Arcturians Healing The Immune System

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The text discusses how the planet is undergoing rapid genetic changes and environmental shifts. It says humanity must strengthen and evolve their immune systems to survive.

The text mentions radiation, including radio waves and high frequency waves, as one of the main factors degrading humanity's immune system.

The text says humanity must adjust, become co-creators of their genetic system, and influence their immune system in order to survive and have stability on Earth.

October 4, 2014

Healing the Immune System

Copyright 2014 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved

Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. We want to look

at the issue of your immune system and also at the major
developments on the global picture with the viruses and parasites
and, of course, the by now well-known problems with the Ebola
virus. This is all symptomatic of a major planetary shift, so we
need to put this entire epidemic in a perspective of the planetary
shift. To understand this, I want to again review some basic facts
about what is going on on this planet. You've heard me speak
before about the fact that the planet Earth is in a major crisis. You
are experiencing a phase of planetary extinction. This planet has
gone through five extinction periods throughout the 4.5, 4.7 billion
years of the planet's history. In terms of the Earth and the Spirit of
the Earth, such major events are in its history.

The second thing that I want to point out is that the genetic
codes and the structures of humanity have been programmed and
have evolved according to a certain time period. Generally, a
genetic change in a species takes a period of time, such as four
hundred years, or a thousand years, or even a million years. You
are now witnessing genetic changes on a rapid basis. These
changes are occurring through all the species, even including
insects, mammals and reptiles. Generally, more complex
organisms such as mammals and humans take a longer period to
make the necessary changes to its environment.

In fact, the changes often occur genetically during a crisis. For a

species a crisis means that you must either change or you must
suffer some dire consequences. It is clear to all who are observing
the Earth objectively that rapid changes are occurring in a very
short time. Even recently it has been revealed that many species
are dying off and becoming extinct in the past 40 years. Beyond
that the environmental changes are so rapid that the genetic
structure and the genetic shifting cannot keep up with the rapid
changes on the planet. What does this mean for those who want to
survive and want to continue to have a stable existence on this
planet? Those people must adjust and must be prepared to
become co-creators of their genetic system. In particular I mean
they must co-create and influence their immune system.

One of the key ingredients in determining survival on the Earth

is now focusing on the immune system. The immune system of
each of you must evolve, must make changes and must be
strengthened. The attacks and the intrusions on the immune
system are quite dramatic now. I will mention a few of them, but
also, I'm going to spend a lot of time discussing healing your
immune system in this lecture, and I will be helped by Archangel
Metatron and by Quan Yin who are going to give you even more
elaborate and certain exercises to protect your immune system.

Your immune system can interact with your spiritual energy,

and you can become a co-creator of new immune shifts in your
system. Let me quickly review some of the infringements on the
immune system today and why humanity is now experiencing so
many intrusions and why your immune system is becoming more
fragile. The overwhelming amount of radiation that is in the
atmosphere as compared to 50 years ago is one of the main factors
in the immune system degradation of humanity. The radiation
factors include, but are not limited to, radio waves and high
frequency waves that have become so prominent. I am not
suggesting that you stop using your cell phones, so don't become
too discouraged, but please understand that this is another one of
many factors. It is not the only factor that causes what I call
"distortions in the energy field of the immune system".

I want to clarify something: The immune system is not limited

to what your biological organs or lymph node systems are. For
example, it's not limited to your adrenal glands or to your other
nervous system. The immune system must be visualized as your
whole energy field. This view is one of the major advancements in
what I call "spiritual healing", that is to say that the immune
system is viewed in terms of an energy field, and this view is the
basis of the new type of healing that is now necessary on this
This type of healing has been referred to as vibrational healing.
Vibrational healing is based on the premise or the hypothesis that
everything is a vibration, that diseases and that parasites and
viruses also have a certain vibrational frequency. The human body
has a vibrational energy field that is referred to as the aura. The
aura contains the front line of the immune system. The aura has
certain vibrational protections around it that protect your human
structure and your organs. These are actually waves and
vibrational energy fields. Some of these immune system
vibrational fields are located in the chakras, but many of them are
actually embedded in the patterns of your energy system.

For example, we often refer to energy as representative of the

helix form, and the helix form is one of the key ingredients or
shapes of the correct DNA structure. More important, there are
other key shapes, such as cones and swirling circles and vibrational
circles, which are part of the protective immune system in your
energy field. There are factors which influence and also can be
distorted in your energy field. Some of these factors that can cause
distortions, as I said, include radiation emissions.

The radiation emission, in particular, has the ability to distort

and suppress the vibration rate of your energy field. In fact, I can
compare the effect of radiation on your energy field to the plaque
that is often described in the arteries and also the plaque that is on
some of your brain cells. It is well known that plaque on the brain
cells is the primary symptom of the Alzheimer's disease. The
plaque suppresses the life of the cell and eventually kills the nerve
cell or the brain cell leading to the Alzheimer's disease. Nuclear
radiation has a similar effect on the vibrational frequency and
certain frequencies in your aura. It suppresses the aura; it wipes
out certain auric cells. This means that it also has the ability to
distort your field.

You've heard me speak about the Cosmic Egg. The Cosmic Egg
is a certain ideal shape for keeping your aura in health. It is
described as a perfect egg shape. The egg shape expresses your
aura as a protective shape that has the ability to repulse energy
that is of a lower vibration. The Cosmic Egg has the ability to block
viruses trying to enter your energy field as well as to retard
parasitic activity of all sorts. Parasitic activity is not limited to
these little microbes called parasites. Parasitic activity also is
involved in the hooks that are made from one person to another.
I hope that everyone is aware that certain people emit darker
energy forces, and sometimes these darker energy forces relate to
wanting to hurt or harm people. These darker energy forces are
actually a hook. It is like a line which has a hook on it that you
would see from a fishing boat, and that line and hook can go into
your energy field. The goal of such activity is to parasitically attach
to you and then to drain your energy. In fact, a parasite is just
that. It lives off of another organism's energy. The parasitic
activity in your aura from lower vibrational beings who may wish
to take your energy can contribute to the degradation of your
immune system. Such hooks actually take your life force energy,
which sometimes is referred to in Chinese medicine as your Chi
energy. The Chi energy is referred to as the life force energy, and it
is the strongest component for keeping your immune system

When you hear the stories of the Ebola virus, there are several
things that you should be aware of. One, that virus first comes into
your aura energetically, and the manifestation of the virus in your
physical body is secondary to the intrusion of the energy of the
virus into your aura. This is an important distinction because you
can strengthen your aura. You can do certain exercises to work
with your aura, and those exercises can block the lower vibrational
frequency of such viruses and such parasites so that the energy of
the virus does not penetrate your aura. If the energy of the virus
cannot penetrate your aura, then the physical manifestation known
as the actual virus cannot enter into your physical body.

I hope you are also aware that one of the disadvantages of living
on the planet at this time is the distortion of your aura or energy
field. As I mentioned, there is the radiation which distorts your
energy field, and there is also the radio waves, especially from
some of the high frequency military activities. Finally, there is a
general factor that I refer to as space-time continuum exercises
where holes in the Earth's aura are occurring. Remember there are
ongoing experiments on this planet to overcome the space-time
continuum, and some of the experiments are not known or
publicized. These experiments have to do with time travel and
with distorting the space-time continuum so that people can
collapse space and therefore travel long distances throughout the
galaxy. When you collapse space, you also collapse time. There are
certain safeguards that must be done for these exercises to occur so
that they are not harmful to the planet.
I hope you might remember that many years ago we mentioned
to you that the Galactic Council and the hierarchy of Ascended
Masters in the galaxy felt that mankind was close to exporting
nuclear technology into the galaxy. Some of you were surprised
when we gave this information. It may appear that humanity is not
close to overcoming the speed of light and space travel, but the
opposite is true. Humanity is closer to overcoming these factors,
and that means that there is the possibility that humanity could
export some of the technologies, including nuclear technologies,
throughout the galaxy.

Some of the military experiments damage the auric space-time

configuration of the helix, conical shape around the Earth. The
Earth has an aura as you know, just as the human body does. The
Earth also has different complexities of auric energies that hold the
third-dimensional energy in a configuration so that the space-time
on the Earth can be stabilized. You need this stabilization in order
to function. I'm suggesting that there are distortions that have
occurred over the past 40-50 years. These have created leaks and
distorted patterns in the Earth's energy field. This has also
degraded the human immune system.

The human immune system is centered primarily in your auric

field, and your auric field is sensitive and does respond to the
energy field of the whole planet, including shifts in the radiation
field of the Earth This has been demonstrated numerous times,
but in particular, sometimes you may notice dramatic changes in
your mood, uncontrollable crying spells, feelings of confusion, and
some other symptoms from what I would call distortions that are
directly attributable to the energy field of the planet. It is directly
attributable to the downloading through the holes that have been
created in the Earth's aura.

We return now to the primary discussion about your immune

system. I do want to go into one other factor, which is the toxicity
of the environment itself. The toxicity of the environment is well
known. The contaminations in the oceans and in the rivers and
forests and in the air have an accumulative effect on the Earth's
meridian system. It also has an accumulative effect on your
neurons and your nervous system.

Many people have been asking over the years, "Where should I
go to live where I'm most protected?" It's becoming more difficult
to find those perfect spots because even those spots that previously
were totally pure are now suffering from genetic degradation of
their environment due to the ocean and the air currents around the
planet. This global problem directly relates to the primary attacks
on your immune system through the nervous system. The nervous
system is related to your immune system and the buildup of certain
toxins from the environmental contamination has a direct effect on
your nervous system. This includes making you more sensitive to
chemicals. It also includes affecting and lowering the effectiveness
of your nervous response from the toxic environment. This can
create distorted thinking patterns and even can affect digestion.

Environmental toxins can also create holes in your aura which

must be repaired. Holes in your aura can allow lower vibrational
parasites and viruses to come in. The toxins themselves also are
able to affect your outer aura. I know that you may think of the
aura outside of the body and then the body is inside the aura. The
outside of the aura affects the body. The reverse is also true. That
is what is inside of the physical body and what the body is picking
up chemically from toxicity can also affect the aura. So let it be
said and clarified that this is a two-way street now.

The good news is that the toxicity that you are accumulating in
your body can be purified and can be expelled from your system.
We do want to go over those purifying exercises with Quan Yin.
This is a good time to move this part of the lecture into the healing
energy of this, and then I will return to continue our discussion on
the idea of vibrational energy, the aura and balancing yourself for
maximum health on the Earth. I am Juliano.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Quan Yin. I am here to talk to you

about healing vibrations and healing your aura and healing
yourself. I know that the healing sounds are so important in
balancing your vibrational field. Even though you may feel like you
are accumulating many contaminants and are being exposed to
viruses and parasites, do not despair. There are also now advanced
methods of purifying your energy field and protecting you from
these dangerous intrusions, such as the Ebola virus and even these
other parasitic viruses that are attacking young children in the
United States. I think that it is referred to as the Enterovirus 68.

I am going to go over some healing tones now that you can use
to protect your aura. These tones are advanced and can have a
dramatic effect on healing. The first tone I'm going to use with you
tonight or today, depending on where you are located, is the
healing sound called "HAAAA". (Tones HHAAAAA several times).
This is one of the more powerful sounds in the world of vibrational
healing, and we use this sound to expel unwanted energy in your
aura and in your immune system and your energy system in
general. The visualization is that as you're toning the word HAAA,
then all of the vibrational lower energies, such as the parasites,
such as the viruses, are like projectiles thrown out of your aura.
They are just sent out into the ethers, and they are sent away from

We're going to do this exercise very slowly, and I want you now
to sit comfortably, take a deep breath and relax. Know that you are
in a calm energetic state and that you have tremendous powers to
heal and bring your immune system into its highest balance. You
may already know you have a parasite or a virus. You might have
some bacteria or microbes in your system. Visualize that you are
bringing a small ball of light, like the size of a marble, into your
stomach. This small ball of light is able to expand at a tremendous
speed and at a tremendous vibration. On the command of three,
the ball will become a larger ball of light, and it will expand and
accelerate. It will look for all lower vibrations that are in your
system, and it will push them out of your physical body. Then it
will push them out of the auric field, and it will be dispelled away
from you.

This is a particularly powerful exercise to use if you think that

you are around somebody who is giving off the vibration for the
Ebola virus or for any parasite. Again, I repeat. You have a small
marble light ball in the stomach. At the count of three, I will emit
the sound HHAAAA, and I want you also to emit the sound
HHAAAA. I want to explain the sound HHAAAA again because
this is a healing sound that is of explosive energy that encourages
the expulsion of unwanted energy in your system that might be
intruding. The sound can push away from you these unwanted
intrusions. So listen again and try to resonate it as deeply as you
can. Again, it will sound like this:
go that deep place inside your stomach where you can feel this
powerful energy.

OK, let's begin: One, two, the ball is small but is ready to
explode into beautiful white light, three -
ball of light is exploded inside of you, and it is pushing out all lower
vibrations, all viruses, all parasites, all microbes that are of lower
vibration, and it's pushing them out through your aura and out of
your aura. Again; one, two, three -
vibrations are removed from your physical body and removed from
your aura.

You might feel a tingling, and now, we are going to rebalance

your aura with the sound OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH. Ready?
All of the energy is now rebalanced because this lower vibration is
removed, and now you're back into rebalancing everything. Now,
when you rebalance, I want you to understand that when the
energy is in balance, then there are no holes in your aura/energy
field. Your aura is interconnecting energetically so that it is
blocking viruses and parasites and bacteria. This is a new type of
balance and harmony. We will just sing this tone together.
OOOOOOOOHHHHH (tones three times). Now we are going into
meditation as you feel the rebalancing and re-harmonization of
your aura after everything has been expelled, and a new harmonic
light is now going to be created into your aura. We will be in
silence for a while.

Just listen to these sounds again: HHAAAAAA,

OOOOOOHHHH. Now I am going to introduce a third sound
which is: HHHHOOOOOO, HHHHOOOOO. Now this sound
relates to what we call the Pung energy, and the Pung energy is an
energy of pushing out, of pushing energetically. So imagine a
beach ball. A stone is thrown into the ball, and the beach ball has a
small indentation as the stone goes into it. But this beach ball has
great elasticity, and as the stone comes into the beach ball, it
makes a small indentation, but then it bounces out and is thrown
off of the ball. This is what we call the energy of Pung. (Author's
Note: This is a Chinese word that is used to describe this type of
energy in Tai Chi.)

We are ready to go to the next step which is to create elasticity in

your aura. One of the problems is the auras of those people that
have become overtaxed lose their elasticity, and because of this loss
of elasticity, when an intrusion comes in, they cannot bounce it
out. Now I am going to help you re-introduce this elasticity in your
aura, and we're going to do that with this sound of AAHH, AAHH.

Now I want you to visualize your aura in the shape of a gigantic

ball, so we're going to change the shape from the Cosmic Egg to a
gigantic ball. Visualize now that your aura is in the shape of a ball
and try to even see it with a color. Perhaps it is an orange and blue,
red, and white. When I make this sound, AAAHHH, the energy
ball that is around your aura is going to become elastic. It's a
strong and very powerful characteristic that we will call "elasticity",
and say this now in an affirmation: "My aura has elasticity. My
aura has elasticity." On the count of three, I will make the sound
AAAHHH. I would like for you to do that also, and your aura then
is going to become more elastic. One, two, three:
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH (tones 3 times). Experience in
meditation now the elasticity of your energy field. We will be in

Now we are going to lock in this work. By locking it in, I mean

that we will be able to hold these energies. We will be able to keep
this energetic ability so that you can have this available at any time,
and I'm going to do this with this sound: LAY OH AH.
LAYYYYOOOOHHHAAAAHHHHHH (tones 3 times). Let the
light of Lay Oh Ah lock in this energy in your aura now. So you
have elasticity and also, you are able to expel any intrusion at any
time from your aura using the HHHAAAAA sound. Listen to this
tone again: LAYOOOHHHAAAAHHH (tones 3 times). You are
part of the new humanity, and that new humanity includes the
ability to interact in a new way with your energy field. Juliano will
talk to you again. I am Quan Yin.

Greetings, I am Juliano. So there are some other principals that

I want to talk to you about that have to do with certain healings. I
see that the ability to heal and bring this powerful energy into your
aura is one of the key transformational tools that you will need and
want to use.

I want to talk about what is known as the placebo effect. The

placebo effect occurs in medicine. The placebo effect was
discovered maybe 30-40 years ago and has to do with the idea of
giving sugar-coated pills to ill patients. The ill patients were told
that this was a special, powerful medicine, even a medicine that
may have come from deep in Brazil in the jungles, and this
medicine has great healing powers. The truth was that the pill
itself had nothing in it, but it was the mind and the energy and the
intention of the doctor giving the pill to the person with that pre-
condition that activated the special quantum healing energy.
We are talking about quantum healing energy that can be
triggered through special circumstances. This circumstance
includes a powerful authority figure, such as a doctor, telling you
that this pill is special. The right circumstances includes being in a
doctor's office or some particular setting where you can open up
your belief system, and you accept that. This type of healing says
many important things. This is an example of quantum healing
where a miraculous shift of energy can occur in a biological system
when quantum energy and thinking is introduced. The truth is
that there is a quantum energy. You will not think that it is just a
sugar pill. The doctor is sending a special quantum energy force
into the person's aura through the pill, which begins to act in a way
that it transcends the space-time continuum and normal logic.
We, the Arcturians, also use these methods, only we send etheric
healing energy.

I want you to visualize an etheric crystal. Also, you may have a

physical crystal with you in the room. So that's very good. If you
have a physical crystal, please hold it in your hand. If you do not
have a physical crystal, then you could visualize an etheric crystal
which is any size or shape that you can think of that is likeable to
you. I want you to visualize and remotely thought project yourself
to the Crystal Lake on Arcturus now! See yourself sitting at the
Arcturian Lake and see yourself sitting on the shore of the lake in a
big circle. You are in your fifth-dimensional body. Your fifth-
dimensional body has great healing powers and is able to easily
overcome the dense energies on the third dimension. Also, it is
important for you to know that your fifth-dimensional body is able
to calibrate a special healing light for you that is specifically
adapted for your own body and your special needs.

As you are sitting there on the lake in your fifth-dimensional

body, look to your right, and you will see this etheric crystal that's
maybe 12 inches tall that has suddenly appeared to your right side.
Take that crystal and pick it up and hold it in your right hand, and
you'll see and feel the great healing energy of that crystal. The
crystal has a fantastic blue light. Now with your higher fifth-
dimensional thoughts, send special quantum healing power into
the crystal and calibrate that healing power for the specific needs
of your third-dimensional body. Calibrate it now! (Tones
tatatatatatata, tatatatata, tatatatata.)

This crystal is filled with the special calibrated, fifth-

dimensional healing light. It can heal your mood. It can heal your
disposition. It can heal any specific needs that you have. Calibrate
it now using your fifth-dimensional mind and using the powers of
the Crystal Lake, sending in quantum healing light that you now
have access to on the fifth dimension. That crystal is now in your
hand. At the count of three, we are going to shimmer, and you are
going to return to your third-dimensional body with that crystal in
your hand. One, two, three - shimmmeerrrrr back into your third-
dimensional body with this crystal, this beautiful etheric energy
crystal, in your hand.

If you have an actual crystal next to you, pick up that crystal and
merge the energy of the etheric crystal into your physical crystal on
the Earth. If you don't have a crystal with you, at the end of this
exercise, look for a crystal and merge it with this etheric crystal. If
you don't have a crystal at all, know that this etheric crystal is
going to be available for you.

Now, allow this crystal to emit healing light into your aura.
(Chants Tatatatat-atatata, tatatatatatatata, tatatatatatata.) This
healing crystal is emitting quantum healing light now. (Chants
Tatatatata tatatatata tatatata.) It is especially calibrated for the
needs of your physical body, and it is filling your aura now. We
will go into silence while you allow all this to integrate.

The quantum healing light from this etheric crystal has filled
your aura now, and also, this etheric crystal will be available to you
for your own personal use. Remember, it is calibrated for you to
bring the greatest and most effective healing!

Blessings to you all. I am Juliano. Good day.

David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty

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