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SeMS ExSumm March2011

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Security Management

Systems (SEMS)
for Air Transport

Executive Summary

March 2011

Security Management Systems (SeMS) for

Air Transport Operators
Executive Summary
Introduction and Scope
In early 2002, the Security Committee requested IATAs help to draft the Security
Management document incorporating both aviation security and corporate security,
the recommended security structure for an airline and guidance on the management
of security.
Security management system was not designed to impose a complete overhaul of
ones security operations rather it was created to demonstrate what should be aimed
for. If current policies and practices within an organization provide a satisfactory
outcome, there may not be any need to change or modify the approach.
This executive summary should be used in conjunction with the IATA Security
Manual and other tools which provide detailed guidance on the implementation of the
various aspects outlined in this document.
Security management systems (SeMS), by integrating security awareness
throughout the organization and verifying compliance through quality assurance, can
be a significant force in achieving the highest possible level of regulatory compliance.
Specific security practices, training and audit functions within a security management
system should all be built so as to ensure compliance with applicable national
aviation security programmes.
This executive summary is to provide the reader with an overview of security
management systems, the elements required to obtain and implement such a
system, and a model implementation guide.

Why Security Management Systems?

The aviation industry remains a legitimate target in the eyes of terrorists. The focus of
terrorist attacks has changed since 2001 as now casualties are a central part of
terrorist operations rather than simply be collateral damage.
Since 2001, every organization involved in air transportation has re-assessed and is
still re-assessing their security measures.
The ultimate goal of the Security Management System is to serve as a guideline for
IATAs member airlines in helping them build effective aviation security measures. A
standardized structure, such as SeMS, provides better and more uniform security
standards throughout the airline industry. Through implementation of SeMS an
effective and focused threat assessment should contribute to making security
practices proactive instead of relying on more traditional reactive procedures.

What is a Security Management System?

A Security Management System is an element of the corporate management
responsibility which sets out a companys security policies and its intent to manage
security as an integral part of its overall business. It is important to keep in mind
however that each airline must implement the system that works best in their specific
situation there is no one-size-fits-all system.
A SeMS is a businesslike approach to security. As with any business plan, goals are
set, levels of authority are established and so on.
Ultimately, SeMS becomes woven into the fabric of the organization and becomes
part of its culture.

Core Elements
In order to have and effective Security Management System, it should include the
following Core Elements and sub-elements. As there is no one-size-fits-all, each
airline may choose to group or break down these elements and sub-elements in
different ways, in accordance with their own security management system structure,
but the each objective of the elements are met:
Senior Management Commitment
Head of Security
Security Department Organization
Resource Management
Staff Selection
Staff Evaluation
Security Training Program
Security Awareness
Management of Service Providers
Threat Assessment & Risk Management
Identification of threats and risks
Threat Assessment
Risk Assessment
Management of Emergency & Incidents (Resilience)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
Crisis & Contingency Management Plans
Security Incident Management
Quality Control & Quality Assurance
Corrective Action mechanism
External Service Providers
Aviation Security Program
Document Procedures

Understanding the Core Elements

Senior Management Commitment

No matter the size, type or complexity of operations, senior management of the

parent company as well as the top executive of the organization play a major role in
determining a companys commitment to security. General directions and visions
should come from the senior management at the highest level. They are responsible
for setting the security standards and promoting security within the organization.
Based on the size, structure and complexity of an operators organization, the
position of head of security is filled by a management individual that has
responsibilities that are in addition to security. However the organization is
structured, it is important that one management official is the designated focal point
for security management on behalf of the operator.
The head of security is generally assigned responsibility for:

Formulation of an overall security policy for senior management acceptance;

The development and promulgation of security standards and practices to

provide line management with direction and control;

Establishing a clear order of command in the security structure;
Ensuring effectiveness of security program by regular evaluation and inspection;
Effective liaison with governments, authorities and law enforcement agencies;
Ensuring an effective risk analysis, threat assessment and response capability;
Initiating special security measures during periods/instances of increased threat;

A clear organizational chart of the Security department should be drafted where all
necessary responsibilities have a dedicated point of contact. The organizational chart
should be proportionate to the size of the company.
Communication of security information, as appropriate, is a very important part of the
senior management commitment.
Resource Management

Procedures should be put in place to hire competent staff and ensure that they have
been cleared by background checks as outlined in National legislation, and the air
carrier security program. An efficient training program should be developed for staff
involved in implementation of security measures. Effective and measurable initial and
recurrent training and testing/evaluation modalities should be developed. Security
awareness training session should be attended by all employees, periodically, in
order to promote a security culture.
Performance appraisals should be conducted on a regular basis to ensure that all
employees perform their functions adequately in a cooperative and constructive
manner benefiting both the employer and the employee.
Procedures should also be put in place for service providers regarding selection,
security training and awareness.

Threat Assessment and Risk Management

Air carriers should identify the threats and risks their organization is exposed to as a
first step. The nature of the threats will then be evaluated as well as their likelihood
and consequence which could render the organization at risk. The risk assessment
is then used to address risks consistently and transparently; to protect staff, assets
and brand; to prioritize resource allocation; and to serve as an early warning system.
The assessment of risk also enables the operator to measure security performance
against measures contained in the airline and airport security programs.
Some States offer assistance in the threat assessment process. State mandates
should have priority when they are in place.
IATA has developed a Risk Assessment Template which IATA member airlines could
refer to (available by IATA upon request).
Management of Emergency and Incidents (Resilience)

Public confidence is imperative in commercial air transportation. Although

statistically, air travel is the safest mode of transportation, the fact is that air travel
accidents usually involve massive loss of life, human suffering and hull loss which
contribute to damaging public confidence for the industry as a whole. Failure to act
accordingly during, and even after an incident will directly impact the affected
Air carriers should ensure that procedures are in place to handle security-related
incidents and avoid operations being disrupted from them. Security-related incidents
should be reported, investigated and managed.
Standards should be in place to ensure that the Operator has suitable crisis and
contingency management plans in place, which are implemented and tested, which
address any breaches of security likely to result in an act of unlawful interference in
relation to its operations, the response to changes in threat level or any other
relevant disruption.
For security incidents likely to result in an act of unlawful interference or expose the
operator to vulnerability, a timely and comprehensive investigation is necessary.
Quality Control and Quality Assurance

Quality control and quality assurance are undertaken in order to review and assess
procedures and processes, in place within the organization, are with desired security
The organization shall have a process in place for conducting periodic or eventdriven security surveys which identify the needs and weaknesses of the Security
Program, including operational security procedures and infrastructure.
The organization shall also have a quality assurance program that provides for the
auditing and evaluation of the management system and operational security
functions at planned intervals to ensure it is complying with the Security Program,
achieving the Security Program objectives; and properly applying security standards.

Many options exist for quality control measures, both internally and externally, each
with their advantages and disadvantages.
Mechanisms shall also be put in place for addressing the findings under quality
control and quality assurance which describe the necessary actions and time frames
towards addressing the findings.
The organization must ensure that their external service providers carry out functions
and responsibilities consistent with contractual agreements and host state regulatory
Aviation Security Program

The air carrier should have a formal Security Program that includes the requirements
of the civil aviation security program of the State, the applicable requirements of
other states where operations are conducted and the security policy and standards of
the Operator. The Security Program is required in order to:

Protect customers, personnel and assets from any act of unlawful

interference or related unlawful act;
Provide directions on security measures required;
Comply with regulatory requirements

The Security Program provides a structure for security policy and awareness, which
flows from senior management to all levels of operational personnel within the
organization. The documented Security Program, as a minimum, specifies or makes
reference to other documents that specify:

Airline security policy and objectives;

Means for achieving these objectives including establishing a security
Structure and responsibilities of the security department;
Security responsibilities of operational personnel, handling agents and other
Minimum and contingency protective measures;
Risk analysis, threat assessment and counter measures.

In addition to stating responsibilities of the designated head of security, the Security

Program specifies responsibilities of other personnel that perform operational
security functions within the organization.
Security issues which are important to air carriers, but not necessarily directly related
to compliance of the Security Program, may also be included in the SeMS1. This
further reiterates that SeMS is designed to be an all encompassing security
document that promotes security awareness. It is not meant however to replace the
Security Program.

Such issues can be: Disruptive passengers, inadmissible passengers, stowaways, protection of layover
crew, theft, fraud and insider crime, building and infrastructure security, cooperation with airport
security and other AVSEC regulatory agencies, aviation security roles of station managers, etc.

Understanding a Security Management System

When establishing a security management system, organizations should build on
existing procedures and practices rather than starting from an empty sheet or
rather starting all over. The adoption of best practice standards must be the goal in
the process.
A security management system is company wide, established at the corporate level,
the SeMS should then devolve to individual departments; Flight operations, in-flight,
baggage services, passenger service, airport services, and all other departments
whose activities contribute to security need to develop their own procedures under
the umbrella of security management systems.
Each air carrier is responsible for the development of security procedures and
operational bulletins based the core elements, taking into account their own
operational environment resources available and regulatory framework of their State
of Registry and State(s) of operation.
If some security operations are outsourced, contract should identify the need for
equivalent, auditable SeMS in the supplier.

Implementing a Security Management System A Model Plan

When an organization decides that it will implement a security management system
in their operations, it is essential that a plan is drawn out.
The implementation of SeMS is complex and involves a great number of entities
within and outside of the organization. It is paramount that all affected parties are
aware of what is expected of them, who they will need to co-operate with and at
which moment in the project. Clearly the size and scope is very dependent many
variables including the size of the organization, the current level of integration,
regulatory requirements, etc.
A model SEMS implementation plan is included in Table 1 below. Only high level
activities are mentioned. When an organization decides to implement SEMS, it will
need to identify each individual task, under all the main project components, detail
them and provide a timeline. Multiple tasks can and should be undertaken at the
same time. However, some tasks will be dependent on the outcomes of other. For
large organizations the number of line items can easily be in the hundreds.

TABLE 1 : Model SEMS Implementation Plan

SEMS High-Level Implementation Project Plan (Model)
Task Name
SEMS Project
6 months - 2
6 months - 2
Need to track all monthly status meeting
reports and working sessions.
Project Charter
2 weeks - 3
Long time due to the scale and scope of the
project and required senior management
approval and endorsements.
Presentations to
Provide regular updates to civil aviation
Civil Aviation
duration of
authority on progress. Gain provisional
guidance to ensure compliance to the
regulatory requirements.
Regulation and

1 week - 1
Ongoing if not
a Regulation
by local

When no regulatory requirement for SEMS

exist, it can be difficult to determine what is
necessary. In the case where there are no
regulatory requirements, it will necessary to
use baseline standards to measure against.
IOSA Security standards can be used. Once
the requirements are known a gap analysis
will have to be performed against the set

Kick-off Meeting

1 week - 1

Meeting Preparation should be included.

Document Current 2 weeks - 3

Implemented and
Controlled within
Core Elements)

Project team will conduct an audit of their

business unit determining if the
Core Element as defined was Documented,
Implemented and Controlled. If an element is
not documented but implemented or partially,
(most of the time) it can therefore not be
Controlled. The gap analysis will determine
the amount of work needed to be done and
also identify areas where it is possible to
leverage current processes.

Corporate Policies 2 weeks - 3


Corporate Security policy review process but

also review of policies that can be affected by

SEMS High-Level Implementation Project Plan (Model)

Task Name
1 week - 4
Determine the infrastructure required to
implement and sustain SEMS.

Job Competencies 2 weeks - 6


1 month - 6

SEMS Project - IT

0 days - 2


duration of
2 months - 1

SEMS Quality

Risk Model

2 months - 1

Security Incident

1 month - 1


2 weeks - 4

Audit Programme

2 weeks - 4

SEMS Training

duration of

Documentation of all management functions,

including the process and ownership to
sustain and manage once documented.
Documentation of a common process for all
entities to follow ensuring continuity and
when trending, comparing similar reports. If
possible a Corporate standard for reporting
activities in all disciplines should be
Develop an IT system to manage and sustain
all that processes developed. This is normally
one of the largest task with the longest
Tracking of the communication plan / strategy

Documenting a Quality Manual documenting

all of the Corporate standards and processes
in response to SEMS and regulatory or
baseline requirements. This may be
incorporated within existing manuals
depending on the size and complexity of the

Documenting a Corporate Risk model to

ensure all reports are managed in the same
Documentation of process to support written
policy, ensuring fair and equal treatment.
Need to consider and get approvals from
unions, associations, third party contractors,
Documentation of all Security
team/committee meetings, including
attendees, mandate, authority, hierarchy, etc.
Normally, not required but does contribute to
decrease costs if there is an integrated audit
plan developed that cross-utilize resources.
Develop and track all training required for
SEMS readiness. Very important component
to ensure compliance.

SEMS High-Level Implementation Project Plan (Model)

Task Name
Internal SEMS
1 month - 6
Internal audit in preparation of Regulator
assessment. Should Include usage of
assessment questions to be used and
unbiased auditors conducting the audit,
documenting findings and allowing time for
corrective actions.
SEMS Submission Dependant on Tracking of compliance process. Can include
to Regulator for
the final assessment of the Organisation's
requirements SEMS.
and timelines
Project Closure
2 weeks - 3
Administrative, project management issues.
Timeline dependant on complexity and length
of project.

Please note that the timelines indicated are guidance only and will be dependant on
the size and complexity of the organization. It can take anywhere from 6 months for a
small carrier up to 2 years for a legacy carrier to implement SeMS. As with any
project, the dedication and commitment of resources are critical to ensuring timelines
are met and adhered to.

Benefits of Security Management Systems

A Security Management System allows each organization to achieve the same goal
in a way thats appropriate to their business model. SeMS also provides the flexibility
to achieve outcomes in a way that can be tailored to individual operations and to
change as business models change.

SeMS Feedback Loop Continuous Improvement

Threats, Risks,

Corrective actions,


Government regulations,
Corporate requirements


Next Steps
IATA is developing a Security Management Systems Implementation Guide for Air
Transport Operators which will be available in October 2011.
For further information please contact: secfal@iata.org

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