4 - Mike Shand
4 - Mike Shand
4 - Mike Shand
Figure 1: Continuous Process for Manufacture of Flowtite Pipes
It is important to be aware that the stiffness of Flowtite pipes can be increased during the
manufacturing process at minimal additional cost by increasing the thickness of the “Core” shown
in Figure 1. Stiffnesses of SN2500, SN5000 or SN10000 can be specified.
Figure 2: Flowtite (Reka) Couplings
The Flowtite (Reka) couplings shown in Figure 2 are manufactured using the same process as for
the pipes and are then machined to the correct dimensions with close tolerances. Independent
checking of the coupling tolerances is particularly important as are the tolerances of the pipe
GRP specials for Flowtite pipes are manufactured by hand, and the tolerances of the pipe ends
should also be closely checked.
Steel and GRP pipes are generally carefully loaded at the factory to ensure that they will not be
damaged during transportation. It is very important that pipes are carefully unloaded in
accordance with approved procedures and stored on site so that no damage is caused to the
coatings and linings of steel pipes and to GRP pipes. Careful visual inspection of both steel and
GRP pipes by the Contractor and the Resident Engineer or his staff is essential before
acceptance of delivery of each pipe, with particular attention being given to the inspection of the
ends of the GRP pipes, as well as the couplings and the sealing rubbers. The dimensions of
each GRP pipe and coupling should also be checked before acceptance, particularly if this was
not done by an independent inspectorate in the factory.
3.1 Steel Pipelines
The protection of steel pipes against corrosion is essential to ensure the longevity of the pipeline.
The planning and implementation of the protection measures may include the appointment of a
specialist consultant to advise on the various aspects described below:
o Arranging and interpreting the results of soils resistivity surveys along the pipeline route,
which includes the potential corrosivity of the soils, and stray currents arising from power
lines and railways.
o The specification of appropriate linings, coatings and other protection measures.
o The planning of a cathodic protection system including locations for impressed current (and
associated power supplies), the location of insulating flanges, and any particular insulating
measures that may be required at scour valves, air valves and isolating valve chambers etc.
Similar measures would be required for a sacrificial anode protection system.
o The planning of temporary ground mats or other measures to earth the pipeline where this is
parallel to a power line and dangerously high currents could be generated in the pipeline
during construction.
o Planning, commissioning of specialist contractors and interpretation of specialist surveys
during construction to facilitate the identification of defects in the pipe coating, jointing and
specials to be rectified. The survey methods might include:
- Pipeline Current Mapping (PCM)
- Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG)
- Closed Interval Potential Survey (CIPS)
3.2 GRP Pipelines
GRP pipes are not subject to corrosion unless steel specials and Viking Johnson type couplings
are utilised, in which case these should be appropriately protected.
4.1 Steel Pipelines
The welding of the joints of steel pipes must be undertaken by coded welders and an
independent inspectorate should be appointed for the following:
o Liquid penetrant testing of welds
o Radiographic testing of welds
o Ultrasonic testing of welds
o Monitoring and inspection of the preparation of the steel for the internal and external joint
protection, and testing of the joint protection measures.
o Inspection of coating and lining for damage and holiday testing including monitoring of
approved repair procedures, checking and testing of repairs.
It is important that the X-Ray test results should be available as soon as possible so as to
minimise the length of pipe that is exposed and potentially subject to flotation. This is discussed
4.2 GRP Pipelines
Each GRP pipe should be very carefully inspected for damage prior to installation, and
particularly damage to the ends. Any repairs should be approved by the manufacturer and
should be witnessed for compliance with their requirements.
The Resident Engineer should check that the Contractor’s pipe laying staff have been trained by
the pipe supplier, and have received competence certificates. He should also witness the jointing
of each pipe, and particularly ensure that the alignment, angular deflection and offset (step), are
checked for compliance with the manufacturer’s requirements. He should also check that the
pipes are seated in the couplings in accordance with the “insert up to here” lines, which should be
drawn on the pipes as indicated in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Jointing of GRP Pipes (note “insert up to here lines” on pipes)
The bedding and backfilling requirements for steel and GRP pipes are similar as both of these
types of pipes are flexible. Therefore it is very important that the correct bedding and selected
backfill materials are used, that the specified compaction is achieved, and that the pipe is
checked for out of roundness tolerances. Close inspection of these processes is essential to
ensure that satisfactory compaction is achieved beneath the pipes, and that the pipes are not
It is also important to note that steel and GRP pipes are particularly vulnerable to flotation when
only the bedding and selected backfill have been placed, as a relatively small volume of water is
needed to saturate this material and cause the pipeline to float as indicated in Figure 4.
Therefore it is very important that the length of exposed pipe is minimised and that the full depth
of backfill is placed as soon as possible. The Resident Engineer should ensure compliance with
this aspect of the specification.
Figure 4: Steel Pipeline Subject to Flotation
The design of valve chambers for GRP pipes should make provision for potential differential
deflection, which should nevertheless be minimised by suitable compaction. It is also important
that only GRP COD pipes (marked with a white line) should be cut on site, unless cutting of a
non-COD pipe is approved by the manufacturer.
The requirements for the hydrostatic pressure testing of steel and GRP pipelines are similar and
in both cases may require the provision of special arrangements to confine testing to the specified
lengths. In the case of GRP pipes it is also essential that the first 1000 m or lesser length of pipe
laid should be pressure tested immediately to ensure that the laying procedures are correct.
The long term performance of a welded steel pipeline is dependent on defect free welding, on the
long term integrity of the lining and coating, and in many cases also on the correct long term
functioning of the cathodic protection system. Therefore it is strongly recommended that a
specialist corrosion consultant is appointed, and that independent inspectorates are appointed to
check the integrity of the welding, coating and lining both in the factory and on site.
The performance of GRP pipes is also dependent on their correct manufacture, and therefore it is
recommended that an independent specialist inspectorate is appointed to check the manufacture
of GRP pipes. The Contractor should be trained in the handling and laying of GRP pipes and the
Resident Engineer and his staff in the site inspection procedures to ensure the long term integrity
of the pipeline.
The lifetime benefits for pipelines that are provided by independent inspection and by supervision
with well trained and experienced Resident Engineering staff, far outweigh the costs.