NLRB Decision On MSEA vs. COSA
NLRB Decision On MSEA vs. COSA
NLRB Decision On MSEA vs. COSA
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Michigan State Employees Association d/b/a American Federation of State County 5 MI Loc Michigan State Employees Association, AFLCIO and
Central Office Staff Association. Cases 07CA
053541, 07CA060319, 07CA060320, 07CA
065560, 07CA065681, 07CA069475, 07CA
079382, and 07CA081500
August 4, 2016
On March 27, 2013, Administrative Law Judge
Keltner W. Locke issued the attached decision. The Respondent and the General Counsel filed exceptions, supporting briefs,1 and answering briefs; the General Counsel also filed a reply brief.2
On June 7, 2013, the Board granted the General Counsels motion
to strike an attachment to the Respondents brief.
On April 3, 2014, the Respondent filed a motion to reopen the record and a supporting brief, with several attachments, including an attachment that the Board had previously struck. In the motion, the Respondent requests that the Board vacate the judges decision and reopen
the record to afford it an opportunity to submit further evidence relating
to the credibility of witness Benny Poole, who testified at the hearing in
the instant matter on August 31, 2012. The General Counsel filed an
opposition. We deny the motion for the following reasons. First, the
Boards long-established policy is that it will not reopen a record so
that a party may attack a judges credibility resolutions. See Alta
Bates Summit Medical Center, 357 NLRB 259, 260 (2011), and cases
cited therein, enf. denied on other grounds 687 F.3d 424 (D.C. Cir.
2012). See also Labor Ready, Inc., 330 NLRB 1024, 1025 (2000)
(motion for reconsideration denied to the extent it was an attack on
credibility determinations where party sought to introduce new evidence that a key witness lied at the hearing). Unlike the present case, in
each of the cases cited by the dissent, the Board was faced with evidence that a witness lied about a material fact, i.e., a fact that establishes or refutes an essential element of an unfair labor practice or a defense. Thus, in Southdown Care Center, 308 NLRB 225, 225226
(1992), a witness provided the General Counsel with an affidavit recanting her testimony in the unfair labor practice hearing that characterized a group of employees (who were later disciplined for their conduct) as engaging in loud, disruptive, and frightening conduct and
blocking her wheelchair. In Inland Container Corp., 273 NLRB 1856,
1857 (1985), the witness testified at the unfair labor practice hearing
that the successor employer, which allegedly refused to hire union
applicants, used three innocuous criteria in hiring; in answering interrogatories in a federal proceeding, however, it added a fourth criterion:
that applicants be willing to work in nonunion workplace. In Lincoln
Center for the Performing Arts, Inc., 340 NLRB 1100, 1118 (2003),
calendars and weekly reports obtained through discovery in a separate
proceeding could have belied a witness testimony at the unfair labor
practice hearing that the employer called police to have union
leafletters arrested. Here, by contrast, the Respondent seeks to intro-
Inc., 330 NLRB 1100, 1103 (2000) (employees concerted attempts to influence selection of supervisors and
managers are protected where the employees terms and
conditions of employment are directly affected).
In addition, the rule at issue is unlawful under prong 3
of Lutheran Heritage Village because the Respondent
applied the directive to restrict Section 7 activity when it
suspended and discharged MSEA administrative assistant Nancy Durner. In finding that the Respondent unlawfully discharged Durner, the judge found that the Respondent relied on unilaterally implemented work rules,
not Moores October 8 directive. As explained below,
we find that the record shows that the Respondent also
relied on the October 8 directive.
Durner, who served as COSAs secretary-treasurer,
complained to MSEAs Board Member Christopher Little that President Moore was taking bargaining unit work
from employees, that MSEAs board members blindly
followed Moores recommendations, and that callers and
employees were experiencing frustration with the Respondents newly installed automated telephone system.9
Little reported Durners complaint to Moore.10 On May
27, at Moores request, Little submitted a written report
of Durners complaint. On June 2, Moore suspended
Durner pending an investigation. On July 5, Moore
summoned Durner to his office, questioned her about her
conversation with Little, and recommended that she resign. Durner refused. On July 12, Moore summoned
Durner back to the office and handed her a discharge
notice, enumerating Political Activity, Conduct Unbecoming; [and] Insubordination or Disregard for Authority as grounds for her discharge.
We agree with the judge that Durner was engaged in
protected concerted activity when she complained to
Little and that the Respondent unlawfully unilaterally
implemented the work rules it cited when it discharged
her. However, the record demonstrates that Moore relied
on both the work rules and his October 8 directive when
he discharged Durner. Moore testified that when Little
first told him about Durners complaint, Moore emailed
former MSEA officers to find out whether the Respondent had implemented its 2007 Staff Work Rules prohibiting political activity, conduct unbecoming, and insubordination, and that MSEAs past president Roberto
Mosqueda repliedincorrectlythat the rules were in
effect; indeed, they had not been implemented. Significantly, Moore testified that [t]he issue with Nancy
COSA had filed a grievance over Moores reassignment of some of
Durners work to volunteers.
Little also told Moore that Durner said the board members had no
balls. The judge credited Durners denial that she made that statement.
weekly report complied with Moores instruction to obtain advance approval for out-of-office work, but that
Moore had to start someplace in enforcing his preapproval requirement and that Moore genuinely believed
the work rules cited in the reprimand were in effect.
We disagree with the judge and find that the Respondent unlawfully reprimanded Westphal. As the judge
found, the General Counsel easily established the elements of the initial Wright Line burden. Specifically,
Westphal served as COSAs vice president, and she had
just represented employee (and former COSA officer)
Johnson at a disciplinary conference with Moore. Further, the record is replete with instances of Moores animus toward COSA: Moore unlawfully discharged
Durner on July 12, 2011, unlawfully terminated Mary
Groves recall rights on April 2, 2012, and unlawfully
suspended Johnson and terminated her effective June 13,
2012; all three employees were present or former COSA
officers. Moore also unlawfully delayed COSA President Clyde Mannings return to work from April 30 to
June 25, 2012.18 In addition, Moore failed to respond to
numerous COSA information requests and delayed responding to others, unilaterally eliminated unit work and
benefits, and engaged in overall bad-faith bargaining for
a new contract, all in violation of Section 8(a)(5) and
(1).19 All of that conduct predated Moores decision to
reprimand Westphal. Thus, the General Counsel established Westphals union activity, the Respondents
knowledge of that activity, and the Respondents animus
toward her and other employees union activity.
Contrary to the judge, we find that the Respondent
failed to show that it would have disciplined Westphal
even in the absence of her union activity. As to the Respondents contention that it disciplined Westphal because she failed to obtain Moores preapproval for offsite
work, Westphal credibly testified that at the end of each
week she put a copy of her weekly schedule in Voights
mailbox. Counsel for the General Counsel submitted
copies of 12 weekly schedules that Westphal submitted
at various times between February 2011 and April 2012.
Of those forms, nine show that Westphal performed outof-office prearbitration preparation, arbitrations, mediations, and meetings in such places as downtown Lansing,
Indeed, Westphal was unable to bring a COSA representative to
her disciplinary meeting with Moore because he had terminated the
other officers or otherwise prevented them from returning to work.
Member Miscimarra agrees with his colleagues affirmance of the
judges finding that the Respondent violated Sec. 8(a)(5) and (1) by
failing to bargain in good faith with COSA over a successor collectivebargaining agreement. In doing so, however, he relies on the Respondents cumulative bad-faith bargaining conduct, not on the judges
comments regarding the Respondents motives in failing to bargain in
good faith.
Disciplining one employee to justify or buttress the unlawful discipline of another employee is itself unlawful. See Fast Food Merchandisers, 291 NLRB 897, 898 (1988), Northern Telecom, Inc., 233
NLRB 1374, 1374 (1977), enfd. 618 F.2d 421 (6th Cir. 1980).
Member Miscimarra finds it unnecessary to reach or pass on
whether the Respondents reprimand of Westphal violated Sec. 8(a)(3)
of the Act because finding this violation does not materially affect the
remedy. When it reprimanded Westphal, the Respondent applied work
rules it had implemented without giving the Union prior notice and an
opportunity to request bargaining in violation of Sec. 8(a)(5). As a
remedy for that violation, we are ordering the Respondent, among other
things, to rescind any disciplinary actions taken against unit employees
for violations of the unilaterally implemented work rules. Thus, the
Respondent must rescind Westphals reprimand regardless of whether
the reprimand violated Sec. 8(a)(3).
A. Personnel Files
The record shows that on October 13, 2011, COSA
President Manning emailed Moore with a request to review past and current employees personnel files. In the
email, Manning informed Moore that he needed access to
the files to prepare for interest arbitration between the
Respondent and COSA, to determine whether the Respondent had changed position descriptions or added
signed copies of work rules to the files, and to check on
the employment status of Fidencio Gonzalez, a MSEA
member who had previously volunteered his services.
On October 25, Moore denied Mannings request, citing
privacy concerns, particularly with respect to former employees. Manning responded by limiting the request to
current employees personnel files; he clarified the request by stating that he wanted only to review the files,
not to copy them. Moore again denied the request, but
asked if Manning could provide contractual authorization
and indicated that if Manning obtained individual employees written authorizations to allow him to access
their personnel folders, Moore would honor those authorizations. Manning responded by citing article 33(B) of
the collective-bargaining agreement, which authorizes
COSAs president and the employees themselves to review personnel files. The Respondent never gave Manning access to the files.
An employers duty to bargain collectively and in
good-faith encompasses the duty to furnish, on request,
information relevant to and necessary for its employees
exclusive representative to perform its representational
functions. NLRB v. Acme Industrial Co., 385 U.S. 432,
435436 (1967); NLRB v. Truitt Mfg. Co., 351 U.S. 149,
151153 (1956). In Grand Rapids Press, 331 NLRB
296, 298 (2000), the Board found that a union has a right
to examine personnel files in connection with its representational duties even absent a collective-bargaining
agreement provision permitting access to personnel files.
Additionally, a party asserting that its failure to provide
information was based on privacy concerns must show
legitimate and substantial privacy interests and that it
sought to accommodate those interests. River Oak Center for Children, 345 NLRB 1335, 1336 (2005), enfd.
273 Fed.Appx. 677 (9th Cir. 2008).
Here, the Respondent unlawfully precluded COSA
from reviewing employees personnel files to obtain relevant information that it needed to prepare for interest
arbitration, plainly a representational function. In addition, the Respondent has failed to show that it was protecting a legitimate and substantial privacy request and it
sought to accommodate that request while safeguarding
out prejudice to her seniority or any other rights or privileges previously enjoyed.
WE WILL make Johnson whole for any loss of wages
and benefits she suffered as a result of our discrimination
against her, less any net interim earnings, plus interest.
WE WILL, within 14 days from the date of the Boards
order, remove from our files and records any reference to
the suspensions and discharges of Audrey Johnson and
Nancy Durner, and WE WILL, within 3 days thereafter,
advise them in writing that we have done so and that we
will not use these disciplinary actions against them in
any way.
WE WILL, within 14 days from the date of the Boards
order, restore the recall rights of employee Mary Groves.
WE WILL make Groves whole for any loss of wages
and benefits she suffered as a result of our unlawful termination of her recall rights, less any net interim earnings, plus interest.
WE WILL, within 14 days from the date of the Boards
order, remove from our records and files any reference to
our unlawful revocation of Mary Groves recall rights,
and WE WILL, within 3 days thereafter, notify her in writing that this has been done and that we will not use the
revocation of her recall rights against her in any way.
WE WILL make Clyde Manning whole for any loss of
wages and benefits he suffered as a result of our unlawful
refusal to allow him to return to work, less any net interim earnings, plus interest.
WE WILL, within 14 days from the date of the Boards
order, remove from our records and files any reference to
our unlawful refusal to allow Clyde Manning to return to
work from medical leave on April 30, 2012, and WE
WILL, within 3 days thereafter, notify him in writing that
this has been done and that our unlawful refusal to allow
him to return to work from medical leave will not be
used against him in any way.
WE WILL compensate Nancy Durner, Mary Groves,
Audrey Johnson, and Clyde Manning for the adverse tax
consequences, if any, of receiving lump-sum backpay
awards, and WE WILL file with the Regional Director for
Region 07, within 21 days of the date the amount of
backpay is fixed, either by agreement or Board order, a
report allocating the backpay awards to the appropriate
calendar year(s) for each employee.
WE WILL, within 14 days from the date of the Boards
order, rescind the disciplinary action taken against Rhonda Westphal and remove any reference to the disciplinary
action from her files, and WE WILL, within 3 days thereafter, notify her in writing that we have taken this action
and that the discipline will not be used against her in any
way in the future.
ber 28 and 29, 2011, respectively. The Charging Party amended both charges on December 27, 2011, and served copies of
the amended charges on the Respondent on about December
28, 2011.
On November 22, 2011, the Charging Party filed a charge
against the Respondent in Case 07CA069475, and served a
copy of it on the Respondent on about November 23, 2011.
The Charging Party amended this charge on January 31, 2012,
and served a copy of the amended charge on the Respondent on
about the same date.
On December 30, 2011, the Regional Director for Region 7,
on behalf of the Boards Acting General Counsel, issued an
order consolidating cases, third consolidated amended complaint and notice of hearing, in Cases 07CA053541, 07CA
060319, 07CA060320, 07CA065560, and 07CA065681.
The Respondent filed a timely answer.
On January 31, 2012, the Regional Director for Region 7, on
behalf of the Boards Acting General Counsel, issued an order
consolidating cases, fourth consolidated amended complaint,
and notice of hearing, in Cases 07CA053541, 07CA
060319, 07CA060320, 07CA065560, 07CA065681, and
07CA069475. The Respondent filed a timely answer.
On April 23, 2012, the Charging Party filed a charge against
the Respondent in Case 07CA079382 and served the Respondent with a copy of this charge on April 24, 2012.
On May 21, 2012, the Charging Party filed a charge against
Respondent in Case 07CA081500 and served Respondent
with a copy of it on May 22, 2012. The Charging Party amended this charge on June 20, 2012, and served the Respondent
with a copy of the amended charge on the same date. The
Charging Party amended this charge again on July 26, 2012,
and served Respondent with a copy of this second amended
charge on the same date.
On August 10, 2012, the Regional Director for Region 7, on
behalf of the Boards Acting General Counsel, issued an order
consolidating cases, fifth consolidated amended complaint and
notice of hearing, in Cases 07CA053541, 07CA060319,
07CA060320, 07CA065560, 07CA065681, 07CA
069475, 07CA079382, and 07CA081500. The Respondent filed a timely answer.
On August 27, 2012, a hearing opened before me in Lansing,
Michigan. On this date and on August 2831, September 24
28, October 2931, and November 8, 2012, the parties presented testimony and other evidence. After the hearing closed,
counsel submitted briefs, which I have carefully considered.
Employees of the State of Michigan have the right to be represented by a labor organization and engage in collective bargaining in accordance with rules of that States Civil Service
Commission. The Respondent is a union primarily representing
such employees. COSA is a much smaller labor organization
which represents the Respondents own employees.
In recent years, the State of Michigan has employed fewer
people and, consequently, Respondents membership has declined. With fewer members paying dues, Respondent has felt
the need to tighten its own budgetary belt. Obviously, the un-
ion representing its own employees seeks to minimize the impact on those it represents.
Because the Respondent is a membership organization, its
management may change as a result of elections, and precisely
such a change occurred in July 2010, when the MSEA general
assembly selected Kenneth Moore as the new president.
Moores election brought a different management approach.
He came into office determined to eliminate the laxity which he
perceived in the Respondents operations. In doing so, Moore
had to deal with the board of directors and with other officers,
independently elected, who did not always agree with him.
Therefore, management of the organization had a more political flavor than might be apparent in a typical corporation.
In essence, this case concerns whether Moores efforts to
change Respondent entailed the commission of unfair labor
practices, and whether they included elimination of COSA and
the bargaining unit it represented.
Admitted Allegations
In its answers, the Respondent admitted a number of allegations. Based on those admissions, I make the following findings:
The charges and amended charges were filed and served as
alleged in subparagraphs 1(a) through 1(p) of the order consolidating cases, Fifth consolidated amended complaint and notice
of hearing (the complaint) dated August 10, 2012. The Respondent did not admit that the various charges and amended
charges had been filed on the dates alleged but denied these
allegations for lack of knowledge. However, it did admit
receiving service of the charges and amended charges on or
about the dates alleged.
Moreover, it did not present evidence challenging any of the
alleged filing dates or otherwise disputing the dates shown on
the charges themselves. Under these circumstances, and considering the presumption of administrative regularity, I find that
the government has proven the allegations in complaint subparagraphs 1(a)(p).
Respondent has admitted, and I find, that it is an employer
engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6),
and (7) of the Act, as alleged in complaint paragraph 4, and that
it meets the Boards standards for the assertion of jurisdiction,
as alleged in complaint paragraph 3. Based on these findings, I
conclude that jurisdiction properly has been asserted in this
Because Respondent has admitted the allegations raised in
complaint paragraph 2, I find that its business is that of a labor
organization. However, the complaint does not allege that it
committed violations of Section 8(b) of the Act in its capacity
as a labor organization but rather that it has committed unfair
labor practices in its capacity as an employer, and thereby has
violated certain provisions of Section 8(a) of the Act.
Based on Respondents admissions, I find that its president,
Kenneth Moore, is its supervisor within the meaning of Section
2(11) of the Act and its agent within the meaning of Section
2(13) of the Act. Further, based on Respondents admissions, I
find that Donna Spenner occupied the position of Respondents
vice president until sometime in July 2012. Respondent has not
admitted that Spenner was its agent at any time.
which appears above in brackets, because without that preposition, the rule would suggest that only the Respondents president could present employee concerns, which clearly would be
nonsensical. Even with that added word, the intended meaning
is not entirely clear. However, I conclude that employees reasonably would understand the language to mean that they
should take their concerns directly to Respondents president,
rather than to someone else.
The one-sentence memo does not include an express prohibition of any conduct. Moreover, it does not threaten, or even
mention the possibility of disciplinary action for a violation of
the rule. Accordingly, I must conclude that employees reading
the rule would not reasonably construe it to prohibit Section 7
The second question asks whether the rule was promulgated
in response to union activity. The record includes evidence that
Respondents president, Moore bore animus towards COSA,
the union representing Respondents employees. Specifically,
Benny Poole Jr., who continued to serve as one of Respondents stewards at the time of the hearing, testified that on one
occasion Moore repeatedly said, [Y]ou have to help me get
Pooles testimony indicates that he understood get COSA
to mean get rid of COSA, and that he believed Moore made
this request because the Respondents collective-bargaining
agreement with COSA cost a substantial amount in pay and
benefits. Based on my observations of the witnesses, I credit
Pooles testimony rather than Moores denial. However, the
testimony falls short of establishing that Respondent promulgated the rule in question in response to union activity.
Based on Pooles credited testimony, I find that Moore made
the get COSA statement in April 2011, about 6 months after
issuance of the rule. Because Moore made the statement so
long after the promulgation of the rule, it does not shed light on
the motivation for the rule.
Moores explanation as to why he issued the October 8, 2010
memo suggests he was concerned that employees were not
coming to him to request vacation time but instead were going
to others, such as the Respondents vice president. At that
point, Moore had only been Respondents president for about 3
months. Certain other union officers, such as the vice president, were elected by the MSEA general assembly rather than
appointed by Moore, so they did not necessarily share his management philosophy and potentially could undermine his wishes; for example, by allowing employees to take leave when
Moore believed they were needed at work. It seems both plausible and in character that Moore would want a single manager,
himself, to make all decisions.
In these circumstances, I cannot conclude that Moore issued
the October 8, 2010 memo in response to union activity.
Therefore, I must answer the second question in the negative.
The General Counsel argues that even if the answer to the
first two questions is no, the answer to the third is yes.
Thus, the General Counsels brief states that Respondent applied this rule in an overbroad manner when it discharged [employee Nancy] Durner pursuant to this rule because she had a
discussion with an MSEA board member regarding a COSA
trative leave, ostensibly pending further investigation of incidents brought to my attention. As part of this investigation,
Respondent required Johnson to complete a series of questionnaires, including one dated February 9, 2012, which included
the following language, set forth below verbatim and without
grammatical corrections:
This investigatory questionnaire is in response to an open investigation of alleged misconduct and the results may result in
discipline, up to and including discharge. You are hereby
mandated to answer all of the questions within this investigatory questionnaire; its contents shall remain confidential and
is not to be discussed outside union representation. All answers/responses are to be submitted truthfully, openly and
acutely. A proven dishonest response, malice intent or breach
of confidentiality will result in immediate termination of employment.
This prohibition on discussing the contents of the questionnaire, which Respondent admits, clearly is overbroad and violates the Act. The qualifying words outside union representation fall short of redeeming the rule, which still prohibits a
wide range of communication protected by the Act.
The Board has made clear that employees have the statutory
right to discuss their work-related concerns with each other and
to voice them to third parties. See Kinder-Care Learning Centers, above. Here, the prohibition prevents the exercise of this
It is true that in rare circumstance, the Board has found lawful a rule enforcing confidentiality during an investigation. See
Caesars Palace, 336 NLRB 271 (2001) (employer did not
violate Section 8(a)(1) by maintaining and enforcing confidentiality rule during ongoing investigation of alleged illegal drug
activity, where confidentiality directive was given to each employee who was separately interviewed, the investigation involved allegations of a management coverup and possible management retaliation, as well as threats of violence, and the confidentiality rule was intended to ensure that witnesses were not
put in danger, evidence was not destroyed, and testimony was
not fabricated.) However, such circumstances are not present
here. Phoenix Transit System, 337 NLRB 510 (2002).
In Banner Estrella Medical Center, 358 NLRB 809 (2012),
the Board left no doubt that an employer bears the burden of
establishing that the particular circumstances have created legitimate reasons for a rule prohibiting disclosure. The Board stated, in part:
To justify a prohibition on employee discussion of ongoing investigations, an employer must show that it has a
legitimate business justification that outweighs employees
Section 7 rights. See Hyundai America Shipping Agency,
357 NLRB No. 80, slip op. at 15 (2011) (no legitimate and
substantial justification where employer routinely prohibited employees from discussing matters under investigation). In this case, the judge found that the Respondents
prohibition was justified by its concern with protecting the
integrity of its investigations. Contrary to the judge, we
find that the Respondents generalized concern with pro-
Moore rested his decision to discharge Durner on her supposed violation of a no political activity rule. Whether such a
rule actually was in effect, and whether Respondent had implemented it unilaterally, are separate issues which will be discussed later in this decision. However the 8(a)(3) and (4) discrimination allegations now under consideration may be resolved without deciding the validity of the rule itself. The rule
stated as follows:
Internal MSEA Political Activity is prohibited. No MSEA
employee except elected officers of MSEA shall engage directly or indirectly in internal MSEA political matters.
As used in this rule, internal MSEA political matters shall
1. The election of MSEA officers, members of the
Board of Directors (including both Regional Directors and
Alternate Regional Directors), Delegates and Alternate
Delegates to the General Assembly, Department Spokespersons, Alternate and/or Co Department Spokespersons
and Chief Stewards.
2. The formulation, lobbying for or voting on any
amendment to the MSEA Constitution or any other matter
properly before the General Assembly, the State Board of
Directors, the Executive Council or the officers of MSEA.
This rule is intended to prohibit all activities which are political in nature, including, nomination of candidates for MSEA
elected office (Candidates), lobbying or seeking support for
Candidates or potential Candidates; preparing campaign materials for Candidates; or any other activity intended to, or resulting in, influencing any internal MSEA political matter.
Violation of this rule shall be considered a serious matter and
shall result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
The Respondent has not claimed that Durner campaigned for
or assisted any candidate for MSEA office and the record
would not support such an assertion. Rather, if her conduct
violated any portion of the rule, it would have to be the prohibition on influencing any internal MSEA political matter.
Were I analyzing the facts using the framework which the
Board established in Wright Line, 251 NLRB 1083 (1980),
enfd. 662 F.2d 899 (1st Cir. 1981), cert. denied 455 U.S. 989
(1982), it might become necessary to consider whether assertion of the rule against political activities constituted a pretext.
However, I conclude that it is not appropriate to apply a Wright
Line analysis because Respondent discharged Durner for engaging in conduct which the Act clearly protects. Beverly
Health & Rehabilitation Services, 346 NLRB 1319 (2006). If
an employers rule prohibits conduct which the Act protects,
the rule must yield to the law.
Here, the Act protected Durners complaint to Little that the
Respondent was diminishing the bargaining units work, and
her voicing the concerns of bargaining unit members about
working conditions, including the automated telephone system,
every bit as much as it protected the grievance discussion in
Beverly Health & Rehabilitation Services. Accordingly, as the
Mr. Schutt refused to hear any explanation regarding my credit card charge because he saidhe threw his hands up and
said it was coming from the back. He didnt allow me the
opportunity to explain anything.
Q. All right. And isnt it true that you told Mr. Schutt
that you made the fuel purchase because you had mileage
reimbursement that was due from a previous travel voucher that the president had denied?
A. No, I didnt.
In resolving this credibility conflict, I consider two competing factors. On the one hand, Johnsons demeanor as a witness
particularly impressed me. On the other hand, a nearly contemporaneous document is consistent with Schutts version of
his January 18, 2012 meeting with Johnson. Shortly after his
exchange, Schutt sent Moore an email describing it. In this
email, Schutt stated: I specifically ask[ed] about the fuel purchase and she stated it was for mileage reimbursement because
Q. Right.
A. People were talking, and all of a sudden when I
talked to Frank Gonzales, he said theyre going to fire
them all. And he stated that the ones to take over would
be him, Ron, I think Schneider, Russ
Q. Russ who?
A. Waters. These are probably the ones taking over
COSA duties.
Q. Okay. Yesterday there was some mention by Respondent as to meetings going long. Do you know what
he could be referring to?
A. The board meeting, starting since Ken Moore was
president, they started lasting until 10:00, 11:00too
long, 10 hours or more. And sometimes hed postpone at
a given time until the next day on Sunday, which is unusual through the past years. It did not last that long. And the
reason for it is because the whole board meeting was
talked about COSA, all of COSA, and they couldnt get
the other business of the Union done in time because they
talked about COSA.
Poole testified emphatically and, based on my observations, I
believe he was a reliable witness. Additionally, when Gonzales
testified, some 4 weeks after Poole, he did not deny the statements attributed to him by Poole. Therefore, I find that Gonzales did make the going to fire them all statement, as Poole
Additionally, in the rather unusual circumstances of this
case, Respondent stood to gain by eliminating the jobs in the
COSA-represented bargaining unit. Its 2008-2011 collectivebargaining agreement with COSA included an article setting
ground rules and deadlines for bargaining together with the
following interest arbitration language:
Therefore, all Articles may be pursued to arbitration in
such manner to assure an award by AUGUST 1, the decision of the arbitrator will be final and binding on both parties.
Thus, the 20082011 contract provided that if the Respondent and COSA could not agree on a particular contract term for
the next contract, a neutral arbitrator would have the authority
to make a binding decision.
Such interest arbitration clauses, seldom seen in private sector collective-bargaining agreements, are more common in
contracts between public employees and their government employers. A strike by civil servants harms the public and is, in
many jurisdictions, unlawful. Interest arbitration serves as a
In the private sector, if an employers management concludes that it is in a good economic position to weather a strike,
it may take a tough stance at the bargaining table. Similarly, if
a private sector employer believes that a union will not strike, it
may decide not to make certain concessions, increasing the
possibility of a deadlock. If a lawful impasse does occur, the
employer then may implement its final offer.
However, a binding interest arbitration clause takes these options away from the employer. If the parties do reach impasse,
the employer cannot unilaterally implement the terms it prefers.
Instead, an arbitrator decides.
directives were put out there, the manipulation of the calendar, and all the elements that were part of the investigation revealed the complete disregard for authority.
Q. Okay, Im sorry. Manipulation of calendar, I dont
believe theres any evidence thats been shown anywhere
about manipulation of a calendar. What are you referring
A. I believe the report reflects that her calendar, her
Microsoft calendar was checked on the Tuesday of that
week, so it must have been when, November 14th, and
when it was checked in, the 19th, which was a Friday, it
showed thered been a change; thats manipulation of the
calendar from my perspective.
The manipulation of calendar allegation concerned the
electronic calendar Johnson kept on her computer for her personal use. Moore admitted that it was not used for timekeeping
purposes and the record does not show that Respondent used it
to track or assign employees work. Although Moore testified
that he also checked it, he did not point to any specific instance
of doing so and did not make any claim that he had been misled
by any entry in it.
As to Johnsons use of the credit card on a single occasion to
purchase gasoline, There is no procedure, theres no acceptable application of credit card use for personal fuel; thats theft.
It would have been understandable for Moore to characterize
this purchase as theft if Johnson also had submitted a voucher
claiming the mileage expense for reimbursement. Had she
done so, she would have been seeking a duplicate payment for
the same mileage. However, she did not seek such reimbursement. In these circumstances, Moores calling the charge for
gasoline theft is inexplicable.
As to the discharge letters reference to insubordination,
Moore pointed to an instance when Johnson had worked out of
the office without getting approved in advance, in accordance
with a directive he had issued.
In determining whether Johnsons discharge violated the
Act, I will follow the framework the Board set forth in Wright
Line, 251 NLRB 1083 (1980), enfd. 662 F.2d 899 (1st Cir.
1981), cert. denied 455 U.S. 989 (1982). Under Wright Line,
the General Counsel must establish four elements by a preponderance of the evidence. First, the General Counsel must show
the existence of activity protected by the Act. Second, the
General Counsel must prove that Respondent was aware that
the employees had engaged in such activity. Third, the General
Counsel must show that the alleged discriminatees suffered an
adverse employment action. Fourth, the General Counsel must
establish a link, or nexus, between the employees protected
activity and the adverse employment action. More specifically,
the General Counsel must show that the protected activities
were a substantial or motivating factor in the decision to take
the adverse employment action. See, e.g., North Hills Office
Services, Inc., 346 NLRB 1099 ( 2006).
In effect, proving these four elements creates a presumption
that the adverse employment action violated the Act. To rebut
such a presumption, the respondent must persuade by a preponderance of the evidence that the same action would have taken
place even in the absence of the protected conduct. Wright
Following the Wright Line framework, I find that the General Counsel has established all four of the initial elements.
Groves service on COSAs bargaining team involved face-toface dealings with Respondents management; clearly, Respondent knew about Groves union activities.
Moores April 2, 2012 letter to Groves mentions her service on
the COSA negotiating team. Termination of recall rights certainly is an adverse employment action.
Moreover, based on Pooles testimony concerning Moores
get COSA statements, I find a link between the protected
activity and the adverse employment action. Respondent therefore bears the burden of showing that it would have canceled
Groves recall rights in any event, even absent protected activity. It cannot meet this burden because its proffered explanation
is pretextual.
In sum, I find that Respondents termination of Groves recall rights violates Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act.
Alleged Refusal to Allow Clyde Manning to Return to Work
Clyde Manning has worked for Respondent since 1999 and
has been president of COSA for about a decade. On March 21,
2012, he had to be taken to the hospital for back pain. In a
March 29, 2012 email to Respondents president, Moore, Manning reported on his condition and noted that he hesitated to
return to work while still taking thought blurring pain medication.
Manning kept Respondent advised of his progress and, on
April 26, 2012, sent the following email to Moores assistant:
My physician has released me to return to work, without restrictions, effective Monday, April 30, 2012. I will
bring a copy of the release when I return.
Look forward to returning.
However, when Manning reported for work on April 30,
Moores assistant gave him a notice that he was being placed
on administrative leave. That same day, Manning sent Moore
an email asking for an explanation. More than 3 weeks later,
Moore replied. This May 25, 2012 letter stated, gave the following explanation:
As you are aware, per Article 17, Section D
Nothing herein shall prevent the Employer from referring
the employee to another physician or practitioner for a second opinion in the same field (doctor equal to or greater
than) for a second opinion, provided however, the Employer
and the Association mutually agree upon the selection of such
physician or practitioner, not to exceed two refusal by Association.
Under the provisions of the contract, cited in part
above, the Employer is exercising its right to obtain a second opinion.
(Emphasis in original.) However, it should be noted that, in
quoting this particular provision of the collective-bargaining
agreement, Moores letter omitted the first sentence, which
stated An employee receiving workers compensation or Long
Term Disability (LTD) benefits may elect to supplement such
benefits with the use of sick leave and annual leave credits to
the extent of the difference between the benefits and the employees regular salary or wage. The language quoted by
Moore thus did not pertain to Mannings situation. Moores
May 25, 2012 letter did not offer a reason for his decision to
have Manning undergo an evaluation.
Manning also received a notice, signed by Moore, informing
him that he was being sent for an examination in the occupational health services department of a Lansing hospital. It also
instructed him to complete forms authorizing the release of
medical information.
When Manning arrived at the hospital on June 7, 2012, he
discovered that the examination which Moore had requested
was a psychological examination. Finally, on June 23, 2012,
Respondent notified Manning that he could return to work on
June 25, 2012.
To explain its action, Respondent argues that Mannings reference to thought blurring pain medication raised concerns
about his mental functioning. Additionally, Moore testified
that he did not learn about Manning being sent for a psychological evaluation until after the fact:
I found out in a later date that there was another evaluation that was done. I happened to be in Los Angeles at
the time for a national convention when I was told that Mr.
Manning had endured an evaluation, a psychological evaluation. That had been raised to me prior to me departing
to L.A., and I indicated to Sparrow Health Services that I
had no intent of taking it to that level. I simply wanted to
make sure that Mr. Manning had no impairments whether
being on medication and is able to perform the duties of
this job.
To believe Moores testimony would require superhuman
credulity and a disregard of his modus operandi. Moores actions, such as his October 8, 2010 memo that employees should
bring all concerns directly to him, consistently reveal Moore to
be someone with a strong compulsion to be in control of all
aspects of Respondents operations. This compulsion manifested itself both in the changes Moore made in Respondents
operations, such as having all incoming mail delivered to a
locked box, and also in his refusal to provide information about
those changes, a matter which will be discussed further below.
Additionally, both Moores testimony and his actions, such as
drafting extensive investigative questionnaires, create the
impression of someone who pays exceedingly close attention to
detail. It would have been out of character for Moore to have
taken a hands off approach when it came to referring Manning for evaluation.
Moreover, in this instance as in others, Moore appeared uninterested in actually obtaining information from the employee.
Instead, he used correspondence in an almost ritualistic way. It
would have been quite easy, and much simpler, to ask Manning, when he returned to work, if he were still taking pain
medication. (Likewise, when Moore learned that Mary Groves
was interested in accepting the recall but had some questions, it
would have been easy to contact her and ask when she could
report for duty.) Moores lack of interest in obtaining information needed to achieve his ostensible objective demonstrates
that his actual goal differed from the asserted one.
grievances concerning the changes. Additionally, the bargaining unit member who had performed the mail sorting filed a
grievance about a month later.
On December 22, 2010, COSA submitted a written request
seeking information related to the pending grievances. Respondent did not reply to this request. On February 10, 2011,
COSA filed a second information request seeking the same
1) Any/all documents, records, notes, memoranda, policies, procedures, etc. which the Employer relied in making its determination to remove the duty of receiving, reviewing, recording and/or distributing all incoming mail
from the bargaining unit employee ,who has normally performed the work.
2) The Employers written rationale for disallowing
receipt. recording, distribution of incoming mail by the
Administrative Assistant
3) Who specifically, is currently retrieving, reviewing,
sorting and/or distributing incoming mail? The Employers written rationale for this assignment. A (written) description of the specific steps, tasks, duties. procedures
taken and/or followed by this person in receiving, reviewing, determining which pieces of mail warrant distribution
and which do not. recording, and/or distributing incoming
4) Confirmation that the Employer advised the U.S.
Postal Service to NO LONGER deliver mail to the Administrative Assistant but instead to ONLY use recently installed drop box. How was this request made? In writing? If so, please provide a copy of that communication.
If verbally . . . to whom was request made? Why was the
request made? Who, specifically, has access to the contents of the drop box?
5) Why does the Administrative Assistant not have access to all incoming mail/the contents of the drop box?
6) Is the Employer claiming that incoming mail contains confidential communications and thus the Administrative Assistant should no longer have access to such? If
so, what constitutes confidential mail? Have these confidential mailing only recently been received in the office? What specifically are these confidential mailings?
What criteria/factors were/are used to determine what mail
is confidential?
7) Any/all documents, including supervisory files,
counseling memorandums, performance evaluations, disciplinary actions, etc. concerning the work performance
of the Administrative Assistance, viz., Ms. Nancy Durner.
8) The Employers argument(s) and justifications(s) in
support of its decision to remove the complained of work
from the bargaining unit.
Respondent did not reply to this information request and has
not furnished the requested information.
The requested information relates directly to the grievances
which had been filed and to the preservation of work within the
bargaining unit. I conclude that it was necessary for COSA to
perform its representation function. Accordingly, Respondents
learned that it was telling callers that their telephone conversations might be recorded. Because the collective-bargaining
agreement allows COSA to use Respondents telephones and
email for union business, COSA submitted a February 16, 2011
information request to find out when Respondent began using
this recorded telephone greeting, whether Respondent monitored email communications and, if so, the dates when Respondent began doing so and the names of employees whose
email had been monitored, the Respondents rationale or business necessity for monitoring emails, and any written communications sent to employees advising them that their email
might be monitored.
Respondents president, Moore, replied by February 26,
2011 letter, but it failed to provide the date when the phone
system began advising callers that their conversations could be
monitored. Moreover, Respondent refused to provide information about whether it monitored email. Instead, Moores
letter stated that The computers and email domains
are the property of MSEA and the Employer is well within its
Managements. As of the date of the unfair labor practice hearing, Respondent hadnt provided the information.
Even if, as Moores letter stated, Respondent owned the
computers which the employees used and the domain, such ownership does not affect Respondents duty to
provide the requested information concerning the monitoring of
email communications. Presumably, any employer owns much
of the equipment used by its employees, but such ownership
does not allow it to refuse to provide relevant and necessary
information about working conditions involving its use.
Additionally, Respondents February 26, 2011 letter confuses the legal principles concerning when an employer may act
unilaterally with the principles about the duty to provide information. Even assuming for the sake of analysis that COSA had
waived its right to bargain about this condition of employment,
and that Respondent was within its Managements when it
installed the electronic equipment, a right to make a unilateral
change in a condition of employment doesnt affect either the
unions entitlement to information about the change or the employers duty to provide that information.
Nor does a management right to act unilaterally affect the
relevance or necessity of the requested information. Even if a
union had waived the right to bargain about such a change during the term of a contract, it might still wish to reopen the subject during negotiations for the next agreement. Moreover, a
union might well need the information to decide whether to file
a grievance.
The requested information concerned working conditions of
bargaining unit employees and Respondent has not rebutted the
presumption of relevance. Therefore, I find that Respondents
refusal to provide the information violated Section 8(a)(5) and
(1) of the Act.
Unilateral Change Allegations
Complaint paragraph 22 alleges that on about July 12, 2011,
Respondent unilaterally implemented certain work rules described by Respondent as Employee Work Rules. Complaint
paragraph 23 alleges that on about November 7, 2011, Respondent unilaterally eliminated its practice of providing cell
had the ring of truth. His personality differed from that of his
successor, Kenneth Moore, who demonstrated quite an inclination towards micromanagement and believed it was needed.
Dianda, on the other hand, found the prospect of work rules
distasteful. Indeed, it would seem that, in the 2010 MSEA
election, the pendulum swung from one extreme to the other.
Before Dianda became MSEA president in 2008, Roberto
Mosqueda held that office. His testimony is particularly significant because he originated a February 12, 2007 memo to all
members of the COSA-represented bargaining unit, which attached a copy of work rules. The memo stated:
In accordance with Article 36 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Michigan State Employees Association (MSEA) and the Central Office Staff Association (COSA), attached, please find your copy of
MSEAs Employee Work Rules.
At this time, I would like to thank you for your input
and let you know that I have taken all input into consideration.
These rules will be implemented beginning Monday,
February 26, 2007.
Respondent points to this memo as evidence that work rules
already were in effect at the time of the alleged unilateral
change on July 12, 2011. However, Mosquedas testimony
indicates that the work rules, although proposed, were not implemented:
I remember that Mr. Moore had called me and asked me
about the work rules, and I think I believe I told him that they
were implemented at the time, I then did some soul searching
and talked with my vice president and realized that I basically
misspoke at the time, that we had presented these work rules
to Clyde, who was ahead of the COSA unit at that time, and
we were back and forth, and I did, I believe I did send this out
to try to implement them, and then they said they needed
more time to look at them. I said okay, so I backed up off of
it and said, Well, well just talk.
Q. Okay.
A. It wasnt really noit wasnt nothing really to push
it through. And then what happened was is I ended up losing at the next GA, and from there I think they just fell by
the wayside.
Q. Okay, so is it your position that those were never
A. Well, let me put it this way, I know that we had
talked about implementing them and that, you know, I had
given them indications that I wanted to implement them,
but then COSA came to me and said theyd like to look at
them more, and I said, Okay, go ahead. So it wasnt like
I was a
Q. Okay.
A. its a now or never.
Q. Okay, so after they talked, they asked for more
time, did you ever come back and rediscuss the issue before you left office?
A. No, I dont think soI think we gotI got involved in GA and everything else that was getting prepared for that, and I really never did, no.
Q. And who succeeded you in office?
A. Scott Dianda.
The term GA refers to MSEAs General Assembly, at
which Dianda was elected to succeed Mosqueda. Thus, it appears that the pendulum swung from an MSEA president who
favored work rules, Mosqueda, to one who did not, Dianda, and
then back to one who did, Moore.
From the testimony of both Dianda and Mosqueda, which I
credit, I find that Mosqueda never implemented the proposed
work rules and Dianda did not want to do so. Therefore, I further conclude that no work rules were in effect on July 12,
2011. However, Moore may have believed they were in effect
because Mosqueda provided him erroneous information.
On the other hand, COSA learned that Respondent considered the rules to be in effect when Respondent cited them as
grounds for discharging Durner. Since the rules previously had
not been in force, Respondents reliance on them to discharge
an employee amounted to a unilateral implementation of the
The collective-bargaining agreement then in effect afforded
Respondent a limited right to implement some rules unilaterally
but required Respondent to present proposed work rules to
COSA within 10 days, to allow COSA to review and comment
on them. Respondent did not comply with this requirement,
perhaps because Moore may have believed that the work rules
already had been adopted.
Additionally, another article of the collective-bargaining
agreement provided that if the Employer exercises its right to
make changes which, to a substantial degree, adversely impact
the bargaining unit and/or its individual members, the modification and remedy of such resulting impact shall be subject to
collective bargaining. Therefore, I conclude that COSA did
not waive its right to bargain about the rule.
Further, I find that Respondent did not afford COSA notice
and an opportunity to bargain about the rule before Respondent
applied it to discharge Durner. Moreover, the fact that the rule
could result and indeed did result in the discharge of an employee leads me to conclude that it effected a material, substantial, and significant change in working conditions.
For these reasons, I conclude that Respondents announcement and application of the rule on July 12, 2011, violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act.
Change in Providing Cell Phones
Respondent has admitted the allegation, in complaint paragraph 23, that on about November 7, 2011, Respondent unilaterally eliminated its practice of providing cell phones or cell
phone subsidies to bargaining unit employees. However, it
denies that this practice was a mandatory subject of bargaining,
as alleged in complaint paragraph 25.
Respondents brief acknowledges that MSEA eliminated
the practice [of providing cell phones] as a cost-cutting measure, necessitated by the undisputed decline in dues income.
The brief then argues that the collective-bargaining agreement
never refers to cell phones as a benefit:
prior notice to the Charging Union. It denies the allegation or implication that bargaining was required with regard to the described actions, and denies that it denied an
opportunity to Respondent [sic] to bargain over the effects
of these actions. Moreover, the allegations in Paragraph
26 are not applicable to the allegations in Paragraph 24,
for the reason that Respondent denies that it unilaterally
removed prearbitration settlement work from the unit.
Stated another way, Respondent answers that it gave COSA
notice and an opportunity to bargain over the effects but not the
decision itself and that there was no duty to bargain over this
decision; further, because Respondent did not remove prearbitration settlement work from the bargaining unit, it follows
that it could not have failed to provide notice before doing so.
Thus, there is a factual dispute regarding what actually happened with respect to the work performed by employees in the
COSA-represented bargaining representatives. Did the Respondent remove pre-arbitration settlement work from the bargaining unit or not?
As a union representing employees of the State of Michigan,
the Respondent must decide which of these employees grievances should be taken to arbitration and which seem so unwinnable that it would not be worth the expense. A committee of
MSEA members, called the Litigation and Arbitration Committee, performs this function. However, if the committee decides
not to take a particular grievance to arbitration, the grievant can
appeal that decision to Respondents president.
In August 2010, a month after Moore took office as Respondents president, Fidencio Gonzales became chair of the
Litigation and Arbitration (or Lit-Arb) Committee. The record
suggests that Gonzales is allied with Moore in Respondents
internal politics, and thus shared Moores desire to make operations most efficient. It concerned Gonzales to hear that staff
members no longer were sending out letters to advise each
grievant whether the committee had decided to take the grievance to arbitration, so Gonzales began sending out such letters
In 2011, Respondent, in its capacity as the union representing state employees, negotiated a new collective-bargaining
agreement with the State of Michigan which changed the arbitration procedure. Previously, Respondent and the State had
obtained arbitrators through the American Arbitration Association, which charged fees for its services. The new agreement
established a procedure to use arbitrators on a panel maintained
by the Office of State Employer.
Respondent had an established practice of using its paid
staff, employees in the COSA-represented bargaining unit, to
represent the grievants both in arbitration hearings and at earlier
stages in the grievance procedure. In the most challenging
arbitration hearings, Respondent would retain a lawyer, and
COSA had not objected to its doing so. Even then, a labor
relations specialist from the COSA-represented bargaining unit
might also attend the arbitration to assist the attorney and provide the grievant with moral support (the term Moore had
used in describing Audrey Johnsons presence at such a hearing).
Labor Relations Specialist Rhonda Westphal credibly testified that in January 2012 she and other labor relations staff
members received a memo advising them that the American
Arbitration Association would no longer be used and directing
them to turn in all the current cases that had not yet been
scheduled for arbitration. Westphal estimated that pursuant to
this instruction, staff members turned in about 35 cases.
Previously, bargaining unit employees would receive case
assignments soon after the Litigation and Arbitration Committee decided that a grievance should go to arbitration. The number of such assignments diminished greatly, starting in January
2012, but this decrease was not proportional to the number of
cases being approved for arbitration. Westphal testified that
more than 70 cases had been approved for arbitration between
January and August 2012, but she had received only four such
case assignments in that period.
Respondents new collective-bargaining agreement with the
State of Michigan created a new procedure, called an Article 8
meeting, in which representatives would meet to work out a
settlement, if possible, to eliminate the need for arbitration.
Respondents president, Moore, and/or Gonzales, as chair of
the Litigation and Arbitration Committee, usually attended such
meetings, but a bargaining unit staff member did not.
Credited evidence establishes that the amount of prearbitration settlement work given to bargaining unit employees
decreased dramatically beginning in January 2012. Although
elected MSEA officers, such as the president, always could
meet with State of Michigan management concerning a grievance, the regular attendance of Moore and Gonzales at the prearbitration meetings constituted a new development.
Respondents brief discusses the new Article 8 meeting
process and then argues that to read these processes as impinging on COSAs exclusive bargaining unit work, or constituting
a unilateral change, is grossly inaccurate. It would subordinate
MSEAs obligation to bargain with the State of Michigan to an
alleged (and nonexistent) obligation to give unnecessary work
to COSA.
Notwithstanding this argument, I conclude that Respondent
did make a unilateral change and, in fact, did so precisely to
remove work from the bargaining unit because Respondent did
not believe bargaining unit employees were doing it well. This
conclusion is consistent with a statement made by Respondents counsel during the hearing while arguing for admission of
a proffered exhibit:
[T]heres been a claim in the complaint that the Respondent
has eroded the bargaining unit or taken away bargaining unit
work by taking away selection of arbitrators and turning them
over to an arbitration panel. This document is relevant towards explaining why that decision was made and why we
think it was justified.
Its also an example of something thats already been
touched upon in this hearing, but youre going to hear a lot
more testimony about it, and that is the repeated difficulty
that MSEAs membership and leadership has had in getting information out of its paid staff. Now, thats been an
issue so far for instance in the claims that MSEA was very
dilatory in making bargaining proposals. Were going to
on borrowed time, it saw no need to take its bargaining obligation seriously. Likewise, it appears likely that Moore believed
that COSA soon would be a thing of the past and therefore saw
little need to suppress his contempt.
In sum, I conclude that Respondent engaged in a pattern of
bad-faith bargaining, as alleged in the complaint, and thereby
violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act.
To remedy the harm caused by the violations found herein,
the Respondent must post the notice to employees attached as
appendix and take affirmative actions. These actions include
offering immediate and full reinstatement to employee Audrey
Johnson and making employees Audrey Johnson and Nancy
Durner (who previously was reinstated) whole, with interest,
for all losses they suffered because Respondent unlawfully
discharged them.
Respondent also must restore the recall rights of Mary
Groves and make her whole, with interest, for all losses she
suffered because Respondent unlawfully terminated those
rights. Similarly, Respondent must make employee Ralph
Manning whole, with interest, for all losses he suffered because
Respondent refused to permit him to return to work after he
became able to do so.
Respondent also must make all affected employees whole,
with interest, for all losses they suffered because of Respondents unlawful unilateral changes: Discontinuing the practice
of providing bargaining unit employees with cell phones or cell
phone subsidies and transferring pre-arbitration settlement
work out of the bargaining unit.
Moreover, in addition to rescinding its unilaterally imposed
work rules, Respondent must rescind any discipline issued under those rules, and make all such disciplined employees whole,
with interest, for all losses they suffered because of the discipline.
The make-whole remedy described herein should be in accordance with appropriate Board formulae and practice which
would, of course, take into account interim earnings and interim
1. The Respondent, Michigan State Employees Association,
is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of
Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act.
2. The Charging Party, Central Office Staff Association, is a
labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the
3. The following employees of Respondent constitute a unit
appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the
meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act:
All full-time, part-time and temporary employees who are
employed by Respondent for more than 30 calendar days, excluding the assistant to the president, guards, and supervisors
as defined by the Act.
4. At all material times, the Charging Party has been the exclusive collective-bargaining representative, within the meaning of Section 9(a) of the Act, of the appropriate unit described
above in paragraph 3.
5. Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by requiring an employee to complete a questionnaire that contained
language which prohibited disclosing to other employees the
contents therein and which threatened her with immediate discharge for a breach of confidentiality regarding the questionnaire.
6. Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by
the following conduct: Suspending and thereafter discharging
employee Nancy Durner; placing on administrative leave and
thereafter discharging employee Audrey Johnson; terminating
the recall rights of laid-off employee Mary Groves; and refusing to authorize employee Clyde Manning to return to work.
7. Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by
repeated refusals to provide the Charging Party with requested
information which was necessary for and relevant to the Charging Partys performance of its functions as exclusive bargaining
representative, and by unreasonable delay in the furnishing of
such information, as discussed in this decision.
8. Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by
unilaterally implementing work rules, by unilaterally eliminating its practice of providing cell phones or cell phone subsidies
to employees in the bargaining unit, and by removing prearbitration settlement work from the bargaining unit, without
affording the Charging Party notice and an opportunity to bargain about the changes and their effects, as discussed in this
9. Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by
failing and refusing to bargain collectively and in good faith
with the exclusive representative of its employees by a pattern
of conduct described in this decision.
10. Except as set forth above, Respondent did not violate the
Act in any manner alleged in the complaint.
On these findings of fact and conclusions of law and on the
entire record in this case, I issue the following recommended1
The Respondent, Michigan State Employees Association,
Lansing, Michigan, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns,
1. Cease and desist from
(a) Interfering with, restraining, and coercing its employees
in the exercise of their Section 7 rights by prohibiting them
from disclosing the contents of disciplinary documents including investigative questionnaires.
(b) Suspending, placing on administrative leave, discharging,
or otherwise disciplining employees because they engaged in
union activities or other concerted activities protected by the
(c) Refusing to allow an employee to return to work because
the employee was a union officer, had engaged in union activities or in other concerted activities protected by the Act.
(d) Failing and refusing to furnish, or unreasonably delaying
in furnishing, information requested by the exclusive repre1
If no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Boards
Rules and Regulations, these findings, conclusions, and recommended
Order shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules, be adopted by the
Board, and all objections to them shall be deemed waived for all purposes.