Writing Continuum Cluster Markers

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First Cluster of Markers (Prior To School)

Engages in writing-like behaviour using scribble or
strings of letters.
Attempts to write own name, e.g. one or two letters,
Holds a pencil or crayon effectively to draw and

Term 1


Term 3

Term 4

Year: __________

Second Cluster of Markers

Third Cluster of Markers
Writes first name correctly.
Clear attempt to write name (may not be correct
Writes a recognisable sentence, words may not be spelled correctly, some
evidence of sentence punctuation.
Writes at least one recognisable word (may not be
Draws on both personal and imaginary experiences to write texts.
spelled correctly) related to a story book that has
Shows understanding that their writing conveys meaning.
been read to them.
Writes from left to right and leaves spaces between Vocalises words to approximate spelling.
Begins to develop a simple writing vocabulary, including some high
frequency words and words of personal significance.
Attempts to form some letters.
Talks about intended writing before attempting to Uses simple noun groups and adverbial phrases when writing.
Begins to demonstrate understanding of pencil grip, paper placement
and posture.
Talks about own writing and drawing.
Experiments with computer mouse and keyboard. Experiments with creating simple texts on the computer.
Fourth Cluster of Markers (End of Kindergarten)
Fifth Cluster of Markers
Sixth Cluster of Markers (End of Year 1)
Writes more than one recognisable sentence, words
Selects vocabulary and phrases modelled by the
Creates longer texts supported by visual information, e.g. diagrams,
may not be spelled correctly, some evidence of
teacher during whole class planning to construct own maps, graphs on familiar topics for known audiences.
sentence punctuation.
Begins to use text features such as headings and paragraphs to organise
Writes to express one or two ideas.
Engages in the joint production of texts using a
Reads own text aloud to check that it makes sense to variety of mediums, e.g. podcasts, digital stories.
Demonstrates elementary proof-reading and editing, e.g. circles a word
Draws on personal experiences and topic
that does not look right.
Talks about the audience and purpose for texts being knowledge to create texts of about 4-5 sentences for Accurately spells an increasing number of high frequency and topic
a range of purposes.
Attempts to spell high frequency words that have
Rereads own text to clarify meaning and make
Uses simple punctuation, e.g. full stops, exclamation marks and question
been taught.
some changes to the text.
Produces some compound sentences using
Uses sentence punctuation and some simple
Writes a sequence of thoughts and ideas.
conjunctions to join ideas.
Experiments with using some complex sentences to enhance writing.
Uses simple pronoun references.
Accurately writes simple and compound sentences. Uses a refined pencil grip, correct posture and paper placement to write
Forms most letters correctly.
Uses a range of adjectives to provide more
more fluently and legibly.
Uses correct pencil grip, paper placement, posture
information about nouns.
Uses computer functions to edit texts.
and knows how to self-correct.
Writes lower/upper case letters of consistent size
With support, uses computer software programs to
and formation in NSW Foundation Style.
create simple texts.
Seventh Cluster of Markers
Eighth Cluster of Markers (End of Year 2)
Ninth Cluster of Markers (End of Year 3)
Plans texts by making notes, drawing diagrams,
Creates longer texts (at least one page) that
Constructs well-sequenced imaginative, informative and persuasive
planning sequence of events or information, etc.
achieve the intended purpose and are appropriate
texts using language appropriate to purpose and audience.
States purpose and intended audience before
for less familiar audiences.
Plans and organises ideas using headings, graphic organisers, questions
creating texts.
Experiments with producing/publishing texts using and mind maps.
Spells words with regular spelling patterns correctly an increasing range of mediums and modes.
Rereads texts during and after writing to check accuracy, consistency of
and makes plausible attempts at words with irregular Writing shows evidence of revision, editing and
meaning and fitness for purpose.
spelling patterns.
Structures texts using paragraphs composed of logically grouped
Applies spelling generalisations when writing.
Writes for a wider range of purposes, including to sentences that deal with a particular aspect of a topic.
Uses contraction apostrophes and capitals for proper explain and to express an opinion.
Uses a variety of spelling strategies to spell high frequency words
nouns as well as other simple punctuation.
Demonstrates a range of spelling strategies to spell correctly.
Writes short, connected and sequenced texts to
unfamiliar words.
Uses simple word processing functions such as spell check, grammar
narrate events or convey information.
Uses quotation marks for direct speech and
Includes different types of verbs using appropriate
commas in lists.
Chooses verbs, adverbials, nouns and adjectivals to express specific
tense and demonstrates subject-verb agreement.
Produces a range of grammatically accurate
ideas and details.
Uses a computer to produce texts with graphics.
Uses joined letters of consistent size.
Fluently writes letters of consistent size and
Experiments with creating simple multimodal texts using digital text
formation in NSW Foundation Style.
creation programs.
Tenth Cluster of Markers (End of Year 4)
Eleventh Cluster of Markers (End of Year 5)
Twelfth Cluster of Markers (End of Year 6)
Draws ideas from personal experiences, other texts Writes coherent, structured texts for a range of
Writes sustained texts for a wide range of purposes.
and research to create imaginative, informative and
purposes and contexts.
Makes choices about the type and form of texts, including combinations
persuasive texts for different audiences.
Deliberately structures language in a way that
of forms and types, to suit purpose and audience.
Shows awareness of the need to justify opinions with creates more cohesive imaginative, informative and Creates well planned, extended texts that include more complex and
supporting evidence.
persuasive texts.
detailed subject matter and language features such as nominalisation.
Locates resources and accesses information when
Shows awareness of accurately acknowledging
Critically reflects on effectiveness of own/others writing and seeks and
sources in relevant texts.
responds to feedback from others.
Rereads and revises text to check and improve
Refines writing in response to feedback.
Selects some sophisticated and subtle language features, literary
meaning, deleting unnecessary information or adding Selects appropriate language for purpose, e.g.
devices (e.g. irony, humour) and grammatical features (e.g. modality) to
new information.
descriptive, persuasive, topic, technical, evaluative, engage and influence an audience.
Creates meaningful sentences using a variety of
emotive, and colloquial.
Makes sentence level choices (e.g. short sentences to build tension;

sentence beginnings, including adverbial and

adjectival clauses to create complex sentences.
Uses sentence and simple punctuation correctly.
Uses morphemic, visual, phonic knowledge and
knowledge of prefixes and suffixes to spell and edit
Uses grammatical features such as pronouns,
conjunctions and connectives to accurately link ideas
and information.
Consolidates handwriting that is consistent in form.

Uses topic sentences and appropriately organises

main and subordinate ideas.
Experiments with using complex punctuation to
engage the reader and achieve purpose.
Applies knowledge of generalisations, meanings of
base words and word parts (prefixes and suffixes) to
spell new words.
Writes fluently with appropriate size, slope and
Uses word processing programs confidently and
accurately, integrating various functions.
Plans and designs more complex multi modal texts.

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complex sentences to add detail) using a variety of sentence beginnings

and dependent clauses.
Uses a range of punctuation to enhance meaning and clarity, including
the use of brackets to enclose additional information, quotation marks and
commas to indicate clauses.
Integrates a range of spelling strategies and conventions to accurately
spell most words, including words of many syllables.
Uses visuals to extend or clarify meaning, selects from a range of media
and experiments creatively with the production of multimodal texts for
audience impact.

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