Scale Up Article
Scale Up Article
Scale Up Article
How to Scale Up
Michael Levin
The author reviews
dimensional analysis as a
straight-forward approach
to scale up.
flow 90 years ago by Lord Rayleigh (1),
on the basis of the principle of similitude referred to by Newton in one of
his early works.
Dimensionless numbers
Physical quantities such as force or
speed have the basic dimensional qualities of length (L), mass (M), time (T),
and so forth. For example, speed has
dimensions of L/T, and force has a dimensional composition of ML/T 2.
Unlike the regular physical quantities, dimensionless numbers have
no dimensions. Such numbers are
frequently used to describe the ratios of various physical quantities.
Most relevant to the forthcoming
discussion are Newton (Ne, power),
Froude (Fr), and Reynolds (Re)
numbers, which, respectively, are expressed as
3 5
Ne 5 P/(rn d )
Fr 5 n2d/g
Re 5 d2nr/h
in which P is the power consumption
(ML2/T 3), r is the specific density of
particles (M/L3), n is the impeller speed
(T 21), d is the impeller diameter (L), g
is the gravitational constant (L/T 2),
and h is the dynamic viscosity (M/LT).
The Newton (power) number,
which relates the drag force acting on
a unit area of the impeller and the inertial stress, is a measure of the power
required to overcome friction in fluid
flow in a stirred reactor. In mixergranulation applications, this number
can be calculated from the power consumption of the impeller.
The Froude number, first introduced
to quantify the resistance of ships (2),
s6 Pharmaceutical Technology
has been described for powder blending (3) and was suggested as a criterion
for dynamic similarity as well as a scaleup parameter in wet granulation (4).
The mechanics of the phenomenon
was described as an interplay of the
centrifugal force (pushing the particles
against the mixer wall) and the centripetal force produced by the wall,
thereby creating a compaction zone.
The Reynolds number, which relates the inertial force to the viscous
force, is frequently used to describe
mixing processes (5), especially in
chemical engineering, for example, for
problems of waterair mixing in vessels equipped with turbine stirrers
where scale-up can range from 2.5 to
906 L, which is a scale-up factor of
1:71 (see, for example, Reference 6).
Theory of models
Scale-up, then, is simple: Express the
process using a complete set of dimensionless numbers and try to match
them at various scales. This dimensionless space in which the measurements are presented or measured will
make the process scale invariant.
According to the modeling theory,
two processes are considered similar
if there is a geometrical, kinematic,
and dynamic similarity (7). Two systems are called geometrically similar if
they have the same ratio of characteristic linear dimensions. For example,
two cylindrical mixing vessels are geometrically similar if they have the same
ration of height to diameter. Two geometrically similar systems are called
kinematically similar if they have the
same ratio of velocities between corresponding points. Two kinematically
similar systems are dynamically similar when they have the same ratio of
forces between corresponding points.
For any two dynamically similar systems, all the dimensionless numbers
necessary to describe the process have
the same numerical value (8).
Lack of geometrical similarity is
often the main obstacle when applying dimensional analysis to solve scaleup problems. It has been shown, for
example, that Collette Gral 10, 75, and
300 are not geometrically similar (4).
In such cases, a proper correction to
the resulting equations is required.
Buckinghams P theorem
The fundamental theorem of the dimensional analysis, the P theorem,
states: Every physical relationship between n dimensional variables and constants can be reduced to a relationship
between m = n 2 r mutually independent dimensionless groups, in which r is
the number of dimensions; that is, fundamental dimensional units (rank of
the dimensional matrix). The theorem
is universally ascribed to Buckingham,
who introduced the term and popularized it in the United States (9), although
it was proven earlier by others.
Dimensional matrix
Dimensional analysis can be simplified by arranging all relevant variables
from the relevance list into a matrix,
with a subsequent transformation
yielding the required dimensionless
numbers. The dimensional matrix
consists of a square core matrix and a
residual matrix. The rows of the matrix consist of the basic dimensions,
whereas the columns represent the
physical quantities from the relevance
list. The most important physical
properties and process-related parameters, as well as the target variable (i.e.,
the one we would like to predict on
the basis of other variables) are placed
in one of the columns of the residual
The core matrix is linearly transformed into a matrix of unity in which
the main diagonal consists only of
ones and the remaining elements are
all zero. The dimensionless numbers
are then created as a ratio of columns
in the residual matrix and the core
matrix, with the exponents indicated
in the residual matrix. The following
examples illustrate this rather simple
Pharmaceutical Technology
Case study I
Hans Leuenberger
Symbol Units
et al. proposed a
Power consumption
ML2/T 3
theory of granular
tion end point de- Specific density
termination and Blade diameter
scale up using di- Blade speed
T 21
mensional analysis, Binder amount
starting with the
Bowl volume
relevance list in
L/T 2
Table I (7, 10, 11). Gravitational constant
The list reflects cer- Bowl height
tain assumptions
that are used to simplify the model;
Core matrix
Residual matrix
namely, that there are short range inr d n P m V g h
teractions only and no viscosity factor
Mass M 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
(and therefore, no Reynolds number).
Length L 3 1 0 2 0 3 1 1
Why is the gravitational constant
Time T 0 0 1 3 0 0 2 0
included? Well, imagine the same
process to be done on the moon. Figure 1: Initial dimensional matrix for
Would you expect any difference?
case study I.
One target variable (power consumption) and seven process variables
Unity matrix
Residual matrix
or constants thus represent the numr d n P m V g h
ber n 5 8 of the P theorem, and there
M 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
are three basic dimensions (r); namely,
3M 1 L 0 1 0 5 3 3 1 1
M, L, and T. According to the theo2T 0 0 1 3 0 0 2 0
rem, the process can be reduced to a
relationship between m 5 n 2 r 5 8 Figure 2: Initial dimensional matrix after
2 3 5 5 mutually independent di- one linear transformation.
mensionless groups.
To find these groups, or numbers, shown in the residual matrix.
The residual matrix contains five
form the dimensional matrix shown in
Figure 1. One transformation changes columns, therefore five dimensionless
the 23 in the L-row, r-column to 0. P groups (numbers) are formed (see
Subsequent multiplication of the T- Table II).
The end result of the dimensional
row by 21 transfers the 21 of the ncolumn to 11 (see Figure 2). Five di- analysis is an expression of the form
mensionless groups are formed from
P0 = f (P1, P2, P3, P4)
the five columns of the residual matrix
by dividing each element of the residAssuming that the groups P2, P3,
ual matrix by the column headers of and P4 are essentially constant, the
the unity matrix, with the exponents P-space can be reduced to a simple reb
s8 Pharmaceutical Technology
Leuenberger and his
group empirically established that the amount
P group
of binder required to
Newton (power)
P/(r1d 5n 3) 5 Ne
reach a desired endnumber
point (as expressed by
Specific amount
the absolute value of
of liquid Vp is
Ne) is essentially provolume of particles, portional to the batch
q /(r1d 3n0) 5
q is the binder
size (see Figure 3), thus
qt /(Vpr)
addition rate, and t
specifying the functional
is the binder
dependence f and estabaddition time
lishing a rational basis
Fractional particle
t/(r0d3n0) 5
for granulation scale-up.
(Vp /Vb)21
According to Leuenberger, the correct
g/(r0d 1n 2) 5 Fr21 Froude number
amount of granulating
h/(r0d 1n 0) 5 h/d Ratio of lengths
liquid per batch is a
scale-up invariable, provided that the binder is mixed in as a
dry powder and then water is added
at a constant rate. This functionality
was shown for nonviscous binders.
The ratio of quantity of granulatS
ing liquid to batch size at the inflection point S3 of power versus time
curve is constant, irrespective of batch
size and type of machine. Moreover,
Batch size
for a constant rate of low viscosity
binder addition proportional to the
Figure 3: Binder amount versus batch
batch size, the rate of change (slope or
size. Adapted from Reference 11.
time derivative) of the torque or power
lationship P0 = f(P1); that is, the value consumption curve is linearly related
of Newton number Ne at any point in to the batch size for a wide spectrum of
the process is a function of the specific high-shear and planetary mixers. In
amount of granulating liquid.
other words, the process end point, as
Up to this point, all considerations determined in a certain region of the
were rather theoretical. From the the- curve, is a practically proven scale-up
ory of modeling, we know that the parameter for moving the product from
above dimensional groups are func- laboratory to production mixers of vartionally related. The form of this func- ious sizes and manufacturers.
tional relationship f, however, can be
Different vessel and blade geomeestablished only through experiments. tries will contribute to differences in
Binder amount
Case study II
Scale-up in fixed-bowl mixer granulators has been studied using the classical dimensionless numbers of Newton (power), Reynolds, and Froude to
predict end-points in geometrically
similar, high-shear Fielder PMA 25-,
100-, and 600-L machines (12).
The relevance list included power
consumption of the impeller (as a response) and six factor quantities: specific density, impeller diameter, impeller speed, gravitational constant,
vessel height (all with units and dimensions shown in Table I), and viscosity of the wet mass (h, units of Pas, dimensions M/LT). Dynamic
viscosity has replaced the binder
amount and bowl volume of Leuenbergers relevance list, thus making it
applicable to viscous binders.
Core matrix
Residual matrix
Mass M 1 0
Length L 3 1
Time T 0 0
h g h
0 1 1 0 0
0 2 1 1 1
1 3 1 2 0
Residual matrix
M 1
3M + L 0
T 0
Pharmaceutical Technology
Table IV: Dimensionless P groups for Case study II.
P group
2 1
P/(r d n ) 5 Ne
h/(r d n ) 5 Re
g/(r d n ) 5 Fr
Froude number
h/(r0d 1n 0) 5 h/d
Ratio of lengths
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3. J.Y. Oldshue,Mixing Processes, in ScaleUp of Chemical Processes: Conversion from
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9. E. Buckingham, On Physically Similar
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12. M. Landin et al., Scale-Up of a Pharmaceutical Granulation in Fixed Bowl
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