Portfolio Management Services

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The desire to grow money is a natural instinct. But as simple as the desire is, the
process to do so is just as complex.

In today's intricate and volatile market an

individuals investment requires constant monitoring and attention. The demand

made on the time and energy by other business may not leave the individual with
capacity to attend to ones personal portfolio with the degree of care it deems
appropriate. Portfolio Managers are professionals who offer PMS services expected
to take the same level of care and attention an individual devotes to monitoring
his/her own portfolio.

Portfolio management service (PMS) is a method of

investing, used by investors and companies who want exposure to a

variety of products such as equities, fixed income, gold and structured
products. Professional bodies offering this service of investment are termed as
Portfolio Managers.
A portfolio manager is a body corporate who, pursuant to a contract or arrangement
with a client, advises or directs or undertakes on behalf of the client (whether as a
discretionary portfolio manager or otherwise), the management or administration of
a portfolio of securities or the funds of the client. In India, a Portfolio Manager has
to register with SEBI.

The portfolio manager is required to have a minimum net

worth of Rs. 2 crore. Every portfolio manager is required to pay Rs. 10 lakhs as
registration fees at the time of grant of certificate of registration by SEBI.


certificate of registration remains valid for three years. The portfolio manager has to
apply for renewal of its registration certificate to SEBI, 3 months before the expiry of
the validity of the certificate, if it wishes to continue as a registered portfolio
The services of a Portfolio Manager are governed by the agreement between the
portfolio manager and the investor. The agreement should cover the minimum
details as specified in the SEBI Portfolio Manager Regulations. However, additional
requirements can be specified by the Portfolio Manager in the agreement with the
client. Hence, an investor is advised to read the agreement carefully before signing

The portfolio manager, before taking up an assignment of management of funds or

portfolio of securities on behalf of the client, enters into an agreement in writing
with the client, clearly defining the inter se relationship and setting out their mutual
rights, liabilities and obligations relating to the management of funds or portfolio of
securities. SEBI Portfolio Manager Regulations have not prescribed any scale of fee
to be charged by the portfolio manager to its clients.

However, the regulations

provide that the portfolio manager shall charge a fee as per the agreement with the
client for rendering portfolio management services. The fee so charged may be a
fixed amount or a return based fee or a combination of both. The portfolio manager
shall take specific prior permission from the client for charging such fees for each
activity for which service is rendered by the portfolio manager directly or indirectly
(where such service is outsourced).

The portfolio manager shall furnish periodically a report to the client, as agreed in
the contract, but not exceeding a period of six months and as and when required by
the client and such report shall contain the following details, namely:a) the composition and the value of the portfolio, description of security,
number of securities, value of each security held in the portfolio, cash
balance and aggregate value of the portfolio as on the date of report;
b) transactions undertaken during the period of report including date of
transaction and details of purchases and sales;
c) beneficial interest received during that period in respect of interest, dividend,
bonus shares, rights shares and debentures;
d) expenses incurred in managing the portfolio of the client;
e) details of risk foreseen by the portfolio manager and the risk relating to the
securities recommended by the portfolio manager for investment or

Major tasks involved with Portfolio Management are as follows.

Taking decisions about investment mix and policy

Matching investments to objectives

Asset allocation for individuals and institution

Balancing risk against performance

As per the modern portfolio theory, a diversified portfolio that includes different
types or classes of securities reduces the investment risk. Building a portfolio
involves making wide range of decisions regarding buying or selling of stocks,
bonds, or other financial instruments. Also, one needs to make decision regarding
the quantity and timing of the buy and sell.

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