Grammar Summary 3 1

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Grammar Summary

Spanish 1 Unidad 3 Etapa 1

Expressing Feelings with estar and Adjectives
You have already learned that the verb estar is used to say where someone or something is located. Estar is also
used with adjectives to describe how someone feels at a given moment.
ESTAR to express feelings
I am sad = estoy triste

We are sad = estamos tristes

You (fam.) are sad = ests triste

You ( are sad = estis tristes

He, she, You (formal) are sad = est triste

They,you (pl) are sad = estn tristes

A Note About ser and estar

One of the hardest things to keep straight for new students of Spanish is when to use ser and when to use estar.
They both mean "to be." One simple rule that will serve you in most situations is the following. Learn it and your life
will be much simpler! For location and temporary feelings or conditions, use estar. For everything else,
use ser. So for example, if you want to say "I am tired" or "I am at the Mall" you would use estar. But if you want to
say "I am tall" or "I am a student" you would use ser.

Saying What Just Happened with acabar de + infinitive

ACABAR DE + infinitive
I just ate = acabo de comer

We just ate = acabamos de comer

You (fam.) just ate = acabas de comer

You ( just ate = acabis de comer

He, she, it, You (formal) just ate = acaba de comer

They,you (pl) just ate = acaban de comer

Saying Where You Are Coming From with venir

Venir is similar to a verb you already know: tener. The only difference is venir is an -IR verb and so has the
letter i in the nosotros and vosotros forms. Venir also has the same (e-->ie) spelling change as tener.
VENIR - to come
I come = vengo

We come = venimos

You (fam.) come = vienes

You ( come = vens

He, she, it, You (formal) come(s) = viene

They,you (pl) come = vienen

Using gustar + Infinitive

You already learned how to use gustar to say I like, you like and he/she likes to do something. Now you can talk
about what other people like to do:
IO Pronoun + GUSTAR + Infinitive
I like = me gusta bailar

We like = nos gusta bailar

You (fam.) like = te gusta bailar

You ( like = os gusta bailar

He, she, it, You (formal) like(s) = le gusta bailar

They,you (pl) like = les gusta bailar

(The short words in red in the table above are called "indirect object pronouns." They are used to indicate "to whom"
or "for whom" an action is performed. Remember that with gustar the action or thing you like is the subject of the
sentence and controls how the verb is conjugated. So the sentence me gusta bailar translates literally as "to dance
is pleasing to me.")
When you want to emphasize or identify the person that you are speaking about, use: a + name/noun/pronoun in
front of the pattern in the table above:
A + person +IO pronoun + GUSTAR + Infinitive
I like = A mi me gusta bailar

We like = A nosotros(as) nos gusta bailar

You (fam.) like = A ti te gusta bailar

You ( like = A vosotros(as) os gusta bailar

He, she, it, You (formal) like(s) = A l/ella/usted le gusta

They,you (pl) like = A ellos(as)/ustedes les gusta bailar


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