Quality Management During Welding-3310 PDF
Quality Management During Welding-3310 PDF
Quality Management During Welding-3310 PDF
Research Scholar, AMET Business School, AMET University & Scientific Officer, PFBR, BHAVINI
Research Supervisor, AMET University & CMD, BHAVINI
Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited (BHAVINI), Department of Atomic Energy, Kalpakkam, India
Abstract: Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) is a 500MWe pool type, sodium cooled, first of its kind nuclear
reactor which is presently in advanced stage of construction by BHAVINI at Kalpakkam, India. The boundaries of
the sodium systems are designed so as to have an extremely low probability of abnormal leakage, rapidly
propagating failure and gross rupture under the static & dynamic loads expected during various operating
conditions. Therefore, design for the above shall include considerations of degradation of material properties (e.g.
effect of sodium, temperature and irradiation), transients, residual stresses, flaw size etc. The principal material of
construction for sodium piping circuits is austenitic SS316LN/SS304LN. All sodium pipelines inside Reactor
Containment Building (RCB) of PFBR are provided with hot guard pipe and are inerted with nitrogen. The guard
piping and the containment penetrations require sequential welding and NDT which are unique to PFBR. Limited
space at site for the erection of sodium piping along with welding at inaccessible areas with confined space makes
the work all the more challenging. Manufacturing of thin and big bore piping with tight tolerances along with the
high distortion in stainless steels due to high thermal expansion and low thermal conductivity makes fabrication
extremely challenging. With strict rules of sloping to be given to the piping to make conducive for full draining of
the sodium loops, the fabrication challenges becomes multi fold. The welding standards and acceptance criteria of
PFBR sodium piping system is very stringent compared to conventional piping systems. The welding of sodium
piping systems are carried out by combination of Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) and Gas Tungsten Arc
Welding (GTAW) process as per stringent PFBR specification requirements. Due to complex constructional
features of the sodium piping systems, the argon gas purging, welding and non-destructive examinations are
extremely difficult and challenging task. Various special tools and fixtures were designed, developed and used for
welding & fabrication to ensure high degree of reliability against failure. This paper highlights on welding aspects,
challenges faced by BHAVINI management and innovations during fabrication activities of sodium piping circuits
for 500MWe Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor.
Keywords: Quality Management, Welding, Non-destructive examination, Sodium systems.
PFBR piping consists of Primary Sodium Circuit (PSC), Secondary Sodium Circuits (SSC), Safety Grade Heat Removal
Circuits (SGDHRC) and Steam-Water circuit. The primary sodium circuit removes the nuclear heat generated in the core
and transfers it to the SSC through Intermediate Heat Exchangers (IHXs). The secondary sodium circuits, in turn, transfer
the heat to steam/water circuit (SWC) through Steam Generators (SGs). Decay Heat Removal is through independent
SGDHR circuits when either SWC or the SSCs are not available. The Sodium piping in Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor is
thin walled and is manufactured as per stringent PFBR specification with SS 316LN/SS304LN stainless steel as material
of construction. The sodium loops consists of main circuit, fill and drain, purification and allied circuits like argon and
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For t < 5mm, t/4mm max.
t 5mm, t/10 + 1mm with 4mm max.
Mismatch (For single Side weld)
FOR t < 5mm, t/4mm max.
t 5mm, t/20 + 1mm with 3mm max.
Slope on welding materials of different thickness
Slope 1/4
Reinforcement (Face side)
Reinforcement Width/10 + 1mm
Reinforcement (root side) without back gouging
Reinforcement t/20 +0.5mm OR 1.5mm max.
t= thickness of thinner part
Unfilled groove/root concavity, Undercut, Arc bite, Lack of NIL
penetration, Lack of fusion, Any type of crack, Arc spatter
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Longitudinal tensile test at RT (t>10 mm)
Transverse tensile at RT
Transverse tensile test at high temp
Bend test
Impact test t<10 mm
IGC test
Delta ferrite test
Not asked
Not asked
Not asked
Not asked
Not asked
Yes (for C>0.035%)
Figure-2: Secondary Sodium piping during erection and 3-D Isometric
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The welding and fabrication of sodium piping system is extremely difficult and challenging due to varieties of pipes,
valves, bellows, sweepolets, fitting involved. BHAVINI management has gone beyond stringent specification
requirements wherever required to ensure high standard quality assurance during fabrication and erection activities of
sodium piping systems. Trouble free service is expected from various sodium piping components and systems for the
design service life of 40 years.
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Manufacturing experience of surge and expansion tanks for PFBR, Advances in welding science and technology
(ADWEST 2013), IIW national seminar.
[3] Frank Hawkins, Nestor Pieroni, Quality assurance at nuclear power plants: Basing programmes on performance,
IAEA Bulletin, 4/1991
[4] Quality assurance in nuclear power plants, AERB safety guide: AERB/NPP/SC/QA (Rev-1)
[5] R.G.Rangasamy, Dr.Prabhat Kumar, Quality management during manufacturing of high temperature thin walled
austenitic stainless steel sodium tanks of prototype fast breeder reactor, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 794
(2013) pp 507-513
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