Wind Driven Mobile Charging of Automobile Battery

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Dr S.N. Singh et al.

/ International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)


Electronics & Communication Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur (India) - 831014


Electronics & Communication Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur (India) 831014


Electronics & Communication Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur (India) 831014
This paper deals with implementation of mobile wind driven generator technology to produce electricity in
charging of two wheeler (12V) automobile battery. The use of PWM methodology with pulse charging method
at a constant rate has been adopted for this purpose. The low speed PMSG driven by wind at speed of 15/40
km/hour has been used to eliminate gear box to achieve high efficiency. The output of three phase bridge
rectifier is fed to boost converter which provides pulses of constant current to the battery.
Keywords: Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator, Wind Energy, Pulse width modulation PWM etc.


With the population explosion, exploitation of natural resources is heading towards its peak. Some projections
indicate that the global energy demand will almost triple by 2050 and oil can only supply the world for up to
150 years [1]. Keeping these facts in mind, science has started emphasising upon sustainable development and
has come up with advanced methods of energy conservation. We have developed different technologies for
utilization of renewable resources of energy and these technologies are also being implemented in almost all
sectors. Whether it is power generation by hydro projects or use of large scale solar panels, these technologies
are being used at an extensive scale.
Today, with the advancement of technology in automobile sector, a large range of automobiles are being
produced which run on battery. Apart from being cost effective, these vehicles are also eco-friendly as they
dont emit harmful gases. . The batteries used in these vehicles are generally lead-acid battery or Ni-MH SMF
batteries. These batteries have to be charged for few hours and then they act as a source of energy for driving
these vehicles. This technology is really appreciable but the snag in this technology is that battery has to be
charged at some station before using it in vehicle and during this period, vehicle cannot move. The time taken
for charging these batteries is about 4-8 hours, depending upon their charge condition. So, it is a considerable
period of time during which vehicle has to be immobile. Also, while travelling if the battery gets discharged,
then it can create a huge problem. The condition can get even worse if there is no nearby charging station.
In order to overcome these problems, investigation has been carried out with two wheeler scooter and we
come upon with a proposal of maintaining sustainability of energy stored in the battery by Wind Driven Mobile
Battery Charger. This system is based upon first law of thermodynamics and utilizes the concept of wind
generator for generation of electrical energy which can be used to charge the battery used in vehicle.

Fig 1: Block diagram of proposed system

ISSN: 0975-5462

Vol. 3 No. 1 Jan 2011


Dr S.N. Singh et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
The proposed model consists of three individual components namely wind-gen, PWM charge controller and
battery as shown in Fig.1.
1.1. Mobile Wind Driven Generator
This block consists of wind gen which is installed in the front portion of the vehicle. The wind generator
can be installed as shown in Fig.2 in the area pointed by the arrow 1. The PM generator and the circuit can be
placed at the position pointed by the arrow 2.

Fig 2: Wind generator attachment at position 1 and 2 to Two wheeler automobile (Scooter)

The wind-gen can be attached externally in such a way that it becomes a part of the body of the scooter. It
shouldnt affect the area acquired by the scooter. The diameter of the fans shouldnt be more than the width of
the front portion of the vehicle. Proper care should be taken to provide rigidity to the wind generator.
The axle of fan system (wind-gen) is fixed to the shaft of the PM generator. The rotations of fans are
responsible for rotating the shaft of the generator which in turn produces electrical energy.
1.2. Charge Controller
There are two conventional methods of charging a battery
Constant Voltage charging method (CV)
Constant Current charging method (CC)
In the first method, a constant voltage is maintained across the battery load and the current passing through
it may vary from boost (high) level to trickle (low) level.
In the latter method, current passing through the battery is held constant. The voltage across the battery may
vary depending upon the percentage of charging. The voltage of the battery is minimum when it is completely
discharged. As the battery starts getting charged, the voltage starts increasing and it becomes maximum when
the battery is fully charged. Constant Current (CC) method is more efficient than Constant Voltage (CV)
1.3. Battery
The battery generally used to run a vehicle is either lead-acid or Ni-MH batteries. Battery used in two wheelers
has specification of 12V, 36 Ah.
A wind driven generator (alternator) is based on the first law of thermo-dynamics [4] which states that
energy can neither be created nor destroyed and it can only be transformed from one form to another. In this
working model, wind energy is being utilised to produce electrical energy. The wind which strikes the blades
has greater kinetic energy with respect to the wind on the other side of the fans. The energy lost by the wind is
transferred to the blades, as a result of which they get rotated. As the shaft is fixed to the axle of blade, the

ISSN: 0975-5462

Vol. 3 No. 1 Jan 2011


Dr S.N. Singh et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
rotation of blades causes rotation of the shaft of the alternator. In this system, there are two stages of energy
transformation. In the first stage wind energy is being transformed into mechanical energy, as a result of which
fans get rotated. In the second stage mechanical energy gets transformed into electrical energy which produces
Power generated by wind- gen depends upon these three factors:
a) Air density, C.
b) Area swept by the fan, A.
c) Velocity of the wind, v.
Power produced by a wind-gen depends directly upon the density of the wind. The density of wind may vary
from place to place. It may have higher values in coastal areas where air has higher moisture content and it may
be less in dry places like deserts. On an average the value of air density is around 1.23 Kg/m3.
It has been found that power output is directly proportional to the area swept by the fans. Also, the area swept by
the fans is proportional to the square of length of the fans. So, fans of greater diameter are preferred. But there
are certain limitations to the dimension of the fans. Larger fans may unbalance the system on which they have
been installed. They may make the system bulkier which may create huge problem in their rotation.
Experimentally, it has been investigated that as the wind velocity gets doubled, the output power increases by
eight times. So, it can be easily concluded that power output is proportional to cube of the wind velocity [4].
Power output is expressed by Eq. (1)
P = (1/2) C A v3
Eq. (1)
The wind turbine torque (T) can be calculated from the equation (2) of power.
T = P / .
= () CA (v3/)
Eq. (2)
In 1919, a scientist named Betz calculated that theres a limit to how much power a turbine blade can extract
from the wind. Beyond the Betz Limit of 59.26 % energy extraction, more and more air tends to go around the
turbine rather than through it, with air pooling up in front. Hence, 59.26 % is the absolute maximum that can be
extracted from the available power.
Power module contains 3- phase Transformer, a charging unit and Battery, as shown in Fig 2.

Fig 3: Power module of Battery Charger

3.1. PM Generator
The 24V generator used in this system is Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) [2][3]. The term
permanent magnet machine is used to include all electromagnetic energy conversion devices in which the
magnetic excitation is supplied by a permanent magnet. The stator of the machine is identical to the stator of a
multiphase AC machine. The new component is the rotor, which in contrast to conventional rotors relies on
permanent magnets as the source of excitation rather than an electric current in windings. PMSG is based upon
following Eq. (3), Eq. (4) and Eq. (5)
E=K .
Eq. (3)

ISSN: 0975-5462

Vol. 3 No. 1 Jan 2011


Dr S.N. Singh et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
E is no load voltage of generator.
T = KIa..
Eq. (4)
Ia is active part of generator current.
L (di/dt) = E -U R I.
Eq. (5)
L, R: inductance and reactance of winding.
U: generator voltage.
The PM machines can be of exterior type or interior type. Exterior types are mounted externally whereas interior
types are mounted internally. In buried or interior PM machines, the machine is robust, rugged and well-suited
for flux weakening control for a wide speed-torque range. The rotor structure for an interior PM rotor will tend
to have a smooth rotor design similar to or better than induction machines. Thus, windage losses will be equal to
or lower than those of conventional induction machines. The wind speed vs. voltage generated output of wind
generator is shown in Fig.4.

Fig 4: Output voltage vs. wind speed

3.2. Transformer
Transformer is an electrostatic machine which can be used either to step up or step down a given voltage to
produce required output. Here, the turn ratio is fixed in such a way that we get the desired voltage across the rest
of the circuit. It also provides electrical isolation to the main circuit from generator supply.
3.3. Full Wave Bridge Rectifier
Full wave bridge rectifier is a combination of diodes connected in a bridged structure which produces a DC
output in response to AC input. The output produced by it is a varying DC signal. It produces output for the full
swing of AC input and its maximum output is same as the maximum input. The diode rectifier is the most
commonly used topology in power electronic applications. For a three phase system, it consists of six diodes.
The diode rectifier can only be used in one quadrant.
The relation between DC voltage output and the line voltage is given in the following Eq. (6):
Vdc = (33 Vm) /
= 1.35 VL
Eq. (6)
Vdc : dc output voltage of bridge rectifier
Vm : maximum voltage
VL : line voltage
In this circuit, the output of generator is supplied as input to the rectifier. The generator produces an
alternating voltage which is converted to DC voltage by the rectifier. This varying DC may be converted into
pure DC by using an RC circuit.

ISSN: 0975-5462

Vol. 3 No. 1 Jan 2011


Dr S.N. Singh et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

3.4. Charge Controller Circuit

This circuit is a combination of inductor, resistor, diode and a switch. A multi-vibrator circuit is used to
produce variable duty pulses applied to switching device MOSFET. The inductor used in this circuit acts as
energy storage element. The circuit being used is basically a boost converter. The output voltage of a boost
converter can be controlled by input voltage as well as the duty cycle of the switching device. The relation
between output voltage, input voltage and duty cycle is expressed by Eq. (7)
Vo = Vi / (1 - D)
Eq. (7)
Vo : output voltage, volt
Vi : input voltage, volt
D : duty cycle
The relation between input and output current is given below and expressed by Eq. (8):
Io = Ii (1-D)
Eq. (8)
Io : output current, ampere
Ii : input current, ampere
In order to achieve constant current through the battery the duty cycle has to be varied.
3.5. Battery load
When the battery is in discharged state, voltage across it is lesser than the rated voltage. When current is
supplied to it, it starts getting charged and the battery voltage keeps on increasing. Considering a 12V battery,
the battery voltage in discharged state is around 10.4 V and it increases upto 13.4V (approx.) when the battery
gets charged completely. An indicator (LED array) may be used in the circuit which responds to the charging
state of the battery. It gives a signal when the battery is fully charged. This indicator can be used to disconnect
the battery from the circuit when the battery gets fully charged as overcharging of battery may reduce its lifespan.



Wind driven gen

Battery charger


5.1. Methodology
A constant current charging has been adopted during investigation in this method; pulses of constant current
were supplied to the battery. This technique is also called pulse charging technique. Pulsed chargers have been
fed as the charge current to the battery. The charging rate (based on the average current) was precisely
controlled by varying the width of the pulses, typically about one second. During the charging process, short rest
periods of 200 to 300 milliseconds were provided between pulses, which allowed the chemical actions in the
battery to stabilise by equalising the reaction throughout the bulk of the electrode before recommencing the
charge and to reduce unwanted chemical reactions at the electrode surface such as gas formation, crystal growth
and passivation.
The wind-gen voltage has been generated from the source code available with the software MULTISIM used in
the range of 20 volt to 30 volt.

ISSN: 0975-5462

Vol. 3 No. 1 Jan 2011


Dr S.N. Singh et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
Simulated results have been carried out with two input voltage range. For the output reading, input voltage
was fixed at 30V and 20Volt. The observation of first set of readings for input voltage 30V is depicted in Table
Table (1): Battery charging at input voltage of 30V

Input (V)

Battery Voltage

Current (A)

Duty Cycle




















The second observation has been made with input voltage of 20Vand depicted in Table (2).

Table (2): Battery charging status at input voltage 20V

Input (V)


Voltage (V)


Duty Cycle



















The curve shown by the blue line in Fig.5 represents the output waveform of the circuit. It can be easily seen
that output is in form of pulses .These pulses have been allowed to pass through the battery.

Fig 5. Simulated Waveform of pulse charging (X =7.2 V/div, Y = 10 ms /div)

In pulse charging system, pulses of constant currents are sent through the battery. Here, pulses with current
of around 3.6A were passed through the battery. Pulses were generated as a result of switching action of the

ISSN: 0975-5462

Vol. 3 No. 1 Jan 2011


Dr S.N. Singh et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
switching device. When the switch was in OFF state, the current flowing through the battery was zero. As
the switch became ON a pulse was generated as output. Again, as the switch was turned OFF, the pulse
vanished. So the pulse width was made dependent upon the ON and OFF time of the MOSFET switching
The current through the battery is supposed to be constant about 3.6A but in simulated result, it was found
that current varied from 3.4A to 3.8A. So, the error in current has been observed as 6% which was quite small.
In the proposed project work a mobile battery charger has been investigated with a PWM charging unit for
automobile industry. The hardware realisation as external unit may bring a new technology to utilise renewable
sources and can replace petrol /diesel driven automobile completely. Further integration of the system directly
with the converter unit driving the wheel not only will save the cost but reduce the extra weight added to
automobile and thus will be able to increase the efficiency.
[1] Ali M. Eltamaly, modeling of wind turbine driving permanent magnet generator with maximum power point tracking system, Elminia,
[2] S. Arul Daniel and N. Ammasai Gounden, A stand alone integrated array wind turbine gen and photovoltaic-array in feed-forward
controlled PWM inverter, India, December 2001.
[3] J.Rizk and M. H Nagrial, Permanent magnet gen. for wind turbine, Australia.

ISSN: 0975-5462

Vol. 3 No. 1 Jan 2011


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