Crane Susan Memory Distorsion and History in Museums
Crane Susan Memory Distorsion and History in Museums
Crane Susan Memory Distorsion and History in Museums
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Museums are conventionally viewed as institutions dedicated to the conservation of
valued objects and the education of the public. Recently, controversies have arisen
regarding the representation of history in museums. National museums in America
and Germany considered here, such as the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum, the
Holocaust Memorial Museum, and the German Historical Museum, have become sites
of contention where national histories and personal memories are often at odds.
Contemporary art installations in museums which take historical consciousness as their
theme similarly raise contentious issues about public knowledge of and personal interest
in the past. When members of publics find that their memories of the past or their
expectations for museum experiences are not being met, a kind of "distortion" occurs.
The "distortion" related to memory and history in the museum is not so much of facts
or interpretations, but rather a distortion from the lack of congruity between personal
experience and expectation, on the one hand, and the institutional representation of
the past on the other. This essay explores the possibilities for a redefined relationship
between personal memory and history that is experienced in contemporary museums.
Those who insist only on their own memories of the past are condemning the rest of
us to avoid it.
-Martin Sherwin'
What kind of service [can] historians, or people with an education in history ... perform
to support the subjectivity of individuals in their historical perception of themselves[?]
Lutz Niethammer'
as "entangled, conflictual, and co-constitutive" (43). The extensive literature on monuments and
museums is noted as appropriate further on.
5. See Eilean Hooper-Greenhill, Museum, Media, Message (London, 1995); Susan Pearce,
Museums, Objects and Collections (London, 1992) and Objects of Knowledge (London, 1990);
Kenneth Hudson, A Social History of Museums (Atlantic Highlands, N.J., 1975) and Museums
of Inflitence (Cambridge, Eng., 1987).
6. Neil Harris charts this change as being significant particularly in the past twenty-five years;
see his "Museums and Controversy,"Joutrni alofAm erican History 82 (December 1995), 1102-1111.
Zur Geschichte der
On nineteenth-century German art museums, see Muiseuimlsinszenierungen:
Die Berliner Mitselnislandschaft 1830-1990, ed. Alexis Joachimides
Institutiondes Kunst-nuseumns.
et al. (Dresden/Basen, 1995); Walter Grasskamp, Muselunsgriinder lnd Mitselimssttirnmer:
sozialgeschichte des Kunstmiusenums
(Munich, 1981).
record, and produce the cultural heritage of the past and the present in the
Romantic era (begun by but not limited to the intellectuals and artists of the
time) had exploded into a popular public project.7
Public controversy over museum collections, displays, and the role of museums was not and is not confined within the discourse of intellectuals. People
who otherwise might not worry about the content or purpose of a museum
may come to care quite passionately when their expectations, based on their
own experience and memory, are thwarted, and they will express those passions publicly. Whether expectations are thwarted deliberately (as may be the
case when museums attempt to educate the public to see things "differently"
than has been common practice) or not, visitors to museums, like members
of any public or collective, will express their disappointment or disapproval
as readily as if they were in fact responsible for the meanings produced by
the exhibit. Personal feelings and memories, whether accurate or appropriate
or not, indeed are always a factor in the contexts in which historical consciousness is made, because they shape how an experience is remembered.
Visitors are interlocutors without discussion partners in the museal conversation: they usually have only objects and text to respond to, rarely curators,
historians, or experts. The interrogatory text of the Vancouver exhibit unsettled visitor expectations and placed them in virtual discussion with absent
curators; some found this experience unnerving, suited neither to past experience nor current expectations. Indeed, since visitors could have no expectation
of a reply, only their own or their companions' thoughts to engage in conversation, the explicit reference to a curator's presence may ironically have reinforced the sense of distortion, confounding both expectation and experience
by offering an absent presence where there had previously been an absent,
but apparently omniscient and reliable, narrator. Such "pathetic" exhibits,
according to Ralph Rugoff, are not to be confused with sorry attempts at
good exhibits, but are instead deliberate attempts to mangle conventional
notions of display or museum orthodoxies real and imagined. The more
curators or historians make themselves visible to museum visitors, the more
the visitors react warily, unsure if they are really being asked to engage in
discussion (which would necessarily involve opinion), or whether they are
simply being instructed in a new way. The appearance of conversation may
lead visitors, like the angry one in Vancouver, to voice expectations or beliefs
that curators do not want to hear; it may also lead a museum public to believe
that they have a right to a voice in determining how exhibits are staged.
7. On Romantic museum practice, see Stephen Bann, The Clothing of Clio. A Study of the
Representation of History in Nineteenth-Century Britain and France (Cambridge, Eng., 1984);
Bann, Romanticism and the Rise of History (New York, 1995) and his "History as Competence
and Performance: Notes on the Ironic Museum" in The New Philosophy of History, ed. Hans
Kellner and Frank Ankersmit (London, 1994). See also Susan Crane, "Collecting and Historical
Consciousness: New Forms for Historical Consciousness in Early 19th-Century Germany" (PhD.
dissertation, University of Chicago, 1992).
8. Ralph Rugoff. "The Nintendo Holocaust" in his Circus Arnericanus (New York, 1997).
What happens when an ordinary visit to the museum produces distortionwhen not only are expectations not met, but they are unpleasantly, disturbingly
confounded? when an institution such as the Smithsonian Museum of Air and
Space is reported to be presenting World War II in a way that is unrecognizable, that does not confirm personal memories? when the Museum of Jurassic
Technology in Los Angeles presents a book whose provenance is uncertain?
when a historic house in San Francisco fabricates a historical personage,
claiming that this person lived in the house which now contains his artifacts?
I've been confounded by museums several times since 1990, and it delights
me, frustrates me, makes me tired, and makes me want to write; overall, I
see this as a positive response. But I am aware of others, who have left their
traces in museum visitor books and in conversations, in publications and in
the press, who resent being, as they see it, duped. And they are not alone.
Scholars, particularly historians, have expressed similar distaste or outrage at
what they perceive to be distortions of the (arti)fact-providing and scholarlyveracious functions of the museum's educational goals and duties. Members
of both the general public and interested professionals have serious objections
to having their expectations thwarted. Although visitors may fully expect and
desire to be educated, instructed, to learn "something new," as soon as that
knowledge conflicts with memory and experience, trouble begins. At this
juncture, the confounding which occurs when museums are called upon to
mediate different registers of memory, experience, and knowledge is the same
in both actual historical museums and in historically conscious art installations.
Memory in the museum operates at several levels; as a resource and a
product in perpetual stages of flux, memory is no more static in the fixed
space of a museum than it is in the fertile depths of our brains. In his recent
book, Searching for Memory, psychologist Daniel Schachter describes the
multiple ways in which memory functions within the brain, and the multiple
sites and interactions which are required for memories to be created and
revived.9 He emphasizes the "cues" for memory, that is, the context in which
memories are recalled, as well as the contexts in which the previous memories
were shaped. Each memory, rather than being a single artifact of the past or
unique imprint, Schachter describes as a production that emerges over time
and in the present, in response to and through the integration of memory
cues and memories. While the Freudian notion that memories are not trustworthy and that their unreliability has to do with an individual's emotions
and desires has become a commonplace, the notion that memory is actually
a positive process of distortion has not. Some psychologists and others continue
to hold onto the possibility that the "real" memory of the past, whether of
trauma, joy, or something more prosaic, is accessible. And yet for museums,
it may be more useful to look beyond the notion of mnemonic veracity and
look instead at the interactions which produce, reduce, and conflate memory.
9. Daniel Schachter, Searchingfor Memory: The Brain, the Mind and the Past (New York, 1996).
If we assume that the nature of memory is change and distortion over time,
rather than expect memory to be a distorting faculty which abuses the historical
past, then memory can be seen as a historical process which is frequently
interrupted by interpretation to create the present. Thus we have a model of
memory which functions rather like a museum: one which confounds as much
as it synthesizes information, by bringing together "cues" or artifacts and
historians or rememberers to interact in the production of memory.
One such confounding exhibit appeared in 1993 at the Haas-Lillienthal
House in San Francisco, an architectural historic landmark from the late
nineteenth century, where Fred Wilson created an installation entitled "An
Invisible Life: A View into the World of a 120-Year-Old Man." My sister, a
neighbor of the house, visited it and described her delight at the consternation
it caused.??Waiting for her tour, she overheard two women docents, volunteers
from the Heritage Society, complaining in hushed and bitter tones that "their"
tour was being undermined. "Their" tour included a historical overview of
the Haas family, German emigrants and grocers, and the architectural features
of the quintessentially San Francisco house. The "counter-tour,"'1 conducted
by a young man wearing a plastic-coated name tag a reassuring indication
of normalcy began on the second floor and introduced Baldwin Antinious
Stein, a.k.a. Baldy, "a guest of the Haas family from 1906-90" who had arrived
on the most inauspicious date in San Francisco history, that of the 1906
earthquake. He stayed for what by any measure was a rather long visit (in a
rather long life), remaining until his death. The new docent noted Baldy's
personal effects "left the way he wanted it" in each room, including a copy
of Proust on the table (described as evidence of Baldy's personal relationships
with authors of the period). The ashes of Baldy's parents, killed in the fires
of the earthquake, resided with him in his (unusually but not implausibly)
old age. Baldy's innovations in the bathroom, photographed by Architectural
Digest, were described and viewed, as well as his activities as a photographer.
Included in his photography collection was the famous series by Edward
Muybridge depicting motion over time; they were said to admire each other's
work. Baldy's collection also contained sepia-colored images primarily of male
figures. The original docent now returned and the counter-tour docent receded
as the woman resumed her description of Arts and Crafts furniture and refused
to comment on or answer questions about Baldy.
Baldy was the creation of Fred Wilson, and the artifacts attributed to him
were installed by Wilson to create the effect of historical presence. In a
handout available after the tour, the artist's work and biography were detailed,
10. Elizabeth E. Crane, private communication, 4 October 1993. Fred Wilson, "An Invisible
Life: A View into the World of a 120-year-old Man," August 20-October 3, 1993; presented at
the Haas-Lillienthal House, San Francisco by Capp Street Project. All further quotations are
taken from her report.
11. The term "counter-tour" is derived from James Young's influential discussion of Holocaust
"counter-monuments" in Europe, Israel, and America. See James Young, The Textureof Memory
(New Haven, 1995).
opening with the statement, "You may or may not be aware that the tour
you have just taken included a contemporary art installation," and continuing:
"Using the format and language of museum presentation, the installation
raises questions about how history gets told, what gets left out, and how we as
audience members interact with institutions such as art and history museums."
The nametag on the counter-tour docent and the display labels offered
authenticity where none existed. All of the objects in this part of the house
were as well-marked, professionally labeled, and carefully displayed as those
in the rest of the house. The reference to Proust, obligatory in memory
discourse, was presented as merely period-specific, and the allusion to the
technological breakthrough of depicting motion over time in Muybridge's
work was couched as a "personal effect" of someone interested in photography. Personal historical consciousness also came through in the form of
Baldy's "queer" identity, as the counter-docent noted later, framed in the
photography collection and specifically intended to refer to San Francisco's
gay history and its reputation for tolerance. His (imaginary) affiliation with
historical personages also lent credibility to the installation for an audience
who can be presumed to have heard of Proust, if not of Haas; history was
personalized for the viewer through Baldy. Those most upset by this shift in
perspective were the docents, whose routines had been interrupted. The
counter-tour docent admitted that some regular docents were willing to work
with the artist, creating their own "Baldy-faced lies," but most were not. The
docents' role was key to the visitors' historical experience: only the narrative
told by the docents created a context in which the real objects on display took
on (false) historical meaning. Objects, visitors, docents, and narrative "cues"
interacted to produce a memory of a nonexistent person a memory which
persists in different forms in my sister, in me, and now in my readers.
Museums are not supposed to lie to us; this act seems a breach of faith.
Assuming that our own memories are fallible, we rely on museums as well
as on historians to get the past "right" for us. Even if we don't remember
every museum experience, we know that that "straight" version of the past
is available to remedy our "queered" or distorted memories. But perhaps we
can also enjoy museums which confound and confabulate. David Wilson's
Museum of Jurassic Technology (MJT) in Los Angeles, founded in 1989,
playfully combines real and imaginary natural-historical objects which defy
expert analysis.'2Part installation art-performance, part curiosity cabinet, part
testimony to the fact that truth is stranger than fiction, and purely David
Wilson's creation, the museum is housed in a nondescript building on a busy
street far from other Los Angeles cultural centers. Inside, the museum provides
12. On the Museum of Jurassic Technology, see Lawrence Wechsler, Mr. Wilson's Cabinet
of Wonders (New York, 1995); Ralph Rugoff, "Beyond Belief: The Museum as Metaphor" in
Visual Display: Culture Beyond Appearances, ed. Lynne Cooke and Peter Wollen (Seattle, 1995),
68-81; Mario Biagioli, "Confabulating Jurassic Science" in TechnoscientificImaginaries: Conversations Profiles, and Memoirs, ed. George Marcus (Chicago, 1995), 399-432; see also my "Curious
Cabinets and Imaginary Museums" in Museums and Memory, ed. Susan Crane (forthcoming).
an eclectic selection of professionally-designed, interactive displays (Mr. Wilson's other business is special effects design) of natural history, historical
objects, and visiting exhibitions drawing on such sources as the Mt. Wilson
Observatory and the Mutter Museum of Philadelphia. In another museological
tribute to that icon of memory work, Proust, Wilson suggests the powers of
olfactory stimulus in an exhibit which allows the visitor to inhale the essence
of a madeleine. An entire hall is dedicated to the "famous memory researcher"
Geoffrey Sonnabend whose theory of the decay of memory is conveniently
encapsulated in a museum-produced pamphlet, "Obliscence: Theories of Forgetting and the Problem of Matter." 13
One of my favorite MJT memories is of watching the video presentation
at the entrance to the exhibits, its narrative tongue firmly in cheek as it presents
the historical antecedents of the MJT, from the Ur-collector Noah (a replica
of his ship lies just beyond) to Wilson. One barely has time to wonder what
technology could have existed even metaphorically in the Jurassic world imagined by Steven Spielberg, much less the Jurassic period. The museum pays
homage to the prehistory of museums and yet I felt confounded by the museum
precisely because I was in the midst of a project on the history of modern
museums and my professional sense of expertise was in jeopardy: even I
couldn't tell immediately where the history ended and the imagination began.
It is not impossible to separate fact from (arti)fact at the MJT, but the distinction is beside the point. The MJT represents one man's fascination with
museums and history, made visual and palpable, and fans of the museum revel
in its sleights of hand, its hints and hidden sources.
Numerous art exhibits and performances which "played" with history and
historical consciousness were produced in the 1980s.14David Wilson's museum
is perhaps a superlative example of the ironic museum produced by such
self-consciousness. Part of Wilson's collection now resides at the Karl-ErnstOsthaus Museum in Hagen, Germany, where director Michael Fehr has oriented the museum of contemporary art towards the theme of historical consciousness, particularly regarding the recent history of Germany.'5
13. The word may be related to "obliviscence," which is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as "the fact of forgetting or state of having forgotten." The Sonnabend/Delani halls have
been described in greater detail in Rugoff, "Beyond Belief"; Crane, "Curious Cabinets"; Biagioli,
"Confabulating Jurassic Science." The exhibit and others may be visited at
14. Jean-Hubert Martin, "The Mus6e Sentimental of Daniel Spoerri" in Cooke and Wollen,
Visual Display, 51-66, describes some of the forerunners of this movement, particularly those
which addressed both the museum as institution and historical consciousness. See also Exhibiting
Cultures: The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display, ed. Ivan Karp and Steven Lavine (Washington, D.C., 1991); Jon Elsner and Roger Cardinal, The Cultures of Collecting (Cambridge,
Mass., 1995); Museum/Culture, ed. Daniel Sherman and Irit Rogoff (New York, 1995); Geschichte
sehen: Beitraigezur Asthetik historischer Museen, ed. JTrn Rtisen, Wolfgang Ernst, and Heinrich
Theodor Grtitter (Pfaffenweiler, 1988); The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays in PostmnodernCulture, ed.
Hal Foster (Seattle, 1983).
15. See Michael Fehr, "Text and Context: Developing a Museum by Reflecting its History,"
in Crane, Museums and Memory.
simply highlighted a fact Heraclitus stated long ago, that no one ever duplicates
an experience exactly-that time, memory, and change intervene to produce
different people at different moments in the same individual's life. Thus Sigurdsson made explicit the way that museum experiences build over time to
create expectations and memories in visitors. Additionally, Sigurdsson illustrated some pages in the "visitors' books" but left others to be filled by exhibit
visitors or schoolchildren, whose teachers received the books and were instructed to let the children fill them as they pleased.
These kinds of meditations on history lead to mediations in history, requiring
the audience to draw on their own memories and knowledge and affirming
what they bring with them to the exhibit. Rather than providing them with
new information or reinterpreting the past, and rather than insisting on one
interpretation or directing response towards feelings of guilt or culpability,
Sigurdsson opens a door and invites visitors to furnish the archive with their
memories, whether good or bad, whether from that time or about that time.
The controversy about this exhibit arose because all of its artifactual references
inexorably led the viewer to one particular past and forced the memoryaspects of museum work to become active and participatory.The exhibit called
upon personal historical memory-but the audience was hesitant to focus their
memories on an era whose history is so emotionally and politically charged.
As is by now well-known, the Germans have a particular term for this
failure to come to terms with the Nazi past, "Vergangenheitsbewdltigung."
The word functions as a shorthand for speaking about repression. The term
has also come to express the complications of collective memory at local
historical sites such as Buchenwald, where descendants and interested parties
compete for commemoration of the victims of multiple traumatic events of
the twentieth century.'7 The discourse on memory is particularly fraught in
Germany, and apparent in the public media forums which track the Zeitgeist
of the recombined German states. The slogan of 1990, "bringing together
what belongs together," belies the vast differences of experience and memory
which people of the same generations bring to the new state from east and
west. Sigurdsson's work might represent one way to create a public forum for
discussion of repression, national identity, and historical consciousness across
the formerly divided Germanies. Given the historical importance of museums
in Germany, from the "museum island" of Berlin to the collections of art in
Dresden, Munich, and Nuremberg and the smaller historical museums around
the country, could museums take advantage of their special status as mediators
17. See James Young, The Texture of Memory and Writing and Rewriting the Holocaust
(Bloomington, Ind., 1988); In Fitting Memory: The Art and Politics of Holocaust Memorials, ed.
Sybil Milton (Detroit, 1991); Sarah Farmer, "Symbols that Face Two Ways: Commemorating
the Victims of Nazism and Stalinism at Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen," Representations 49
(Winter 1995); Rudy Koshar, "Building Pasts: Historic Preservation and Identity in Twentieth
Century Germany" and Claudia Koonz, "Between Memory and Oblivion: Concentration Camps
in German Memory" in Commemorations: The Politics of National Identity, ed. John Gillis
(Princeton, 1994).
tion. Within days if not minutes of the fall of the Berlin Wall, I remember
from my time there in 1990, comments began to emerge about the former
East Germany being perceived as a virtual museum of itself and of the West
German 1950s (since East Germany seemed to many idealizing West Germans
to have remained at the economic, social, and moral level of those Heinatfilm days). This sort of wayward nostalgia among West Germans was met by
a wariness on the part of East Germans, as the disappearing wall eliminated
the last excuses for a lack of communication between two peoples who had
learned very different lessons about the Third Reich. Wolfgang Ernst suggests
that the now-absent Wall "represents both the lessons of history and the
emptiness of history simultaneously" ("Geschichtslehre and -leere");the simultaneous paucity and superfluity of historical consciousness that had been
figured in the Berlin Wall now constituted an empty space which needed to
be filled with real historical work.'9As the former East German history exhibits
were removed and temporary DHM exhibits moved into the Arsenal building,
the emptiness of history stood in bold contradiction to the lived experience
of people immediately outside. Regardless of whether visitors to the former
Museum of German History had received its message skeptically or enthusiastically, the terms of their museum experience had been erased. From an
American perspective, for those who had been to the museum and would
come again, it was as if an institution such as the Smithsonian had closed down
over the Christmas holidays and reopened with an entirely new collection,
exhibitions, and narrative tags. The memories of the old exhibits lingered, but
one felt that they were to be discarded as unworthy of the new institution,
which was in fact new to both east and west and therefore stood an optimistic
chance of successfully redirecting memory discourse.
If critics had questioned the need for an institution representing national
identity prior to the opening of the DHM, some now saw an opportunity to
integrate east and west through a common history and a joint effort at coming
to terms with the past. The DHM commissioned photographs of eastern Germans by the west German photographer Stefan Moses, who created an exhibit
of his work featuring eastern Germans posed simply against bare backdrops
in their everyday work clothes and bearing tokens of their work-cooks with
food, intellectuals with horn-rimmed glasses. In Barbara Ann Naddeo's study
of public response recorded in the guestbooks of this transitional exhibition,
she notes that none of the visitors commented on what was missing from the
museum, focusing instead on the new exhibit and its typological portraits.20
Eastern Germans tended to react more favorably than westerners; indeed,
where westerners saw the photographs as demeaning or stereotypical, the
19. Wolfgang Ernst, "Keine Frage: Musealisierung der DDR" in Mu1sealisierungder DDR?
40 Jahre als kulturhistorische Herausforderung, ed. Ernst and Katharina Fltigl (Leipzig, 1992). 13.
20. Barbara Ann Naddeo, "If Angelus Novus were a Geo-photographer: The Reception of
'Abschied und Anfang'-The German Historical Museum's Inaugural Exhibition in the Zeughaus
Berlin," Radical History Review 60 (1994), 88-131.
easterners embraced the stereotypes or thought that the "feel" was right. One
visitor wrote, "The chaos is depleted; it was the most wonderful time."21 Memory
work here could quickly and too easily be dismissed as mere nostalgia. Historians may be skeptical of this too-easy transition from past to present, but it
was precisely in response to the sudden emptying of east German history from
the museum and its replacement with images of the rememberers as they might
remember themselves, which allowed a recognition of the presence of their own
memories to slip into place, with both its positive and negative influences.
Theodor Adorno wrote, "The German word 'museal' has unpleasant overtones. It describes objects to which the observer no longer has a vital relationship and which are in the process of dying."22 An inverted sense of the term
"museal" has come into use recently, referring now to a process in which the
awareness of the museum's functions is internalized. The "mtusealisierung" or
museumification of both Germanies and the new Federal Republic took place
not only in state-sponsored institutions but in the minds of individuals for
whom museums were a naturalized site for memory cues and memory work.23
Metaphorically, the museal process occurred in the minds of individuals who
continued to visit new museums, but scripted their own memory narratives
to go along with those of national identity. This kind of understanding of
history through memory-that is, through an excess of memory that appears
to be counter-historical and distorted by the lens of personal interest-is precisely what causes historians so much anxiety.
At stake, then, in the current politically charged arena of museums and
memory is distortion: distortion of "the past," distortion of the museum experience, memory distortions, and the negative charge associated with "distortion"
in cultural discourse on memory and identity. To return to Daniel Schachter's
presention of memory as distortion process, we can suggest now that the understanding of history through memory represents the combined influences of
personal experience and education in a mirroring activity of milsealisiertling.
The museum-site, located in the mind rather than in geographical space, reproduces the memory experiences by working through expectations for museums,
memories, knowledge, and experience. We may tend to assume that distortion
in the museum must refer to misappropriated facts or ideologized interpretations. I am looking instead at the distortion process of mitsealisierung as a
means of achieving a constructive, interactive museal experience even in the
face of explicit resistance and controversy.
If this sounds too abstract to be either practical or serviceable to historians
in rethinking the relationship between memory and history via museums,
21. Ibid., 105.
22. Theodor Adorno, 'The Valery Proust Museum," in his Prisms (Cambridge, Mass.,
1981), 173.
23. See Ernst and Fltigel, Musealisierung der DDR?; Zeitphdnomienon Musealisierung, ed.
Wolfgang Zacharias (Essen, 1990); Gottfried Korff, "Musealisierung Total?' in Historische Faszination: Geshichtsktultiur
heitte, ed. Klaus Fhssmann et al. (Cologne/Weimar/Vienna, 1994); Andreas
Huyssen, "Escape from Amnesia" in his Twilight Memories (New York, 1995), 13-36.
consideration of the battles over the Smithsonian's National Air and Space
Museum and the foundation of the Holocaust Memorial Museum may yet
shed light on the complex of museum/distortion/memory. America's own
experience with coming to terms with the past of World War II in the debates
over the Enola Gay exhibit was every bit as stunning (and unsuccessful) for
those involved as it has been for Germans.
If Germany is a country fraught by an inability to come to terms with the
past, it is because the past in question, the one referenced by Sigrid Sigurdsson,
is the era of World War II, the Third Reich, and the Holocaust. This single
largest event-complex/complex event in the living memory of our eldest generations, of world-shaping significance, continues to figure most prominently in
public memory work. Public interest in popular and scholarly work on this
era remains high; perhaps more so in regard to this historical topic than any
other, a risk of offense to public sensibilities is ever present. It should have
come as no surprise that Daniel Goldhagen's recent book Hitler's Willing
Executioners became a bestseller. No one who has studied German history
in this country is unfamiliar with the charge that the Germans are an exceptionally anti-Semitic people and natural perpetrators of the Holocaust, however
much we may want to explain our own more nuanced approaches to the issue,
because that argument appears to be what many Americans think anyway;
what was unusual was to hear it from an academic who professed to have no
"personal" relationship to the subject. Historians have bemoaned the fact that
the public still wants to hear what it wants to hear, and not what historians
could tell it. Historians' dislike of Goldhagen's book contrasted sharply with
public perceptions, and the resultant dichotomy epitomized the difficulties
historians face when treating subjects so close to the personal memories of
the public. Was Goldhagen's message in fact closer to popular and personal
memory than what historians had concluded based on decades of ever more
complex research?
Given public sensitivities to representations of World War II, museum exhibits
about this period carry an extraordinary burden of responsibility. The aborted
Enola Gay exhibit at the National Air and Space Museum created controversy
by confounding memory as well as expectations without ever coming to fruition
in anything like its proposed form.24The public controversy in 1993-1994,
conducted through media and government forums, touched raw nerves as the
nation approached the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War II. Veterans became incensed, congresspeople demanded revisions, historians defended their right to interpret the past, and the result was that curators pro24. The plight of the exhibit and the extent of the controversy are amply documented. See
the special issue of the Journal of American History (December, 1995); History Wars: The Enola
Gay and Other Battles for the American Past, ed. Edward Linenthal and Tom Engelhardt (New
York, 1996); Mike Wallace, Mickey Mouse History and Other Essays on American Memory
(Philadelphia, 1996); "Remembering the Bomb: The 50th Anniversary in the United States and
Japan," special issue of the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 27:2 (1995) also includes the
best sampling of editorial cartoons on the subject.
viewers among the "good guys" and among those striving to make sense of
the historical horror.
The Holocaust Memorial Museum also apparently succeeded in bringing
historians' debates to the public by actively depicting the relationship between
survivor testimony and historical analysis. Although both the Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Air and Space Museum had attempted to defer to
veterans and survivors wherever possible, the Holocaust Memorial Museum
was able to retain a representation of historical analysis which was almost
completely discarded from the Enola Gay exhibit.36Horror devoid of voyeurism is a powerful teaching tool which draws on personal experience and
creates memory; insistence on either superior historical knowledge or undistorted personal memory, each to the exclusion of the other, is not.
What the Enola Gay controversy exposed were the scars of memory which
historical interpretation and education have not helped to heal. It exposed
the gap between public or collective memory, shaped by personal experience
and exposure to interpretation over a period of some fifty years, and changing
historical scholarship. It exposed scholars' and museum professionals' naive
disregard for public perceptions of the nature of history and historical scholarship, despite what historians correctly perceived as unfair characterization
of their work by journalists who repeated inaccurate information about the
exhibit.37While those involved in historical scholarship and museums may
continually hope to educate the public about the past, they may have neglected
to demonstrate to the public how they go about this project. Air Force specialists, brought in to review the Enola Gay script at the height of the controversy,
noted that "it 'could lead the viewing public to conclude that the decision to
drop the A-Bomb was questionable (perhaps unjustified?) rather than debatable (still open to question)."'38 If so, the script failed to present historians'
real sensitivity to multiple interpretations and the process of historical revision,
and public disapprobation was appropriate.
Historians have yet to make their most abstract and theoretical work accessible to a general public. The metahistorical approaches of Hayden White
or Jorn Rtisen are not inappropriate ways to present history to the public,
particularly with a recognition of what Rtisen calls the "intersubjectivity" of
historical memory and public participation in the construction of collective
memory; but how can we present such notions to a public which expects to
learn "facts" about history? In other words, how can historians share ideas
about historical consciousness with similarly interested people, rather than
"educate the public" about history? This, it seems to me, is what the historian
of everyday life, Lutz Niethammer, meant when he suggested that the challenge facing historians (and by implication, anyone connected with museums)
today consists in asking "what kind of service historians, or people with an
36. See Ibid., 127.
37. See Wallace, Mickey Mouse Hlistoty, 278ff.; 297ff. See also Linenthal, History Wars, 50.
38. Quoted in Linenthal, History Wars, 43.