Brief Biographies of The Some NLD Cec Members
Brief Biographies of The Some NLD Cec Members
Brief Biographies of The Some NLD Cec Members
Win Myint
Win Myint represented the NLD and competed in the 1990 general election in constituency
No.1, Danuphyu Township, being elected with 20,388 votes, or 55.57 percent of total votes
Tun Aung, alias U Tun Tun Hein, represented the NLD in the 1990 general election and won a
seat in Naungcho Township, garnering 56.59 percent of the vote, or 18,886 total votes.
He was born on April 30, 1949 to U Kyar Heinn (father) and Daw Mya Khin (mother). He is a
native of Zeepingyi village in Pyinoolwin Township. Matriculating in 1968, he earned a Zoology
degree from Mandalay Science and Art University. He married Daw Sein Sein Thein in 1973,
working as a teacher appointed by parents of students (not by the government) in the border
area of Kyunlone in 1973/4, before passing his HGP exam in 1975. He participated in the 1988
People’s Democratic Movement as chairman of the General Strike Management Committee in
Naungcho Township. He was detained in September 1988 and later served as in-charge of the
Naungcho Township NLD.
Tun Aung presently resides in Kamaryut Township, working for NLD headquarters and serving
as secretary of the organizing team for the Shan State NLD.
Ohn Kyaing (alias Aung Wint) represented the NLD in the 1990 general election and won a seat
in constituency No. 2 in Mandalay Southeast Township, taking 32,718 votes, or 76.08 percent of
all votes cast.
He is a native of Mawlamyaingkyuan, born July 2, 1944 to U Ba Shin (father) and Daw Sein
(mother). He earned an Art degree in 1967 and Journalism diploma in 1972, in addition to
undertaking further journalism studies in the United States in 1978/79. He participated in the
student movement in 1962/63 and was employed as editor or assistant editor for the
Botathaung newspaper, Hantharwaddy newspaper (Mandalay) and Kyaymone newspaper from
1964 to 1988. He used to write articles on international affairs for Lansin news, Botathaung
newpaper and Yoteshin Aunglan magazine under such pen names as Mg Chit Pwel, Aung Wint
and Aung Tint. He was forced to retire from his position of editor for the Botathaung newspaper
as a result of his participation in the People’s Democratic Movement in 1988.
Ohn Kyaing also served as editor for the NLD’s Hmattanlwar publication. His 1990 electoral win
was ruled invalid due to his previous incarceration for participation in the 1988 People’s
Democratic Movement. He was arrested on September 6, 1990 and transferred to Insein prison
from the Yaykyiile military intelligence interrogation camp. He was eventually sentenced to 17
years, serving over 14 years of the term before being released on January 3, 2005.
He worked as the central information officer for the NLD’s Nargis secure working team and is a
member of the organizing committee of the Mandalay NLD.
Dr. May Win Myint represented the NLD as a victorious candidate in the 1990 general election
competing in constituency No. 2 in Mayongone Township. She won 20,513 votes, or 74.18
percent of the total vote.
She is a native of Mawlamyaing, born on March 8, 1950 to U Thaung Nyunt. She earned a
MBBS degree from the Institute of Medicine (1) in 1967, prior to working as a part-time doctor in
co-operative clinics in Kyaukdatar and North Okkalappa from 1978 to 1981, and then as an
assistant doctor at Rangoon Central Hospital from 1981 to 1983 and eventually as a doctor at
the Thamine Hospital for Disabled Persons from 1983 to 1988. She resigned from the
government’s employ on October 31, 1988. She has since worked as a secretary of the
Mayangone NLD, being arrested under the 1950 Emergency Act for fulfilling her job duties on
November 26, 1997. She served seven years of hard labor for attempting to plan a
Her imprisonment was extended a further 60 days on July 2004, an addition year on February
2, 2005 and again for another year in February of 2006.
Nyan Win
Nyan Win represented the NLD in the 1990 general election, emerging victorious in
constituency No. 1 in Paung Township with 20,032 votes, or 55.2 percent of all votes cast.
He was born on November 20, 1942 to U Chin Phay (father) and Daw Yi (mother). He attended
Kyaikkhami State High School and Shinmahar Botegawtha High School. From 1960 to 1968 he
was enrolled at Mawlamying College, Mandalay University and Rangoon Science and Art
University, earning a law degree.
Married to Daw Hla Hla Win, U Nyan Win worked as a high court lawyer from 1970 to 1973
before being retired while holding the title of Legal Servant Level (1) on November 14, 1988.
U Han Thar Myint represented the NLD in the 1990 general election, winning a seat in
constituency No. 1 of Budalin Township, Satkyne Division, with 80.85 percent of the vote,
representing 16,645 votes cast.
He was born on May 7, 1948 in Rangoon to U Thein Phay Myint (father) and Daw Khin Kyi Kyi
(mother). His father was a MP representing the People’s United National Front.
He matriculated from the Rangoon University Education Master Faculty in 1964. He went on to
study Electrical Communication at Rangoon University, passing his final exam in 1970. He then
worked as an assistant engineer trainer at the Post and Telecommunication Department and
later as a Local Communication Officer in Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi Division. He
has participated in additional job trainings in Sweden, South Korea, Japan and Singapore. He
attended the Technical Meeting of Asia Pacific Telecommunication Teams held in Bangkok,
Thailand, in July 1986 as the leader of the Burmese delegation.
He also participated in the People’s Democracy Movement in 1988, being appointed chief
organizer of the NLD’s Pegu organizing team in February 1989. On July 7, 1996 it was
announced that his 1990 electoral victory was invalidated.
Han Thar Myint lives in Yankin Township, Rangoon, working full-time for the NLD.