Ienna Adha Raig: Sienna.r.craig@dartmouth - Edu

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Department of Anthropology
HB 6047 Silsby Hall, Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755
603/ 646-9356
603/ 646-1140



Ph.D., Cultural Anthropology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Dissertation Title: On the Science of Healing: Efficacy and the Metamorphosis of Tibetan
Supervisors: David Holmberg, Davydd Greenwood, Viranjini Munasinghe, Vincanne
Adams (external member, UCSF-Berkeley program in Medical Anthropology)
MA, Cultural Anthropology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
BA, Religious Studies, Brown University, Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude
School for International Training, College Semester Abroad Nepal


Medical/cultural anthropology; social studies of science and medicine; global health; womens and
childrens health; international development studies; applied and action research; professionalization,
expertise, and knowledge transmission; nationalism, ethnicity, and identity; migration, diaspora, and
displacement; South and East Asia (Nepal, greater Himalaya, Tibetan areas of China); ethnographic
2013 2016

Dartmouth College, Chair, Department of Anthropology

2012 present Dartmouth College, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

2012 present HIMALAYA: Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies, Co-Editor
2012 present Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Ethics and Medical Humanities Working
Group Member. Participant in medical school curriculum redesign process.

International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine (IASTAM), Vice
OneHEART Worldwide, Board Member and Chair of Medical Advisory Board of
non-profit organization dedicated to improving maternal and neonatal health in
Tibetan areas of China and Nepal (
Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies, Executive Council Member
Himalayan Amchi Association, Kathmandu, Nepal, Advisor
DROKPA, Chief Executive Officer of nonprofit organization that partners with
communities in the Himalaya and Central Asia to implement grassroots development
and cultivate social entrepreneurship (


2006 2012

Dartmouth College, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology


2010 2011

2008 2012


2004 2008
2004 2006

2002 2004


Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center / New Hampshire Hospital Association, Qualitative

Research Consultant and Medical Anthropologist, New Hampshire State Hand
Hygiene Project, PI: Katherine Kirkland, MD. Position also involves mentoring
undergraduate research assistants.
ARD, Inc., Consultant to evaluate United States Agency for International
Development (USAID)-funded community development, public health, and cultural
preservation initiatives in Tibetan areas of China.
World Health Organization / Gates Foundation / Institute of Pediatric Innovation, CoInvestigator with Lisa V. Adams, MD on Grant: "Determining Patient and Provider
Preferences to Guide Optimal Development of Pediatric Formulations." Project
includes primary and secondary research and qualitative data collection protocol
development for large-scale survey on pediatric medicines in Tanzania and Ghana.
PI: Stephen P. Spielberg, MD, PhD.
United Nations Development Committee Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Small Grant
Programme, Grant Author and Research Collaborator on Grant No.
NEP/OP3/2/07/10. Conservation, Cultivation and Sustainable Utilization of
Medicinal Plants: Integrating Amchis Traditional Environmental Knowledge and
Practices with Community-based Biodiversity Conservation, Sustainable Livelihoods,
and Culturally Appropriate Health Care in Mustang District, Nepal. Grant
submitted on behalf of the Himalayan Amchi Association, which serves as chief
implementation agency.
French Institute of Pondicherry, Medicine and Societies in South Asia, Affiliated Scholar
Center for Disease Control (CDC), Consultant and Medical Anthropologist on Grant
No. TS1252 Community-based Micronutrient consumption in Tibet (TSAMPA
Project), Tibet Autonomous Region, China; PI: Timothy Dye, Ph.D.
Winrock International, Washington DC, Consultant for development and review of
proposal submitted to USAID based on an RFA for a joint conservation and
development initiative in Tibetan areas of Sichuan Province, PRC. (Grant was
awarded to Winrock.)
National Institutes of Health (NIH/NICHD) and the Global Network for Womens and
Childrens Health, Research Coordinator and Medical Anthropologist on Research
Grant: A self-sustaining perinatal care system for Tibet and Clinical trial of Zhi
Byed 11, a Tibetan medicine, with Misoprostol for prevention of postpartum
hemorrhage, Lhasa, TAR, PRC; PIs: Dr. Michael Varner, MD and Dr. Suellen
Miller, Ph.D., CNM.
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Research Assistant,
Mountain and Natural Resources Division, Kathmandu, Nepal.




National Science Foundation, Division of Biological Anthropology

Genetics and the Fertility of Tibetan women at high altitude in Nepal. PI: Cynthia
Beall (Case Western Reserve); Co-PIs: Sienna R. Craig and Geoff Childs
(Washington University-St. Louis).
The Ethics Institute, Dartmouth College
Faculty Fellowship to support ethnographic research at Geisel School of Medicine at
Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and Social Sciences and Claire Garber Goodman
Fund, Dartmouth College

Faculty Research Grant to support the project Genes and the fertility of Tibetan women
at high altitude in Nepal: Biocultural Perspectives on Reproduction and Social Change, co
founded by the National Science Foundation, as per above.


2010 - 2013

2009 - 2010

2009 - 2010
2008 - 2013

2006 -

1995 1996

John S. Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth College

Faculty Research Grant to support ethnography conducted in conjunction with the
workshop Producing Efficacious Medicines: Quality, Potency, Lineage and
Efficacious Knowledge, December 2011, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
International Collaborative Research Grant (ICRG) for work on production, clinical
evaluation, and globalization of Tibetan pharmaceuticals, in cooperation with the
Arura Group, Qinghai Province, PRC.
Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and Social Sciences, Dartmouth College
Weiss Family Faculty Research/Conference Grant. Support for a panel at the VIIth
Congress of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian
Medicine, Thimphu, Bhutan, September 5-11, 2009.
Dean of Faculty, Dartmouth College
Junior Faculty Fellowship
Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and Social Sciences, Dartmouth College
Faculty Research Grant focused on professionalization and social change among
Tibetan medicine practitioners in Nepal
Shelly and Donald Rubin Foundation
Himalayan Undergraduate Studies Grant. Author of five-year renewable grant
awarded to Dartmouth College to augment curricular and extracurricular activities
related to the greater Himalayan region, both on and off campus.
John S. Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth College
Faculty Research Grant focused on the standardization and commoditization of
Tibetan medicines in China.
Claire Garber Goodman Fund, Anthropology Department, Dartmouth College
Successive Faculty Research Grants focused on the standardization and
commoditization of Tibetan medicines; professionalization and social change among
Tibetan medicine practitioners; clinical practice and illness narratives; and
preparation of related publications.
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Dissertation Research Grant
Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellowship
Fulbright-Hays/US Dept of Education Dissertation Research Fellowship (declined)
Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, Cornell University Research Travel Grant
National Science Foundation Graduate Studies Fellowship (three years of support)
Jacob K. Javits Foundation Graduate Studies Fellowship (declined)
Institute for International Education / Fulbright Commission Fulbright Scholar in Nepal


C. Troy Shaver Class of 1969 Fellowship, Dartmouth College
Awarded to a newly tenured faculty member to recognize and reward younger members of the faculty
whose teaching is true to the highest standards of Dartmouth's educational mission and whose
scholarly or creative activities contribute significantly to the advancement of their respective disciplines.
Society for Applied Anthropology, elected as a Fellow
International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS) Book Prize, August 2009,
awarded to L. Pordi, ed. The World of Tibetan Medicine: Contemporary Trends in the
Politics of Medical Knowledge and Practice, London: Routledge.
My work is included in this volume. ICAS is based in Leiden, Netherlands, and awards this
highly competitive prize biannually.


Society for Medical Anthropology POLGAR Award for Best Medical Anthropology
Article Adams, Miller, Craig, et al. (2005)
US Dept. of Education Foreign Language and Area Studies Scholarship, Cornell
University - Tibetan language
US Dept. of Education Foreign Language and Area Studies Scholarship, Cornell
University - Nepali language
US Dept. of Education Foreign Language and Area Studies Scholarship, Cornell
University - Nepali language

In Preparation Medicine in the Mountains: Engaging in Health-Development Work in Asias High Altitude
Regions. S. Craig and K. Bauer. Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England.
Under contract; anticipated pub date 2014.
Healing Elements: Efficacy and the Social Ecologies of Tibetan Medicine. Berkeley: University
of California Press.
Clinical Research on Tibetan Medicine: Challenges and Points of Consensus. C. Witt, S. Craig
and M. Cumuo, eds. Berlin: CVC/Essen, with support from Hans-GrtzStiftungsinstitut.
Studies of Medical Pluralism in Tibetan History and Society: Proceedings from the XIth
International Association of Tibetan Studies Meetings. S. Craig, M. Cuomo, F. Garrett, and
M. Schrempf, eds. Bonn: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies,
Contributions to Research on Central Asia series.
Medicine Between Science and Religion: Explorations on Tibetan Grounds. V. Adams, M.
Schrempf, and S. Craig eds. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.
Horses Like Lightning: A Story of Passage through the Himalayas. Boston, MA: Wisdom
2010 [2011]


Himalaya 30(1-2). Special issue on Development in Tibet: Land, Labor, and Social
Policy in a Context of Rapid Transition. K. Bauer, G. Childs, S. Craig, and A.
Fischer, eds.
Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity 5(2). Special issue on Medicinal Plant
Cultivation, Conservation and Commoditization in the Himalaya and Tibet. S. Craig
and D. Glover, eds. Leiden: Brill.


Under Review (Co)Producing Efficacious Medicines: Collaborative Ethnography with Tibetan
Medicine Practitioners in Kathmandu, Nepal. C. Blaikie, S. Craig, B. Gerke, and T.
Hofer. Submitted to Current Anthropology.
Under Review Bitter Pills and Spoonfuls of Sugar: Qualitative Results and Health Care Delivery
Implications of a National Survey of Administration Practices and Preferences for
Pediatric Formulations in Tanzania. S. Craig, L.V. Adams, E.J. Mmbaga, H. Naburi,
C. Nutt, T. Lahey, H. Kuhar, R. Kisenge, G.J. Noel, S.P. Spielberg. Submitted to
Maternal and Child Health Journal.
Under Review Depopulation on a Himalayan Scale: Educational and Monastic Child Migration
from Ethnically Tibetan Valleys in Nepal. G. Childs, S. Craig, C. Beall, B. Basnyet.
Submitted to Population and Development Review.



2010 [2011]

2008 [2009]




Childrens Medicines in Tanzania: A National Survey of Administration Practices

and Preferences. L.V. Adams, S. Craig, E.J. Mmbaga, H. Naburi, T. Lahey, C. Nutt,
R. Kisenge, G.J. Noel, S.P. Spielberg. PLoS One. Online open access:
Social Suffering and Embodied Political Crisis. Cultural Anthropology, special Hot
Spots online issue on self-immolations in Tibet, R. Litzinger and C. McGrannahan,
eds. Online access:
Effectiveness of a sports-based HIV prevention intervention in the Dominican
Republic: a quasi experimental study. Z. Kaufman, RL Welsch, JD Erickson, S.
Craig, L.V. Adams, D.A. Ross. AIDS Care, DOI:10.1080/09540121.2011.608789.
Migration, Social Change, Health, and the Realm of the Possible: Women's Stories
from Nepal to New York. Anthropology and Humanism 36(2):193-214.
Not found in Tibetan Societies: Culture, Childbirth, and a Politics of Life on the
Roof of the World. Himalaya 30(1):46-60.
Conservation, Cultivation, and Commodification of Medicinal Plants in the Greater
Himalayan Tibetan Plateau. S. Craig and D. Glover. Asian Medicine: Tradition and
Modernity 5(2): 219-242, Leiden: Brill.
Good Manufacturing by Whose Standards? Remaking Quality, Safety, and Value in
the Production of Tibetan Pharmaceuticals. Anthropological Quarterly 84(2): 331-378.
Taking the MINI to Mustang, Nepal: Methodological and Epistemological
Translations of Illness Narrative Interviews. S. Craig, L. Chase, and T.N. Lama.
Anthropology and Medicine 17(1): 1-26.
Pediatric Therapeutics and Medicine Administration in Resource Poor Settings: A
Review of Barriers and an Agenda for Interdisciplinary Approaches to Improving
Outcomes. S. Craig, L.V. Adams, S. Spielberg, and B. Campbell. Social Science and
Medicine 69: 1681-1690.
Global Pharma in the Land of Snows: Tibetan Medicines and Identity Politics Across
Nations, S. Craig and V. Adams. Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity 4(1): 1-28.
Leiden: Brill.
From Butter Tea to Pepsi: A Rapid Appraisal of Food Preferences, Procurement
Sources, and Dietary Diversity in a Contemporary Tibetan Township. T. Dickerson,
D. Fernandez, Topgyal, A. Samen, Geleg, Nyima, G. Pelto, S. Craig, T. Dye. Ecology
of Food and Nutrition, 47(1): 229-253.
Informed Consent in Cross Cultural Perspective: The Case of Clinical Research in
the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), PRC. V. Adams, S. Miller, S. Craig. P.V. Le,
et al. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 31:445-472.
How to Make Consent Informed: Possible Lessons from Tibet. S. Miller, P.V. Le, S.
Craig, V. Adams, C. Tudor, Sonam, Nyima, Droyoung, M. Cuomo, Lhakpen, and
M. Varner. Hastings Review / IRB Ethics and Human Research, November December
issue, Pp. 7-14.
Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes of Hospital Vaginal Deliveries in Tibet. S. Miller,
C. Tudor, Nyima, V.R. Thorsten, Sonam, Droyoung, S. Craig, P. Le, L.L. Wright,
M.W. Varner. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 98: 217-221.
Having a Safe Delivery: Conflicting Views from Tibet. V. Adams, S. Miller, S. Craig,
J. Chertow, A. Samen, M. Varner, Health Care for Women International, 26(9): 821-851.
Challenges of Clinical Research in a Cross-Cultural Setting: Case Studies from Lhasa,
Tibet. V. Adams, S. Miller, S. Craig, et al. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 19(3): 267289.


A Tale of Two Temples: Culture, Capital, and Community in Mustang, Nepal.

European Bulletin of Himalayan Research, 27: 11-36.
Place, Work, and Identity between Mustang, Nepal and New York City. Studies in
Nepali History and Society 7(2): 355-403.


In Preparation Everyday Practices of Belonging: Space, Time, and Cultural Transmission between
Mustang, Nepal and New York City. In D. Gellner and S. Hausner, eds. Global
Nepalis: Religion and Culture in a New Diaspora. Oxford and New Delhi: Oxford
University Press.
Under Review Stars for the Drowning: A Young Nuns Sudden Death. In J. Samuels, M. Rowe, and
J. McDaniel, eds. Figures of Buddhist Modernity in Asia. Honolulu: University of Hawaii
In Press
Tibetan Medicine in the World: Local Scenes, Global Transformations. In T. Hofer,
ed. Bodies in Balance: The Art of Tibetan Medicine. Seattle: University of Washington
The Many Faces of a Teacher: Portrait of a Himalayan Healer. In L. Pordi and E.
Simon, eds. Les neuveau gurisseurs comtemporains. Le no-traditionalisme thrapeutique en
biographies. Paris: Editions de lEHESS.
White Paper: Clinical Research on Tibetan Medicine Where do we stand and where
should we go? C. Witt, S. Craig, B. Graz, M. Heinrich, H. Schwabl, and M.
Schrempf. In C. Witt, ed. Clinical Research on Tibetan Medicine: Challenges and Points of
Consensus. Berlin: CVC/Essen, with support from Hans-Grtz-Stiftungsinstitut.
Clinical Research on a Tibetan Medicine versus a Western Medicine: Reflections on
Research Design and Implementation. S. Craig and M. Cuomu. In C. Witt, ed.
Clinical Research on Tibetan Medicine: Challenges and Points of Consensus. Berlin:
CVC/Essen, with support from Hans-Grtz-Stiftungsinstitut.
Tibetan Medicine at the Crossroads, S. Craig, F. Garrett, M. Schrempf, and M.
Cuomo. In S. Craig, M. Cuomo, F. Garrett, and M. Schrempf, eds. Studies of Medical
Pluralism in Tibetan History and Society: Proceedings from the 11th International Association of
Tibetan Studies Meetings. Bonn: Institute of Tibetan and Central Asian Studies.
From Empowerments to Power Calculations: Notes on Efficacy, Value, and
Epistemology. In V. Adams, M. Schrempf, and S. Craig, eds. Medicine Between Science
and Religion: Explorations on Tibetan Grounds, Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.
A gso ba rig pa Sensibility, V. Adams, M. Schrempf, and S. Craig. In V. Adams, M.
Schrempf, and S. Craig, eds. Medicine Between Science and Religion: Explorations on Tibetan
Grounds. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.
Pregnancy and Childbirth in Tibet: Knowledge, Perspectives, and Practices. In H.
Selin, ed. Childbirth Across Cultures, New York: Springer, Pp. 145-160.
Place and Professionalization: Navigating Amchi Identity in Nepal. In L. Pordi, ed.
The World of Tibetan Medicine: Contemporary Trends in the Politics of Medical Knowledge and
Practice, London: Routledge, Pp. 62-90.
A Crisis of Confidence: A Comparison Between Tibetan Medical Education in Nepal
and Tibet. In M. Schrempf, ed. Soundings in Tibetan Medicine: Anthropological and
Historical Perspectives. Proceedings from the 10th International Association of Tibetan
Studies Meetings. Amsterdam: Brill, Pp. 127-154.




Windhorses and Dharma Warriors: The religious, historical, and cultural significance
of horse protection rituals in Mustang, Nepal. In S. Olsen, ed. Horses and Humans:
Proceedings from International Symposium on Horse and Human Relationships, Oxford: British
Archaeological Reports, Pp. 339-354.
Himalayan Healers in Transition: Professionalization, Identity, and Conservation
among practitioners of gso ba rig pa in Nepal. S. Craig and G. Bista, In Y. Thomas,
M. Karki, K. Gurung, and D. Parajuli, eds. Himalayan Medicinal and Aromatic Plants:
Balancing Use and Conservation. Kathmandu: WWF Nepal Program, Pp. 411-434.
Indigenous Veterinary Care in West Nepal. Proceedings from Second International
Conference on Yak, Qinghai Academy of Sciences: Peoples Republic of China.
Pasture Management, Indigenous Veterinary Care, and the Role of the Horse in
Mustang, Nepal. In D. Miller, S. Craig, and G. Rana, eds, Proceedings from Regional
Expert Meeting on Rangelands and Pastoral Development, Kathmandu, Nepal.




Review: The Inheritance of Change: Transmission and Practice of Tibetan Medicine

in Ngamring by Theresia Hofer. Himalaya 32(1-2).
Producing Efficacious Medicines: Notes on an Extraordinary Workshop. With C.
Blaikie, T. Hofer, and B. Gerke. IASTAM Newsletter, Spring 2012 Issue.
Reflection on the 7th Congress of the International Association for the Study of
Traditional Asian Medicine (IASTAM). Himalaya 29(1-2): 88-91.
Review: Essentials of Tibetan Traditional Medicine by Thinley Gyatso and Chris
Hakim. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 133: 248-250.
Review: The Story of Tibet: Conversations with the Dalai Lama by Thomas Laird.
Himalaya 27(1-2).
Review: Their Footprints Remain: Biomedical Beginnings across the Indo-Tibetan
Frontier by Alex McKay, Social History of Medicine. 22:663-664.
Review: Precious Pills: Medicine and Social Change among Tibetan Refugees in India
by Audrey Prost. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 33(4): 643-647.
Authenticity, Best Practice, and the Evidence Mosaic: The Challenge of Integrating
Traditional East Asian Medicines into Western Health Care. Proceedings from the
IASTAM-Wellcome Trust conference, compiled by V. Scheid. Complementary Therapies
in Medicine (16):107-110.
Tibetan Medicine in Contemporary Tibet: Health and Health Care, vol. 2. London: Tibet
Information Network.
Traditional Doctors and Medicinal Plants in Shey Phoksundo National Park. S.
Craig and Tshampa Ngawang, WWF Report Series, October issue.



Tse Go La: At the Threshold of this Life. This work combines a series of my poems with
traditional court songs from Mustang, Nepal, composed for combined choruses and
chamber orchestra by Andrea Clearfield. Co-commissioned by the Mendelssohn
Club and the Pennsylvania Girl Choir for premiere with the Chamber Orchestra of
Philadelphia on April, 29 2012.
A Sacred Geography: Sonnets of Tibet and the Himalaya. Anthropology and Humanism,
35(2): 240-247.

2009 [2004]


Clear Sky, Red Earth: A Himalayan Story, with illustrations by Tenzin Norbu Lama
Kathmandu: Mera Publications.
Tibetan Language Edition of Clear Sky, Red Earth translated and published by the
Tibetan Arts and Literature Initiative ( in 2013.
A Sacred Geography: Sonnets of Tibetan and Himalayan Landscape. Simplemente Maria
Press: Santa Barbara, CA. Limited edition artists book.

Books are Made through Conversations. Library Muse, the Dartmouth Library Blog.
Monsoon in the Rainshadow and Where Horses Grow Swift, Interview by Kunda
Dixit. Nepali Times Issue 621, 7 September, 2012. Url:
Not a Hidden Kingdom (Op-Ed). The Kathmandu Post, September 15, 2010.
Selling Shangri La: Tibetan Medicine from Lhasa and Beyond, Emirates In-Flight
Magazine, November issue.
With One Heart: Culture, Medicine, and the Survival of Tibetans. The Explorers
Journal, Spring Issue.
SARS on the Roof of the World. The Explorers Journal, Summer Issue.
Ruminations on a Road. Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, Fall Issue.
Saving Tibets Children. Shambhala Sun, Summer Issue.
Portrait of a Himalayan Healer. The Explorers Journal, Fall Issue.
Riding in the Rain Shadow. Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, Winter Issue.
Wind, Blood, Fire: A Glimpse at Mustang's Equine Traditions. Mustang Sandesh.



Cultural Humility and Child Death and Genetics in a Cross-Cultural Context.

Educating for Cultural Awareness and Health Equity: A Training Workshop for
Physician and Nurse Educators and Preceptors. Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth.
September 27, 2013.
Biocultural Expeditions: Genetics, Reproductive Histories, and Social
Transformations in Mustang, Nepal. Anthropology, International Community
Health, and Tibetan & Himalayan Studies, University of Oslo, Norway, September 16,
The Collaborative (Im)Pulse: Tibetan Medicine across Countries and Conversations.
Plenary Talk, 8th International Congress of Traditional Asian Medicine (ICTAM).
Sancheong, South Korea, September 10, 2013.
Humility, Hospitality, and Hope: Navigating Religious and Cultural Diversity and the
Death of a Child with a Hindu Refugee Family. Pediatric Schwartz Rounds.
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, July 19, 2013.
Social Ecologies of Health, Illness, and Medicines in Amdo: Narratives from
Nomadic and Farming Communities. Socit Franaise dEtudes du Monde Tibtain,
CNRS-Paris, June 10, 2013.
Healing Elements: The Defense and Transformation of Tibetan Medicine in the 21st
Century. Yale University Himalayan Lecture Series, February 26, 2013.
Horses and Healing. St. Michaels College, November 27, 2012.




2009 - 2013



Tibetan Medicine, Public Health, and Cultural Competency in an Era of EvidenceBased Health-Development Programs. Symposium on Tibetan Medicine and
Contemplative Practice, University of Virginia, April 13-15, 2012.
Producing Efficacious Medicines: Reflections on Collaborative Ethnography and the
Politics of Recognition and Standardization. University of Auckland Department of
Anthropology, February 28, 2012.
Healing Elements: Social Ecologies of Tibetan Medicine in Nepal and China. Harvard
University - Inner Asian and Altaic Studies Program, November 9, 2011.
Buddhist ways of Healing: Theory and Practice of Tibetan Medicine in China and
Nepal. Tibetan and Himalayan Studies Seminar, College of the Holy Cross, July 20, 2011.
Funded by a grant from the National Institute for Humanities.
The Science of Healing: Practicing, Producing, and Consuming Tibetan Medicine.
Vermont Humanities Council, Burlington, VT, February 16, 2011.
Tibetan Medicine between Local and Global Worlds. Shelly and Donald Rubin
Foundation / Columbia University Scholars Seminar Series, New York, November 16,
Reflections on the Life and Work of Dolpo Artist Tenzin Norbu. Asian Art and
Modernity Tibetan Perspectives, Seminar at The New School for Social Research, New
York, November 17, 2010.
Scaling up the Tibetan Medicine Industry: Opportunities and Challenges. Tibetan
Social Business and Sustainable Entrepreneurship Symposium, University of Virginia
Darden School of Business, in collaboration with Machik, April 9-11, 2010.
Medical Anthropology for Global Health Professionals. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical
Center, Department of Infectious Disease, September 2, 2010.
Tibetan Medicine and the Anthropology of Buddhist Healing. Buddhism in Tibet
and the Himalayas Seminar, Religion Department, College of the Holy Cross, April 20,
Experiences from Clinical Research on Tibetan Medicine. Impulse Lecture at the
Interdisciplinary Consensus Conference on Clinical Research on Tibetan Medicine:
From Current Evidence to Future Strategies. Charit, Institute for Social Medicine, Berlin,
February 27-28, 2010.
Horses Like Lightning: Reflections on Change in a Himalayan Kingdom. Vermont
Humanities Council First Wednesday Series, Middlebury, VT, December 2, 2009;
Brattleboro, VT, February 3, 2010; Montpelier, VT, November 3, 2010; St.
Johnsbury, VT, November 2, 2011; Rutland, VT, May 5, 2012; Newport, VT,
January 2, 2013; Norwich, VT, February 6, 2013.
Impacts of Labor Migration and Social Change on Health Seeking Behavior:
Preliminary Notes between Mustang, Nepal and New York City. University College
London, November 19, 2009.
Good Manufacturing Practices and the Tibetan Science of Healing: Safety and
Efficacy by Whose Standards? Harvard Medical School - Asian Medicine Healing
Network, Boston, MA, May 20, 2008.
Co-sponsored by the Osher Institute, MGH-Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, and the
Department of Anthropology.
Tibetan Medicine: Theory and Practice in China and Nepal. Tibetan and Himalayan
Studies Seminar, College of the Holy Cross, July 2, 2008.
Funded by a grant from the National Institute for Humanities.




Pregnancy and Childbirth in Tibetan Societies: Knowledge and Practice. Ithaca, NY,
April 26, 2008.
Co-sponsored by the Department of Anthropology, Cornell University; Namgyal Institute of
Buddhist Studies; Ithaca Birth Group.
Tibetan Medicine in Nepal and China: Notes on Knowledge Transmission and the
Economy of Practice. Contemplative Studies Initiative, Brown University, Providence,
RI, March 6, 2008.
Co-sponsored by the Department of Religious Studies and the Department of Anthropology.
Efficacy, Safety, and Clinical Research Across Cultures: Notes from Tibet. Dartmouth
Hitchcock Medical Center - Psychiatric Research Center, Lebanon, NH, February 29,







Methods and Meeting Points: Clinical Research, Medical Humanities, and Integrative
Healing Practice in Local and Global Contexts. A workshop supported by an
International Collaborative Research Grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for
Anthropological Research, Xining, Qinghai, China, October 18-22, 2012.
Ethnographic Practice in the Study of Politics and Development; Himalayan
Religions; Gender, Ethnicity and Identity. Panels in Honor of David Holmberg and
Kathryn March, Himalayan Studies Conference, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 21-23
September 2012. Panels co-organized with Arjun Guneratne.
Producing Efficacious Medicines: Quality, Potency, Lineage and Critically
Endangered Knowledge. Kathmandu, Nepal, December 5-12, 2011. Workshop coorganized with T. Hofer (Oslo), B. Gerke (Oxford), C. Blaikie (Kent), M. Schrempf (Humboldt)
Workshop involving 25-30 Tibetan medicine practitioners from China, India, Nepal,
and Bhutan; organized in collaboration with the Himalayan Amchi Association, and
with support from the International Association for the Study of Asian Medicine,
Trace Foundation, DROKPA, Dartmouth College, and the Shelly and Donald Rubin
Foundation. Short film on the workshop:
Making Nationality Medicine Ethnic. American Anthropological Association Annual
Meetings, Montreal, Canada, November 16-20, 2011. Panel co-organized and chaired.
Trading Asian Medicine. Nature Inc? Questioning the Market Panacea in
Environmental Policy and Conservation, The Hague, Netherlands, 30 June - 2 July,
2011. Panel co-organized with M. Cameron (Florida Atlantic Univ.).
Medicine and Buddhism: Perspectives on Life, Death, and the Healing Arts.
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, April 16-17, 2010. Two-day seminar organized in
collaboration with college and community-wide support.
Cultivating The Wilds: Protection, Potency and Profit in the Sustainable Use of
Materia Medica in Transnational Asian Medicines. International Congress on
Traditional Asian Medicine VII, Asian Medicine: Cultivating Traditions and the
Challenges of Globalization, Thimphu, Bhutan, September 7-11, 2009. Four day panel
organized and co-chaired with D. Glover (Univ. of Puget Sound).
Labor Migration and Social Change in South Asia. Annual Conference on South
Asia, University of Wisconsin-Madison, October 16-19, 2008. Panel organized.




Social Ecologies of Health, Illness, and Medicines in Amdo: Narratives from

Nomadic and Farming Communities (with Rinchen Dorje) and Keeping Records and
Analyzing Amchi Practice: Patterns of Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prescription at a
Tibetan Medical Clinic (with Tenzin Bista). Papers presented at the 8th International
Congress of Traditional Asian Medicine (ICTAM). Sancheong, South Korea, September 12,








Birth and Loss, Migration and Social Change: Womens Experiences from Mustang,
Nepal. Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual
Meetings, San Francisco, California, 16-20 November 2012.
Thresholds: Lifecycle Ritual, Exchange, and Everyday Religion between Mustang,
Nepal and New York. Paper presented at the Himalayan Studies Conference,
Kalamazoo, Michigan, 21-23 September 2012.
Nature, Culture, and Medicine: What Constitutes Efficacious Practice? Paper
presented at the Himalayan Studies Conference, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 21-23
September 2012.
Giving Children Medicines: Current Administration Practices, Preferred
Formulations, and Opportunities for Improved Pediatric Outcomes based on a
Country-wide Study in Tanzania. Paper presented at the American Anthropological
Association Annual Meetings, Montreal, Canada, November 16-20, 2011.
Social Ecologies and Subjectivities: Narratives of Health, Illness, and Medicines in
Amdo (Qingahi Province, PRC). Paper presented at the Rethinking the Himalaya:
The Indo-Tibetan Interface and Beyond, Himalayan Studies Conference, Macalester
College, October 28-30, 2011.
The Buddha and Commodity Fetishism: Marketing Tibetan Medicine to
Cosmopolitan China and Beyond. Nature Inc? Questioning the Market Panacea in
Environmental Policy and Conservation, The Hague, Netherlands, June 30 July 2,
Engaging Amchi, Womens Health, and Biomedical Science on Tibetan Terrain.
Applied Scholarship in Tibetan Regions invited session at the 12th Seminar of the
International Association of Tibetan Studies (IATS), University of British Columbia,
August 16, 2010.
Anthropology in a Time of Protest. Participant in an Invited Session Roundtable on
Tibet at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, Philadelphia,
PA, December 5, 2009.
The Terrain of Suffering: Experiences and Expressions of Medical Pluralism in
Mustang, Nepal. Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association
Annual Meetings, Philadelphia, PA, December 5, 2009.
'Not Found in Tibetan Society': Skilled Birth Attendants, Structural Inequalities, and
the Political Economy of Childbirth in Tibet. Paper presented at the Society for
Medical Anthropology 50th Anniversary Conference, New Haven, CT, September
24-27, 2009.
Beyond 'Coming of Age': Reflections on Ethnographic Memoir as Method. Paper
presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meetings, Anthropology
and Humanism division, Santa Fe, NM, March 18, 2009.
Tibetan Medicine on Trial: Clinical Evaluations of the Science of Healing. Paper
presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, San
Francisco, CA, November 21, 2008.


Remittance and Remembrance: Identity and Economy between New York and
Mustang, Nepal. Paper presented at the 37th Annual Conference on South Asia,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, October 16-19, 2008.
Women in Tibetan Medicine: Engendering Change in the Healer Physician. Paper
presented at the annual Association of Asian Studies Conference, Atlanta, GA, April
3, 2008.



Traditions Transformed: Tibetan Artists Respond, Hood Museum of Art,

Dartmouth College, January 22 March 31, 2010. Assisted in bringing this exhibit to
Dartmouth from the Rubin Museum of Art (NYC), and in organizing curricular activities
connected with the exhibition, including a Tibetan Buddhist sand mandala ritual, gallery talks and
A Sacred Geography and Mani Wall. The Fowler Museum, University of California at
Los Angeles, Westwood, CA, June 10 September 10, 2006.
Poetry featured in the exhibition, which was concurrent with The Missing Peace Project: Artists
Consider the Dalai Lama.

Dartmouth College
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (ANTH 3)
The Anthropology of Health and Illness (ANTH 17)
Tibet and the Himalaya: Anthropological Perspectives (ANTH 32/AMES 26)
Asian Medical Systems (ANTH 45)
Anthropology and International/Global Health (ANTH 55)
Research Methods in Medical Anthropology (ANTH 56)
First Year Seminar: The Values of Medicine (ANTH 7)
Colonialism and its Legacies (ANTH 51)
HIV/AIDS through a Biocultural Lens: Thirty Years of a Modern Plague (College Course
for 2012-13 academic year)
Dartmouth Medical School [now Geisel School of Medicine]
Elective in Medical Anthropology (2006-07, 2007-08)
Cornell University
Tradition, Modernity, and Healing Across Cultures First Year Writing Seminar (Instructor)
Anthropology in the Real World (Co-instructor)
Myth, Ritual, and Symbol (Teaching Assistant)
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (Teaching Assistant)
Dartmouth College Undergraduate Supervision
Advisor for Honors Thesis, Representation and Translation of Human Centered Design: From San Francisco to
Myanmar, Cambodia, and Nepal, Sarah-Marie Hopf, Department of Anthropology, 2012-13.


Advisor for Honors Thesis, Impacts of Social Identity and Multilingualism on Health and Illness: Khar and
Nallasopara Communities in Mumbai, Vaidehi Mujumdar, Department of Anthropology, 2012-13.
Advisor for Honors Thesis, Authoritative Knowledge and Prenatal Care in Rural Southern Gujarat, India,
Manisha Apte, Department of Anthropology, 2011-12. *Awarded High Honors
Advisor for Honors Thesis, Alternative Avenues to Healing and Adjustment: The Case of Bhutanese Refugees
Living in America, Liana Chase, Department of Anthropology, 2010-11. *Awarded High Honors
Advisor for Honors Thesis, Social Networks and the Social Impact of Microfinancing in China, Connie Hu,
Department of Anthropology, 2010-11.
Co-advisor for Honors Thesis, Social Dynamics of Acceptance and Adherence of Anti-Retroviral Therapies in
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Cameron Nutt, Department of Anthropology, 2010-11 *Awarded High
Co-advisor for Honors Thesis, Using Voices as Weapons for Change: A Survivor-Centered Approach to
Combatting Sex Trafficking in Cambodia, Nina Maja, Womens and Gender Studies Program, 2010-11.
*Awarded High Honors
Advisor for Senior Culminating Project, Staying Sustho: Health Care Decision-Making in Urban
Bangladesh, Shima Dowla, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Program, 2010-11.
Advisor for Honors Thesis, Into the Street: Childrens Agency, Adaptation, and Survival in Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania, Claire Wagner, Department of Anthropology, 2009-10. *Awarded High Honors
Co-advisor for Honors Thesis, Neoliberalism, Migration and HIV/AIDS: Bilateral Collaboration and the
Mexican Migrant Community, Frances Vernon, Special Major, 2009-10.
Co-advisor for Honors Thesis, Evaluating an Adolescent-Targeted HIV Prevention Program in Haitian
Migrant Communities in the Dominican Republic Zak Kaufman, Department of Anthropology, 2007-08.
*Awarded High Honors
Advisor for Honors Thesis, Subsistence and Food Quality in Himachal Pradesh: A Himalayan Case Study
of Agricultural Production between the Local and the Global, Megan Paradise, Department of Anthropology,
Co-advisor for Honors Thesis, Caste Bound Music: Social Dynamics of the Mon and Beda Castes as Seen
Through the Performance Practice of lha rnga Music, Katherine Blumenthal, Department of Music, 2006-07.
*Winner of the Chase Peace Prize for Best Undergraduate Thesis
Student Supervision at Other Institutions
External Ph.D. Committee Member for Tawni Tidwell, Emory University, Department of
Anthropology, 2010 present. Thesis title: Embodied Diagnostics: Cultivating Perceptual Skill and
Conceptual Paradigms for Indigenous Categories of Cancer.
External Ph.D. Committee Member for Stephan Kloos, University of CaliforniaBerkeley/UCSF,
Department of Anthropology, 2006-2010. Thesis title: Tibetan Medicine in Exile: The Ethics, Politics and
Science of Cultural Survival.


Reviewer of MA Thesis, Theresia Hofer, Brunel University, Department of Anthropology, 2004-05.

Thesis title: Learning Sowa Rigpa and Being and Amchi: The Case of Tibetan Medicine in Namring.
National and International
2008 International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine
Global Health Council
Association for Asian Studies
Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies
Society for Applied Anthropology
Society for Medical Anthropology
International Association for Tibetan Studies
American Anthropological Association
Peer Reviewer for Journals
Cultural Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Culture, Medicine
and Psychiatry, Social Science and Medicine, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute,
Anthropology and Medicine, Body and Society, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, European Bulletin
for Himalayan Research, Himalaya, Journal of Cross Cultural Gerontology, Journal of the American
Academy of Religion, Journal of Asian Studies, Maternal and Child Health Journal, East Asian
Science and Technology Journal, Human Organization, Critical Asian Studies, Comparative Studies
in Society and History.
Dartmouth College Service
Member, Committee on Organization and Policy
Personnel Committee, Womens and Gender Studies Program (3 year term)
Co-Chair, Anthropology Colloquium Committee, Dept. of Anthropology
2010 11
Co-Chair, Anthropology Colloquium Committee, Dept. of Anthropology
2009 10
Lead member of team to develop Global Health Minor, Dept. of Anthropology
2009 11
Hood Museum of Art Acquisitions Committee
Ethics Institute Faculty Advisory Board
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Program (AMES), Affiliated Faculty
South Asia/India FSP Committee Member (2008 )
Chair of South Asia Sub-committee (2010-11)
Steering Committee member (2008-09; 2010-11)
Personnel Committee member (2011 )
Global Health Initiative, Dickey Center, Steering Committee Member (2006 - )
Certificate in Global Health Faculty Advisory Board Member (2010 - )
Nepali (proficient written, highly conversant spoken)
Tibetan (proficient written, highly conversant in Central Tibetan and northern Nepal dialects)
Spanish (basic written and spoken)


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