Required Exp For Licensing

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Professional Engineers


Guide to the required

experience for licensing
as a Profes sional Engine er in O nt ario

Published by Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario, February 8, 2013



2.1. Internship

2.2. Criteria for Acceptable Engineering Experience

2.3. Length of Experience

2.4. Credits for Pregraduation Experience and Postgraduate Studies

2.5. Roles of Referees and Supervisors

2.6. Role of the Employer


3.1. University Teaching

3.2. Community College and Technical Institute Teaching

3.3. Sales and Marketing Activities

3.4. Military Experience

3.5. Project Management and Supervision

3.6. Operations and Maintenance


3.7. Quality Control and Quality Assurance






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Guide to the Required Experience for Licensing as a Professional Engineer in Ontario 3

1. Introduction
Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) is empowered under the
Professional Engineers Act to establish the standards for admission
and to regulate the practice of engineering in the province. The
association is mandated to ensure public safety and welfare where
engineering is concerned. In addition, PEO provides leadership to
the profession and promotes professional engineers contribution
to, and facility in, the application of science and technology to benefit humankind. The establishment of similar standards for entry
into the profession, in each jurisdiction across the country, permits
mobility of Ontario professional engineers from one province (or
territory) to the other. Furthermore, Ontario professional engineers
have gained greater recognition within a world of technology without boundaries and with instant communications.
This Experience Requirements Guide aims to assist engineering graduates, their supervisors, referees, and employers gain an
understanding of the quality-based requirements for licensing
associated with these standards. The profession relies on individuals and firms that provide the experience opportunities to
engineering graduates and act as referees in the licensure process.
Indeed, this Experience Requirements Guide has as much significance for the sponsors of licence applicants, their employers and the
applicants themselves. The suitability of an applicants experience
for licensure is assessed against five quality-based experience criteria
that specifically define acceptable engineering experience and are
described in Section 2.2 of this Experience Requirements Guide.
They are:
Application of Theory;
Practical Experience;
Management of Engineering;
Communication Skills;
Social Implications of Engineering.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate that the
engineering experience requirements have been met to the satisfaction of the association.
This Experience Requirements Guide refers only to the engineering experience requirements for the professional engineer licence.
For information concerning satisfying other requirements, such as
those for a Certificate of Authorization for those offering engineering
services to the public, please contact PEO.

Applicants for a professional

engineer licence

a re required to demonstrate 48 months of verifiable

acceptable engineering experience gained following

a re eligible to receive credit of up to 12 months of

pregraduation experience toward the 48 months
of required experience;

 ormally receive credit for the successful completion

of postgraduate engineering degree(s) from a PEOrecognized university;

 ust acquire at least 12 months of acceptable engineering

experience in a Canadian jurisdiction, under a licensed
professional engineer (P.Eng.). This experience must be
in addition to that obtained at the pregraduation stage
and/or toward a postgraduate degree.

2. PEOs Engineering Experience Requirements

Applicants who satisfy the requirements described in this Experience Requirements Guide will have confirmed that they have
the ability to exercise sound engineering judgment, function on
multidisciplinary teams, and communicate effectively in the work
environment and with society at large. The experience that has
been acquired, however, should be considered simply a first step
in the lifelong process of continued learning, to ensure continuing
competence as a professional engineer is maintained.
2.1 Internship
The period of supervised engineering experience serves as an internship for individuals who have the necessary academic qualifications to apply for a professional engineer licence. During this
period, such individuals will benefit by being enrolled as engineering
interns (please refer to section 4 of this Guide) with PEO, and
participating in opportunities for their professional development.
The profession, as represented by practising professional engineers
and their employers, supports prospective professional engineers
by providing them with the opportunity to enter full professional
practice, all the while maintaining professional responsibility and
safeguarding the public interest.
PEO examines the nature, quality, duration and currency of each
applicants experience with one or more employers, and evaluates
this experience against prescribed criteria. Individuals and firms are

Guide to the Required Experience for Licensing as a Professional Engineer in Ontario 5

expected to provide experience opportunities, act as referees in the

licensing process, or serve as mentors where required.
Engineering experience should be compatible with the applicants particular area of academic qualification. If there is incompatibility between the academic and experience qualifications (for
example, a mechanical engineering graduate whose experience has
been acquired working mainly in a civil engineering domain),
additional experience, perhaps complemented by relevant studies,
will be required.
2.2 Criteria for Acceptable Engineering Experience
Experience is a major component in forming the engineering
graduate on his or her way to achieving licensing as a professional engineer. The responsibility of providing the appropriate
environment, opportunity, range and progression of activities to
meet the experience criteria rests with the firms that provide the
working environment and the individuals who provide supervision during the internship period.
Two mandatory components of acceptable engineering experienceapplication of theory and practical experiencemust be
demonstrated over a substantial part (but not necessarily all) of
the internship period. They must be supplemented by exposure to,
or experience in, the broad areas of management of engineering,
communication skills and the social implications of engineering.
Without at least some appropriate exposure to each of these other
components, an applicant will be ineligible for licensing.
2.2.1 Application of Theory

Skilful application of theory is the hallmark of quality engineering

work. Experience must therefore include meaningful participation
in at least one aspect of the following applications of theory:
analysis, including scope and operating conditions, performance
assessment, safety and environmental issues, technology assessment, economic assessment, reliability analysis;
design and synthesis, including functionality or product specification, component selection, integration of components and
sub-systems into larger systems, reliability and maintenance
factors, environmental and societal implications of the product
or process, quality improvements;
testing methods, including devising testing methodology and
techniques, verifying functional specifications, new product or
technology commissioning and assessment;
implementation methods, including applying technology,
engineering cost studies, optimization techniques, process flow
and time studies, cost/benefit analysis, safety and environmental
issues and recommendations, maintenance and replacement
2.2.2 Practical Experience

Practical experience provides applicants with an appreciation of the

fundamental roles of function, time, cost, reliability, reparability,
safety and environmental impact in their work. Practical experience
should include such components as:
the function of components as part of the larger system, including,

for example, opportunities to experience the merits of reliability,

the role of computer software, or the relationship of the end product to the equipment and to the equipment control systems;
opportunities to experience and understand the limitations of
practical engineering and related human systems in achieving
desired goals, including, for example, limitations of production
methods, manufacturing tolerances, operating and maintenance
philosophies, ergonomics;
opportunities to experience the significance of time in the engineering process, including difficulties of work flow, scheduling,
equipment wear out, corrosion rates and replacement scheduling;
opportunities to acquire knowledge and understanding of codes,
standards, regulations and laws that govern applicable engineering activities.
2.2.3 Management of Engineering

Management of engineering projects includes supervising staff,

managing projects, being exposed generally to an engineering
business environment, and managing technology from a societal
perspective. Acceptable management components involve:
planning, from identifying requirements, developing concepts,
evaluating alternative methods and assessing required resources,
to planning for the social ramifications;
scheduling, from establishing interactions and constraints,
developing activity or task schedules, allocating resources, and
assessing the impact of delays, to determining and assessing
projects interactions with other projects and the marketplace;
budgeting, from developing conceptual and detailed budgets
identifying labour, materials and overhead, to assessing risk of
cost escalation, and reviewing budgets in light of change;
supervision, including leadership and professional conduct,
organizing human resources, motivating teams, and managing
project control, requiring understanding of the elements of a
greater whole, coordinating phases of project work, and monitoring expenditures and schedules and taking corrective action;
risk assessment, relating to operating equipment and system performance, technological risk, product performance, and social
and environmental impacts.
2.2.4 Communication Skills

An opportunity to develop communication skills is an important

experience requirement. This applies to all areas of the work environment, including communication with supervisors, co-workers,
government regulators, clients and the general public. For an applicants experience in this area to be acceptable, the applicant should
have regular opportunities to participate in:
preparing written work, including day-to-day correspondence,
design briefs, and participating in preparing major reports;
making oral reports or presentations to co-workers, supervisors
and senior management, and to clients or regulatory authorities;
making presentations to the general public as such opportunities arise.

6 Guide to the Required Experience for Licensing as a Professional Engineer in Ontario

2.2.5 Social Implications of Engineering

As emphasized in many of the experience components associated

with the four quality-based criteria described above, the social
implications of engineering are an important aspect of engineering
practice. A professional engineering work environment is one that
heightens an applicants awareness of any social consequences, both
positive and negative, of an engineering activity undertaken. While
not every project or activity will have direct or immediate social
consequences, an applicants work experience should, nevertheless,
instill an awareness of:
the value or benefits of engineering works to the public;
the safeguards in place to protect the employees and the
public and mitigate adverse impacts;
the relationship between engineering activity and the public
at large;
the significant role of regulatory agencies on the practice of
Experience in this area should foster an awareness of an engineers professional responsibility to guard against conditions dangerous or threatening to life, limb, property, or the environment,
and to call such conditions to the attention of those responsible.
2.3 Length of Experience
All applicants for licensure will be required to demonstrate at least
four years of verifiable acceptable engineering experience before
licensing can be obtained. At least one year of all applicants experience must be acquired in a Canadian jurisdiction, under the direction of a professional engineer licensed in Canada.
2.4 Credits for Pregraduation Experience and
Postgraduate Studies
Applicants who have graduated from a Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB)-accredited engineering program may be
granted up to 12 months credit for experience acquired prior to
the completion of their undergraduate degree. The quality of the
pregraduation experience (co-op, sandwich year, summer engineering employment) will be measured against the five quality-based
criteria. Only pregraduation experience acquired after the applicant
has successfully completed one-half of the classroom component of
the undergraduate degree is eligible for credit. The balance must be
acquired after the degree is obtained.
If an applicant successfully completes a Confirmatory Examination Program, all engineering experience acquired from the
date the applicants engineering degree was awarded is eligible for
credit toward PEOs experience requirement. The quality of the
applicants pregraduation experience (co-op, sandwich year, summer engineering employment) will be measured against the five
quality-based criteria. Only pregraduation experience acquired
after the applicant has successfully completed the academic
equivalent of the Basic Studies and Group A sections of the applicable syllabus is eligible for up to 12 months of pregraduation
engineering experience credit. The balance must be acquired after
the degree is obtained.

If an applicant has satisfied PEOs academic requirements by

completing specific (non-confirmatory) examinations, only experience acquired after the applicant has successfully completed the
academic equivalent of the Basic Studies and Group A sections
of the applicable syllabus is eligible for the equivalent of up to
12 months of pregraduation engineering experience credit. The
balance must be acquired after all of the assigned examinations are
successfully completed.
In addition, applicants normally receive a one-year experience credit for successful completion of a postgraduate degree in
engineering in the same discipline as their undergraduate degree.
They may receive additional work experience credits for postgraduate degree(s)-related industrially applied research work following
an assessment against the five quality-based experience criteria.
The maximum credit for this research may not exceed 12 months
for a doctoral degree and six months for a masters degree. However, total experience credits awarded for postgraduate studies and
postgraduate degree(s)-related industrially applied research cannot
exceed the time spent achieving the postgraduate degrees. If the
postgraduate studies and postgraduate degree(s)-related industrially
applied research work are performed while concurrently holding
a paid engineering job outside the university, the total experience
credit for the university-related activities and the non-universityrelated engineering job cannot exceed the total number of months
elapsed. No additional experience credit is given for overtime work.
All applicants, including those whose experience has been
gained in other countries, must acquire at least 12 months experience in a Canadian jurisdiction, under the direction of a professional engineer licensed in Canada. This professional engineer
may act as a supervisor, monitor or collaborator with regard to
this experience. The purpose of this requirement is to safeguard
life, health, property, economic interests, the public welfare and
the environment by ensuring the applicant is qualified to practise
in Canada. The applicant must be knowledgeable of Canadian
conditions, notably with regard to legislation, standards, codes,
economy, climate, resources and technology
2.5 Roles of Referees and Supervisors
Individuals who serve as referees in support of a candidates application are a vital component of the licensing process. Three
references from individuals who are familiar with the details of the
applicants work are required. It is strongly recommended that two
of these references come from licensed professional engineers and
at least one should be from a person in authority at the applicants
place of employment or at a client firm. The applicants present
and past direct supervisors are the most suitable referees. If an
applicant is claiming experience from multiple work situations,
additional referees may be required.
Referees should provide information regarding the applicants
technical ability in the application of theoretical engineering principles, ability to clearly communicate orally and in writing, ability
to work on a team and to exercise professional judgment. Referees
should also attest whether the applicant is of good character, as demonstrated through such personal attributes as honesty and integrity.

Guide to the Required Experience for Licensing as a Professional Engineer in Ontario 7

All applicants must attain at least 12 months experience in a

Canadian jurisdiction. This experience should be acquired under
the supervision of one or more people legally authorized to engage
in the practice of professional engineering in Canada. PEO may
also recognize 12 months of experience in a Canadian jurisdiction
without direct supervision of a licence holder where:
1. A professional engineer is identified to monitor an engineering intern or provisional licence holder who is employed in an
organization that does not have a licence holder to supervise the
engineering intern or confirm to the suitability of the experience; or
2. The applicant is the holder of a temporary licence and has
gained 12 months of experience working with a professional
engineer who is acting as a collaborator.

At the end of the monitoring period, the monitor should be able

to answer, with assurance, questions about the applicants suitability for licensure.
5. Sign a declaration that:
i) he/she is a professional engineer who assumes responsibility
for the services within the practice of professional engineering that the engineering intern or provisional licence holder
is undertaking in accordance with section 12.3(b) of the
Professional Engineers Act;
ii) he/she will comply with PEOs professional standard related
to assuming responsibility for the services within the practice
of professional engineering once set out in regulations; and
iii) he/she will commit to being in the work location of the EIT
at least 30 hours each month.

2.5.1 Role of Supervisor as Referee

All parties (including the applicant, supervisor, senior officer(s) of

the applicants company and the P.Eng. monitor) should participate
in developing a monitoring agreement and must be clear about matters of liability and disclosing of confidential company information.
In a case where an applicant seeking a monitor is not registered
in PEOs EIT program, he or she must become registered as an engineering intern or provisional licence holder for the experience to
qualify. Participation in these programs provides greater assurance
that the candidate will remain on track for licensing.

Professional engineers who serve as supervisors and referees are

obliged to:
1. Provide guidance, encouragement and support to the applicant
during the internship period;
2. Provide the applicant with a working environment that offers
the opportunities to receive acceptable experience;
3. Be sufficiently familiar with the details of the applicants work,
either through direct supervision or ongoing direct contact, to
be able to attest that each portion of the work experience qualifies within the context of this Experience Requirements Guide.
2.5.2 Role of the Monitor as Referee

An engineering intern or provisional licence holder must be appropriately supervised, adequately assigned tasks and have the opportunity for regular reviews.
Where an engineering intern or provisional licence holder is
not being supervised by a professional engineer, the following
guidelines may assist the applicant in arranging for a professional
engineer monitor who may be acceptable to PEO.
Responsibilities of the intern or provisional licence holder
1. Demonstrate a desire for professional development.
2. Discuss the situation with his/her direct supervisor and seek assistance of the supervisor in arranging for a monitor.
3. Find a professional engineer willing to act as a monitor.
4. Develop a schedule/meeting arrangements with the monitor
with input from the supervisor.
5. Sign a declaration that includes that he/she will not practise
professional engineering unless a professional engineer has assumed responsibility in accordance with section 12.3(b) of the
Professional Engineers Act.
Responsibilities of monitor
1. Meet with the applicant as agreed.
2. Ensure the projects assigned to the intern are within a level that provides the intern with engineering experience sufficient for licensing.
3. Provide guidance to the intern as necessary.
4. Become familiar with the five quality-based criteria for licensing.

2.5.3 Role of Collaborator as Referee

It is a requirement that the holder of a temporary licence must

collaborate with a member in the practice of professional engineering with respect of work undertaken under the temporary licence.
The professional engineer collaborator is required to work with
the temporary licence holder to enhance the holders experience
and knowledge of codes, standards and practices while respecting
the professional expertise of the temporary licence holder.
By virtue of this arrangement, a temporary licence collaborator
may act as a referee for the 12 months of Canadian experience.
2.6 Role of the Employer
Providing a working environment that will enable engineering
graduates to enter full professional practice is in the best interests
of an employer. Employees seeking licensure are demonstrating to
their employers that they embrace the concept of professionalism,
and are willing to be bound by the professions Code of Ethics
requiring fairness and loyalty to employers, colleagues and clients.
As part of providing a working environment that is conducive to
licensure, employers are encouraged to instill an appreciation of the
need for prospective professional engineers to commit to lifelong
learning, to join technical societies, and to enroll as engineering
interns (Section 4). PEO provides them with periodic experience
assessments aimed to help ensure they achieve licensure within the
prescribed period.
Employers of prospective professional engineers should be aware
of PEOs licensing requirements, particularly the five quality-based
criteria against which the experience of their employees will be
evaluated (Section 2.2). Where an applicant is involved in sales

8 Guide to the Required Experience for Licensing as a Professional Engineer in Ontario

or marketing activities, construction management, supervision, or

maintenance, particular attention should be paid to Section 3 for
an interpretation of the experience requirements relative to these
The working environment that provides, to the
greatest extent possible, opportunities for licence applicants to
obtain appropriate and acceptable experience is one in which the
employer provides that:
the applicant has sufficient exposure to a significant majority of
the components described in Section 2.2 of this Guide;
progression of these activities and experiences will lead to the
applicants increased involvement and responsibility with time;
the applicant is directly supervised by, or at least has on-going
contact with, a professional engineer during the various components of the experience.

3. Interpretation of Engineering Experience

Requirements in Specific Areas of Practice
3.1 University Teaching
Applicants whose engineering experience consists of, either in whole or
in part, university teaching will be evaluated to ascertain if the teaching
experience complies with the criteria for acceptable engineering experience. To be considered acceptable engineering experience, the teaching
of upper-year engineering science courses, analysis or design courses
needs to be supplemented by such activities as providing specialized
advice to industry or conducting or supervising applied research.
However, the teaching of basic courses to students in the early years
of their degrees may not constitute acceptable engineering experience.
Also, teaching outside of an engineering faculty does not fall within
the definition of the practice of engineering. PEO will assess the actual
tasks performed by these applicants to delineate those portions of their
tasks that are acceptable engineering experience for licensing purposes.
3.2 Community College and Technical Institute
Under normal circumstances, community college and technical
institute teaching falls outside the definition of acceptable engineering experience. However, industry consultations and employment
undertaken during sabbaticals or of a part-time nature may be
considered, and will be evaluated against the experience criteria.
3.3 Sales and Marketing Activities
Sales and marketing activities can vary immensely from position
to position and can similarly vary from tasks that have little or no
requirement for engineering expertise, and thus little engineering
experience gained, to positions where a high level of engineering
competence is necessary. Applicants whose experience has been entirely or partially in the areas of sales and marketing will be evaluated carefully, having due regard to the actual tasks that have been
performed, the degree to which the mandatory experience component of application of theory has been achieved, and whether

the applicants work has required the supervision of a professional

engineer. In most circumstances, an applicant whose sole employment has been in the area of sales and marketing will require
employment for more than the minimum experience requirement
of four years, to obtain suitable engineering experience.
Consideration will be given to the following types of experience:
providing professional advice and guidance in the selection of
equipment, a product or service;
providing technical assistance during the application of a process
or installation of equipment;
conducting technical seminars for engineers as part of the marketing of specialized materials, equipment or processes;
design work associated with the marketing and sale of materials,
equipment or processes.
Suitable experience will not be gained from doing clerical tasks,
routine administration, or the simple act of persuading a customer
to purchase a product or service.
3.4 Military Experience
Graduates in the armed forces sometimes find themselves in line
positions that may provide command experience of great value to
personal development, but may sometimes also provide limited
acceptable engineering experience. The experience of these applicants will be treated the same as that of those working in civilian
It is important that applicants provide a complete description of
activities in order that they can be evaluated against the criteria for
acceptable engineering experience.
3.5 Project Management and Supervision
Applicants whose sole experience has been in the field of project
management or supervision will be evaluated carefully to ascertain
if the requirements for application of theory have been adequately
met. Under normal circumstances, if an applicants sole engineering experience has been in construction management, it is unlikely
that this experience criterion will have been satisfied. The applicant
may be advised to take a position for a period of time in a role that
involves application of theory, in order to supplement the experience
gained in a construction management or supervisory role.
Well-documented evidence of field experience in problem solving and development of sound engineering judgment may satisfy
the application of theory criterion.
Consideration will be given to the following types of experience:
scheduling and cost control of large, highly-technical projects,
utilizing sophisticated scheduling and control techniques;
technical supervision of the construction and installation of
materials and equipment where engineering analysis and/or
calculation are applied;
problem-solving and component design.
It is unlikely that suitable experience will be gained from duties
involving preparing bids not requiring engineering evaluation, or
from ordering materials.

Guide to the Required Experience for Licensing as a Professional Engineer in Ontario 9

3.6 Operations and Maintenance

With the increasing complexity of industrial processes, it is possible that there will be applicants whose entire employment, after
graduation, has been in the area of operations and maintenance.
Again, as in many of the classifications above, the applicant will be
carefully evaluated for application of theory.
An evaluation of the applicants actual work history, responsibilities, and the degree of involvement in analysis and design will be
performed. Work experience exclusively in the area of operations
and maintenance will frequently fall short of the requirements for
licensing and the applicant will be advised to obtain experience in a
position involving the application of theory.
Consideration will be given to the following types of
designing, developing, and upgrading product or production
systems specifications;
providing technical assistance during commissioning of
structures, equipment, processes or systems;
designing, developing, managing, and upgrading maintenance
developing, managing, and upgrading methodologies for production planning and scheduling, inventory management, process,
quality and cost control;
developing and upgrading production standards and analyzing
production problems;
analyzing equipment failures and applying non-destructive
evaluation methods.
Suitable experience will not be gained from duties involving
purchasing materials, equipment and supplies of a non-technical
nature, collective bargaining or the administration of collective
agreements, or from supervising workers on a day-to-day basis in
the performance of routine maintenance.
3.7 Quality Control and Quality Assurance
The quality engineering function is a very important one in many enterprises. It is very common for some applicants entire employment
after graduation to be in the area of quality control and quality assurance. Again, as in many of the classifications above, such applicants
will be carefully evaluated for application of engineering theory. An
evaluation of the applicants actual work history, responsibilities and
the degree of involvement in engineering analysis and design will be
performed. Work consisting exclusively of inspection or implementation of prescribed testing procedures with the sole purpose of finding
out whether a particular products dimensions/composition/performance meets a pre-established standard will frequently fall short of the
requirements for licensing and the applicant will be advised to obtain
experience involving the application of engineering theory to any
phase of the life cycle of systems, structures and/or components.
In general, consideration will be given to the following types of
developing plans and technical procedures to ensure that critical

attributes of a product are identified, monitored and controlled

during any phase of a product life cycle;
engineering analysis and investigation to find the root cause of
a deviation from engineering specifications, failure of a product, or any other deficiency identified during the life cycle of a
addressing an identified root cause for a non-conformance
by recommending/applying modifications to the engineering
design and/or fabrication process;
analysis of engineering design requirements of a product against
technical specifications and applicable regulations/codes/standards to assess the degree of compliance with such requirements.

4. The Engineering Intern (EIT) Program

If applicants have satisfied PEOs academic requirements and have
not yet completed the experience requirement, they should apply
for registration in the Engineering Intern (EIT) program. It:
helps applicants assess the acceptability of their experience. PEO
will review an engineering interns experience and advise of any
apparent deficiencies;
demonstrates to employers that the applicant is serious about being
licensed as a professional engineer;
allows the applicant to join a chapter and attend chapter meetings;
allows the applicant to participate in Engineers Canada
sponsored group insurance plans and the Ontario Society of
Professional Engineers (OSPE) Career Centre program;
entitles the applicant to receive PEOs award-winning journal
Engineering Dimensions and other publications.

5. Engineering Experience Record

The final section of this Experience Requirements Guide covers
the format that should be used when submitting your experience
record for evaluation by PEO. An applicant should prepare this
summary carefully, and complete it only after becoming familiar
with the contents of this Experience Requirements Guide. PEO
will then advise on areas in which the experience may not yet meet
the necessary criteria. Applicants who are being offered the opportunity to attend an Experience Requirements Committee interview
should follow the specific guideline provided at that time.
You must give a clear summary of your engineering experience in
a reverse chronological format by month and year. Include names
and addresses of all employers and a technical outline of the nature
of the duties and responsibilities associated with each position. Periods of absence from employment (travelling, unemployed) should
also be listed with dates.
Satisfactory engineering experience is that which complements
your academic engineering training. Activities should involve

10 Guide to the Required Experience for Licensing as a Professional Engineer in Ontario

engineering, design, analysis and synthesis, and should provide for

the development of responsibility, judgment, communication skills
and self-confidence.
The elements of satisfactory engineering experience for licensing
purposes are described in Section 2.2 of this guide. Substantial exposure to the first two, Application of Theory and Practical Experience, are mandatory while reasonable exposure to the remaining
three elements is sufficient. A complete lack of exposure to any one
of these elements may render the applicant unsuitable for licensure.
Some quality aspects to be assessed include: increasing work
complexity; increasing responsibility; the effect of employment
interruptions or changing assignments on the applicants retention
of, and ability to build upon, the experience gained; employment
responsibilities that are not of an engineering nature; whether the
engineering work performed was in the discipline of graduation;
and the degree of supervision by, and guidance of, professional
engineer(s). All of the above-noted factors are taken into account
when assessing the final Experience Record. The simple passage of
time is not sufficient.
To assist with PEOs review and help you ensure that your
Experience Record provides adequate information, it is suggested
that your Record be organized as follows:
For each position about which you are reporting give the dates
(day, month and year), position title, company name and a
paragraph describing your job responsibilities with an emphasis
on the engineering duties. Clearly indicate what you did, HOW
you did it and WHY you did it; and
Describe how the work experience obtained in that position
meets each of the five criteria (application of theory, practical
experience, management of engineering, communication skills
and social implications of engineering) paying particular attention to the application of theory.
Applicants are reminded that this Experience Record is not a
rsum for use in applying for employment. It is a record of your
engineering experience and as such must inform us as to what specific engineering work you have personally performed. Please avoid
the use of the third person. Terms such as manage, review or
direct are imprecise and should be avoided when discussing your
experience under the application of theory.
A guide to preparing your experience summary, with a template
that can be used, is available on PEOs website at
Questions concerning the engineering experience required for
licensing, or the licensing process, should be directed to PEOs
Licensing and Finance Department at (416) 224-1100 or (800)
339-3716, or write to us at PEO, 40 Sheppard Avenue West,
Suite 101, Toronto ON M2N 6K9. We can also be reached by
fax at (416) 224-8168 or (800) 268-0496.
Visit PEOs website for updates concerning PEOs experience
requirements. The URL is

Guide to the Required Experience for Licensing as a Professional Engineer in Ontario 11

Professional Engineers
40 Sheppard Avenue West, Suite 101
Toronto, ON M2N 6K9
Tel: 416-224-1100 or 800-339-3716
Enforcement Hotline: 416-224-9528, Ext. 1444

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