Maria Miliou Resume

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1198 Jones Butler Rd, Building #2404

(832) 360-6346
College Station, TX 77840


Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas

May 2018
Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Honors and Marketing

Overall GPA: 3.89


MSC Jordan Institute for International Awareness, Texas A&M University

Sept 2015 Present
Student Development Director (May 2016- Present)
Plan, organize and execute weekly member meetings and semester retreats for 50 members and 12 executives
Charged with the professional and cultural development of students by organizing biweekly workshops on proper
professional behavior and hosting cultural nights aimed at promoting international awareness
Director of Marketing (Sept 2015- May 2016)
Create and execute various marketing campaigns for on-campus programs aimed at the Texas A&M campus community
Charged with production of marketing materials including flyers, posters and banners for on-campus and travel programs
Assist with planning on campus performance and lecture programs targeted on increasing international awareness
Lead a team of 4 members in creation of marketing campaigns and delegate and oversee duties among them
Aggie Panhellenic Student Association, Texas A&M University

April 2015 Present

Organize numerous promotional events and activities, monitor weekly meetings and manage formal communications
between executive board of operations and general members
Oversee organizations operations through inspection of monthly reports and financial statements and communicate
with primary advisor updates in regards to financial and recruitment progress
Recruit members on campus community through marketing of events and informational sessions
Aggie Orientation Leadership Program, Texas A&M University

Jan 2016 Present
Orientation Leader
Assist in New Student Conferences in execution of orientation programs for 16,000 new students and families
Participate in a student panel answering questions of family members about academic and professional opportunities
Mays Business School Honors Program, Texas A&M University

Aug 2014 Present
Participate in academically challenging honors classes, with an emphasis on discussions, presentations, and case studies
Engage in professional development trips and events with visiting executives and distinguished speakers

The Big Event, Texas A&M University

Mar 2015
Led a team of 5 students in providing community service to job recipients around the College Station area
Responsible for communication between job recipients and student group and organized assignments and tasks on-site

Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, TX

Jan 2016-May 2016
Student Assistant
Assisted with creation of marketing materials for the Office of Corporate Relations, aimed at attracting industries
Graded reflection papers of 30 students for Emotional Intelligence Engineering course
DIGI Consulting Team, Texas A&M University

Mar 2015 May 2015
Project member
Advising DIGI Cyber security Module over improvements of the cyber-game developed for use among business offices
through a full report and created a survey for participants of the game to complete
Scheduling meeting times with team members and handling communications amongst and towards head of the project

Phi Eta Sigma Honors Society

Jan 2015
American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) $1000 Scholarship

Aug 2014
Most valuable Welcome Session Orientation Leader (AOLP)

Jul 2016
Aggie Orientation Leader Program $500 Scholarship

Jul 2016

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