Supervisor Observation 1 Lesson Plan
Supervisor Observation 1 Lesson Plan
Supervisor Observation 1 Lesson Plan
2 ELLs
2 Struggling Math
B. Objectives
C. Assessments:
Informal assessment strategies you will use during class (What evidence will you see and/or
hear and how will you note it?)
As informal assessment, I will monitor student work in groups, and I will have their completed
step by step guide.
Written assessment you will use to determine, for each individual student, to what extent
they have met your learning objectives. (What evidence will you collect?)
For each individual student, I will collect student work of eight solved subtraction problems.
Body of the Lesson ( 32 minutes): Describe step-by-step what the teacher and the students will be
doing during the lesson.
Ask students what some key features of good step by step instructions are.
Remind students to work in a whisper voice because there are 29 students in the room
Give students poster paper and time to work as a group. Walk around room and monitor group work.
Suggest additions to steps if students are not clear and specific.
Tell students they will be doing a gallery walk of the posters. Each group will put two post it notes
on or next to their poster; one for glows and one for grows. Students will leave posters on their
desk tops. Tables will rotate to the next numbered table (1>2, 2>3, 3>4, etc.). Each table
group will write at least one glow and one grow for each poster. Students will rotate three times.
Students will have 1.5-2 minutes per poster.
After students finish rotating, they will do student practice problems 1-6 and challenge problems
from their Swun spirals. Posters will be placed on the counter and may be referred to as resources.
Students may work with a partner on #1 and #2 if they would like. After that, students work
independently. If students need help after first two problems, may go to horseshoe table or back
table. Students may work on Jiji or Front Row when they are finished.
Student work will be collected as a formative assessment.
Closure ( 3 minutes): Describe how you will prompt the students to summarize the lesson and restate
the learning objective.
1 Use of a variety of sentence types to clarify a message, condense information, and combine ideas, phrases, and clauses.
Discourse includes the structures of written and oral language, as well as how member of the discipline talk, write, and
participate in knowledge construction.
6. Language Support: What instructional strategies will you use during your lesson to teach the
specific language skill and provide support and opportunities for guided and independent practice?
Give examples of clear,
specific instructions.
Guided Practice
Independent Practice
1. What was your content learning objective/goal?
The students will work in groups to create a step by step guide to use one of three strategies for
adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators.
2. a) What specific examples of student learning do you have that showed students met or made
progress toward the content learning objective? Please complete the chart below adding rows as
Teacher Actions &/or Strategies
b) Write a narrative that explains the decisions and strategies you used that led to successful
student learning of your content learning objective.
Students worked with their table groups and were encouraged to use their notes to help them in
writing their step by step guides. By working in a group, students were able to work out their
thoughts with peers in order to write down steps in the way that was most clear to them. Students
also have a math notebook with notes and examples of all of the strategies, so when they got stuck,
they had a resource to reference. Students realized how difficult it can be to put something they
know into words that someone else could understand, so having the students write the steps
themselves really made them think about the steps to the strategies.
c) What evidence is missing? What would you do to capture this evidence in the future?
Because the students wrote steps in their own words, some of their steps were not clear and
specific. They were not always able to articulate how to complete a particular step, so evidence of
their explicit knowledge of the step is missing. In the future, I could be sure to ask students to
explain their steps as I am monitoring group work. In addition, because the students were working
in groups, knowledge of individual students is missing. In the future, I could add an individual
assessment piece. (I did have one planned but did not have enough time to get to it.)
a) What specific examples of student learning do you have that showed students struggled to meet
or make progress toward this goal? Please complete the chart below adding rows as necessary.
Teacher Actions &/or Strategies
b) Write a narrative that explains the decisions and strategies that may have interfered or created
missed opportunities in terms of student learning.
Because students worked in groups to created step by step guides, they had very little scaffolding.
This left them with peers to consult, and in some cases none of the students in the group had a clear
and explicit way to write articulate how to complete a step. Students really had to think about what
they wanted to write, but in some cases they wrote incorrect information that they thought was
correct. In other cases, their examples did not match their written steps.
c) What evidence is missing? What would you do to capture this evidence in the future?
I am missing evidence of the students who struggle to use any of the strategies and why they
struggle. I see group misunderstandings and group struggles to articulate, but I do not see
individual struggles in using the steps. In the future, I can have students use the steps they have
written to solve independent problems.