Planned Assessment 1
Planned Assessment 1
Planned Assessment 1
Requirements At least 5 dot At least 4 dot At least 2-3 dot Only 1 or no dot
points are points are points are displayed points are
displayed on the displayed on the on the poster, the displayed on the
poster, all correct. poster, with most information is mostly poster,
information correct. information can
correct. be correct or
Knowledge Student can Student can Student can Student has
accurately answer accurately answer accurately answer insufficient
all questions most questions 50% or more of the knowledge about
related to facts on related to facts on questions related to questions related
the poster. the poster. facts on the poster. to facts on the
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in terms acceptably attractive very messy or
attractive in terms of design, layout though it may be poorly design. It
of design, layout and neatness. messy. is not attractive.
and neatness.
Literacy Capitalisation and There is one or two There are three or There are five or
punctuation are errors in four errors in more
correct throughout capitalisation or capitalisation, capitalisation or
and there are no punctuation and punctuation or punctuation
grammatical one or two grammatical errors or
mistakes. grammatical mistakes. grammatical
mistakes. mistakes .