag) you can adjust it later. Have all the
players set a Rope Ring down in front of them and step into it. Then you are going to ask everyone
to make a quarter turn to their right so they are looking at the back of the player ahead of them.
Players are going to be coordinating their efforts to hop together (they should be responsible for
setting this up) on the same count into the space between the Rope Rings ahead of them. For
example, if they count 1, 2, 3, and hop, they all hop forward at once and land, two feet together, in
the space between the Rings. The next hop, 1, 2, 3, hop, the players hop forward into the Ring in
front of them. The idea is to work on (practice) coordinating the hops so they all happen at the same
time (if you are playing indoors, you will want to hear one sound as the feet hit the floor). What
you are doing is practicing for the Ultimate Challenge (you will need to determine if the group is
ready for this). For the ultimate challenge the group will be moving the Rope Rings in towards the
center of the circle so that when the players perform their hop, it will be into the next Ring no more
empty space (make sure the Rings are not too far away from each other). This means that the player
occupying the Ring must be gone when the player behind them hops into it coordination and trust.
So, you can see the safety issue here. Make sure your group is ready for this. If you can move into
the Ultimate Challenge, ask the group to set a goal for how many hops in a row they want to achieve
without any close calls players having to avoid collisions. This ones a good challenge for those
groups who have been working together for a while.
Alpha Cards Alphabetical ruling, verbal and visual communication, patience, planning,
helping & Cooperation groups of 10 to 20 multiple groups can play.
Playing Cards. Process: Each player will choose a card without looking at the face just yet. After
everyone has a card they can look at what they have. The objective is then to line up in alphabetical
order based in the spelling of their card. For example, two of spades would be standing next to a two
of hearts. After the first round, do a blind shuffle (cards face down exchanging with at least 5 other
players) and then have them line up again will a process emerge after a few rounds that will lead
to efficiency? How will helping become a factor?
POSSIBLES Webbing circle for every 4 or 6 players. After making a few shapes ask each group to
walk around the area (or on to the next activity site) with the webbing at ankle level. Each player
must have at least one ankle area touching the webbing at all times The idea is for each group to
go across (and maybe back across) the area gaining the fewest amount of points. If the webbing
touches the floor or a player becomes unconnected to the webbing, the group gives themselves a
point. Players may not hold the webbing onto their ankle in any way. Is it competitive?
Neat Puzzle Verbal communication, leadership, pattern recognition, sharing ideas,
cooperation four groups can play at once.9 Rope Rings for each group of 8 players. Each
group will need 8 Playing Cards ranks A through 8 (we are going to use the Ace as the number
1). Process: Each group will be working independently. They will first set up a 3 x 3 grid of Rope
Rings each Rope Ring no more than 2 feet away from another. After the grid is set each player will
choose a card without looking at the face, then step into one of the Rings of the grid leaving one
Ring open (doesnt matter which one). When all the players are in the grid they can each look at
their cards value. The challenge from here is to get into sequential order: A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Movement
can only be made by one person at a time into the empty space (like the sliding panel puzzles that
were more common years ago). I dont allow my groups to exchange cards with each other, but if
out-of-the-box thinking is an objective you might not mention it. Groups can play more than once by
first stepping out of the grid, doing a blind shuffle of cards and then stepping back in for another try.
A discovered system will eventually make the activity redundant but successful. Variation: You
can make a bigger grid, 4 x 4, 5 x 5, however, it will take more patience and group communication.
Exchanging Knots (small sections of 3/16 by 5 foot braided rope what I call un-tied Rope
Rings) Youll need small groups of six or eight players this activity requires even numbers in each
group and preferably the same number of players in each group (but you can work around this). Give
each group a section of rope for each pair of players (six players in the group three ropes). Ask each
group to create a small asterisk with the ropes on the ground all ropes nice and straight. Then have
each player take hold of one end of one rope having the group pick up the asterisk off the ground.
At this point players are required to keep hold of the end of the rope they have a hold of not letting
go until instructed to do so. Each small group will now create a nice tangled knot within the center of
the asterisk by having players go up, around, over, through, between and so on. They will be given
90 seconds or so (the longer the time the harder the knot) to create the knot let them know that
they do not need to pull the knot tight. After the designated time have each group set down their
knot and then rotate to a different knot to untie one player per rope end and not letting go of the
rope end during the process. After each group has un-tied their new knot have them make another
knot for the next round notice the different energy in creating the knot this time. Why is it
different? (If the small group sizes are different just have the extra player move around until they
have a rope end there is one for everyone. If they end up back at the same knot they created
thats okay. How is this beneficial to the group? And, now they have to get themselves out of the
mess they made!)
Space Craft High verbal communication, integrity, sharing ideas, listening, patience,
participation, Challenge & Problem Solving team of 10 to 12 players. an Activity Rope for each
group/space Process: Each team will take their Rope and tie the ends together to make a large
circle. Teams will then divide themselves into Pilots and Passengers (as close to an even split as
possible). Together they will need to form/construct a ship with their rope that contains a seat (or
opening) for each Passenger. (Think of a horizontal spiders web type of design). When the ship is
ready, each team will need to fly it from their construction site to the Space Stations (some 50 feet
away). While flying their ship (everyone is walking), the Pilots are on the outside holding the ship
(rope) up while the Passengers are seated (standing within an opening) inside the ship. After leaving
the construction site the Passengers are instructed not to touch the ship (rope) in any way. If the
ship (rope) is touched more than three times (on the fourth touch), it will have to return to the
construction site for repairs and any re-modifications before taking off for the space station again.
Once the ship has reached the space station the Passengers become the Pilots and Pilots,
Passengers. The team can reconstruct the ship in any way needed to make the successful flight back
to the original construction site all rules apply for the flight back. Other touch consequences
might be walking backwards or being blindfolded/eyes closed. Variation: The original activity called
for a thin bungee cord to be used so, if you have one, use it with care. There is more trust
associated in the bungee version.
Left, Right, and Over 3 Squishy Objects 3 different colors for of 8-12 players 10 to 15
minutes. Process: Form a circle with each of the groups. With the first Squishy, considered the Over
Squishy, form a tossing pattern, where each player tosses and catches one time during the pattern
before it starts over again try this a few times to make sure everyone remembers their Over
Squishy player. Set the Over Squishy aside for the moment. Take another squishy (of another color)
and hand this one around to the left. Each player should remember who their Left Squishy player is.
Pass this one around a couple times to get the faces down. Do the same with the last Squishy (of a
different color) to the right. Remember this Right Squishy player. The left-brain-right-brain challenge
is now to rearrange the circle of players (code wording this action Change). Hand out the three
Squishies to three different players and then have them start tossing to their respective Left, Right,
and Over Squishy player depending on the color of the ball each color has its action. You can have
the group Change the circle around a few different times during the process to warm things up a
bit and keep them thinking. Variation: If you are working with multiple groups you could add the
direction Scatter where players break up their circle and move to a random spot in the room. Each
group must then keep the tossing going to their respective Squishy player Change puts them
back into a circle.
Cooperation & Communication or Trust and Support Building (if you do lifting variation).
The Rope Cubed Labyrinth 10 to 12 players per activity rope, for 20 to 30 minutes. Process: On
page 39 of the POSSIBLESbag Activity Manual you will find The Rope Cubed. Once your group has
figured out the Cube, use it as a floating spiders web. Each player in the group is challenged to make
their way through the cube, each using a different path a different entrance and exit side
combination. The players holding the Rope Cube can move it around freely, but they need to be
careful because if the player traveling through touches the rope, he or she must start over again
(using the same combination, or not). Players holding the cube will need to exchange places with
others who have gone through so that everyone has the chance. Variation: If you have lots of extra
players, and you have practiced through a trust sequence and lifting procedures, hold the rope cube
in one position the cube holders cannot move the cube to help. In this way there will need to be
more lifting and passing to get through the cube. SAFETY, SAFETY, SAFETY!!
Macro Message Youll need the 2 activity ropes 6 to 12 players per rope. Plays well for about 15
to 20 minutes. Process: Divide your group in half and ask each half to take up a rope and hold onto it
with both hands they are allowed to slide along the rope. Have a player at each of the rope ends
for reference. At this point each rope group will choose a leader to guide their rope through the
process. The leader of each rope will be sighted (you can require that they hold onto the rope or
not), and the rest of the rope group will be asked to close their eyes. As the facilitator you will have
prepared some drawings ahead of time for this activity (or two letter words like, SO, NO, BY, BE,
ME). The drawings should be pretty simple and contain a shape that would utilize both ropes to
create the picture. For example, a picture of a house would have a roof (made up with one rope),
and the body of the house (made up with the other rope). After the rope leaders see the picture they
can verbally instruct their rope group to make the shape. Ask the rope leaders not to tell the group
what they are making. When the shape is complete you could have the players open their eyes and
talk about the process and the leadership, or when the leaders tell the groups they are done, they
can then ask them, What did you make? The next challenge is for the group to determine what it is
that they were asked to make without opening their eyes to find out there was no rule about letting
go of the rope. Try a few shapes with different leaders.
Quotes on Cards (f) - Collect a number of quotes and cut and paste them to index cards (or just
cut up slips of paper). Have everyone take a quote and pair up with another player to discuss the
quote and what it means to them. After their discussion, players exchange quotes and then find
someone else to sit down and talk with. You can also have a pile of extra quotes players can use to
exchange their quote with another from the pile. This one can go on for up to 10 minutes
ABC Charades (f) Form small groups of 4 or 5 players and have each group count off from 1 to 5
(or 4). Player #1 will be the first actor, player #2 is the counter, the remainder of the players are
guessers. The facilitator calls out a letter, like P for instance. The actor performs words that start with
the letter P in charades style, no talking for the guessers to guess. When they get the word
right the actor says Yes, the counter adds one point to the score and the actor goes on to act out
another word. After one minute TIME is called. Quickly go around the room to check scores. Then
all the players in the group rotate positions. #2 is the actor, #3 is the counter, the rest of the players
are guessers. The facilitator calls out another letter and the game is on again. Play enough rounds so
every player has the chance to be an actor at least once. Competition? Cooperation?
Toe Towers (s) at least 20 players The objective is to create the tallest vertical heal-to-toe tower
as possible. Players must keep their feet in their shoes and proper spotting must be taken into
consideration on this one. Picture this one heal starts on the ground with the toe pointing straight
up and then another heal goes on top of that toe (could be the same players other foot) add another
heal on that toe & so on up as high as possible. We saw towers of over 10 feet high. THINK SAFETY!
PairsHave You Ever (c) This is a variation to the classic Have You Ever. Youll need a spot
marker for each player to stand in. This one also needs an even number of players (so you can play if
needed). Circle up the players and partner off have partners hold hands so you know who is with
whom. Ask one pair to go out into the middle of the circle pick up the spots left behind. The players
in the middle of the circle (still holding hands) talk quietly between them to find out something they
have in common. When they have something they ask a question based on what they have in
common, like, Have you ever been in a snowball fight? At this point each player in the circle checks
in with their partner to find out if each have been in a snowball fight. If both players have they need
to leave the spots they are standing in, still holding hands, and find another pair of spots to occupy
(there might be some problem solving here). So, all the pairs that need to leave their spots go look
for another place to stand and at the same time the couple in the middle try to get their own place to
stand leaving another pair in the middle to call the next Have You Ever (HYE)? Every once in a
while, before the center players state their HYE, call out (you the facilitator) a SWITCH. This means
that partners let go of hands and connect hands with the other person standing next to them
switching up interactions.
Get the Memo (c) - This one works well with lots of players. First you need to create 5 separate
memos. Here are the ones I used written on a half sheet of paper:
The Itsy Bitsy Spider Went On A Long Vacation.
Three Blind Mice Never Knew They Had It So Good.
Hey Diddle Diddle, Im Feeling Good Today.
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Wait! Where Did You Go!
Mary Had A Little Lamb Who Got Fleeced At The Casino.
Secretly before this activity you need to get these memos out to five different players I handed out
the memos during the activities before this one. Ask the players you give the memos to, to not share
their information with anyone until instructed to do so. When you are ready to play, tell the group
there are five memos out there within the group. Everyone in the group needs to get all five memos.
However, the public announcement system is not working (no shouting out the memos) and the
bulletin boards are all in the shop being painted (no posting the memos on the wall). Tell them in five
minutes the Boss is coming over to find out if everyone has received all the memos. So, let them go
to figure out how to get the memos. Stopping after 5 minutes I went around to quiz a few players. I
asked, Three Blind Mice and asked them to finish the memo. I went around until I got all my
answers. Talk about how they obtained the information they needed.
Action Groups (c) As players come into your program hand them a SECRET MESSAGE written
on a small piece of paper - I had an equal number of each secret message. I handed out one of each
message before handing out repeats you want to be able to have an equal number of players in
each group (or real close to it) by the end of this one. My messages included: You are a flower; You
are a couch potato; You are a grandfather clock; You are a roller coaster; You are an egg beater;
You are the wind. When you are ready to play this one ask the participants to act out their secret
message without any talking. The objective is to find the others who have the same message. So,
there should only be 6 groups when all is said and done.
Hands Up (f) Get into a large circle and ask all the players to hold hands with the players next to
them. Now ask everyone to hold up their right hand what happens? Now ask them to put their left
hand down what happens? Now ask them to hold their right hand up and keep their left hand down
what happens? Talk about compromise, sharing and working together. What happens when
struggle is present? What can be done about it? There is give and take in everything and we have to
know when to use what.
Group Sneeze (c) This one is a quick little group task. Ask all the players with birthdays in
January, February, March and April to sound out the word Hashee (accent on SHEE) you count 1,
2, 3 then HaSHEE! Birthday players in May, June, July and August sound out Hishee (the Hi sounds
like the Hi in His. Accent on the SHEE) 1, 2, 3 HiSHEE! The remainder of the group sounds out
Hoshee (accent on the SHEE) 1, 2, 3 HoSHEE! Now put all theses together for one big group
sneeze 1, 2, 3
Vortex with a Twist (s) Have players circle up and hold hands. This is an activity where players
get to acknowledge one another. The lead facilitator drops the hand of the player to his or her right.
The facilitator, keeping hold of the players hand to his or left, turns to face the person on his or her
left and thanks them (or acknowledges them in some way) for the time they had together. The
facilitator then keeps going down the circle of players pulling the other players along everyone
acknowledging each other as they pass. This action goes all the way around until the facilitator ends
up next to the player they dropped hands with in the beginning they rejoin hands again. At this
point everyone in the circle is facing out. Sam says, We have had an experience today we can all
take with us and share with others outside our circle. Then he asks everyone to carefully, without
letting go of hands, to turn in towards the center of the circle this involves some twisting and
ducking. Once everyone has managed to turn in, Sam continues, Always remembering that this day
has brought us closer together. (The circle becomes closer and tighter when the players turn back to
the inside of the circle.)
Frog Pond (c) A fun closing for any group to meld the experience. This one seems to work best
with lots of people standing in a big group. Youll need high voices (sopranos), mid voices (altos) and
low (bass) voices. See if you can get an equal number in each group or close to it (dont separate
the groups, have them all intermingled!) Ask the high voices to say and repeat over and over,
tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes.. do this for a few seconds. Stop them and go to the mid voices. Ask
them to say and repeat, potatoes, potatoes, potatoes have them repeat this a few times. Stop
them and ask the low voices to say and repeat, fried bacon, fried bacon, fried bacon.. after
several seconds ask them to stop. Now you want them to put all the sounds together to create a
Frog Pond effect. I use my hands to indicate the volume I want them to produce hands apart is
louder and hands close together is softer. I also like to keep the beat with my hands going up and
down a bit so they dont get going to fast. So, on three each player says and repeats the word(s)
they practiced changing volume to the width of the hands. When the hands close together the
experience is over and everyone is free to go. 1, 2, 3
Double Jump Six Count (no props) This one is hard to write up its one of those visuals. Im
only going to present the reminder here for the workshop players (I invite the rest of you to ask me
about this one the next time you see me so I can show it to you!) This is a variation of what Sam
Sikes calls Six Count (included in the EMPTY bag). The arm movement is like jumping jacks both
arms up on the count of one down on two up on three down on four up on five down on
six. The leg movement is a bit different than jumping jacks out on one and two (two jumps in
the out position) in on three out again on four and five in on six. After practicing them both
separately, put them together. The community building aspect can be included in this one by creating
small groups of 3 to 5 players and having them work together to reach competence as Sam
suggests. After some work together the groups are asked to present a synchronized presentation of
what they have learned.
Back-to-Back (shared by Jim Cain) Youll need a good size area to move around in. Plays well with
12 to 25 (or more) for 15 to 25 minutes. Process: This is a simple technique used to get acquainted
with others more personally. Back-to-Back also works very well to quiet a group down most people
standing back-to-back dont talk to each other (its a great technique to use when you need the
groups attention). Ask everyone to stand back-to-back with one other player (even numbers work
best for this). Youll notice the noise level of the group go down. While the players are standing backto-back give the group a discussion question (open-ending question) like, Discuss the type of car
you drive (or would like to be driving) or Describe the perfect meal. Then you will say, Face-toface! At this point everyone walks to a NEW partner to discuss the question they do not discuss
the question with the person they were back-to-back with. (Make sure to provide a designated space
for players to find each other if needed the center of the room works best.) With their new partner
they discuss the question given until they hear, Back-to-back! again. At this time, players turn backto-back with the person they were just talking to and wait for the next discussion question or
instructions. Variations: Other possible questions might be: What would you do with a million
dollars? Where would you like to go on your next vacation? Describe your dream house. What would
you ask the President if you had 5 minutes of his time? What would you like to be doing 5 years from
now? If you had a day off (from school or work) what would you do? If you could change one thing
about school/work, what would it be? Describe the scariest thing that ever happened to you? What
was the last thing you did to help another person? What would you like to learn how to do and why?
If you could have lunch with anyone who would it be and what would you talk about?
Line Ups (source unknown) Youll need 1 or 2 Tubular Webbing sections for this one. Process: Set
down a long line of Webbing - youll want at least a foot of Webbing for every player. Ask all the
players to put one foot on a part of the Webbing. During the activity players must maintain contact
with the Webbing at all times. You are going to challenge the group to line up in certain orders. If a
player loses contact with the Webbing, s/he must return to their original starting spot on the
Webbing (or, the entire group must start over - depending on what level of empathy they have for
each other). Here are some ideas for lining up: Number of inches tall; Shoe size; Lightest to Darkest
hair color; Nail length; Number of accessories they are wearing; By birth date - date and month only;
Alphabetical order by - last name, first name, middle name, street name, favorite food; Total sum of
one of their phone numbers including area code; Number of pets they have had in their life.
Listen/Talk Circles (from, The Book on Raccoon Circles) Youll need 1 or more Tubular Webbing
lengths. Process: During any sharing session that is appropriate, place a Webbing circle (one or more
lengths tied with Water knots) on the ground within the center of the group. The inside of the circle
is the place for talking, while the outside of the circle is a place for listening. Members of the group
can go into the circle when they have something to say, and then step out of the circle after they
have shared their thoughts. As stated, the outside portion of the circle is a place to listen to others as
they share information (listening is also allowed while standing inside of the circle) and for
formulating other thoughts. When all players are standing outside of the circle the experience can be
The Experiential Assessment words or short phrases from a usable assessment process instead
of answering the paper answer with your body to see where others in your group answer. Any
number can play. Direction: Invite people to stand near words or short phrases that relate most to
them. In a series of rounds, even a large group can see where they stand as compared to others and
keep track of their scores on index cards. Although an assessment completed in this way is not very
scientific, the results allow you to discuss differences with a common language. (sam)
Conversation Circles (tone, theme setting, connecting) No special needs and number can
play. Direction: Partners stand in two circles, one inside the other and have 2 minute conversations
about a subject announced by the leader. Outside circle players move one player to the right and
begin another leader guided conversation. (faith)
A Relaxation Moment a nice story with lots of imaginative details to the minds can wonder off and
relax. Any number can play. Direction: All you need is a calm voice, a story with some good sensory
details, and a few moments to talk to the group. This type of activity is great for relaxing and calming
a group of any size. (sam)
Wonderful Circle No special needs and any number can play. Directions: Players have a
structured and choice-full opportunity to speak briefly and creatively about a recent experience
together. (faith)
Creative Goodbyes No special needs and number can play. Directions: Players explore numerous
creative ways of saying good bye. (faith)
Crossword People one or more grid lined flip chart papers around the room and some markers
(that dont soak through to the wall). Any number can play. Direction: Players place their names or
eval comments on a blank page to create a crossword, as they arrive or depart. (faith)
Back-to-Back sharing questions players pair up and stand back-to-back (notice how quiet it gets).
Ask a debriefing question about the last activity then say face-to-face. Players find another person to
pair up with and share their thoughts about the debriefing question. After a minute or so give a 20
second warning then say back-to-back. Repeat the process. Partner Ranking Ask a question to
the entire group like, How would you rank the success of the last activity? Players then hold up zero
to 4 fingers (zero being not successful at all to 4 being very successful). Then ask each player to
think about what the activity would have needed for them to rank success one point higher. After a
few moments have players pair up and share their thoughts. Small Group: Get the Question Split
the large group into smaller groups of 4 to 6 players (you could use Popsicle stick groups). Have each
group send one person to the facilitator for a processing question they will then bring back to their
group and share. Each small group discusses the question until they are ready to come up and get
another question 2 or 3 questions will hold the process together well.
Group Observer(s) split up to work in small groups. Have 1 or 2 players be designated observers
to facilitate the review after the activity. (You might supply prompts for the observers to work with:
Look for leadership skills or Notice the types of communication that goes on or does not go on.)
Flip Chart Paper Ponderings Have sheets of paper hanging around the room with certain
review/processing/ponderable thoughts on them that participants can write onsome markers
Fish Bowl Reviewing When splitting up the large group make two factions large enough to split
in half one half of the group will do the activity presented the other half will observe the process.
When the activity is complete the observers can share observation that both halves can dialogue
couple of examples of sharing some new things and learning something about others; now chance to
find out more = Anyone can call out something that they have or have done and would like to meet
similar folks. Remember things about folks because we will have an activity soon that knowing others
is important.
Adventure if any just happened
Expectations did you have in the beginning & did they change
Goals were accomplished (group or individual)
Did you learn
Issues in your heart came to surface
Goals were the strongest/needs work
Can you do to take what you learned back with you?
One area or issue you are going to focus on
I= DO, TRY QUIT (After todays experiences):
DO= Write down what one thing you learned about yourself today that you will DO to be the ideal
participant. (A strength)
TRY= Write down what one thing you learned about yourself today that you will TRY to do to be the
ideal participant. (Something that needs to become one of your strengths)
QUIT= Think about when it would be appropriate to QUIT: DOING & TRYING..
Listening & Talking circles: Place a large rope in a circle on the floor. The inside of the circle is
for talking and the outside of the circle is for listening. Encourage all participants to share in the final
discussion and reflection. When everyone is on the outside of the circle, the experience is concluded.
A Sweet & Salty Review: Give each person one salty and one sweet items & ask not to eat them
until their time to speak. Encourage each participant to share one not so positive experience of the
day and eat the pretzel. (Bad or negative things do not last long if we do not let them, just as the
pretzel does not last long in our mouths.) Then have them share one positive experience, thought or
feeling then eat the sweet item. (Good things can last a long time if we let them, just as the sweet
item does as we roll it around on our tongue.)
Two Strokes & a Wish: State two positives about yourself & a wish based on learning or
awareness during the day.
Key Words: Everyone brainstorms a list of key words that describe their experience together.
Back Writer: Pin a slip of paper on the back of each participant and then go around with pen in
hand writing a brief message on the backs of those who impacted them in some positive way.
Gift Giving: Provide enough inexpensive gifts (such as bandanas) and have each person select the
one they want, then give it away to someone else.
*Or may ask each person to pick up something from their surroundings (no larger then what can fit
into the palm of their hand) and do the same thing, sharing what it was that impacted them in some
positive way.
* May also just be a verbal gift.
Conceitedness: Tie a figure eight loop into the belay rope for each individual in the group (or some
other activity where all of the people participated). Provide a carabiner for each person, and as they
attach their carabiner to the knot, ask them to state how they feel connected to the other people.
You Fill me up: Provide one full, clear glass water pitcher and one empty pitcher. As participants
EMPTY water into the receiving pitcher, they state the ingredient they added to the group and would
like for the other participants to take away. After everyone has contributed, stir the water gently and
ask everyone to pour a small drink into a provided glass. As leader, provide an appropriate toast,
and ask everyone to raise his or her glasses in good fellowship.
Bouncing Ball: The group stands in a circle and a ball is bounced at random to persons who share
their insight and then bounce on until everyone has shared at least once.
Web of appreciation: Using a ball of string or yarn, construct a web of appreciation. Hang onto
the end of the string and toss the ball to someone else in the group. State something you appreciate
about that person. The receiving person does the same until everyone in the group has become part
of the web. The resulting web symbolizes the Conceitedness of the group, the available support, the
trust factor, and the love..
May try and get untangled as a group as a final last initiative together.
May use a pair of sharp scissors to cut the connecting strings, symbolizing that we must all return
to our own lives, but that what was once connected can become so again.
A Collage of what we did: Provide a large strip of paper, markers, magazines, pictures, stamps &
pads, etc. & have the group create a collage of their time together & what they got out of it.
*May also be done individually & then put all together & shared with the larger group.
*May be done in small groups & shared within the larger group
The Round Robin/Whip/Go Around: Give everyone a chance to say one thing by whipping
around the circle.
Mental Picture Postcard: Ask participants to mental choose a picture of themselves from one of
the significant experiences that occurred during the day and to transfer that picture onto a
regulation-size postcard. Turn the postcard over and, recognizing how little space is available for a
message on a postcard, ask what players would write in the limited space and to whom would they
send it?
Slam Dunk Suggestions: Provide a stack of same color paper and pens. Ask the participants to
take a few sheets and candidly share something that occurred during the day that was either
meaningful, or perhaps could have been improved. No names please. Then scrunch up the pieces of
paper and shoot/place them into a mid floor receptacle. Then some volunteers go first and select one
and read aloud the words. Some of the offered ideas and opinions will inevitable lead to discussions
about interfacing and earlier occurrences that might have been difficult or inconvenient to bring up at
the time. The idea behind this suggestion box format is to provide an anonymous and positive means
of sharing sensitive ideas or feelings.
Story-line Closure: As the facilitator, begin a factual story (two or three sentences) that relates to
what the group has just experienced. Indicate that as your story travels around the circle, that each
person in turn should add a sentence or two that either outlines or clarifies something that has
occurred. Keep the Story Line going and centered on the shared experience.
* Try to establish a Story Line that is ostensible headed for inclusion in the evening newspaper.
Emphasize the facts and remember there is a deadline for publication
Remember Challenge by Choice- may pass and come back to them.
Sundowner: Split the large group into smaller groups super-saturated with new knowledge to
share. Their task is to identify those topics experienced during the day that are most important on a
need-to-know basis, then to come up with some mnemonic to help remember the most salient facts.
Then reconvene as a large group and have each smaller group report and compare what topics they
have chosen for scrutiny. Offering this simple exercise emphasizes the need to occasionally
summarize and prioritize what, during an active day, quickly becomes a flood of facts.
The Snapshot: Tell the group to imagine a whole stack of photos lad out in front of them that were
taken during the activity. If they were each allowed to take only one picture home to put on the wall
or refrigerator, what would it be?
Collecting Positive Strokes: Provide each member with one 3X5 card for each person present. At
the beginning of the meeting, instruct members to observe their teammates behaviors closely, &
write one positive remark about each person on a card with that persons name on it so we know
whom it is for. ( could use different colored paper to represent each person) Toward the end of the
meeting, collect the cards, sort them into appropriate envelopes, & distribute them to each person.
Allow all to have adequate time to scan quickly so that they may leave with some positive feelings
about themselves, even though the meeting may have been stressful.
Creation: Provide clay/ paper/ scissors/ markers/ pipe cleaners/ etc. Either individually or in small
groups, have them create something that represents how they thought, did, felt, etc. during an
activity or the day.
Role-play also may be used.
Balloons: Have each person blow up a balloon and with a marker write or draw how they think
things went, felt, etc.
The Magic Circle/ Stop & Go: Everyone stands in a circle facing to the left or right. All starts
walking until one person says stop shares then says Go. This goes on until all have had a chance
to share that chooses to.
Word, Feeling, or Post Cards: Spread the cards out on the floor, and have people choose one or
more cards describing their emotions or feeling during an activity or the day.
*Can also cut out the front of boxes (cereals) that can be used descriptively.
Graffiti Wall: At the end, paste a large sheet of paper on the wall & people can write or draw any
comment or symbol of their time together, what was learned, shared, take back, etc.
Live Sculpture: Have group or sub groups create a meaningful live sculpture depicting issues,
learnings, ideas, etc. to go with what you are trying to convey.
Metaphor: Pick up something from the ground, around the room, etc., to use to share what they
just got out of what just happened.
*Cards provided
*Feeling pictures
*Beanies, objects, etc.
Pass the Knot: Can all sit or stand and hold on to a rope or webbing tied together. Only the person
holding unto the rope knot may share. Pass the rope on & when someone wants to share> hold unto
the knot to stop the passing & share.
*Talking stick (feather, bead, stone, etc.)
Friendship Necklace: May have different colored yarn or ribbon & give a select color to each
person. Have them cut off (if not pre-prepared) apiece long enough to tie around their neck. Then
have pieces about 3 inches long of their same color yarn or ribbon, & go around tying it unto
anothers & giving them positive feedback for their time together.
*Placing colored beads unto a string
*Tying a long enough piece around a film canister that can be put over each persons head, and
provide pens & paper for each participant to put their name & phone # inside and/or a comment.
Mental Freeze Frame: Ask the group to relax and perhaps close their eyes if the situation is
appropriate. Ask them to imagine that they are putting videotape from the day into the VCR,
pressing the REWIND button and then PLAY. Encourage them to see the day as it plays by,
acknowledging that they can press FF or REWIND at any time. As the days events stream past, ask
the players to mentally press PAUSE at pictures or moments that seem significant or important to
them. Ask them to remember those pictures as they continue watching the day play by. After they
are finished with the tape, ask the group to mentally enlarge (at least 11x14) one of the pictures,
and encourage them to share with the group:
A verbal representation of the mental picture; include colors, perspective, people, etc.
With whom would they most easily share the picture?
If the picture were developed and framed, where would they hang it?
The Vortex: Have the group form a circle and hold hands. Then the facilitator lets go of one hand,
holding unto the other & starts walking in a circle inward until reaching the inside middle. Then put
down a marker (hat) & tell the group that they need to walk around the marker; as they are walking
outward passing the others with a nod, greeting, etc. When all are out of the vortex, all will be
facing outward. Briefly comment on the positive experiences of the day & the opportunity to walk
away to each others homes/jobs taking with you what you have gained.