Stud Finder Final v1
Stud Finder Final v1
Stud Finder Final v1
implementation, a microcontroller will drive the stochastic
input, onboard, and also perform the signal processing that
conveys the result of the measurement to an LED array that
indicates where a stud is relative to the device.
The solenoid driving board includes transistor and fly back
diode connected to the knocking solenoid in addition to the
power distribution ports, Figure 5. A 9V battery is sufficient to
drive the solenoid with an enough force, approximately 1.4 N
with a 2mm stroke length, to provide useable data to the
piezoelectric sensors, while not damaging the wall. Currently,
both the operational amplifier circuits and the solenoid draw
directly from the 9V power supply. The computer driving its
input signal presently powers the Arduino.
An experimental wall was built for testing the device. The wall
consists of an 87x121x1.6 cm piece of drywall supported by a
wooden frame with a 38.24 mm wooden stud in the center, 406
mm (16) away from the side beams as per standard
construction codes. In the initial experimental set-up, the wall
was propped up against a lab bench and the Wall Knocker
device was manually braced against the wall while data was
collected on a two-channel oscilloscope. This configuration
introduced noise to the measurement system due to the inherent
instability of a manually applied normal force. In addition, the
input data had to be collected through the Arduino, which could
not collect data at the same sampling rate as the scope. This
complicated signal processing and severely limited the options
for data analysis.
A power spectrum, Figure 8, was then generated using the auto
correlation of the standardized raw data in MATLAB. This
power spectrum was subsequently divided into bins according
to the observed peaks. It was determined that bins ranging from
0500 Hz would be sufficient as the frequency content seemed
to drop off after 500 Hz.
The peak magnitudes and their corresponding frequencies
within each bin were plotted against the center-to-center
distance of the right most piezo from the stud, Figure 10.
Our results show trends that certain frequencies experience
significant decrease in magnitude as our device approaches a
stud. This occurs specifically around vibrations of about 230
Hz, and the amplitude drop offs are illustrated in the, Figure
10B. This also occurs with vibrations of about 90Hz, albeit
seemingly producing more peaks as the different piezoelectric
sensors cross the stud boundary, Figure 10A.
bluetooth connection in order to utilize common smartphones
as an easy and accessible display / control input source.
Recommended improvements to our methodologies include
calibrating the piezoelectric sensors individually as the variance
anticipated. Additionally, using a Lorentz force actuator as
compared to our solenoid implementation might give more
repeatable impulses from a known displacement over a
solenoids binary on / off force. While this would potentially
sacrifice maximum impact force, it would allow for calculation
of the transfer function of the vibration directly from the
mechanical impulse rather than the applied electric impulse,
removing the solenoids
non-linearities from the
system. Alternatively, placing a piezoelectric sensor directly
between the solenoid striker and the wall would also result in
more accurately measuring when the impulses occur. Faster
frequencies of impulses are also required in order to excite the
high modes of vibration within the wall and glean further
insight into the physical characteristics.
Ultimately, a direct displacement measurement is most likely
required in order to ascertain the most usable information from
our device. Piezoelectric sensors can measure vibration
responses, but not displacements as can LVDT, hall effect
sensors, linear potentiometers, or speckle interferometry
methods. These distance output measurements should be able
to give a clearer insight into the walls impedance
characterization when perturbed with a similar knocking
mechanism and processed through the system identification
methods outlined above, however, might be more difficult to
completely isolate from the solenoid impulse.
Finally, we envision our devices capabilities to ultimately
applied in order to deterministically measure any given wall
locations maximum loading force (eg. Will this area of the wall
support a TV or a heavy picture frame here?). By comparing
readings of different areas of the wall to known characteristics,
this could help inform the owner of important but non-obvious
features of the wall, such as: material, thickness, water damage,
insulation characterization, and invisible cracks.
The authors would like to thank Prof. Ian Hunter for his
insightful suggestions during our class presentations and
extensive course lectures. Seyed Mirvakili and Ashley Raynal
for answering all of our technical question, help with procuring
equipment, and report suggestions.
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[3] M. Lake, The New York Times 2001.