Vol. 41, Issue 22 - May 28, 2010

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the lgbtq community news source

Black Pride local national

weekend news news
Jeffrey Richardson Trial of 3 gay men Gov. Martin O'Malley
among this year’s continues in Wone offends audience of
honorees; full case, as interrogation wealthy gay donors while
schedule of events. video is played in court. seeking their support.

washingtonblade.com • vol. 41, issue 22 • may 28, 2010 • Still sharp after 40 years

Mission accomplished or another setback?

arrested twice for chaining himself
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ to the White House fence in
compromise draws protest of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
In an interview with the Blade
mixed reactions  on Monday, Choi said the pro-
posal requires LGBT people to
By CHRIS JOHNSON compromise themselves without
cjohnson@washblade.com getting much in return.
“In a compromise, it’s insinuated
Editor’s note: House and that both sides have given some-
Senate votes on repeal of ‘Don’t thing, and I don’t see that,” he said.
Ask, Don’t Tell’ were expected after “So it’s too generous to call it that.
the Blade’s print deadline. Visit It’s a delay and it’s asking us to fur-
washingtonblade.com for updates. ther put our political agenda before
the needs of the soldiers, and that’s
The legislative compromise who’s getting compromised.”
that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal Despite his disappointment in
supporters in Congress unveiled the compromise language, Choi
this week has inspired mixed said he didn’t want the measure to
reactions and led LGBT leaders fail this week when it came before
to advocate for its passage even Congress. He noted that “it’s only
Photo by Pete Souza; courtesy of White House
as some expressed disappoint- one step” in the path for non-dis-
ment over its shortcomings. crimination in the U.S. military and President Barack Obama’s administration endorsed Monday a path to repeal the law that prohibits gays,
Among those expressing dis- people should keep fighting. lesbians and bisexuals from serving openly in the U.S. armed forces. But some criticized the compromise
pleasure was Lt. Dan Choi, a gay because it lacks a non-discrimination provision.
U.S. Army infantry soldier who was Continues on page 14

Looking back on the hoopla

Black couples took
pride in being first
to wed in D.C.
socialagenda jdiguglielmo@washblade.com
Black Pride’s Earl Fowlkes answers 20 questions. Page 28
On the eve of this weekend’s
Black Pride festivities, the Blade
checked in with two of the first
same-sex couples who wed here
in March to find out how they’re
doing now that the hoopla has
subsided, how they’ve fared as
gay or lesbian couples among
their black friends and families,
and get their thoughts on the
importance of Black Pride.
Photo by Joe Tresh
Three of the first couples to wed
localnews in Washington on March 9, the first Revs. Darlene Garner (left) and Candy Holmes were married March 9
Newly out singer Chely Wright joins Capital Pride lineup. Page 6 at the Human Rights Campaign headquarters.
Continues on page 18
2 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 3
4 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010


Lesbian named president

of Montgomery College
DeRionne Pollard, a lesbian
who has served as California
Community College’s president
since 2008, has been named
president of Montgomery
College, a community college
in Montgomery County, Md.
The college’s board of trustees
announced her appointment May
18, saying Pollard, 39, was cho-
sen following a nationwide search
and a review of more than 50
applicants. She holds a doctorate
Photo courtesy of Montgomery College
degree in educational leadership
and policy studies. DeRionne Pollard is the new
“Throughout the search president of Montgomery
process, Dr. Pollard impressed College in Maryland.
both the board and the search
advisory committee by her passion and devotion to the advance-
ment of the community college mission and the students we
serve,” the board said in a statement.
In its announcement of her appointment, the board noted that
Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
Pollard and her domestic partner of more than 20 years, Robyn Jones,
“are the proud parents of a 3-year-old son, Myles Julian Pollard-Jones.”

Stonewall Democrats name Capital Champions Pollard is the first known black lesbian to be named president
of a U.S. college. Earlier this year, Grinnell College of Iowa
National Stonewall Democrats honored U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.), AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka named National Institutes of Health deputy director and physi-
and Frank Kameny, a longtime gay civil rights activist, May 20 during an event in the AFL-CIO headquarters in D.C. cian Raynard Kington as its president, making him the nation’s
first known black openly gay college president.
“I am thankful and truly honored that the board of trustees
selected me as the next president of Montgomery College,”
OBITUARY Pollard said. “I am impressed with the caliber of the faculty, staff,
administrators and students at Montgomery College.”
The Washington Post reported that Pollard’s predecessor,
Jack Keegel, 68 in 1966 from the University of Brian Johnson, was removed as president following allegations
John Jack Keegel, a longtime Delaware, both in mathematics. of overspending and “lapses in management.” The Post said fac-
D.C. resident and professor of He received a doctorate degree in ulty and staff at the college were looking forward to Pollard’s
mathematics at the University of statistics in 1975 from George leadership after a tumultuous nine months of tension leading up
the District of Columbia for near- Washington University. to Johnson’s forced resignation.
ly 35 years, died of cancer May Keegel served as a statisti- Faculty and staff rose to their feet and greeted her with pro-
11 at his home in Boynton cian with the National Institutes longed applause when she was introduced to them at an audito-
Beach, Fla. He was 68. of Health from 1966 to 1969 and rium last week at the college’s Rockville, Md., campus.
With a specialty in statistics worked as a statistical consultant LOU CHIBBARO JR.
and statistical analysis, Keegel to a contracting company provid-
played a lead role for more than ing services to the U.S. Postal
20 years in designing and direct-
ing an annual, federally mandated
Service from 1968 to 1969. He
began his tenure as a mathemat-
Realtors approve LGBT
study of seatbelt usage by drivers
in the District of Columbia.
ics professor at UDC in 1969.
While at UDC, he worked as a non-discrimination policy
The D.C. Department of statistical consultant during the The Professional Standards Committee of the National
Transportation retained Keegel summer months for a number of Association of Realtors voted unanimously May 13 in Washington,
to organize the study with the outside consulting firms. In the D.C., to approve a policy prohibiting the denial of real estate-relat-
Photo courtesy of Brian Lee
help of student interns at UDC summer of 1979 he served as a ed services to someone based on his or her sexual orientation.
and others, who methodically schedule to make time each day lecturer at the NATO Advanced The action was proposed last year by the National Association
observed whether drivers travel- to drive from the District to Statistics Institute in Urbino, Italy. of Gay & Lesbian Real Estate Professionals, which works closely
ing along various D.C. streets Fairfax Hospital, where he spent Keegel also is the author or co- with NAR, according to a statement by the gay group.
wore their seatbelts. Although he part of the day with Levine for author of at least nine books or It calls for amending NAR’s code of ethics to add the term
retired as a professor in 2004, he nearly two months before Levine book chapters on statistics and sexual orientation to a litany of other protected classes.
continued to conduct the seat- died while waiting for a replace- statistical analysis. The amended policy, if ratified as expected by the NAR’s del-
belt study through 2009, when ment heart that never arrived. Upon his retirement, he egate body in November, would say, “Realtors shall not deny
his findings showed a 93 percent During Levine’s hospital stay, retained his home in D.C. while equal professional services to any person for reasons of race,
seatbelt usage by D.C. drivers, he and Keegel agreed to spending winters in Boynton color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin or
according to UDC Professor become the subject of a feature Beach, Fla. sexual orientation.”
Eugene Shiro, who assisted story in the Washington Blade, Keegel was preceeded in death The proposal would also change the code of ethics to say,
Keegel in the study. becoming the first known same- by Levine, his domestic partner of “Realtors shall not be parties to any plan or agreement to dis-
Keegel’s friends said they and sex couple to publicly share their 24 years. Survivors include a for- criminate against a person or persons on the basis of race, color,
his UDC colleagues became experiences in grappling with the mer domestic partner, Brian Lee; religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin or sexual
inspired and moved in 1995 over uncertainty of a hoped for heart his father, John Keegel; a step- orientation.” It additionally says that Realtors or real estate firms
Keegel’s devotion to his domes- transplant. mother, Margo Keegel; several shall not engage in discrimination based on the same litany of
tic partner of 24 years, Edward Keegel was born in Jersey City, cousins; and many longtime categories in employment practices for their offices.
Levine, who was hospitalized in N.J. and was raised in Rahway, friends in Florida and D.C. If the delegate body gives final approval to the policy change,
critical condition while awaiting a N.J. He received a bachelor’s Plans to celebrate Keegel’s life the change would take effect Jan. 1.
heart transplant. They said degree in 1963 from Rutgers in Florida and D.C. are pending. LOU CHIBBARO JR.
Keegel juggled his teaching University and his master’s degree LOU CHIBBARO JR.
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 5

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6 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010


Lead entertainers cancel

Pride appearances
The lead entertainers scheduled to perform at D.C.’s Capital
Pride and Black Pride festivals abruptly cancelled their appear-
ances last week, prompting organizers to scramble to rearrange
their programs.
D.C. born and nation-
ally recognized rapper
Wale informed Black
Pride organizers by e-
mail last week that he
backed out of his May 30
appearance at the D.C.
Convention Center for the
Black Pride annual festi-
val because he was
uncomfortable perform-
Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
ing at a gay event.
Shortly thereafter,
Photo courtesy of Interscope Records
singer and actress Mya,
GLAAD launches D.C. council
The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation launched its D.C. leadership council with an event May 25 at
who was scheduled to Wale, a rapper and D.C. native,
perform June 13 at the backed out of performing at this year’s
Capital Pride festival, dis- Black Pride. Organizers said homo-
the Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams store on 14th Street. Speakers included Jarrod Chalpowski of the Human Rights closed that complications phobia is to blame.
Campaign, Alex Nicholson of Servicemembers United, and Tony Varona and Jessica Katz of GLAAD. associated with recent
foot surgery would prevent her from appearing at that event.
“While we are sad to learn that Mya will be unable to entertain
at Capital Pride due to medical reasons, we wish her a speedy
recovery,” said Dyana Mason, Capital Pride’s executive director.

Stein Club endorses challenger Replacing Mya is country singer Chely Wright, who recently
came out as lesbian. Wright, who’s best known for her songs
“Jezabel” and “Single White Female,” is scheduled to perform at

in ‘shadow’ U.S. House race Capital Pride on June 13.

Earl Fowlkes, a board member and spokesperson for Black Pride,
said organizers were able to book nationally known rhythm and blues
The Gertrude Stein Democratic the District of Columbia, where we created shadow congressional singer J. Holiday as a replacement for Wale. Holiday, 25 and a D.C.
Club on Monday passed over the have younger voices standing up positions when they applied for native, is best known for his 2007 hit song “Bed,” which rose to the No.
incumbent D.C. “shadow” member to take leadership,” said Jeffrey statehood in the 1800s. People 1 hit on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, according to Billboard Magazine.
of the U.S. House of Richardson, the Stein Club’s pres- in the positions generally lobby Wale, 25, became a nationally recognized rapper in 2006,
Representatives, whom it backed ident. “Nate Bennett-Fleming Congress to approve D.C. as the when his song “Dig Dug (Shake It)” caught the eye of a record
in the last two elections, and clearly has the support of his nation’s 51st state and give the company producer who arranged for a wider distribution of his
instead endorsed a little-known peers and a strong bloc of LGBT city budgetary autonomy and full music. Among other things, he has performed on MTV and
challenger for the ceremonial post. activists from across the city.” voting rights in Congress. appeared recently on the David Letterman Show.
In receiving 60.8 percent of the D.C. voters approved the cre- Bennet-Fleming and Pannetta Fowlkes said Black Pride organizers were startled last week when
vote, challenger Nate Bennett- ation of one “shadow” U.S. House each expressed support for LGBT they received two e-mails from Wale’s agent, one saying the rapper had
Fleming barely surpassed the seat and two “shadow” U.S. rights, including support for the to cancel due to “family obligations,” and the second saying he didn’t
required 60 percent threshold for Senate seats in a ballot initiative city’s same-sex marriage law. know Black Pride was a gay-related event when he agreed to appear.
obtaining the club’s endorsement, in the 1980s as part of their sup- In a separate development, the “We were clear about what kind of event this is,” Fowlkes told
becoming the first non-incumbent port for a D.C. statehood constitu- club voted Monday to endorse the the Blade. “After doing this for 20 years, we certainly don’t want
to win the Stein backing this year. tion. The positions have no pow- re-election bids of D.C. City Council to put ourselves and the artist in an uncomfortable situation by
He beat incumbent Mike Pannetta, ers or authority in Congress and members Mary Cheh (D-Ward 3) not telling them what we are.
who the club endorsed in his 2006 don’t come with a salary. and Tommy Wells (D-Ward 6). The “We’re Black Gay Pride, and the people coming out there are
and 2008 bids for the shadow seat. Backers of D.C. statehood two are running unopposed in the members of our community,” he said. “We made that very clear.”
“Tonight’s vote reflects a shift said they modeled the positions September primary. Fowlkes said Black Pride officials believe homophobia was the
that I believe is happening within after other U.S. territories that LOU CHIBBARO JR. underlying reason that Wale cancelled his appearance. He noted
that Wale’s agent has refunded an advance fee that Black Pride
made to book the rapper, but the group is considering taking legal
Fourth suspect arrested for gay principal’s slaying action for what Fowlkes described as a breach of contract.
“What was important to us on our 20th year is we really wanted to
Police in Montgomery County, being held at the D.C. jail pending Police said Betts met one or break some new ground,” Fowlkes said. “And one of the things we
Md., announced the arrest last extradition proceedings that would more of the three teens charged wanted was a male black artist. We always had female artists and
week of a fourth suspect charged move him to Montgomery County. with his murder through a tele- we’ve never really had a male black heterosexual identified artist.”
in the murder of gay D.C. middle Betts, 42, was found shot to phone sex chat line. Betts He said organizers carefully vetted Wale, whose music is pop-
school principal Brian Betts. death April 15 in an upper floor bed- became the second D.C. area ular within the black LGBT community, for any signs of anti-gay
Joel Johnson, 19, whose room in his house in Silver Spring, gay man to be murdered and at themes in his lyrics and statements, and none were found.
address could not be confirmed, Md. Earlier this month, police arrest- least the third to be attacked and Jeffrey Richardson, president of the Gertrude Stein
was apprehended by D.C. police ed Sharif Lancaster, Alante robbed by someone they met Democratic Club and one of the local black LGBT leaders sched-
at 5:30 p.m. May 18 along the 100 Saunders, and Deontra Gray — through an Internet or phone uled to be honored at this year’s Black Pride events, called
block of Ivanhoe Street, S.W., each 18 years old — on first-degree chat line since last December. Wale’s cancellation a sign that the LGBT community still has a
according to a police statement. murder and armed robbery charges Gays & Lesbians Opposing long way to go to overcome prejudice.
The statement from Montgomery in connection with the Betts murder. Violence recently issued alerts “This is pure homophobia on his part,” Richardson said. “This
County police says he was charged Police also charged Artura Otey urging people to use caution when reflects the feelings of the broader community. For a lot of folks,
with one count of first-degree mur- Williams, 46, the mother of Lancaster, meeting strangers through social the biggest fear is of being labeled as gay. It’s a stigma we still
der, one count of armed robbery and with receiving and using a credit card networking venues such as the have a lot of work to do to overcome.”
three counts of conspiracy to com- stolen from Betts by the three men Internet or phone chat lines. LOU CHIBBARO JR.
mit first-degree murder. He was charged in the murder. LOU CHIBBARO JR.
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 7
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8 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010

Wedding DIRECTORY Wone trial video shows

interrogation of Price, Ward
Gay defendants insist
intruder is to blame

As the conspiracy trial continued this

week for three gay men implicated in the
2006 murder of Washington lawyer Robert
Wone, it remained unclear whether the men
would take the witness stand to testify.
But defendants Joseph Price and
Dylan Ward effectively appeared as virtu-
al witnesses Monday and Tuesday as
prosecutors showed in the courtroom a
police video of homicide detectives ques-
tioning the men about the murder.
The interrogations took place in the
early morning hours of Aug. 3, 2006, a
Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key
few hours after Wone was found stabbed
to death in a second-floor guest room at Defense attorney Bernard Grimm, who
Price, Ward and Victor Zaborsky’s represents Joseph Price, asked a detective
The Palisades upscale townhouse on Swann Street, in court whether his approach to the mur-
Community Church N.W., near Dupont Circle. der investigation was shaped by his ‘atti-
Celebrating “At no time did Price appear very emo- tudes’ toward homosexuals.
86 Years of Diversity tional or upset,” reported Craig Brownstein,
a writer with the Who Murdered Robert ual orientation and their three-way
BriAN MerriTT Pastor Wone blog, which described Price’s romantic relationship.
5200 Cathedral Ave., N.W. | Washington, D.C. 20016 responses to questions by two detectives The defense has repeatedly referred to
202-966-7929 sitting beside him in the interrogation room. Det. Sgt. Daniel Wager’s questioning of Price
brianmerritt@mac.com | thepalisadeschurch.com Brownstein reported that Ward about why Wone, whose family says he was
watched the video intently while sitting straight, wanted to stay at their house.
behind the defense table, but Price “I got three homosexuals in a house
looked straight ahead at the lawyers and and one straight guy,” he told Price in the
never looked at the video. interrogation room. “What is he doing
The men have been charged with there?” Wagner added, “I think you were
obstruction of justice, conspiracy to all drinking wine and you know what’s
obstruct justice and evidence tampering. going to happen tonight.”
If convicted on all three counts, they face Price responded by calling what he con-
a possible maximum sentence of 38 sidered Wagner’s suggestion that the gay
years in prison. No one has been charged housemates were interested in a sexual
with Wone’s murder. encounter with Wone as being “insulting.”
Transcripts of the videotaped interro- Spagnoletti and defense attorneys
gations of Price and Ward show that David Schertler and Bernard Grimm each
detectives repeatedly challenged their pressed the detectives in cross examina-
claim that an unidentified intruder killed tion about whether they pursued other sce-
Wone after entering their house from a narios in the investigation, including Price’s
rear door while they were asleep in their claim that other people such as contractors
respective bedrooms. had keys to the men’s house. Grimm
Wone’s wife testified last week that her repeatedly asked Wagner whether his
husband, a longtime friend of Price from approach to the investigation was shaped
their days as students at the College of by his “attitudes” toward homosexuals.
William & Mary, spent the night at the men’s The detectives replied that, after what
house after working late at his nearby office. they called a thorough assessment of the
The detectives noted that they found no evidence, they concluded that no intruder
evidence of a forced entry into the house. entered the house on the night of the murder.
They said nothing was taken or disturbed, Police and prosecutors say they have
including valuable items in clear view on evidence showing the three men delayed
the first floor, including a flat screen televi- calling 911 to report the stabbing and
sion. Why would an intruder presumably appeared to have tampered with the
arriving to burglarize the house bypass crime scene and covered up evidence to
expensive items, go upstairs, walk past protect the killer. Prosecutors say they
Ward’s bedroom and enter the room believe one or all three of the men know
where Wone was sleeping and stab him, the killer’s identity.
the detectives wanted to know. Defense attorneys say they will show
“I understand it doesn’t make sense,” that police botched the investigation by fail-
Ward told them. ing to pursue and identify the intruder that
Defense attorneys, including gay for- the defense says murdered Robert Wone.
mer D.C. Attorney General Robert The trial is expected to continue for at
Spagnoletti, asked the detectives during least another three weeks. Judge Lynn
their cross examination whether investi- Leibovitz, who is presiding over the trial,
gators and prosecutors “jumped to con- will decide the defendants’ guilt or inno-
clusions” that the three men were impli- cence following their decision to give up
cated in the murder because of their sex- their right to a jury trial.
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 9

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10 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010


Protesters again demand ENDA passage because people are being fired that process,” she said.
Job bias bill remains just because of their gender Cronk, a lesbian who lives in
pending in committee expression or their sexuality.” Riverdale, Md., said passing ENDA
Brad Catoe, a gay D.C. resi- is important because LGBT people
By CHRIS JOHNSON dent, said he wants to see ENDA “are one of the few groups left that
cjohnson@washblade.com pass because it’s “important for are not protected by federal law.”
everybody to be treated equally “We can continue working on a
Local activists seeking an end under the law.” local and a statewide level, but folks
to job discrimination against LGBT Catoe, whose partner, Brian in middle states who can be fired for
people protested last week outside Fricke, is a gay former Marine who they are need protection at the
the U.S. Capitol, urging Congress and board member of the federal level, so we’re standing up
to take action on the issue. Servicemembers Legal Defense for those folks today,” Cronk said.
Holding signs reading, “I can Network, said passage of ENDA Much of the protest was
still be fired for being me” and “1 and repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t directed at U.S. House Speaker
in 7 LGBTQ face job discrimina- Tell” are particularly important Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). At one
tion,” about one dozen protesters issues for him. point, protesters gathered just
marched along Independence “Obviously, ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ outside Pelosi’s office in the
Avenue on May 20 to demand is important to me firstly because Cannon House Office Building
passage of the Employment my partner was in the Marines, but I and shouted, “Nancy Pelosi! We
Non-Discrimination Act. think that the Employment Non- want ENDA!”
The bill, pending in committee Discrimination Act is also very In an interview with The Hill
in both chambers of Congress, important to our entire community,” newspaper last week, Pelosi said
would bar job bias based on sex- Catoe said. “They’re sort of con- she’s supported passage of ENDA
ual orientation and gender iden- nected in a lot of ways.” for decades and feels the pending
tity in most private and public Last week’s protest got the bill is strongly positioned, but
workforce settings. attention of some people work- expressed some uncertainty about
Supporters have said for ing on Capitol Hill. A Democratic moving forward.
months they’re expecting immi- aide told the Blade the action “When the opportunity is
nent action on the bill, but it has alerted several officials in the there, we want to bring that up,
yet to move out of committee in Cannon House Building, includ- and I hope that will be soon,” she
either the House or Senate. ing Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif.). said. “We’ll see what people
Jay Carmona, a D.C. lesbian, Still, it was unclear when the want to do. It’s not my own per-
led much of the protest by shout- House might take action. Federal sonal decision. We’ll just see
ing chants into a bullhorn. She said lawmakers are taking a week off fol- Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
where we go from here.”
the protest was held because law- lowing the Memorial Day holiday. Supporters of ENDA have
makers made several promises on Organizing the event was Protesters on Capitol Hill last week called on Congress to pass the expressed concern that oppo-
ENDA and now Democrats are GetEqual, the group responsible Employment Non-Discrimination Act. nents could use a legislative
“silent” on those promises. for several recent protests and maneuver known as the motion
“This is something that is real- rallies in D.C. and elsewhere that during the May 20 protest. for workplace protections. to recommit to scuttle the bill
ly, really important, especially in have drawn attention to LGBT Heather Cronk, managing direc- “While other groups are lobby- when it comes to the floor. The
these tough economic times,” issues. Although previous tor for GetEqual, said last week’s ing and doing phone calls and maneuver could force a vote on
Carmona said. “We can’t afford GetEqual events have included protest was intended to “give visibil- doing e-mails, we also make stripping the gender identity pro-
longer unemployment lines arrests, nobody was detained ity” to LGBT people and their need sure that we’re feeling visible in visions from the legislation.

FDA to review gay blood donor ban policy

June committee the public, is set to take place at the
Universities of Shady Grove in
HIV/AIDS have improved signifi-
cantly since 1983.
with an allied organization to
urge a revision to FDA policy.
the FDA asking for an end to the
ban, calling it “outdated, medical-
meeting to consider Rockville, Md. Discussion is sched- According to the Federal In a statement, Laurie Young, ly and scientifically unsound
uled over the course of two days, Register notice, the committee will interim director of public policy and deferral criteria for prospective
policy change June 10-11. The meetings on both consider “the most important fac- government affairs for the National blood donors.”
days are set for 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. tors … to consider in making a Gay & Lesbian Task Force, said In a statement to the Blade
By CHRIS JOHNSON Fred Sainz, a Human Rights policy change” as well as whether the re-examination of the gay this week, Kerry said the admin-
cjohnson@washblade.com Campaign vice president and current scientific information is blood donor ban is “long overdue.” istration “is doing the right
spokesperson, said the meeting “will sufficient to support ending the “The lifetime ban was initiated in thing” by re-examining the ban.
The Food & Drug Administration is determine whether or not the blood policy, and what studies and safe- 1983, at the beginning of the AIDS “I believe the ban strikes
starting a review process that ban is repealed and what conditions, ty measures are needed before a crisis,” she said. “Nearly 30 years everyone as outdated based on
could end the longstanding policy if any, would apply going forward.” change takes place. later, the science has changed but the science,” he said. “It’s a relic
prohibiting gay and bisexual men The FDA instituted the blood In a statement last week, the outdated policy remains.” and it doesn’t make sense, espe-
from donating blood, according to donor ban in 1983 in response to the HRC President Joe Solmonese Young said the re-examination cially compared to other policies
the Federal Register. AIDS crisis. The policy prohibits any called on the FDA to end of the policy should “take into we have in place.”
A notice published earlier this man who’s had sex even once with the blood donor ban, noting that account” new disease screening Kerry noted that under current
month says the Department of another man since 1977 from donat- the policy “cannot be justified by techniques for blood donations, regulations, a man who’s had
Health & Human Services has ing blood. At the time, the policy today’s science.” and “distinguish between high-risk sex with a prostitute is able to
scheduled a meeting next month was deemed necessary because “In 2010, we cannot continue to and low-risk behavior in donors.” donate blood, but a gay man in a
of the Advisory Committee on gay and bisexual men have a higher turn away healthy donors based In recent months, efforts to lift committed monogamous rela-
Blood Safety & Availability to dis- rate of HIV/AIDS infection. on outdated stereotypes and a the ban have become more visi- tionship is prohibited.
cuss the issue. The committee is LGBT rights supporters have decades-old understanding of HIV ble as many lawmakers have “That just doesn’t make sense
charged with providing recom- been seeking to overturn the ban and AIDS,” Solmonese said. publicly urged the FDA to to me on its face,” he said. “I look
mendations to HHS on blood on the grounds that it unfairly tar- The HRC statement says that change its policy. In March, Sen. forward to hearing the results of
supply and blood products. gets gay and bisexual men — the organization plans to testify John Kerry (D-Mass.) and 17 this meeting as well as the FDA’s
The meeting, which is open to and that testing procedures for at the hearing and send a letter other senators wrote a letter to recommendations.”
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 11

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12 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010


Rare peek behind closed doors of secret gay donor confab

Maryland governor, could be expected to veto a mar-
riage bill passed by the legislature.
Republican political action commit-
tee said to be responsible for help-
looking for donations, Meneses-Sheets said that ing Republicans win control of
although pushing a same-sex mar- Congress during the 1990s.
offends high-profile riage bill through the legislature next Guerriero is a former Republican
contributors year would be a “challenge,” she and
her Equality Maryland colleagues
state legislator from Massachusetts
and former president of the national
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. are hopeful that members of the gay partisan group Log Cabin
lchibbaro@washblade.com State Senate who have blocked Republicans.
advancement of the bill will be Guerriero and Smith have said
A controversial appearance by defeated in the November election. in the past that Gill Action Fund
Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley “We have a plan in place and assesses candidates running for
prompted participants in a closed- we’re working on all of the pieces public office to determine whether
door conference of wealthy LGBT it will take to get a win,” she said. they should be supported or
political donors, held May 15-16 in “This is not a pie in the sky.” opposed. It then sends its recom-
Chicago, to breach a strict a confi- Other LGBT activists in the state mendations to its “top secret”
dentiality policy after he told the have expressed concern that donor list, according to one source
gathering he favors civil unions O’Malley’s pledge to sign a marriage familiar with the group.
Photo courtesy of Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell’s oofice
over same-sex marriage. bill rings hollow because he refuses The donors make individual con-
O’Malley was one of at least Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley told a group of 200 LGBT donors that he to use his political influence to push tributions to the recommended can-
four U.S. governors invited to supports civil unions over marriage rights for same-sex couples. wavering lawmakers to back a mar- didates. The system makes it diffi-
address the annual Political riage measure. Some activists said cult to measure which candidates
OutGiving conference, a highly cuss the Political OutGiving confer- Peninsula Hotel, said O’Malley was they doubt the November election, are benefiting from the gay network.
confidential event for a network of ence, which is a private event.” joined at the event by Democratic in which all members of the legisla- Although the names of con-
more than 200 big-stakes LGBT “Political OutGiving is a focused, Govs. Chet Culver of Iowa, John ture come up before the voters, will tributors must be reported to the
contributors to political campaigns. bipartisan state-based strategy Lynch of New Hampshire, and result in enough new supporters to Federal Election Commission,
The network is operated by that concentrates on delivering Edward Rendell of Pennsylvania. pass a marriage bill. which makes its reports available
the Denver-based Gill Action resources from dedicated and gen- Also attending were Democratic for public inspection, reviewing
Fund, which was founded in erous donors to select campaigns Lt. Gov. Diane Denish of New ‘Moneyed gay people FEC records would be useless
2006 by gay entrepreneur and in a limited number of states,” Kron Mexico, who is running for governor, making things happen’ for identifying OutGiving donors
multimillionaire Tim Gill. said in her e-mail. Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, and Although Gill Action’s Political because Gill Action Fund never
Members of the network are “Political OutGiving started in U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Pa.). OutGiving has been the subject releases their names.
warned that violating the confi- 2006 when hundreds of donors Attendees said a session in of media coverage, including “The fact that it’s being kept out
dentiality policy could result in contributed around $3 million to which O’Malley, Denish and other coverage in the LGBT press, the of the public eye — that’s bad
their expulsion. targeted campaigns aimed at pro- panelists participated was moder- exchange between Goodridge news,” said Bill Dobbs, a New York
But several participants, speak- tecting or increasing the number of ated by gay journalist Jonathan and O’Malley appears to have gay rights attorney and activist.
ing on condition that they not be pro-LGBT supporters in state leg- Capehart, an editorial writer for the triggered for the first time discus- “It’s too much wheeling and deal-
identified, ignored the warnings islatures,” she said. “Political Washington Post. Capehart could sion and questions among mem- ing behind closed doors.”
and informed the Blade about an OutGiving similarly engaged in not immediately be reached for bers of the donor network about One of the OutGiving donors
exchange between O’Malley and elections in 2008 and will be comment. Sources familiar with the need for the secrecy who spoke to the Blade on condi-
Julie Goodridge, the lesbian plain- involved in campaigns in 2010.” the event said Capehart, like most imposed by Gill Action’s leaders. tion of anonymity disagreed with
tiff in the Massachusetts lawsuit Goodridge did not return calls other participants in the event, In response to the Blade’s the strict confidentiality policy.
that led to the legalization of same- Tuesday seeking comment on agreed to keep his role and the inquiries about the Chicago con- “I think part of it is they don’t want to
sex marriage in that state. her interaction with O’Malley. meeting itself off the record. ference, Gill Action Fund’s execu- run the risk that there would be stories
Goodridge reportedly interrupt- Rick Abbruzzese, a spokesper- Due to OutGiving’s confidentiali- tive director, Patrick Guerriero, and that these rich gay people get together
ed O’Malley and told him that he son for O’Malley’s re-election cam- ty policy, it could not be determined its deputy executive director, Bill and push their agenda and it’s the
appeared to be talking about civil paign, said O’Malley flew to Chicago whether the Gill Action Fund, which Smith, sent a joint e-mail to net- moneyed gay people that are making
unions the way people did in the to attend the OutGiving conference operates the donor network, would work donors Tuesday urging them things happen,” the donor said.
early 2000s, according to multiple May 15, after presenting the winning give support to O’Malley, who is not to speak with the media. But the donor said the donations
sources that attended the event. trophy at Baltimore’s annual being challenged this year by “Doing really important work were helping the LGBT civil rights
“It’s 2010,” the sources quoted Preakness horse racing event. Republican former Gov. Robert often attracts the media and we’ve movement in the long run by send-
Goodridge as saying. It’s totally “The governor’s position has Ehrlich. O’Malley defeated Ehrlich been informed that a reporter is ing more supportive lawmakers to
unacceptable to be pushing civil been clear on this issue and con- in 2006, and political insiders are buzzing about the 2010 Political Congress and the state legislatures.
unions in a state like Maryland at sistent — that he does support predicting a close race between the OutGiving conference,” the two Sources who attended the
this time when full marriage civil unions and that he felt we two rivals this year. said in their e-mail. “As you know, Political OutGiving conference said
equality is gaining momentum could have reached a consensus Morgan Meneses-Sheets, exec- the event is private and participant that in addition to the donors, a num-
among voters, sources para- within the Maryland General utive director of Equality Maryland, attendance is confidential.” ber of prominent officials with other
phrased Goodridge as saying. Assembly to move the issue of a non-partisan statewide LGBT Smith, who heads the Gill Action LGBT rights groups attended the
Three people present during civil unions forward,” Abbruzzese group, said that while the group is Fund’s Washington office, is a for- event. Among them were Evan
the exchange said the audience said. “He has not supported gay disappointed in O’Malley’s support mer aide to Bush administration Wolfson, executive director of the
applauded Goodridge for her marriage in the past.” for civil unions over same-sex mar- official Karl Rove. Smith told the same-sex marriage advocacy group
comments. But O’Malley once favored riage, he has repeatedly pledged to Advocate in a 2008 interview that Freedom to Marry; Steve Elmendorf,
They said O’Malley, who same-sex marriage. He privately sign a same-sex marriage bill pragmatic and sometimes hard-hit- a gay former congressional staffer
expressed support for LGBT rights, told LGBT supporters in 2006 should it reach his desk. ting tactics employed by Rove can and Washington political consultant;
replied that voters in his state aren’t and 2007 in e-mails and during By contrast, Meneses-Sheets be used by Gill Action for the Mary Breslauer, a Boston-based
ready for gay marriage. But a meetings that he supported civil pointed to Ehrlich’s decision to veto advancement of LGBT equality. consultant for the Human Rights
recent Washington Post poll found marriage rights for gay couples, during his tenure as Maryland gov- “We’re not afraid to learn from Campaign; Chuck Wolfe and Robin
for the first time that more before the state’s high court ernor a limited domestic partner- anyone across the political spec- Brand, director and deputy director
Marylanders now support same- ruled against such rights. And he ship bill that called for giving hospi- trum who’s doing really smart of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund;
sex marriage than oppose it. once told a Baltimore television tal visitation rights to same-sex work, be it EMILY’s List or and Matt Foreman, former National
Joanne Kron, a spokesperson station that he backed civil mar- partners and medical decision- GOPAC,” Smith told the Advocate. Gay & Lesbian Task Force director
for Gill Action Fund, said in an e- riage rights for gays. making authority for an incapacitat- EMILY’s List is a Democratic, liber- and a current official with the
mail that the group would not com- Sources familiar with the ed partner. She said Ehrlich has al leaning group pushing for women’s Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund,
ment on the Goodridge-O’Malley OutGiving conference, which was expressed opposition to same-sex rights that’s credited with helping elect which awards grants to LGBT
exchange because “we don’t dis- held in Chicago’s upscale marriage and, unlike O’Malley, Democrats to Congress. GOPAC is a organizations and causes.
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 13

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14 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010


‘Don’t Ask’ deal lacks non-discrimination language

Continued from page 1

The measure in the Senate

was made public Monday by
Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-
Conn.), the sponsor of stand-
alone legislation for repeal in the
Senate. On Tuesday, Rep. Patrick
Murphy (D-Pa.), champion of
standalone repeal legislation in
the House, unveiled an identical-
ly worded companion bill.
The Senate Armed Services
Committee and the full House
were expected to vote on the
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” measures
this week during consideration of
Pentagon budget legislation
known as the fiscal year 2011
defense authorization bill. Neither
vote occurred before Blade dead-
line. Check washingtonblade.com
for the latest information.
The measures presented by
Lieberman and Murphy would
repeal the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
statute mandating that openly
gay, lesbian and bisexual people Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
be discharged from the U.S.
armed forces. Following weeks of protests on its doorstep, the White House has backed a path to overturning ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ But some activists, including U.S.
However, the law would only Army Lt. Dan Choi, were critical of the compromise.
be repealed after the Pentagon
completes its study — due Dec. But Choi said “what bothers” “It’s not anything that SLDN return of authority to the Pentagon. Geoff Morrell, a Pentagon
1 — on how to implement repeal him the most is the absence of volunteered to give up,” Sarvis “There’s been no secret about spokesperson, issued a statement
in the U.S. military. the non-discrimination language said. “I think at the end of the day, that fact that the Palm Center has Tuesday saying Gates supports
Further, President Barack that was contained in the stand- we all realized that we would have lobbied hard to take out the non-dis- the measure, although he still
Obama, Defense Secretary alone version of the bill. to live with this new compromise.” crimination language, including the believes Congress should hold off
Robert Gates and Chairman of “I thought the most heinous The idea of removing non-dis- [Shalikashvili] op-ed and several on tackling the issue until after the
the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. part of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ was crimination language and return- other pieces of media that the Palm Pentagon completes its study.
Michael Mullen would have to that it enforced discrimination, ing authority on discharges to Center has done,” Nicholson said. “Secretary Gates continues to
certify that the U.S. military is and now it just says that’s alto- the Pentagon was advanced pre- believe that ideally the [Defense
ready for the transition and that gether not as important,” Choi viously by the Palm Center, a Compromise brought Department] review should be com-
the change “is consistent with the said. “I think it’s within every- think tank on gays in the military. White House support pleted before there is any legislation
standards of military readiness, body’s mandate to get rid of dis- Earlier this month, the Blade While the compromise fell to repeal the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
military effectiveness, unit cohe- crimination where it exists.” reported that the Palm Center short of what repeal supporters law,” he said. “With Congress having
sion and recruiting and retention.” Choi said as a result of the had been asking other LGBT initially sought, the conditions set indicated that is not possible, the
The legislation doesn’t give a compromise, LGBT soldiers groups to support such a move. forth in the proposal brought secretary can accept the language
timeline when the president, the could be subject to a policy But Aaron Belkin, director of support from the White House, in the proposed amendment.”
defense secretary and the chair- that’s “turbulent and precarious.” the Palm Center, said he didn’t which opponents of “Don’t Ask, Having earned support from the
man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Also expressing disappoint- know why the non-discrimination Don’t Tell” had long sought. administration, Sarvis said the
would have to issue the certifica- ment about the lack of non-dis- language was removed and In a letter published Monday, amendment is “a path to repeal”
tion. On Monday, the Associated crimination language was Alex noted that Palm wasn’t active in Peter Orzag, director of the Office and predicted that its passage
Press reported that meeting Nicholson, executive director of pushing for such a move as part of Management & Budget, writes could lead to open service “by the
those conditions for repeal would Servicemembers United, who said of the compromise measure. the repeal measure adheres to end of the first quarter of next year.”
allow the Pentagon “perhaps removal of the non-discrimination “This was news to me when I the Pentagon’s request to finish its After the review is complete
even years” to prepare for repeal. language was “unnecessary” to was told,” he said. “I was actually in study on the issue at the end of and certification happens, Sarvis
Notably, the legislation also get more support for repeal. bed when I was told and I promise the year and therefore is support- said the Pentagon “would then be
lacks non-discrimination lan- “I think we would have been in you we had nothing to do with it.” ed by the Obama administration. free” to implement regulations for
guage and would return authori- the same position had we not Still, Belkin said passing legis- Orzag says that the Pentagon open service and Obama could
ty on discharging LGBT service made three concessions and only lation with non-discrimination review would be “ideally” completed issue an executive order for non-
members to the Pentagon. made two,” he said. “Other minor- language is “not politically realis- before Congress takes action on discrimination in the U.S. military.
Choi said the provisions in the ity groups have not received tic” and the compromise meas- the issue, but notes the administra- “In fact, all of the federal poli-
legislation are “essentially com- statutory non-discrimination pro- ure advanced earlier this week is tion “understands that Congress cies of non-discrimination have
promising the integrity of the sol- tection in the military — this “what we can get.” has chosen to move forward with been issued by executive order
diers until a time to be deter- would have been something extra But Nicholson said the Palm the legislation now and seeks the since 1948,” Sarvis said, refer-
mined” and compared the lack of — but it was something we were Center pushed hard to have the administration’s views on the pro- ring to the order that President
a deadline for certification to a on track to secure.” non-discrimination language posed amendment.” Truman issued to end racial seg-
military commander issuing an Aubrey Sarvis, executive removed from the legislation, In the letter, Orzag says he regation in the armed forces.
order without a timeline. director of the Servicemembers noting recent reports in which understands the amendment would Sarvis said he didn’t think a
“It’s devastating to the soldiers Legal Defense Network, said Belkin advocated the proposal. ensure implementation of repeal is future administration would
who don’t know and it leaves a lot he’s not sure who initiated the Nicholson said Belkin was consistent with “standards of mili- tamper with such an executive
of questions out there,” Choi said. idea of omitting non-discrimina- responsible for Saturday’s opinion tary readiness, effectiveness, unit order or “try to tinker with this
“My question back to the presi- tion language, but said those piece in the Washington Post in cohesion, recruiting and retention.” and make it a political football.”
dent is how long are we going to supporting repeal thought such a which former Chairman of the “The administration therefore “For instance, the four execu-
force our soldiers to lie? Nobody move would improve its chances Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. John supports the proposed amend-
can answer the question when.” of passage. Shalikashvili advocated for a ment,” Orzag writes. Continues on page 19
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 15


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3000 Connecticut Ave., NW Franken introduces bill to aid LGBT students
U.S. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) has introduced a bill aimed at protecting LGBT stu-
dents throughout the country from discrimination in schools.
Introduced on May 20, the Student Non-Discrimination Act would bar schools from
discriminating against LGBT students or ignoring harassing behavior that targets
them. Potential penalties could include a loss of federal funding or a legal cause of
action for victims.
Franken told the Blade in a statement that the legislation is necessary because “kids
need to feel safe in their schools in order to learn.”
“Our nation’s civil rights laws protect our children from bullying due to race, sex, religion,
disability and national origin,” Franken said. “My proposal corrects a glaring injustice and
extends these protections to our gay and lesbian students who need them just as badly.”
Eliza Byard, executive director of the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network,
praised Franken for introducing the bill and said the legislation is needed to ensure
LGBT students “can learn without the fear of being discriminated against simply for
who they are.”
In the House, gay Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) is sponsor of companion legislation.
Supporters of the measure have said they’re considering including the bill as part of
upcoming Elementary & Secondary Education Act authorization legislation in Congress.

Gutierrez wants UAFA in immigration reform

DAVE LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Sidney W. Binks III, Ph.D. An influential, pro-immigrant U.S. House member has endorsed including language
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Families Act. Proponents of the bill have sought its inclusion in UAFA as part of upcom-
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Late last year, Gutierrez introduced a version of comprehensive immigration reform
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may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 17
18 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010


Black couples reflect on marriage hoopla

Continued from page 1

day it was legally possible, were

Angelisa Young and Sinjoyla
Townsend, Reggie Stanley and
Rocky Galloway and Revs. Darlene
Garner and Candy Holmes. All three
couples exchanged vows and rings
at a carefully orchestrated event at
Human Rights Campaign head-
quarters. All three couples are black.
“We were all asked to identify
couples we knew locally who were
planning to seize the opportunity
immediately and we all put feelers
out,” said Ellen Kahn, HRC’s fami-
ly project director.
Garner said she thinks it was
a coincidence that all three cou-
ples are black, but says it was
still significant.
“Washington, D.C., is known
by some as a chocolate city, so it
was great that the first couples to
be married were African-
American couples,” she said.
Stanley and Galloway, a couple
for six years, said no one would have
noticed if all the couples had been
white and that although they
planned to wed regardless, contro-
versial remarks made by City
Council member Marion Barry,
who’s black and represents D.C.’s
predominantly black Ward 8,
inspired them to get married as soon
as the law would allow. Barry, who’d
previously been supportive of gay
rights, said last year after voting
against a bill to recognize same-sex
Photo by Joe Tresh
marriages performed elsewhere in
D.C., that his ward “don’t have but a Rocky Galloway (left) and his partner, Reggie Stanley, on their wedding day in March at the Human Rights Campaign headquarters.
handful of openly gay residents” and
that the majority of his constituents job. She said that was also a factor in away somewhere and get mar- “We all cried and applauded and been wonderful.”
are opposed to same-sex marriage. their decision to wed at HRC. ried,” Garner said. “But when it supported one another,” Holmes And both couples say Black
“He was basically saying that “None of it was lost on us,” became clear that we could get said. “Then when one came back, Pride remains important. Some of
black gay folks don’t exist in his ward Holmes said. “Being a couple and married here, they asked if we’d the next couple marched in so we the reasons why, they said, popped
so we thought it was important to be being African American and being like to do it with them. It became were all there together, then we had up during the marriage wars, with
visible and present,” Stanley said. lesbian, and with me being a feder- kind of a collaboration.” a joint reception.” the Barry incident and elsewhere.
Though he and Galloway live in al government worker and also cler- Was there any concern their spe- “It was lovely,” Garner said. “We were more active with it in
Ward 4, they said they felt it impor- gy, that’s a lot and so there are a lot cial day would become a circus? “HRC converted one of their big our single days than in later years,”
tant to show Barry there are many of voices and things we represent, Both couples said HRC handled the meeting rooms into a wedding Galloway said. “But it’s still impor-
black gay D.C. residents. so it’s something we took very seri- day so well, it didn’t feel that way. chapel and we were able to create tant to show diversity among the
Garner and Holmes, who had ously and I think that’s significant.” “There really was no media the ceremony we wanted to have gay community. It’s a wonderful
dated off and on for 14 years, said Stanley knew some HRC barrage at all,” Galloway said. from processional to recessional, weekend and continues to be a
they decided to wed immediately for leaders through his own LGBT The women agree. with music and presiders and very important event.”
several reasons, some practical, activism work. “We were able to experience everything just as we wanted.” Garner and Holmes will be out of
others symbolic. As ordained minis- “HRC was very forward looking the typical giddiness of any The couples — Young and town this weekend but said they
ters in the Fellowship of and they were really interested in engaged couple looking forward to Townsend did not respond to fully support Black Pride. Garner,
Metropolitan Community Churches, showing all aspects of what mar- their wedding,” Garner said. “HRC interview requests — said life one of the founders of the National
a liberal, mostly gay Christian riage can look like both here and did a phenomenal job and our pri- has returned to normal after the Coalition of Black Lesbians & Gays,
denomination, they felt it was impor- across the country,” he said. “They mary focus stayed on the fact that barrage of media attention. said misperceptions about black
tant to make a public stand. realized there would be national cov- we were getting married. We did “Things are great,” Galloway said. gays persist.
“We recognized in many ways erage so I think they realized it was not take into consideration at all “Just like with any wedding, there’s a “There’s still this perception that
our place as role models as both important for this visual to be seen.” that the world might be watching.” lot of activity leading up to it, but all gay people are white and that
representative of the black commu- Garner and Holmes initially Garner and Holmes plan a we’re back to a normal life now.” all black people are straight and
nity and the LGBT community planned to make themselves avail- religious ceremony during their Both couples said they encoun- many people really cling to that
locally,” Garner said. “So we were able on HRC’s behalf to help field denomination’s annual confer- tered zero negative feedback but myth,” she said. “So it’s especially
happy to take our stand as a legal- press inquiries and counter the ence in Acapulco in June. were greeted with many cheers, important for black LGBT people
ly married couple standing side by anti-gay marriage stances several The couples met standing in applause and congratulations, both to come out, be visible and speak
side through the struggles.” local black clergy, such as Bishop line that morning to get their on the day itself and after. out so we continue to break down
Garner works full-time in ministry Harry Jackson of Hope Christian licenses. They had their cere- “People have recognized me the barriers that other people have
but Holmes ministers part-time while Church, had taken. monies at HRC in the order they and stop me in the hall to con- constructed to keep us all segre-
also holding a full-time government “We were initially going to fly got their licenses. gratulate me,” Holmes said. “It’s gated from each other.”
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 19


Not everyone happy with ‘Don’t Ask’ compromise

Continued from page 14 tration was “taking a step” to address the legal statement on the compromise measure. In response to Choi’s criticism of the
discrimination of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” “The amendment and compromise fall statements of support for reaching an agree-
tive orders that I’ve referred to since 1948 “This presents a path that could end in short of an outright repeal, which was ment with the White House, Sarvis said he
have not been undone by new administra- men and women being able to serve open- what we had all been hoping for,” she said. respects Choi’s service and commitment to
tions,” Sarvis said. “I think that if the presi- ly, honestly and to great benefit of our coun- “While we are cautiously optimistic that overturning “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
dent issues an executive order after ‘Don’t try, but it falls short of providing clear assur- this agreement will lead to a full repeal, it “His view of the legislative process and
Ask, Don’t Tell’ is eliminated — I don’t see a ances of protection and a specific timeline is not yet time to celebrate the end of this the strategy is not a view that I
new Congress or a new administration try- for implementation,” she said. “The impor- appalling and shameful law.” share,” Sarvis said. “On this one, in terms of
ing to undo an executive order.” tant action this week is to ensure passage Among the organizations to strongly legislative strategy and timing, I have a dif-
But Choi said he doesn’t want support- of this step toward full repeal.” support the White House’s endorsement ferent view and my view is I want to get
ers of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal mis- In another statement, Kate Kendell, of the compromise was SLDN. In a state- what’s realistic and I want to get something
taking the Orzag letter in support of the executive director of the National Center for ment, Sarvis called the agreement a “dra- that will ensure that service members can
proposal as Obama taking action on the Lesbian Rights, offered a similarly lukewarm matic breakthrough.” serve openly as soon as possible.”
issue. He noted the president could have
transmitted repeal language to Congress
for the defense budget legislation.
“Obviously, if he would have put the
defense authorization bill language through
to include the repeal legislation, then we
wouldn’t be in this situation where he’s try-
ing to get us to celebrate a win,” Choi said.
To follow-up on his earlier arrests at the
White House and put more pressure on the
president, Choi said he plans to take part in
new acts of civil disobedience to draw
attention to the issue of LGBT service
members serving openly in the U.S. military.
“I not only plan to, but I encourage every-
body else to,” Choi said. “The fact of the mat-
ter is so long as telling the truth is consid-
ered civil disobedience, we need to be com-
mitting civil disobedience every single day.”

Mission accomplished?
Several major LGBT organizations
issued statements this week praising the
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” compromise shortly
after it was announced.
In a statement, Human Rights Campaign
President Joe Solmonese said Monday the
new support from the administration means
people rallying against “Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell” are “on the brink of historic action to
both strengthen our military and respect the
service of lesbian and gay troops.”
“Today’s announcement paves the path
to fulfill the president’s call to end ‘Don’t
Ask, Don’t Tell’ this year and puts us one
step closer to removing this stain from the
laws of our nation,” Solmonese said.
Nicholson of Servicemembers United
said in a statement that Monday’s letter
was “long awaited, much needed, and
immensely helpful.”
Choi said the organizations apparently had
their statements “all set up” to celebrate the
compromise regardless of the deal’s content.
“Just from my military perspective, it
seems very much like they’re putting a
‘mission accomplished’ banner on top of a
carrier, and saying our part is done and
we have fulfilled our mission,” Choi said.
“For people to revel in this kind of cele-
bration instead of encouraging people to
demand the fullness of repeal of ‘Don’t
Ask, Don’t Tell’ is certainly a misstep.”
Other LGBT groups that advocate for
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal as one issue
in their portfolios indicated support for the
compromise measure, although they
acknowledged some shortcomings.
In a statement to the Blade, Rea Carey,
executive director of the National Gay &
Lesbian Task Force, said her organization was
“encouraged” that Congress and the adminis-
20 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010

VIEWPOINT washingtonblade
Vol. 41, Issue 22
Address: 1810 14th St., N.W.,

Holding wealthy gay donors accountable Washington, D.C. 20009

Phone: 202-747-2077
E-mail: news@washblade.com
Internet: www.washingtonblade.com
Publisher: Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, Inc.
A window on facet world of prominent LGBT donors. more 2001 than 2010. Indeed, the LGBT voters who helped elect
him. He’s even willing to throw his
About 200 such donors met at O’Malley isn’t just on the wrong side PUBLISHER
of the movement the Peninsula Hotel in Chicago of history, he’s on the wrong side of brother under the bus out of cynical
lbrown@washblade.com ext. 8075
most of us don’t see earlier this month to hear a sales
pitch from a few politicians who
the present and his dim view of mar-
riage doesn’t jibe with his own state’s
political expediency. O’Malley does
not deserve Political OutGiving’s
By KEVIN NAFF desperately want their money. blue demographics and voters’ grow- support. But if a handful of sources knaff@washblade.com ext. 8088
The donors assembled at the ing support for marriage rights. hadn’t told the Blade about the News & Multimedia Editor
When the LGBT rights move- hotel for a small panel discussion When Goodridge criticized meeting, he might have benefitted jlynsen@washblade.com ext. 8086
ment encounters setbacks — with the politicians, moderated by O’Malley, the audience reported- from a flood of gay money and no Features
something that happens regular- the Washington Post’s Jonathan ly broke into applause. Let’s one would know about it or be able jdiguglielmo@washblade.com ext. 8081
ly — fingers inevitably point at Capehart, who, like all others in hope this means they will resist to hold O’Malley accountable for Sr. News Reporter
the Human Rights Campaign. the room, agreed to keep the supporting O’Malley in his re- receiving such support. lchibbaro@washblade.com ext. 8079
As the most prominent and visi- meeting off the record. Among election bid this year. Gill Action Fund has done News Reporter
ble organization working for LGBT those hoping to impress the And here’s where OutGiving’s tremendous work on behalf of LGBT cjohnson@washblade.com ext. 8083
equality, that’s to be expected. But wealthy gays was Maryland Gov. secrecy does a disservice to the rights, most of which goes deliber- Staff Photographer
there’s another group that doesn’t Martin O’Malley, who flew halfway movement at large: Real progress ately unrecognized. But sometimes mkey@washblade.com
get nearly the amount of media across the country for the secret won’t come as long as politicians, Tim Gill’s quest for secrecy threat- PRODUCTION
attention as HRC that also deserves weekend confab. Of course, keep- particularly Democrats, can rely on ens to undermine his cause. Creative Director
scrutiny: Gill Action Fund and its ing a meeting of 200 people off the big gay money even after doing The LGBT movement needs ROB BOEGER
rboeger@washblade.com ext. 8074
separate entity, Political OutGiving. record in this era is next to impos- nothing to earn it. O’Malley has more transparency, especially now WEB
Gill Action Fund, founded by sible and so the Blade began get- been criticized in Maryland for his that Democrats are facing re-elec- Project Manager
wealthy gay entrepreneur Tim Gill ting reports of what happened failures on our issues. He did not tion after two years of wide majori- CHEVROCK
in Colorado, “provides resources behind those gilded closed doors. spend an ounce of political capital ties in both houses that yielded
to individuals and organizations O’Malley spoke to the donors to help boost the marriage or trans decidedly mixed results for our SALES & ADMINISTRATION
Sr. Acct. Executive
working to advance equality,” and, during his remarks, advocated bias bills this year, both of which community. Showering traitorous BRIAN PITTS
according to its web site. Gill him- for civil unions over marriage for died in committee. Again. What’s Democrats like O’Malley with more bpitts@washblade.com ext. 8089
Acct. Executive
self is notoriously press shy and same-sex couples because he worse: In 2007, after privately telling gay money won’t advance mar- JERYL PARADE
the organization works behind the thinks voters aren’t ready for it. It’s a the plaintiffs in Maryland’s marriage riage or trans rights in Maryland. jparade@washblade.com ext. 8072
Marketing Sales Executive
scenes to elect pro-LGBT political cowardly and ill-informed viewpoint, lawsuit that he backed them, Gill and his Political OutGiving DION JORDAN
candidates across the country considering the Washington Post just O’Malley expressed support for the group should reject O’Malley as a djordan@washblade.com ext. 8084
Classified Advertising
and defeat anti-gay figures. released a poll showing that more high court ruling against marriage recipient of national gay money — PHILLIP G. ROCKSTROH
It’s important, effective work for Marylanders now support marriage rights and invoked the Catholic and they should tell him why. prockstroh@washblade.com ext. 8092
the movement but sometimes a equality than oppose it. If O’Malley sacraments to explain his position. Maybe when politicians pay a For distribution, contact Lynne Brown
little sunshine can be a good had done his homework he would Worse still is that O’Malley has a financial price for their at 202-747-2077, ext. 8075
thing. For that, read Lou have known that key, relevant fact. gay brother, Paul O’Malley, a D.C.- inaction and duplici- Accounting services provided
by Martin & Wall, P.C. C.P.A.
Chibbaro’s story in this week’s According to multiple sources area attorney. D.C. has legalized ty, they will change Distributed by MediaPoint, LLC
issue about a recent meeting of who were in the room, Julie marriage and so Martin O’Malley is their behavior. All material in the Washington Blade is pro-
Political OutGiving, Gill’s 527 Goodridge, a plaintiff in the advocating against a right for his tected by federal copyright law and may not
be reproduced without the written consent
group that works to elect politi- Massachusetts case that legalized own brother that neighboring D.C. of the Washington Blade. The sexual orien-
cians committed to LGBT equali- same-sex marriage there, was in the says he is entitled to. tation of advertisers, photographers, writers
Kevin Naff is editor of and cartoonists published herein is neither
ty. The story offers a peek at a audience and vocally objected to Why would any gay donor give the Washington Blade. inferred nor implied. The appearance of
facet of the national movement O’Malley’s position, informing him this man a cent? He betrayed the Reach him at names or pictorial representation does not
knaff@washblade.com. necessarily indicate the sexual orientation
that most of us never see: the that his view of civil unions sounds plaintiffs in the marriage case and all of that person or persons. Although the
Washington Blade is supported by many
fine advertisers, we cannot accept respon-

D.C.’s condom conundrum

sibility for claims made by advertisers.
Unsolicited editorial material is accepted by
the Washington Blade, but the paper cannot
take responsibility for its return. The editors
reserve the right to accept, reject or edit
City must replenish used a condom during their last
anal intercourse. Considering
that number ready, and this year
we’ll have about a week to do
opinion over which brand is best,
wouldn’t it serve us better to
any submission.

supplies in time our sky-high HIV prevalence, this that, which will be impossible.” focus on educating people about A single copy of the Washington Blade is avail-
able from authorized distribution points, to any
number simply is not good Gerace continues, “Missing the proper use of condoms and
for Pride enough. We need to be using shipments in both March and May lube? I think so. But that can’t be
individual within a 50-mile radius of Washington,
D.C. Multiple copies are available from the
Washington Blade office only. Call for rates.
more condoms, more frequently. depleted our reserves and squan- done if we have no supplies. If you are unable to get to a convenient free
Next month more than 200,000 distribution point, you may receive a 52-week
By DANIEL O’NEILL Despite this urgent need, dered hours of volunteer time. We mailed subscription for $175 per year. Checks
local organizations like the DC had dozens of volunteers that we gay men will descend upon or credit card orders can be sent to
In recent years, the D.C. FUK!T and TOOLK!T safer sex had to turn away from kit packing Washington to celebrate Pride Phil Rockstroh at prockstroh@washblade.com.
Department of Health has been kit campaign, which currently because there were no condoms and there will be insufficient con- Postmaster: Send address changes to the
tremendously supportive of our distribute as many as 5,000 con- and lube. It’s rather embarrassing doms to go around. I hope those Washington Blade, PO BOX 73647 Washington,
DC 20056. The Washington Blade is pub-
community’s fight against HIV, doms at local gay venues each that we are running out just in time who were relying on DC FUK!T for lished weekly, on Friday, by Brown Naff
especially through its condom week, are left scrambling to pre- for Pride, and it undermines our their condoms understand that Pitts Omnimedia, Inc. Individual Subscriptions
are $175 per year for 52 issues (only $3.37
distribution program. Yet, a series vent stock-outs that will happen credibility as a reliable distributor they will need to find some other per issue mailed to you USPS). Rates for
of unfortunate oversights has just before Capital Pride. Why of condoms in D.C.” means of protecting themselves. businesses/institutions are $350 per year.
Periodical postage paid at Washington, D.C.,
resulted in the DOH running out the shortfall? Our government A recent report in the Otherwise, we may have a notice- and additional mailing offices.
of condoms for the entire months has had a billing issue with Washington Post lauds the DOH able spike in new HIV transmis- Editorial positions of the Washington Blade
of March and May. Durex, which contracts with for its distribution of more than 3 sions this June. are expressed in editorials and in editors’
In the recently released Men- DOH to supply the bulk of the million free condoms over the Now is the time for the notes as determined by the paper’s editors.
Other opinions are those of the writers and
who-have Sex-with-Men HIV city’s condoms. past year and highlights its D.C. government to do not necessarily represent the opinion of
Surveillance Report, 15 percent As Terry Gerace, co-founder of recent decision to switch to ensure our community the Washington Blade or its staff.
of those sampled tested HIV DC FUK!T and TOOLK!T states, Trojan brand condoms exclusive- is protected. We need To submit a letter or commentary: Letters
positive — a “staggering” yet “This is very unfortunate tim- ly for D.C. youth. Meanwhile, the condoms! should be fewer than 400 words; commen-
taries should be fewer than 750 words.
likely deflated representation of ing. When the campaign more important issue of whether Submissions may be edited for content and
the disease’s impact on our com- launched last year, we distributed we are actually getting condoms Daniel O’Neill is chair of length, and must include a name, address and
the DC Center’s HIV phone number for verification. Send submis-
munity. One of the most telling more than 30,000 kits at D.C. into people’s hands and onto Prevention Working sions by e-mail to knaff@washblade.com.
figures from this report indicated Capital Pride events. It takes a their penises has been ignored. Group. Reach him at ©
2010 Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, Inc.
that only 57.4 percent of MSM month of volunteer packing to get Rather than caving to popular
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 21


Still waiting for ‘hope’ and ‘change’ us as a community and in turn for the Great Depression, skyrocket- electorate and 60 percent of Prevention Act, giving Medals of
Obama must keep the Democratic Party if, after two ing unemployment and two wars. Republicans support repeal. Sen. Freedom to Billie Jean King and
his promises or risk years with huge majorities in the Not easy tasks to deal with. But Barbara Boxer asked recently, Harvey Milk, lifting the ban on
Congress and a president who the problem he now faces is that “How can this president justify entry for those with HIV, and sign-
alienating Dem base claims he is our friend, we don’t get he got elected promising many having his Secretary of Defense ing the U.N. Declaration on Sexual
Employment Non-Discrimination things to many people, not the send a letter to the Congress Orientation & Gender Identity
By PETER ROSENSTEIN Act passed or “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” least of which was to change the telling them he needs to first poll while all great, aren’t enough.
repealed. I think the Democratic way we operate in Washington. the troops before anything is Those actions alone won’t
I read with interest John Party needs to take stock of what People really believed that. done? Can you imagine if we bring out the troops and money in
Aravosis’ recent column dissecting it needs to do if we are to keep the They translated that into believing polled the troops before opening November. The Democratic Party
President Obama’s 30 biggest gay House of Representatives and not that he would have the courage to the military to African Americans will need both to hold on to mean-
accomplishments during the first lose more than five or six seats in fight for social change and stand and women? It is possible that if ingful majorities in Congress.
18 months of his presidency. the Senate. up for the various constituencies that occurred the military would Mr. President, I trust that you
I agree with Aravosis that the We have to motivate the peo- that elected him, among them the still be segregated and women will stand up and display the
time has come to get real about ple that elected Barack Obama LGBT community. prohibited from serving.” courage I know you have. Be
what it is that we as a communi- to come back out in large num- One way for the president to As I write this late on Monday counted now and use all the
ty are being asked to say thank bers for the midterm elections motivate the LGBT community is evening, Sens. Joseph Lieberman power of your office to keep your
you for. It appears that all of the when his name isn’t on the bal- to actually enter the fray on “Don’t and Carl Levin and Rep. Patrick commitments. The LGBT commu-
accomplishments that the lot. I question how we do that if Ask, Don’t Tell” and the ENDA. He Murphy have asked the White nity put their trust in you and in the
Obama administration is claim- the Democratic base is unhappy needs to make the phone calls, House to act to get Secretary Democratic Party. We are asking
ing credit for are those that were with the administration. call the meetings and use his bully Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff that you don’t betray that trust for
politically safe to do. I thank the As Aravosis says in his piece, pulpit. True courage would have Chair Mike Mullen to support our future and for
president for doing them and we voted for capital letter been to call for the repeal of “Don’t repeal efforts now. Budget director the future of the
appreciate his efforts on the “CHANGE” and we seem to have Ask, Don’t Tell” during his speech Peter Orzag is acting as an inter- Democratic Party.
many small issues that benefit gotten small letter “change.” I at the West Point graduation. It did- mediary between Congress and
our community. But it appears would add that we voted for n’t take courage to call for it at the the White House. I am hopeful that
that the issues that require “HOPE” but many constituencies Human Rights Campaign dinner. by the time anyone reads this col- Peter Rosenstein is
heavy lifting and courage — and in the Democratic Party are When it comes to the military’s umn that these last minute efforts a D.C.-based LGBT
rights and Democratic
the use of his political capital — quickly losing it. gay ban, the majority of the coun- will have proven successful. The Party activist. His column
haven’t been tackled yet. The president came into office ty is on the side of repeal. Polls signing of the Matthew Shepard & appears twice monthly
in the Blade.
It’s fair to ask what this means for facing the worst economy since show more than 70 percent of the James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes

The following comments in the military yet this gets more stand on. If you’re clear about it, Republicans’ refusal to repeal Nevermind, of course, their elect-
were posted to our web site. attention, press and action than then call yourself Gay Black Pride. DOMA is somehow worse than ed president doesn’t worship their
Visit washingtonblade.com to ENDA. It’s obnoxious and unac- — John the Democrats WRITING IT AND golden calf of gay marriage.
join the conversation. ceptable! Wake up before it’s too SIGNING IT INTO LAW. If Obama didn’t have that pro-
late that is if it isn’t too late Re: “Can you be a good gay It was the Democrats who tective “D” after his name, the
Re: “White House endorses already! ENDA needs to get and conservative?” (op-ed by wrote laws such as DOMA and GayLeftBorg would be wiping the
delayed ‘Don’t Ask’ repeal” through while the Congress still Jessica Lee, May 21) DADT. I feel absolutely no com- blogs with him.
(news article by Chris Johnson, has enough people likely to vote The gay community supports pulsion whatsoever to show any — Rob
May 24) for it and Obama is President. By diversity as long as you hold the fealty to the Democrats or any
The legislation to repeal the the Fall elections it may already exact same views as liberal democ- liberal ideal when, in reality, Re: “Wone’s widow takes the
law would not become effective be too late! rats. Dissent will not be tolerated. they’re just as bad as you say stand” (news article by Lou
EVEN after the Pentagon com- It’s obvious that the Pentagon — Rik conservatives are. Chibbaro, Jr., May 21)
pletes its study on the issue. It study is simply a delaying tactic. I just love all the tolerance There is no justice for Katherine
could NEVER become effective. It They hope to drag this on indefi- It’s not a matter of “gay: liberal” or going on here. Superb! or Robert Wone as long as the
requires a host of people to say if nitely believing that if they can “straight: conservative.” It’s selecting — MelMaguire killer is not convicted of the murder.
and when it will become effective. delay it long enough, Obama will items from a palate of issues. I find Where I have a problem with the
This is the non-repeal repeal. be out of office and a right-wing that most of the gay issues tend to be I find it amusing that so many 3 defendants is their actions on the
Some “fierce advocate”! Obama is President will reserve course. in the liberal column, because of the GayLeftBorg types are so certain night of the killing. If I had a friend
NOT a friend and never was. — EL Dorado conservatives’ propensity not to that Republicans hate gays and staying with me and found him in
— JC respect individual rights and values. oppose gay rights (whatever that the condition described, my first act
Re: “Lead entertainers cancel However, there are many other con- is), but never seem capable of would be to call for emergency
So the Pentagon will still be appearances at Capital Pride, servative issues that I agree with. If I naming any. Be it here or on help, not try to clean the mess up in
able to discriminate against gay Black Pride” (news article by were in charge of things, instead of a GayPatriot or elsewhere. I should the room. I have heard statements
soldiers at will and for any rea- Lou Chibbaro, Jr., May 21) system where you elect one repre- think it would be easy and would that Mr. Wone was still barely alive
son; they just won’t have a law At least he was honest. I don’t sentative and expect that person to come with all the talking points when the EMS people arrived. An
that orders them to do so, understand what changed. Oh, decide all things for you according to pap regurgitated everywhere. earlier call to them might have
instead the law will empower thats right, he sold enough music your own belief, my system would Nor does there seem to be any made the difference in his survival.
them to do so at their leisure. for the year. He doesn’t need the present the electorate with a list of interest in any reasoning behind — Jerry
Some compromise. Where’s gay/lesbian sales. C’YA! individual issues and let voters such opposition. One could be
the nondiscrimination policy? — Whatever decide each issue, and then let a opposed to special rights for cer- Not sure if the troubling thing
— Daniel representative cast a vote based on tain victim groups, but instead about this case is there are still so
Well, they do call it “Black Pride.” the voters’ individual pollings. This they’re castigated as evil racist, many questions or that with so
This is a misguided waste of Organizers need to do a better job. should reduce the voters’ anger at sexist, bigot homophobes. many of the answers, still nothing
priorities. Why does a compro- So I don’t see why they hide the their elected representatives. Nevermind, of course, the happens. Maybe Robert will get
mise plan on DADT take center word “gay” in “Black Pride.” Look at — Robert McJunkin homophobes their elected pres- justice. Still i wonder why he was
stage over a vote on ENDA? your advertisement. It’s “Black ident hangs with. Nevermind, of there. I think it matters there are 3
Lifting DADT only protects a frac- Pride” not Gay Black Pride, so Black I’d like just one of the haters course, their elected president defendants and 3 wounds.
tion of us. Most of us don’t work Pride just might not have a leg to here to explain to me why the is defending DADT in court. — CD in DC

washingtonblade.com • vol. 41, issue 22 • may 28, 2010 • Page 22

Condo financing under the microscope!!!

By GREGG BUSCH 1) Condominium buildings can rented (FHA loans will allow up to You are always advised to some local banks and local mort-
not have 15% or more of the units 49%). This is called the “investor speak with a local mortgage lender gage companies. They are usually
Government run agencies delinquent in their condo fees ratio,” which is just the number of (a direct lender that funds in their with higher rates than the govern-
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and FHA beyond 30 days. rented units in the building divided own name and does not broker ment agency backed loans. Keep
have all tightened their guidelines on by the total units in the building. loans) like First Savings Mortgage in mind that these loans are not
condominium buildings around the 2) No more than 49% of the units before taking a bank rejection on a guaranteed to be easy to qualify for
country after the fallout from the can be of second home nature (not 8) No more than 25% of the particular condominium. and depend on many factors,
housing boom. Not only do lenders as much of an issue in our area, but building can be of commercial use. An alternative to Fannie Mae and including specific condo develop-
need to look at the borrowers' think about a unit you own or are Freddie Mac for first time homebuy- ment as well as size of the down
strength in getting a loan, but they buying in Rehoboth or Florida. 9) 10% of the total budget must be ers is FHA financing. This program payment and are evaluated on a
are now being required to evaluate in cash reserves (for capital expendi- allows first time homebuyers who case by case basis by a local bank
the condo association and its opera- 3) No pending litigation allowed tures and deferred maintenance). might not qualify for Fannie Mae or or local mortgage company,
tions. These changes are having a (ie: a lawsuit against the condo Freddie Mac guidelines with looser Through discussions with some fel-
significant impact on buyers and cur- association from a previous owner Fannie Mae will allow exceptions guidelines when it pertains to low real estate professionals and local
rent owners looking to refinance in a that got bit by his neighbor’s dog). to some or one of these rules if you income thresholds, down payment lenders, the impact here in the D.C.
particular condominium. You may submit for an exception to Fannie requirements and credit scores. With market is not as bad as some of the
ask “why would it matter if the gov- 4) The condo can not have week- Mae, Your lender can further explain FHA financing the risk of the loan is harder hit states, but it’s proving to be a
ernment agencies want to buy loans ly rentals offered (ie: condo hotel) nor how this process works. removed from the lender and private major thorn in many transactions. Real
in my condominium or the condo- can the condo be part of, or market- In addition to meeting the Fannie mortgage insurance company and estate agents, condo board members
minium I am thinking about buy- ed with an attached hotel. These are Mae/Freddie Mac guidelines you placed on FHA, the governments and unit owners on are all working
ing”??? Because loans that don't strictly viewed as condo hotels even may also have to look at other obsta- loan insurance program adminis- hard to get existing condominium
meet Fannie, Freddie are both hard- if they have separate entities. cles as well. If there is less than 20% tered under HUD. FHA has also developments in compliance with the
er to finance and more expensive in equity in the condominium unit you recently tightened its condo financ- new regulations. As this occurs more
interest rate and could require a 5) HO-6 insurance (walls-in cov- must also adhere to mortgage insur- ing guidelines to mirror more closely projects will increase in value as our
point (a fee of 1% on the balance of erage) must be on every unit. Walls- ance guidelines (we in the lending to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. market continues to recover from the
the loan). This could affect the mar- in coverage goes beyond the mas- business call these “overlays” to the However, FHA has more lenient economic crisis of 2009.
ketability of the unit when you go to ter policy that is paid for in your Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac guidelines). guidelines on investor concentration. If you have any further questions
sell (which means you may have to condo fee. Walls-in coverage With less than 20% equity, a unit There is some good news for new please feel free to e-mail me at
sell for less) or if you are refinancing, insures everything that is attached needs to have mortgage insurance to construction condominium buildings gbusch@fsavings,com or visit me
a higher monthly payment. Not a to the drywall or plaster like your guarantee the lender payment if a that are currently selling: Fannie, at WWW.GREGGBUSCH.COM
good thing I must say. The govern- kitchen cabinets and wood floors. borrower goes into foreclosure. Freddie, and FHA have all dropped
ment agencies have implemented Your master policy on the building Mortgage insurance companies their pre-sale requirements (meaning Gregg Busch
requirements with respect to condo usually does not cover these items. require not more than 30% of the how many units must go under con- Vice President
master insurance policies, financial units in the condominium be rented tract before a lender can start allowing First Savings
statements, percent of delinquent 6) No one person or entity can (investor ratio) and have their different buyers to take title and close the loan). Mortgage Corporation
dues each month, ownership break- own more than 10% of the total guidelines on exposure in any one Fannie Mae now allows as little as 8444 Westpark Dr
down of the units in the condo asso- units in the building. No one owner building (usually no more than 25%). 50% presale from the previous 70%. The Fourth Floor
ciation, and any litigation issues can own 11 units in a 100 unit con- In addition to meeting the mortgage If all else fails there is non-war- McLean VA 22102
within the building. dominium for example. insurance guidelines, several of the rantable financing (meaning loans (W)703-883-9580
Here is a checklist to review big banks have their own set of that are originated with the intention (Fax)703-564-4685
and see if your building meets the 7) No more that 40% of the total guidelines that they have to follow of not meeting Fannie, Freddie, or (Cell)202-256-7777
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26 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010
Black Pride’s Earl Fowlkes
answers 20 questions.
arts & entertainment
Page 32

washingtonblade.com vol. 41, issue 22 • may 28, 2010 • Page 27

Black Pride events

D.C. plays host to a wide array of Black
Pride events this weekend, from poetry
slams and fashion shows to workshops and
musical performances. For more informa-
tion, visit dcblackpride.org.
The host hotel for this year’s DC Black
Pride is Hamilton Crown Plaza, 1001 14th St.,
N.W. (14th & K streets), Washington, D.C.

DC Black Pride opening reception (Free)
Hamilton Ballroom
7-10 p.m.
Reception honoring the District of Columbia
City Council, Charlotte Smallwood & Jeffrey
Richardson. Refreshments and cash bar.

DC Black Pride workshops (free), 10:30
a.m.-3 p.m. at Hamilton Crown Plaza Hotel
10:30 AM – Noon, “Do You See What I See?
Personal Vision Development,” with Angela
Harvey of Let’s T.A.L.K. Participants will learn
how to create a vision board and ways to “see”
their way to greatness. Hamilton Ballroom

11 AM – Noon, Somewhere Over The

Rainbow-The Joy of Lesbian and Gay Travel, pre-
sented by Donna Shands-Island. There will be a
chance to win a trip for two. Lafayette Park Room
Washington Blade photo by Michael Key 11 AM–Noon, Operation: REBIRTH –
Jeffrey Richardson recently posted to Facebook: ‘Thought: Are you living your life or the life you have been told you should live?’ Overcoming Homophobia in the Black
Church, presenter: Tuan N’Gai. Franklin
Square Room

The art of Noon–1 PM, “Yes We Can!” How do we cre-

ate and sustain healthy, positive, empowering,
monogamous relationships? Presented by Dr.
Christopher A. Lester. Lafayette Park Room

building relationships Noon–1 PM, “Out on Campus” moderated

by Samantha Master. Franklin Park Room

1 PM – 2 PM, “The Generation Gap,” mod-

Black Pride honors Jeffrey everyone he encounters that has earned
him respect around the District.
Smallwood. The award is given annually to
two members of the local black LGBT
erated by Sterling Washington, featuring Sheila
Alexander-Reid, Genesis Nunlee, Andre
Richardson, who wins Yet from his humble demeanor, few community for outstanding leadership. Earl Rosario, Courtney Williams. Panel will discuss
would guess that this self-proclaimed Fowlkes, board member and spokesper- ageism. Lafayette Park Room
over one ally at a time  introvert was one of the pivotal figures son for Black Pride, believes that recogniz-
fighting on the front lines of D.C.’s battle ing Richardson’s efforts is long overdue. 1 PM – 2 PM, Health Care Reform –
By SARAH McKIBBEN for same-sex marriage. An influential “He’s a young man who has accomplished What’s in it for me? Franklin Square Room
Special to Washington Blade leader in the Democratic Party and quite a bit, and he hasn’t received the cred-
staunch advocate for the LGBT com- it he deserves,” Fowlkes says. 2 PM – 3 PM, “The Thickness: A Discussion
Jeffrey Richardson, 31, is the type of munity, Richardson has accomplished Ironically, Richardson never intended About Healthy Bodies.” Lafayette Park Room
guy who you’d want to sit down and have more by age 30 than most people hope to get tied up in politics, but his work
a beer with, to talk about everything from to accomplish in a lifetime. with local youth laid the groundwork for 2 PM – 3 PM, “Imagine,” moderated by
politics to the best local hiking spots. His On May 28, during the 2010 D.C. Black his political involvement. After a short Katrina Kirchoff, Microsoft Staffing & HR.
magnetic personality and genuine out- Pride Opening Reception, Richardson will stint with AmeriCorps, the North Franklin Square Room
look on life are admirable, but it’s his abil- be honored with the Welmore Cook
ity to find common ground with almost Award, along with the late Charlotte Continues on page 34 Continues on page 34
28 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010

QUEERY: 20 Questions for Earl Fowlkes

By JOEY DiGUGLIELMO How long have you been out and What’s your advice for
who was the hardest person to tell? LGBT movement leaders?
Earl Fowlkes never thought his career All my adult life and telling a childhood Don’t take yourself too seriously. Learn
would end up focusing on HIV and LGBT friend was the hardest person to tell. to laugh and find ways of bringing joy to
work, but that’s the way it’s unfolded. your life beyond your work.
Growing up just outside of Philadelphia in Who’s your gay hero?
Willingboro, N.J., Fowlkes spent most of Billy Strayhorn What would you walk
his adult life in Manhattan and spent many across hot coals for?
years streamlining companies for maxi- What’s Washington’s best nightspot, An invitation from President Obama to
mum effectiveness. He gradually became past or present? attend a State Dinner at the White
impacted by the toll AIDS was taking on The Circle Bar, a really laid back bar House.
his friends and started volunteering, which where the HRC shop is now on
eventually led to a low-paying position. Connecticut. It was just one of those What gay stereotype
“I kind of got sucked in at a very low rate great city spaces. A nice, clean bar. annoys you most?
of pay but it’s something that I saw happen- Gay men can’t play sports.
ing to so many of my friends,” he says. What’s your dream gay wedding?
“Fortunately I have a loving and caring fam- Having a wedding at the Hillwood What’s your favorite
ily so I can’t imagine what happened to Estate Gardens. gay movie?
some of my friends where they were basi- “Boys in the Band”
Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
cally dumped completely. This was before What non-gay issue are you most
Ryan White and all those other programs “I believe it’s very important for people passionate about? What’s the most overrated
and a time when you really did, as they say, who are black and LGBT to have a space Women’s reproductive rights social custom?
have to rely on the kindness of strangers.” that’s culturally sensitive,” he says. Exchanging business cards with people
Fowlkes relocated to Washington 14 “Ultimately you want everybody to be com- What historical outcome whom you will never contact.
years ago to take a job with D.C.’s AIDS fortable in the larger LGBT world but Black would you change?
program Damien Ministries where he Pride is the gate a lot of our people come The assassination of Dr. Martin Luther What trophy or prize
worked for eight years before joining the through because homophobia is still so King, Jr. do you most covet?
D.C. Care Consortium, another AIDS insidious and entrenched in our community.” Major League Baseball’s World Series
charity. He’ll be phasing out of that this Fowlkes is officially single but has What’s been the most memorable MVP.
summer to manage the International been seeing someone lately. He’s a pop culture moment of your lifetime?
Federation of Black Prides, which he baseball fanatic and has a special cable The Jackson Five on “The Ed Sullivan Show.” What do you wish
founded 11 years ago. D.C.’s Black Pride, subscription that lets him see all the you’d known at 18?
now in its 20th year, predates the Phillies games. He lives in Mt. Vernon On what do you insist? How to tie my own bowtie.
Federation. Fowlkes was D.C. Black Square and likes reading about history, I am in my seat at a baseball game
Pride president for seven years and has shopping and sipping apple martinis in before the National Anthem. Why Washington?
continued volunteering ever since. his free time. It’s a wonderful place to live and has
What was your last great opportunities particularly if you’re
Facebook post or Tweet? black and LGBT.
May 13 was my mother’s birthday and I
wrote on Facebook that I missed her.

If your life were a book,

what would the title be?
“A Successful Failure”

If science discovered a way to

change sexual orientation,
what would you do?
Stay the way God made me.

What do you believe in

beyond the physical world?
I believe there is a higher power beyond
this world that I live in and for me this
power is called God. God created me
exactly the way I am supposed to be
and loves me for who I am. Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 29
30 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010

Friday, May 28
Premiere of the newest LGBT Latin dance
party: S-KANDALO at Remington’s, 639
Pennsylvania Avenue S.E., from 10 p.m.-
2 a.m. Music by DJ Fantasy, visit latin-
souldc.com for more information.
GIRL PARTY every Friday night at the
Black Squirrel, 2427 18th St., N.W.,
21+/no cover, starts at 9:30 p.m.
GAY DISTRICT, from 8:30-10:30 p.m. at
St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, a
weekly, non-church affiliated discussion
and social group for GBTQ men between
18 and 35. The group meets at St.
Margaret’s Episcopal Church, 1820
Connecticut Ave., N.W. For more information,
e-mail gd@gaydistrict.org.
8:30-10 p.m., Washington, D.C. Jewish
Community Center, 1529 16th St. Friday
Night Services are followed by an Oneg
Social. Please use the Q Street entrance.
VERNON, 6-9 p.m. Enjoy evening tours of Photo by Omar Miguel, courtesy of African-American Collective Theater
the mansion, 18th century music, danc-
ing, games and wagon rides. Stroll the The African-American Collective Theater debuts its new production, ‘SOMETHING BORROWED, SOMETHING BLUE’ at
lantern-lit grounds and visit with Lady Warehouse Theater on Sunday.
Washington and her granddaughter Nelly.
Adults, $18; children 6-11, $12; and chil- 5 p.m. PBS sponsors a free concert on the the commemoration is “HONORING OUR
dren under 5 are admitted free. Sunday, May 30 West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol. The con- FALLEN WARRIORS.” Many surviving
DRAG BRUNCH at Nellie’s Sports Bar, cert features actors Joe Mantegna and WWII veterans will be in attendance.
Saturday, May 29 900 U St., N.W., hosted by Shi-Queeta Gary Sinise and other guest artists along COUNTRY WESTERN DANCE LESSONS
SHIFT takes over Cobalt, 1639 R St., Lee. Every Sunday from 11-4 p.m. $20 with the National Symphony Orchestra. at Remington’s, 639 Pennsylvania Avenue,
N.W., from 10 p.m.-3 a.m. with music by brunch buffet and your first mimosa is free. Wolf Trap Farm Park’s Summer Blast S.E. (½ block West of Eastern Market Metro)
guest DJs Zack Rosen and Wesley D. X: BLACKOUT at Cobalt, 1639 R St. Off, “THE PRESIDENT’S OWN,” at 8 from 8:30-9:30 p.m., $5 per person, per les-
DJ BILLY STEELE at Town Danceboutique, N.W., with music by DJ Pete Glow. Cobalt p.m. The park for performing arts kicks off son (dance class participants should wear
2009 8th St. N.W. A former Elite fashion model, will blanket the dance floor with low light- the summer season with a free perform- boots or shoes with leather soles).
Steele began his DJ career two months after ing, black lights — and at times complete ance by the U.S. Marine Band followed by
purchasing his first set of turntables with a darkness. Doors open at 10 p.m., 21+, $5 fireworks. The Filene Center gates open Tuesday, June 1
Saturday night residency at Manhattan’s before 11 p.m., $7 after. at 6:30 p.m. Arrive early because the park DRAG BINGO at Nellie’s Sports Bar, 900
Limelight at age 22. $2 drinks from 10-11 p.m. African-American Collective Theater debuts closes once capacity is reached. U St., N.W., hosted by Shi-Queeta Lee,
Drag show starts at 10:30 p.m. Music and new play “SOMETHING BORROWED, every Tuesday starting at 8 p.m. Free to play.
videos downstairs by Wess. $8 from 10-11 p.m. SOMETHING BLUE” at Warehouse Monday, May 31
and $12 after 11 p.m. 21 and over. Theater, 645 New York Ave., N.W., one block NATIONAL MEMORIAL DAY PARADE, Wednesday, June 2
DELAPLANE STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL, away from the D.C. Convention Center where beginning at 2 p.m. The parade of marching THE TOM DAVARON SOCIAL BRIDGE
Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at D.C. Black Pride’s “Legacy Festival and bands and veterans units from all 50 states CLUB meets at 7:30 p.m., at the Dignity
Sky Meadows State Park, Delaplane, Va. Wellness Expo” is being held earlier that after- steps off at the corner of Constitution Center, 721 8th St., S.E. (across from
The annual festival includes live entertain- noon. A limited number of tickets are available Avenue and 7th Street, N.W., and pro- Marine Barracks) for Social Bridge. No
ment, children’s games, pony rides, hayrides, at $15. For additional ticket, performance time ceeds along Constitution Avenue, past the partner needed. Visit lambdabridge.com.
a petting zoo, a 5K fun run, a raptor exhibit, and venue information, e-mail asharpe- White House, ending at 17th Street. Each Wednesday at the Green Lantern is
antique cars, food, crafts and strawberries. bgm@msn.com or call 202-745-3662. The National Park Service and the POZ WEDNESDAY. Starting at 8 p.m.,
MANdance at Rehoboth’s Double L Bar, A very special WTF at Town Friends of the National World War II POZ mixers provide a supportive atmos-
622 Rehoboth Ave., with DJ Stephen Danceboutique, 2009 8th St. N.W. WTF Memorial will sponsor a wreath-laying cer- phere for those who are HIV positive and
Durkin, drink specials, go-go dancers. PRESENTS: PROM NIGHT. 18+, $5. emony in honor of U.S. veterans at the those who want to help eradicate the stig-
And if you’re not danced out, come back PBS’ NATIONAL MEMORIAL DAY World War II Memorial at 9 a.m. Guest ma surrounding HIV. The Green Lantern is
for COCKdance on Sunday. CONCERT starts at 8 p.m.; gates open at speakers will give remarks. The theme for located at 1335 Green Ct., N.W.

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may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 31

SOCIALAGENDA: Frank Kameny’s birthday @ Stein Club

32 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010
FITNESSAGENDA Salmon is high in essential
omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming
salmon regularly helps lower the

You are what you eat risk of heart disease and helps
lower triglycerides, which are linked
to cardiac diseases while boosting
HDL cholesterol, the good choles-
ACAI BERRIES CHILI PEPPERS terol. Eating omega-3 rich foods
A look at the top Acai berries are indigenous and From obesity to diabetes and such as salmon also helps to pre-
10 super foods imported from South and Central beyond, chilies are a super food vent high blood pressure, aids in
America. These berries are only because they provide numerous the prevention of strokes and
By KEVIN M. NORRIS available frozen or processed in health benefits. Chilies are a natural increases cognitive brain function.
drinks. They are loaded with age- decongestant and are a powerful can-
In deciding on this list of super and disease-fighting antioxidants cer-fighting compound. Aside from YOGURT
foods, I turned to sources such as and contain 10 times more antioxi- being tasty flavor enhancers, chili con- The combination of regular
Dr. Nicholas Perricone who has dants than red grapes. Acai berries sumption increases circulation, pro- yogurt and Greek yogurt is the best
written several books on weight are also loaded with fiber that aids in vides pain relief and aids in digestion. case scenario. Each type of yogurt
Photo by iStockphoto.com/brasil2
loss and aging and the role nutrition digestion and cardiovascular health. contains the healthy “probiotic” bac-
and super foods play in maintaining EGGS Super foods can help prevent obesi- teria, beneficial to digestion. Greek
excellent health. I also referred ALLIUM FAMILY There are many health benefits ty and even slow the aging process. yogurt contains twice the amount of
to articles in the Environmental (garlic, scallions, leeks and onions) to eggs. One egg contains six grams protein of regular yogurt and fewer
Nutrition Newsletter, the Center for Alliums lower cholesterol and of high-quality protein and all nine GREEN TEA carbohydrates. By contrast, regular
Science in the Public Interest high blood pressure, helping to pre- essential amino acids. Eggs also The health benefits of green yogurt has fewer calories and more
Nutrition Action Newsletter and vent atherosclerosis and diabetic help prevent blood clots, stroke and tea are vast and have been stud- vitamin C, generally because of the
online sources. heart disease, and reduce the risk of heart attack and stimulate brain ied extensively. Green tea has fruit content. Both forms of yogurt
The 10 foods I have chosen are heart attack and stroke. They also function. Eggs are beneficial to the been purported to stave off heart are great sources of calcium and
from those lists but also based on contain multiple cancer-fighting fla- eyes, and the only food that contains disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes help with bone density.
some of my favorites and on the vanoids, support gastrointestinal naturally occurring vitamin D and and obesity. Green tea is also Incorporate these foods into your
totality of their beneficial vitamins health and increase bone density. may help prevent breast cancer. known to lower cholesterol, blood eating plan along with regular exer-
and nutrients and in their disease- pressure and dementia and is cise, and enough sleep and you
fighting qualities. I chose foods that BEANS AND LEGUMES GREENS packed with antioxidants. will look, feel and per-
are rich in antioxidants, possess Loaded with protein and potas- Go green whenever possible. form better than ever.
multiple disease-fighting qualities, sium, beans are a good substitute Green vegetables are the most NUTS Eat well and be well!
contain fiber or essential fatty acids, for vegetarians and are low in fat. nutritious of all vegetables. Nuts pack a powerful nutri-
regulate blood sugar and choles- Beans help reduce the risk of Greens are loaded with disease tional punch high in fiber and
Kevin M. Norris is a
terol, help prevent obesity, slow the stroke and high blood pressure fighting nutrients that help with protein and include monounsatu- health and fitness columnist
aging process and boost mood. and heart disease and are filling, cholesterol, blood pressure and rated and polyunsaturated fats. for DC Agenda and owner
of Mind Your Own Body,
Use this list as a guideline and assisting in weight control. Choose cancer prevention. Greens are Nuts lower bad cholesterol and LLC. Personal Training.
regularly seek out other nutrient- dried or fresh beans over canned high in fiber, low fat and reduce the reduce the risk of coronary heart Reach him at
rich foods. to avoid the excess sodium. risk of heart disease and stroke. disease and type II diabetes. kevinmnorris@aol.com.
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 33

SOCIALAGENDA: GLAAD D.C. Leadership Council @ Mitchell Gold

Washington Blade photos by Michael Key

34 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010

Black Pride events
Continued from page 27

DC Black Pride Writer’s Forum (free)

Black Pride honors Hosted by Fire & Ink, noon – 2 PM, Hamilton Crown Plaza Hotel
“Why Do You Write? Why Do You Read? How Do You
Succeed?” Moderated by Reginald Harris.

Stein Club president DC Black Pride Film Festival ($10)

Hamilton Ballroom, co-hosted by Glo–TV, 2-6 PM,
Hamilton Crown Plaza Hotel
Films: “Happy Birthday” – Abigail wants a dildo. Hannah
Continued from page 27 when we needed to go to the hos- wants a baby. Jack and Madeleine are happy with things just the
pital, we’d have to make sure that way they are. Written and directed by Roberta Munroe (15 min)
Carolina native relocated to the we had our papers with us. You “Finding Juliet” – Heartbroken and struggling to forget the
nation’s capital to run civic edu- never think people have that much image of her girlfriend cheating on her with an ex, Meeko
cation seminars for students. power over you until something like Brown attempts to put the past behind her by setting out to find
Eventually, he took a position at that happens,” Richardson says. “I her one true love, her Juliet. (28 mins)
Howard University where he never got the opportunity to marry “Spoiled” – Tuffy Alexander is successful, smart, and has a
spread awareness of adolescent my partner, my best friend, so when demanding relationship. How far will she allow herself to be stretched
sexuality and pregnancy preven- the issue of marriage came around, to keep it? Written and directed by Michelle Sewell. (11 min)
tion. It was during that time that he it was something that I was person- “Dani and Alice” – After an evening out Dani and Alice must
formed solid partnerships with DC ally connected with. That became come to terms with the end of their violent relationship. Written
public schools and local families, my drive to do my part.” and directed by Roberta Munroe (12 min)
fostering bonds that would soon With his involvement in the “Flipping the Script” – excerpts of sit down interviews of
prove indispensable to the District’s Gertrude Stein Democratic Club, forthcoming documentary feature. Written and directed by
fight for same-sex marriage. Richardson has expanded LGBT Demetrius Bady. Produced by Maurice Jamal (30 mins)
With encouragement from local rights on many fronts. The group, “Friends and Lover” – a spinoff from the hit “The Ski Trip.” The story
parents, Richardson volunteered for which has been in existence for follows Corey and Omar as they relocate to Los Angeles and contemplate
the state Democratic Party, and his Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
more than 30 years, has been getting married. Written and directed by Maurice Jamal (90 mins). Special
involvement at the local level snow- instrumental in advancing legis- appearances by directors Michelle Sewell and Maurice Jamal.
balled into a ready-made national Jeffrey Richardson will be hon- lation to increase partner bene-
political career. Within two years, he ored by Black Pride for his fits in the District and in electing DC Black Pride Poetry Slam ($5)
became the vice chair for the State contributions to the local LGBT more pro-equality, pro-LGBT Hamilton Ballroom, 6-9 PM, Hamilton Crown Plaza Hotel,
Democratic Party and before his community. members to City Council. hosted by ButterFlySoul
30th birthday, Richardson was in The future looks bright for
the midst of serving a second term sions with people in the African- Richardson, both politically and DC Black Pride Fashion & Entertainment ($20)
as the Gertrude Stein Democratic American community who are not professionally. Currently working EXTRAVAGANZA!
Club president. LGBT. He is one of those rare with the D.C. Children’s & Youth The Sphinx, 1315 K Street, N.W., 9:30 PM – 12 AM. Hosted by
He also held the distinction of people with connections on both Investment Trust Corporation, Rayceen Pendarvis.
being the only openly gay black sides of the fence, and he quieted he’s set to switch gears on June
superdelegate to the 2008 down some of the opposition.” 14 when he will join the Center SUNDAY MAY 30
Democratic National Convention. Through all of his political and for Progressive Leadership as Church service, Hamilton Ballroom, Hamilton Crown Plaza
“I’m still in awe of having been so community experience, Richardson the group’s national program Hotel, 10 AM-Noon.
blessed that folks thought enough learned that building relationships is director. There he will help create Rev. Eric P. Lee is president/CEO of the Southern Christian
of me for whatever reason to be the key to advancing equality. “You opportunities for minorities to Leadership Conference-Los Angeles.
put in a leadership role of that have to find common ground with enter the pipeline of organiza-
magnitude,” Richardson says. others — and that common ground tional leadership. Health and Wellness Expo Entertainment ($15)
As a tireless activist for the is humanity. And while there are As he finishes out his second J Holiday headlines, Washington Convention Center, 1-7 PM
LGBT community, Richardson people who we can’t bring closer to term as Gertrude Stein presi- Segment 1: 2–3 PM, hosted by Rayceen Pendarvis and fea-
makes a point to be present at the middle on some issues, we dent, Richardson is unsure of turing Running Water, Romance, Sabrina Blue, Yarde, Monet
meetings, hearings and other don’t stop trying,” he says. where his path will lead. All he Dupree, Tina Tuna Adams, Telle Thomas, Eric Rainbow,
events. Fowlkes praises For Richardson, the fight for knows is that he will try to live Shadina/Topaz, Yahzarah and Beat Ya Feet Kings.
Richardson for his efforts to pass equality hit home on a very person- authentically and seize “every
same-sex marriage and for the al level. His partner of four years opportunity to do something Segment 2, 4:15-4:45 PM, hosted by Shi-Queeta Lee with
“courageous conversations” he died of cancer in 2005 and it was new, something that will affect Epiphany Bloomingdale, Tyria Iman, Raquel Savage,
had with community and Council after he fell ill that the gravity of the change.” A recent post on his Lacountress Farrington and Brandi Courvisler.
members almost nightly. During situation came to light. “Marriage, Facebook page neatly sums up
those “stressful and difficult healthcare, power of attorney — his outlook: “Thought: Are you Segment 3, 6:15-7 PM, hosted by ButtaFlySoul and featuring
times,” Fowlkes says, “Jeff was those issues suddenly became real living your life or the life you have DJ Flexx and J Holiday.
having quiet one-on-one discus- to me. In the middle of the night, been told you should live?”

Living in Logan Circle? Find your copy of

at one of the following locations:
Barrel House Liquors • 1341 14th St. NW
Bet Mishpachah • 16th & Q St. NW
Crew Club • 1321 14th St. NW
MOVA • 1435 P St. NW
Nat’l Gay & Lesbian Task Force • 1325 Mass Ave. NW #600
Playbill Café • 1409 14th St. NW
Thai Tanic Restaurant • 1326 14th St. NW
William Lewis House Bed & Breakfast • 1309 R St. NW
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 35
36 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010


HOT HITS AND OPENINGS thursday, june 3
Through June 4 TORY (AND MYSTERY) OF THE UNI- Smithsonian Resident Associate Program
Washington National Opera VERSE. Arena Stage at Crystal City at Baird Auditorium, Smithsonian National
The John F. Kennedy Center for Theatre. 202-488-3300. arenastage.org. Musuem of Natural History. 202-633-3030.
the Performing Arts residentassociates.org.
800-US-OPERA saturday, may 29
dc-opera.org COMMON BOND EXHIBITION. Strathmore.
Ambroise Thomas' musically and strathmore.org.
dramatically virtuosic adaptation of FINE ARTIST IN RESIDENCE EXHIBITION. ONGOING
the classic story follows Hamlet in his Strathmore. strathmore.org. MIKVEH. Theater J at Washington DC
pursuit to avenge his father's murder. Known for Ophelia's hauntingly beautiful mad Jewish Community Center. 800-494-8497.
scene, 'Et maintenant ecoutez ma chanson,' this dazzling production brings tuesday, june 1 washingtondcjcc.org.
Shakespeare's famous play to life. THURGOOD. The John F. Kennedy Center DUKE ELLINGTON'S SOPHISTICATED
for the Performing Arts. 202-467-4600. LADIES. Arena Stage at Lincoln Theatre.
JAZZ IN THE GARDEN: LESLIE SUMMEY kennedy-center.org. 202-488-3300. arenastage.org.
National Gallery of Art wednesday, june 2 THE WOMAN. Theater J at Washington
nga.gov RIVERDANCE. The Filene Center at Wolf DC Jewish Community Center. 800-494-
The Jazz in the Garden concert series, the Trap National Park for the Performing 8497. washingtondcjcc.org.
National Gallery of Art's beloved summer Arts. 703-255-1868. wolftrap.org. AMERICAN BUFFALO. The Studio
tradition, begins its 10th season featuring Theatre. 202-332-3300. studiotheatre.org.
bebop music with female jazz vocalist thursday, june 3 GRUESOME PLAYGROUND INJURIES.
Leslie Summey. The improvisational IVAN FISCHER, CONDUCTOR / STRAVIN- Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company. 202-
nature of jazz and the bebop style that was SKY & RIMSKY-KORSAKOV. National 393-3939. woollymammoth.net.
popular in the 1950s complements the Symphony Orchestra at The John F. SACRED WATERS: PHOTOGRAPHY BY
current Beat Memories exhibition. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. JOHN STANMEYER. National Geographic.
202-467-4600. kennedy-center.org. events.nationalgeographic.com.
May 29 - June 12 301-581-5100. strathmore.org. American Century Theater at Theatre on the
The In Series Run. 703-998-4555. americancentury.org.
inseries.org LAST CHANCE Gallery plan b. 202-234-2711. galleryplanb.com.
As the 1940s twirl and explode around them, six diverse through may 29 STEVENS JAY CARTER: COLLECT-
characters united by music and friendship swing into RIFAR EL CORAZÓN / HEARTSTRINGS. ING COLORS AND TEXTURES. Caos
new identities. Evolving together or growing apart, they Teatro de la Luna at Gunston Arts Center. on F. caosonf.com.
watch and sing as the world swings from depression to 703-548-3092. teatrodelaluna.org. FROM IMPRESSIONISM TO MODERNISM:
the brink of destruction and back again into a strange STEVE SZABO: THE EASTERN SHORE THE CHESTER DALE COLLECTION.
new prosperity. AND OTHER IMAGES. Arts/Harmony Hall National Gallery of Art. nga.gov.
Regional Center. 301-203-6070. pgparks.com. HENDRICK AVERCAMP: THE LITTLE
JOHN WATERS: AN UNCONVENTIONAL THE BEST OF FRIENDS. Washington ICE AGE. National Gallery of Art. nga.gov.
Wednesday, June 2 240-582-0050. stageguild.org. Ford's Theatre. 202-347-4833. fordstheatre.org.
Smithsonian Resident Associate Program BEAT MEMORIES: THE PHOTO-
Smithsonian S. Dillon Ripley Center through may 30 GRAPHS OF ALLEN GINSBERG.
202-633-3030 AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS. National Gallery of Art. nga.gov.
residentassociates.org Round House Theatre Bethesda. 240- DESIGN FOR THE OTHER 90%.
John Waters, American filmmaker, actor, and artist, takes 644-1100. roundhousetheatre.org. National Geographic Museum. 202-857-
an irreverent and intimate look at the influences on his life JERAMIE BELLMAY: PERCEPTION ALTAR. 7588. events.nationalgeographic.com.
and work in a conversation with Washington Post Style The Fridge DC. 202-664-4151. thefridgedc.com. ART BY THE YARD: WOMEN DESIGN
editor, Ned Martel. MID-CENTURY BRITAIN. The Textile
The Guide to Arts & Culture is supplied by CulturalCapital.com, a program of the Cultural Alliance of
through may 31 Museum. 202 667 0441. textilemuseum.org.
by National Gallery of Art; SWINGTIME: Vince Borrelli as Van Leonardo and W. Ellington Felton as Joe PAINTING AND SCULPTURE, 1600- ENDANGERED SPECIES. National
Stuckey, photo supplied by In Series; JOHN WATERS: Photo by Greg Gorman. 1700. National Gallery of Art. nga.gov. Geographic. events.nationalgeographic.com.
1580-1900. National Gallery of Art. nga.gov.
may 28 - may 29 National Gallery of Art. nga.gov.
GARRISON KEILLOR. The Filene Center COLLECTION. National Gallery of Art.
at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing nga.gov.
Arts. 703-255-1868. wolftrap.org. THE ART OF LIVING: TEXTILE FUR-
COLLECTION. The Textile Museum. 202-
667-0441. textilemuseum.org.
friday, may 28 VITT. Ford's Theatre. 202-347-4833. fords.org.
CHOCOLATE DROPS. Montpelier Arts
Center. 301-377-7800. pgparks.com. FREE
may 29 - may 30
wednesday, june 2 GALLERY TALK: IN MEMORY OF SAN-
MENDELSSOHN'S ELIJAH. St. Paul's DRO BOTTICELLI (1446-1510). National
Lutheran Church. 703-237-2499. choralis.org. Gallery of Art. nga.gov.
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 37

Gay composer’s love letter to family
‘Sycamore Trees’ is the result of their parents’ outsized ‘Sycamore Trees’
passion. And while the postwar Through June 13
candid, compassionate Jewish family’s climb from the Bronx Signature Theatre
to suburban Long Island wasn’t 4200 Campbell Ave., Arlington
By PATRICK FOLLIARD unusual, their rancorous battles and 703-573-SEAT
hardcore addiction issues were. signature-theatre.org
Four years ago on his 50th birth- Gordon first began work on the
day, gay composer Ricky Ian Gordon libretto and score that would posers is to listen to all the music they
won an Obie Award for his song become “Sycamore Trees” in the possibly can. Writing for theater
cycle, “Orpheus and Euridice.” On 1980s. “When I started, I had a demands that they call upon all that
that very same day, he also learned story about my family but not self,” they know to make every moment as
that he’d received a $100,000 com- he explains. “I first had to live, bot- authentic as possible. To do that, it’s
mission from Signature Theatre to tom out, lose a lover to AIDS, and necessary to have a broad musical
compose a new musical as part of get clean. Only after putting my vocabulary at your fingertips. Most
the Arlington company’s “American world back together did telling my young composers have yet to
Musical Voices Project.” The result of story make sense to me. ” acquire that. With him it was different.
Gordon being selected by Signature In a Signature press release, “I feel compelled to write musicals
is “Sycamore Trees,” an almost “Sycamore Trees’” director Tina that are both emotionally and psy-
entirely autobiographical piece Landau says, “The whole piece feels chologically like the foreign films that
Photo courtesy of Gordon
chronicling his family’s story from the like a poem — some haunting com- I grew up loving. That’s my aesthet-
mid-1940s through the 1990s. bination of memory, music, and Gay composer RICKY IAN GORDON created an honest portrait of his ic,” adds Gordon whose other works
Initially, Gordon thought he’d sat- dream.” But it’s also sharp, biting and unique family. include the opera “The Grapes of
isfy his sizable commission by col- very funny with an eclectic, melodic Wrath” and the musicals “Dream
laborating with an established lyri- score. This world premiere produc- passage was cut. (“There’s only so lution of “Sycamore Trees,” and none True” and “My Life with Albertine.”
cist and a playwright on a new musi- tion features a talented cast of much you can ask from an audi- of them came easily, says Gordon. “I like to bring the close-up to
cal work. When that didn’t pan out, Broadway vets including Judy Kuhn, ence,” Gordon notes wryly, When it’s your own story, it’s espe- the stage. There’s intimacy even
Gordon sensed the universe was Mac Kudisch, Matthew Risch, and “Especially when you tell them that cially difficult to leave something out. in my more epic work.”
telling him something: “Do the fami- Diane Sutherland. Tony Yazbeck they’re seeing a musical.”) At just 16, Gordon entered “Sycamore Trees” is a love let-
ly piece!” Certainly the material was plays Andrew, the Gordon character. But another scene recounting Carnegie Mellon University. In his ter to Gordon’s family. And while
there: His mother was a Borsht Belt About midpoint in the musical’s young Andrew’s disastrous sexual freshman year, he realized he was he exposes himself and his kin,
singer and his father a macho World development, Andrew had a poem, experimentation with another boy meant to be a composer. For him, it warts and all, his candid obser-
War II veteran. He and his three essentially a paean to his father’s remains intact. Many changes and was “like walking into the light.” Today, vations are exceedingly compas-
older sisters, Gordon attests, were laud worthy penis. Ultimately, the edits were made throughout the evo- Gordon’s advice to aspiring com- sionate and beautifully rendered.
38 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010

New HIV/AIDS clinic planned for D.C.
Alpha Drugs poised “survival forum” at the Hotel
Palomar in D.C. No additional
all vegetarians.”
“In fact,” he said, “I used to be
to sponsor venture information regarding the clinic, the biggest meat-eater in my
such as its staff size or whether it family, and I thought I couldn’t
By DAVID HOFFMAN was intended to compete with the live without it.”
Special to Washington Blade specialty HIV/AIDS care that Mills said he changed his eat-
Whitman-Walker Clinic offers, ing habits more than 20 years
A primary care medical clinic was offered during the event. ago, moving from a vegetarian
specializing in serving HIV/AIDS Mills, a Stanford University diet to being “95 percent vegan,
patients will soon open its doors, School of Medicine graduate who only occasionally eating some-
according to its medical director. works as a critical care physician thing with egg whites in it.” He
Dr. Milton Mills, an HIV/AIDS at Fairfax Hospital, made an off- noted that his dietary changes,
doctor currently practicing outpa- hand reference to the new clinic despite some initial difficulties,
tient clinic-based medicine in while speaking on the role of yielded better health.
Northern Virginia, said the new nutrition in the treatment of HIV. “Like alcohol or cocaine, meat
Photo courtesy of pcrm.org
clinic might be based in the relo- During his presentation, Mills eating is an addiction,” he said.
cated D.C. Center for the LGBT emphasized the link between “And if you don’t believe me, just Dr. Milton Mills said a new primary care medical clinic specializing in
Community. nutrition and health. He also try taking a piece of chicken out of HIV/AIDS care will soon open its doors.
The Center, which is seeking a stressed the importance of someone’s hand. They will hurt
new home before its displacement “dietary intervention” to treat and you worse than a crack addict.” during his presentation, which changes are helpful.
next month from 1840 14th St., cure seriously ill patients. To successfully adopt a vege- noted the costs associated with “AIDS has gone from being
N.W., due to a redevelopment “Medical research shows con- tarian diet, Mills said it’s impor- HIV patients who choose to con- inexorably fatal so that now HIV
project, has appealed for city clusively that a plant-based diet tant to “divest food of its emo- tinue eating meat. on therapy taken as prescribed
assistance. It’s unclear where the reduces chronic disease risk,” tional meanings.” “Many antiretroviral drugs has become basically a chronic
Center will relocate. Mills said. “I find that when peo- “We often think of food in emo- used to treat HIV stress the disease with a normal lifespan,”
Mills said the new clinic, spon- ple are ill, they are very open to tional terms,” he said. “For exam- body,” he said. “For example, Mills said.
sored by Alpha Drugs & Medical adopting such practices as a ple, food reminds us of [there is] liver stress and some He noted this means that an
Supplies, is looking for space vegetarian diet when that will Thanksgiving at grandmother’s raise your cholesterol levels and HIV/AIDS patient’s major health
now so it can open to the public improve their health.” house. But we need to divest food contribute to heart disease.” risks now often come from other
as soon as possible. Mills told a group of about 40 of these feelings, and not see food He said to offset that stress — causes, such as Hepatitis B and
Plans for the new clinic were people that he’s “very in your in its romantic terms, because food “and so that these medications C, diabetes, heart and kidney
revealed last week during an face about what’s good for you,” is just chemicals in our body.” don’t have a negative as well as diseases, and diet is key to fight-
Alpha Drugs HIV/AIDS patient but his “goal is not to make you Mills shared reams of data positive effect” — dietary ing these potential problems.
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 39
40 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010

washington, dc DC EAGLE
639 New York Ave., NW
1836 18th St., NW
30 DEGREES Washington, DC 20001 Washington, DC 20009
1639 R St., NW 202-347-6025 202-483-1483
Washington, DC 20009 dceagle.com Dupont Circle area bar and restaurant
202-462-6569 The popular Levi/leather bar’s origins popular with both men and women.
cobaltdc.com date to the 1960s. Features billiards,
In Dupont Circle area; popular with men regular tournaments and other special MIXTAPE
but check schedule for other events. events. Located near the convention Different locations
center, two blocks north of Gallery mixtapedc.com
1409 PLAYBILL CAFÉ Place Metro. twitter.com/MIXTAPEdc
1409 14th St., NW Alternative dance party for queer men and
Washington, DC 20005 DELTA ELITE women featuring electro, alt-pop, indie
202-265-3055 3734 10th St. NE rock, house, disco and New Wave. Check
Logan Circle area restaurant and bar Washington, DC 20017 web site for 2010 schedule of events.
(Dupont Circle Metro) popular with the 202-546-5979
theater crowd and featuring open-mike thedeltaelite.com MOVA
nights, karaoke and other special events. Longtime bar popular with African- 1435 P St., NW
American men in Brookland Washington, DC 20005
ACADEMY neighborhood; hosts regular ladies night. 202-797-9730
OF WASHINGTON Check web site for special events. halodc.com
thewashingtonacademy.com Trendy Logan Circle bar and lounge
Longtime organizers of drag events in the DIK BAR popular with men features regular happy
city; most events held at Ziegfeld’s. See 1637 17th St., NW hour and other specials. Formerly known
web site for full list of upcoming events. Washington, DC 20009 as Halo, MOVA re-launched in early

2010 as a environmentally friendly bar
with an emphasis on community service.
Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
STEAK HOUSE In Dupont Circle area, above
1609 17th St., NW Dupont Italian Kitchen. NELLIE’S SPORTS BAR
Washington, DC 20009 900 U St., NW
In Dupont Circle area; popular longtime
2004 18th St., NW
Washington, DC 20001
202-332-6355 baltimore LEON’S/
restaurant and steakhouse with recently Washington, DC 20009 nelliessportsbar.com 1722 870 Park Ave.
renovated Upstairs Lounge. 202-265-9599 Sports bar featuring poker events, drag 1722 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201
duplexdiner.com bingo, trivia contests and other specials. Baltimore, MD 21201 410-539-4993
APEX Popular restaurant and bar in the Popular bar with massive outdoor deck Multi-level after-hours dance club attracts leonsbaltimore.tripod.com
1415 22nd St., NW Adams Morgan area; happy hour and plenty of TVs for watching sports. a mixed crowd but remains gay-friendly. In business for more than 50 years,
Washington, DC 20037 specials and many other special events. Leon’s is the oldest gay bar in
202-296-0505 See web site for updated schedule. OMEGA BALTIMORE EAGLE Baltimore and among the oldest in
apex-dc.com 2122 P St., NW 2002 N. Charles St. the country. Friendly bar with jukebox
In Dupont Circle area; popular with EFN LOUNGE/ Washington, DC 20036 Baltimore, MD 21218 gets especially busy on Sunday nights.
men, but check schedule regularly for MOTLEY BAR 202-223-4917 410-82-EAGLE Tyson Place is a restaurant bar
other events. 1318 9th St., NW omegadc.com Longtime Levi/leather bar not far located behind Leon’s with a
Washington, DC 20001 Dupont Circle area bar and club popular from Mount Vernon offers friendly bar, separate entrance.
BACHELOR’S MILL 202-341-8281 • 202-642-4537 with men featuring dancing, drag and billiards, outdoor patio, videos and a
1104 8th St., SE efnlounge.com • motleybar.com other special events. full store for your leather needs. PORT IN A STORM
Washington, DC 20003 twitter.com/EFN_Lounge Mostly men, but welcoming to women. 4330 E. Lombard St.
202-544-1931 Funky, edgy neighborhood lounge in PHASE 1 Baltimore, MD 21224
Longtime bar popular with African- Logan Circle with special events galore. 525 8th St., SE CLUB PHOENIX 410-534-0014
American men in Capitol Hill area. Popular with men and women; features Washington, DC 20003 1 W. Biddle St. Friendly neighborhood lesbian bar gets
dancing, videos. Check web site for phase1dc.com Baltimore, MD 21201 especially popular when the Ravens
BANANA CAFÉ event schedule. twitter.com/phase1dc 410-837-3906 play. Features billiards, music and more.
500 8th St., SE The Phase opened in 1970 and remains Mount Vernon-area downstairs bar
Washington, DC 20003 FAB LOUNGE a popular lesbian bar and club. Features attracts men and women; friendly service. QUEST
202-543-5906 1805 Connecticut Ave., NW regular special events, including Jell-O 3607 Fleet St.
bananacafedc.com Washington, DC 20009 wrestling, 80s theme nights and more. DRINKERY Baltimore, MD 21224
Popular Capitol Hill area restaurant and 202-797-1122 Check web site for details. 205 W. Read St. 410-563-2617
bar (Eastern Market Metro) for both men thefablounge.com Baltimore, MD 21201 Neighborhood bar in Highlandtown
and women. Features Cuban, Mexican In Dupont Circle area; popular with men REMINGTONS 410-225-3100 area is popular with men and women
and Puerto Rican cuisine. but hosts regular women’s events. 639 Pennsylvania Ave., SE Another of Baltimore’s friendly neighbor- and offers billiards.
Washington, DC 20003 hood bars in Mount Vernon featuring
BLOWOFF FIREPLACE 202-543-3113 billiards, jukebox and welcoming service. SAPPHOS
815 V St., NW 2161 P St., NW remingtonswdc.com 1001 N. Charles St.
Washington, DC 20001 Washington, DC 20037 twitter.com/remingtonsWDC GALLERY Baltimore, MD 21201
blowoff.us 202-293-1293 Popular country/Western nightclub in Capitol 1735 Maryland Ave. 410-752-7133
Created by musicians Bob Mould and In Dupont Circle area; neighborhood bar Hill neighborhood with more than 6,000 Baltimore, MD 21201 centralstationpub.com
Richard Morel, Blowoff is an occasional popular with men. square feet of space for dancing and billiards. 410-539-6965 Part of the Grand Central complex,
dance event popular with men. Events are One half block west of Eastern Market Metro. Longtime bar and restaurant popular Sappho’s attracts a lesbian crowd
held in clubs around the country; D.C.’s GREEN LANTERN with African-American clientele. and offers comfy couches, outdoor
Blowoff parties are held at the 9:30 club 1335 Green Court, NW TOWN DANCEBOUTIQUE patio and more in its second
in the popular U Street corridor. Washington, DC 20005 2009 8th St., NW GRAND CENTRAL floor location.
greenlanterndc.com Washington, DC 20001 1001 N. Charles St.
B.O.I. twitter.com/greenlanterndc 202-234-TOWN Baltimore, MD 21201
PRODUCTIONS Friendly bar for men hosts regular happy towndc.com 410-752-7133
Organizes regular women’s events
hours and special events, including
karaoke and shirtless drink special
Dance club and bar popular with men
and women, features regular drag per-
Large entertainment complex featuring
northern va
around town. Check web site for updated nights. Check web site for details. formances. U Street Metro. friendly pub, lesbian bar Sappho’s upstairs FREDDIE’S BEACH BAR
information. McPherson Square Metro. and a dance club on the first floor. 555 23rd St. South
ULTRABAR Arlington, VA 22202
COBALT JR.’S 911 F St., NW HIPPO 703-685-0555
1639 R St., NW 1519 17th St., NW Washington, DC 20004 1 W. Eager St. Freddie Lutz’s Virginia establishment
Washington, DC 20009 Washington, DC 20036 ultrabardc.com Baltimore, MD 21201 includes a restaurant and friendly bar,
202-462-6569 202-328-0090 twitter.com/UltraBar 410-547-0069 regular specials and is popular with
cobaltdc.com jrswdc.com Large dance club with gay-friendly clubhippo.com men and women. Crystal City Metro.
In Dupont Circle area; part of complex Longtime friendly Dupont Circle area events and vibe located downtown near Large club popular with men and
of LGBT businesses at this address, bar popular with men; videos, regular Metro Center. women featuring billiards, top
including Level One restaurant on special events. DJs/dancing, karaoke, videos and
street level and 30 Degrees bar.
1824 Half St., SW
more. Opened in 1972, Hippo’s motto
is “where everyone is welcome.”
laurel, md
CREW CLUB 2214 Rhode Island Ave., NE Washington, DC 20024 PW’S
1321 14th St., NW Washington, DC 20018 202-863-0670 JAY’S ON READ 9855 N. Washington Blvd.
Washington, DC 20005 202-832-3888 secretsdc.com 225 W. Read St. Laurel, MD 20723
202-319-1333 lacedc.com Featuring all-nude male dancers Wednesdays- Baltimore, MD 21201 301-498-8202
crewclub.net Every night is ladies night at Lace; Sundays, drag performances, large dance floor 410-225-0188 pwssportsbar.com
Men’s 24-hour gym in Logan Circle area, features regular special events for women and many regular special events, contests and Piano bar attracts a mostly male Restaurant and bar is popular with gay
featuring steam rooms, lounges, in Brookland neighborhood. Check web more. Large parking lot available; located in crowd, though welcoming to women and lesbian sports fans and is known
private dressing rooms and more. site for details on happy hour specials. Buzzard’s Point warehouse district. and straight patrons. for its superb burgers.
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 41

Remembering the fallen
Memorial Day isn’t just mer season with a free perform-
ance by the U.S. Marine Band fol-
the People” standard exhibit,
visitors can enjoy “Memorials:
for beach and picnics lowed by fireworks. The Filene How a Nation Remembers.”
Center gates open at 6:30 p.m. This interactive program lasts 20
By TYRONE FORD Arrive early because the park clos- minutes and presents informa-
Special to Washington Blade es once capacity is reached. tion on monuments and memori-
National Memorial Day als throughout the nation.
With the effort to repeal “Don’t Parade: Monday, May 31, begin- Saturday, Sunday and Monday at
Ask, Don’t Tell” dominating head- ning at 2 p.m. The parade of march- 10 a.m., 12 p.m. and 2 p.m.
lines this week, it’s important to ing bands and veterans units from Other activities include the cele-
remember that Memorial Day all 50 states steps off at the corner bration of the Pennsylvania
Weekend isn’t just for beach trips of Constitution Avenue and 7th Liberty Tree dedication, marking
and barbeques — it’s a time to Street, N.W., and proceeds along a one-year anniversary. Photo courtesy of National Park Service

honor those who have died serving Constitution Avenue, past the White Monday, May 31, 9:45 a.m. is Commemorate Memorial Day on Monday with a wreath laying ceremony
our country. There are events all House, ending at 17th Street. the Port Richmond Memorial at the National World War II Memorial in D.C.
over the area that honor our veter- World War II Memorial: Day Parade. Port Richmond is the
ans, from here in D.C., to other near- Monday, May 31, 9 a.m. The only Philadelphia community still ny. Participate in a national moment of featuring a performance of “Taps”
by destinations for those escaping National Park Service and the able to sponsor and support a silence with others at the park’s visitor and a military aircraft fly over in
the District for the long weekend. Friends of the National World War II Memorial Day parade to honor center and view a military salute. You honor of those who lost their lives
Here are a few suggestions. Memorial will sponsor a wreath-lay- those who gave their lives in serv- can also picnic at the park and learn in service to the United States.
ing ceremony in honor of our veter- ice. The parade is funded with about the area’s place in history dur- All events are free, unless
Washington, D.C. ans. The theme for the commemo- donations raised from community ing the Revolutionary War. they are held at the USS
Sunset Celebration at Mount ration is “Honoring our Fallen members and business leaders. Intrepid Sea, Air and Space
Vernon: May 28-30, 6-9 p.m. Warriors.” Many surviving WWII vet- Monday, May 31, 3 p.m. New York City Museum, Pier 86 at 12th
Enjoy evening tours of the man- erans will be in attendance. Memorial Day Commemoration Since 1984, New York City has Avenue and 46th Street, which
sion, 18th century music, dancing, at the Valley Forge National held Fleet Week to honor the U.S. means you’ll need to buy tickets
games and wagon rides. Adults, Philadelphia Historical Park Visitor Center, Navy and Marine Corps. The to enter the museum (though
$18; children 6-11, $12; and chil- Throughout Memorial Day 1400 North Outerline Dr., King of week features extensive military admission to the Intrepid is free
dren under 5 are admitted free. weekend, Old City’s National Prussia. Valley Forge is best known demonstrations, as well as the for active and retired military). All
Wolf Trap Farm Park: Sunday, Constitution Center, 325 Arch as George Washington’s winter opportunity for the public to tour events are held in Manhattan,
May 30, 8 p.m., Summer Blast Off! St., will offer multiple family- campsite. On Memorial Day, the some of the visiting ships. The unless otherwise indicated. Visit
“The President’s Own.” The park for friendly activities. In addition to park’s staff honors America’s fallen Memorial Day commemoration is www.intrepidmuseum.org for the
performing arts kicks off the sum- the center’s “The Story of We heroes in a commemoration ceremo- a highlight of the week’s festivities, full list of Memorial Day activities.


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may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 43
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GREAT MASSEUR in DC. 24/7 to make appts.

6.0 tall 180 lbs. mix latin.
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MALE MASSAGE by 31 yo, 5’ 9”, 170 lbs, Hot
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BLONDE GI 6’0”, 165LBS Good looking, athlet-

ic, well-endowed. Sensual Massage & More. Eli
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160 lbs, 5'10" great shape, beach tan, strong
soothing hands. Full-body erotic experience,
masculine energy. Stress release. Comfortable
studio, private home. $70/hr. Days/evenings,
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487-3660, www.tops69.com
ALL-AMERICAN BOY 24y/o, 5'9, 138lbs, 29w.
SENSUOUS BOD 2 BOD Friendly, creative, erot- Very cute & clean-cut, w/a smooth lean build.
ic massage…Your willing body, for a toe curling
experience! Chad (202) 329-7097
Affectionate & versatile, loves older guys.
HotDCkid@gmail.com 202-365-9065
Want to have
yrs., 5'8", 150 lbs., friendly, handsome, smooth,
BOYISH CUTE LATINO 19 yo very smooth slen-
washington blade
nice body. In (Alexandria VA)/out 10AM - 10PM League brain, 6'2 195# 46ch 34w, toned tanned
Call Robert (703) 655-2130 smooth. In/outcalls. (571) 255-0584
BEAR HUNTING Strong sensual paws for your
willing body. Tom (202) 289-7367.
to you?
EROTIC SWEDISH MASSAGE - healthy clean cut
guy, 6'1", 160lbs, Dupont Circle, massage table, noon
to 1:00 a.m., indulge your body. Bill 202-728-0238 Contact
24 YEAR OLD mixed therapeutic massuer, incalls
with table Capitol Hill. Trained experienced, also Lynne Brown at
offer homecleaning. twobyrdsoneboy@yahoo.com
ENASARIS 5 11" 155lbs 30yo 9X6 Versatile Top 615.707.2703. Outcalls also, try me today! lbrown@washblade.com
LIBERATE YOUR LIBIDO-destress now! I’M ERIC 202.271.0440
Nationally Certified, Irish-Italian, Former-US Navy,

Swimmer, Gymnast offering exceptional deep tis-
sue / bodywork for IN SHAPE GENTLEMEN. FLORIDA BOY muscle body extra large
Private Studio (Shower, Metro 2.5 blks, Prkg). Call endowment. Scott (202) 491-5022
(202) 544-7905, cell (202) 321-8439. In Calls only.
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 45

FULL BODY WAXING for Men & Women at Qi
Spa-3106 M St, NW www.qispadc.com.
Please call (202) 333-6345 for waxing, mas-
sage, skincare...

Account/Funds mountains of Western North Carolina. 3 BR,
3 bath home on a waterfall. Seclusion & privacy,
Representative clothing optional. www.wncfallingwater.com.

Morarjee Textiles & Fabrics COUNSELING

Ltd. A major supplier of LGBTQ AFFIRMING THERAPY at Dupont Metro.
Individuals, couples, families, adolescents. Over 15
Textile Materials, requires BEN 202.277.7097 years serving the community. Mike Giordano, LICSW.
urgent employment of part www.benmassagedc.com 202/460-6384, mike.giordano.msw@gmail.com,
time workers. Must have
COUNSELING FOR GAY MEN. Individual/couple
access to the internet. counseling with volunteer peer counselor. Gay
For more information do Men's Counseling Community. 202-265-6495. gay-
menscounseling.org. No fees, donation requested.
email as Phone inquiries
will not be accepted. INDIVIDUAL THERAPY FOR the gay & lesbian com-
munity. Relationships, grief, anxiety, transitions, careers.
Do send all inquiries to Jonathan Kirkendal (202) 550-3589. www.dclpc.com.

Admin department.
(clsmth69@gmail.com) LEGAL SERVICES
FULL SERVICE LAW FIRM Representing the
GLBT community for over 25 years. Family adop-
improve your health with a professional mas-
tions, estate planning, real estate, immigration,
employment. (301) 891-2200. Silber, Perlman,
Textiles sage! Swedish, Deep Tissue, Athletic and Pain
Management massages really can improve your
Sigman & Tilev, P.A. & Kirstin Gulling, Of Counsel.
& Fabrics Ltd outlook. J. David Starn, Nationally Certified, LMT.
www.expertlycraftedmassage.com or call EMPLOYMENT LAW ATTORNEY - Wrongful
Our Customer's Award 202-257-9726. Ask about weekday specials! Discharge, Sexual Harrassment, Contract Review,
Whitleblowers. The Law Office of Carl Roller
Is Our Reward. ASIAN MALE MASSAGE Swedish, Deep Tissue, (202) 531-2777, www.carlroller.com
Sports, Shiatsu, Stretching Techniques. Intuitive,
Therapeutic. Glebe Rd/395. $70/hr; $90/1.5 hrs.
Dant65@hotmail.com. (202) 425-5105. AUTOS
EMPLOYMENT FAST CASH!!! Wanted Cars & Trucks. Don’t
THE START OF A GREAT CAREER Get on the road PROFESSIONAL MALE MASSAGE THERAPIST throw your money away, call me! I will buy your
to a truly rewarding and satisfying work experience! Reduce stress, increase flexibility and prevent vehicle. Call Marty Salins, at Auto Plaza, in
The Share Group, Inc.’s convenient location can offer injuries. Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports, Stretching. Rockville, (301) 340-1390.
an excellent opportunity for career advancement. Earn Call Trace 202-246-0724. VISA/MC LIC#MT375
up to $20.00/hr by joining our fundraising team. We
have daylight, evening, and weekend shifts available. If THE MAGIC TOUCH: Swedish, Massage or Deep BUY/USED BOOKS
you have the ambition and are looking to launch your Tissue. Appts 202-486-6183, Low Rates, 24/7. ALL GAY THEMES. G BOOKS. 1520 U St, NW.
new career, call (202)315-5309 for more information. 202-986-9697 Brandonchan99@msn.com. 4pm-
THERAPEUTIC & RELAXING TOUCH to give your 10pm. P.S. our lubes, DVDs & gear cheaper than online.
body/mind time to escape from all of life's stresses.
MASSAGE THE BRITISH CONNECTION Professional/Therapeutic only. Alan 202 271-7276
PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE THERAPIST offer- Tall dark and handsome English/Indian masseur http://alanmassage.com/ PETS & SUPPLIES
ing best deep tissue massage available. offering Swedish/deep tissue and sports massage ADOPT AN ADORABLE PUPPY OR DOG All-breed,
Stretching, Swedish & Sports massage. Dupont, Strong, professional and educated hands. great non-profit rescue. 100% volunteer run. Donations
Special 1st time rates. Marcio (202) 271-9440. location,1 block from Dupont metro.call/tx Peter WEDDINGS & SERVICES welcome & needed. www.aforeverhome.org.
www.MarcioMassage.com 202-468-HEAL(4325) www.Acupressuredc.com. RC priest, American Catholic affiliation, licensed DC
marriage officiant. Many years experience working
with gay & straight couples in secular & religious MOVING
with body work to heal your winter aches & pains. services. No venue too small. Let me help you make JOHN HENRY MOVERS Since 1990, the area's
experienced massage therapist. Convenient
Relaxing & rejuvinating, Swedish, deep tissue & your special day simple, elegant, memorable. Call Ed favorite gay owned crew. Expert packing, pianos.
Arlington location. Evenings and weekends.
pressure point techinques. Adams Morgan / (202) 445-0366, ed.ingebretsen@gmail.com. Experienced, equipped & punctual as hell.
$60/hr, $85/90 min. Visa/MC
Dupont RON 202-641-1078 Cheapskates love us! 703-597-5561
Errol (703) 525-4616.
www.goodhands2.biz MUSICAL GULLIVER’S MOVERS - Swift & gentle reloca-
sue massage. Feel the stress leave your body. CMT
ENTERTAINMENT tion's. Packing, pianos, antiques. Local & long dis-
with 15 years experience. Located in Logan/Dupont FIRST CLASS MUSIC for any occasion. Piano- tance 202-483-9579 www.gulliversmovers.com
Circle. www.DCMassageTherapist.com. Visa, MC. 3 Rs to Health. Experienced Certified Accordion-Combo. References, recordings available.
David (202) 213-9646 Lic#MT410 Massage Therapist helps you with the 3Rs: www.howardlfeinstein.com. khfeinstein@verizon.net
Swedish, Deep Tissue, Reiki, Energetics.
Call Bruce (202) 491-8306. MT0697.
or call 301-564-9482. CLEANING
N.ARLINGTON CMT - Enjoy your massage in a pri- TOO NEAT GUYS INC. Residential & commercial
vate, in-home studio. Great location. Clean, quiet, cleaning in DC & Northern VA. Over 12 years
discreet. mymassagebygary.com - 301-704-1158 PAMPER YOURSELF with a 60 or 90 min. PHOTOGRAPHY experience, gay owned, licensed, bonded &
massage. With 11 years experience let me tai- STEVE O’TOOLE PHOTOGRAPHY Fine Art insured (703) 622-5983.
GREAT TOUCH! Full sensual body massage by lor a session right for you. Ben 202.277.7097 Photographer for portraits, weddings & dating
Latin Male. Swedish, deep tissue. Relieve stress! www.benmassagedc.com photos for the internet. Call (703) 532-3031. A CLEANING SERVICE invites you to relax
Parking available. In/out. 703-401-9093. www.steveotoolephotography.com while our team of experienced, dependable &
ITALIAN JOCK Give full body massage. Masculine, friendly professionals provides top-quality
EXPERIENCED, ATHLETIC, FRIENDLY, Certified muscular, VGL masseur, offers, full-body, Swedish, cleaning service to your home or office.
Masseur offering excellent therapeutic massage. sports, deep tissue massage on a table, including LIMOUSINES / DRIVERS Excellent refs, satisfaction guaranteed.
Trained in Deep Tissue, Swedish & Sports, near stretching, shower available. See my photos on KASPERS LIVERY SERVICE Since 1987 Gay Owned Licensed, bonded & insured. Reasonable rates.
15th St. NW in Logan www.massagem4m.com/Dale www.massagem4m.com/jockguy. Located down- Luxury Sedan or Stretch Limousine 24 HR Reservations Call today for a free estimate. (703) 892-8648.
or call 202 669 1643. town, parking available. Brian 312-961-7724. (202) 554-2471 or (800) 455-2471. www.KasperLivery.com www.acleaningserviceinc.com
46 washingtonblade.com • may 28, 2010

POWER CLEANERS, LLC. Experienced, depend- 1000 sq ft) garage parking...& super-conveniently FAIRFAX CITY SEEKING 2 M N/S HOUSE-
able service seven days a week. Gay owned and oper- located just steps from Judiciary Square METRO. MATES for 3 BR, 2 BA, Sunroom, rec room, W/D.
ated. Call Matt for free estimates at 202-352-0739 or Enormous closets, gourmet kitchen, washer/dryer, Furnished LR & DR. $600/month + utilities each.
visit www.powercleaningdc.com tons of windows...plus one of the most spectacular Near GMU, NOVA, bus lines. 703-273-8307.
roof decks in Washington with unobstructed views FJSINGER@verizon.net.
FERNANDO’S CLEANING: Residential & of the National Cathedral to the Washington
Commercial Cleaning, Reasonable Rates, Free Monument & Capitol! Roof-top swimming pool,
Estimates, Routine, 1-Time, Move-In/Move-Out. exercise room, on site as well. Available immedi- SALE / WV
(202) 234-7050, 202-486-6183. ately. $2,450 + utilities. 202 547-3511 ext 25.

MAID TO CLEAN. Rated #1 in Metro DC. Gay owned.

Serving DC/VA/MD. DC (202) 297-2967, VA (703) 299-0101. FURNISHED HOUSING / DC
MD (301) 656-7171. Visit www.maidtoclean.com

custom blinds, shades, shutters, draperies, and
more! Serving the GLBT community since 1986.
Environmental Concepts Design (202) 397-7909.

TREE CARE MENTS & LODGING. 1 to 3 blocks to US Capitol br 2-ba treetop chalet on 3+ acres adjoining GW
BRANCHES TREE EXPERTS has certified arborists grounds, Supreme Court, LOC. (202) 544-4419. National Forest in Lost River WV. 304-897-8162.
with experience in Spraying, Fertilizing, Tree Pruning,
Root Pruning, Construction Damage, Storm Damage,
Veteran owned small business www.capitolhillstay.com $185,000. David Rudich, Broker, Lost River, WV.
See more at www.lostriverrealestate.com. Looking to
Stump Grinding, Tree Protection Plans, Planting and
Consulting. 301-589-6181, Expert Tree Care Service SALE / DE advertise in
Since 1988, www.BranchesTreeExperts.com NEWLY RESTORED VICTORIAN IN MILTON’S
HISTORIC DISTRICT. Close to Lewes & bladeclassifieds?
Rehoboth. Unique wood & brick features. Extra
REAL ESTATE large kitchen, 2 Mst 2-1/2 baths, 2 porches, large
walk-up attic, laundry room, outdoor shower. Competitive Rates,
RENT / DC $349,500. Come be a part of this artistic, historic outstanding results.
village. J.D.Fisher, owner, 302-684-4777
GEORGETOWN PALISADES-Foxhall Mews Place your ad today!
5 minutes to Georgetown University Campus!
2 Lovely Levels! Sparkling Hardwood Floors! SALE / MD Contact
Fireplace! Washer/Dryer! Modern Kitchen!
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1 1/2 Bathrooms! $2500 + Utilities
Handy-Dandy House Needs Work - $169,995 Phil Rockstroh at
ONE MONTH FREE RENT ! Great Opportunity,but be ready to work hard! prockstroh@washblade.com
Several other wonderful Mount Rainier houses
LAWRENCEMANAGEMENT@gmail.com in great condition from $199,995 - $329,000
301.983.3275 DEADLINES: All Ads MUST be
FRIENDSHIP HEIGHTS - Chevy Chase Circle 301.983.0601 LJPerrin@aol.com
received by Monday at 5:00 p.m.
7/10 Mile to Friendship Heights METRO. to be included in that week’s
**1 Bedroom Deluxe! Fireplace! Washer/Dryer! COLLEGE PARK - WALK TO METRO issue. Online ad submissions
Modern Kitchen! Super Value,short walk to METRO! through our website are accept-
Newly Renovated/Remodeled! $1500 + Elec 3 Bedroom Home with Basement! ed until Monday at 5:00 p.m. for
**2 Lovely Levels! Sparkling Hardwood Floors! $229,995
Fireplace! Washer/Dryer! Modern Kitchen! the same week’s edition.
Parking! Incredible Location! 2 Bedrooms, LARRY PERRIN, Realtor (R)
1 1/2 Bathrooms! $2500 + Utilities 301.983.0601 LJPerrin@aol.com The deadline for Encounters,
ONE MONTH FREE RENT ! Escorts and Bodywork ads is
LAWRENCEMANAGEMENT@gmail.com RENT / MD Monday at 5:00 p.m. for the
301.983.3275 CARRIAGE HOUSE APARTMENT in country set- same week’s edition.
ting, one bedroom with w/d, wood burning stove, sky-
CHARMING SUNNY 1 BR. 1 BA w eat-in kit. w/d in lights, living, dining, kitchen & bathroom. All utilities PERSONAL ADS ARE FREE but
unit d/w hwf fireplace 3 blocks from Metro (Stadium included, & free Direct TV. Close to DC, Alexandria & limited to 25 words or less and
Armory) Off-street parking avail. Available August 1. Andrews AFB. One person only. $1000. a month, call
$1190 + gas and elect. gregcaphill@gmail.com between 3 TO 7pm. 240-491-2302. must be submitted online. All ads
will appear on this site. However,
only the first twenty will appear in

ROOFING CONTRACTOR Want to have the print edition. All Personal ads
must include an e-mail address.
Sheet Metal Certified Applications fo r Classifieds, Home and
Slate Tile
of General Tire &
Firestone Products
delivered Personals ads for Washington
Blade is Monday at 5:00 p.m.

Cedar Shake
Chimney Restoration
Built In Gutter
Roof Inspections to you? ENHANCE your ad with with
any of the following features:

P.J. McTavish & Co., Inc. $19.50 for 1st 25 words

Licensed • Bonded • Insured
Contact Photo/Logo ($35)
Hyperlink to any e-mail/
Serving the community for over 20 years! Lynne Brown at website ($2)
BBB · Washington Checkbook · Angie’s List Headline style MD ($10)
NRCA · NSA · Energy Star Rated System lbrown@washblade.com
may 28, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 47

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