Adama On The Jade Temple
Adama On The Jade Temple
Adama On The Jade Temple
From the book The Seven Sacred Flames Aurelia Louise Jones
Page 131
Discourse from Adama with Master Hilarion Adama speaks to us
about healing and Lemuria. A profound meditation takes us to the
Great Jade Temple of Telos, where what we experience is incredibly
healing and refreshing. Greetings, my friends, this is Adama of Telos.
Whenever we are invited for contact and to give our teachings, it is
always a moment of joy and fulfillment for us. Today, we would like
to discuss a new approach to healing, and bring to you an
awareness of a wonderful healing temple that we have in Telos, the
Great Jade Temple. The access to this awesome temple has been
closed to surface dwellers since the demise of our continent.
Recently, however, the doors of this great healing temple have been
re-opened to all who wish to visit. You are invited to come here in
your etheric bodies to recharge, to purify and to learn about healing
with a new level of understanding. This new dispensation is indeed a
privilege that all of you on the surface can take advantage of during
this time of great change and healing for humanity and for the
planet. The Great Jade Temple was physical in the time of Lemuria,
and its main focus has been "healing" in the true sense of the word.
This temple was first erected in the time of Lemuria, and for
hundreds of thousands of years its energies blessed the lives of the
people. Inside the temple burned the immortal, unfed flame of
healing for the planet. The immortal flame was nurtured by the
angelic kingdom, by the Holy Spirit and also by the love of the
people of Lemuria. The energies of this temple held the balance of
true healing for the planet itself, for her inhabitants and for your
Earth Mother. When we realized that our continent was in danger
and would eventually be destroyed, we also knew that this majestic
temple would be lost in its physical expression. We endeavored to
build its physical replica in Telos. Although the replica is smaller than
the original temple, all the records of the energies of the "Immortal
Flame of Healing" since the time of its creation were transferred to
Telos for safekeeping. It is still gathering momentum to this day. This
awesome healing energy was never lost to the planet, even with the
destruction of our continent. All of its energies and treasures were
moved prior to Lemuria's demise. The planning for the building of
the replica of this temple and the moving of its energies took place
500 years before Lemuria went down. Many other replicas of
important temples were also built in Telos in the same manner. In
order to save our culture, and as many of our people as possible, we
had to plan our strategy 5,000 years ahead of the actual time of the
foreseen cataclysms.
Healing is so greatly needed at this time for all of you, and
this is why we have opened the doors of the Great Jade
Temple to assist humanity now.
It is our joy to invite you to come here in your etheric body at night,
and to receive a much greater understanding of true healing than
the one you presently hold. When you come here, we have as
guides a great number of our people who are always willing to take
you "under their wings" spiritually, to assist you with your healing of
the deep traumas and sorrows of the past and the present. As you
heal your inner pain and traumas, you will also heal the difficult
conditions in your lives and your physical bodies. External pains and
difficulties are always the mirrors of inner pains and fears. They
mirror to you what needs to be healed and transformed in your
consciousness. We can assign three counselors for each of you who
come here; they can assist you with whatever is most needed for
your return to wholeness. One counselor focuses with you on your
emotional body, another focuses with you on your mental body and
a third one focuses on the healing of your physical body, all in total
harmony and synchronicity. In this way, your healing becomes a
more balanced project than if you just focus on one aspect of
yourself, without understanding and transforming your internal
programming. You know, when one aspect of yourself is not in
perfect balance, it affects all other aspects of your being.
And how does one get to the Great Jade Temple in his or her
etheric body?
now time to completely heal the past and embrace a brand new
paradigm of love, limitlessness and unprecedented grace for your
life and for the planet. In Telos, we are your brothers and sisters,
close friends of the past who love you all so very much. It is our joy
to extend to you all the assistance we are allowed at this time for
the purpose of your complete transformation, resurrection and
ascension into the realms of Love and Light. You know, your heart is
the great intelligence of your soul and is one with the Mind of God. It
holds all memories of all aspects of you since the beginning, and it
will never mislead you. Your heart is the part of your beingness that
you can really learn to know and trust again. You have closed your
hearts, beloved ones, because your pain and fears have been so
great. Closure has been a form of protection for you in the past. It
has served your evolution in wondrous ways that you will come to
understand some day, but at this time, it no longer serves you.
Many of you are clinging to your old pain and fears simply because
it has become fearful for you to open your hearts to unconditional
love and let go of your old outmoded erroneous beliefs. You have a
fear that if you open your hearts to life unconditionally, you will be
inflicted with more pain. Your old fears and pain have become so
familiar to you that you have found a level of security and comfort in
How do we actually open our hearts and allow our emotional
bodies to begin the healing process?
There is no one recipe for everyone. Each one is unique and has
different issues to heal. Each of you has a different emotional makeup and your own distinct healing process. Basically, you will start
the process moving in the right direction through choice, sustained
intention, conscious and active meditation, and diligent
communication with your higher self each day. Ask the part of you
that remains in divine wholeness to reveal to you what needs
healing in the now moment, and to bring it forth to your conscious
awareness. Start signaling your I AM Presence with serious intention
that you want to be whole again, and that you want to integrate all
parts of yourself in unity and oneness. Submit yourself willingly to
whatever process is necessary to receive that healing in full trust,
faith, love and surrender. Be assured that you will receive the full
cooperation of your higher self and the whole of the light realm. Your
healing process will then begin to take place at every level. Your
higher self will draw to you the right books to read, the right people
to meet with, and events and opportunities will come your way. If
you open your mind and heart to your healing with sustained
intention and diligence, the process will flow with grace and ease.
Your healing process will continue to progress as you remain focused
in your intention. It may appear to be work at first, and without
doubt, it is. See it as a journey back to the "sun" of your being and
know that this process is loaded with rewards and fulfillments along
the way. You are not alone in this journey. Your angels, guides,
masters, as well as all of us in the New Lemuria, are accompanying
you at every step. The entire spiritual hierarchy of this planet, your
Earth Mother and the whole of the light realm are at your beck and
call to assist your healing. As you progress in your healing, your
energy will come back. Your physical body will start letting go of the
pains and traumas of the past and you will start rejuvenating. You
will begin to feel yourself becoming more alive and vibrant.
Humanity has been working with 5 to 10% of their full potential as
divine beings. The rest of your being has been there all along in a
state of slumber. Wake-up and heal yourselves, beloveds. As you
open your hearts and let go of your pain, you will become
increasingly more alive. The joy that you will feel will be amplified
many times. Your mental faculties will open more and you will think
"oh well, we're all becoming geniuses now and life is so joyous!"
Open yourself to grace in a very conscious manner and allow
yourself to receive those energies in all of your bodies on a daily
Do we actually ever reach a point where the mirrors stop?
Yes, my friend. Every time you work these things out within yourself,
you go deeper and deeper. You are peeling layers, and some of
them are very deep. Everyone has their own unique type of layers to
peel off, but generally speaking there are many of them to deal
with. When you think you have worked things out and you start
feeling better and you think this is finished, it comes back again to
be healed on a deeper level. This is why now, in this particular time
of the last incarnation for many of you, it seems more endless than
ever before. In this lifetime, everything comes together not only
from one or two or six incarnations, but also from the totality of all
of your incarnations on the Earth. Every little thing manifests now to
be healed. It may seem worse now, but actually it is much less than
Does the toxicity we encounter in our daily lives impact the
speed of our healing process?
Well yes, it adds to the burdens you already have. Let me explain!
You have many types of bodies, what you call various subtle bodies.
You also have four main body systems; the physical vehicle, the
emotional body, the mental body and the etheric body. Each of
these has a great number of sublevel bodies as well. At this time, we
are only going to discuss the four main bodies that each represents
25% of your totality. They work together; when you suppress one
you suppress the others. When you heal one, you bring relief to the
about two feet high. It is hosting the emerald green unfed Flame of
Healing that has been burning perpetually for millions of years to
assist Earth's inhabitants. Now feel this healing flame deeply in your
soul, in your heart and in your emotional body. Yes, you can also
take your emotional body there. This awesome flame burns
perpetually and maintains a major healing energy matrix for the
planet. This flame has consciousness, my friends. It is fed eternally
by the love of the Holy Spirit, the angelic kingdom and our love. As
you approach the Jade stone, you are invited by the Guardian of the
Healing Flame to sit on a chair made of pure jade to contemplate
what it is in your life that most needs healing. What are the changes
in your consciousness that you are willing to make to bring about
that healing? While in meditation, you are receiving telepathic
guidance and assistance from your guides, and this guidance is
imprinted in your heart and soul. Now, we will pause for a moment
and allow you to have this interaction with your guides and with
your higher self for your healing. (Pause) See and feel the jewels,
the crystals and healing energies of the temple and breathe them
in. Breathe in this healing energy as deeply as you can; you are
going to take this energy back into your physical body. Keep
breathing it in. You are on the most sacred healing vibration site of
the planet. Take as long as you need. When you are done, get up
from your chair and walk around the temple with your guide. Look at
the beauty and the healing energies. Feel free to communicate to
him/her the burdens of your heart and ask for further assistance for
your healing. Be open to whatever is going to be revealed to you. If
you don't remember your journey consciously, do not be concerned.
For most of you are getting the information at some other level.
When you feel complete, come back to consciousness in your body
and take several deep breaths. Know that you can return there any
time you want. Each time, you will be assisted in the same manner.
The more often you return, the more of a rapport you are creating
with us. We now conclude this meditation by sending you love,
peace and healing. We are holding our hands out to you in
assistance, love and guidance. We are only as far away as a thought
and a whisper, or a request from your heart. And so be it!