International Law
International Law
International Law
Chennai - 020
Subject : International Law
space. But not all problems of significance found their way onto the
international legal agenda. The world of trade and investment, the world of the
market, of development, of technological change these were largely constructed
outside public legal order. Public law has seemed innocent of the choices by
which the worlds wealth is distributed and of the instruments which bind the
worlds cultures.
WTO is an international organization that brings together two concepts of
international law. Leaving aside one or two specificities, it is a permanent
negotiating forum between sovereign states and is therefore a cooperation
organization akin to the international conferences under traditional international
law. But it also comprises a sophisticated dispute settlement mechanism which
makes it an integration organization, rooted in contemporary international law.
In simple terms, the WTOs sophisticated dispute settlement mechanism makes
it a distinctive organization.
Above all, the WTO comprises a true legal order. The WTO system has two
essential attributes: valid rules, and enforcement mechanisms. But the fact that
it is specific does not mean that it is insularized or isolated. These are firstly
how this legal system fits into the international legal order, and secondly, how it
links in with the other legal systems.
Origin & Sources of International law
The idea of international law as understood and practiced today owes its origins
and foundational principles to two sets of intertwined transnational movements
that radically reshaped European society during the late medieval period of
European history, between the 15th and 17th centuries.
The first was the overhaul of the place of religion in European political life.
Although varying from one society to another in its speed and particulars, this
movement saw justifications for power transform from appealing to the divine
and sacred to the mundane and secular; that is, from belief in righteously
transformations were fostered and facilitated by splits and breaches within the
institutions and power structures of religious institutions including the
emergence of Protestantism and of reform movements within the Roman
Catholic Church. This divorce of the legality of temporal power from religious
sanctification was enshrined in the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, generally
taken as one of the preeminent constitutive documents of modern international
The second late-medieval movement that gave rise to modern international law
was the fierce competition among European societies for maritime voyages of
discovery and the commerce that accompanied such discoveries. During the socalled age of discovery, European kingdoms and principalities vied to equip
entrepreneurial merchants, geographers, scientists, seafarers, and adventurers
who sailed the high seas to discover, conquer and trade with new lands in the
Americas, Africa and Asia. How to regulate this competition became an integral
element of international law-making.
Thus, while internal European religious fragmentation gave rise to and shaped
international law doctrines as secularism, sovereignty and self-determination,
the forces of externally driven competition contributed to other international law
doctrines such as those relating to the freedom of navigation on the high seas,
freedom of commerce, and the use of force. In turn, these generated exceptions,
and counter-exceptions, which resulted in the body of evolving doctrines and
principles that currently constitute international law.
According to Article 38, there are four sources of international law. These are
These and the several other issues that are presented by the pervasive part
played by treaties in international relations have been addressed in a treaty: the
1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, otherwise known as the treaty
on treaties. Like any treaty, the terms of the Vienna Convention bind only those
who are parties to it, and some important members of the international society,
such as the United States, are not.
Among the core provisions of the Vienna Convention are the following:
Treaties are made only by and among states as defined under international law;
by signing a treaty,
A state undertakes to comply with its provisions in good faith and not to
undercut its purpose;
Once ratified (a process that occurs under the domestic laws of the ratifying
country) and notified to the other parties, a treaty imposes legal obligations
according to its terms on the ratifying party,
Creates internationally-recognized interests for all parties to the treaty; a treaty
should be interpreted by reference to its text which must be construed in light of
the treatys purpose or object;
The terms of a treaty should not be in conflict with certain peremptory norms of
international behavior, so-called jus cogens norms
Just as parties should not be forced by duress or fraud to enter into treaties, they
are also free to withdraw or renounce treaties, subject to the conditions for
withdrawal or renunciation contained in the treaty.
Central to the idea of treaty law creating legal obligations and rights is the view
of the state as a sovereign entity that is free to consent or withhold consent as it
deems fit. Ostensibly, treaties are voluntary undertakings which, once accepted,
signify a commitment to be bound, and create a reliance interest for other
b) Custom as a source of law
A second uniformly-accepted source of international law is customary
international law. There are three conditions under which the general behavior
of states becomes a rule of customary international law:
a) If the behavior is widespread,
b) Practices are followed over a not insignificant period of time, and
c) It s viewed by it is practitioners as mandated by law.
Nonetheless, some of the most venerated rules of international law either
originated as customary practices among states that were subsequently codified
as treaties, or continue to be derived from such custom. Increasingly, however,
the trend is less to transform customary laws into treaty law than the reverse.
Given the proliferation of treaties and the diversification of international society
from its West European cultural roots, those who want a uniform standard of
behavior among states increasingly look to treaties to extrapolate customary
law, often insisting it should be binding on all states regardless of participation
in a specific treaty regime. The result is some sort of a symbiosis between treaty
law and customary international law.
For evident reasons, ascertaining and applying customary international law in
specific situations is often problematic. However, procedural problems with its
crystallization process are not its gravest. The doctrine seemingly contradicts
the two established principles that undergird the treaty regime: sovereignty and
c) &d) General principles of law and the views of highly qualified publicists
The third broadly accepted source of international law is the so-called general
principles of law which is, in the phrasing of the Statute of the International
Court of Justice, recognized by civilized nations. The primary difficulty lies
in deciphering what this vague formulation actually means in specific cases.
If it is intended to incorporate no more than broad principles of law present in
all reasonably developed modern legal systems e.g. wrongs should have
remedies, claimants and defendants should be given fair opportunities to present
and defend their positions, decisions should be based on reasoned analysis of
evidence, and the decision-maker should be impartial it might be asked
whether the rule serves any useful purpose.
If the rule is intended to go beyond broad procedural niceties to impose
additional substantive obligations on states (other than those that may already
exist either under treaties or customary international law), then it is fair to ask
what those additional obligations might be. Perhaps here, one ought to read the
general principles of law source along with the fourth source cited in the ICJ
statute: the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of international
The function of ascertaining, sanctifying and legitimizing so-called general
principles of law may depend on the existence of consensus among highlyqualified international law scholars and jurists as to whether a particular
behavior or rule should be considered as mandated by international law,
independently of what states may have accepted or done. What is clear is that
the concept of general principles of law under international law is at best
The WTO is an international organization. This may seem obvious, and yet it
took over 50 years to achieve that result. This protracted effort to acquire a legal
existence has left its marks.
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which was replaced by
the WTO in 1994, was a provisional agreement that entered into force in
January 1948 and was to disappear with the treaty creating the International
Trade Organization. Since that treaty never entered into force, the GATT
remained, for a half a century, an agreement in simplified form which, in
principle, did not provide for any institutional continuity. Thus, the GATT did
not have Members but contracting parties, a term which highlighted the
purely contractual nature of the arrangement Without any international
organization in the strict sense of the term, and therefore without a separate
international legal personality, the GATT could only operate through its
Contracting parties and, for its every day work, with the support of the Interim
Commission for the International Trade Organization (ICTTO), a provisional
commission responsible for setting up the ITO.
Thus, it was almost 50 years later, with the Marrakesh Agreement, that a true
international organization was finally created, i.e., according to the definition
supplied by the International Law Commission in its draft articles on the
responsibility of international organizations, an organization established by a
treaty or other instrument governed by international law and possessing its own
international legal personality. In order to avoid any ambiguity, the Agreement
Establishing theWTO states in Article VIII that the Organization shall have legal
The implications of this status are numerous. The Marrakesh Agreement states
that Members shall accord the WTO such privileges and immunities as are
necessary for the exercise of its functions. Thus, its legal personality consists of
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q3. What are the integrated and distinctive legal order of WTO?
WTO law is a body of legal rules making up a system and governing a
community. As such, the WTO incorporates an integrated and distinctive legal
order. Bringing together traditional international law, which it respects, and
contemporary international law, which it is helping to promote, the WTO has
become a part of the international legal order as a sin generis legal system. But
how does WTO law link up to the legal systems of other international
organizations within the international legal order?
The link between the legal system of the WTO and the legal systems of
other international organizations.
The effectiveness and legitimacy of the WTO depends on how it relates to
norms of other legal systems and on the nature and quality of its relationships
with other international organizations. In order to address more specifically the
place and the role of the WTOs legal system in the international legal order, I
will briefly discuss how the WTOs provisions operate and treat other legal
norms, including norms developed by other international organizations. My
focus will first address this issue from a normative point of view, and then from
an institutional perspective. I will show that the WTO, far from being
hegemonic as it is sometimes portrayed to be, recognizes its limited competence
and the specialization of other international organizations. In this sense the
overall scheme of States actions and the necessary balance that ought to be
maintained between all such policies.
How is this done within the WTO legal order?
First, and very simply, the WTO treaty was considered and interpreted as a
treaty. In the very first WTO dispute, an environment related dispute (US
Gasoline) the Appellate Body concluded that the Panel had overlooked a
fundamental rule of treaty interpretation, expressed in the Vienna Convention on
the Law of Treaties (the Vienna Convention). I am sure this sounds very
obvious to you international legal experts! The Appellate Body first recalled that
these general rules on treaty interpretation had attained the status of a rule of
customary or general international law. It was important to do so because, as
you may know, neither the USA nor the EC have ratified the Vienna Convention
on Treaties. Then the Appellate Body made its first statement, now famous, on
the nature of the relationship between the WTO and the international legal
order: the GAIT is not to be read in clinical isolation from public international
Recalling that pursuant to Article 31 of the Vienna Convention., terms of
treaties are to be given their ordinary meaning, in their context and in the light
of the Treatys object and purpose, the Appellate Body noted that the Panel
Report had failed to take adequate account of the different words actually used
for each of the Article XX exceptions. This led to a reading that offered much
more flexibility in the so-called environment exception and a categorical turn
about in 50 years of GATI jurisprudence.
In relying on the steps and principles of the Vienna Convention, panels as well
as the Appellate Body has since often referred to the context of the WTO
treaty and to non-WTO norms when relevant. Ive been told that no other
Here again the Appellate Body has said that when assessing whether a measure
complies with Article XX, a balance between WTO market access obligations
and a governments right to favor policies other than trade must always be kept.
Our jurisprudence has determined that the control exercised by the chapeau of
Article XX of GATT, against disguised protectionist measures, is in fact an
expression of the good faith general principle or an expression of the principle
against the abuse de droit. I quote the task of interpreting and applying the
chapeau is, hence, essentially the delicate one of locating and marking out a line
of equilibrium between the right of a Member to invoke an exception ... and the
rights of the other Members under varying substantive provisions The location
of the line of equilibrium, is not fixed and unchanging; the line moves as the
kind and the shape of the measures at stake vary and as the facts making up
specific cases differ.
WTO provisions themselves recognize the existence of non-WTO norms and
other legal orders and attempts to limit the scope of application of its own
provisions, thereby nourishing sustainable coherence within the international
legal order.
Another fundamental principle of the WTO is that Members can set national
standards at the level they wish, so long as such Members are consistent and
coherent. For example, in the dispute between Canada and the European
Communities over the importation of asbestos-related material, the Appellate
Body stated clearly that France was entitled to maintain its ban since it was
based on authentic health risks and standards recognized in other fora and no
alternative measures could guarantee zero risk as required by the EC regulation.
An additional feature of the WTO that confirms its integration into the
international legal order, is the legal value and status it provides to international
standards and norms developed in other fora. For instance, the Sanitary and
Phytosanitary (SPS) Agreement states that Members measures based on
standards developed in Codex Alimentarius, the International Office of
Epizootics and the International Plant Protection Convention are presumed to be
compatible with the WTO. So, while Codex and others do not by any means
legislate in the normal or full sense, the norms that they produce have a certain
authority in creating a presumption of WTO compatibility when such
international standards are respected. The SPS Agreement provisions thus
provide important incentives for States to base their national standards on, or
confirm their national standards to, international standards. Therefore the WTO
encourages Members to negotiate norms in other international fora which they
will then implement coherently in the context of the WTO.
The WTO does, take into account other norms of international law. Absent
protectionism, a WTO restriction based on non-WTO norms, will trump WTO
norms on market access. In so doing, it expands coherence between systems of
norms or legal order. Moreover, I believe that in leaving Members with the
necessary policy space to favour non-WTO concerns, the WTO also recognizes
the specialization, expertise and importance of other international organizations.
In sum, the WTO is well aware of the existence of other systems of norms and
that it is not acting alone in the international sphere.
Existing relations between the WTO and other international organizations again
reflect efforts of coherence within the international legal order. Now that the
WTO is an authentic international organization will full legal personality, it has
set up an important network of formal and de facto arrangements with other
actors on the international scene. The greater the coherence within the
international legal order, the stronger the international community.
The actual interactions between the WTO and other international organizations,
there are, for example, explicit WTO provisions on IMF/World Bank/WTO
coherence with an explicit mandate to the Director General. There exists a series
of inter-agency cooperation on technical assistance and capacity building with
several international organizations. Indeed the current Round of negotiation is to
some extent premised on coherence, as we are suggesting a new Aid-for-Trade
programme which brings together several multilateral organizations and
regional development banks to assist developing countries in reaping the
benefits of trade opening!
The formal cooperation agreements with other international organizations, For
example, in the area of standards setting, now have a mechanism The
Standards and Trade Development Facility involving the WTO, World Bank,
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Health Organization and the
World Organization for Animal Health. Some 75 international organizations
have obtained regular or ad hoc observer status in WTO bodies. The WTO also
participates as an observer in many international organizations. Although the
extent of such cooperation varies, coordination and coherence between the work
of the WTO and that of other international organizations continue to evolve in a
pragmatic manner. The WTO Secretariat maintains working relations with
almost 200 international organizations in activities ranging from statistics,
research, standard-setting, and technical assistance and training.
The WTOs mantra in favour of trade openness plays a vital role in Members
growth and development, but its not a panacea for all the challenges of
development, neither is it necessarily easy to accomplish, nor in many
circumstances can it be effective unless it is embedded in a supportive
economic, social and political context and a coherent multi-faceted policy
framework. Trade opening can only be politically and economically sustainable
if it is complemented by policies which address, at the same time, capacity
is the WTO judge who will end up deciding on the legal value
and impact of such an ILO resolution on international trade and its opposability
to trade rules.
of international law of equal validity; this is that new custom may supersede
older treaties and new treaties may override older custom. Certainly, judicial
decisions and juristic writings are regarded as auxiliary sources of international,
whereas it is unclear whether the general principles of law recognized by
civilized nations should be recognized as a principal or auxiliary source of
international law.
It may be argued that the practice of international organizations, most notably
that of the United Nations, as it appears in the resolutions of the Security
Council and the General Assembly, are an additional source of international law,
even though it is not mentioned as such in Article 38(1) of the 1946 Statute of
the International Court of Justice. It should be noted that Article 38(1) is closely
based on the corresponding provision of the 1920 Statute of the Permanent
Court of International Justice, thus predating the role that international
organizations have come to play in the international plane. That is, the provision
of Article 38(1)may be regarded as dated, and this can most vividly be seen in
the mention made to civilized nations, a mentioning that appears all the more
quaint after the decolonization process that look place in the early 1960s and the
participation of nearly all nations of the world in the United Nations.
It is also possible though less common, for a treaty to be modified by practices
arising between the parties to that treaty. The other situation in which a rule
would take precedence over a treaty provision would be where the rule has the
special status of being part of the jus cogens.
The Court is a Permanent International Institution
In terms of Article 22, paragraph 1, of the Statute, "the seat of the Court shall
be established at The Hague", a city, this is also the seat of the Government of
the Netherlands. The Court may, if it considers it desirable, hold sittings
elsewhere, but this has never been proposed. The Court thus continues to
occupy premises in the Peace Palace, which are placed at its disposal by the
Carnegie Foundation of the Netherlands in return for a payment by the United
Nations. The International Court of Justice is an independent body. Its work is
directed and its administration supervised by its President, assisted by a
Budgetary and Administrative Committee, a Committee on Relations and a
Library Committee, all of them composed of Members of the Court. The VicePresident takes the place of the President if the latter is unable to fulfill his
duties or if the office of President is vacant, and for this purpose he receives a
daily allowance. In the absence of the Vice-President, this role devolves upon
the senior judge.
Origin of International Court of Justice
The creation of the Court represented the culmination of a long development of
methods for the pacific settlement of international disputes, the origins of which
can be said to go back to classical times. Article 33 of the United Nations
Charter lists the following methods for the pacific settlement of disputes
between States: negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration,
judicial settlement, and resort to regional agencies or arrangements, to which
good offices should also be added. Among these methods, certain involve
appealing to third parties. For example, mediation places the parties to a dispute
in a position in which they can themselves resolve their dispute thanks to the
influence of a third party. Arbitration goes further, in the sense that the dispute is
in fact submitted to the decision or award of an impartial third party, so that a
binding settlement can be achieved.
Abdul G. Koroma
(Sierra Leone)
Gonzalo Parra-Aranguren
Thomas Buergenthal
Hisashi Owada
Bruno Simma
Peter Tomka
Ronny Abraham
Kenneth Keith
(New Zealand)
Bernardo Seplveda-Amor
Mohamed Bennouna
Leonid Skotnikov
(Russian Federation)
Qualification of Judge
According to UN charter, the person who is entitled to highest judicial office in
their respective countries or most renowned legal scholar is eligible to become
the judge of International Court of Justice. The judges must possess the
qualifications required in their respective countries for appointment to the highest
judicial offices, or be jurists of recognized competence in international law. The
composition of the Court has also to reflect the main forms of civilization and the
principal legal systems of the world.
Who can bring Cases before International Court of Justice?
Only States may apply to and appear before the Court. The Member States of
the United Nations (at present numbering 191) are so entitled.
Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Statute provides that the Court shall be open to
the States parties to the Statute, and Article 93, paragraph 1, of the Charter of
the United Nations provides that all Members of the United Nations are ipso
facto parties to the Statute.
Article 93(2) of the Charter of the United Nations makes provision for States,
who are non-members of the United Nations, to become parties to the Statute of
the Court, under conditions determined in each case by the General Assembly,
on recommendation from the Security Council.
The Court, which is open to States parties to the Statute, is also open to other
States, in accordance with Article 35(2) of the Statute. This Article provides that
the conditions upon which the Court shall be open to such States shall, subject
to the special provisions contained in treaties in force, be laid down by the
Security Council, but in no case shall such conditions place the parties in a
position of inequality before the Court.
Article 36, paragraph 6, of the Statute provides that in the event of a dispute as
to whether the Court has jurisdiction, the matter shall be settled by the decision
of the Court. Article 79 of the Rules lays down the conditions, which govern the
filing of preliminary objections.
(e) Interpretation of a judgment
Article 60 of the Statute provides that in the event of dispute as to the meaning
or scope of a judgment, the Court shall construe it upon the request of any party.
The request for interpretation may be made either by means of a special
agreement between the parties or of an application by one or more of the
(f) Revision of a judgment
An application for revision of a judgment may be made only when it is based
upon the discovery of some fact of such a nature as to be a decisive factor,
which fact was, when the judgment was given, unknown to the Court and also
to the party claiming revision, always provided that such party's ignorance was
not due to negligence. A request for revision is made by means of an
ICJ/ Different types of courts jurisdiction
Voluntary Jurisdiction
Cases referred to ICJ on mutual understanding of the parties
Compulsory Jurisdiction
Article 36 (2) of the statue of ICJ conferred that the parties to the statute may at
any time declare that they recognize as compulsory ipso fecto and without
special agreement, in relation to any other state accepting the same obligations.
Advisory Jurisdiction
The Court has a dual role: to settle in accordance with international law the
legal disputes submitted to it by States, and to give advisory opinions on legal
questions referred to it by duly authorized international organs and agencies.
The advisory procedure of the Court is open solely to international
organizations. The only bodies at present authorized to request advisory
opinions of the Court are five organs of the United Nations and 16 specialized
agencies of the United Nations family.
On receiving a request, the Court decides which States and organizations might
provide useful information and gives them an opportunity of presenting written
or oral statements. The Court's advisory procedure is otherwise modeled on that
for contentious proceedings, and the sources of applicable law are the same. In
principle the Court's advisory opinions are consultative in character and are
therefore not binding as such on the requesting bodies. Certain instruments or
regulations can, however, provide in advance that the advisory opinion shall be
The International Court of Justice, which sits at The Hague in the Netherlands,
acts as a world court. It decides in accordance with international law disputes of
a legal nature submitted to it by States, whilst in addition certain international
organs and agencies are entitled to call upon it for advisory opinions. It was set
up in 1945 under the Charter of the United Nations to be the principal judicial
organ of the Organization, and its basic instrument. The International Court of
Justice is to be distinguished from its predecessor, the Permanent Court of
serious breach has in fact occurred. Otherwise, a party that prematurely and
perhaps wrongfully suspends or terminates its own obligations due to an alleged
breach itself runs the risk of being held liable for breach. Additionally, parties
may choose to overlook treaty breaches while still maintaining their own
obligations towards the party in breach.
Treaties sometimes include provisions for self-termination, meaning that the
treaty is automatically terminated if certain defined conditions are met. Some
treaties are intended by the parties to be only temporarily binding and are set to
expire on a given date. Other treaties may terminate if a defined event occurs if
the treaty is meant to exist only under certain conditions or in the absence
A party may claim that a treaty should be terminated, even absent an express
provision, if there has been a fundamental change in circumstances. Such a
change is sufficient if it was unforeseen, if it undermined the essential basis of
consent by a party, if it radically transforms the extent of obligations between
the parties, and if the obligations are still to be performed. A party cannot base
this claim on change brought about by its own breach of the treaty. This claim
also cannot be used to invalidate treaties that established or redrew political
Invalid Treaties
There are several reasons an otherwise valid and agreed upon treaty may be
rejected as a binding international agreement, most of which involve errors at
the formation of the treaty.
Ultra Vires Treaties
through the threat or use of force, if used to obtain the consent of that state to a
treaty, will invalidate that consent.
Peremptory Norms
A treaty is null and void if it is in violation of a peremptory norm. These norms,
unlike other principles of customary law, are recognized as permitting no
violations and so cannot be altered through treaty obligations. These are limited
to such universally accepted prohibitions as those against genocide, slavery,
torture, and piracy, meaning that no state can legally assume an obligation to
commit or permit such acts.