Central Focus: This learning segment focuses on conceptual understanding of using place value and the
properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic and the associated procedures, mathematical
reasoning and problem-solving skills.
When given direct instruction, SWBAT explain and interpret how to use place value and the
standard algorithm to multiple two digit by one-digit multiplication problems.
Academic Standards:
(NJSLS) Cluster: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit
Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit
numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the
calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
Standard Ten: Leadership and Collaboration
Collaboration with other school professionals to plan and facilitate learning
Standard 4: Content Knowledge
Creating learning experiences to make content accessible and meaningful for
• Formal (“Summative”): An Exit Ticket will be given at the end of the lesson which will have
students solve the following: 42 x 5.
• Informal (“Formative”): Consistent check points where the teacher will pause to ask if the
students have any questions or if they understand a specific step. Students will either have to give
a thumbs up, in the middle or down to judge their understanding or a verbal response will be
Academic Language:
Identified Language Demands Planned Language Supports
Opening: (5 minutes)
• Cognitively Guided Instruction [CGI] (Evidence-Based Practices Summaries): To begin the
lesson, the teacher will put a two digit by one-digit multiplication problem on the board (45 x 3).
Then, the teacher will break it apart and ask the students if they can solve each multiplication fact
(3 x 5 ones and 3 x 4 tens). By doing this at the beginning, it allows the students to see what topic
the following lesson will be on and to get them to keep multiplication facts fresh in their mind.
During this interactive portion, the teacher will assist the students and will explain the facts if
needed. In addition, if the students can solve these multiplication facts, then they will be well
prepared for solving multi-digit multiplication problems.
Closing/End: (5 minutes)
• An Exit Ticket will be administered to the students to assess if they understood the lesson or not.
(Exit Ticket will read: Solve 42 x 5 using the standard algorithm)
• Teacher Materials:
o SMART Board
o SMART Board Application:
o Student independent practice handout (see Appendix B)
• Student Materials:
o enVision math 2.0 Volume 1 textbook
o Student math notebook (If they need to show work)
o Times Tables Sheet
o Calculators
Homework / Assignment for Next Class:
• Row 6 Lesson 3-7 Multiplying 2 Digits by 1 Digit (regrouping) handout and to Study Times